The Southern museum. (Macon, Ga.) 1848-1850, January 05, 1850, Image 2

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Fnm n and mttdHKD v. rr.Kl v, bv W Ts . 11 . II AII K I SO \ , CITY P RIXTE n . CARRIER'S ADDRESS TO TII E rATRONS OF Tlio SoiKiirrn Nosrnm. Kind frirnils and patrons, on this festive day I Ining a tribute of an humble lay To speak of pleasures past, and joys ahead , Os conquered fears and hopes forex < r slid ; Os proud ambition in its airy (light ; Os prostrate kingdoms, and of 1 reedoni s might ; Os foreign wars, and ol domestic strife ; The tyrant's dreadful waste of human life ; \nd cherished eict'ry in an exit hour II ssolved in ruin by the traitor's poxx r. M iv peace and plenty, with contentment here Proclaim the advent of another i ear. Tull many breasts have heaved the anxious .‘"’sh To dim the brightness of tlio months gone by ; l ull many hearts have felt the carking care f-iincc first thev welcomed a commencing \ ear ; r.ttl mHiiyiiuuU Kavft grappled xx'ith despair; Tull many eyes have xvapl the silent tear: And all have lost a hope or prospect dear, Since last they welcomed the departed Year. But these are past—from dark oblivion's urn, Long faded sorrows never can return : The present moment, 1 lien, demands our care And close attention, through the corning \ car. Tis little more than txvclxc months since my sheet First braved the tempest, and the armed fleet Os hostile prophets, and more listless foe* Prepared with failure, and unnumbered woes, To crow n tlio efforts of a neutral page, Which sought to give tlio actions of the age From party bias, or contention free. That all the error and the truth might see : And yet to-day the grateful news I tell Os zeal increasing, and the ardent swell Os thankful hearts—that stirring hands will rear A better volume in the present Year. The cypress brunch has xvov'n many n xvrcatli To own the victims of insatiate death, Since Hi nter left us, and the balmy Spring Brought bloom and verdure on its soothing wing ; For lie xvlio filled the People’s Chair of State, Now lies in silence ’nenth the hand of fate; A nd they xvhnsc valor mocked the mountain oak, Now share a kindred resting-place xvitli Polk ; Our Country’s requiem decked the lonely grave Os Gaines, and Wool, and Worth —the noble brave! But let us hope America may wear Her brightest jewels through the present Year! What man to glory or to honor known, Will fail to prize the liberty to own Himself a native of this sunny dime, Whose fame progressing meets the march of Time?— Or who predict the. fond assertion true ; That scenes of horror soon xvill court our view, Where brothels’ hands xvill seek for brothers blood In vain endeavors for no real good ? Not so ; the Union of these States shall stand Whilst thrones and kingdoms mingle xvitli the sand ! Till far extending shall its power appear To gather strength xvitli each successive Year. For long the vassals of each foreign croxvn Have scorned the tnock’ry of a monarch’s frown ; And in its majesty the people's shout Has pierced the courier and the kingly lout, With dreaded warnings to prepare the tomb Os royal splendor in the plubian gloom. Yet we, the proud precursors of the fexv, Alone are found to Freedom's blessings true ! But France and England, Hungary and Spain, May find a Mother past their western main : ■ The Cuban Island and Canada fair, May join us, too, before another Y ear. The laurels that the friends of man have xvon, Have lived and died, before a twelvemonth’s sun Ilad loft its shadow on the lowland plain The battles fought, must noxv bo fought again, Ere Liberty shall make her peaceful rest On Gallic (lags, or old Brittannia’s crest! The xvild enthusiasm of a xvaken’d mind, Amidst its phrenzv, xvill not fail to find, Thai Monarch’s kingdom, and Republic's sane, Despoiled of reason, soon begin to wane And that for Freedom they must noxv prepare, Who xvould obtain it in the present Year. Alas! that men, in warfare ever bold, Should boxv in suppljancc to the baleful gold ! That paltry baubles—in their value vain— Should forge the fetter for the sons of men ! Let Freedom breathe a curse upon the hour When Georgey yielded to the tempter's poxv’r ! When mourning thousands lisped a sad farewell In ansxver to the Butcher’s hideous yell ! Accursed in fortune, and in honor too, Let Arnold