Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, July 04, 1816, Image 4

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\ * '' V-t . <-• Iv . ^ j Six and a quarter Cents v REWARD Will be paid for delivering to the subscriber, THOMAS BRADLEY, an indented apprentice, belonging to this office, who absconded last Wednesday morning. He is about fifteen years old, four feet nine inches high, stout hiade, has blue eyes and fair skin, much freckled in the face, pleasing countenance—when spoken to hangs down bis head; but answers quick, and is very plausi ble and shrewd in his reply. He may attempt to pass by the name of Thomas Payne. Had on when he went away a pair of yellow nankeen pantaloons, and a dark brown coat. All persons are cautioned against harbor ing, employing, or concealing him, and masters of ves sels are forbid carrying him off, as the law will be put in force on conviction. FREDERICK S. FELL. June 26—76 i'Wi List oi Letters Hemaining itt the Post Office, at Savannah, (~(xa.J ort the SiiUt of June, 1816. t 0"j* Persons having letters oil this list will please ask for advertised Letters. A. Mathew Albreton, Davis Austin, Effingham county; Isaac Abrahams, James Attaway, Mrs. Louisa Armour. B. Job Taber Bolles, Dr. Henry F. Brand, captain Robert Buckenbridge, William Brown, 3; captain H. Buford, 2; Lewis D. Berry, Wm. Butter, Wm. Benton, Jonathan B. Bacon, Robert Burton, sen. Effingham county,- W. W. Bateson, Samuel Barnett, captain John Bartow, Thomas C. Bradford, Thomas Bibb, Alexander Baker, James Bar- Bard, Dempsey Bickham, James A. Black, Miss Eliza Bourquin, Mrs. Hannah Bendas, Mrs. S. G. Bourquin, jMrs. Sarah. H. Bacon, Mrs. Eleaper Bail. C. William Camp, James CattralL James W. Crews, Tho- tnas Clark, Dr. William Crawford, 2; Chester Clark, John Carr, Edwin Chiidress, Joseph Gumming, Thomas Copland, Marcus Capelle, David Cox, William C. Camp bell, Henry Cragg, captain John Cob, captain Jolln Cock, Peter G. Clark, Jamfcs W. Cannon, Jacob Canter, jun. Mrs. Mary Colcock, Mrs.'Alary Carr, Mrs. Margaret Cu lb retlx. Victor Dohet, J. H. Duebell, captain B. Dozier, 2; cap tain Billy Dodge, Mrs. DeLnov, Mrs. Eliziibcth Durant E. ' William Everitt, Jonathan Eigle, George H. Eden, Mrs. Ann English, Mrs. Jane Eggart. F- /osephFeltt, 2;captain Jacob B. Fowler, the rev. Alex- ■ander G. Fraser, Dr. John Foukes, J-cob Faries, John Fisher, Lemweil Foresight, William Fox, Edward Fair childs, Samuel Fry, Airs. Sarait Fox. G. James G. Greenhow, John W. Gibson, Charles Gildon, Charles F. Gramiison, James Govan, Charles Goodwin, ■captain John Gass, Peter Guerard, John Goodwin, Mrs. Jerusha Graham, Mrs. Ehza Guerard, Miss Eliza F. Goodwin. H. Joseph Higgin, 2; George Herys, John Hayard, George lHail, Hiland Hu Inert, Willis Hall, William Huzzard, John H. Haiipt, Drewry Hilliard, Joseph Hutchinson, captain A. Hayward, 2; James Hubbard, 2; James How ard, James Higgiri, Miss Martha S. Hart I. Captain Henry Jackson, 2; lieut. Jackson; Benjamin Jones, Justices of the Inferior Court Bryan county, 2; William Jackson, Henry W. Jordan, Henry B. Jones, Jacob Idler Sc Co. James Johnston, 2; Miss Bellamy Johnston, Miss Hariot C. Jones, Mrs. Susannah Jenkins, Miss Catherine G. Johnston, Mis. Hester Johnston. K. Andrew Kettell, 3; James Kenan, James Kennedy, John Keibier, William J. Kirk, Jon..tiian Knight 2; Robert ■Kay, Ely Kennedy, Widiam King. L. John Lester, Michael Long, captain B. Lombard, John Lemy, David Leon, Mrs. Ann LovelL M. , Lieutenant John H. Mallory, Nathaniel Montgomery, Lewis Myers, William Montgomery, Messrs. Merrel & Co, Btephen P. M'Call, John G. Mathers, Joint Man, Henry J. Myddleton, John M’Mullen, John Retan Mason, Robert Moorhead, Barna M’Kinne &. Co. 