Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, June 18, 1816, Image 3

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gXVAJfKTA’ Tuesday Evening* June 48, 1916. ——•*• fee THE SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN* validity <5sf whirfi the above tribunal. *- The ffiarm*e of ■princess C Vi- . ..“IP . ice Cobourg with Hid in n • 1 »,»■ .trass which gives a lively'and animating itirely new dress, ° . / . gT, . 7 correspondent with the times. By 2S^ nC a Lngemeroent > theEwron indulges the hope, S he STjve a mo* general satiation to the Merchant and Politician. TO CORRESPONDENTS. five numbers, signed “A Georgian” are received; but, * ifitiwe en tertam as much contempt for the produc er, titled “Exposition of Afotivet,” tic, as he can fpossibly do, and coincide with him perfectly in opinion I of its author, yet'we cannot sanction fiis attack on the re- [presentation from Georgia, by publishing his numbers; as I we are well assured, that not one of our delegation ever {countenanced the sentiment, contained in the publication [now in question. Convince us to the contrary on this point, or expunge the part alluding to these gentle men and we will'then have no objection to present his essay* to the public. The cabal, in this State, hint- led at, we have not before heard of; but pledge our, [selves to keep an un-winking eye oh the parties The l numbers of “J Georgian” do credit to his genius and, [judgement. The happy condition of our country, is contempla ted with delight by every patriotick citizen, to what ever party he is attached, to whatever local division of 1 the unioil be belongs. There is not a man, deserving the name of an American, whose heart does not dilate with pride and pleasure, whose eye does not beam with exultation, as he reviews the scenes of'danger tend difficulty through which we have passed, the deliverance we have experienced, the triumph we have achieved and surveys the bright prospects which open before us. However inveterate may.^jave been his prejudices, however strong his prepossessions against the men in power, he shares in the National Feeling which now pet-v'ades the whole community; he has caught i spark tof that noble enthusiasm'which has infused as it were; a new soul into the body politick, and which, at the first attack upon pur honor or our rights, will electrify mil lions of Freemen, and inspire them with irresistable strength in defence of their liberties. Would to God that not a drrip of party bitterness Was suffered to mingle in the cup of our eiyoyment— that every individual was prepared to sacrifice liis pas sions ahd prejudiced upon the altar'Of his country! But, alas! hfiwever devoutly this consummation is to be Wished, it is hoi rationally to be expected, so long as the party in Opposition continue to cherish that acrimonious .spirit, Brit -jealous and distrustful temper wtich must f necessarily preclude reconciliation. The feelings of re- f publicans are riot likely to be soothed and harmonized by continued reprdafch ahd invective, from those whom it would best become to shut their mouths in silence and hide their faces in confusion! We copy the following chaste Sentence from the Mr* them Whig, of horse-thief memory. ^ “Whoever lives to see , the federal party extinct and thfe republicans riding upon the whirlwind of power, un opposed; will most assuredly witness the reign of licen tiousness and infidelity—imitating the infkkjl pniloso. phers of France, death will be proclaimed an eternal sleep-—vice will be seated in high places—virtue tramp led in the dust, arid religion, liberty and law,-Sacrificed on thte altar of ATHEISM.*’ , Words cannot magnify the turpitude of the wretch Who could write and publish sentiments like die above- He calls himself -a federalist. If his creed be that of mo dem federalism, what reflecting man will longer permit himself to be enroll & in a party which fosters such ser- pents in its bosom? What will the world think of the faction who make use of such wicked fabrications to in jure their political adversaries? pmicess Charlotte, vrfi» not postponed—it was which lasted &5 hour* during t@ take place the sHk 6f May. t-f» herfluarter piece and aptung a Wheat had advanced in London 6s per quar- <hf»a>»|Aegp th* ter, and flour 10s per hack. "" *“ * The marquis D’Osmond, had succeeded the duke de Chatre, as French minister at the H w- lish court. * American papers to the Ifth of March had been received at London; The project of sir Sidney Smith, for the re pression of the Barbarypirateg, and the rescuing Christians from slavery, meets the approbation of the French government; 4 Another large disembarkation of troop* from France, watt about to take place at Dover, yvhich has become the grand depdt fof all the regiments from France. Tlie reports of disturbances at Strasburg, and the bloody conquests between some Austrian soldiers and the French peasantry, in the Vos ges, are contradicted. 