Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, June 27, 1816, Image 3

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* LATEST FROM ENGLAND rwain Holdridge, from Havre, touched at tt St where he obtained London papers of Sth of Mav, which Impolitely furnished to +1 p Fditors of the Mercantile Advertiser. The the Editors^ ^e ^ of M eontains the marriage^which took place on the 2d) of her mal highness, the princess Charlotte Augusta, i Vfpr of the pnnee regent, with his serene daugbtei ot y Freder f ck , d uke of Saxe. Inghnes /.f Meissen, Landgrave of Thuringuen prinfeofCobourg of Saaleld. The royal family, P j ambassadors and ministers from foreign th were present on the occasion. After the * pTnsion of the marriage, the park and tower s were fired, and the evening concluded Sh other demonstrations of ioy. Th“ same paper contaius the appointment of prince Cobourg, to be a general in the British ar By the brig Sphynx, captain Macomb, in oo days from Leghorn, the Editors of the Mercan tile Advertiser have rece.ved a copy ol the fol lowing Treaty, between Great Britain Bev of Tunis, concluded on the 1. th ol April, 18i6 ' exmoutIl Declaration ofhis highness Mahmoud Bashaw chief Bey of Tunis, the well guarded city, and the abode of happiness, made and concluded ■with the right honorable Edward Baron Exmouth, kuj Jiif. grand cross of the most honorable mili tary order of the bath, admiral of the blue squad ron, and commander of his Britannic majesty's ships and vessels in the Mediterranean. In consideration of the deep interest mani fested by his royal highness the prince regent of Eugiaml, for the termination of Christian slave- rv.'his highness, the Bey of Tunis, in token of his sincere desire, to maintain inviolable his friendly relations with Great Britain, and in ma nifestation of his amiable disposition, and high respect towards the powers of Europe (with all of whom he is desirous of establishing peace) de clares, that in the event of a future war with any European power, (which God forbid) that none of the prisoners made on either side, shall be consigned to slavery, but treated w’ithall hu manity as prisoners of war, until regularly ex changed according to European practice in like j.ases. and that at the termination of hostilities, they shall be restored to their respective coun tries without ransom. . Done in duplicate, in the jpalace ofBardo. near Tunis, in the presence of Almighty God, the 17th da y of April, in the year of Jesus Christ, 1816, and in the year of the Higera, 1231, and the 19th day of .the Moon. JUMOD ONELL. Exmouth, Admiral and Commander, Ac. On the 4th May, six Dutch frigates were at Gibraltar, waiting for a reinforcement of a 74 and a frigate, to go against Algiers. NEW ORLEANS. Arrived this forenoon, the ship Paragon, in 19 days from New Orleans! The water had ceaS- ed to rise, and measures were immediately to be taken to open a sufficient number of ditches for draining oft'the water from the high land in to the cypress swamp, whence it might find its way into Lake Poncnertrain. For tins purpose the corporation had issued an ordinance author ising the mayor to hire of their owners as many slaves as can he procured by beat of drum, and .place. +hem under the care of a Mr- Janesse, city ■surveyor, with a sufficient number of drivers whom (he the mayor) was to chuse, and the whole expence to be borne by the corporation of New- Orleans. By the arrival of the ship Mexico, from Liver pool, we bave received Lloyd’s Lists to the 2.4th, Glasgow papers to the 26th, and Liverpool to the 29to >( April. ** From one of them we copy inun ba the following distressing account of an tion which r.appened in Germany. Marienbuhgh, March^l. DREADFUL INUNDATION. The distress caused in our neighborhood by the inundation is greater than the severest evils of tar. In the night the dykes were burst in two places. One breach was 20 and the other 70 rods broad. In the darkness of the night, it was impossible for the inhabitants to do more than save themselves, by retreating to the up per part of their houses. At break ofdav a most' dreadful scene appeared: a district of 17 Ger man Square (423 English square) miles of the most fertile land under water. Every where were.seen white sheets, and shirts hung out as signals of distress, and from every roof the cries O! tije sufferers were heard. Up to the 25th, 2(7; cattle were drowned in Milantz alone.