2; Miller & .Moorhead, Isham Malone, Robert May, John W. Mackie, Joshua Morse, Duncan MdMilbm, captain James Mansfield, John W. JI'Lepd, Bulloch bounty; Mrs. Elizabeth M'Conky, Miss Catherine VI'Leod; Bulloch county; Mrs. Andrew Morel, Ann Marsalvin, Mrs. Mary Ann Maguire, Miss Margaret B. M‘Couky, Sylvia Monacks, Mrs. Catherine M-Queen, Airs. Martha Meiven, Miss Hariot M'Call. N. Thomas Newell, William Norton, John B. Norris. O. Jedediah Olcott Ferdinand Oneal. P. Captain Paul Post 2; Allen B. Powell, George F. Put- tiam, 6; Andrew Parava, George Penny, John At. Page, Anthony O. Post Thomas M. Patterson, Edwin Perry, Buiioch county; William P.Jton, William Pome, William Page, Joshua Pearce, Airs. Ann E. Powers, Airs. Eliza Prescott. R. James Russell, George Reid, Henry Read, John Reton, Charles W. Roberts, N. W. Rothwell, 3; Meredith Row land, Heniy Rogers, Peter J. Robert, William L. Ryan, Mr. Ragist, Peter Reynolds, J. B. Rowson, captain Rich ard Rowell, Thomas Robinson, Janies T. Ross, Samuel Rindge, William Rawson, Resetta Ralston, Miss Alary Bice, Mrs. Robertson. S. John Jones Simons, John Segreen, captain Edward Sims, George I). Sweet, jun. Bryan county; James Southward, Anthony Shaddock, Cyrus Stow, William Simons, Air. Stephens. Joshua Smith, John Spaulding, ensign Samuel M. Sleigh, Bryan'fcountv; William Stafford, Elisha Stanton; Sayre Steward, S. Sainsimons, Mrs. Mry B. Smith, Miss Eliza Stewart Airs. Margaret Scribner, Mrs. Susannah Sears, Mrs, Sarah Suns, Miss Eliza Swain. T. Daniel Thayer, William Tullos, Thomas Tullos, 2; Mr. Thompson, Edwin C. Tbuey, Ralph Thomas, Joseph Turner, 2; Taylor Sc Scarbrough, William Taylor,' Leslie Thompson, Wiiliam Thompson, Josiah F. Thomas, John Triggs, Saiimel Tayior, Airs. Eliza Thomas, Mtss Phoebe Tucker, Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson. W. Lieutenant Clinton Wright, William W. Winuris, John Watt 2; James- M. Wayne,* John Wyatt, Christopher Webber, George W. Welch, John Waters, William Wright, captain Joseph Webber, Ai*el Wright, 2; John S. Wilson, captain John Ward, colonel Thomas Wyley, Effingham county; captain Resolved White, John VVoi> folk, William Willis, VIrs. Betsey Williams, Aliss Caro- litle Williams, Miss Sarah L> Wall, Airs. Mary Wall, Mrs. Caroline Wilson. \ r . and Y. William C. Younge, 3; Air. Vail, 3; Aliss Frances Ville- pontoux. % FRENCH LETTERS. Joseph Louis Trumel, Delaiioy, R- Tevnac, Al. De- brosse, J. ,B. Dttbergier, 2; Paul Dupon, 2; Peter \o- yeau, Louis Bosquenay, Alliot, John Silver, Peer .Me nard, 2; Lachicotte, Made. Fournier, L. B. Di. iong de Boisquenet PHILIP BOX, p. al July 2- 78 Sheriff’s sale. On the first Tuesday, in August ne.rt, Will be sold at the court house In Effingham county, between the usual hours, All that,tract of land, containing two hundred two and a half acres, situated in the county of Jasper, se venteenth district, Vo. 130, or so much thereof as « ill satisfy the taxes of Philip Jones—amount due two dol lars 19 cents and costs. C. H. DASHER, s. e. c. june 8—63 Sheriff’s sail On the first Tuesday in August next, Will be sold at the court house in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours often and three o’clock, A negro worn .n n. med Nanny, levied on as the pro- E rty of doctor William loor, to satisfy a judgment in roT of Peter Grovat. ADAM COPE, s. c. C. june 29 m 77 - ' ‘ ' 'WfJ'T*'* At' ’ * *'*y V " ' {Superior £0urfc--Clifttliaiit cotrafjr. May Teryn, 1816,. Nathaniel Adams, Stephen F. Williamsf Jacob Fahm, Lewis Turner, grawl jurors, and George Low, ttoder rick M‘Leod, Eze"kiel Yarn ell, John G. Scheunnan, Sa muel M. Mordetai, Henry Haupt, Gabriel W. Denton, petit jurors, hating been duly summoned to attend this court, and being