'Talleyrapd was- to pass the spring at his es tate at \ alenc&y. At London, 3 per cent. Consols were, 61 j 3-8—‘four per cents. 75 1-8—Omnium 18; \ ■ INTERESTING. The following is an extract of a letter froth an intelligent gentleman, to the Editors of this pa per, dated * •• Fort Stiiddert, ( m. t ) 16th May, 1816; j “I have just heard of the safety of Mr. Law- son, one of the surveyors who wa$ supposed to have been cut off by a party of the hostiles. He passed unmolested, though considers himseiif fortunate; tijjfe Indians were frequently near the time, to: ceived no h James 8. Bi tuAore. reel edge of the gale of wind. cargo ri believed ’to hart gey v -^‘j».WaEaro '■ Mr. L’Duq, of m tiP® • To-Morrow, thel&th instant, mil be tohi, on Many, darhodhan if MitcheVs -wharf, riug ltESOLCTlON, burthen about300tons, with i»—rir Sails, Rigging, Boats, Anchors, &£.—may fle sent ta raea at a very small expence. , I * Terms made known at time of said * Sale to commence at \2o'clock. jpne 18 M. Herbert & K 3o. auct’rs. -72 Colonfl EdWari) Hahbex has been appointed by the President of ilie United States, Commissioner for the ci ty of Savannah, to superintend, the subscription towards constituting the capital of the Bank of the.United States, vice Charles Harris, esq. resigned. Alstawder CosTZE IIaxsok, of “Lathing Hatchet 1 memory declines a re-electiOn to a seat Li the United States’ House of Representatives. What pity 'tis, to lose such a luminary. An arrival at New-York brings Londonjdates as late as tlie 22d ApriL Nothing peculiarly interesting. » * AMERICA^ INDEPENDENCE. Ft-Liriw-CTTizENS—You are notified, that SrBScaimoic Lists are now opened, at the Aar of the Exchange and the Republican 'Printing Office, where yon invited to subscribe, for a dinner to be given in celebration of the ever memorable and gloriousFOURTH OFjTULY, ’76. F.TYWArtn HARI1F.V V 5 EDWARD HARDEN, STEELE WHITE, GEO. L. COPE, JAMES EPPINGER, MOftifiCYI SHEFTJ i sen.J 1 -al of the packet br^ Savannah ; v e d Nertr*-Yajk papers to tracts fbRowf: - k,June 8. 'i VTDON NEV/S. izette have deceived, by btaiitt Dowdall, the Lon- >f April. ft Wilson was to com ad, and it was supposed week. The indictment- (ounces the,nf the Veiana, on.the 7th, in e? v| , / ■ „.■/ French chkmber of' depu- o a conclusion—two hun- eing for it, and‘only six ; was imiaediately to be >eers, where it would pro- ich the bng would pro- :a to' the middle of Octo ad advanced a little, n tance w*4 to come before rce at Pati$ in # few days. ing_papejr to tlie value of theThuilbries on the 20th s on his arinal, took pos- . , * ied it to Vf aterloo, having, w *en he fled, abandoned his- ci-riage^ the Port Folio remained in it. The billjwere afterwards him, and often discharged their rifles* & •. 1 doubt not they will commit some depredation at a period not very distant, notwithstanding every public exertion is made, and will be enforced, to suppres's their present opposition to the comple tion of the survey. The murders of Johnson and M-Gaskey have not been discovered, but such steps are ordered to be,taken as will, doubt less ensure their apprehension,. Reconnoitering! parties will be kept out, with instructions to treat as enemies, every party of Indians found on the Ceded territory, after allowing those who ai e not provided for by the treaty or .Fort Jackson but still-remain within the United States’ lirmts a reasonable time to remove. For the moment" this will create commotion, but there is sufficient force to crush any'Indian tribe". Should the mur derers of Johnson and M‘Gaskv have taken re fuge in Pensacola, they will be formally de manded, and if refused, I hope the government will take such steps as to have them forthcoming “The commissioners have as far as practica