Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1818-1824, June 05, 1824, Image 4

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dn Ordinance, fly t'<e duties and fix the fiKA WARDENS, Tor the port of Sa fatiftah <tcc. 1. Be .it ordained by the Mayor and •.IMermeit of the City of Savannah in Coutv ill waumblrd, and U is hereby ordained by Me noth >tity ot the same, That on the first Monday in January in Cheh year there shall be appoint'd five per eons to act as Port Wardens for the port of Inland, double the sums above enumerated Savannah, who s mR be commissioned by] for a boat and hands, it the said Port War the Mayor, under the seal oT the corpora. tl «*, c g. And he It lurther ordained, that the said Port Wardens bo and they are here- bv required to keep a fate.record of all their rrrnceU«S», to appoint a clerk Tor that put- nose and to furnish extracts or copies oft tc name, at the request of any person or per* «n,is and they shall have and use a common <*nl to botautexed to all extracts or copies S proceed® fi.rnished by the clerk afore ^aid, and the caid clerk, shall be and he k hereby allowed,' the same fee# for searches, extracts* copies op certificates, ** are allovr ¥\»r rarti eurycyonlbe BtMPttfiC of the hold o! a«y vessel, -9 5^ For each survey on goods alter they are landed, 9 00 Provided that the said vessel or goods be at ■*r opposite the City of Savannah. It be tween Fort Wayne and Five Fathom Holts then fifty per cent in addition to the above, enumerated sums. If to go below Five Fathom, and not below Long Island, seven ty five per cent, in addition to the above enumerated sums. If to go below Long dens should bo required to furnish such, ten dollars per day. In all cases where the Port Wardens shall be employed more than one day in tho performance of any duty re quired by this ordinance, the acting Port Wardens shall be entitled to similar fees for every day so employed. Sec. 9. And he it further ordained, that the clerk of the said board of Port Wardens shall collect all sums due to said board, or either of the Port Wardens for services rendered, pursuant to LiU ordinance, and for which ho shall be entitled to such com pensatinn as the Port Wardens shall fix, ed for like services, to the clerks of tho Su- and shall quarterly make a statement of the nerior Courts or this State. same so received, and pay over to each Port • jj ec> 3J. \ n d be it further onlaloed, that Warden his share thereof} the saidemnunt lha aai l Port Wardens at their first ot any Bub equent meeting be and they are hereby authorised to nuke such rules a id taguU. 'tions, as may be conducive to mod ordel and a proper discharge of their duties and enforce the same oy reasonable fines, to be When imposed deducted by the clerk out of the » .ms collected for the use of the Port Warden so fined, and the said clerk, before h<- enters on the duties of hw office shall to tho Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah, a bond with two good and sufficient surc’ics, in the sum of five hun- dred dollars conditioned for the raithhil dis charge or his duties as clerk is aforesaid, end shall take and subscribe before the Mayor or chairman of council the following oath or affirmation, “I do solemnly swear for affirm as the case may be) that I will welt, truly, faithfully, and impartially dis charge all the duties required of me as clerk of the board or Port Wardens for the port of Savannah to the best of my ability end shall only certify as clerk such papers or documents as are duly passed and ap proved of by the said Puri Wardens so help me God.” ... . Sec 4. And be it further ordained, that the said Port Wardens, or any two of them, or more, if required by the person ^apply ing for the survey as aforesaid, shall have power, and they ire hereby authorised, to act upon any survey and to perform all the duties required of them Ly this ordinance. Sec. 5. And be it further ordained, that at the request of any owner of a vessel, master, merchant or consignee, tt