Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, June 22, 1816, Image 4

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■»& w Philadelphia Razee Boots. The subscriber has just received per brig Olynthte, t SO pair RAZEE BOOTS, of a superior quality. John Douglass. iune 1— 65 . - ■ ■ Marshal’s sale. On the Jirst Tuesday in July next, Will be sold at the Market-house in St Mary's, between the hours of ten and three o’clock, The Buildings on part of wharf lot No. 3, in St. Maty’s-—levied on as the property of Paul Chase to satisfy sundry executions at the suit of the United -States against said Paul Chase and others. John Eppiiiger, iune 1 -65 Marshal. ■»■■■■ ■' - r i — ■ sale For The Toll-Bridge over Great Ogechee River, at which. Joseph Hill lately resfied—it is a substant?^ well built bridge, composed chiefly of freshets, and appears to be ~ complete piece of worki? J :>? - JOHN jerE £0 tn i april stood the a good and to ’ , > eXors. SJ. mu. MB •i apn The Vast die u, s having been received^they wfll be p»d litthe! ange, on fetffol- 24th instant. Captain ~ Captain J- derlin’s coit Captain J.jHarehall’s company on Captain lf, W. Williams’ do do CaptainE. S. Bees’ do do Captain *..Mackay’s do do Captain W. A. Dunham’s do do Captain J. Hunter’s do do # __ r Commencing alT0« o’clock in the morning of each day. JAMES MORRISON, Paymaster \*t ties. Afilitia, United States’ tennte- l une 2u.73 ... - ^ . - 25th Instant. 36th do 27th do 28th do 39th do .-1st July 2dr do supply Of Doctor Bamo|Uis supemne - YELLOW BARK, at wholesale and retail* venders of medicine wdl find it to feeir interest to supply themselves with this Bara, as » liberal discount will be allowed thepi- ; Josi&li Fenfielct 49 april 25f —+rn- cFb uring my..absence from this state, Messrs. WitnaM Jrf! GtiLELAND and Samvel Daves- - fo 5 Saoi, in Savannah, oh the 7th Juufe, 1816, a Negro Man, who says is lune is Or?**, awfthat lie belongs to the estate of John Fraser, hut has been in the charge of John H. McIntosh He ft about 35 years, of age, and 5 feet 9 indies high- he lias sin ulcer pn his left leg, and has lost the little toe of his left foot- has on white cotton shirt, jacket and trowsere; ' HUGH M'CALL, c. c c June 13—70 & Brought to gaol, in Savanuafi^ post, are legally authorised to transact my business. Isaiah Davenport. Sheriff Sales continued. June 1, 1816, a Negro Man, who says his name is Ben and that he belongs to William Cable, Hear New-Orleans! He is about forty-five years of age, and five feet three inches high. He was formerly owned by Mr. Delburg in this city'. 6 Uhathaift Academy. Fifteen female pupils w® be received, into , the Acade my; For tickets of admission apply to WnjJAK Law, esq, at fee Academy. ^ " v 63 Marshal’s sale.* The subscribers Have concluded to continue their business through the wummer, and will keep constantly on hand and for .sate iat their Manufactory, mould and dipt CANDLES, some of which are part bees’ wax. No. 1, 2 and 3* SOAP. Also, good cider VINEGAR, at wholesale or by the gallon. L. BALDWIN & CO. june 11—-*cw—69 Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm_ of -Chkisttb &■ Hotchkiss was dissolved on the 15th inst. by mutuafeonsent. All persons having de mands against said firm will present fee same to Jared Hotchkiss for settlement, and those indebted will call and settle their accounts, as he is fully authorised to settle the concerns of the firm ROBERT CHRISTIE, JARED HOTCHKISS. . 3W? *“ For sale The PLANTATION called'Vehnezobre, settled by 'colonel Daniel Heyward, dec. situate on fee east side of the Savannah back-river, twelve miles from fee city, and contiguous to fee lands of Thomas Gibbons, esq. The tract consists of a total of 2126 acres, being divided in- • to pretty equal proportions of tide-swamp, pine-barren -cotton and provision lands. Of the former there are about 300 acres on the river. Which, by. clearing, would be well ^calculated for a productive rice plantation; arid of the latter, wife a large body of cleared provision land, there are about 190 acres of prime uncleared cot ton laud. On the place there is an excellent dwelling- house, with five rooms; a large substantially built bam, with a number of negro-houses and other buildings.