Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, June 29, 1816, Image 1

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j>Y FREDERICK S. FELL.'] SAVANNAH, (GA.) JUNE 29, 1816. Number 77 •] the republican 18 PUBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY .AND SATURDAY’, AT SIX HOLLARS PER .IXJVTUM, PAYABLE IX ADVANCE. ADVERTISEMENTS . , t ,1,, rote of Seventy-Five Cents per x *■»*, ^ Cents for each continuation. CASH „ mnv «ii orders from the Country, unless the jgSSBCWS.Tows, or the p«y woU tnowo to the Editor. Ali LETTEns to the Editor must be post-paid. . fip Five passengers can be accommo- in the packet brig GEORGIA, to sail for New- York, on Sunday next. OLMSTEAD & BATTELLE june 27— TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR. iM freight central ON junf For Liverpool The substantial fast sailing brig EXMOUTII, .Edward \V. Pollard, master; will be dispatched, £ha' ing two thirds of her cargo on board. For of 200 bales cotton apply on board, at Bolton’s wharf, or to J. BAY Y ELLE, J\'o. 16, Commerce Row. Who has for sale Bills of Exchange NEW YORK AND BOSTON 18 72 For Liverpool or Greenock. J-a The staunch, well found ship UNION, captain _^™&=Post, of 230 tons, will take a cargo of cotton to Liverpool or Greenock, at a low freight, if early applica tion is made to CARNOCIIAN 8t MITCHELL. anrii 25——19 For Boston The regular trading brig ADELINE, James Rich, master. For freight or passage apply to WHITNEY & PARKMAN. June 18—i—-72 For Boston The schooner SARAH ANN, captain Lum ■bard. For freight or passage apply on board at Y'eifiiir’s wharf, or to Olmstead & Battelle, M~ho have now landing-, SO casks cut NAILS, and 20l) pieces company N .nkeens. june 1 65 For New-York The excellent fast s. ikng brig THREE STr>- ^Y’ERS, L. ne, master; for freight, (winch wiii be fetaken low) or passage, having good accommo dations apply to the m; ster on board or to Gumming & Moorhead, If 7io have for sale, just received, 6 chests superior quality yot ug Hyson TEA. june 22 v 74 Parties of Pleasure Can be accommodated in the fine, fast sailing pilot boat PEACE, which has been fitted for the tpurpose. She will take parties over the Bar, to the Black Fish bank, or to Charleston, at a short notice, and will always return when the party on board require it. Fifteen Hollars per day will be the expense, passen gers finding their own stores. Applv to WM. ROYSY'ON, or ELIJAH BROUGHTON. nine 20 63 For New-York The fast sailing brig GEORGIA, captain West, tlPg^having three fourths of tier cargo ready to go oh board. For freight or passage, having excellent accommodations, applv to Olmstead & Battelle. Fine 1£- For New-York The brig CASKEY', captain Doak, will sail on Sunday next. For freight of 100 bales cotton or * passage apply to the captain on bon d, or B. M*Kinne & Co. June 18 72 1 For N ew-York , - The fine new schooner LE V ANT, YVood', mas- ^AMT^ter, will s.*il on Sunday next, weather permitting. jtkaafcFor freight or passage, having spacious accom modations, apply to the captain on board, or to Pelot & Merrick. i 1 re 1 * 71 For New-YorK The sclioouer VENUS, captain -, liev int sailed on the 6tb, may be be iiOurly expecteif; will meet with immediate dispatch. For freight or passage apply to PELOT & MERRICK. 11 69 For Newport and Providence, (u. i.) The packet brig GOVERNOR HOPKINS, captain Smith, will have dispatch. For freight or passage, having handsome accommodations, ply to the master on board, at Bolton’s wharf, or to T. H. Coirtly. vine 20 73 For PniUvldlpiUit. The packet brig HERO, captain Bailey, will ^sail for Philadelphia, the 31st inst. For freight ■ or passage apply to Perry & Wright, Who have for sale 4 ton Sweed Steel 1 ton broad Russia Steel 10 faggots Crowley Steel 10 barrels of Philadelphia bottled Porter 20 boxes crab Cider 17 casks and 100 bags Oats Whiskey, in hogsheads and barrels Bills oi Excnange ON NEW-YORX AND LIVERPOOL. J. E. White & Co. may 21 60 Bills on NewnYork. For sale bv june 27—a—76 1 T. A. SCHOEDDE. Exchange. A BILL OF EXCHANGE on Iamdon, for 8001. for sale by WILLIAM TAYLOR, june 27—m—76 Cloathiiig Ware-House. The subscribers have removed to the new brick store, on