shall be the duty of the said Port Wardens, or any two or more of them, as aforesaid, upon the arrival of any ship of vessel within the port and district of Savannah, In distress,or which may receive damage therein, or be in a leaky situation or condition, or on board of which there .nay be goods, wares or mer chaadize, damaged or supposed to be dam iged; to examine and survey the said ship •r vessel, in her hull, masts, spar, sails, rigging and other appurtenances, and to report ar.d certify, the state thereof, and the repairs necessary to fit her for sea, so that she may be fully sea worthy, noting partic ularJy the damages which appear to have been sustained by the perils of the sea, and the probable expence of repair as^riatinct Co n such as may become necessary from 1 negligence or ordinary decay, ancLto assist the said Port Wardens in such examination, they shall have access to the Log Book ol such ship or vessel. Also, to examme and survey the stowage ot the cargo of any ship or vessel, and to report and certify if the same be properly slowed and secured ; and to examine and survey any such goods •wares and merchandize damaged, or sup posed to be damaged, and to report and certify if the same be damaged Or not, and In case of damage, the rate and degree of tiamage} and in surveys of packages of mer- clundize, they shall designate particularly the portion injured, and in no event recom ■ mend a sale ol tfie parts not damaged, and generally to do and perform all the things w hich, by the custom ol merchants in the port of Savannah, have been usually per formed on surveys; and, particularly, to ad vise and recommend such measures, in re lation either to said ship or vessel and car go, as may be deemed best suited to pro jnote the interest and benefit of all cor cemed. Sec. 6. And further ordained, that the said Port Warden*, or any two or more of them, as aforesaid, when called upon the Survey of arty vessel, shaft have power to employ a carpenter, or carpenters, to open the. ceiling, strip the sheathing, bore the timber, and perform such other work as shall be necessary to enable them to make a correct survey, and to employ laborers and other persons-necessary to move, open, gndoooper, or otherwise arrange any goods, wares or merchandise they may survey, She expcnce of all which shall be paid by the owner, master or consignee of saiiLves- sol or goods. Sec. 7. And be it further ordained, that jF any person or person* other than those authorised by .tlm ordinance, except per sons appointed by order of court, shall act or officiate upon any survey, or perform any of the duties herein required of the said Port Wardens, he or they shall severally ?fb{-feU a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, to be recovered, upoirconviction, before tin City Council, to the use of the said War dens. Sec.' fl. And be it further ordained, tha jpr the services to be performed, by virtu- of this ordinance, there shall be paid to eat of the said! Port Wardens officiating, by tli. pwner, master or consignee of any vessel Ti cargo, the following sums, to wit :* For each survey on the hatches of a vessel, , £l o. W each survey bn a vessel, 3 (• for each sqryey on a vessel and to bo equally divided among them; Mud shall also make » quarterly return of the sums received to the City Treasurer, to be by him laid before the City Council at their first meeting thereafter. Sec 10 And be it further ordained, that each Port Warden so appointed, before en luring upon the duties of his office, shall take and subscribe, before the Mayor or chairman of Council, the following oath or affirmation, as the case may be—“I do so lemnly swear (or uffirm) that I will truly, faithfully and impartially, to the best of my understanding, discharge the duties requir ed of me, by tho ordinances of the City Council as Port Wardens of the Port of Sa- annah So help me God” Which said oath, or affirmation, after being sworn to and subscribed, shall be filed with the records of Council, by