Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, April 14, 1824, Image 1

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A VANN AH DAILY Jl ^ # No 87 ii.—Vol. X /. IL WEDNESDAY EVENING, APRIL 14, 1824. Whole No. 44C9. ' houses, LANDS, &c. VT1NE months after date application will be Li made to the honorable the Inferior Court of — I Chatham County, whet. sitting for ordinary pur- To Rent* I poses; for pemiss^'n to sell the following real - u'liarf Lot No. 6, Reynold Ward, known I estate, for the beneiil of the heirs and creditors of 5 i,v’s wharf. Possession given the I the estate of N. 8. Bayard, deceased, vie i ' * nc ' 1 One undivided fourth of a tract oi Land, contain ing about 500 acres, on, Cumberland Island, Cam- .— den County, known as Plttm Orchard—and an un | oat »A—-rrr-.-rx"Z7Z—ii'/inrEir I divided fourth of a certasn Tjacl of I.and situate Executive Department^ Geo* MILLKDGEVI Ll.B, 2lst Nov. 1823 ^K\RDBRED, That the subjoined Resolution be published once a month, In each of the Ga- . i zettes of this State, until the next General Elec- | turn. ■ 1 Jttett, . R^ISFTA WOOD, SerVy. IN SENATE, 12th Nov. 1823. Whsjieas ’t is desirable to ascertnin the wish- PUBLIC ShtLES. PUBLIC SALES. ‘7 i fir On the first Tuesday iti May next, City Marshal’s'Stile., flu Tuesday the third of May. W ILL be sold in front of the Court|itoilBe, in 1 TT7TM. be auld in front of the^court lidusp, be. the city of Savannah, betweenmc usual I v v tween the usual hours of 10 mid 3 P M. |Mj it|L.. f . lur3U,t tfte'eentlemen'and ladies, or families with uLNhedsv. week, or month, on easydefms. !”,r„ b /ntd be said in recommendation of A* 8 Pitlicr in regard to the healthfulness of the ii « t« per week, u a •• « M month, •ffrt.XSb. ,i «• « month, Dinner, breakfast,, supper, Bee. L°JS in K» ,. v Burse, per dsy» a « night, ii « month, ,t 30 188 Ion said Island, containing about 500acres, origin. I es ofthe citizens of this state, as to the mode of i-1 ally granted to Gen. Lechhmd McIntosh, and I choosing Electors of President and Vice Presi- dent of the United States» Be it therefore resolved by the /Senate tmd ITotue ATHENS HOTEL. The subscriber takes this meth 0 d to inform the public generally, ant r rti w U ho''ma P v Cl v! 8 the 1 *ur^country'Tn. Alw a plantation called Lottery Hall situate on I ^tp^m&tfo^W^T$tviii~of < *** r S* a »* «?' n h h or niewure. that he wilf ac- the Ogeechee Road, 3 miles from Savannah, con- Assembly met, That it shall be the duty of the. health or pleasure, mac no. win w | ta|||| about m ucrefi N . j. BAYARD, Magistrates who shall preside atthe several Elec- Adm’r Est.N.S. Bayard. ‘ nov 10 211 «* INK .moiithJ kVier dattj Ttsliill kppilyto th. 1 50 IS 5 00 ,8 l t \m I fori or Co Honorable Justice of the Inferior Court of Effingham County, for leave to sell a tract of land lying in the county of Henry, belonging to the estate of Emaliuel Kuhn, late of Effingham count) deed, for the benefit' of che heirs and creditors of said estate. JACOB GNANN.jr. Administrator |uly35 4 r &6. , , . . ,, mouths after -Jate application will be i Justice of' - “ , _ , preside at the several Rons to be held in the different counties of this State fur the choice of members of t turc, at the next General Election propose to each and every voter at the time ot receiving his vote, whether he desires thst the choice of said Electors shall be confided to the people or retained by the Legislature, and to re S weat such voter to signify such desire by en orsing on his ticket, the w -- - - - ture, accordi countini of the said election by them fty hours of 10 and 4 o'clock, All the Stock In trade of Hector M'Tlonald; consisting ofHird Ware, Liqusrs £fe. levied