— T.:e uorftinued cold makes the distress infinite. Daily we see the flames arise in the midst of the water waste, because the people, bertumbed with coi i, 6 y to warm themselves, by making fires in *oit oi their houses. FROM SOUTH AMERIC A. By the arrival of the brig Holkaiy captain King, in j9 days from Rio Grande, we learn that an expedition, consisting of Portuguese and Spaniards, had arrived before Buenos Ayres With the intention of attacking the place and rescuin g it from the hands of the Patriots. FROM HALIFAX. We m.->t, day 'tail. iave received Halifax papers, to the 1st by the British sloop Olive, arrived ih 12 ■ ora that city, The latest paper states, several American fishing vessels had lately be# untamed, oy his majesty’s brig Portia, and syit into Surinam, “in pursuance of.the instruc tions fijom lord Bathurst of the 17th of June, It la, w.iich prohibit the Americans from taking fish m tiie bays of the British provinces, Boston, June 14. By the Elizabeth, which arrived yesterday at M_u n:ehead from Marseilles, we learn that on ''i Utii of April, the United States’ sloojl of r Ontario was at that port. The report that l ' c British Mediterranean squadron had pro ceeded against Algiers is confirmed. Reparation of Maine.— i esterday the joint cmnni.ttee on the subject, reported to the senate, hat tney found the number of votes in Maine for V ^'^ration was 10,584—the number against it ^ L and the whole number of qualified voters .I 1 / 8 towns which furnish the returns, 37,938. fr comaut tee also reported a-bill providing r the separation of sgid district and calling a convention of delegates for the purpose of form ing a constitution; Which report and bill were read,ana this day, at 11 o’clock, was assigned for the second read ing of the bill, and six hundred copies orderec to be printed. The commissioner of claims for losses expe rienced by individuals during the late war, o; property taken into the public service—such as horses, waggons, guns, Ac. has advertised for claims to be presented at his office at Washing ton .-—Boston paper. In a late debate in the French chamber of de puties,' Mr. Hyde de Neuville, (ambassador to the United States) said, “we wish not to des troy any thing belonging to the French revolu tion, except what it has produced of an immoral and Anti-religious nature. We wish to preserve all that is useful.”—National-Intelligencer. THE STEAM-BOAT ENTERPRISE. W e were gratified yesterday by the arrival of tiie steam-boat Enterprise, captain Howard from Savannah. She came by the inland passage.— Her external ornaments not being completed, she has, as yet, a rude appearance to the eye— but we understand, in a few days, will be fitted up with every accommodation for passengers, as she is intended to run between Charleston and Sullivan’s Island.—Char. South. Fat. PROFITABLE PLAYING. Mr. Simpson, stage manager of the New-York theatre, had-a benefit on Monday night, in that city, which produced him nearly nineteen hun dred doll&rs— an amount not equalled since the days of Cooke.—Aurora. The conversion in New-England must be ex tensive, when we observe, that the governor of Massachusetts lias delivered (as the reader has seen,) a speech truly republican. As this was done to conciliate the republican party, we may fairly conclude that “federalism of tiie Boston, stamp” has run its race, and is no more.