the Clerk thereof. Sec. II. And be it further ordained, that if the said Port Wardens, or any of them, shall neglect or refuse to perform the duties enjoined by this, or any other ordinance, lie,or they, unless sufficient cause be shewn io the contrary, shall severally forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding thirty dollars, to be recovered, on conviction before the City Council, to the use of the informer, or shall be removed from office, at the discretion of Council. Sec. 12. And be it further ordained, that all ordinances, or parts of ordinances, mili tating with this ordinance be, and the same are hereby repealed. Passed in Council, 4th March, 1824. JAS. MORRISON, Mavor. Attest, M. VIyers. o o, ' [hr JUTHORrrr.]'" " AN ACT * po revive, amend and continue in force an act entitled an act, to extend the time of ta king out grants on survey* mad* on bead right* and bounty warrants. De it enacted by the Senate and House of R- presentative* of the State ol Georgia, in General tasembly met, and It U hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That where any person or persons have heretofore had surveys made <m head rights, bounty warrants and grants thereon have not been obtained, it shall and may be law. ful for such person or persons to apply for and obtain such grant or grants, at any time previous to the 35th of October, eighteen hundred and twenty four, on payment of the usnat fees. , Sec. 2 And be it further annctml hy the anther tty aforctnitl. That where any surveys have he-•«* toforc been made on head rights or bount) war rants, and granta thereon have not been obtained, such land shall not be subjeat to a re survey until three months from and after the person or per sons claiming under the original survey shall have been notified that such re turvey is intended ' be made, and that in all ease*, the person or per. sons claiming under the original survey, shall he entitled to the preference of making suchre-su- vey, until the expiration of three months from tin time of such notification; and in the event of the.-' being no claimant residing on or near the land t- be 'hus re surveyed, such notice shall be perfi*< ed by giving three month* notice by public art vertisement, at the Court House of the eounn where such land may lie, and inone of the publi< (iazeUea of this State. Sec- 3. And be it further enacted, That H stall be the duty of all surveyors wh- shall make an> such re survey, to certify on his return to the sur veyor General, that due notice according to th< provisions of this act bad been given, and no grant obtained on such re survey shall be valid, unless accompanied with such certificate: Provided, nothing in.this act shall affect the tights of orptant. or persons under the age of 21 years, and that all such .persons shall bt allowed one year after they arrive at the age of 34 years to take out tlieir grants. , Sec. 4., And be it further enacted, That it shall be the duty of the Governor to cause this act to be published in one of the newspapers in Milt, edgerille, Augusta and Savannah, once in each month, until the expiration of the time appointed by the same for taking out grants See. 5. And be it further enacted, That all laws and parts of laws militating against this act be and the same are hereby repeated. DAVID ADAMS, Speaker of the House, of Represent stives. THOMAS STOCKS, President of the Senate. Assented te, Dec. 3, 1833. Q. M THQUP, Governor, (J3* The foregoing to be published monthly, until Nov next, in toe “Constitutionalist” and “Savannah Republican ” march IQ. tlCAD QUARTERS. ? M Jfi/MgcvilIt, March l, 1824.5 general. ORDERS. T HR Adjutant General will forthwith prepart: and issue an order for the general review awl inspection by regiments and baualllona of the fit at, second, third and fomh division-, of Militia, accor ding to law, beginning with the first. The Adjutant General will, besides the usual publication, transmit copies of the order to ttu- Major General, that they m«y be by them