on .as the property of Hector MMlonald to satisiy an execution for rent, in favor of the trustees of Mrs S-G Jones. levied on as the property of David Irvine, to satisfy an exc cation from the Court of Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer for the city of Savannah, John D. Cole, vs, David Irvine the following property If the fines are not paid before that day. Those tu-a small buddings bn the west half of lot letter H. situated in.that purt of the city for. merly ealled St. Gall, now Oglethorpe ward boon- ded E by LaurcTst. S by lot letter F west by a lane ami N by Zubly at levied upon, as the prop erty of Mrs Maty tiurnett to satisfy two fines im- g osed by the Mayor am^ Aldermen ofthe citv of a avanmth upon her interning negroes on Sundays tounties of this I Cole, va. David Irvine. ' I Also, a small building on lot No 32, Warren of the Legists- I Also all that lot of v land, known |n the plan of I ward, bounded F. by Price St. S by a lane,- W by tion therein, to I'thecity of Savannah as lot No. six (7) Columbia I lot No 31 and N by Congress Si. levied on as the ward, subject to so annual ground rent to the I property of > he estate of Peter Favsrd, to satis- Corporation of the city of Savannah, with the im-1 fy a-fine imposed by the Mayor and Aldermen provemems thereon, bounded W by No. five I of the city of Savannah, against said estate for one (5) E by lot'No seven (7) S by a lane North by I ofthe slaves driving disorderly. Broughton st. levied on as the property of John | Morel, to satisfy an execution from the Court ot | _spri! 3 78 i word People or Legista- F M. 8TONEjc Hi r, according to the truth of the fact; and on | Common Pleas and Oyer and Terminer for the nting out the ballots, to annex to the return 1 city of Savannah, James Fowler vs, John Morel, he Mud election by them so transmitted to the I Also, all the buildings on the western third part City Marshal's Spies. On the first Tuesday in May next, SO is 00 made to the honorable the Justice of the In- | ferior Court of Effingham County when sitting fori cy the Governor. * 1 ordinary purposes, for leave to sell, one tract pf I And be it furthi *wi«d tlieir wcounts to At fens To Rent. . . . The Store corner ot Drayton and #mi Bay street next door to Mr. Trucheluta* -- Orleans Square. oet21 land hying in the County of Effingham,containing ’twohundred acres adjoining Jenkins land, also the half of a tract of land of three hundred acres of the undivided estate of Nancy Blare, also one tract of land seventy seven number, twelfth dis- ‘ es for d»* ceased. JOHN GRAHAM, THOMAS HURST, Executors. ««pt23 *285 5 ironthfe’Mter date,'l ahMll apply to the ' 'lor Court . mso transmitted to the I Also, an the b urnings on the western third ptrt I 'f 1 J*rsi j uesaay in May next, Executive Department, a true statement of the I of lot -No two (.2) Jekly Tything, Darby Ward, 1 YX/'LL be sold in ir.,nt ot the court House be- votes so given, to the end that the same may be I »nd also all the buildings in lot No. forty (40)1 » » tween 10 and 3 o'clock, the following pro- Wd before the nett Legislature hy his Exoeiten-1 Warren Ward, boundednorth by a lane,south by ) R* J'J* d 'he taxes are not paid before that day. Broughton st. E by lot No. 39 thirty nine, W by [ Q Lot No 11, and buildings, Franklin ward, 60 by Lincoln, st. levied on us the And be it further molved, That his Excellency the Governor be, and he is hereby requested to cause this resolution to be published without de lay, in the several (ftaettes of this Bute, and to continue the said publication once a month, unti the next General Election. Read and agreed to unanimously. THOMA8 STOCKS, President. In the House of Representatives, 14th Nov. 1823. Read and concurred in. DAVID ADAMS, Speaker. Approved, 18th Nov. 1823. » Q.M. TROUP, Ootemer, G KOKGLA—Chatham County. To all whom it 1 may concern. Whereas, John-Dillon, exe- 9 thirty nine, W by I Lot No 11, and buildings, Franklin ward. 60 by property of Charles I feet, bounded east by lot No 12, south by JBry, I H. Hayden, to satisfy two executions for rent, the 1 8 ? *'• west by lot No 10 and north by a lane, le | Trustees of the Congregational church pr Meet* I vie <* upon as the property of the estate of Thou.’ | ing house of White Bluff and Jno 11 Berlhelot vs. I Lloyd, to satisiy the city tax of said e. t«te for Charles H Hayden, and also to sstify two exccu-1 y ear 18J3» amount tvt 842 75 and cost, tions from the Court of Common Pleas and Oyer I. Also, one building on the_ southeast corner of and Termirter for the city of Savannah, Jno P I ' ot letter A. Darby ward, levied upon as the pro-. Williamson vs. C H Hayden, and James Wells vs. I petty Cunnon, to satisfy his city tux, for april 3 78 A. l.D’LYON, c.t. •nnah For Stble, or to Rent. Two neat tenements, with com- ITI) fort able oat buildings on Lot No. 21, i J * ! Warren ward.lstely the property of J A * il> 0 May River. So. Cs. 1 201 U Honorable Justices of the inferior* Court of J cutor of Michael Densler, applies to be discharged Effingham County, for leave tq sett all the re*'.I (Vom the executorship ofthe said estate. estate of James Porter, late of said bounty deed, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate W.G PORTER. Administrator. July 15 15$ ~"Land and Negroes for Sale. ISk of every kind, and toe grow.njr crop,^a-, mounting in all to about 12 or 15,000 dollars, situ- »te in the upper country, *nd well calculated for , CO untry Store—the soil well adapted to the cul tivation i^f Corn and Cotton, ij offered for tale on (2B«ifc°ytoefcfor good paper, well secured, wifi '’'v'orfurther'particulars, apply to the'Bditors of iJieGcorgiaJournal.',' v ; ||jiune 19 t4> 7 - . For halo, A LLthat Valuable tract or parcel oflsndknown by the name of Nelvills situated m South ilina about two miles from Savannah. This tract is considered one ofthe hwkiwa ffice plan- tstion in its neighborhood, and contains Bigtt hundred and ej^ty-four acres. It adjoins Mr riiomas Young. Gen. Huger, and Mr. Ntcnoias Crueer. -Persons wlio may wish to purchase will smminc the premises, A good tittle will heaven j and,the times of sale will be » n »We- Af wionto be m«le to uov 16 2251 ‘ a, - ■ TkerMic TS informed that the claim of Hamlin Msllonrto l the tract of Isnd in South ^rol.n^ ca led Neivillcjisnow in a train for Judicial lnvestiga- tion, until the termination of which, some nsx j .Will be incurred by those who m»v^urchase^ dec 2 V 237 k LL persons having UemauUa aguitist the Cl. tate of John Eppinger Esq. deceased, ar mested to present them duly attested, and t quested to present indebted^ to nov 23 Esc are re those duly attested, ment. E. KPPINGBR, Exrx. JAMES EPPINGER, Exor. |is226t» Now these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of thi said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) on or before the 5th day of June next 1 otherwise letters dismissory will be granted to the applicant Witness the Hon. J. P. Williamson, one of the Justices of the said court, this 5th day of Dec. A D. one thousand eight hundred apd twenty three. L.S. 8, M. BOND. 0.0.0. dec 5 132 Marshal’s Sales Continued. On first Tuesday in May next, W ILL be sold before the Court House in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours I of sale. Eight negroes, vis. Charles, Daniel, Lucy and I her child, Sylvia and child, Nora and Mary, sub ject to a mortgage of