ble, completed the boundary line between the United States and Creek nation. The govern ment will have to treat; with the ChocK-taws, Che-ro-kees, and Chick-a-saws, before any tiling more can be done; those tribes object to the limits as defined by the treaty of Fort Jackson- Y ou have doubtless, ere this, seen the treaty as con cluded with the deputation of the Che-ro-kees, subject to the ratification of the nation—there is no doubt of its being sanctioned, Comparing those limits or boundaries with the treaty of Fort Jackson, we losC an immense valuable tract of country. There will,he. a strong work erected on the Escambia, near tKe line of demarkatjon with Spain, which it is to be hoped, will pre vent the present intercourse with our red breth ren.”—Milledgeville Journal, \%th inst. Just received, • And for tale at the, REPUBLICAN piFFlCiE* A Journal* . OF A YOUNG MAN OF MA§&AC!iUSSF.TT6> Latte a Sugeon on board'an Afliericah Frivateer, captured by theDntisli, ia 1813; confined first at HALIFAX, THEM AT CHATHAM, BMGL«1MD, AITD EAST AV. D ARTMOOR PRISON. • Price-— Ohe Dollar. , Cl/ 1 Subscribers to tbe above AVriric Will please call and take, their copies. jane 18—72 Ip* &00 bfiries of COTTON willbfe Liktri (it 4k low freight to New-Yet^, in tlie brig YAMA- CRAW, captain Smith, if offered inunediatelv. Apply tb WfLLlAM TAYLOR. I Passengers,. 1rhe fine packet brig AL^HRA. Isaac Atwood, i master, expected to sail, from this about the 15th ,v>f July; will take passengers for Mew-York, Rhode-island or Hof ton. WHITNEY & PARKMAN. juiie 18—i,—' "‘-•j j ' —.v y ; - For Liverpool ' The substantial fast staling brjg EXMOUTH, .Edward W. Pollard, master; will be dispatched, * having two thirds of her cargo on board. For of 200 bales cotton apply on board, at Bolton’s wharf, or to J. BATTELLE, JVo, 16, Commerce Row. Who has for sale Auction. On Thursday next, ^Oth inst. Will fie sold, before our More, and Dry Goods. auto, , . Srindry Groceries, and one Waggon and three draft Horses, belonging to the estate of Lewis B. Thompson. Also^for account the underwriters and (Si concerned. 28 dozen black Barcelona Handkerchiefs, damaged on board the brig Yamacraw, from Liverpool. also, J A Negro Wench and Child, a good 1 cook, washer and irondr. Sale to commence at 11 o’clock. M. Herbert & Co. auct’rs. junelR^—72 J Marshal’s sale. By virtue of of an interlocutory dejeree of of the hon. William Stephens, judge of the district court of the »rgia, on FRIDAY, ‘ wharf, at 10 ce’s United States, for the district of I the 28th instant, will be sold at W« o’clock . * The brig A LEX ANDER, burthen 162 tons, k with her tackle, apparel and furniture ALSO, Her Cargo, consisting • of 47 puncheons 4th proof Jamaica Hum 2 barrels Coffee Beef, Pork, &c. Terms will be made known at the time of sale. J oho Eppioger, June 18 —72 , r Marshal For sale Bill^ of Exchange NEW-YORK AND BOSTON. june ld- -72 For Boston .«, M-UU Extract from the minutes of the Georgia Bap tist Association, held at Long Creefc, Warren county, in October last. “The Fourth of July is recommended as a dav of Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the nu merous blessings civil, and religious, He haH conferred on our beloved country. Assemble, brethren, and join your hearts and voices in praises to the Parent of all good—praying also, that he would revive Religion throughout tlie world.”—ib. I have read the “Journal of a young man of Massachusetts,” giving an account of Dartmoor Prison, with no little interest. It is one of the most unaffected recitals I have ever met with.— The events it details are interesting, while the manner of doing it displays the utmost candor and simplicity. Perhaps no part of the work is entitled to more credit than the wise discrimina tion which is made in regard to national char acter, in all the anecdotes and observations with which it is interspersed. The author of it is a patriot in feeling. There is a lofty strain of pride running through the whole work, connected with the idea of his be ing-a citizen of the only republic on earth:/This evinced in enthusiastic language, speaks loudly in favor of his goodness of heart. He feels local pride: the priue of a New-Englander. JHe ap preciates our institutions and our character.