trait* mitted to their Brigadiers, ami by them to the Tommanderi of regiments and hattallion*. And in- will moreover, enjoin on the Generals of di- i.iotit the necessity of giving the proper orders or tha complete organisation of companies hroughoutt heir divisions respectively, that the r tfjew and inspection may be complete and **■ isfactory to the Commander in Chief. The order for the review and Inspection of dl- isiona Nos 5,6, and 7 is postponed, to give time tor the more complete organisation of regiments and battallions within them. By order of the Commander in Chief, SGABORN JONES, Aid de-Camp. ABSCTiaT-GG*anAi.’a Opr in, ? JtU/ledgeviUe, 6 c*. March 5, 1824 $ a W conformity with the above General -Order, the following will be the order of arrange ment for the annual convention of the field, stall’, company, and non coinmianioned officers, and re view* and inspection of the militia of the first, -tecond, third and fourth divisions, vis. Burke, Monday and Tuesday, 10th St 11th May, 7th regiment. Burke, Wednesday and Thursday, 13th and 13th do 8th regiment. Jefferson, Friday and Sat urday, 14th and 15th do 9th regiment. Emanuel, Monday and TuCtday, 24th and 25th do courtly battalion. Montgomery, Wednesday and Thursday, 26th mb 27th do battalion. Tattnall, Friday and 8uturday, 28th and 29th do battalion, ' Bullock, Monday 31st May, and Tuesday 1st June, battalion. Scriven, Wednesday and Thursday, 2J and 3d June, battalion. Effingham, Friday and Saturday, 4th and 5th do battHlion. Chatham battalion, Monday and ’Tuesday, 7th and 8<h do. Chut ham, Wednesday and Thursday, 9th and Kith, 1st regiment. Bryan, Salmday, 12th do. hattallion, Liberty, Monday, 14th do do McIntosh, Tuesday, 15th >lo do Glynn, Thursday,' 17th do do Camden, Saturday, 19th do do Wayne, Monday, 3lst do do Baldwin, Friday and Saturday, 2d and 3d July, 23-1 regiment. Putnam, Monday and Tuesday, Jth and 6ih do and 321 and 40th regiments. Morgan, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 7th, 8th and 9th do 23th and 41st regiments. Greene, Siturday, Monday and Tuesday, 10th, 12th and 13th do 17th artd 16th regiments. Clark, Thursday and Friday, 15th and 10th do 24th regiment. Oglethorpe, Saturday and Monday, 17th and 19th do 32d regiment. Wilkes, Tuesday and Wednesday, 20th and 2|tt do 18lh and 19th regiments. Lincoln, Thursday and Friday. 22d and 23<l do 20th regiment. Elbert, Monday and Tuesday, ,26th and 27th do. 28th regiment, Madison, Wednesday and Thursday, 28lh and 29th do battalion. Franklin, Friday, Saturday and Monday, 30th and 31st do and 91 August, 23d and 37th regi menu. Jackson, Wednesday and Thursday. 4th and Jth do 2Cth regiment. Washington, Monday and Tuesday, 16th and lfth do 13th regiment. Hancock, Wednesday and Thursday, 18th ami t9tli do 14th aad 15th regiment Warren, Friday and Saturday, 20th and 21st do 12th regiment. Columbia, Monday and Tuesday, 23d and 24th do llth regiment. Richmond, Thursday and Friday, 26th and 27Ui do 10th regiment The regiments- will be reviewed as above num bered JOHN C BA8TBR, Adjutant General, march 23 l67 Georgia—Chatham County. Ify Uy- Honorable the Justices ot' the Inform Court of said County, sitting for ordinary purpose To all whom it may concern. W HEREAS. William H. Green, Administra tor of Mary Fleming, dec. hus applied to th<- Honorable the Court of Ordinary, to be dtscharg d from the administration aforesaid. . Now, therefore these are to site and admonish all and singular the kindred anti creditors of the s;>id Mary Fleming, dec. to file their objections (if any they have) in the Clerk’s office oi saul Court, on or before the tenth of September noxt, otherwise letters dismissing II he gfontM, and the said William H. Green be discharged front-dl claims whatever, as administrator “[ ‘he aMd dec. Witness the Honorable Edward Harden, one of tte Justices of the Justices of sail Court this Tenth day of March, A. D. one thousand eight hundred and twenty four. g y BOND>0 0 0 march 10 ^. ccute penal for Georgia—Chatham County. To