tell the traitor’s last adieu ; Whilst every soft or furious breeze shall bear A curse to him, through each succeeding Year ! But, noble Kossuth ! on this xvestern shore Thu Russian hounds xvill hunt thee nevermore : Here thou and thine may rest each weary headj And mourn in silence o'er the valiant dead, Whose stalwart arms, amidst the grape and ball, Were quick to ansxver to their Leader’s call. Here, thou wilt find a Nation filled xvitli grief— Whose xvelcoine plaudits hailed thy vict’rie* brief— That ere thy country Freedom’s cup could sip, A traitor’s, band hath dashed itfrom her lip! The freeman’s welcome ofl’ers thee bis cheer, To calm Shy troubles through the present \ ear. The last revolving son has thrown its ray Os conscious triumph o’er the closing day Which bade adieu to all thatcan combine With hope or fear, in Eighteen Forty-Nine. The records of our hist’rv tlienee may name The sleep of languor, or the ardent flame ; The reign of justice, or the pow'rof wrong; The word repining, or the tliankful song, The fair profession, or the silent strife ; The course of error, or the godly life ; All these for future judgment xvill appear, ' *u bless or curse the now departed Year But as new eras open to our view, : That soon shall fill historic pages too, — I 1 Lotus by past experience profit now, And breathe the ardor of an earnest vow : That mental beauty and religious truth May crown our pathway w ith perennial youth ; That man to man in charity may live, And each to each the fruits of virtue give ; 1 That o'er our Union may the bond of peace ■ Gain strength with progress, and with age in ereasc ; ; That every passing moment may endear ! Our fond affections to the present Year. Then here,kind patrons, xvitli you one and all I leave the witness of my annual call, — And wish the measure of your halcyon dax s May fill the zenith of a poet’s praise; That health may xveave a chaplet ever green Beneath the smiles of Fortnne'scourted Queen ; That youth may feel no writhing pang of grief; That age may grace the sere and yelloxv leaf; That sweet contentment, in its vernal bloom, May gild your pathway to a quiet tomb ; That mcm’ry long may count the moments here, As glad mementoes of a Happy Year ! O’ We have been requested to publish the following Ode, prepared for the Temperance Celebration in this City on liic 29th ultimo, in order to correct some errors made in its first print: Father of light and love, Who reign'st supreme above, List to our prayer Aid us in all our care ; Teach us, xvhilc ling’ring here, The path of grief to cheer— -01 Father, hear ! Beneath thy fostering smile, May xve the heart beguile Os the dislrcst: Cheer them in sorrow’s hour; Shield them ’neath sickness’ poxver; And when misfortunes lower, Lead them to rest Whilst imitating Thee, May vve Thy servants bo; Smile on our baud ; May Love and Purity, And true Fidelitv, Still our supporters be, Throughout the land. Then, when our work is o’er, When from life's stormy shore, Parts our last sun, — Passing o'er death's dark wave, May He who came to save— From the devouring grave, Say, “Sons, well done!" From the Washington Union. An Important Invention. The folio wing communication was hand ed to us by the author, Rufus Porter, esq. who is well known to us as the for mer editor of the Scientific American, and as a man well versed in a knowledge ofthe arts and invention. He is a man of su perior intelligence and of great honesty cfcharacter, and we do not hesitate to say, that any fact stated upon his own knowledge may be relied upon implicitly. We do not know whether all the great results which he ant’eiputes from the in vention which he describes, can be tcliz cd; but lie has stsLed to us some remarks ble facts, the results of his own experi ments, which would seem to justify the anticipations in which he indulges. It the invention shall turn out to be what the in ventors now promise themselves it will be, it is cer ainlv a most wonderful discovery, and will create anew era in the arts and in civilization: Messrs. Editors : I am authorized to announce the discovery and practical test ofthe most important scientific inven tion ever yet produced or bought to light since the world has been inhabited by man : an invention which must eventually, and almost immediately, produce an im mense revolution in the