the Bay, nearly in the rear of their former establish ment and opposite Messrs. B. M’Kinne Sc Co’s, where they offer.for sale, just received per ship Woodbine and brig Savannah Packet, from New-York, a general assort ment of READYMADE CLOATHING, consisting of the following articles, viz: India seersucker, gingham and black bombazet Coattees Superfine blue and mixed cloth and cassimere do Gingham, white jean and yellow nankeen round Jackets Superfine white and figured Marseilles Vests Do black Florentine do Do yellow nankeen, white jean, white eassar cord, striped - jean, cotton cassimere, olive, velveteen, Angola cassimere and cord Pantaloons Superfine blue, black, drab and mixed cassimere Funta- lodns Superfine linen and cotton Shirts, Etc. &c. W. & A. Weyman & Co. ALSO, Pack Pins, white and black silk Gloves Ladies’ straw Hats, Artificial Flowers Millinets, cotton Lace, white Sattins Men’s and boy’s wool and roram Hats, june 20-M-73 For sale by june 13—70 Bills on England ANDREW LOW 8c CO. Marshal’s sale. f)n the first Tuesday in July next, YVjJl be sold at the.court house in Savannah, by consent, between the hours of 10 and3 o’clock, T wo negro women named Rose and Di; levied on as the property of Joseph Davis to satisfy an execution at the suit of the United States, vs^ Joseph Davis and David Leion. JOHN EPPINGER, marshal. june 20 73 Black Pepper, (heavy 1 i"ne.20—73 Passengers The fine packet brig ALMIRA, Isaac Atwood, ^master, expected to sail from this about the 15th *of July; will take passengers for New-York, Bhode-Island or Boston. WHITNEY & PARKMAN. june 18—l—72 Lor Charleston. The sioop SCHOHARIE, captain Lemuel wt^yt\ Forsyth, will be despatched immediately. For fie&i SUfreight or passage apply on board at Hunter’s wharf or to JOHN LATHROP & CO. Who have for sale, on board said sloop, A few hundred weight of superior manufactured To bacco A few cases of fine Muslin june 2 7 m- -76 c AL! several likely NEGROES. * Just received, From Liverpool, per ship Winnefre<L | Salt, and |£ 5 lr °n Coals, which will be sold low if applied 1 lor immediately.- Apply to Calvin Baker & Co. June ijUyo Marshal’s sales. By virtue of a decree of the honorable the sixth circuit court of the United States for the district of Georgia, made in a case wherein Jane Irving, William Irving, Ca tharine Maitland and Alexander Maitland, were com plainants and Joseph Currie and Joseph Miller, were de fendants, Will be sold at the court-house in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours, On the frst Tuesday in August next, The following negroes, viz: Dublin, Rina, Mintey, Han nah, Priscv, Tom, Mary, .Molly, Sandy, Maria, Elsey, Fox, Hercules, Cuffv, Suckcy, Betsy, Polly and Sambo— being a part of the personal estate of the late John Currie, esq. dec. JOHN EPPINGER, iunt 27 76 Marshal Marstlai s saies. On the first Tuesday in August next, Will be sold at the court-house in Savannah, between the hours of Id and 3 o’clock, Y'he following negroes, to wit: Judith, Rachel, Fri day, Juno, Bob, Hetty , Scotland, Fox, Jarvis, Jane, J3i- uah, Brutus, sen. B • ttus, jun. Duncan, Galloway', Caesar and—-levied on as the property of Alexander Cur rie, dec. to satisfy an execution at the suit of John Mil ler. JOHN EPPINGER, ’ june 27 76 Marshal Just received, PROM CHARLESTON, A VII NOW LANDING, From the sloop General Washington captain Campbell, anti for sale, at No. 17, Bolton's buildings, fronting the Ex change wharf, 2d boxes best Claret 1 pipe Holland Gin 1 chest superior 1 Ivson Tea boxes bine and white Starch kers Francis Jalineau. barrels Vinegar and Cr june 27—76 iN ew Goods. By' the brig Yamacraw and ship Y’homas Gibbons, from Liverpool the subscribers have received their suply of FRESH GOODS, suited to the summer season, winch are offered for sale on reasonable terms. ANDREW LOW & CO. Good OZNABURGS, at 13 cems per yard. William F. Beers Has received a variety of elegant lace Veils Demi Y’cils Shawls and Handkerchiefs Thread Laces, of the newest patterns ALSO, A few- pieces first quality bed Y’icking Black and colored Crapes (very low) Green Florence Silk, fine book Muslin Fine undressed Calicoes and Cambrics Striped Jeans and Florentines Webb’s patent Suspenders, silk and cotton Kid Gloves, best quality, of which a few dozen are un dressed Irish Linens, at all prices, silk Gloves Fresh HYSON TEA,' best quality, june 8- 68 The subscribers Offer for sale TeneriiTe and Malaga Wine, in pipes and quarter casks Gin, Brandy, Rum A few bags of Pepper and Coffee 10,000 Philadelphia Bricks George & Alexander Mi Ker. june 18 T--—72 F or sale 200 pieces Inverness Bagging 50 pieces Oznaburgs 3 cases, containing 2000 Dutch half pint Tumblers. 