The Southern museum. (Macon, Ga.) 1848-1850, November 10, 1849, Image 3

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HOW TO SUBDUE A VICIOUS lIoKSE. TIIC jVcw York Commercial Advertiser sajs. ••Tlie following fact occurred yesterday • A beautiful and liigiispiriled itorse would never a llow a shoe to be put on his feet, or any person to handle his feet, without a resort to every spe cies of powar and means to control him. At one time he was nearly crippled by being put in the stocks; he was af.erward thrown down and fet tered ; at another time one of our most experi enced horse slioers was unable to manage him by the aid of as many hands as could approach. In an attempt to shoe this horse yesterday, he resisted all efforts, kicked aside everything but an anvil, and came near killing himself against that, and finally' was brought back to bis stable unshod. This was bis only defect; in all other respects he is gentle and perfectly docile, especi a||p in harness. Hut this defect was just on the eve of consigning him to the plough, where be might work barefoot, when, by mere accident, an officer in our service, lately returned from Mexi co, was passing, and boing made acquainted with the difficulty, applied a complete remedy by the following simple process : He took a cord about the size of a common bed cord, put it in the mouth of the horse like a bit and tied it tightly on the top of the animal's bead, passing bis left ear under the string, not painfully tight, but tight enough to keep the ear down, and the cord in its place. This done, lie patted the horse gently on the side of his head and commanded him to follow, and instantly the horse obeyed, perfectly subdued, and as gen tle and obedient as a well-trained dog ; suffering his feet to be lifted with entire impunity, and acting in all respects like an old stager. That simple string tints tied, made him at once ns do cile and obedient as any one could desire. The gsntleman who thus furnished this exceedingly simple means of subduing n very dangerous pro pensity, intimated that it is practised in Mexico and South America in the management ol wild horses. He this as it may, he deserves the thanks ofall owners of such horses, and especially the thanks of those whose business it may he to shoe or groom the animals. Tower in France.—An official report to the French Government shows that the num ber of steam engines employed on land in France lias increased, since 1827, from 500 to 10,000. There have been hut forty accidents in all that time, and during the three years wl icli elapsed between 1827 and 1830, not a single ac cident vvas recorded. Hut two explosions of lo comotives are oil record within all this time, and but eighteen accidents to steamboats within twenty-two years. Artesian Wells. —We believe the work on the well in Charleston lias reached upwards of 000 feet in depth, and is still progressing. The Artesian well at Crenelle, in France at tained a depth of 692 yards before a sufficient supply of water could he obtained. Some idea of the difficulties encountered by the projectors may be had from the fact that in May, 1837, when the boring had extended to a depth of 118 yards, the hollow tube, witli nearly ninety yards of the boring rods attached to it, broke and fell to the bottom of the hole, and it was necessary to ex tract the broken parts before any further progress could ho mado—-a work of fifteen months' dura tion. The Military Republic. —lt is stated that Iho French army, including the gendarmerie, amounted on the Ist of September to 503,(100 men. The Minister of War calculates that by the Ist of January, 1850, the army will be re duced to a peace establishment of 3( 0,000 men. The average cost of n French soldier, officers included, is £3O sterling per annum. Hit him Again. —The London Herald calls the United ,States “ the non-religious nation.’ The Boston l’ost thinks, to become a “ religiou s nation” we must follow Great Britain, and have its pious establishment, its tithes, its crushed masses, its Ireland and India. Wise —The Legislature of Minesota has di rected the Secretary to suhscihn for all the news papers published in the Territory, from the lime of their commencement. These papers are to he hound yearly, and deposited in (ire library,as a valuable history of the times for future refer ences. < Monument to Washington. —The Commis sioners appointed by the Governor of Virginia, offer a premium of five hundred dollars for a plan Ihr the Washington Monument. The mon ument is to be ioeated on tile Capitol Square, near the Bell House, to “constructed of Vir ginia granite or marble, or a combination of both, and costoue hundred thousand dollars.” Gold Seekers Retbrnino— A party of twelve gold seekers, who went over asfaras Santa Fc, h ive returned to their homes at Wa terford,N. Y., having discovered that the over land California elephant is a much larger animal than they thought, or than they cared about see ing- Some are still trying to familiarize them selves with his dimensions, hut the task is a hard °ne, and familiarity in this instance docs not breed contempt. Very likely. Decision. —The Supreme Court of New Jer sey has decided that engineers on railroads are tint responsible for the, loss of injury of cattle, that may come in contact with the locomotive, ** the duty of the owners to take care of their property. Large Inheritance. —lt is said that Lieut. C °l Gold.of 11. B M.'s 41It regiment of foot, ''ill come into possession of the enormous "caltii | e fi t,y j\j r Charles Bullen, the late banker of Liverpool, amounting to nearly £6,- 000,000. A Grand Hunt— Two hunting parties in Pennsylvania, a short time ago killed 1,907 •tntirrels, 24 patridges, 15 pigeons, 5 hawks, G °"'s,s crows, 35 coons, 4 ground-hogs, 23 plieas ’""s, 2 ducks, 140 opossums, and 25 rahhits— mak,l'g a total of 2,795, killed in one day l tp I HE Last Operation.— A cattle speculator, n driving through Jersey, incorporated the loose -■"tie of the farmers with his own drove, xud ‘ld the whole hit. The farmers are after him. in The thermometer Was at 27 deg. in Boston n " Ist ins ant. lbemov e Warts.— Wash them with a "Ssolution of pearlnsli, and let it dry on the 1 ' H this is done two or three times the arl » will disappear. Abolitionism and Atheism. — Let any candid reader look at the following resolution, passed by the Anti-Slavery Convention which lately met at Berlin, Ohio, and ask himself if theie was ever madness, impudent effrontery, or hor rid blasphemy comparable to this: “ Resolved , That this Convention is full of j°vat the declining slate of American religion, as seen in the absence of Revivals, the drooping condition of all the popular churches and the utter extinction of many of them; the small number of candidates for the ministry at the Theological seminaries,and the frequency with which the ministers escape from the secterian pulpit into less mischievous and far more hon est and laudable occupations. And we cannot hut hope and pray that as its terrible sacraments on the hearts, the hopes and happiness of mil lions of slaves, whose enslavement it has so long sactified by its fellowship, its sermons and prayers, shall end, and it shall sink to a speedy and ignominious grave, that then it shall be fol lowed by the coming of the kingdom of righte ousness and peace, when man shall no more lift up the sword or the shackle against his fellow man, when a slave or slaveholder shall no more he known : but when, emphatically, every man in every face shall meet a brother and a friend.” Had this sentiment proceeded from Hume 1 oltaire, or Tom Paine, Northern religionists would have arisen, en masse, to condemn it, but here we see good men, and Christian men, shoulder to shoulder with the an.hors of such abandoned wishes and desires! And these are the advocates of abolition ! Independence Hay in China. —The Macao Bolctin de Governo, of the 7tli July, informs us that the glorious anniversary of American in dependence was celebrated there on the 4tli, in the following manner. The flags were hoisted on all the forts,and the Monte Forte fired a sa lute of 21 guns at noon, in response to a salute from the American corvette Plymouth, which