commercial in tercourse and business in general through out the world ; and although break down and ruin many of the must irnporiant branches of business and avenues of wealth, with hundreds of wealthy corpor ations and business establishments, yet it will build up thousands of others, and con tribute hundreds and millions to the ben efit of mankind, especially to the Ameri can community. The first main feature, anti foundation of this invention, and which at once opens a field for hundreds of inventions, is the discovery by Henry M. Paine, esq. of a ready and almost expenseless mode of decomposing water and reducing it to the gaseous state. By the simple operation of a very small machine, without galvanic batteries, or the consumption of metals or acids, and only the application of less than one three-hundredth (1-300) part,of onehorse power, Mr. Paine produces 200 cubic feet of hydrogen gas, and 100 feet of oxygen gas per hour. This quantity of these g;oes, (the actual cost of which is less than one cent) will furnish as much heat by combustion as 2,000 feet of the ordinary coal gas, and sufficient to supply light equal to three hundred common lamps for ten hours; or to warm an ordin ary dwelling house twelve hours; includ ing the requisite heat for the kitchen; ot to supply the requisite heat for one horse power of steam. This invention has been tested by six months’ operation, applied to the lighting of houses, and recently the applicability of these gases to the warm ing houses has also beeen tested with per fectly satisfactory results. A steam en gine furnace tttid a parlor stove, both adapted to the burning of these gases, have been invented, and measures taken for securing patents therefor. Mr. Paine has one ofliis machines, new and elegant now in full operation and pub licly exliibited, and may be expected to exhibit the same in this city within twen ty days; The only actual expense of war mine houses by this npoaratus is that of winding up a weight (like the winding up of a clock) once a day ; and the heat pro ducted may be as easily graduated and regulated as the flame of a common gasburner. No smoke whatever is produ ced, but a very small quantity of steam sufficient to supply the requisite moisture to the atmosphere. In its application to the production of steam will re duce the expense thereof to the mere wear of the machinery, anti will immediately produce an immense demand for steam engines, and induce the establishment of thousands of manufacturing mills, reduce the ex pence of travelling and increase the demand for agricultural produce, while it ruins the coal and gas business, and such manufacturing establishments as depend on monopoly and high prices. This in vention moreover removes completely the the only obstacles which have hitherto ex isted to a?rial navigation—the difficulty of procuring hydrogen gas and carrying a supply of fuel; and it may now be consid ered a matter of tolerable certainty that! men will be seen swiftly and safely soar-1 ingin various directions before the first of May next. These facts being of immense importance, should not be longer withheld and I therefore would avail myself of your widely circulating journal to present them to the public. Yours, respectfully, R. Porter. Washington, Dec. 22, 1849. Tiie Sultan of Turkey. —The fol lowing ske'ch of Abdel Medschid, the present Sultan of Turkey, is interesting at a time when the politics of Western Europe may,to a certain extent, depend on the policy pursued by the Ottoman Porte. The sketch is written by a recent traveller in the East: Abdel Medschid, the present Sultan, is 26 years of age ; dresses, with the excep tion of a Fez cap, in the European style; and, save that his face is unusually pale and deeply pitted with the small pox, has nothing very noticeable in his personal appearance. He inherits little of the in tellectual vigor of his father Mahmoud, but his heart is amiable to a degree bor dering on weakness. His sensibilities are such thrt he never signs death war rants except in cases of the most urgent necessity. He takes scarcely any personal part in the Administration of the Govern merit, choosing to leave everything to the control of his Vizier and Divan. He has five or six wives and a large harem. Ibe latter is tegularly increased by the annual presentation of two beatifnl and accomplished Circassian virgins,one by his mother, Sultana Valede, the other by his Grand Vizier. The old custom of sack ing the unfaithful and throwing them into the Bosphorus, has become totally obso lete; but (it is generally supposed tliat State policy still makes way with some at least of the Sultan’s male offspring, for the number ofliis sons is always very dis proportionate to that of his daughters.