—Co lumbian. Ncw-Castle, (Ga.) June 8, 1816. Sir—Your note of to-day by captain Owen H. Kenan is before me. Having acknowledged your innocence of the charges to be infered by ny publication in the Augusta Chronicle of the 29th March last, under the signature of “A Friend to the Army,” and having since been completely undeceived oil the subject of your paying out bills of the banks of Georgetown and Alexandria to an officer under orders for a dis tant post, it remains for me to relieve you from the charge of inconsistency, and to assure you that 1 intended nothing like a challenge in, the conclusion of my publication in tiie same paper under date of the 3d ult. (under the same signa ture) of which you complain. And with the exception of the justification due to myself,.the last publication referred to, was intended as a prompt acknowledgement to the feelings of an injured man, with a sincere desire, that whatever prejudicies might have been excited against you »y the original publication, should be speedily obliterated. You are at ^liberty, sir, to make such use of the above note as will most likely promote the object in view. I am sir, your’s, Ac. * W. Jones. Lieutenant Jtlifi U. .Mallory, Paymaster, 7th Iitj'autnj. —■•<£?■• 4^. Died, on the 24lhinstant, in the '25th year of 1 his age. Mr. Mason Fisuer, merchant of tliis city, a native of Dover, (Massachusetts;) a gentleman whose cultivated mind, unassuming manners, and numerous virtues render ed him highly esteemed by all liis acquaintances; cut off in the spring of life, at a distar _• from his relatives, must be a severe affliction to them, but they will derive consolation from the reflection, that such worth will every where find friends; and that he has gone to meet tiie reward of a well spent life. Died, in tills city, on Monday morning, the 24th inst. Dr. John Grimes, in the 35th year ofhis age. Died, on the 2Jth inst. near Cambridge, (s. c.) at the house of Mr. William Smith, Moses W at, esq. of Liberty cflunty, (Geo.) in the 28th year ofhis age. Died suddenly, in New-York, on the 15th instant, Mrs. Mart Barer, consort of Mr. Calvin Baker, merchant of tliis city. On the 22d May last, departed this life, at Bennington, (Vermont) Anthony Haswell, esq. editor of the Green Mountain Farmer, aged 61. During the reign of federal Hliberality and proscription, Mr. Haswell was a fellow sufferer with Mr. Adanis,* lately deceased in this town. Peace to their shades! They are now beyond the reach of injustice, and will no longer suffer for the advance of their principles. The aggravated circumstances confinement, (says the Bennineton«paper) 'the sici of himself and family during period of his ini ration, the death of a beloved daughter, while he w mured in jail, and whose sufferings he was not permitted to alleviate by his presence—when even the sad consolation of watching by her side, of anxiously-administering to her relief, and finally of closing her eves in death, were forbidden him, will long be remembered, by his friends and .neighbors. Those who were acquainted with the character of Mr. Haswell know that it will speak its own eulogium. He was buried with masonic honors.—Boston Patriot. |* Mr. Abijali Adams, editor of the Independent Chro-j nicie, who suffered imprisonment for libel in Boston, until sickness reduced him, died on the 18th, aged 62. The sympatny of a fellow-suffer in 1809 occasions these notes.] ■—~—Jl, Si£ and ^quarter Cents* REWARD Will be paid for delivering Jo -tlje subscriber, THOMAS BRADLEY, an indented apprentice, belonging to this office, who absconded last Wednesday morning. He : is about fifteen years old, four feet nine inches high, stout made, has blue eyes and fair skin, much freckled in the face, pleasing (countenance—when spoken to hangs down his head; but answers quick, and is very plausi ble and shrewd in his repiv. tie may attempt to pags by the name of Thomas Payne. 'Had on when he went away a pair of yellow nankeen pantaloons, and a dark brown coat. All persons are cautioned against harbor ing, employing, or concealing him,...and masters of ves sels are forbid carrying liim off as the law will be put'in force on conviction. FREDERICK S. FELL, june 2^—76^ -«ai ■ Six and a quarter Cents 5 REWARD For an apprentice, runaway from the subscriber on the night of the 5th instant; he is a mulatto bov, about five feet six inches high, stout made, looks considerably sul len when spoken to—his name is Cornelius, or otherwise John. All persons are forbid liarboring - said bov, as the law will be rigidly put in force if led to conviction.