all whom it may Concern, W HEREAS Solomon Shad executor of Wm. Gilbert deceased has applied to the honors, ble the Court of Ordinary to be discharged from his executorship aforesaid. Now, these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Wm Gilbert deceased, to file their hbjM- tions. If any they have, in the clerks office of said Court on or before the fourth day of September next, otherwise letters of diimlisorv will be gran ted ami the said Solomon Shad be discharged from all claims whatever as executor of the said deceased . . _ Witness the honorable John Gumming, one of the Justices of said Court this fourth day March, A. D: 1824, S.M. BOND, ca o. march 6 54 Geor -lit th»n. Goun To all whom it may concern— W HEREAS Mart Dayis,widow has applied t o the honorable the court of ordinary of (*hat ham county, for letters of administration, o n n, e estate and effect* of Wm Davis dec. Now these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors 0 f t | le suiil deceased, to tile their objections, (if »ny they have) in my office, on or before the 3d J a y 0 j July next, otherwise letters of admi n i, trat j on will be grunted to the applicant. Witness the Hon. .1. P. Williamson one of the Justices of the said Court, the third day of June. A. D. 1321. S. M. BOND, coo jnne 3 131 £, EOltGlA—(.Wham County. To all whom I’ll may eonern Whereat Robert Hnbcraham u ltniniatrator of Geol&e W Alien, deo. applies to be discharged from said administration. These are therefore Io cite and admonish ail and singular the kindred ami creditors of the said de ceased, to fils their objections (if any tocy have) to the granting of the administration of tho eHtau- «f the mid decerned to the applicant in the clerk's Office of the laid court, on or before 5th day ot .tone next, otherwise letters ^lismissory will be granted. Witness the honorable J P. Williamson, one of the Justices of tin- said court, the 5th day of De cember, A. D 1823, 9. M. BOND, ja. c. o, decs 832 Georgia—Chatham Count)-. By the honorable the Justices of ttie (nferiot Court of said County sitti ng lor ordinary purposes. . To all whom it may concern, W HEREAS Charles Hoyt administrator of the estate of John Lathrop, Jr. dec. has pe. ■itioned the honorable toe court of Ordinary of Chatham County to be discharged from hU said administration. Now these are therefore to cite and admonish alt and aiogular the kindred and creditor* of the said deceased, to file their objections, if any ^hey have, in office on or before the tenth day bf Sept next, otherwise letters dismiasory will be granted to the applicant. Witness the Hon. Edward Harden, one of th< Justices of the utd court this 10th day of March, A D. 1834. S. M BOND, (co. march 10 57 Superior Court—Chatham Cmmtw Januaht T*hv \ iron Cleveland and Susan C. S ’ * 8 ‘ 4 * his Wife, i v». r Aid \ Jacob Falun. J O N the petition of Aaran Cleveland «>,. O. his wire, who was Susan C. Bona > that Jacob Falun, before the tmermur,; i, s ^"'9 petitioners, to wit, on the 23d day of j •lid in conjunction wi‘.b one Joseph a s li 1 ite a joint bond to the s-id Su, a n r in ‘ ml sum of four thousand dollars conditio the payment or two tbousnnd doffiKM tcrest from date, on or before the first March then next, and that for th e better neenri,?! the thereof, the said JScob di.l to„ Th5 day andyearftrst aforesaid make |,i„ £rS. in denture of mortgage, whereby he mortoaE-ed £ said Susan C all that lot of ground knot™ and designated as Garden lot number thirty nii»> 39, .1.0, Uint adjuinW lull (JflKSS lot known as lot number forty two, No tainlng together tight and a half acres 4 w less situated to the East of the city of SavTnfrSL and bounded to the north west of Lot No38 ' i the South and East hy lands belonKinir t 0 tho 1 tale of Hampton LilUbridgc, and the west ta the public road leading to SkldaWayiil an d on a brick vard la now established and k„l„ £ the name of Fahms brick yanl-that there i« noi on the said bond or mortgage obligatory the of eighteen hundred dollars with interest from tho 23d day of January, 1823, and praying the forS closure of the equity of redemption of th' said Jacoband hit helra, executors, administrators and assigns In U to the saidmortgaged premise».