Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, April 13, 1824, Image 1

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$6 ,..*VoU JCXIL tasmkta IVESMY BVEMJV'G, APRIL *V 1324. Whole No. 44C8. MM houses, LANDS, &o, T . AncWg wharf. Pos*es«oi»1riven the the estate of N. 8. Bayard, deceased, via c Noveroher—AppJ/to One undivided fourth uf a tract ofLand, contain* 2b Pent, Wharf Lot No. 6, Reynold W^d, known 1 .. Anciaur'a wharf. Pos*es«ot» given the unit of November—Apply to ^ ^ gT0 ^ fi ■^fghfswr'mrr Tbc subscriber takes this meth od to inform the public generally, and particularly pereons from the low eoun- t,y, who may Wait the up country in or pleasure, that he will uc ShtJStrtHen.nd ladies, or Me. with Shv the day, weefc or month, on easy terms. &/nsed be sridfo recommendation of A- SSfSuSln regard to the healthfuiness of the Xj? salubrity of atmosphere, or aftreetble and society i »» »U these psrticuWrait itanda \TINE month, after date application will be I Executive Dpunrtmpnt l-ion > mails to the honorable the Inferior Court of ^Vecunve vepanmem, trfio. Chatham County, wheu sitting for ordinary pur-1, Ulst Nor. 1823 !*>«*• f r RfJW' 0 " LP '"f tbe following teal (J\RDERED. That the subjoined Resolution be estate, fbr the benefit of the heirs find creditors of I published once a month, in each of the Gu. srettesijf this State, until the next General Elec- [ POD, llte Vi ELISHA WOOD, $ec’ry. IN SENATE, }3th Nov. 1833. Wii.agAs it | 8 desirable to asoertaia the wish es of the cititens of this state, as to the mode of ing about #00 acres, on Cumberland Island, Cam den County, known as Plum Orchard—and an un divided fourth of a certain Tjact of Land situate on said Island, containing about 500 acres, origin ally granted to Gen. Lechland McIntosh, am bounded on the south by the said Plum Orchard Tract, Also a plantation called Lottery Hall situate on the Ogeechee Road, 3 miles from Savannah, non. tainlng about 000 acres, N. J- BAYARD, Adm’r fist. tJ. S. Bayard, oovlQ. 2U. nleUsnt society I 9 a « *« i month, fijngls man. per day, v y f< » week, ft' # month, pinner, brerefot, supper, Iff, bridging. Vwi*. I «0 h 5 09 WOO |p , , « I? 00 Editors of the Augusta Chronicle and amtiasb Republican, are requested to give two . JS;, month,until thelat of iuly next, and , Wtdtbriirsceoumsjp Athens. fPp Hint, The Store corner ot Drayton apd J Rif street «\ext door to Mr. TrucbriuJta’ • superior stand for » Grocery Store Apply to T, BARTOW, natat 191 Ortcare Square ~ For Sale, or to Rent ® Twu neat tenements, with com fortable put buHding* on Lot No- 91 Warren weal, lately the prepay A Scott, Esq, Apply to D T. Had, Ear- aaaahor WO-IAM POPE, Sen, , w May River, So. C* oet 39 301 fond and Negroes for A HANDSOME property, unincumbered, con- g\ listing of Land and Negroes, together w*h Stock of every kind, and the growing crop, a- mounting in odl to about 13 or 15/WO dollars, spu- ate in the upper country. «d W|« for t couotiy Store-ttoe ami wail adapted to the cul tivation of Cum and Cotton, is offered for wfo ®P acc-menad ating terms, H)S<mk Stock, orgood paper, well secured, will ^ycffurtlver^icoJiafa, spply tothe Editor? of •Georgia Journal. L* . , . WS horteple, 4>LLthatwaiuaMe trwster parcel o«a«dkt»wi A v-7 the same .of tfelvtfle abated tn South WwliL about two «He» from Bawrth- This tract la <co widened oq* «f Are beat for* Rice plan. CaUcnJ.u lune^Wiorhood, and <w*wn* Light bundled wd eigbty/aurscwa. ftri^oSna Mr. Tiistna Young- ften. Huger, and Mr. Nicbolas Cwsftr. Ppracma uAo tesy