about seven hundred dollsrsi levied on as the jiropcrty of Geo. L. Cope, to sat- iffy an executioiPin favor ofthe Bank ot the U I e,l States. One negro man named Peter, levied on as the property of Jno Wopuck to satisfy an execution I to favor ofUnited States Bank. ' JNO H.MOREL,ill. march 5 53 a LL persons having demands against the estate ,\ of Robert Worridl, jun'r. late of 8avannsh, will please present them properly attestc*-nml those indebted to a*id estate, are requested to make pay menu • PHILIP BRASCH, . . v Qua). Executor. nov 8 ?1Q INB months after date hereof application wit bemade to the Inferior Court of Chatham County for leaveto sell a tract of land drawn by Thomas Capps deceased in the late Land Lotte ry, situate and being in the fifth district ot Mon roe County and known by the number 44, for the benefit ofthe heirs and creditor* of the said Thus. Capps dee. JOHN MOREL, Adra'r. sept 6 7^ Assize of. Bread. S The average price of Flour being seven 1 per barrel of 196 lbs, the weight of bread the present month must be as follows: 124 Cents Loaf 2 lb 11 os. 6] do do 1 lb oa. Of which all Bakers and sellers of Bread will take due notice. JNO. I, ROBERTS, City Treasurer. march 5 1824 53 Administrator’s Notice, P ERSONS indeb ed to the estate of Mary Hall deceased, are requested to mnkc immediate Georgia—Effingham County. To all whom it mav concern, ia»i W HEREAS Dai M Mullet, administrator GideOn Mullet, deceased, has applied to Daring Villany. 1 rjTHE House of the subscriber on the Augusta | the year 1823; amount tax jl7 81 and cost. Also, lot No-2l, and buildings, Warren ward,’ 30 by 90 feet, bounded east by Fjice St. sonth by .Congress St. west by lot No 22 and north by 81, Julian St. levied upon as the property of Joseph A Scoti, to satisfy hi* city tax for the year 1822; amount tax jll 69 and cost. .. , Also, one negro woman named named Dora, levied on as the promrty of Samuel Russell, to satisfy his city taxesfortlieyears 182Q, 1821,1822 and 1823, amount Tax $41 31 and costs april 3 7S ? M STONE ' C ’- City Marshal’s Sales, continued."* On the fret Tuesday in May next. * , W I.L positively be sold before the Court House in Savannah, between the hours of 10 iptd 3 o'clock, if the ground rent is not pre- -‘ously paid.. Lot No 24. Elbert wnfd, 60 by 90 feet, bound ed cast by Jefferson street, south by Hull street,' west by lot No, 32, and north by street; re entered upon as.tbe property of Mr«i Bulloch, for 4quarters rent. Lot No to 85, Elbert ward, 60 by 90 feet,bounded. I and carried away a negro woman named Nancy, I east by lot No 36, south by Liberty street, west about 30 years old and her child named Daniel, I by lot No 34, and north by a lane, re-entered Road, known as the 1H mile houae, Was last an lied J evening about 11 o'clock olandestingiy entered I lthe court tube discharged from the % nStra-?^me person or person, who feloniously stole | I tion aforesaid. « j Now these are therefore to cite and admonish I «« ™ V.W ...u .cure, ..... 1 x y 1 U,ul “tried with him a black fur hat and feathers. I , , I -*., e l! n . rny -?^.® ® n ul I A reward of 50 dollars will be given for, the deli-<1 each, bounded ea»t by lot No 46 south by Liberty I very of the woman and child to the subscriber and j street,'west by Jefferson street, and north by a a further reward of 50 dollars.will be given for the I lane, re-entered upon ac the property of John Me-’ apprehension and proof of conviction ofthe theif. I Kinnon, for 12 quartern rent, they will be probably carried to Florida- All | Lot No 25, Brown ward, 60' by 90 feel, bogndedf perrons are hereby cautioned I the woman is of middle sise, yellow camplexion, I on as the property of J Minglcdorff, for 