— Possession of the place will be given at any time. For terms, which will he made easy to an approved pur- AU..nn« n I.» Ar, A n n i 11 nn rtf f^nlloUJnucm TclotV/l On Thursday, the^Uh day of July next, Will be court house in Savannah, all the personal property of Robert Bowmakey, lately of Sa vannah, shipwright, dec. an alien, who died intestate and t without heirs in this state. Conditions, cash. Sale to commence at 10 o’clock, of the court of ordinary. Samuel M. Bond, pine 39———73 Kscheatnr. Chatham rounty. chaser, apply to the owner, at Callawassie Island, St. Luke’s Parish, Soufe-Caroiina, or to the undersigned factors in Savannah, may WILLIAMSON & DE VILLERS. Union Society. Agreeable to a resolution of the hoard of managers .to this society, all persons having bonds, notes.or other papers -in their possesssion belonging to the institution, are re. -quired to make a return of fee same to the unqersigned. wafl allured and harbored on board of some of the ves- june 13—70 T. V. Gray. Marine and Fire Insurance OFFICE. Holders of commissioners’ Certificates for shares of ■fee Marine and Fire Insurance Company, are requested to render them in and receive stock certificates. ft. Wayne, sec’ry. june r~ On the first Tuesday in July text, W'ill be sold at the court house in Savannah, by consent, between the hours of 10and 3 o’clock, TSio negro, women named Rose *nd Pi; kvied on as ■the property of Joseph Davis to satjsfy an execution at fee suit of the United States, vs. Joseph Davis and David Leion. * JOHN EPPINGER, marshal. ; june 20 * 73 • ■ Wharf and Stores. On the 1st Tuesday • in July next, Wall be sold at fee court house in Effingham cOUhty> between the usual hours, One hiuidred acres of land, bounded by laho of Reed and others, situated in the county of Effingham, levied on as the property of Mathew Reiser, to satisfy sundry executions in favor of John M’l.aggon, returned to me by a constable. C. H, DASHER, s. %. c; june 8—68 . „ The subscriber june 4—66 H. M f Call, g. c. c. & Brought to gaol, w Savannah, May 26, 1816, a Negro Woman, who says her name is SaXly, and that she belongs to Mathew Coleman, of Augusta; She is about thirty years of age, and five feet three inches high: was advertised some time Since, and says he ranaway about two years ago. H. McCall, g. c. c june 4—66 - gj. ._ To rent, the wharf and stores at present occupied by Sfe. Barm M'Kinnev of which possession may be iiad on fee firet"»£November next. For temis, apply to Having taken Doctor Footman into copartnership, wishes to close his accounts—he therefore requests all persons indebted to Ytim for medical services to settle their accounts as early as possible. John J. Jenkins. The subscribers having entered into copartnership, ten der feeir services in the- various branches of medicine to their friends and inhabitants of Brvun c.onnty. JOHN J. JENKINS, RICHARD H. FOOTMAN, Brought td gaol, in Savannah , | N. W. Jones. june 8- june 15 ■ - 71 For sale or rent Notice. All persons having demands against the estate of The house at present occupied by Mr. John Carno- chan, situated at the comer of Bay and Jefferson-streets, the former residence of William Wallace, esq. Applica tion for fee same to be made to Joseph Cumming. mav 19—let.—60 <-m,~ - Escheatov’s sales. Richard Morell, deceased, are request d to present them agreeable to law, within twelve months from this fete; and those indebted to said estate are requested to make immed rite pavmcnt to 16——-58 may Robbery. Fiity Dollars’ reward. Has been niissing since the morning of the 8th inst. a likely mulatto Lad, abc * 18 years of age, of light com plexion, regular features, hair black or dark, and per fectly sfraight—his name is TEAGUE; he is slow ot speecli, and when .closely questioned answers faultering- ly, and is easily confused: his clothing was of the best quality: he usually wore a grey or a black coat and light cassimere pantaloons: he is sluggish in his grit and movements; and slovenly in Iris dress: he is origi nally from Worcester county, on the easterly snore of Maryland, but has'been living for some time in Balti more, where he belongs to James W. Williams. As he has never had • any cause or pretext whatever for ab sconding or leaving home, having been always treated with great