vessel was beautifully decorated with flags. The Portuguese Governor of Macao, in full uniform, accompanied by his aid, paid a complimentary visit at noon to the U. 8. Commissioner in China, Hon. John W. Davis, and to Commodore Geis inger, Commander of the L T . S. squadron. The evening was made brilliant by a hall at the resi dence of Mr. Forbes, our Consul at Canton, which presented a gay and festive scene. [UP Mr. Gurnard's mntract with the British Government, amounts to £145,000 per annum ; by anew provision lie is to he allowed to run his steamers direct between Liverpool and New York—no longer calling at Halifax—as soon as the new American line of steamships begin their trips. [UP Matilda Elliot, now in the Hospital in Philadelphia, has recovered in a law suit a fifth part of the town of Temperanceville, Virginia, worth $200,000. (FT L. A. Smith, the man who boxed up two negroes with the intention of stealing them some time since, was sentenced to four years impris onment in the Penitentiary, at Richmond, Va. [UP A party of gold seekers have returned to Little Rock, Arkansas, with silver ore from the Wichita Mountains. O’ A rotary engine has been invented in Eng land, it is said, on so small a scale that one of n hundred li orse power occupies a space of only four feet bv tit o. (UP Cleveland, Ohio, is said to underlaid hy an extensive quicksand, which has lately occa sioned a seiions land slide into the lake, carry ing with it several houses. The caving in, however, was gradual, and the occupants had time to save themselves and furniture. Such landslides have occurred there before. 03“ The folks in New York city talk about building a Railroad track, to he run hy horses, through Broadway. Some sugnest an upper railway, above the ground and others a tunnel underneath. [UP It appears, by letters, received from M. Bodisco, that lie will return next spring, as En voy from Russia, to the United States, and is detained only hy his private affairs. [UP Anew steamship is preparing in Philadel phia, intended as the pioneer of anew line of steamers between that city and Savannah. (UP A inan named Prick has declared his piece of land in Ohio an independent nation, and publicly announces that it is no longer a part of the United States! [UP Professor Ingraham is preparing for the Ministry in Kentucky. IUP Money was plentiful in New York at tlie last accounts. IUP The Anti-Renters have commenced their old games in New York. They threatened to tar and feather a sheriff and his party reccntfv. [UP The Havre Journal says that Rometto, the assassin of Count Rossi, has settled in Augusta, Georgia. [UP The question so long pending between the proprietors of Morse’s Telegraph Patent and Mr. O'Reilly has been decided in favor of the former. [UP A correspondent of the Southern Cultiva tor says that cows can be worked just as well a* oxen. Memphis Convention.— This body adjourn ed on tha26th ult., after a session of four days. Among other resolutions, in relation to the great enterprise for the deliberation of which they were assembled, they agreed to memorialize Congress to make a survey of the several routes proposed, and to select the one most satisfactory to all parlies. The route across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec was considered by the Covention a feasible one, for private .enterprise ; and also, according to the best of their knowledge, they felt “ warranted in recommending to the par ticular attention of the General Govern ment, for examination, as possessing special advantages, t lie route, commencing at Ban Die go, on the Pneifie ocean, crossing the Colorado of the west, running along the Gila river, or near it, in a direction to the Paso Del Norte, and thence across the State of Texas to its northeastern boundary, between 32 and 33 de gress of north latitude, terminating at some point on the Mississippi between the mouth of the Ohid riVer and thd mouth of Red river." ITEMS. 