-On motion of W. W Gordon, attorney for the peti. tioners—it is ordered that the principal and in. forest due on the said bond or writing obligatory together with the cost of thL application be puid into this court withintwelve months from this date, or in case of default that the equity ol redemp. lion of said Jacob Fahm, his heirs executors, ad. mlnistratore, and assigns be from thenceforth for- ever foretbsed and that snch further and other proceedings be had thereon, as are pursuant to the' statue in such case made and provided -» And it is further ordered that this rule be pub. lished in one of the Gazettes of this state at least brtCe a month for ’twelve months, or that a cony, ’ be served on the defendant at least six months before the time appointed for the pnyment of the money into court. Extract from the minutes, 15th Jin, 1824. jin 16 12 JOB T, UOLLF.3. Georgia tinaftiam Cauntv. By the Honorable the Justices of the lnfeno* ; Court .4 said county sitting for ordinary purpuswt To ail whom it may concern. W HEREAS Thomas R. Brice, administrator of David H. Thompson, dec. has petition, ed to the honorable the' Justices of. the Ihfevios Court, sitting for ordinary purposes to be dig. charged from the administration aforesaid. Wow these are, therefore, to cite and admonish aft and singular the kindred and creditors ot tho said deb, to file their Objections (if any they have) it* my office on or before the loth day ’of Sep. tumber next, otherwise lettersdtsmissory will be granted to the applicant. Witness the Honorable John Cuturning, one of the .lu slices of said Court this 16th day of March, ■.D. 1824. S. M. BOND, e. e o. march 16 62 1NE mouths (37eF daft- app'ic.ition wilt Eb > made to the honorabluJhe Inferior Court of Chatham County, wheu sitting for ordinary pur. voscs, for per-niasaion to sell the following real estate, for the benefit of the hairs and orediton of the estate of N. S, Bayard, deceased, via: One undivided fourth of a tract of Land, contain, ng about 500 acres, on Cumberland island, Guo. ilen County, known as Plum Orchard—and an uo, divided fourth of a certasn Tjact of Land litiate on siild Island, containing about 500 acres, owes, ally granted to Gen. Lechland McIntosh, »iA OiVunded ou the south by the said Plum Orchard ract. Also a plantation called Lottery Hall situate on the Ogecchee Road, 3 miles from, cot), mining about 600 acres, N. J. bAYAHD, Adm'r Est. N. S. Bayards Ttov 10 211 jaEdSONb iiavmg 4emsud< uku.-.”. i;1" J-utv HEM) QUARTERS. : Mtlledgmlle, 2 Id March, 1834. \ ORDERS. ' piHE (f -neral* of Di .num-* and of Brigs.laa are JL requested to attend * tt view and Inspection >y Regiments and Battalions of their several com- Hands It is expected by the Commander in t.hieli that they will report to him the general -ute of the troops—the defeats which they have .. covered in the militia system—and the reme ite* which they would suggest for their cor -.-ntiitn Ordered, That the Aida do-Camp of the Com- '.uttdvr in Chief attend the Review, and araisl at he lospection of Regiments ami nuuuinonsof me >ivision within which they reside. They will *ke care that the returns are correctly made, ac or,ling to the printed form transmitted them,one f which wilt be forwarded by the Brigade Inspee. ’■■r to the office of the Adjutant General, tin- oth er by the Aid«-de Cam,), directed to Head Quar ter). The a-jaence neeevsary nr accidental of -pet tor* must be supplied always, and (J' Xa.ia- tne* not upon 'parade moat be specially noted— *! e ahgortec of their ffi' tra accounted for, and Ite compliment of mer, belonging to them sneer- »inad by the best means which can he devised. In addition to these orders, which must be car ried strictly into effect, the Aid*-<le-t:amp will li»ve special ones I hey will see the necessity of