12 quar*’ the boy about 4 years old and features rather flat 1 ters rent. 1 -- J 1 feathers. | Lots No 47 and 48 Jackson ward, - 60 by 90 feet | pril next, otherwise letter* dismissory will be granted to the applicant Given under my band and seal this 4th day of | October, 1823. JOHN CHALTON, o.o.o.x.c. net 4 90 for sale in this Mate, or in Florid ELIZA G. ABBOT. > The Editors of the Milleclgeville Journal, and Darien Gazelle, will give the above an Insertion in their respective papers, twice a week tor two for payment- march 22 M 67 N INE luunths alter dale application will be made to the Justices of the lnferipr Court of the county of Chatham, for leave to sell a tract of j land, in Habersham county, (2. No. 50) the pro- | perty of Caroline Prncuaor an orpha , NATHANIEL LEWIS, Guardian. dec 26 §257 • LL persona are cautioned in receiving in any,] d&xmanner or paying any consideration for a cer tain promisory note, drawn by F. M. Stone, in fit. I (yteorgia—Chatham GoUllty. vor of Jno. I. Roberta or order, for twelve hundred I a ii w i,om it mav concern dollars, dated 20th Nov. 1820, payable sixty days -wx THERE AS William J. /lice, ha.’applied to after date with interest irom the date, and fndora- I \\ the Hon , the Court of oixlinsry of Chat- ed by the said Jno. I. Roberts, and delivered to I ba(n Coqmy, for letters of administration on the me. I he said note having been lost, and renew-1 K8tate a ’ d 'fr ecfg of .Elizabeth Rice, Ute of Chut- ed since by the drawer. The original note is null | ,, am c - | and void. r from purchasing I east by lot No 24, south by Hull street, west sold negroes as it is supposed they will be offered^ lot No 26, and north by a iHne, re-entered. Upon Hayden, for 8 quarter* ded east 90 feet. boun- south by Hull st. west by Scott street, and nor th by a ta weeks, anc forward their accounts to this Office j-upon as. the proper y of R B fta ters ' ham county, now 4cc. iu behalf of the heirs and | rftn t. as the property of C rent. » Lot No 2fl; Broivn ward, 60 b- by lot' No 25, e ‘ * y .a lane, re entered . . . Ralston, for 4 .quar- rent. .' .. I-ot No 49, Brown’s ward, 60 by 90 feet,' boun ded east by lot No 50,'south by a lane, west by Mclntosh-street, and north by l’erry street, re-, entered upon as the property cf l' Blots, for 4 quarters rent. Lot No 3, Franklin's ward, 60 by 90 feet, boutW ded east by lot No 2, south by a lane, west by lof No 4, and north by Bay street, re entered upon asthe property of John Course, for 4 quarters : « —. . - Payment, and those having demands against said 1 fdua/.te 1‘roferiifor CaiT'SK TTtHy. subscriber offers for sale Ins propertintj i y WM. WILLIAMS. JL Darien, McIntosh County—consistingpf five | Adminisff'stor. dec 18 4l243 PETER SHICK. Darien, McIntosh County—consistingof five Wharf Lots, situated in the most,eligible < quarter of the city for business of every description. I Also) Five Bay Lots immediately back of those, before mentioned, and divided from them by a, treet of 40 feet; feb 2 * 85 Administrator’s Notice. rv LL Persona having demands against the es> I ‘ tale of LudowickShultz, late of Chatham! • Alap, one third part of a Wliatf Lot, in thiacity, J colint y j e0 are requested to pr (commonly called Rices Wharf) With improve-1 subscriber duly attested, within ments. For particulars enquire of Tbohas M. Wood- ntwir,, Esq’r. in Savannah, or the subscriber on 'Vilmingtouldand. „ „ CHARLF.SB. JONES, nov l f218 M resent them to the n the time prescrih. ed by law, and those indebted are requested to make payment to AARON CHAMPION. march 3 fit 51 Gud. Adm’r. Notice. /\ LL peraoiis inilebted to the estate of Daniel dtX Robins, (carpenter) late of Savannah, deceas- ed, are