in default, Ordered, That the said grand-jurors be fined forty dollars, and the saidpetit- jurors twenty dollars each, unless good and sufficient excuse, on oath, be filed in tlie click’s office witiiin thirty days. Lx tractfrom the minutes, Job T. Bolles, elk. june 11—69 . V* Savannah, May 11, 1816. Present their honors judge Johnson and judge Stephens In consequence of an act of Congress having passed, changing the times and places of the sitting of this court, so tliat the next court for this district will be holden at at this place on the 14th day of December next; and whereas by the said act, power is given to tins court to make such rules and orders as may be necessary to pre vent delay of justice and injury to parties; it is ordered, that the next'jury to be drawn, shall be drawn and sum moned to meet at this place in pursuance of the said act, and that all writs, and process of ail kinds, issued return able to the term in course-at Milledgeville, shall be held returnable to the court next to be hoiden at this place; and that the parties be required to appear accordingly to plead or prosecute;.and it is further ordered, that the act of Congress on the foregoing subject, together with this order, be published by the clerk of tins court for two months during the ensuing vacation. Extract from the imputes of the sixth circuit court of the United States, for dip District of < teorgia. V ^ Jiitis J. Bcaaocu, clerk. AN ACT. For the more convenient arrangement of the times and places of lidding the circuit Courts of the United States, for the District of South Carolina and Georgia. Be it enacted by the Senate and {douse of Representa- fives of the United States of America, in Congress assem bled, that from and after the first day of June next, the Circuit Courts in and for the sixth circuit of the United States, shall be held at the following times and places, and no others; tliat is to say, for the District of Georgia, at Savannah, on tlie fourteenth day of Meet fiber in even- year, and at Milledgeville, on the sixth dayXof May in everv year; for the District of South Carolina, Vt Charles ton, on the twentieth day of November in everyVe; r, and at Columbia on the twentieth day of April in evert' year, and the Circuit Court for the said idistricts respectively, or the Circuit judge of tlie s.iid Sixth Circuit is authori sed and required to make all such rules and orders as may be necessary to carry into effect the change in time and place of liouiing the said courts according to the trde intent and meaning of tills act. H. CLAY. \ Speaker of the house of representatives. JOliNr GAILLARD, President of the senate pro-tempore. April 24, 1816—APPiiovEi), JAAfES MADIS’.'N. june 16—at.—71 jN otice. All persons having demands against the estate of Joint II. Dki uTeL, dec. and those indebted are requested to call on C. M. ILiyden, and settle tlie Same, who is authorised to transact the business of said estate. Ann Deubell. -75 Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in August next, Will be sold at tlie court house, in tlie city of Savannah, between the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, All those three several lots or parcels of Land, situate and being in Yumacraw, near the city of Savannah, county of Chatham; known by the numbers twenty-two, twenty- three and twenty-four, bounded on tlie north and west by Twigg’s land, south by' a lane, east by lot number twenty-one, which said lots adjoin each other; levied on as the property of Benjamin Wall to satisfy Wm. Wal lace, Thomas Camming and Joseph Stiles, administrators of Joseph Ciav, dec. the above property mortgaged by tlie said Wall, and sold by' virtue of a rule absolute of the superior court