100 bis No. 1 Boston Beef JAMES JOHNSTON, june 22 a 74 Just received, New- York, Sugar, fit for re- And now landing from J\ew 37 hhds. prime selected New-CBeans tailing . Pt 40 do do retailing Molasses 4 pipes 4th proof genuine Cognac Brandy 10 chests Gunpowder and Hyson Tea. 6 c:isks assorted Shot 2 pipes old Madeira YVine ■ . quarter casks L. P. Y'eneriffe and Malaga do barrels Pork and Beans IN STORE, old 4th proof Jamaica Rum, warranted pure, be ing iiriported direct Whiskey, N. E. Rum, Coffee andiron Together with a large and general assortment of well chosen GROCERIES, in any quantity to suit purchasers, for sale by BROWS & WELMAJf, june <£64 The subscriber Has just received, and now opening, at No. 17, Bolton's buildings, fronting the Exchange-wharf, THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES, YVhich are offered for sale, low for cash: 50 casks London bottled Porter 30 barrels fresh Philadelphia Flour 25 barrels Georgia do Crackers, by the keg or barrel New-Orleans Sugars, in barrels White Havana do Double refined loaf Sugar Coffee and Hyson Y'eas Cognac Brandy Best Jamaica Rum Northward Rum and YVhiskey Madeira Wine, by the dozen or quarter cask Lisbon do do Sweet Oil, boxes brown Soap Boxes fresh Prunes, Raisins and Almonds ALSO 3000 lbs. North-Carolina Hams 20 boxes choice Spanish Segars 20 thousand American do Francis Jalineau. june 25—75 Duel, Gresham Co. Have now landing, from the ship Winnefred, ftom Liver pool, A large supply of SUMMER GOODS. ALSO, 39 casks and cases assorted Hardware and Cutlery, each containing a complete assortment for a retail store One case superior plated Ware, consisting of cruet Frames, candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays And -via New-York, Two trunks Parasols, three bales Seersuckers, three bales Humimms • 1000 pieces long yellow Nankeens, one case chip Hats; white, black and colored Levantine and Florence Silks Stout mixed coat Silks and Florentine Y’esting; white and bhiek lace Shawls and Y r eils; Merino Tippets; ele gant embroidered Ridicules, assorted colors and patterns Thread Laces and Edgings One case Chinelle Cords, assorted colors and sizes Fifteen cases straw Hats and Bonnets Six cases Artificial Flowers Seventeen cases Looking Glasses, a part of which are in elegant gilt frames. june 15—71 Just received From New-York Macoboy and Scotch Snuff Soft shelled Almonds—best Raisins - Green Gages—Appricots—Peaches and Quinces, preserved 30 boxes fresh Prunes Capers—Olives—Sweet-Oil 30 boxes old Medoc Claret 2 pipes Madeira Wine, five years old Teas, of the latest importation Fresh Turkey Figs—old Porte YVine Best Mustard—Spermaceti Candles Tamarinds—Pickle Vinegar Double distilled Rose YVater—Orange do For sale by P. MORIN, june 13—*—71 Un consignment. Just received, A few bales of GERMAN GOODS, w T ell suited for ne groes’ summer clotliing, which will be sold very low. J. Bilbo. june 4 66 E. Bliss 6c Co. (market-square) Have just received per ship Adonis, from-New- York, London superfine Cassimeres, black, blue and drab; Vigonia ditto; cotton Cassiitiere and V’igonia Cord; white, black and blue Jeans; London Stripes; black Cambric; cotton Lace; bell Buttons; nun’s Y’hread; men’s buckskin and beaver Gloves; ladies’ kid and silk Gloves; tortoise shell Combs; Ribbons; Levantine Shawls and fancy' Handkerchiefs. 1 case China Silk, assorted colors black, green and changeable Florence Silk 1 case cotton Cambrics 1 do Calico 1 do- Gingham3 I bale India Cotton 1 case German Sheeting, kc. june 6—67 Marshal’s sale. On the first Tuesday in July next, YVill be sold at the Market-house in St. Mary’s, between the hours of ten and three o’clock, The Buildings on part of wharf lot No. 3, in St. Mary’s—levied on as the property of Paul Chase to satisfy sundry executions at the suit of the United States against said Paul Chase and others. John Eppinger, itine 1——-65 U.