diligence and attention in the disclosure by die Adjutant General, that mv returns have been re* ceiveri from lie Brigade Inspectors with the ex ception ot Majors Foard of 1st Brigade Jth Draw- ion,' Schley ol 2d of 9' Division, Lung of Is-, of 4th Baker of Ql of 5di, and Beall ol'9d of 4to, who ap pear to have dune their duty By order of the Commander m Chief,, SEABORN JONES, Aid de Camp. Fc? saefi survey on a wry d s> a- P EUdONS indebted to the estate ol dame* Lambriglit, lata of Liberty county, deceased, >re requested to mukeimmeduite payment t and those having demands against said estate, will present them legally attested within the time pre scribed by Law to] % JOS. LAW, Sen’r. qualified ex'r. jan 22 17 Executor’s Notice. V I.L persona indebted to the estate of the late Dr. Robert Worrell, Jr.are requested to make mmediate payment to Mr. Ryerson, or to PHILIP BRASCH, QMal.Er’or. N. B. The accounts if not paid shortly will h •need in the hands of an Attorney for collection, »n 6 4 i \ EOltGlA—Ulmthain Otiunty, To all whom vffit may concern Whores* Abel Fox, admin is.rator of Joseph Fox has applied to the honora ble the court of Ordinary ur Chatham County, to be discharged from said administration. I'hese are therefore to cite and admonish at! and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (ifany they have) to the granting of the administration of the estate of the said deceased to the applicant n the clerk’s office of the said court, on or efore the 5th day of June next i otherwise letters dis- niiasory will be granted. Witness the honorable John P. Williamson, one of the luaticcaof the said court, the 5th day of December, A D. 1823. 8 U ROND, c c o. Iec*5 3? G EORGIA—Chatham county. Totdi whom it may concern Whereat, John Dillon, exe cutor ol Michael Densler, applies to be dixhut-ged from the executorship of the said estate. Now these are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) on or before the Sth day of June ' next; otherwise letter* dismiasory will be granted to the applicant. Witness tha Hon. J. P. Williamson, one of the Justices of the said court, this 5th day of Dec. A D. one thousand eight hundred and twenty three L. S. S. M, BOND. c. c •j... « . Z- of James Anderson, late ol Augusta deceased, .re requested to present their cluima properly at tested, and those indebted to make immediate ayment to JOHN BALFOUR. (Administrator. fob 7 4 v LL persons havingflemarnls against the e-tate Aij, of Wm Hocbstrasser dec are requested to present them for payment within the time , resertbed by law, and all persona indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment to JAMES MORRISON, march 4 53 Qun). adtnr. Administrators Notice. I *HB undersigned having received letter* of Administration on the estate of William J. Spencer, late of Effingham 0>-unty, deceased™ r< quests all persons having demands against said estate to render them in to him according to law, and those indebted are requested to make pay. tnenl to ELIAS REED, Administrator. aprii 24 a-a-jOS beurgtu—Lhuthaui Gouuty, To all whom it may concern W HEREAS Alexander tt. Taylor, adminis. trator ot John Scott, deo hus petitioned llie Hon the loatices of the Inferior Court sitting 'or Ordinary purposes to be discharged from his admini'.tration. These art- therefore to cite and admonish all and su.i'ulur the kindred and creditor- of the said j\[(N month* after date, I shall apply io the dec. to file their objections (if any they have) in -LA Honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court the Clerk’, office of the Court, ol ordinary on or before the »ix>h day of November next; otherwise ietter* of dismiasory will be granted. Witness the Eon, Edward Harden, one of the Justices of the sai l Court, the sixth day of May, A. I), one thousand eight hundred and twenty four- 8. U BOND, c e.o. may 6 106 Honorable the Juatices of the Inferior Court of Chatham County, for leave to sell the real and personal property of Lachltmd Hamiltiun M*tu tosh, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs. SUSAN A. G M‘lNTOS!