— The above reward will be paid for the delivering of said boy to JOHN G. YOUNG, une 27—v—76 ijuiiiv oi tiie United States. Persons intending to subscribe to tiie Batik.of the Unit ed States, are informed that the undersigned will attend at the Planters’ Bank, on THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY’ next, from 10 o’clock, a. i*,'to 1 o’clock r. m. for the purpose of receiving the payment required in gold or silver coin. EDYVART) HARDEN, june 27—76 One of the Commissioners. •.• ■<* ^ _ V Auction. To-Morrow, 28th instant, If ill be sold before my at on, Groceries and Dry Goods. ALSO, 8 hhds Jamaica Rum, 15 casks Porter ,10 bis Beef, 2 crates Earthenware 20 bags Coffee, 10 half bis mess Beef : 10 pieces Bagging, 20 boxes Raisins 10 do Candles, 25 do Soap, 30 bis Flour ~ ^ 20 pieces Oznaburghs, 1 case linens 1 do Madras Handkerchiefs * 2 trunks Calico, &c. Sule to commence at 11 o’clock , D. Williford, auct’r. june 27■ - ?6 * Auction. On Saturday next, 29th instant, fl itt be sold before my storey i . Groceries and Dry Goods. Sale to commence at 11 o’clock. A. HoWe auct’r iunc 27 76 Planters’ Bank. Thursday next being the fourth of July, this Bank will be shut—therefore notes and acceptances payable on that day must be taken up on Wednesday. J. Marshall, inne 27 76 cashier Five passengers can be accommo dated in tiie packet brig GEORGIA, to. sail for New- York, on Sunday next. OLMSTEAD Sc. BATTELLE. june 27 76 For Charleston The regular packet sloop GENERAL WASH INGTON will sail cm Saturday next. For freight or passage, having handsome accommo dations, apply to the master on board, or to Nichols & Hunter. june 27 r 76 F'or Charleston. The sloop SCHOHARIE, captain Lemuel Forsyth, will be. despatched immediately. For freight or passage apply on board at Hunter’s wharf or to JOHN LATJIROP &. CO. ItTio have for tale, on board said sloop, of superior manufactured To bacco A few cases of fine Muslin few .hundred weight Notice. A few Gentlemen can be accommodated with LODG INGS ina healthy pan of the town during the summer. Apply to Mrs. M’-.vno, comer of Broughton i and Bar nard sus. As, in the house lately occupied by Mrs. Smith. June 27—a—76 Notice. i All demands against the estate c»f V. A. Stobkes, dec. must be rendered in, duly attested with out-del,iy^po John Carnochan, june 27——ct— -76 To rent A spacious dwelling HOUSE, on the Bay. Apply to arfm’or pine 27- -76 George Glen. AlctrsliaFs sales. By virtue of a decree of the honorable the siyth circuit court of the United States for ; the district of-Georgia, made in a case wherein Jane Irving, William living, Ca tharine Maitland and Alexander Maitland, wpie com plainants and Joseph Currie and Joseph Miller, were de* fondants, Will be sold at the court-house in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours, On the first Tuesday in August next, \ bejng a part of tiie personal estate of the late John Currie, esq. dec. JOHN EPPiNGER, i oy. 76 Marshal. Sever*! Hk Tv NEC.ROT'- pine: Bills Oil For sale by .pm —76 eS evv-1 ork. T. A. SCHOEDDE. iii a change. A BILL OF EXCHANGE on London, for 8001. for sale by WILLIAM TAYLOR, june 27—m—76 W anted Baltimore and District of Columbia MONEY. Apply to T. A. SCHOEDDE. 27 A—-76 k ompany Orders. The Savannah Heavy Artillery are ordered to assem ble at their parade ground, atthe Laboratory, on SA TURDAY, the 29th instant,at3 o’clock r. ai. in full uni form, with white pantaloons. By order of captain Gumming Jones, f. s. june 27-— r 76 Just received, FROM CHARLESTON, AND NOW LANDING, From the sloop General Washington r. ptuin Campbell, and for sale, at jYo. 17, Bolton’s buildings, fronting the Ex change loharf, t-> 20 boxes best Claret 1 pipe Holland Gin 1 chest superior Hyson Tea boxes blue and white Starch barrels Vinegar and Crackers Francis Jalineati. jnne 27—76, 'I lie subscriber Will be absent from Savannah for a few months, and icaves John Liwfos, esq. his attorney*. James Bilbo. me-27 76 ccn^M; I s s< \ d?