— The Suiiati is not only extremely effemin ate and licentious, but he very frequently indulges in the use of spirituous liquors, and it is by no means itijprobable that he will meet the fate of his lather, who died in the prime of his life of deliTtt'm tremens. Abdel Medschid lias dispensed with much of the glittering pomp tliat used to attend the Sultan’s appearance in public, but yet he goes to the Mosque every Fri day in great state. Ilia splended barge of 28 oars, escorted by numerous beautiful pinnaces, and gliding with swallow-like swiftness up the Golden Horn to the Mosque Eyottb, near the valley of the sweet waters, amid the roaring of the can non from each side, and the cheers of the sailors and soldiers from the decks ofthe magnificent seventy-fours, has been one of the most stirring sights I have yet wit nessed in Cons'antinople. Excitement in Arkansas. — Late accounts from Marion county, Arkansas, bring news of the escape from the jail at Smithville, of Jesse N. Everett and Nelson Stratton, two ol'tlie prin cipal actors in the outrageous scenes enacted in that county recently. They had been joined by about forty of their confederates, and the whole body xveie under arms in the vicinity of Ye 11 vi lie. The country xvas in a great state of alarm and excitement. A company of volun teers under Capt. Mitcliel, bad been ordered and xvere awaiting the arrival of Gen. Wood, to marcli against the rioters, whom they hoped to meet on the 26th ult. Gen. Wood was determ ined to retake the prisoners at all hazards. Rights oe Married Women—The Supreme I Court of Pennsylvania hits decided recently that a husband has no claim to the possession of tiny property owned by bis xvife previous to marriage; aud that even the consent of of the xvife, thnt Iter husband should have possesion of her properly, is of no avail while the xvife is a minor This decision is bused on the laxv of 1848, which has wrought a radical change in the condition of married fainales. Destrection of a Bridge. —The stone bridge over Little River, Va., which had been nearly completed by the Louisa Railroad Company, fell on Sunday afternoon, the 16th ult., in conse quence, it is supposed, of defective materials. This bridge xvas fifty feet span, and is supposed to have cost SIB,OOO. M. Pauxvels, the machine-maker, of Brussels, has just sent from Antwerp to San Francisco, in California, a complete hotel, consisting of forty rooms, with beds, chairs, tables, etc., all in cast i iron. The whole takes to pieces xvlien desired. (pp The London papers speak highly of anew invention by Mr. Hall, by xvhich the combustion of coal in steam furnaces is rendered as perfect as possible. The floor of the furnace consists of long bars inclined at a considerable angle, and sloxvly moved backxvards and forwards in a cer tain order hi moans of eccentrics working on i the same axle, which act upon teeth, xvitli xvhich j the bars are supplied. The machinery is said \ to be simple and effective. (FT* On the Ist of November there xvere 750 persons in the jails of Ireland, committed as dangerous lunatics. The Duke of Wellington, apart from what hi* relatives and dependents have recived, has cos 1 the Kingdom ol Great Britan about 81 1,000,000 MACON, G A . SATURDAY MORNING, JAN. 5, 1850. Ifj’M'c learn that the Central Railroad Com pany have ofTered to the city of Macon §25,000, for the right to connect the Railroads within the corporation. As the question is noxv placed in a condition xvhich xvill enable the parties to un derstand upon what terms the connection can be formed, xvc hope measures xvill he adopted at an early day, to settle the question to the satisf.ic I lion of all concerned. Iron in Pennsylvania.