3 here are 28 different papers published in Texas, equal to one fur every 800 voters. The press of Texas is generally well conducted. Lola Montes was, at the last advices, in Bolo gne She arrived there on the 10th ult, and pass ed under thetiuinc of Mrs. Trafford, till detected. The sale of the Bible has been prohibited at Turin. If ever a man, says the Baltimore American, \ias made illustrous by the devotion of a wife, Sir John Franklin may claim that distinction. Mr. James Fernley, of Edgeley, Stockport, has connected with his house-clock a simple piece of self-acting mechanism, which, at any given hour or minute of the night, rings a tell and lights a candle. There is but one convict in the penitentiary of Texas. He was convicted of stealing cattle, in Fayette county. Nearly thfee miles of the Northampton Rail road was destroyed by the rising of the water above the Dam in Connecticut river at New city. The damage is said to be $25,000. The Cincinnati Gazette puts down tlie aggre gate amount of the book trade branch of indus try in Cincinnati at about one million of dollars per year. The Boston Atlas mention" that the hank di vidends declared this month, in Massachusetts, will average nearly 4 per cent. The potato rot has made its appearance in the region of Gardiner, Me, and some farmers will lose nearly all their crop. There are 250 public schools in Philadelphia city and county, 665 teachers* and 44,293 schol ars. Each pupil costs $6 48 for tuition. The total cost during the past year was $270,876, The Court of Quarter Sessions, at Philadelphia cancelled the indentures of an apprentice whose master had removed into another State, in which the hoy was unwilling to live. The cholera is said to have shown itself in some spots on the bleak and barren Alps, which are 2000 feet above the level oftlie sea. Near the White Mountains (N. II.) there is a family of 19 children, all by the same parents, the eldest of which is hut 17 years. Notice is given of another application to the New Jersey Legislature, for a company with $400,000 capital, to make a railroad from Patter son to Hackensack, and thence to the Hudson river at some point north of Jersey City. During the last 100 years two millions and a quarter of corpses, buried in London, have de composed and passed offin the shape of a poison ous gas, which has been breathed by the survi vors. Travellers can now conte from Chicago to Buffato in about 40 hours, all stops included, by the Michigan Central Railroad and steamboats. Revivals continue in the Methodist F.piscopal churches at Williamsport and Smithsburg, Wash ington county, Md. The steamer Canada sailed from New York on the 17th, with eighty passengers, and a large amount of specie. The Bank of New York has declared a divi ded of five per cent, for the last six months, pay able I st November. The New York Board of Health expended $60,000 during the cholera season, and are as king SIO,OOO further to meet incidental cxpen. ses not yet paid. Since January Ist, 6-1,058 new houses have been built in London. George Davis, a clerk has been arrested in New York, charged with setting fire to his em ployer’s premises. Brass of very superior quality lias been made from zinc from the Sussex county (N. J.) mines mingled with copper. The American Art Union in New York took in SIOOO in one day last week. The visitors av erage 4000 per day. France has spent upon its war establishment from 1831 to 1849, no less than 288,000,000 franca. It is computed, that, in Russia and Austria, there arc more than two millions and a half of Jews. Governor Brown, of Florida, has appointed Thursday, the Ist of December, as a day o pnh. lie thanksgiving. The stem oftlie holly-hock contains a blue dye, superior to the finest indigo. Maize is being very successfully cultivated in Hampshire, England. James King, the Weaver poet,of Paisley, died on the 27th ult, aged ?5. The Russians have refused to allow a German frigate to he moved from one of their ports The amount deposited in the saving hanks of Great Britain is $28,046,136. The election of judges by the people hasbeen re ported in form by the Tennessee Legislature Nine priests, it is stated, lately escaped at night, from the inquisition in Rome. The Protestant Bible has