— The shrewd apprehension; the habitual morality; the stern and decided bprie of our republicanism, >ased upon an equality that knows no earthly superior, are all strongly developed, without any eftort. to effect-it. . On the .whole, no work has appeared for a ong time which will be more generally read; es- iscially by that class of people who are at opce our pride and our support, the yeomanry of the country.—Boston Pat, mm HIT ~ir v Married, on Wednesday evening last, by the rev. Dr. Kollock, Mr. George Gordon, mer chant, to MisS Maria Stackhouse, both of this, city. ¥ PORT OF SAVANNAH, Tuesday, June 18. asiuvsd, m Ship Woodbine, Willet, New-York - Brig. Savannah Packet, Mott, do. 6 days; spoke ship South-Carolina. Packet; brigs Catherine Sheppard, Sea- Island, and New-York, all from this port bound to New-York. ' Brig Governor Hopkins, Smith, Boston —Adeline, Rich, • do. Schooner Venus, Thompson, New-York CLEARED, ■ British brig Swallow, Mossop, Jamaica v » i Went to sea on fiupday last. United States’ gun-vessel Nb'. 168, j. W. Todd, commander; returned last evening: in consequence of head winds. / I Below, revenue cutter Surprize, Ross* commander* fromacruiatk ■- The regular trading brig ADELINE, James Rich, master. For freight or passage apply to WHITNEY & PARKMAN. 18—t—72 ; For New-York The regular packet ship WOODBINE, WiHet, master, will sail on Saturday hext. For freight orpassagfj, having superior accommodations, ap ply on board, o? to PELO F & MERRICK, june 18—x—72 For I^ew-York Tfie regular packet brig SAVANNAH PACK ET, captam Mott, to sail in six days. l‘or freight r passage apply on board at Rice’s wharf, or to 1 P. Schenk & Co. Who offer for sale, 3 tons IRON, and 100 WINDSOR CHAIRS. j june 18- 72 ~~For New-York The fast sailing brig GEORGIA; captain West, having three fourths of her cargo ready to go on board. For freight or passage, having excellent accommodations, apply to Olmstead & Battelle. june 16——72 For New-York The brig CASKET, captain Doak, will sail on ^Sunday next- For freight of 10t> bales cotton or •passage apply to th^ captain on board, nr B. M‘Kinne & Co. june 18 72 Bills of Exchange on Liverpool, Payable in London and on New-York. For sale by Joseph Carruthers & Co. june 18——w 72 1 Six or eight hundred bushels first quality ROUGH RICE. Apply tb Cuables or James Davast, on Hilton- Head; or Messrs. ScoTt & Farm, in Savannah, june 18—o—72 ‘ For sale A few shares of stock in the State flank, thisoiffice. june 18— Enquire at •. ■ - | - -»• 72 Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm of Chbtstie & Hotchkiss was dissolved on. the 15th inst. by mutualconsent. All persons having de mands against said firm will present the same to Jared Hotchkiss for settlement, and those indebted will call and settle their accounts, as he is fully authorised to settle the concerns of the firm ROBERT CHRISTIE, JARED HOTCHKISS. june 18— cm • -72 The subscribers Offer for sale 5030 bushels Liverpool ground SALT, of a superior q«;dity. L. PETTY &. CO. juuc^!8—w—72 MXinne’s vharf The subscribers Offer for scde Teneriffe and Malaga Wine, in pipes and quarter casks Gin, brandy, Rum A few bags.of Pepper and Coffee 10,000 Philadel»!ua Bricks Gleorge & Alexander M. Ker. june 18 t- 72 Savannah Fencibles! Defaulters, at the late Battalion parade, are notified that, tlie Court of Enquiry is postponed from the 15th to Wednesday, 19th inst. L. MASON, o. s. june 18——i 71 Marine and Fire Insurance OFFICE. i Holders of commissioners’ certificates for shares of the Marine and Fire Insurance Company, are requested to render them in and receive stock certificates. R. Wayne, sec? rtf. june 18—72 Police Office, June 18,1816. I beg leave once more to call the attention of my Fel low-Citizens to the request made some months ago rela tive to hard walks, or pavements, and the exterior of their houses. These embellishments are attended with very little expence, but are of great importance to the general appearance and health of the city. I have also respectful ly to solicit every one, (who can afford it) to have a lamp m frtmt of his house, to be lighted when the darkness of the nighty or any other circumstance may render it neces sary. This would greatly aid the police in the execution of its duty, and prevent many offences and disorders which the want of lamps qpw enable persons to perpetrate. Thomas U. P. Charlton, june 18 72 J^ yor Bank of the United States. r. The , commissioners