Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, April 10, 1824, Image 1

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• -' *'*-' ’ .. ■ ; No 84..,.Vol.XXU. ' a A VRDAT EVENING, APRIL 10, 1824. n-tt, « •■ "t.’? f' '»■■••■ ( ■ . ■ •• •.'isLttrlV'vX ft' 1 ' ••<• •!'*> Whole No. 44C6. HOUSES, LANDS, fcc. — To Rent. T i|p Wharf Lot No. 6, Reynold-Ward, known ", Andaux’a wharf. Possession given the yfif * of November-Apply to p Jj- SToN£ oet M 194 IfHENS HOTEL. M The aubscrihcr takes this meth od to inform the public generally, and particularly persona from the low coun try, who may visit the up country in f iL-ith or pleasure, that he will ac- ^nmodittegentlemenand ladies, or families with board by*the day, week, or month, on easy terms. need be said in recommendation of A- S£, either in regard to the healthfulnea. of the^ nlace salubrity of atmosphere, or agreeable and pleasant society i in all these particulars it stands pr The'(bniwing will be the rates of charging, via. 1NE months after date application will bo ' made to the honorable the Inferior Court of Chatham County, when fitting- for ordinary pur poses, for permisssion to sell the following real estate, for the benefit of.the heirs and creditors_gf. the estate of N. S. Bayard, deceased, viz: One undivided fourth of a tract of Land; contain- ing about 500 acres, on Cumberland Island, Cam den County, known as Plum Orchard—-and an un divided fourth of a certasn Tjoct.of Land situate on said Island, containing about 500 acres, origin ally granted to Gen. Lcchland McIntosh, and b unded on the south by the said Plum Orchard Tract. Also a plantation called Lottery Hall situate on the Ogeeciice Road, 3 miles from Savannah, con. tuning about 600 acres. N. J. H AYAUD; Adm’r,Est. N, S. Bavard. nov 10 ■ 211 ■mr Man and Horse, per day. „ « w *• per week, H u « “ " month, Single «sn, per day, « " •• week, u « " month, pinner, breakfast, supper, 8m;. Lodging. ,V Horse, per day, « « night, « " month, < Children and servants, half price. GEORGE HAYES, sent 30 188 .' (TV The Editors of the Augusta Chronicle and Kavaiinah Republican, are requested to give* two insertion^ a month, until the 1st of July next, and forwaid their accounts fo Athens gl 75 1 SO j 25 1 00 5 00 18 00 374 12j 75 50 12 00 • N»INE minims after date l snail apply to til; i .si Honorable Justice of the Inferior Court of Effingham County, for leave to sell a tract of land tying in the county of Henry, belonging to the estate of Emanuel Rabn, late of Effingham county deed, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors ol said estate. - JACOB GNANN, jr. Administrator July 2 5 256 • It ocf2l To Rent. The Store cornet’ot Drayton and |}ay Street next dcor to Mr. Trucheluts f a superior stand for a Grocery Store. ,f Apply to T. BARTOW, 191 Orleans Square For Sale, or to Rent, Two neat tenements, with com lortable out buildings on Lot No. 21, *•• Warren *ard, lately the property of J A Scott, Esq. Apply to D. T. Hall. Sav- ’ 4 WILLIAM POPE, Sen. - Mat River. So. Cs. 201 Xl jlf! aanab or ;i<jdct 2! .1, ~ Land and Negroes for Sale. A HANDSOME property, unincumbered, Con- jKV tiding of Land and Negroes, together with clock of every kind, and the growing crop, a- .nountingln all to about 12 or 15,000 dollars, situ ste in the upper country, and well calculated lor ‘ country Store—the soil well adapted to the cdl- tivatinn of Com and Cotton» is i ftered tor sale on tcc^mmodating terms. . Bank Stock, or good paper, well secured, will betaken in payment. _ L ■ f or further particjiJaM, ajipty to the Editors Jietieorgia Journal. Jjjune .10 H5 , ’ tor bale, A fjl.thm valuable trad or parcel of lapd known by the name of Nelville situated in. South Civolinii about two miles from Savannah. This tran is considered one of the best for a Rice plan tition in its neighborhood, and contains Light hundred and eighty-four wires. It adjoins Mr. Thomas Young. Gen. Huger, and Mr, Nicholas Cruver. Persons who may wish to purchase will er mine the premises,. A good tittle will be given and the times ofsale will be reasonable. Apply ration to be made to W M MAI.LORY Agent of Hamlin Mallory Upv 