™- fi port of savannah, Thursday, June 27, 1816. ARRIVED, Sloop General Washington; Campbell, Charleston, CLEARED, Sliip Jane, Drummond, Liverpool Brig Casket, Douk, New-York The schooners Due Bill, and Water Witch, ahd a ship from Cliarieston bound to St. Mary’s, have been driven ashore in the late gale a few miles to the southward of Augustine bar. It is supposed that the Water Witch will be gotten off without ally material damage. Cargo saved. The Due Bill and the sliip from Charleston, to tally' lost. Captain Levi Dewoiv, and crew of the Sliip Narragan- sfett, of Bristol, (R.l.)frorh Havana bound to St. Peters burg (Russia) arrived nere yesterday forenoon from Darien in their long boat, who infortij that on the morning ot June -6, in lat. 26, 5, n. wherl in the gulf, near Cape Florida, he experienced a most tremendous gale from e. n. e. The violence of the gale, from its increasing to a hurricane, drifted them out the gulf, in wliite Water, and she was driven over two reefs of breakers, and fi nally got on the beach; vessel lost; and cargo principal ly—but no lives*—Museum. Ip* A few more passengers ac j commodated on board brig' GOVERNOR HOPKINS; for Newport and Providence, to sail bn Saturday next. Apply on ooard at Bolton’s wharf, or to : T.&Condy. june 27—e—76 jB*' ' - * „ ii bao’ oi bea-lsland Cotton Was brought to the subscriber’s store by mistake, some months ago. supposed to have come from about the Exchange Dock. The owner is requested To prove it, and tiie il away. Carnochan & Mitchel. june 27:—t?—76 For safe. Tiie subscriber offers for sale the Plantation on which he resides, adjoining the town of Brunswick, Glynn county; containing fifty acres first quality of Kam- -niock land, thirty four acres of vvluch are cleared and under cultivation—on the premises are a very comforta ble and'roomv dwelling house, in good repair, with necessary outbuildings, an excellent grove of sweet orange trees, with numbers of other trees; it commands an extensive view, lying immediately opposite St. Simon’s Sound. y It would make a convenient residence for any gen tleman wishing to open a plantation in the Buffalo, from its Contiguity to the same, and the healthiness of the situa tion. For terms apply t6 the subscriber. George Diipree. june .27- - -.xr- 76 . ., , , Stolen, From the subscriber’s house, on the night of the 25th, h PORT ABLE DESK, containing (as near as can be re collected) about seventy-five dollars in cash, and sundry letters and papers, which can be of no consequence to any person out the owner. A generous reward will be give* on information to conviction of the fhief; and Ten Dollars for the desk and contents. JOHI? GL’ASS. > Tunf 7 r~76 . .7 ,, .. ‘ Notice is hereby given To owners (or their agents) of Lots in the towns of Brunswick and Frederica, that an assessment (authoriz ed. by an act of the Legislature of 1814) has been made by the Board of Conynisgioners of towns and common of Brunswick and Frederica, on said Lots, to -yit: on all Bay and Wharf Lots, improved, two dollars, fifty cents; On all Bay and Wharf Lots, not improved, two dollars; and on all others, fifty cents. Owners are therefore notified, to come forward and pay, or cause to be paid as above, on or before the first day of January, 1817; otherwise the same will be sold at public sale. Henry Dubignon, Jokyl, 19ih June, § Truuurer ltidi'Siidl S Stilus. On the first Tuesday in .lugust next, Will be sold at the court-house in Savannah, between the hours of ID and 3 o’clock, The following negroes, to wit: Judith, Rachel, Fri day, Juno, Bob, Hetty, Scotland, Fox, Jarvis, Jane, Bi- nah, Brutus, sen. Brutus, jun. Dunc..n, Galloway, Caesar and Jack—levied on .is the property of Alexander Cur rie, dec. to satisfy an execution at fhe suit of ,ibhn Mil ler. * * JOHN EPPlfVGER, june 27 - 76 | Mai dial Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in August next, Will be sold atAhe court house, in