been publicly burned at Nice. A dividend of ten por cent, on the loan op $1,600,000 to complete the Illinois and Michi gan Canal, has been declared. The Poles, now in Paris, are projecting (lie es tablishment of Polish Colonies in (lie Uuitcd States. It is said that Yankee Hill has left some yalu able manuscripts which are ahutTt to be published No difficulty with England it appears, will grow out of the Nicaragua question Another meeting of (he Peace Congress is con voked to he held - in Londort, oh tlie 39 1 h Get. Cankel Coal. —The Editor of the St. Louis Republican has seen specimens of this valuable variety of Coal, found on the Missouri River, a few miles above Boetiville. Bleeding at the Nose is stopped by continual pressure on the upper lip. Dr. McNair lately recovered sll9 of a woman at St. Louis, for ministering to her afflictions by mesmerism. W illmcr & Smith, of Liverpool, have become interested in House’s printing telegraph, and mean to establish them, upon that principle, all over England. Until recently no Jew wnsallowed to live, or even to sleep, in the university town of Erlan gen, in Germany.—Now, however, if a Jew be worth 20,000 florins, and will buy a house in which to dwell, Erlangen tolerates his presence. A file factory is notv in successful operation at VV everton, Maryland. Competent judges have declared the files produced to he ns good as any manufactured in Sheffield. It is reported that the Pope has taken alarm at the numerous assassinations of French soldiers, and believes that there is an extensive plot for his assassination, if he should return. He ex pressed a wish, therefore, to remain at Naples during a portion of the winter. Strauss, the celebrated music composer died in Vienna on the 2Gt!i of September last. Colt, the. inventor of the revolving pistol, is now in Paris, and lias offered iiis shooting irons to the French government. A dam,one thousand feet long, has been built across the Connecticut river. A terrible murder was committed at Barnum's hotel, set. Louis. Mo., lately. Two brothers, Frenchmen, named Montcsqui, arrived there Irom Chicago, and during the night, withoullhe slightest provocation, shot two men ; one of them, Albert Jones, was killed on thespot. Mr. Barnum, of the hotel, was not expected to live.— The greatest excitement prevailed in the city. A letter from Sail Francisco says : “I am assu red by one whose position gives him great facili. ties for obtaining correct information, that there are not less than $7,009,000 of paper issued upon real estate transactions, now afloat in San Fran cisco and vicinity.” Anew Telegraph machine is exhibited in New York, invented by a Mr. Johnson of Os wego ; the electric current drops thirty shot, and these shot return in a wheel, indenting certain inirks on paper. Cmrious. Iho Trustees of Princeton College, have ap pointed Michael S. McCulloh, Esq., Assayer of tlie Miut in Philadelphia, Professor of Natural Philosophy, Vico Elias Loomis resigned, and he has accepted the appointment. A correspondent of the London Times states, tjat the daughter of Lord Nelson and Lucy Ham ilton is now the wife of a clergyman, the Rev, l hilip Ward, Tenderden Vicarage, Kt., and that she lias eight children. A large deputation of Slovaks from North Hungary lias visited Vienna, to petition for the lepuratiou of their province from Hungary, i.nd ts erection into a separate political district. This prayer will probably be granted, having been, it is likely, solicited by the Ministers them* 1 selves. It appears hy a letter addressed fry the Czar from Warsaw, to the Minister of War, Count Tscliernishew, in which he thanks him for the service rendered in the Hungarian war, that the Russian army of intervention amounted to 150,- 000 men. The Hawaiian Government is desirous to neg oeiate a treaty with the United States on a fai* equitable basis, and also to secure the modifica. tion of the objectionable clauses in the French and English treaties, by which the King s inde pendence is still tramroelfed. The Mirror says that Mr. Monfnot, the propri etor of the New York Hotel, it is