requested to settle the same, and all who liquidated their accounts with Thomas Ro ts administrator to said estate are forbid pay- the same to any other than myself, r 1 am the person who has been authorised to settle said .._™ , gt bunrlrcd and ten acre sThis land is very valua- I only . Die lor cotton, rice and corn, and as well calcula- estate, led for that culture as any land in the county; 1 the conditions are low and reasonable t there are between seventy and eighty acres cleared and I ^rfeb ,18 anVuii fenCe ' t,iere W?; 'nfemises* l Orib^ONS having demanda'sgainsi the wvtutc aid all necessary outbuildings nn the I J^of James Andereon, Ute ot Augusta deceased, Ruarantee titles will be given to th ® P“ r S ^ ’ J are requested to present their claims properly at- fc ° T:k».7., ! tested, and those indebted to make immedi |WILSON FULLER, Adm’r. estate of Daniel Robins. J&L Executor’s Notice. 4 LL persons indebted to the estate of the late Dr. Robert Worrell, Jr.are requested to make immediate payment to Mr. Ryerson, or to PHILIP BRASCH; Quat.Ex’or. N. B. The accounts if not paid shortly will be placed in the haods of au Attorney for collection, ,jsm 6 4 Lot No,3, Warren Ward, CO by 20 feet, bound- ded east by lot No 4, south by a lane, west by lot . • .. ... .. . , No 2, and north by Bay street, re-entered upon dec. to file their objections (tf any they have) to J u n, e property of A. Hunter, for4 quarters rent, the granting of the administration of the estate of Lot No 20' Warren ward, 60 by 9# feet, bound | creditors, . These are therefore to cite and admonish all I and singular the kindred and creditors" of the said P ERSONS having demands ugainsie the of at e Matthew McAlister, Esq si quested scriber, 'ment to , nov state are re- esent them duly attested to the sub- nd all indebted to make immediate pay. M- H. M’ALISTF.R, Ex*r. the said deceased to the applicant in the Clerk’s office of the said Court, on or before the seventh day of May next; otherwise letters of adminiitra tion will be granted. Witness the Hon. Edward Harden, one of the lust ices of the sai l Court, the seventh day of April, A. D. one thousand eight hundred twenty four. 8. M. BOND, o.G.o. - april 7 1 79 ed east by Price street, south by St Julian street, west by lot No 19, and north by Bryan street, re- V Gray, for 8 NOTICE. P ERSONS indebted to the Estate of Allen Denmark, deo. are requested to make im. mediate payment, and those having demands against said estate will present them property at tested within the time limited by law. ROBERT BURTON, adm’or. " MARY DENMAK, adro’rx. feb 38 48 Bulloch Cty.- guarantee titjes will be given no incumbrances lying on said land . neaiea ana particulars apply to capt. Jos. Jonea in Liberty ! Davnic ’ fitt0 . county, or to • * * EDWARD B. BAKER, owner in McIntosh county. fflg 16 Notice. .TjlHHRF. months after fiatc application will be A made to the Bank ofthe State of Georgia for * h « renewal of a lost certificate issued by the Cashier 4 said bank, for two hundred shares ol iste JOHN BALFOUR. (Administrator. NOTICE* Wanted Immediately, .4 Gentleman well qualified to leach a School Y. of about twenty.-five Scholars, in a heal, thy situation in Bryan County. His salary wi d be four hundred and fifty dollars a year, and board, washing and lodging. Enquire of the Rev. Wil liam M'Whir, or the subscriber, both living in Bryan County. JNO. J. MAXWELL, march 9 svSS ■ I A LL persons having any demands against the LqL estate of Thomas Lucena, late of Chatham diinty deceased, are requested to present the - ™... p«.