— lron ore, itsceins, has been discovered at Pottsville, under cir cumstances that leads to the belief that it cxist9 in extensive deposits. Mr. McGinnis, in sink ing a shaft near his gate vein, instead of finding coal, as the first treasure, has opened out nu merous deposits of iron ore, all embedded in soft slates, that furnish an easy undermining If the reports in regard to this discovery of abundance of iron in a vast coal region he true, it must result in making us entirely independ ent of other countries for that metal. And if there be any truth in the statement respecting the Nexv Jersey process of making bar-iron for §25 the ton, by a nexv process, then will Penn sylvania become the largest iron producer in the world. Canada. —The Annexation Association of Montreal issued a week ago their second ad dress to the people of Canada. It contains a preamble of extracts from the London Times and other English papers xvlio have said any thing in favor of their first emanation ; from which they draw the inference that the English people xvill let them go whenever a majority of the people desire it. They say the people on ly have to xvill it. They also take it for grant ed, from some of the papers of the North, and from the Resolutions of the Vermont Logisla lature, that all the United States will be glad to admit them to the Union immediately. They then reiterate their assertions that Canada is in a state of “ruin and decay," and then they wind up by saying it is her destiny—every one admits it must come, and they had better do it at once. The Association is getting a little more active now ; £7OO have been subscribed to carry on the war, and more is anticipated. A large sum, it is said, xvill go to the Herald newspaper to make up for its loss from turning Annexationist. Hon. Mr Caron, Speaker of the Legislative Council and Member of the Cabinet, has re signed his offices, arid it issaid, xvill be placed on the bench in place of Mr. Bacquet, spoken of for tlie situation. A telegraphic report from Toronto to Quebec says that the troops had reached the Quebec mines on Lake Superior. Another Railroad An effort is being made to obtain stock to a railway from Niagara, opposite Buffalo, to the city of Detroit. It is contemplated to construct it on the Canada side, and the route xvill be almost ari air line, and the grades as favorable as any road in tire coun try. The distance is somewhat over two hun dred miles, and the contemplated cost is set down at .$6,000,000, of which $2,500,000 have been subscribed by Canadian corporations and individuals. A New York paper says that this road xvould bring Milwaukie and Nexv Y’ork within forty-five hours of each other. Singular Matter. — We have often heard ofthe death ofpersons, says the Cincinnati En | quircr, and their remaining in a trance for sev eral days xvhen they xvere supposed to he dead, hut xvt never had an accident of the kind to come under our observation until yesterday.— The xvife of a Dr. Smith, living over the canal, was ill, and about l'yur days ago, from all ap pearance to her friends, she died; but xxlicn a bout to lay her out it nas found by her attend ants that there xvas life in her body'. And her burial xvas postponed. From day to dry, since that time, the body has been examined aitd the same appearances are exhibited—a warmth in tlie body and no signs of decomposition. The physicians cannot satisfactorily account for this strange phenomenon, and as every means have been used to resuscitate the body, the friends are anxiously waiting the result. She issaid to be in a trance, but what kind of state tliat is xvc cannot clearly explain to our readers, from the fact that xve and« not believe that any oneknoxvs xvliat it is. Still xve must admit that it is most singular tliat a body can lay so long apparently dead, and have indica tions of life remaining. Depth of the Ocean. —Capt. James Ross found 15,000 feet west of Cape Good Hope, xvhich is the height of Mt. Blanc ; and he sound ed xvitli the plummet 25,400 feet, or 27,600 En glish feet, without touching bottom west of St. Helena. Dr. Y’oung assigns to tlio Atlantic a depth of a league ; that i«, 13,400 feet; and to the Pacific Ocean a league and a third, or a bout 18,000 feet. Certain inland seas, like the Mediterranean and Caribbean, have greater depths than would be expected from their prox imity to the land, and sectn to bo sunken ba sins, the form of xvhich is connected with the volcanic phenomena of xvhich they are the seat. The narrowest part of the Strait of Gibraltar is not more than 960 feet beloxv the surface : hut a little further towards the cast, the depth falls suddenly to 3000 feet ; and at the south ofthe Coast of Spain and of the Sierra Nevada, a depth of 5200 feet has been ascertained. The eastern part of the Mediterranean is of less depth. O’ We learn from the Richmond (Ky.) Chronicle, that the Grand Jury of Madison county, after an investigation of the Foxtoxvn rencounter, in xvhich Cyrus Turner xvas killed by Cassius M .Clay, failed to find an indictment in the case. The Mo.NTEsquioNs.