appointed by the President of the united states for receiving subscriptions at Augusta, in Georgia, towards constituting the capital of the Bank of j nite i S H es ’!S ?P® b o°k*fcr that purposed the tijst day ot July, winch will continue open until the 23d of the sarne month, every day (except Sundays) between the hours of 10 and 4 o’clock, under such regulations as are prescribed by law. Special depbats of coin may be made at the Plantes’ ink in Savannah, and the Augusta Bank. Cashiers’re. senption, either separately, or different sub*cribert may associate and make their deposits together, - in which cafit a schedule rnmat acewnpany the payriKnJts, so aa to ard the value thereof according to to« ntes establi^d act. In Council, 16th June, 1816. Resolved, That an election be neld at the courthouse, in this city, on Friday, the 20th inst for an alderman, to supply the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of WUliaih Davies, esq. under the superinjtendance of three or more justices of the peace or judges of the inferior court, not being themselves candidates. Extract from the minutes. D. D, Williams, c. c. june 13- 1 —72 ~ Notice. A Bank Note, for a certain amount, was picked up om Wednesday, the 5th instant, in the morning. Any per son claiming the same, describing the Amount, the bank, and its number; by paying for this advertisement, cam have the same again oa applying to the subscriber. Elias Robert. june 18 x* 72 Found, On Hilton-Head beach, one bale and a half of yellow COTTON. The owner may have the cotton by paying- for the time the subscriber lias lost in djrving and repack ing the cotton. JOlLv DAVANT. june 18 a 72 \ Found, At Mr. M'Queen’s Island, a short time back, a small four oared YAWL BOAT, appears as if she had been, lately pitched inside—tlie owner can have the same by- proving property and paying for this advertisement, Henry Harbock. june 18 wf -72 1 Daring Robbery, Committed on Monday night last, on board the brig Exmouth, now laying at Bolton’s central wharf, by some person or persons cutting away die middle Staysail from the mast head, and escaping with the same. Any per son who will give intelligence of the offender, or restore ac sail to the aforesaid brig, or store of Mr. Jonathan. /’i&teUe shall be handsomely rewarded. W J. W. Pollard. _ i _june^8-—-72^ Watch!; On the 11th instant, was taken adrift, a square bale of long staple Cotton, of the following description, viz. marks H. B. No. 392; weight, 264. Waf> removed above high-water-mark, between the 13th ahd 14th inst.; should any discovery be made, H is hoped information will be given to sergeant John Gibson, Tybee barracks, JOHN GIBSON, or to J.W. WYNNE. june 18——a* 72 One hundred Dollars^ reward Will be paid to any person who will deliver to me my servant Billy, with sufficient proof of hiajbeing harbored by a white person, or fifty if by a colored person, or thir ty with all reasonable expences for putting Billy in my custody, Of- in a*ty gaol in this state. Billy has ranaway since the latter end of January last, and was seen about the first of February on the road from Charleston to Gordon & Spring's ferry, with a ticket in his hat: There is every reason to believe, he hai obtained a. forged pass- illy is twenty years of age, well known in Charleston, having waited on me for seven years past>—he is about S feet 8 or 9 incheg higfa. well made, pleasing countenance, yellow complexion, wears ear rings, and baps a little. when spoken to. CHARLES JOHN STEEDMAN. june 18^- m—. 72 . 0" Brough to gaol* in feavannaTty pn the 13th of June, 1816, a negro man, who says hie name is Gat, and that he belongs to Mr. Geo. W.,M‘A1» late* in Bryan county; he -is about five feet'eleven tachto high and thirty years of age, and has pn' iroq on h» ( h. M’CALL,». c. c. 3* Brought to gaol, in Savannah* on the'14th of June, 1816, a negro woman, who says her name is Nancy, and that die belongs to Mr. Carr, on Ogechee; she ia about twenty years of agte and four feet » ten inches high; has on striped homespu shirt and pe- ticoati and formerly belonged to Mrs. Lawrence, of this «*fy- - H. MCCALL, 8.0. c. june 18—72 Brought to gaol, in Savanna^ June 17, 1816, a negro'man, who says hisiname is Cim and that he belongs to John Millite* near Jacks>n>loM&> He is about forty yean of age and uVe j on oznabutgs shirt and ! H-Ml > J®®®•