16 225 ’ rs a Stall aeflf ivm| V a,c del seat} .in | nndi stetf altbi urn* isteil ler.r d "| lisp orifl a^ 1 istei| l h»' Jof pal* ihcJ*. ontitl d F be Pi his d , . t | einp’-'j i tlifl id °i -,e A^l m 61 le 1 ytiW'1 * thC i n Executive Department;(feo. MILLEDGEVILL.E, 21st Nov. 1623 ® RDERED, That the subjoined Resolution bi pubhshed once a month, in each of the Ga. , zettes of this State, until the next General Elec*' tion. ELISHA WOOD, Sec'ry, . IN SENATE, 12th Nov. 1823, WjranKis it is desirable to ascertain the wish es ofthecitizens of this state, as to the mode of choosing Electors of President and Vice Presi dent of the United States; Be it therefore resolvetlby the Senate and.Howe’ °J P c P Tesent atives of the State of Georgia in Gene | 'x> r“ ml Assembly met, That it shall be-the duty ofthe I v ■Jflarme and Eire In Magistrates who shall preside at the several Elec-* I SUTUnce OoMVanV* tions to be held in the different counties of this ■ - * - - - Slate for the choice of members of the Legists, lure, at the next General Election therein, to V] INE months after date application will be .Y made to the honorable the Justice of the In ferior Court of Effingham County when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell, one tract ml land laying in the County of Effingham,containing two hundred acres adjoining Jenkins land, also the half of a tract of land of three hundred acres of the undivided estate of Nancy Blare, also one tract of land seventy seven number, twelfth dis- trio., of Hail County, Georgia, being the real es tate of Willum M’Gahagan deceased and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the de ceased, ’U JOHN GRAHAM, „ THOMAS HURST,. Executors. sept 23 *285 \VjrlNE months after date, I shall apply to the Honorable Justices of the Inferior Court of Effingham County, for leave to sell all the real estate of James Porter, late of said county deed, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate V . - , W.G. POUTER. Administrator. july 15 156• V .,l. persons having demands .gainst the Ba late of fohn Epuinger Esq, deceased, are re juested to present them duly attested, and those indebted, to make payment. ■/T H. E. KPPINGER, Exrx. JAMES BPP1NGER, Exor nov 28 ilw226fB a LL persons having demands agsjnst the estate’ 'jhof ltdbert Worrall, jun’r. late of Savannah, will please present them properly attested—and those indebted to said estate, arc requested to mukc payment, PHILIP BRASCII, Qual. Executor, nov 8 210 ’U INE months after date hereof application wil JY be made to the Inferior Court of Chatham County for leave to sell a tract of land drawn by Thomas CappB deceased in the late Land Lotte ry» situate and being m the fifth disti’ict of Mon rue County and kno -’ n by the number 44, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the said Tfyos, Capps dec. ■ JOHN MOREL, Adm’r. sept 6 7 The Public I S informed that the claim of Hamlin Mallory Hie tract of land ij. tiouth Carolina, called Nelville, is now in a train for Judicial investiga tion, ifntil the termination of which, some risk viUbe incurred by those who "jay purchase. WM. L. U.TYlOf dec 2 237 Assixe of bread. fff Tlie ’average price of Flour being seven dollars per barrel of 196 lbs the weight *' bread the present month must be as follows: 12J Cents Loaf 2 1b 11 oz. do do 1 lb 54 oz. >f which ad Bakers and sellers of Bread will uke due. notice. Attest, Office of the Marine and Eire In surance Company, Savxknah, 4tli Februury, 1824. Nb A LL persons are hereby cautioned against re- A*ceiving or negotiating S. J. Bryan A Broth ers’ acceptance, of F. M." Stone’s Draft, in favor of S. J Bryan, payable in sikty days from 23d No vember, 1823, for four hundred and fifty dbllars, »a the said acceptance is the property of this com pany and has been either lost or improperly taken away. ' • GEO. SCHLEY, President, feb 5 . 28 Savakrau, 5th Feb, 1824. T HIS Office will insure cotton between Augus ta and Savannah, in boats ofthe Steam Boa receiviniihu'vntt"^!?'