—Arthur Montesquion,a younger brother of the two men noxv confined at St. Louis upon a charge of murdering Alficd Jones and Kirby Barnaul, arrived at St. Louis on the 15th ultimo. When he left France the ’ news of the tragedy did not reach him, and the j first intimation he received of it xvas after his arrival in Nexv Orleans. The Kentucky Convention. —The Conven tion for revising and amending the Constitution of the State of Kentucky, xxhicli has been in session at Frankfort since the first of October last, completed its business and adjourned on the 21st of December. Amongst the changes made in the Constitution are the following, as xve find them stated in an address of the Dele gates to their constituents. They arc, howev er, to he submitted to a vote of the people. Biennial sessions of the Legislature, limited in their duration to sixty days. 'I he protection of the public credit, by ex pressly prohibiting the Legislature from con trading any debt, save for t lie expenses ofthe Government, without the assent of the people, given at the polls. Private and special legislation is forbidden ■ and this hitherto source of expense, including the grant of manifold divorces, so long borne and so strongly condemned, is entirely removed. The mode of appointing the Judges lias been altogether changed, and, for the first time in the history of this Commonwealth, been given di rectly to the people. The relation between master and slave re mains as it xvas under the old constitution.— I üblic sentiment, so far from demanding any change, expressly rebuked any action thereon. The free negro population among us is conce ded by all to be worthless, and highly detrimen. tal to the value of our slaves, as well as the se curity of the owner. The constitution provides that no slave shall be emancipated but upon condition that such emancipated slave be sent out of the State. The convention is to re-assemblc on the first Monday in June next, to proclaim the noxv Constitution as the organic laxv of the State, provided it shall receive the approval of the people. Sufferings in California. —The suffering experienced by' emigrants in going over the land route to California, though frequently alluded to, is not realized except in such pictures as are presented by actual eye-witnesses. At one point of the road, a woman with txvo children xvere found feeding themselves upon the bark of a tree. They xx'ere not able to move on. The woman’s husband Lad died, and she was unable to go any further, and their provisions had been exhausted for some days. A physician in San Francisco, who crossed overland, says that he bad been threatened xvitli the severest treatment on account of having recommended the delay of the xvagons fora fexv hours to relieve the ve. ry sick ones, xvlio were almost dying xvitli fa tague. A correspondent of the Nexv York Cou rier saxv an an old gentleman driving an ox team into the city the other day, and lie thought from the man’s actions that he must he either crazy or under a great pressure of exhileration. He asked him if he came across the plains.— “Oh, yes, yes; I’ve got here, and I wish 1 could express my gratitude—my delight.” lie would have said more, but his chest began to heave, and tears began running down his dusty face, whilst xvitli perfect intoxication he ran from one yoke of the poor oxen to another, ap plying the xvhip as though he xxere not safely out of the difficulties until he had reached the very spot where his wagon xvas to stop. Cholera in the East. —The ravages of the Cholera at Siam, in the East Indies, according to the last European papers, are beyond meas ure dreadful. About 20,000 persons have fallen victims to it. So great xvas the number of deaths, that they found it impracticable to born them all, and many xvere buried, and multi