tile city of Savannah, Detween the usual hours of ten and three o’clock, A negro woman, named Rost; levied on as ; the pro perty of Edward Llovd, deceased, to satisfy) a judg ment in favor ofR. Mitchell, s rvrvor Aiso, a negro man, named Will; levied on as the pro perty of John Fraser, dec. to satasfy judgements in favor of Joseph Kitchen et. al. Also, all that tract of Land, originally purlch"sed of Joseph Wood, for 690 acres, bounutd northwardly by lands ofThomas Young, formerly George Cuthbert, out wardly by lands granted Kenan, now part of Mm berry grove, southwardly and southeastwardly by general Read’s land, formerly Zubly’s; the same having been re surveyed by John M‘Kinnon and found to contnn seven hundred and twenty acres; levied on as the property of William,-md Charlotte Stephens to satisfy an execution in favor f)f Thomas E. Lloyd. ADAM. COPE, s, c. c. pine 27—76 Sherris s sales. On the first Tuesday in August next; Will be sold, at the court-house in jeffers-m, Camden county, between the usual hours of 19 and 3 o’clock, A tract of Land lying and being in Camden county, on Great Satilla river, containing 327 acres, more dr less; or so much thereof as will satisfy the taxes of Charles John ston, for the year 181Js> Also, his fifty per centum t,.x, for the year 1814; amount due gl8 37 cents, land cost. Aiso, a tract of Land lying and bemi-in Camden coun ty, on Great Satilla river, containm./ 25 ,cre§, more or less; or so much thereof -s will satisfy the t^xes of John Gormon, for the year 1815. Also, iiis fifty ppr ee.turt* tax for the year 1814; amount uae go 73 cents, and cost. . Also, a Lot and improvements in the town of St. Ma. ry’s, on Which Stephen \V. Moor i*o v resides; le' k-d on os the property of said Stephen Moor, co s^osty his taxes for tha year i-815. Also, his y per centum tax for the year 1814; amount due §27 98 cents, an,, cost. Also, the improvements of Thomas 2i rk, jun. in the town of St. Marv’S; levied o«i as tiie, preper y of s.tid Thomas Clark, jun. to satisfy his taxes for the year 1815. Also, his fifty per centum tax for the year 1814; amount due go 1-J cents, and cost. Aiso, a tract of Land, lying and being in! Camden county, on the north side of Crooked ri 'ir, about one fourth of a mile above the residence of A brail ,*n Pratt, containing 15 j acres, more or less; levied bn ok the pro perty of said Abraham Pratt, to satisfy an execution in i'a'-or of David Lewis. Also, a' tract df Land lying and being irt J Camden county, on North river, contaiiung 960 acres more or less; levied on ai the property of Catharine Howell, ex- fccutrix of John Howell, to satisfy tiie taxes due for tiie year 1815. Also; the fifty per centum tax, for the yea® 181,4; amount due $§20 93 cents, and cost. John Bailey, s. c. c. june 27—76 ^herilUs sales* On the first Tuesday in Avgust next, Will be sold, at the court house, in Riceboro)ugh, LL. berty county, between the hours of ten afid three o’clock, the following property, viz: Abbey, a negro woman; ’levied on as the property of James M. Stewart, dec. to satisfy two executions, one in favor of SamUel Lewis, administrator of George Foster, surviving copartner of Foster & Stewart, the other in favor of the administrator Darnel Bourdman. Also, Juba, Daphne, Mary, Jack, Sharp- r, Paul, Sam, Peggy, Rachael and Clarinda; levied on as the. property of Jonathan B. Bacon to satisfy executions nl favor of R. St J. Bolton and Curtis Bolton St Co. Conditions, cash. BENJAMIN MELL, s. l. y. june 27—“—76 , • Sheriff* s saie. On the first Tuesday in September next, Will be sold at the court bouse, in Jefferson,! Camden country, between the usual hours of ten and thren o’clock, A tract of Land, Lying and being in Camden county, on St. Mary’s river, about one and a half miles ftom the town of St. Mary’s, containing seven hundred and eigh, ty acres,, more or less—levied on under the foreclosure of a.nvortgage as the property of the representatives Margaret Jones to satisfy the Commissioners of Carofleft. Conaty Academy. JO£N KALLKY, 6.?. g ' jiwe27---~-75