ijviah t.o pvarfiree twill ■ .,i,.n„miin. A tfuod .tittle will be anver U' Agent of Hamlin Mallory 325 i.t, The Fub&c TR i.cfoNscdtbat the .claim oUfsmVw Mrflotyto I the tract .of J»nd 10 Botrtb Earulma, called felw«e,;i8nowia# tralc ftw ,Judic»*Ut»w-‘-- l»n, until the termination of which, «otw vilfbe inclined Iby.thQV wsvjjigcbujf jfai . m ^INB morttlia Effingham County, for leave to sell a tract of land I ^^ai V * n § h, -V£^ w k*thf r he desires that the ■■ - ■ r, belonging to the I c b°ice of said Electors shall be confided to the “ 1 P cu ple or retained by the Legislature, and to re quest such voter tomgnify such desire by en. dorsing on h|s ticket, tlie word People or pegfiUt- estste of Emanuel Rahi), late of Effingham count) deed, fbr the benefit of the heir* and creditors of said estate, MQOR GNANN, jr. j . Administrator iujy»f ™ L ; ■aj lNK months after 1 Tlato' application "will be | l* made to the honorable the Justice of the In ferior Court of Effingham County when sitting fov ordinary purpose., for leave to sell, one tract of land laying in the County of Effinghsm^upt^oing two hundred acres adjoining Jenkins land, also the half of a tract of Jaod of three hundred acres of tbe undivided estate pf Haney Blare, slap one tract of twd seventy seven number, twelfth dis trim, of HaH County, Georgia, being the real e. tate of William M’Gahsgan deceased and sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of JJtp de ceased, JOHN GRAHAM, THOMAS HURST, Executor., «ept 23 *285 JSS2L granted to Gen. ■Uchland McIntosh, and I choosing Electors 6f President and Vice"Prcsi • ded on the ahutb by the said Plum Urpfiard I dent oRhe United States / Jje it therefore received by the Senate and Hqutt of Representative! of the State of Georgia in Oene rot Jistmhly met, That it shall be the dqty of the Magistrates who shall preside at the several Elec tions to be held in the different counties of this State for the choice of members of the Legisla ture, at the peat General Election therein, to propose to each and every voter at the time of City Sheriff’s Sales, 1 City Marshal’s Sale; W On the fret Tuesday tfi May next, j On Tuesday the (turd of Mby> LL be sold in front of the Court House, in I XT'TILL be sold id front ofthe court hodse, be, the city of Savannah, between the usual] V V tween the usual hqurs of JO and 3 P M; hours of fO and 4 o'clock, I the following property* if the fines are nj>t pnit All the Stock in trade of Hector MtDon.ld, I before that day. _ .1 " * • * Those two small buildings on the west half of In that consisting of Hard Ware, Liqusrs Ue. levied on as - - fDl ~ the property of Hector McDonald to satisfy an execution for rent, in favor ofthe trustees of Mrs S G Jones. Also, one negro girl named Suky, levied on as the property of David Irvine, to satisfy an exe •ftfcr<h*e {shall apply'to tlu Justice of the Inferior Court of r word People , „ r . ture, according to the truth of the feet i and on counting out tne ballots, to annex to the return of the said election by fihem so transmitted to the Executive Department, a true statement pf the Votes ,o given, tp the end thst the same may he laid before the negt Legislature by hi* EkUeficn- oy the Governor. find be it further resolved. That his Excellency the Governor be, and he is hereby requested to cause thijs resolution to be published without de lay, in tht several Gazettes of this State, sod to oontinue tbe said publication once a month, pnti tbe next Genera) Election. nd agreed to unanimously. THOMAS STOCKS, President. In the flouse of Representatives, 14th Nov. Ifi33 Read and concurred in. DAVID ADAMS, /Speaker. Approved, 18th Noy. 1823. G.M. TROUP, Governor. i 86 ?