lenity, kindness and indulgence, there doubt that he has been enticed away or carried off by the artifice of Some designing person. Whoever shall nrvrvw.lii.iwl nnrl oiifc-lir tvdiii*n fhp lari nr lArlcrp Kinl apprehend and safely return the said lad, or lodge him - I A T — ,, a-■ — ... A1 — — a a— — A v - n 4-L. m A A-1, /v r. .cm c. wr. in a place of security in this city, so that the owner re cover him, shall received thirty dollars if he be taken within Baltimore city or county; or. if elsewhere, the above reward. There is strong reason to believe he sels that have sailed from Baltimore from the 8th to the 10th instant. Baltimore, June 11, 1816—**—73 Notice. 18—72 For sale A valuable tract of land, containing five hundaed- acres, situate in M'liitosh county, and within one mile ■of-the court house; this land is well adapted to the cul ture of sugar, rice and cotton. The terms will he libe ral, and may be known by application to the subscriber in Savannah. R. W. HABERSHAM, march 9 29 - Superior fcourt—Chatham county May Term, 1816. Nathaniel Adams, Stephen F. Williams; Jacob Fahm, Lewis Turner, grand jurors, and George Low, Rode- lick M‘Leod, Ezekiel Yarnell, John G. Scheurman, Sa muel. M„ Mordecai, Henry Kaupt, Gabriel W. Denton, petit jurors, having b'een duly suimnoned to attend this court, _ and being-in default, Ordered, That fee said ^rand-jurors be fined forty dollars, and the said petit- jurors twenty dollars each, unless good and sufficient excuse, on oath, be filed in the clerk’s office within thirty days. Extract from the minutes, Job T„ Bolles, elk. June 11—69 Notice. All persons are fiereby warned not to take Oyster- nhells from Cockspur Island.; and a reward of twenty dollars offered, by thehubsenber, for information to con vietion against any person or persons committing such trespass. JOHN M'QUEEN. 1,1 -r-r-—63 Daring Robbery, Committed on Monday nigiit last, on board the brig Exmouth, aow laying at Dolton’s central wharf; by some person or persons cutting away the middte Staysail frdm the masthead, anfeescape, g with the same. Any per son who will give intelligence of the offender, or restore the sail to the aforesaid brig, or store of Mr. Jonathan Battelle shall be handsomely rewarded. E. W. Pollard, J. iune 18- -72 On Select Boarding School FOR YOUNG LADIES, the plantation of Mr. WilBam Scarborough, Bam. ■aeU District, South-Carolina. The summer vacation at this School ends on Monday, the 8th July next, when a few more scholars will be re ceived, not ovesr 13 years of age. Terms—for spelling, reading, writing, arithmetic, grammar, ■ geography, and plain sewing, boarding, washing, and mending, 40 dollars per quarter. French, drawing and music separately cliarged. The situation of this schpol is particularly healthy.— Further particulars ifiay be learnt, on application at the store of Messrs. Andrew Low Sc Co. june 15—e—71 For sale A House and Lot, in St. James’s square; being! one of the most healthy and pleasant situations in this city—on the said lot are all necessaiy out huildings. This pro perty trill be sold for a moderate price, and a credit of one„two apd three years given for the pavraent Per sons disposed to purchase vrill apply to either of the ■ w , ben. sheftall, M. SHEFTALL, sen* Subscribers, april 5. A Bank Note, for a certain amount, was picked up ou Wednesday, the 5th instant, in the morning. Any per son claiming the same, describing the amount, the bank, and its numberf by paying for this advertisement, can have the same again oil applying to the subscriber; Elias Robert. june 18 —k*—72 Notice. During my absence to the northward, Oum M: LrL- li b htik;i. is appointed my lawful attorney A. ROSS. june 20 a* 73 ^ Some time last January,the letter m:ul between Darien and Milledgevilfe, w s robbed of a. letter to me, enclosing the half of the following bank notes, viz. 50 dollar note of the Mechanic’s Bank, Charleston, No. 45, letter B dated 12th Aagqst, 181,>—Three ]00 (Jollar notes, of the State Rank. North Carolina, with the following dates and numbers, viz. "No. 20, 14th July, 1814—No. 833, 31st December; 1814, md No. 1904, 5th November, 1811, let ter A on etch. Also, two tens of the samee bank; one dated 6th June, 1814, No. 993, the othef- 8th August, 1813, No. 2702 wife letter F on each. Fifty dollars will be paid for fee recovery of fee above bilfc. Any informa tion leading to feeir recovery, or the money itself can be ' ’ft with the editor of the Republicin in Savannah, or myself in Milledgeyille. P. JAILLET. . 