-rshul. Bank of the United States. Persons intending to subscribe to the Bank of the Unit ed States, are informed that the" undersigned will attend at the Planters’ Bank, on THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY next, from 10 o’clock, a. m. to 1 o’clock p. m. for the purpose of receiving the payment required in gold or silver coin. EDWARD HARDEN, jnne 27—76 One of the Commissioners. Retailers OF SPIRITUOUS LIQUORS, Whose licences are out on the 22d of this month, and those who have no licence, are notified to make applica tion at the Police Office, otherwise they will be brought before council indiscriminately. wharf, jtmev 25—TS F» M* Stoaej c. Just received, And for sale at the REPUBLICAN OFFICE, A Journal, OF A YOUNG MAN OF MASSACHUSETTS, Late a Sugeon on board an American Privateer, captured by the British, in 1813; confined first at HALIFAX, THEN AT CHATHAM, ENGLAND* AXD LAST AT DARTMOOR PRISON. Price—One Hollar. 03” Subscribers to the above Work will please call and take their copies.june 18—72 Auctioii. On Thursday the, 2d July, Will be sold before the court house, between the usual hours, (if not previously disposed of at private sale) A valuable NEGRO FELLOW, a first rate cooper. M. Herbert & Co. auct’rs. iune 25 75 Landing From the schooner .Mechanic, 20 bis Pork 10 pipes Wine 16 hhds northern Gig 25 pieces Oznaburg's 300 Madras Handkerchiefs ALSO 35 tons flat building Stone, which will be disposed of low, if immediately applied for, by Pelot L Merrick. Bills on New-York For sale as above. j* ne 4— -66 For sale 20 tons Lignum vita 15 hhds .Molasses 6 casks Cop eras 100 pieces best Dundee Bagging 50 pieces flaxen Oznaburgs Caruochan & Mitchel. mav 11—56 Sp Ring ujoucis. For sale at the store of J. J. & F. BLANCHARD, FOR CASH OR Ai’VKOlED RARER, 6-4 figured Cambric and figured Muslin 4-4 plaid Si k and colored Crape Silk, for bonnets of ail colors; among which are green, white, pink, Ike. S ilk, for dresses of all colors and qualities Sarunet, for trimming bonnets, of all colors Plain and figured silk Gauze 6-4 silk Lace and narrow ditto, for trimming Superfine thread Lace and linen Cambric. 6-4 half lace Sliawls and 6-4 lace Veils Ribbons, of all sizes and colors Silk Shawls, of all sizes and colors, from 75 cents to §13 Dutch Roils and white Oznaburgs Dutch Sheeting, Russia and Irish ditto Furniture Fringe and Dimity Silk Cords, CheneUe, and Beads Fine book, jaconet and mull Muslin Turtle Shell Combs, F'ans and bead Baskets Damask table Cloths, of all sizes Russia and Irish Diaper . 4-4 and 7-4 Irish Linen, blue Nankeen Cotton Kerseymere, Bombazett, 8cc. Together with a great variety of fancy and seasonable GOODS, too tedious to enumerate, mav 30—ep—64 Philadelphia Razee Boots, The subscriber has just received fpr brig Qlynthus» 50 pair RAZEE BOOTS, of a superior quality. John DouglasS. june 1 65 Medicines. Fine powdered Cream Y'artar Do do Yellow Bark F'resh do Ipecac Do Caraway SeetJ Do English Cammomile Flowers Do Anniseed Best short staple Isinglass Do Flake Manna Do Alexandrine Senna Bateman’s Drops American Ink Powder Essence of Peppermint Refined Campnor \ Y'urkey green Arabic British Oil Harlem do Spanish Flies Mace Nutmegs Manna, in sorts English Sugar of Lead Do Rochelle Salts Pill Boxes The above articles are offered for sale by . Stebbins & Mason. april 4——40 Mackarel, Herrings, smoked Beef, and manufactured Tobacco cr the first quality; just landing from the ship Cotter Plant, and for sale on reasonable terms, by P. Dnfly. mav '’I —60 ^ Planters* Bank. Thursday next being the fourth of Ju’y, this Bimfc will be shut—therefore notes and acceptances payable oa that day must be taken up on Wednesday. J. Marshall, i,1nP ^ 76 cashier Found, At Mr. M'Queen’s Island, a short time back, a small four oared YAWL BOAT, appears as if du had been lately pitched inside—the owner can have the same by proving property and paying for this advertisema - Henry