* --r- * l . . I ^T'EOitUlA—Cliadiamiiou'nfy " 'l(>aII wliomit H>a»INB months after date, l shall apply to the | VTmay concern. Whereas, Johu Dillon, exe- -1^4 Honorable Justices of the Inferior Court ofl ciitor of Michael Denaler, applies to be discharged Effingham County, for leave to sei) all the real estate of James Porter, late of said county deed. ] for the benefit of the heira and creditors of »ahi i estate W.G P.ORTRR, Administrator. July 15 IS6 enter of Michael Denaler, to be discharged from tfie executorship of toe said esta.te. Now them are therefore to cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred and creditors of tht. said deceased, to file tfiejr objections (if aqy they have) on or before tbe 5 th day of June next; otherwise letters diamjsspry will fie granted to tbe applicant. Witness this Hon-1. P. Williamson, one of the Justices of the said court, this |th day of Dec. A D. one thousand eight hundred and twenty three L,& S. M. BOND, p. o. p. dec S 133 Georgia—Effingham County* To Ml whom it .may concent, W H F.RfiAS Daniel Mullet, administrator Gideon Mullet, deceased, lias applied to the court to fie discharged from the emit/lsAf* tion aforesaid, Now »hese are therefore to cite and admonish ill and singular the kindred and creditors of the | said deceased,’to file their objections (if any they ... , ___ , j have) )n toy offipe an of before the 2d day,of A- N INE mouthsafter date hereof application wil | pril next,'otherwise Jettets .disjmissory wyl.l be be made to the inferior Court of Chatham ] granted to the applicant. , Cpunty for leave to tell A tract of land drawn by 1 Given under my hand aqt) sea) this 4tb day of rhumys Capps deceased in tbe late Land Lotte 1 October, A82.3, ry, situate and being in the fifth diatriot of Mon-1 JOHN CH ALTON, o.o. o-s,«. roe County and kno'vn by the number 44, for the i net 4 90 A I .L persons having demands against the Kt> tate of Jphn Epptnger Esq. deceased, are re quested to preaent them duly attested, and thoae luJehtgdL to make payment. H. E. KPPINGER, Exrx. JAMES Ei'PiNGER, fixor. nov 28 4w226tB a LI. persons hnvinjgdemands against the estate V‘>f Robert WorraU, jun’r. late of Savannah, will please present them p.roperly attested—and those indebted to raid estate, are requested to moke payment, PHILIP BUASCH, %ial- Executor. nov 8 ’ 210 • i -i r (• public sales. PUBLIC SALES. lot letter H. situated in tha't part of the City lor; merly called fit. G|ll, now Oglethorpe wmd noun, ded E by Lautel-id. 8 by lot letter F. west : by & lane and N by levied upon as: fhs prq) . , . erty of Mrs Mary Garnett to satitfin )wp> pneri is cution from the Court of Common Pleas and Oyer | posed by the Mayor and Alderpich of the'eity of and Terminer for the pity pf Savannah, Jofip p. | Savannah upon hey interning negroes on Bpndayi Cp)e, vs. David Irvine. j Also, a small building on Ipi No 32, Barren Alio all that lot of land, known in the plan of | ward, hounded E fiy Price St. B fiy a tine, W by the city of 6avannah as lot No. six (7) Columbia j lot No 31 ai)d N by Congress St. levied ofi as the ward, subject to an annual ground rent Corporation of the city of Savannah, with l . . .. provemenls thereon, bounded W by lot No. five | of the city oi Savannah, again&t mid estate for one (5) E by lot Noaevep (7) 8 by a lane North by I ofthe slayes driving disorderly. Broughton st. levied on as the