7’ The editor of the Savannah Re mblican will pub lish fee above advertisement ascorrec ed, and fee editor on the Raleigh Register, (s. c.) ,tse insert the same for three months, and transmit his acc ount for payment. april 4 *fc*——40 Sheriff’s sales. Poor-House aucl Hospital. VrsiTTXK COMMITTEE, For May and June, John P. Heurt and Johs Lewis. Joseph Cumming, april 30 1 51 ‘, Sec’ry. United States—district 1 ot Georgia. Smith, et-aL ? Noali t. Sisson Ri ube i Andei-son E. Brqughton Alexander and cargo. 5 ■ Libel for salvage. The To the Marshal of said district. [L. S.J JOHN J. BULLOCH, elk. Whereas, a libel hath this day been filed, among the things stating and alledging: That the libellant command ing the United Spates’ revenue cutter Dallas, did on or Thomas-N ottage Stephen Titnmons Henry-Cragg Wiliiam Royston i William Bragg Robert Key John Dennis CERTIFICATE PILOTS. Benjamin Sisson* about the Sfat of the present month, save by the exertions of himseifi officers and crew, the Bri tish brig Alexander, from a total ioss, and bring the said vessel safely into port, and for said exertions, prays, that a proper and adequate salvage be allowed by decree of tins court. _ Now, you; the s:rid marshal, are hereby required to cite and admonish, all persons interested in the premises, to be and appear at a special distrietcourt to be held in and for the said district, in the city of .Savannah, at fee court-house, at ten o’clock *. m. of Friday, fee 2qth of the present month, to shew cause, if anv they have* 1 why the prayer of the libellant shonld not lie granted. . Witness, the honorable William Stephens, judge of said court, this 14-th of June, 1816. Thomas U. P. Gharlfcon, Proctor/or libellant. All persons interested in the foregoing monition will take due mrtibe. JOHN EPPINGER, 71^ Marshal. ■ 125 Dollars’ reward. Ranaway, some months past, the following Negroes, belonging to the estate of Peter H. Morel, deceased—dor, a likely man, about five feet six inches higli, a carpenter by trade, of ayellpwish complection—he is well known in Savannah, and was formerly owned by fee late John P. Ward, esq. Siwox, a young man, about twenty-five years old, has a downcast look, When ijpoken to. • Moure, a young woman, of light complection, about twenty-fiye years old, and Aggt, a woman about'feirty years old, limps when she walks, occasioned by a bum. The above negroesj are harbored at the south end of Ossabaw, where Joe was recently taken, but made his escape. Fifty dol lars will be paid for Joe’s being lodged m fee county gaol and twenty-five dollars eaeh for the others. John H. Mdrei. june 13—70■' ; Notice. -41 A special meeting of fee bqard of Road Commi- ft ordered, on Monday, the 24fe June, at the courfht, , in Savannah—the members are particularly requested td be punctual in their attendance. By order of Turnbull, chairman. % v , Bond, secretary.; june 20 73 ■ * : On the first Tuesday in -Jn \j next, Will be sold at the court-house in Rice ioro’, Liberty coun ty, between'the hours often and three o’clock, The following Property, viz: Primt i and Quaniner and wench Betty, and a part of a tract of Land, on Goshen, containing two hundred and twenty Ive acres, more or less^formeriy the estate of Thomas i aepheard, bounded east by John Roberts’ land, north by -eneral D. Stewart’s land—4evied on as the property of ..nits Sandeford to satisfy an execution in favor of James Holmes. Also, a negro bov named Frank— evied on as the pro perty of Thomas Mell, dec. to satisf an execution in fa vor of John "Winn, tax-collector for the state and county taxes due for the years 1814 and 18 5, and the fifty per cent- tax due for the years 1813 and 1814; amounting to sixteen dollars sixty-two and a half c nts and costs. Also, Frank, George, Guy, Chlo<, Tom, April, Cato, and Sylvia, and. a tract of Land c.o tabling four acres, more or less, known by fee name of Middleton Hill, bounded south and west by fee est; e of John Lambert’s lands, and east by Richard S. Ba cr’s land; together