estimated, will make $60,000 profit this year, and this too un der a rent 0f524,000, and an investment in fur niture of at least SIOO,OOO. The printers of Rome are famishing. The Cardinal Triumvirate have told them that a few hundreds had better starve, than the minds of the whole populace he poisoned by their prodflc tions! There were ort the Ist of January last, no fewer than 1,113 steamers belonging to the various ports oftlie British Islands, with an aggregate tonnage of 150,541 tons. It may appear like fiction, when we state ilia 1 the Earl of Warwick is an American citizen, and has resided in Dey street, New Y’ork, for the last twenty years. A snjall specimen of pure gold has been ex hibited to the editors of the National Intelligen cer, by a gentleman of Washington city, which is said to have been found on oUe of the tributar ies of the Potomac, distant from the Capital about fifteen miles. It is stated that out of the 135,845 marriages solemnized in England during 1848, no less than 104,306 of the parties, viz : 42,429 men and 61,- 877 women, signed the marriage register with a mark. The War steamer Susquehanna, now building at the Philadelphia navy yard, will be 30 feet longer than the great ship Pennsylvania, and wfl cost, when completed, $600,000 She will carry 8 guns, one of which will throw a shot of 268 lbs. The last wird cable of the bridge at Wheel ing, Va., ha's been stretched across the Ohio River. The bridge will he ready for the regu lar uninterrupted passage of wagons in about six week’s. The girls of Fnirh.won, Conn, who Struck for higher Wages loV opening oysters, liaVe Obtained their demands. They now receive two and one half Vents per quart, instead of two as hereto fore. Thomas R. R. Cobb, Esq , Reporter to the Supreme Court of Georgia, proposes to -'lil ish anew Digest of the State Laws. The papers say flint Mr. Gcrnf.V has written a letter to show that England and’ France must soon become bankrupt. Council <’li:iiiihcr, ) November 9, 1849. } REGULAR MEETING. Present—The Mayor. Aid. Ross, Ayres, Babcock, Collins, Dibble and Shinltolser.’ Absent—Aid. Carhart and Sparks. The Minutes of the last Meetingwcrc read and confirmed. The Bridge Keeper reported Tolls for week ending November 2nd, $157 00, and for tlie week ending this day, $lB3 70. Shinholser and Whitehurst hill for third quarters work on the streets, ending first No vember, amount S6OO 00— passed. .las. A. Knight's hill for fence around the Market-House was rereived and referred to the Committee on Public Property. Alex. Richards' hill was received and refer red to the l’unip Committee. 1 lie 1 inutiee Committee to whom was refer red the petition of Thus R. Lamar, beg leave to report that afterdue considerations, they are of opinion that the pray cr of petitioner should not be granted. This Report was receivrd. BENJ. F. ROSS, } n JAS.B. AYREs) $ C °mn.ittoc. j The Finance Committee to whom was refer-j red the hills of Messrs I’oc and Nesbit for le gal services, beg leave to report that the bills be paid, except the charge for services in case I of Bishop and Parsons—said case not having been finally decided. This Report was received. * BENJ. F. ROSS, JAS.B. AYRES, J Committee. The Committee on Public Property respect fully report upon the application of Mr. J. J. Wood, for about one acre of ground, lying near the M. & W. R. Road workshop. That Mr. Wood have permission to occupy said ground hy paying the rent required until the City Council may have that pnrt of the Common surveyed and sold. This Report was received. JAS.B. AYRES, T. J. SHINHOLSER, S = BENJ. F. ROSS, 3 On motion of Aid. Shiuliolser, Resolred, That the Street Committee he au thorized to contract for building a Sewer with bricks across Mulberry Street from Mr, Bab cocks to Mr. Shinholser’s. The Resolution was received and referred to the Street Committee, to examine and re.port upon the practicability of the undertaking. On motion of Aid. Ross, Resolred, That the Street Committee he re quested to devise a plan upon which the Streets shall be let out for the next year, and report to the next meeting of Council. The Committee on Public Property report, that the Brick-yard occupied bv Messss. Col lins & Evans, was leased on Tuesday last, for five years from the 28th January next, to Mr R. K. Evans f.irllie sum of $255 00. Council then adjourned until Friday next, at 7 o'clock, P. M. Attest, A. R. FREEMAN, c. c. IU§A.IIITL C. ATKINSON is ft Candidate for Clerk of the Inferior Court of Bibb County, at the election in January next, nov 10 50— * O’ JESSE .9IORRIB is :t for Coroner of Biuh County, at the Election in January next. not 10 50—ts » "in i X'jj —.w. MACON MARKET, NOV. 10, 1849. COTTON.