^ \° te * l . tne ,i lt " e ,/ >l I Company, at one quarter of one-per cent premi choice n f «ai 1 p ‘def,ir s that the I utT)f merchandise at one quarter, to one hal Choice of said Electors shall be confided to the n , r cpn . nr . rnr ,i in „ n« [ patroon. feb 5 cr28 GEO. SCHLEY, President. lure, according to the truth of the fact 5 and on counting out the ballots, to annex to the return of the said election by .them so transmitted to the Executive Department, a true statement of the votes so given, to the end that the same may be laid before the next Legislature by his Excellen cy the Governor, . . • .1. resolved. That his Excellency I Isaac Young; between 2l"i»r 22 years of age, five the Governor be, and lie is hereby requested to I f ee t four or five inches high, stout well made, dark cause thia resolution to be published without de- complexion, right fore fingdr first joint off- lay, in the several Gazettes of this State, arid to I reward of Five Dollars for her apprehension, or continue Hie said publication once a month, unit | Twenty dollars if found, harboreu on conviction; Ranaway, FT ROM the subscriber, u Negro woman named i. Eliza, formerly thf property of Benedict and the next General Election. Rend and agreed to unanimously. THOMAS STOCKS, President. In the Home of Representatives, 14th Nov. 1823. Read and concurred in. ' , DAVID ADAMS, Speaker. Approved, 18th Nov. 1823. G. M. TROUP, Governor. HR- - ^ -1-ijipfyiYfWt Twenty dollars if found .harbored on conv he is well known in and about Savannah, she has since her absence had a child—runaway 6ome time in Janwan last. _• ' . JAS. SANDEULIN, ■pril 9 '77 •. » < G 1 I EOltGl A—Cliutham County To all whom it Administrator’s Notice. P ERSONS indebted to the estate of Robert Dreghnrn, (late Merchant, Augusta) deceas. ed, are requested Jo make immediate payment to cutor of Michael Densler, applies to be discharged I the subscriber in Savannah, or (o hia attorney Mr, from the executorship ofthe said estate.* * fiP.nnriR wn Aran ,»n .;>> AhiMm*. «>h« mil Now these are therefore td cite and admonisli all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) on or before the 5th day of June next; otherwise letters dismissory will be granted to the applicant. • , . Witness the Hon. J. P. Williamson, one of the Justices of the said court, this 5th day of Dec. 4 d. one thousand eight hundred “ha twenty three. [ Superior Court—Cainden County L - s * S. M. BOND, c. 0. o. I r fScrji dec 5 132 I Mauch TEnra, 1824. —i=r ; Tv7r—r r~. r I William Berrie ) 1 Georgia—Effingham County. | *». iRuitjru To all whom it may concern. 1 ... W HEREAS Daniel Mullet, adflninistrator f I pwMhe petition of Wilham Bcrr.e, statmg that Gideon Mullet, deceased, has applied to V one John Christopher, ofthe county of Cam. | administra-1 y en » being, indebted to one Henly Sailer or order GEORGE WRAGG, jun. in Augusta, or suits will be commenced indiscriminately, and those who have claims upon said estate are requested to present them properly attested. WM. TURNER, Admr. The Augusts Chronicle, will publish the above once a week for three months and forward their account to this office, oct 18 fcMl96 PUBLIC SALES. City herifPs Sales* On the frit Tuesday in May next, W ILL be sold in fieri of the Court House, V the city of Savannah, between the Usiim hours of 10 and 4 o’clock, q. All the Stock in trade of Hector‘M’Donn^,* consisting of Hurd Ware, Liuiiars &e. levied on the property of Hector M’bomHd to satisfy 'i> execution for rent, in favor of the trustees of ftfrj - ~G Jones. N Alio, one negro woman named Suky, levied ou as the property of David Irvine, (o satisfy an ex’. • cution from the Court of Common Pleas and 0>«V ' and Terminer for the city of Savannah, John 5.'- Cole, vs. David Irvine. * AUo all that lot of land, known in the plan > : the city of Savannah as lot No. six (7) Columl-i;. ward, subject to an annual ground rent to Ha Corporation of the city of Savannah, with the In - rovements thereon, bounded W by lot No. flv ; E by lot No seven (7) 3 by a lane North (,/ Bibugliton st. levied on as the property ofjoi -. Morel, tpsatisfy an execution from the Court >; Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer for tl • city of Savannah, James Fowler vs, John Mou - Also, all the buildings on the western third r»i> t of lot No two v 2) Jckly Ty tiling, Darby Wm , and also all the buildings in lot'No. forty ,(4<. i Warren Ward, bounded north by a Mne, south Ly Broughton st.