property of John J F M. STONE, c m. Morel, to satisfy an execution from the Court oi ] april 3 78 Cow non pleas and Oyer and Terminer for the | r --- # city of Savannah, James Fowler vs. John Morel, I City JVlarbnal S bales. Also, all the b» tidings on the western third part | On the frit Tuesday in Muy next, of lot No two (3) Jekly Tything, Darby Ward, I TT|7' ,L k be sold ip front pf the couyt Rouse be, and also ))<! the buildings in lot No. forty (40) ] v v tween 10 and 3 o'clock, the following pro- Warren Ward, bounded north by a lane, south by | P e riy> if the taxes are not paid before that day. ; Broughton st. E by lot )!Jo. 30 thirty nine, W by Lot No 11, and buildings, Franklin ward, 60 by Lincoln-St. levied on as the property of Charles I l eet » bounded e.ut by lot No 12, south by Bry H Hayden, to satisfy two executions for rent, the I an St- west by lot No 10 and north by a lane. If Trustees ofthe Congregational church or Meet -1 vied upon as the property of the estate of ThflL ing house of White Bluff and Jno It Berthelot vs. « Lloyd, to aatisly the city tax of said ettatefftfif. Charles H Hayden, and also to salify two execu-1 l hp y^af 18J3; amount tax g42 J'S and cost' tions from the Court of Common piess »nd Oyer | one building »>n the southeast corner of aqd Terminer for the city of Savannah, Jno P \ lot leiteM. Darby ward, levied upon as the pro. Williamson ys. C H Hayden, and James Wells v*. I perty of Jas W Cannon, to satisfy his city jax, t'ov same, ' | the'®.,, issn. imnnni t,« cir ri ...i <- n .i ■ april 3 f8 A. L D’LYON, cj. Marshal’s Sales Continued. On first Tuesday ip May next, W ILL be sold before the Court House in the pity of fitvpnnsh, between fhe usual hours i negroes, via: Charles, Daniel. Lucy and of aale. year 1,823; amount tax g)7 81 and coat. I Iso, lot No 21, and buildings, Warren ward, .60 by SO feet, bounded east by Pjic&St. ftuUfi by Congreas St- west by lot No 22 and north by St. Julian St. levied upon as tbe property of. Joseph A Scott, to satisfy his city tax for the year j822j amount tax fit fi9 and cost. / >- Also, one negro woman parted named Dora, levied on as tfie property of i Samuel Russel), to satisfy his city taxes for the years 1820,1821' lfi22 K.IKII, T,*i V.UB1IC9, UBIlfCI, «IU ■ ——V "V. J.. . V. : her cluld, Sylvia and child, Nora and Mary, sub- J affd 1823, aquuunt lax £+1 31 and costtf iect to a mortgage of about seven hundred dollars) j levied on as the property of Geo. L. Cope, to sat. isfy an execution ip favor ofthe Rank pf the Unit e.l States. Qne negro man named Peter, levjed onaa the] property of Jno Womack to satisfy sp execution in fevor of United States Rank. JNO. H, MdBEL, MS. march fi 53 fTIHfi subscriber offers for sale tus L ftmieq, Nhriptosb County—;consislin^ WJurf Lots, situated in She moot ..eligible quarter f td rive fity for business of e.vspry .deucapUam I Akq, Bv<t fiur Lota immediately bapk of those 1 Uiors mentions^, And^Bvidei fttm Abw l>y s* Ireotrf^Ofeet. .... * Mw, one third part of p Wharf Lot, in thiacity, (comsoujyjsslled Hicw Wharf) with improve.- partiovdara enquire of Tpoius M. ffw- watt, fenq'r. in Savannah, ,pr thejsubsftqibeg .BP w iloiq8tu»Hlaatl , . . CR AiU^ES E, JONES, benefit of thehejra»nd editors of tfie wid Thos. lyflNE^mrimha alter date application 'V tU be Capps dec, JOHN MOREL, Adir" 1 • 1 1 ■ - • - sept 6 7 ' 1 ' ‘ Jteeiie of Breads CCT The average price of Flour being seven; dollars per barrel of 196 lbs, tbe weight of bread the present mouth gpuat he @s follows; 124 Cents Loiff 2 1b 11 oz. 6& do 4o J. lb 5i oz, Of which all Rafcem wd eaHers of B/ead wHl take 4ue notice. JNO. f. ROBERTS, City Treasurer, march 5 1824 53 ‘ u Administrator’s Notice, mERSONS iodqb ed to the estate of Mary Hull ^I^ceaaed, are requested to make immediate - <v.