„ u ».m, —w .game duly attested to the subscriber and those in- 'lie capital stock, ir said Bank, standing in the J debted to said estate, are required to make pay- \ L>L. persons uavnig »ny George Herb, deceased, are requested to hame ofthe Guardians of Sarah H. Gilbert. WM. G. GILBERT. • SARAH H1LLHOUSE. t Guardians. -,ian2t.-^ *Icm16 A\ LI. persona having demands against the es jSU'iite of Fleming Aikin of the county of Ghat- UiUu. planter, deceased, Will render them in duly attested, and all those indebted to the said estate I r. 11 , 1 Pjeuse make payment thereof to George W. 1 atcAiliater of Bryan county, or Richard W. Ha uentltam, attorney at law, Savannah, who are duly uuittorized tp receive the same. ELIZA AKIN, Adm’rx. ■ geo. ii. McAllister, Adm’r, ' ..Jay 29 2H mmtt ment without delay to g ^ Actingadm’r. C. T. A. under ordertof the Court of ordinary. • fob 9 fk31 AV L ^^ rg °" 8 h j l ri^Aemantl»against the estate hand them in duly attested, and those indebted to his estate are now required to make payment. FREDERICK HERB, . MOSES CLELAND, , • Executors. ft23 Superior Court—Chatham County Max Teem, 1823. William T. Williams, "Y vs. ±Rule ATrf. Thomas R. Broom, j O N the petition of William T. Williams stat ing that Thomas R Broom, by his certain writing obligatory, bearing date oh the sixth day of Jane 1822, acknowledged himself to be held and firmly bound and obhged in him in the penal sum of eight hundred dollar^ conditioned for the payment ofthe sum of four hundred'dollars oi. or before the first day of June 1823, and that for the better securing to him the payment <?f the said sum of money, the said Thomas & Broom by his certain deed of mortgage bearing even date with the said bond, had mortgaged, to him all that lot or parcel of land in Chatham county and state aforesaid, known In tbs plan of the said county aa Garden lot number eighty, (80) east, containing eleven and one half acres more or less, bounded on the north by the Thunderbolt road and lands of James Bilbo, on the south by lands of John Screven, and on the west by road leading to lands of col. James Johnson ar entered upon as tbc property of T' quarters rent. Lot No 38, Columbia ward, 50 by 90 ft. bound, ' l ed easi by lot No 39, south by South Broad street anc ' | west by lot No 39, and north by a lane,' re entered upon as the property of Ann Rodman, for l2 quar,' ters rent . Lot No 10, Jacbion's wa.rd, 60 by 90 feet, boun ded cast by Scot street, south by a lane, west by lotNo 3, and by. north South Broad st re-entered upon as the property of T N Morel, for 16 quar ters rent - Lots No 31 and 32, Liberty ward, 60 by 90 ft. bounded east by lot No 3<), south by a lane, west by West Broad st, and north by York at re-entered upon as the property of C H Hayden, for 8 quar ters rent. ... Lot No 29, Jackson's ward, 60 by 90 ft bounded east by lot No 30, south by a lane, west by Jeffer son st. and north by Perry st. re-entered upon as ihq property of J B B'erthelot, for 4 quarters rent. F. M. STONE, c ii, april 8 82 jan SO Hocbstraaser dec are requested to present them for payment within the time prescribed by law, and all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment to JAMBS MORRISON, march 4 ,52 Qual. admr. The Subscriber TnAKES this opportunity. i-f infor X presentatives, of -the «tate of deceased, a* well aaall other pers informing the re- of John Beck, ersoHS claiming. liKRSONS indebted to the estate of Jatnei. 