-E by lot No. 39 thirty nine, W bj* Lincoln st. levied on as the property of Charlu. II. Hayden, to satisfy two executions for rent, tl - Trustees of the Congregational church or Metr- ing house of White Bluff and Jno B Bcrthelot v Charles H Hayden, and also to aatify two execu tions from the Codrt of Coimnon Pleas and pyett and Terminer for the city of Savannah, Jno 1> Williamson vs. C H Hayden,'and James Wells vr. same'.' ' «* • ; • . iG’ * A. I.D’LYON, c.s, april 3 78 in a note ufliand, dated 8t Marys in said county, un the 9th October 1822, in the sum of Five tiun. the court to be discharged from the tion aforesaid. Now these are therefore to cite and admonish *11 and _ said deceased have) in my office on^r before the 2d day pril next, otherwise letters dismissory will bp granted to 1 he applicant. Given under my hand and seal this 4th day of I ! a - , . . a . October 1823, j .at the west corner of a lot belonging to JOHN CHALTON, c. 0. o. x. c. oct 4 90 \ City Marshal’s Sale. On Tuesday tfie third of May. W ILL be sold in front ofthe court house, br'« tween the usual lionrs of 10 and 3 P Ml lie following property, if the fine* are not paid before that day. v Those two small buildings on the west half ot lot letter H. situated in that part of the city for- - merly called St. Gall, now Ogkpthorpe ward boun. ded E by Laurel-M. 3 by lot letter F, west by u lane and N levied upon as the prop. - erty of Mrs Mary Garnett to satisfy two fines ant* posed by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah upon her intertaing negroes on Sunday:' Also, a small building on lot No 32, Warren ward, bounded E by Price St. S by a lane, W by lot No 31 and N by Congress St. levied on as the iroperty of ’he estate of Peter Favard, to satis-. 1 y u fine imposed by the Mayor and Aldermen -r of the city ol Savannah, against said estate for unp of the staves driving disorderly. r F Mi.STONE, e x. april 3 78 Val uable Property for Sale. T HE subscriber offer* for sale Ilia pi opert in Darien, McIntosh Coumy—coiAistingol five Wharf Lots, situated in the moat eligible, quarter of (lie city for business of every description. Alio, Five Bay Lota immediately back of those before mentioned, and divided from them by a treet of 40 feet. . .... Also, one third part ol a Wharf Lot, in tin-, city, (commonly called Rices Wharf) with improve- menti, » Tor particulars enquire of Tjiomas M. WooS. ann.E, Bjq’r in Savannah, or the subscriber on Wilmington Island. , CHARLESB. JONES. ni v l <218 Administrator’s Notice. P ERSONS indeb ed to the estate of Mary Hall deceased, are requested to make immediate payment, and those having demands against said estate, will present them ptopefly attested, within the time limited by law. WM. WILLIAMS. Administrator. feb 2 85 Notice. ft Very valuable tract ot Land in Liberty coun* raUty,situate on the s unbury Road, two miles *nu a half from Rice orough; containing two hundred und len acre s F iis laud is very valua blc for cotton, rice and corn, and as well calcula- led for that culture as any lanfj| in the county j the conditions are low and reasonable; there ate ■between seventy and eighty icies cleared anti Under fence, there is also a good dwelling house, and all necessary out buildings on the premises, fiuwantee titles will bo given to the purchaser, 1,0 incumbrances lying on said land. For further Particulars apply to capt. Jot. Jones in Liberty County, or to EDWARD B. BAKER, owner in McIntosh county, JH 16 A otice. pppRB^PD|i rrUREK tnontha after utu: *pplication will be A mule toth* Bank ofthe .Slate of Georgia for •J 1 ® renewal of a lost certificate issued by the Gwliier »f said bank, for two hundred shares of 'he capital stock, in said bank, standing in the “me Ofthe Guardians of Sarah H. Gilbert, yd* WM G. GlLBEU i. AJ,-. 8ARAH HILLHOUSE >n 21 Guardian*. *fci(l6 ^Atate of Fleming ^ikin of the county, of Chat Planter, deceased, will render'them in duly, will &n d ail those indebted to the said eatate ii.j?,. ^ make payment thereof to George W, Whh ' 9ler Bryun county, o» Richard w. Ha lun.