\ and those havinp demands against said ' ' - "* within; ,;iL14AMS, .Administrator. lx made to the Justices ofthe Inferior Court of the county of Chatham, for leave to sell a tract of land,in Habersham /county, (2. No. fit)) the pro* perjty at Caroline Pjrocuaor an orpba . NATHANIEL LEWIS,.Guardian, dec M WT 'LL peraons are caulibiieff in receiving In any tanner or paying any .consideration IrfJ cer tain promUory pole, .drawn by f. M. Slope, Jo fa. vor nj'Jno. J, Itqbertp or order, far twelve hundred dollars, dated 20th Nov. IfiSO, payable sixty days after date w.itf i interest from the date, and indors ed by .the spid Jn«. J. Roberts, and delivered to me. Tlie said tv **, having been lost, apd renew ed the .drawer- TJte .original note i» null and void. PETER SHICK. dec 18 4l24S Raring Villany. fllllE House of tbe subscriber on the Augusta A. Road, known as the 16 mile house, was last evening.about 11 o'clock clatj,deatingly entered by some person or persona who feloniously stole and carried away a negro woman named Nancy, about 30 years old and her child named Daniel, tfie woman is of middle size, yellow complexion, the boy about j, years old and features rather fiat arid carried with him a black fur hb| and feathers. A reward of 50 dollars will be given {or tbe deli very of the woman and child to the subscriber and a further reward of $9 dollars .will be gjyen for tbe apprehension and proof of conviction ofthe theif. 1 hey will be probably carried to Florida- All persona aye hereby cautioned from purchasing said negroes p.s R is supposed they will be offered for sale ip ibis state, or in Florid * ELIZA G. ABBOT. Tfie Editors of tfie Miiledgcyille Journal, and Marten Gazette, will give tbesfiove an insertion in F. U. STONE, o n. april 3 78 Lity MfiffihaJ’s S^le^, continued. On thefivst Tuesday in May next. *. W ILL positively !'be sold before the Court House in Savannah,.pelwfceri the hours of 10 »nd 9 o'clock, if J.fie ground . refit is not pre viously paid. ' ' •••" t td it. Lot No 24- Elbert ward, 60 by 90 feet, bound-- ed.eant by Jcflerson street, south by Hull street, west by lot No. 37, and north by —street i re entered upon as the property of Mrs, Bulloch, for 4quarters yen*- : ■ ' H--" Lot No 35, Elbert ward, 60 by 90 feet,bounded east by lot No 30, south by Liberty street, west by lot No 34, and north by a lane, re-entered up-' on as tbe properly 9? J Mingledorff, for 12 quar ters rent. Lots No 47 and 48 Jackson ward, £0 by 90 feet each, bounded .east by lot No 46 south ,by Liberty street, west,by Jeffemon sfreet, At*d north .fiy a lane, re-entered-upon as the property of JgbA Mb-, Kinnon, for J2 quariArf rent- Lot No '25, Drown ward, 60 by 90 feet, bounded east bv lot No 24, south b) Hull s'reei, west by lot No 36, ynd north by a lane, re-entered upwy as the property of C H Hayden, for fi quarters rent. Lpt No -A- Brown ward, 60 by $0 feet, boun- by Hull st. west '^RfiCUtorV No.Uc<e, jiov i 42}B mr *lofc ft Tesy valuable tract of Land *u Wtwirty flounp <*& ^.situate .on .tjie gunfiuey Roatj, two miles foo n half from fticeVougn.; tsootainiqf Awo hynAed .and tee acre -s Tlvis Jand ia.v.oy wos- 4!etoforttmn, rice.and own, and as w«H.owo«ls- ^dfwtfcrtot^ftre re aay feed tfcthpecupty j •ftreto wacu reasonable j Ahsoe we rexenty