with a stock of Cattle and a flock o ‘Sheep;levied on as fee property o Thomas Meli, dec used, to satisfy an execution in favor of Paul Grimbal. Conditions cash, and purchasers ta pay f -r titles. Benjamin M [11, b. l. e. may 30—64 » To all whom it in a w concern, Notice is hereby given, feat fee t lowing persons »*h are.licensed by the Commissioners of Pilotage to act as Pilots. BRANCH PILO' S. John hxon John ,'leary Jesse ’urnace S. H Hen: <f Baker John Low John Hale By order of the board, D. D. Williams, c. b. p. april 30 51 Georgia—Chatham county. Timmons By Samuel M. Bond, clerk of the court of ordinary of said county. j To alL whom it may concern. Whereas, Henry Harbock, of s; id county, planter, has applied tome fife letters of ad mi; istration’on tlie estate of Henry Harbook, late of said c< mtv, deceased, as one of the heirs. J ' No_w, tlierefore, these are, to and singular tlie kindred and ere. Harbock, deceased, to file their have) in my office on or before next, otherwise letters of ai to the applicant. Given under my hand and sei of office, at Savannah, fee 30th of Mav, 1816. [L. S.j SAMUE , M. BOND, •[*—64] < ^ Sheriff’s sales continued. ite and admonish all iiors of the said Henry bjedtions (if any tliey e first Monday of July ition will be granted c. c. o. March 29, 1816, a Negro Woman, who says her name is Mart, and that she belongs to Mrs. Thompson, of Augusta, alias Jesse Walton of" Wilkes county. She is five feet one inch high, very corpulent, and about thirty- five years” of age. H. McCall, g. c. c. june 4—66 ' ; Brought to gaol, in Savannah' on the 13th of June, 1816, a negro man, who says his name is Gat, and that he belongs to Mr. Geo: W. M ! A1- lister, m Bryan county; he is about five feet eleven inches high and thirty years of age, and lias an iron on his left leg. H. M'CALL, e. c. c. june 18 72 £5" Brought to gaol, in Savannah^ on tlie 14th of June, 1816, a negfo wonian, who says her name is Naxct, and that she belongs to Mr. Carr, on Ogechee: she is about twenty years of age and four feet ten inches high; has on striped homespu shirt and pe- ticoat, and formerly belonged to Mrs. Lawrence, of this city. H. M‘CALL, c-. c. c. june 18- —-72 £> Brought to gaol, in Savannah, June 17, 1816, a negro man, who says his name is Criuo, and that he belongs to John Miller, near Jacksonboro’, (Ga.) He is about forty years of age and five feet nine inches high; has on oznaburgs shirt and trowsers and drab woolen jacket. H. M’CALL, g. c. c. june 18 72 Savannah, May 11, 1816. Present their honors judge Johnson and judge Stephens. In consequence of an act of Congress having passed, changing the times and places of tlie sitting of this court, so that the next court for tills district will be holden at at this place on the 14th day of December next; and whereas by the said act, power is given to this court to make sufch rules and omers as may be necessary to pre vent delay of justice and injury to parties; it is ordered, that the next jdry to be drawn, shall be drawn and sum moned to. meet at this place in pursuance of the said act, and that all writs, and process of all kinds, issued return able to the term in epurse at Milledgevilie, shall- be held returnable to fee court next to be holden at this price; and that fee parties be required to appear accordingly to plead or prosecute; anti it is further ordered, that the act of Congress on the foregoing subject, together with this order, be published by tlie cierk of this court for two months dturing tlie ensuing vacation. Extract; from the minutes of the sixth circuit court of the United States, for fee District of Georgia. John J. Bulloch, clerk. AN ACT. For the more convenient arrangement of fee times and places of holding fee circuit Courts of the UniiedjStates, for tlie District of South Carolina and Georgia.. Be it enacted by the Smote and House of Representa tives of the United States of Jlmerica, in Congress assen.