-i™’ at law, savannah, who are duly ““housed to receive the same. ELIZA AKIN, Adm’rx. nay M GEO. H. MeALLISTER, Adm’r. W JNO. I march 5 1824 ROBERTS, City Treasurer. Admiaistrator’s Notice. is LL Persons having demands against the es* /4V fate of Ludowick Shultz, late of Chatham county dec are requested to present them to the subscriber duly attested, jvithin the time prescrib- ed by law, and those indebted are requested to make payment to > « AARON CHAMPION, march 3 *t 51 Ou,.l. Adm’r. to secure the payment of the note hforesaid tvitl^ interest on the same—a certain lot of land in the town aforesaid being part of lot No. 1, beginning at the west corner of a lot belonging to one Cal. vin Hayes, thence running south 100 feet on St Marys Street, thence north to Bryant St. thence N . . . J . . - M . east to C Hays’ line, thence sqttth to the beginn. INE months after date application, will I mg, with the margin attached to the same on the made to the Justice* of the Inferior Court of I youth side of StMarys or Bay St being ft hundred the county of Chatham, for leave to sell a tract of | feet on the street & running from thence directly land, in Habersham county, (2. No. 50) the pro- to the river St Marys, together with all, and sin- perty 0* Caroline Pi’ocuaor an orpha ,y _ I g U j ar every thing thereto appertaining—that the NA rriANILI. LEWIS, Guardian. - | said Henry Sadler, to whom and to whose heirs dec 26 §257 | am i assigns the said mortgage was made, on the 26th of Sept. 1823, duly assigned by deed* said fje to the petioncrj that there U now due .mortgage the sum of Rive Hundred Dol- vorof Jno. I. Roberts or order, fbr twelve hutidred liars with interest from the 1st January 1822, and collars, dated 20th Nov. 1820, payable tixty days | praying for the foreclosure of the equity of re- after date with interest from the date, and indors- I uemption, in the said John Christopher, his heirs ed by the said Jno. I. Roberts, and delivered, to | ar >d assigns in the mortgaged remises and that the me. The said note having been lost, and renew- [ "“me be foreclosed according to law. On motion ed since by the drawer. The original note isnull 'l of Belton A Copp, attorney for petioner, it is'or and void. , iv . I dered that the principal and interest, due on the PETER SHICK. I said mortgage together with the costs of his ap dec 18 §t^43 , .1 ; | iicants be paid into thia court within twelve months from this date, otherwise that the equity of redemption of the said John Christopher his heirs Executors, Administrators and assigns be Executor’s Notice. \ LL persons'ihdebte’d’fq tti4'es'hitf r ' , bf the laat H Dr. Robert .Worrell, Jr. are requested to make l.frotn thence forever foreclosed and that such other immediate payment to Mr. Jtjerson, - orto I procedings take place as are pursuant to the slat. PHILIP BRA'SCH, Qual. Ex’or. I ute—And it is further ordered that this rule be N, B. The accounts if not paid-shortly w.ill be [published ihone'of the G zettes of this state at placed in the hands of an AttorneyJbr collection, I least once a month for twelve months to the time U.n 6 4 (appointed for the.payment of said*money into 1 Court. „ . lud'vrrfri’radjlH A true extract from the minutes, |”. .. ..a -...1 .JOHN BAILEY Xle'rS. i Jefferson,,16th March,. 1824, . have liquidated their accounts with Thomas Ro: bins, as administrator to said estate are forbid pay, ing the same to any other than myself, as l am the .1 ly lerson who has been authorised to settle said estate. IWILSON FULLEH, Adm’r. estate of Daniel ,Robins, feb 18 i-fd ■ , ■ ajVbktivSDNS raving demands againsi the\esM.u: JL 01 jlatncs Anderson, late ot Augdata deceased, re requested to ,present,their claims properly at', tested, and those indebted to make immediate! payment to 5 JOHN BALFOUR. Administrator. ' ' NOTICE* .y , J.I, p ersons having any demands against the X estate of Thomas t.uceim, late of Chatham c-iiunty deceased, are requested to present the same duly attuned to the subscriber and those in- debted to said estate, are required to make pny «*"*!