n»d 4pgh*sr *««» «*?wed wd ,Mu#fCMie,!S;\^re |sjdrt>A'HMd;dwdQMlg house, . af 4.8l!f J ec<»sjnryvut N biiil<Kngc on the pre'iuscs. -wiil (be giveo torf^ purchaser, ^itWKebauicreiying ou aaidJaod- For ftttther Jos- ad Whfiriy ]E$}WA^B«A&EH, (xuncpkn Molntaakieoucty, AjdiDinistrator’fi Notice. L LL Ferrous having demands against tliees- /^\ tate of Ludowiok.Ahultta late of Oiiuiham county dec are requested Jo present them ro the subscriber duly attested, withinthetime prescrib ed by law, and those Indebted ,«e requested .to °>**W*”*» AA80JI C.IAMPION, marchS„.,.tcSl , ^ual. Adm’r. A IX personsjudebted to the estate ofthe Inte Dr. Robert Worrell, ip. are requested to make I immediate payment to Mr. Uyerson, or to FHILIP BRASCH, Qual.EPor. N. B. The accounts ;ff qot paid .shortly wjH be placed in the hands of an Attorney for collection, j»n 6 4 P E.USC^O having demands againste tfie state of gte Matthew McAlister, Esq. are re quested eseot them duly attested to the sub scriber, cd.afi iapebted to -*.»ke immediate pay. ment to U. II. M’ALISTKB, Ex'r. nnv LJL persons indebted to the estate of Daniel Robins, (cornentpr) late.of Savannah* deesas- j ed, ace requested to seUjeAbereme, and all .who have liquidated their accounts with Thornes Ro- bins, as admin' said esfete are forbid pay-1 . , 4 . j ... .... , , ing the sikrtie to any other .than myselfi as 1 am the] mediate payment, ®"d th ose having demands -only *er«m WhPihW.beenattthfltieed to aettie,«ud J against said estatej^lfiprerert^hem; property at- mxim. I with Tbomts Jto-i T> E ' US ^ N 8 -indebted to /the Estate of Allen state are forbid pay-1 X . Denmark, dec. m» requested .to make tiu .iwir^rey -fWlLSON FUIXER, Adm’r. .estate f>f Daniel Robins. tf3 . . ,, . , , „ , (tested wjth'm tfee timeTimited by law. ROBERT BURTON, qdm’or. MARJf DENMAR, adm’rx. feb 28 48 Bulloch Cty. itwwths of ter -date jmphwtMW vftl ' .^^MeitoAbeShmJiflfAUe •Stated (GenrgWifmf > ..^Mawwd’Ar« -fioi-certifiwire Jsaped iby ri»ei forJaRb !bnodi»d ritftrep of retd Btoadin? to AUe ’ ftyw. f$. dJuacdianA Js&r:. -*4«e« • , . v AJjUppri^ngharfqgidtwfaandt ^gainst the estate W Btewre, will render dkim Soririy iadebsiid'tPtfihPiejiVd <«rti»te. iAwk wowttji atrdliehfl^ <W7#la i #tor»o)r sUw, jSiweapsh, wRPA^tdMj) i*rew ittie -acme. F&J3X .AsWN, _ ■ P Kit SONS having demands against the estate af/umes Anderson, fete.ot Acgcsta deceased, ace -requested to present Abeir claims properly at tested, and those indebted to immediate payment,to JOHN BALFOUR. iAdmimstrator, fd>y SotkE LjL ipewons iltaringeny .demands against the _ ^.esfetfe -Of -Whomre (Lucent .■ late ohatham cqunty dereasedi requreted vto present -the same .duly rttesred to vhe subsonber andrthose in- debtedt.cjiaidretatep are reared to .mfife -pay- Mx&vmm'iWrto .sw.oond, .c,XA- under,prdetipf .tfi? Ocyrt. 4a; -at 'Wrt MoobaVmsrer-dec are, .^q'toPicd to; Moreht Ahem ftr iwswrtot 4»»thM»: ‘prereiabedhyjAfy ««d *11 ‘ndkpted tc? went ,to mnrehA timwgr «« JAWS? MGRIU80N, •H'lal. admr. „ s-oppostuiaty <pfinf<wn»»ngtlw,re ^crestrtat«r«a rift' ftjrt rotate*pf dofiu Reck,' da«*aoed,re tWflV! re W richer persons .cls-mfng , .ofMngbam )ai »d,re; ' ^Ut^f-tfieeretq,' ^.bp haite -aot *$%*!&“ ■ V iGentlepinp well qualified tp teach a School qf abopt twe^y-five Scholars, ip a heal- thy aittialiop^H Bryan Uqpnty. H* 8 salary -wi I be lour hundred and (fifty .dollars a year, and hoard, washing and lodging. En mire of tlie Key. Wil liam M-Wlyr, ,qr ,tlje ; spbsc* ; ber, both living in iiryan County, JNO- J- MARWEIX- .march-9 ap56 — -y , LL perso.