tudes more thrown into the river just as they died. They xvere brought and laid in piles, and fuel applied, when they xvere consumed like heaps of logs. In three days not less than Irom 2000 to 3000 died daily ; and at the end of twelve days it was knoxvn that more than 20,- 000 had fallen victims to its fearful ravages. Since that time it has very much abated, hut lias by no means ceased. Among those who have died were very fexv of the highest classes; how ever, among that small number xvas Khan Khun Kudin, a noble of high rank and influence, a man of age arid experience, xvlio was Cornman der-in-Cliief of lli s Majesty’s forces in the late xvar in Cochin China. The mortality is said to have been not so great among the inhabitants. It is thought that within a radius of txventy-five or thirty miles, not less than 30,000 have been sxvept off by riiis fatal scourge xvithin txvo or three xvoeks. The cholera and the sinall-pox always make dreadful ravages in Siam. A Female .Miner. — The only xvliite woman, says a correspondent of the Boston Times, that ! have seen in the mines is the xvife of a French man, xvlio came here from Calcutta. She dress es in troxvsers, and wears a thin hat and rod shirt, as most of the miners do, and her hair being cut short, is not suspected of being a wo man, probably by one tenth of the persons who see her. The first time I saxv her, I xvas digging in a hole of the Mokelrnay, a few feet from where she and her husband xvere working in a rocker. 1 noticed her feminine look and thought ful expression of countenance, and mentioned it to a man working near me. He informed me what 1 supposed to he, a remarkably handsome young man xvas a woman ; that she xvas the xvife of the man at work xvitli her ; that her hus band xvas once a wealthy merchant in Calcutta, and that the wife had been accustomed to ease and luxury. Failing in business and becoming J . i poor, the husband determined to dig a fortune out of the earth in Ca’ifornia; and the xvife, i true to her companion, only consented, xvhen ha promised she should accompany him. I have seen her at work xviih the pick and the spade early and late—there is ever a thoughtful e». pression on her countenance, but she never seems discouraged ; and yet tho unfortunate pair have had tho worst of luck, not having dug gold enough to pay their living. This is one of the most romantic incidents that a life in the gold diggings of California from lime to time de veloper. The Phgcnix Bank Rorhery. — Asaph How ard, who was suspected of robbing the, I’har.nix Bank of Westerly, of $16,000, has been dis charged from custody, there being no evidence against him ; so that this great robbery is not vet elucidated American Institute —At the regular meet, nig oftliis body, says the National Intelligencer ; Dr. Riofrey, of Paris, made some very interest" ingand scientific observations on the subject of consumption. Post mortem examinations | la ,j shown that nature, under certain circumstance-- cures the disease. It was important to inquire what these circumstances were. From the ex tensive field of the doctor's remarks on France Holland, and Great Britain, it appeared that n cure xvas effected whenever thin and attenuated men changed their climate and habits, one r, r both, and in consequence developed a tendency to become fleshy. He considered a high North, ern and Southern attitude ulike favorable. lj 6 named the American coast from latitude 55 do. north, to 17 deg. south, as consumptive latitude j He deemed all the temperate latitudes unfavera ble. Prof. Maury said that latitude 17 deg. south was precisely the point where the trade winds relieved from their moisture by the Andes, p ro | duced a dry air. Dr. Gale said that Natchez wn» a favorable point in the Mississippi valley, for the consumptive ; yet Natchez had a very’hu mid climate. Dr. Borland (U. S. Senator) con. firmed these views. The nights were exceed ingly damp. The wind blew up the river, an* brought the dampness from tlio Gulf. Professor Henry attributed the deleterious effects in con. sumption rather to the amount of c hange in the thermometer at given points, than to the actual state of temperature. Prof. Maury represented the coasts of Patagonia as literally submerged xvitli rain ; txventy-ono feet of rain had actually fallen in thirty-one days ; and lie