1 tjeceMed*•* B are , LHm ^ n K ht » latt of Liberty county, deceased, ] property in the county of Effingham and re thn. et } Ue8le<110 make immediate payment; and 1 a idinK out of the slate* who have not returned ur!! e J‘ a ? ln S demands against said estate, will 1 *— tin bribed by U La lei t a ' ly ttttestcd within the time P re ’ '* 1 ® a 28 17 JOS, LAW, Sen’r. .r qualified ex'r. tothe'receiver of tax returns f*n he year I8&M0 come forward nnd make thei eturn on or before the first day of April next— otherwise they will be double taxed, iWM. SPEAR,- deo 4 »533l NOTICE. tTS»lNE months after date application will be ■jKsI made to the honorable the Justices ofthe Inferior Court of Chatham county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave toaeff all that t r&ct of I,and containing two hundred anti fifty acre*, more or less, known as lot No. 15 tifteeiyin the second district oT Early county, Georgia, being the real estate of Robert M. Durkie, dec. and to be sold-for the benefit ofthe heirs and creditors of the aatii deceased. ... e AUGUSTUS F, DURKIE, Adm’or. of R. M. Durkie, dec, 27 " Wants a Situation, 4 man will accuainted both with the culture of cotton and rice, as be. lias been se t-mi years in that business as on ovet#wr, em ployment ishis«j)ief objeci-jsflfl'tg^will.-^vg- - y low. A Jine left at tlie post ofiice dirG^tttd 1 fo M. will meet trrth prompt ajftPwbti-* , jan-9 road leading to lands of col. James Johnson anti others—and further stating that there is now due and unpaid on the said bond and mortgage the principal sum of four hundred dollars with in terest from the sixth day of June, eighteen hun. tired and twenty, two, and praying theforeclo. fitfe of the eqtiity^Jjf redemption of the said .^Thomas R Broom, in and to the said mortgaged S emises On qiatipn of Habersham, attorney r the petitioner,'^ is ordered, that the princi- pal and interest titie on the said mortgaged pre mises; together with the costs of this application be paid- intp -tbis court, within twelve months from tliis date, or otherwise that the equity of res tiemption of the said Thomas U. Broom in the said mortgaged premises be from tlienceforth foreclosed, and that such further, and othpr pro ceedings thereon take place as may be )h pursu. mice ofthe statute in such case made .anil pro vided. And it is further ordered,, l^ai this^ rule be published in one or more Of tiie. Gazettes of ttie city of Savatmah, once a:,vnonth for twelve months previous to the time appointed for the payment of the said money, or that a copy there'- of, be SurveU upon the said Thomas' R. Broom at least six mouths before the expiration of-tbe 8aid tithe, Sheriff’s Salesl: On the first' Tuesday in June next. VA7ILL be sold at the Gourt House in Savam- v f nah, between the hours of 10 and 4 o’clock; , Five negroes, Ceaser, Hannah,'* Joe, Ruth,, and Harriet,Tinder a ii fa op foreclosure in favou of Davies arid Berrien, against Joseph C. Haber sham. , april 3 ISAAC D’LYON, s.c.c. 78 Tax Collector’s Sales. ,0n the first Tuesday iti May next,' TTfTlLL be sold at the Court house in the city, v v of Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock. . . A negro wqtnan mimed Chillis anti her .two chil dren Nelly and Sam, levied on to satisfy state and cotrity taxes of the estate of John Anderson, for theyesra 1822 and 1823, and costs;' amount of tar es g2l3 27 Ten Cows, levied on to satisfy the state anti countv, taxes .of Worthington Gale,-for the- years 1822 and 1823 and cottt; amount ol taxes $59 29. A'small wooden building on Jot' No 7, Ogle thorpe waVd, levVeiV on to satisfy tlie state anti' county taxes of 64u r ikl> Cohen, fortlie year 1823; and costs—antoum of taxes, g3 52. :. V; JAMES EPPINGER, -i occ. april 10 . .. 84. 1 i jtltie NOTICE. . I.I. person^ indebted to the estate of Jobnna- \, Marcy Moore, of Effingham County deems- ......... ... , to ctime forward qnd make payment and thosti' EJflract.from the minutes, 3 'hat have any accounts, to present them to. W&'t .«DL«S,vdrtV \ ,. . : ,.hKZEhlAiiJiVAN5, A.'m’ 249 ' J. «pt €8 ftoa.193»