—We have no material change to notice in our market since our last report. The steamer's accounts have made holders more firm. We quote 9.j> a 104 cents—principal sales 9J a 10.{ cents. Ladies' Dress Goods. KIBBLE *V DICKINSON, HAVE just received a further supply of sea sonable DRESS GOODS, to which they respectfully invite the attention of those wishing to purchase cheap and desirable Goods, viz : Black, Blue, Green, Crimson, Slate, Royal Purple, Printed, and Printed Merino CASHMERES. Printed MUSLIN de LAINES Soliil colored, all Wool de I.aines, (all shades) Tlrihef O’oth, Bombazines, Alpaccas, biuck and colored Black Gro de Rhine SILK, foT Dresses or Mantillas Black Turk SATIN, Bowk Watered SILK Poult de Soie,Satin de Chine and Brocade Silks GINGHAMS, all style. English arid American solid colored PRINTS, (all colors,) Turkey Red Furniture Prints Paper Cambrics,Ho!lnnds,Tri mini rigs, Si Iks,&c Bonnet, Belt, Neck and Taffeta RIBBONS Gloves, Hosiery ; Thread und Eisle LACES Swiss and Jaconet Edgings and Inserting.. Together with a great variety of STAPLE and FANCY GOODS. Macon, November 1, 1849. 50—ts White Gt>ods, &c. JACONET CAMBRICS and MUSLINS Plain and figured Swiss do * r “ White and colored Taflton do Checked and Book Muslins Bishop, Victoria and Long LAWNS Irish Linens, Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs White and col’d fig <1 Cap and Cape Bohinets Bl ack, White anil Fancy Colored Pic Nic Gloves, and half fingered Mitts French Kid and Pic Nic Long Gloves, assorted colors Black Lace Veils,Rich changeabloNecUTics Green afird Blue Barregeg Rich White Crape SHAWLS Black and White English Silk HOSIERY, Ingrain,Cashmere, Lnmhs-wool & Cotton do • Children's Scotch Plaid, Gray and White Marino Hosiery With many other kinds of GOODS, both Use ful and ornamental, arc to be found Veiy cheap,at KIBBEE & DICKINSON S. nov 10 50—ts GENTLEMEN C 1 AN find at KIBBEE & DICKINSON'S, / the following articles, on very faVorable terms — Goods fresh and in style. Black, Blue, Oliro and Brown CLOTHS, Plain Black, French Doe Skin CASSIMERE Ribbed and Corded “ “ « •* Fancy styles French and American « Satin and Figured SILK VESTINGS Swansdown and Valencia “ Italian and Fancy Silk, and Alberti Cravats Gloves, Suspenders, Hosiery, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Caps, &c. Opposite Ross & Co's, Cotton Avemic, Macon, nov 10 50—ts Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars. nj ANTED Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars immediately, to pay debts and buy Cotton with, in exchange for Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware:, fyc , at the lowest market prices. If any one doubts it call and see. KIBBEE & DICKINSON, nov Iff 50—ff Cuba Molasses. 4 k Ilti OS. in fine order, just received and iw ® * for sale low by nuy 10 GEO. T. ROGERS. I A FACT. OUR Agents in New York arc determined td keep on buying Goods flit* US, so long as thej-are cheap and Cotton Is rising, in spite of all our expostulations—We are compelled to make room for them, andsliall have to sell iiiaqj things uhogethtr too cheap, We fear, but shall submit with the best grace we can, to the mercy of those who favor us with a call. In order to save time, we will add, that the bargains are pretty gene rally distributed through our large supplies of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, GROCERIES, Sic., so that one cannot go amiss. First come, first served. KIBBEE & DICKINSON, nov 10 50—ts Witnteil finni4‘«llately, TWO OR