represented the natives a most miserable race. Mr. School craft said, that it was then a popular error that they were of taller stature than other Indians— The xvhole discussion assumed a tone of high interest. Prof Johnson reported on the chemical pro perties and value of tho North Carolina coal field. lie also remarked on other coal basins in the United States. Txvo nexv species of birds were presented from the Rio Grande. One of these was the chnparelle cock. Donations of books xvere made to the library from several sources. Important from Jamaica —We hare Kings ton dates to the 17th ult. The spirit of dissatisfaction and discontent xvitli the House Government, seems to be rapid ly spreading. Political annexation to tile United States is openly advocated. As an illustration of their feeling, we quote from a paper called “ The Conservative :’’ “ No man in this island yet thinks of aiding foreign arms to dispossess Great Britain of Ja maica. We have not yet arrived even at that state of feeling which would induce any inhabi tant to lift a finger against the ancient Croxvn of England. But we must live ; we must assert the rights of our common country. Impressed xvitli these viexvs, there are many who pray the Great It uler of all nations so to dispose of events that an amicable secession of this Island to the United States of America, xvithout quarre ling or bloodshed, may speedily occur. For our. selves, xve repeat, that xve should regret to see Jamaica leave the ancient fold ; but xvc would not xvonder if it occurred to-morrow. So that it he done without rebellion, alas ! too many xvould be only glad of it.” Nexv Mexico.— Tbe St. Louis Republican of the 18lli ultimo, publishes a letter from its cor respondent at Santa Fe, dated October 7tb, which gives an interesting account of the con dition of the territory. It seems that a conven tion called to form a constitution preliminary to the admission of Nexv Mexico as a State into the Confederacy, assembled in Santa Fo on the 24th of September, decided against the project of a State government, by a vote of sixteen to three. Mr. Hugh N. Smith xvas chosen by the convention a delegate to Congress. A form of Territorial Government xvas adopted, xvhich Mr. Smith brings with him to have ratified by Con gress. In relation to the slavery question, the Republican’s correspondent says : “The convention, I think very properly, left the question of slavery wholly untouched—an intimation to the North, that we seek not ;tht> impertinent intusion of the ‘Wilmot Proviso' in our constitution ; and to the South, as well as tlio North, that we desire no legislative action of Congress upon a matter which wo can easily settle among ourselves, when the proper moment arrives to agitate it. The election just past, and the convention recently he'd, has, For tho first lime since American administration hero, aroused the mass of the people to the n of their taking an active part in the political *'• fairs of the Territory, and guarding with avijv lant eye their rights as citizens of our great Confederacy.” Mr. Smith is spoken of as’ a gcntlrmnn of ability, and of great influence in New Mexico Important from Texas.— ln the Picayune of the 23d ult., xve have the latest nexvs from I cS ' as. And whilst Gen. Taylor says that he iJ' 3 ' vorable to the admission ofNexv Mexic°i "* have information from Santa Fe tlutt the inlioh* tants had taken preliminary steps to organize® territorial government, xvhich caused t lic g rl3t cst excitement at Austin. Many xvere for tnarc 1 ing an armed force thither and putting <h’"' tho rebels, as they aro termed. The Atej 1 " Gazette advises delay until the receipt 1,1 President's Message and at all events lb-' 1 Texans should not precipitate a crisis <>r 1 plicate matters by violence. It still rul,or determination to have Santa Fr, andsnv* > “Rather than surrender to the the General Government one inch of f t . xvon territory, let every habitation in 5> jtv be levelled to the enrb, and us, if the n< ’ ofthe case requires it, lie buried benC' ruins.” ~ American Enterprise in Jamaig , question of growing cotton on the Islan ously agitated, and it is said tliat Amcric tlctnen of wealth are about to embark its production. Ati American capital of $1,000,000, has ,akc " ‘' o ‘ l( ,1,9" mines at mount Vernon, and xvill vigorously.