-ia having any demands against ■\ George Herb, deceased, .are requesled to hand tliem in dply aueated, end those indebted to his e&iiteAre paw required to make payment- FUEDER1CR HERD,.,. ^10^5 U.LJXAND, Executors. ■jpn fi£) , . r ded east by lot J$o 25, south their respective papers, tvS*ic.e a week for tjyol by Scojft street, and north by a faqe f re entered weeks, anc forward Ihrir accounts Lo this Uihcej upon a* tbe propcr.y .of R R Ralston, for .4 quar- for navmenf. tiersrent- > ' ‘ > -A--* »f67 lor payment], march 22' u's"'. *viS " i era rent. Lot No 49, Brpynfe w*rd.60 by 9° feet, boun ded east by.lot No 60, south by a lane, ->w:est by' Hclotosh-Btr.eet, nod north by Ferry-P lree t, rer’ entered upon as th/s property of Blow, tor 4 quarters rent, ' : ” • Lqt No3, Franklin’s wanl, 60 by 00 feet, boim- ded eastby lot No 2, south by a- lane, west by rot No4, and north by Kay street, re entered upon* as the property of John Course, for 4 quarters Georgiar—Chatham County, To all whom it may concern. W HEAP.AS William J. Rice, bus applied to the Hon the Court of (Ordinary of Chat ham County, fqr li tters of administration nn ,the est ate and effects of-Efizabeth lUce, late of .Chat _ ham county , pow dec. in bfilrtU'of ftps fieire and i r epL creditors, i Lot No 3, Warren ward, 60 by 00 feet, bqund- Thesearetbnrafore .to cite j»nd ad^onl-h all J jed east by lot No .4, south by a June, weft by lot and singular the kindred and creditors of ifie tupd J No 2, and north , by Uyy street; W eittered upon dec. Jo file tfieir objeciioiis (if any they have) to j u R, e pioperty of A. Humer, for 4 quarter* rent.' the granting of the administration of the estate of J j^p t No S0‘ Warren ward,£0 by 90. feet, bound- • the said deceased to the applicant in the Clerk’s] c dem by Frice street, mtithby St Julian street,' office of Jbe aaid Eourt, on or before the seventh 1 we8t by lot' No 19, and north by Bryan street, re day qf May .next ; otherwise jotters qf administra J entered jppon as the property .of T V Gray, for fi tiun.wjl.1 be granted. . 1 quarters rent.^ ’ - Witness the Hon. Edward Harden, one of tlie 1 w No^8, Columbia ward, 5Q by 9{> ift. Bound-' Justices Qf the sai l Court, the seventh day of j’eoeast hy lot No 39, aoOth'by .Sputl. Broad strerit Aprij, 4. D twenty luur, april 7 One thousand right hundred and S. U ROND, ex.o. 79 S.upLfior Court-P-Cl^ttluim Count). Mat Txjbp, .1823. William T. Williaqis, ) •fits. >Rule Mill. Tficnjas H. Broom, j O N the petition of William T. .Williams stai iqg that T,homas & Brqom, by his pertaii. writing obligatory, bearing date on tlie sixth daj months after date; application .will be 1K| tftade to the >bono«ib,le 4he Justice^ ot-tlie Int’erior Court of qiietham county, ; uthqt> flitting! for afdipaT fiurpotea, for leave to sell all tfipi (ract J of -Land contriving two,hundred and .fifty acres,- mqre or ie,ss,,l:uowQ as lot No. J5 fifteen, ; in -the; second ritatfjbt qf Earfy .county, Gforgiib; brings the«ecle»t« -Hofintt-ffi- iBtirWq,' t)ec.andto J \UiM. JQqrkie, dec. 27 Wmis&Mtudftfi.fl, t ! : A onfiuthflt # will .socukjated both «itl 'plnymcpt «* hisbhi^'^j.ect. qnddqrrtawfebkWleR Hyapw- A liqq-lgft *t ; tqe ppst KrificstArc^ ”• - ,JU A. -M. wllljBCpi'^|ll^3tAWBI^. paymqpt of-the sum uf four hundred dollars oi-: or befqre the-first dfiy of .Ume 1823, and that foi the better securing to him the payment of thi said sqm of .money, .the said TJtqmas R. Rroorr by fiis certain deed qf mortgage hearing even date with the said hone}, bad mortgaged to