-!, Atlnfx, march ,0 V A LL persons having demands, against the hi- tute of Thomas Lucena, late of Savannah,dec. -re requested to present them within the time prescribed by law, and those indebted to and ea. rate, are required to make payment to the sub- briber, 8. M. BOND, qual. udm'or. with the will annexed, may 5 ft, 105 NOTICE. |3 ERSONS indebted to the Estate of Alto Denmark, dec. are requested to make in. ji.-dtate payment, and those having dehv»nd gainst said estate will present them property v t rt«d within the time fimiled by feb28 48 ROBERT BURTON, adm’oi MARV DENMAK, udm’rx. Bulloclt Cty. a, INK months after date, application ail' be ■ s made to the Inferior Court of Effingham County, for leave to sell all the real property be longing to the estate of the late Rev I no. Beck, dt c. lying in said county, for tho benefit of thr heir* and creditors. aprii 16 88 ANN BECK, Adm’x. » LL persona having demand), against the ' .tut t&te of Surah McKindley, late of Bryan nunty, dec. are requested to render them in do attested—those indebted to said eslute are t<- pieated to make immediate pnyment. JAMES BUTLER, adm’or inril 2 +t77 Otto of Hoaea and Minsk, T received per bng Native, Irom N. rus 1 1 for sale by , Ym-> v. I. LAY, Druggist, Shatl’e BtiiKling*, /. LL persons indebted to the estate uf Johuna Marcy Moore, of Effingham County deceas- •id to come forward and make payment and tho* 'hat have any accounts, to present them to. HF.ZEKIAM EVANS. Adm’r «pnl ’ Georgia—a hatham Count). Te all whom it may Concern— frWHEltEAS, Patrick Houston, Emj. hue sp. W plied fer letters of Guardianship on thv person and property of Sarah Ann M, Hous-on n i nfant under 14 years of age, tho daughter of U J llnuaton dec. Now these are to cite and admonish all and sin- siular the kmdred and friend* of the slid infam > Hie their objection* (if any they have) to gran, tng ot the Guardianship of the said infuni' urn *r property to the applicants, in the clerk* of me of the court of Ordinary, on or before the d •-.y ot July next otherwise letter* of Uuard.»m >P v til be granted tVitnea* the Hon, Edward Harden one of ‘ ** Qmn> tbli, 8,1 % of Julies A ' By M. BOND, oco. A large quantity i (10,000) will be kept on • of- Mr. McALVHlNS BRICKS .. _ ae kept on Way ne'e wharf a»« sample, and for retail. The Brick will be landed at any wharf in town to'suit purchasers. Apply to DAVID A. STUOBHAB, an 10 \riNE months after date hereof application wi| lv be made to the Inferior Court of Chatham County for leave to sell a tract of land dram by I’humu Capps deceased in the’ late Lana Lotte- ry, situate and being in the fifth district of Mon roe County and known hy the ntimber44, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of the said I'lws. Cuppa dec. JOHN MOREL, Adm'r. aeptS f Aasiae of Oread. CJ* The average price of Flbur being serf ? dollar* per barrel of 196 lbs, the weigh' « bread the present month must be as follo**’- 12A Ceuta Loaf 2 lb 11 02. 64 do do 1 lb 54 0*. Of which all Bakers and sellers of Bread «»* take due notice. '' JNO. I. ROBERTS, City Treasurer. . march S 1824 53 _ ' ^ jVj INK Month* after date application will bA ■L v made to the Honorable the Justicesol the In* torior Court of Chatham County for leave to sell all that Lot in Suvannuh known by the Number m e, Ellis square, Decker Ward, with the im provement- thereon t And all that Lot in Sayan* nuh known by the Number twenty three, in Lib erty Ward, wi It the Buildings thereon—being the real estate of John Smith deceased, for tab benefit of the heirs. FREDERICK HERB, Administrator. may 15 114 1 . For Sale, . IMIE Darien Eaatcrn Steam Saw and Rice Milt, I. with the appurtenancea thereto, belonging-*. In extensive credit will be given to the purciia ‘•if or purchasers, he or they giving security, ap .•r ived of fiy the Bunk of Darien.—For terms sp -iy to IZT" The hi vatmah Repub..v •- i-irt tho nbo.L-, and for wan the mrao'Of! “ •ot of Uartcti lor payrntrid.