THREE JOURNEYMEN CABI NET-MAKERS. None except good work men, and sfich ns are Willing in make themselves useful, need apply, WOOD A BRADLEY, ort 20 47—ts IT. CTTSLEY &, SOIT, WAREHOUSE ts COMMISSIONMERCHANTi llllhL continue Business at their “ Fil'C* ▼ v Proof Buildings,” on Cotton •Ivenue, Macon, Ga. Thankful for past favors, they beg leave so say they will he constantly at their post, and that no efforts shall he spared to advance the interest of their patrons. They respectfully ask all Who have COTTON or other PIiObUCE to Store, to call and exam ine the safety of their Buildings, before placing it elsewhere. (UP Customary Advances on CottOn in Store or Shipped, and all Business transacted at the usual rates. •june 2 27—ly NEW GOODS. •Vftr Fait and Winter Goods. fTMIE subscriber is now receiving his Fall and jl Winter Stock, comprising n general assort ment of FANCY and STAPLE DRY GOODS, which have beon purchased in New York, at the lowest rates, and will he sold for cash at a small advance. GEO. W. PRICE, sept 22 43—3 m Choice Family CiItOCERIFS. SUGARS —St. Croix, Porto Rico, New Or lears, Clarified, Crushed and Powdered COFFEE— Rio, Java and Mocho TEA—Fine Hyson, Imperial and Powchong CRACKERS—Butter, Soda and Pilot Bread SYRUP—Sugar House and New Orleans FLOUR —Baltimore and Canal in whole ahcl half barrels VINEGAR—White Wine and pure Cider Smoked Herring, New Codfish Smoked Beef and Tongues, Mercer Potatoes Pickled Shad, Goshen Blitter Goshen Cheese, New Rice, Ac. Just received and for sale Very cheap, hy GEO. T. ROGERS, sppt 29 Clierty St'reeE On nsiuilliingi rrXHE Subscriber respectfully inffirrtis thd JL public, that lie has removed his Gutisniith's Shop from Cotton Avenue to the Wooden Build ing on Cherry Street, opposite the Telegraph Office, where lie is prepared to rurry on thi GUNSMITH’S BUSINESS; and has foi* s4lc : Double and Single Rarreled Gun*, Rifles, Pistols, Powder, Flasks, Shot Pbuches, Caps, Powder, Shot, Lead, i,c. u_T All Work done with neatness and dis patch and warranted. Terms Cash. THOMAS Hi. EDEN, ort 13 i Net Shirts null Drawers. JUST received a good assortment of Silk. Wool, Merino and Cotton Net Shirts ana Drawers. GEO. VV. PRICE, net 13 40 Linen Sheeting. B /■ LINEN SHEETING, extra cheap M oet 13 GEO. W. BRICE. 'l’weed Cnssiinercs. FANCY and Tweed Cassimeres, a good assort ment, just received by oct 13 GKO. W. PRICE. Solace’s Fine Cut Tobacco. SOMETHING very superior, just received and for sale hy GEO. T. ROGERS, sept 29 Flour, Meal, Fora, BACON Hams, Sides and Shoulders; Lard; Irish and Sweet Potatoes—in store and' f.W sale hy J. S. RICH ARDSON, Cotton Avenue, march 24 17 Hams, Itntter, Syrftp, Ac.’ CINCINNATI Sugar cured HAMS GOSHEN BUTTER New Orleans Sugar House SY’RUP , A few Jars of very white Leaf LARD.. All trf choice quality, just received aqdf foi* sale hy GEO. T. ROGERS, nu g Cherry Street. Vinejfftr. TT7IIITE Wine and Pure Cider Vinegar of V T very superior quality, just received and for sale by GEO. T. ROGERS, june 16 Flioiec Hams. NEFF’S Cincinnati Sugar cured and Georgia canvassed HAMS, of superior quality, received and for sale by (}. T. ROGERS. j»'y 10 ' 33 Georgia ami Syrup J ft fig BBLS. of very superftSr quality, for sale by GEO. t. ROGERS. in a v Di FoHjrrpss Water. UY the Box or at Retail. Just received di rect from the Springs and for sale by may 12 GEO. T. ROGERS. London I’orter. IN Quart and Pint Bottles, just received and for sale by GE6. T. ROGERS, may 12 2 4 Smoked Ifcrring. PJ> fij BOXES, a very choice article, just re reived and for sale by may 12 GEO. T. ROGERS. Cash Sales. THE Subscriber at his old stand orte dodr from the Washington Hall, nn Scdpnd Street, has commenced receiving his Stock of STAPLE and FANCY D RY GOODS, arid having adopted the Cash system for fftd ex press purpose of selling good Ooods cheap, lie invites the public to give him a Call before nia king their parchasies. €r. W. PRICE, feb 24 31—3 m" JOB PBINTING. OF evefy description, neatly and promptly executed at the SOUTHERN MUSEUM Office, as neat and then/) as at any other Office in the South. Try us and see.