hiir. all that lot .or parcel ot fend in GJiathajn county and state .Aforesaid, known in the plan qf the said county as Garden Jot number eighty, (80) east, containing .eleven and one half qcrqs .more or less, bounded on,the north _by the Thmulerboli road and lands of .Jqrt es BUbo, on the south by lands .qf John Screven, and bn the .wqst by t road, leading Ao feuds, of '.cm. James Johnson and otlietSfi-an'a further stating thaUherej* pow due and unpaid oa ^he said bond and rtortgage the principal sum qf IbHr hundred dollars with in terest Jxoqi the sixth;cfey.of, June, eighteen hun dred Mid';tyioi)ty .twq, a*k1 Fraying' file foreclo sure .of the equity qf redemption of dbe sakl Thoptfis B. .Broom, ip aqd .to tfie said .mortgaged pretqiae* motion .qf .tiabersjhtgn, attorney for the petitioner, it is ordered, that .the princi pal apd.tnterert due qn the Arid mortgaged p re . mfees, together with the.Co^fe qf .this application bepijid .into thfeyCourt; jyfthin twelve mqnths, from this c|ate, or otherwise.that,the equity^of S res demptiopjqf ibe.Baid Thqrtre -Broom in the said mortgaged premises be from thenceforth foreclosed, fend that^uch further .apd other pro- r made apd- pro- viejed- Andit^rifiirwre .Ifiat.thii ^B»lfi ■ be published ipene or .more of the .Gazettes of the .city ofS*y.annMb, once'* gpoi^h 'rerctwqHei y .jtonUfe previoustovthe .time sppoinfud for We Ahd- paymoiit ofdhe.srid.liipneyr.ei-'that acoRyffipre. ' of.iit-feesyed.vpqn (t|)^ rert -Sihomiis R. i " west hy fot No 39, and north by a lane* re-entered upon as the property of Ann Rodman,/or 12 quar ters rent. • ‘ : ' *' Lot No 10, Jackson's.ward, 60 by 90 feet, boun- ded eart by JScoi street, south fey a lime, west by I01N0 3, and by north South Broad at re-entered upon as thq property 0/ T NMqrel, for. lfi qua,-- ,ters rent. Lots No 31 end 32, Liberty ward, GO by 90 ft. hounded east by lot No ?o, south-by a lane, west by WeatJIroad st. and north by York st re-entered upon as the property .qf H Hayden, for 8 .quar ter* rent. Lot No 29, Jackson's ward,60 by 90ft bounded tost,by lot No 30, south<bya lane, w^st by Jeffer son st; and nqrth by Perry st. reentered upon as the property of J B Berthelot, for 4 quartern rent.' F- W- STONE, c 11. april 8 .82 ^ 1 ~Sl\erifrsSales. / ■On the first Tuesday in June nept. W ILL be sold at the Cqurt House ih Savan nah, between .the hourp of 1,0 and.4 o’.clock. - Five negroes, .Ceasqr, -Hannah; -Joe, Rijtb v . and Harriet, tinder a fi fa on forec.osure ! .n favor of panes apd Berrien, agsiipst Joseph C, Haber- Mn, ‘ ISAAC D’Ll^ON, B.c.c. april 3 78 Tax Cdlector’s SWes. • fin the first Tuesday in Mug next, W .ILL be aold at tlie Court house in tbe city of Savannah, between foe hours of 10 and 3 o’clock. - . ' v - • A negro woman.named PhUlIsfend'het’ two chil dren Nelly and Sam, levied satfefV state arid coi nty taxes of the estate of John Anderson, for the years 1822 end 2823, eqd eostsj ampuntof tax.. eaJ9l9^7'‘ fi..) i •’ >. • Ten Cows, levied on to sa'isfy thefefote,find * county taxes of -Worthington’Gale, foi'the years’- 1822 and 2822 anffcOsts- «rrhii^ ol.foxes #59 2p. A Htinfeli wooden, (building on lqt -7, Og)e- thoree'ward, Iqvfed qn to' Satisfy the state, and bounty offelarfeh Cohen, for the year 1823, find costs— amqunt of taxes, g3 52, . ,'. 3 Ah^ES EFPINGER, ? o.c c, april 10 - 84 . - | , Jx\ Harcy Mbbrevflf.Effinghum Cpunty qeceas- ed,to Aonje forward *htt mafee payrteqt and thos;i foatihave any accounts, to present them to. W ;• v.: "hezekiAH^VAKS,^'.?. ' ,K?t .SB. ' ■: • • ■