“** 8 M. BOND. \ctingadm’r. C. T. A. under ordertof the Court of orSnary. feb 9 ' ix31 rpons having .demands against the estate of'Wm Hochstnaaser dec are requested to present them for payment within the time prescribed by law; and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment to JAMES MORRISON, march 4 52 <*“’d. admr. li«»a The Subscribe? ^ J * J I vAKES this opportunity of informing the re- presentatives of the estate of John Be- t 4, . 7-.-, indebteu to the estate ot Jameb deceased, as well as all othCT persons claim ir* Utft of Liberty county, deceasedf property in the county of Eftingham and '■•'o« e T u , e * t *^ *° rtiake immediate payment; and shliog out of the state, who have.not relume Present •I 111 *’ ,^ eman ds against said estate, will their property to the receiver of,t*x return* wtiberi k e « m le K»Hy atteated within the time pre- • h e year 182J, to come forward ■ and , make ther ‘"WbyLawto eturn on or before the fi«t day of April next— JOS. L \W, Sen’r. otherwiac they will bedouble taxed. - . _ qualitieU ex’r. ^ WM-SPSAR, a*bee.. w ..... d0M 4 P ERSONS having demands againste the state of m e Matthew McAlister, Esq. are re quested esent them duly attested to the sub ■briber, nd all indebted to make immediate pay. mentto M., II. > M’AHSTKR* Ex’r. nov Superior Court—Chatham County* Mat Tzara, 1823. Wiliiam T. Williams,^ iamanki SUi >RuIe Nisi, ■oom. S Thomas R. Broom Mr ! NOTiCEi r ; ’ P ERSONS indebted tii' the 'Eistafe of Allen,] Denmark, dec; are "requested to make im mediate eaj ’ tested wifhin the time limited hy lawT ‘ .' : I *e ‘l'.I’.fp^sol^cknowled^ed himself to be heli £a«Y M DFNmS N ; dmS° r * feb 2a '• kg “ Bullneh CtV- wm-of eight hundred dollars, conditioned fox the feb28 48 BunoWCty.^j.| p#yinc i 1 tof. t h e ..» U fl».!tiC’Jbu» hundred doffaw o. or before tjve first day of June 1823, and that fo: thd better securing to him the payment of the Wantm \ * »«" ’..cb . School I 5”,™* the‘■nldgUSSTSSi four hundred and fifty" dollars ti’yeiir, and waihingand lodging. Enquire of the Re.. ...... m gUte afbrtBaid> knowrt in the plan liiim'M Whir, or -the subscriber, both living Jit 1 county as Garden lot^number eighty, (80) east, containing, eleven, and one half acres more or less, bounded oh the north by the Thunderbolt road and lands of James Bilbo, on the south by lands of John Screven, ■ and oh the west by r road jeading to lands of col. James Johnson am lii,m M'Whir, or The subscriber, ihpth; living .11 Bryan County. , JNO. J. MAXWELL. ■march'9 Jp56 . a , {i ^ 4 LL persons^ .having , any dematids again: ’\ George Herb, deceased, are requested t hand them in duly attested, and .those indebtei to hia estate are now required to make payment: [ others^—andf further stating that there is now due' rmnrti?nr/-iir urnn .; 1 I . 1 u 1 > a *1._ jan 30 feSS FREDERICK HF.UB, MOSES CLELAND, Executors, NOTICE. and unpaid on the said bond and mortgage the principal sum of four hundred dollars with iii' terest from the sixth day of June, eighteen hun dried and twenty two, and praying the foreclo sure of the equity, of redemption of the said Thqmas It. Broom; in and to the said mortgaged ~ . ''I * “VtlW w CjanRSE months after date application will be I premises On motion of Habersham, attorney jLi .made, to the honorable the Justices of the j for the petitioner, it is ordered. that theprinci- Inferior CourLof Chatham county, when sitting [ pal and interest due ori'the said mortgaged pre- second district of Early county, Georgia, being the real estate yf liobert M„ Durkie, diec. and to be sold for the benefit of thp heirs and creditors of the said deceased. , AUGUSTUS F. DURKIE; Adm’qr. of It R. M. Durkie, dec. 27 2 ■ City Marshal’s Sales. On the frit Tuesday in May next, W ILL be sold in front oftlie court House.bc* tween 10 and 3 o’clock, the following pro perty, if the taxes are not paid before that day. Lot No 11, and buildings, Franklin ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by lot No 12, south by Bry an St, west by lot No 10 and north by a lane, le vied upon as the property ofthe estate of Thos, E Lloyd, to satisfy the city tax of said