- bled, that from and after the first day" of June next, the Circuit Courts in and for the sixth circuit of the United States, shall be held at the following times and places, and no others; that is to Bay, for the District of Georgia, afeSavannah, on the fourteenth day T of December in evu y y'ear, and at Milledgeville, on the" sixth day of May in every y'ear; for the District of South Carolina, at Charles ton, on the twentieth day of November in everv year, and at Columbia on the twentieth day of April in every year, and the Circuit Court for tlie said Districts respective!!, or tlie Circuit judge of the said Sixth Circuit is authori sed and required to make all such rules and orders as may be necessary to carry into effect the change in time and place of Holding tlie said courts according to the true. ’ intent and. meaning of this act. H. CLAY. Speaker of the house of representatives. ' JOHN GAILLARD, President of the senate pro-tempore. April 24, 1816—approved, JAMES MADISON. june 16—al—71 Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in July next, Will be sold at the court-house, in the city of Safermah, between the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, All that one fourth of lot No. 25, Warreu ward, in the city of Savannah—levied on as the property of Samu el Howard and sold to satisfy fee bank; tlie former pur chaser not having compiled wife the terms of sale. Also, a yellow fellow named Will, a carpenter and cooper—levied on as tlie property of William Smith, and sola to satisfy' Edward Lloyd, dec. Also, a negro woman, Cu>f—levied on as the property of Mrs. Eirick, and sold to satisfy WiiJiani Alford, the said woman returned to me by a constable. Afto, negro vonwi named Leer—levied on as the pro perty of EdiTHfeti Jarvis, and sold to satisfy David Bell for others. .ADAM COPE, t may 3U 64 5. c. c. Sheriff sales continued. On the first Tuesdai/ in July next, Will be sold at the court house in tlie city of Savannah, between thefiisuuj hours of 10 and 3 o’clock,, 40 coils Rope; all the packing Machinery, one iron Chi. st, and some Lumber—levied on as the urooem of F.benezer,Stark, deceased, and sold to satisfy Sandiford & . Co - ADAM CUBE, june 8—68 S. (L On the first Tuesday in July next, Will be sold at the court house in the city of Savannah, between tlie usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, A mulatto fellow named Johpf levied on as tlie proper ty of William Smith to satisfy a judgment in favor ofEd- ward Lloyd, dec. j Also, wharf lot, No. 3, Tamsftraw, adjoining Pooler’s on fee west, and Clark’s on tlie fast; levied. On as the pro perty of William Lewden, dec. to satisfy fee administra- tore of John Herb, theibnner purchaser not having com plied wife the terms of sales, j Adam Cope, s. c. c. ank of the U nited States. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in the trust fends of the late Bank of the United States, as the proprietors of bank-notes, or of dividends upon stock,. «ther of capital or interest, and in general to all fee creditors of the said bank or trust of whatsoever des- e«ption, that unless their chums are presented for set- tlement before the ; , 4th day of March, 1817, when the pf 'six years from the creation of fee Said trusts will have expired, fee trustees will not feel themselves ob liged to make' opposition to any decree or order of court, wkicAmay be/ibuined for fee distribution among ^Sldc^fetore" ^r fe may 28——fyo—-*-63 / j G. SIMPSON. City-Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in July next, Will be sold at the court-house in the city of Savannah, between tlie usual hours," A negro woman named Curtinia—-levied on as the pro perty of estate John Middleton, to satisfy David Gu"t1 and others. 0 Also Buildings on Lot No. 1, Wilmington tything, Derby ward,—levied on as fee property of Henrietta Miller, to satisfy her city-tax for the year 1815, amount due g45 37) cents and costs. ^ Also, thefbllowingarticles, two wash-hand bason Stands, one pine Table, three trunnel Bedsteads, one sop ha Frame, two Bedsteads, one Cot, fouriwork Benches, one grinds tone, part of a Cotton-Gin, carpenters’ Tools, one ot and Matrass—levied ot as fee property of Andrew Bare to satisfy Sarah Johnston. june 1-,—65 Isaac D’Lyen, s. c. s. Sheriff’s sale. in August next, WD1 be soldmtthe court house in EfJ- ttg bam county, ,,, .. , between the usual hr All that tract of land, cont*" . J two and* acres, situated =- ^ ftSr, se- venteenth district, N- ■ the county of J-i* i P ’ m satisfy jajre- • a. 130, Or so much thereof^ ^ .ents and costs. c.