e tate fti- the year 1823; amount tax $42 75 ami cost Also, one building on the southeast corner of lot letter A. Darby ward, levied upon as the prp perty of Jas W Cannon, to satisfy his city tax, fur. the year 1823; amount tax Jfl7 61 and cost. Also, lot No 21, and buildings, Warren ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east by Pjice St. south by Congress S*. west by lot No 22 and north by St. Julian St. levied upon as the property of Joseph A Scott, to satisfy his city tax for the year 1822, amount tax fll 69 and cost. _ Also, one negro woman named named Dora, levied on as the property of Samuel Russell, to satisfy hia city tuxes tor the years 1820,1821,1822 and 1823, amount Tax f 41 31 and costa 7 ’ Pi M. STONE, era. april 3 78 Sheriff’s Sales. 'On- the first Tuesday in May next. W ILL be sold at the Court House in Savan nah between the hours of 10 and 4 o’clock. Five negroes. Cesser, Hannah, Joe, Ruth, and Harriet, under a fi fa on force'osure in lavoi* ' of Davies and Berrien, against Joseph C. Haber sham. B . >. ( 7 y,:.. 1 Also, two very prime negroes, Solomon am' John; levied on, as the propercy of Jno. Womack, to satisfy an execution in fsyorof Henry M'Alftht, against Jno. Womack knd Wm. M Craig. against april 3 -raig. ISAAC D’LYON, a.c.c.'' 78 Sheriff’s Sale. On the first Tuesday in May next, W ILL be sold before the court house, in BifV loch county, between the Usual hours bl‘ sale. . , .nr J Tj|‘X^.MW B ~lTl Two- hundred acres of land, lying on Black Creek, levied on by virtue of an attachment, as the property of Dempsey Standland, at the suit of * Thomas Waters* and returned to me by a conifo. ble. Also, 550 acres of land and improvements, lev: ed on as tlie property,of Sarah Hallman, to adtis- fy executions in favor of Archibald Lewis. , . '/ ALo, a' tract of land and improvements* lying on Mill Creek, levied on as the property of Re becca Mike I, to satisfy executions issued against; • Joseph Hagin, in favor of the state and county. SAMUEL SLaTER, s b c. april2 77 Executors bales. On the first Tuesday in May next. YT71LL be sold before the Cdurt House In Rice- ' • v ▼ boro, Liberty County, betwen thelawfc: hours of sale, the following Negro slaves, viz: Adam, Cinda and Jack ner. child, Luke, Juli’, Matilda;' Sally, Sue, Frank, Jiniiey, and Hannah and Rose her two children, Tom and Anson Sold: by order of the Justice of the Inferior Court of Liberty County, for the benefit of the heirs and. creditors of the estate of Jno. E. Fraser deed • ROBERT MCINTOSH, Executor. march4 52 '".vijSSa SJyiV .. Tobacco and Hay. ~l fiTHhds prime Leaf Tobacco JL off 100 bundles Hay GEP. RT> Jf. demptlon of the said Thomas R. Broom in. the said mortgaged premises be from thenceforth foreclosed, and that such further and other pro ce^dings thereon take place as may be in pursu ance ofthe statute in such case made and pro' videdv And it isftirther ordered, that this rule be published in one or more of the Gazettes of — 1 the city of Savannah; once a month for twelve rr antS a miimnon, I mo'rUhs previous to the time appointed for the A man Hitt ist Will accuainted both with the I payment of the said money, or that a copy there. culture of cotto- and rice, as he has been se-1 of, he Served upon the said Thomas R. Broom Iveralyeafs in that business as an overseer, efn. | m least six months before the expiration ofthe ployment is his chief object and terms will be ve- [said time. ty low. A line left at the post office diNCMid .to I Extraetrfi'om the minutes," a. M. will meet wi^h prompt atteuhon.y. J JOB T .BOLLES* derk^ 100 bundles Hay Fur sale by feb 26 1 46 jan 0 je*i; Notice, P ETER R; CLIFTON, having petitioned the Hon. the Court of Ordinary of Bryan Coun ty, to direct the Executors ofGodliilf Smith, dec. to make him title to a certain Tract of Land lying in Effingham County, and he having produced a bond givwi by the said Godbilf Smith, to make title for » d land* All persons interested, are therefore request, ed to.talt* ffotice, that the said Executors, will be directed to make titles, if no objections ate filed within'the time-limited by law. JOSHUA SMITH, ||vV ftbIQ w. K / *■ >.