of this county. A. COPE, s. c. c. june 29 77 Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in August next, Will be sold, at the court-house in Jefferson, Camden county', between the usual hours of lo and 3 o’clock, A tract of Land lying and being in Camden county, on Great Satillu river, containing 327 acres, more or less; or so much thereof as will satis# the taxes of Charles John ston, for tlie year 1315. Also, his fifty per centum tax, for the year 1814; amount due §13 37 cents, and cost. Also, a tract of I ..aid lying and being in Camden coun ty', oil Gre. t Satilla river, containing 250 acres, more or less; or so muen thereof as will satisfy the taxes of John Gormon, for the year 1815. Also, his fifty per centum tax for the year 1814; amount due §6 73 cents, and cost. Also, a, Lot and improvements in the town of St. Ma- ry’s, on which Stephen W. Moor now resides; levied on as the property of said Stephen W. Moor, to satisfy his taxes for the year 1315. Also, his fifty per centum tax for tlie year 1814; amount due §27 9o cents, and cost. Also, the improvements of Thomas Clark, jun. in the town of St. Mary’s; levied ou as the property of said Thomas (.’lark, jun. to satisfy his taxes for the year 1815. Also, his fifty per centum tax for tlie year 1814; amount due §3 10 cents, and cost. Also, a tract of Land, lying and being in Camden •county, on the north side of Crooked river, about one fourth of a mile above tlie residence of Abraham Pratt, containing 150 acres, more or less; levied on as the pro perty of said Abraham Pratt, to satisfy an execution in favor of David Lewis. Also, a tract of Land lying and being in Camden county, on North river, containing 900 acres more or less; levied on :;s the property of Catharine Howell, ex ecutrix of John Howell, to satisfy the taxes due for the year 1815. Also, the fiftv per centum tax, for die year 1314; amount due §20 9o cents, and cost. John Bailey, s. c. c. june 27—76 Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in August next, Will be sold at tlie court house in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, All that Island of marsh, situated in the river Savannah, in Chatham «>*'uity,.bounded every side by the said river, said to coil tain eight hundred acres, originally granted to Noble Jones; also, a tract of land granted to the said Noble Jones, containing 437acres, in thecounty of Chat ham aforesaid, bounded southwardly by a causw&y, Ba- thesda, and lands of William Allen .aid Ben. Stirk, west ward# by lands called- Nazareth and Euphrates, and northwardly by lands of John Smith, John Carry and vacant marsh, anti eastward# by landte of John Curt}-, a! id the western shore of the the Isie of Hope. Also, all that lot or piece of ground, known as lot No. 28, being one of tlie five acre lots, eastward of the city of S ivannali, near the Thunderbolt road,' bounded north wardly and eastward# by lands of H. Lillibndge, south wardly by lot No. 39, and westward# by No. 25; the above levied on as die property of George Buchanan, mortgaged by the-said George Buchanan to John Wil kinson, and sold to satisfy said Wilkinson, agreeably to a rule absolute of the honorable the superior court of Chat ham county. Also, all that tract of land situated in the county of Cha nam, called Chatluim, consisting of oak hickory and pine, and containing bv resul-vey 738 acres, formerly the property of Sarah Oddingscll, bounded on the north by the Savannah farm lots, on the southwest by the village of Act on, on tlie s--utheast by the Orphan House tract, and on the northeast by laud former# Mrs. Aloore’s; levied on as the property of John Fraser, mortgaged by the said John Fraser to Francis Hopkins, and sold to satis fy said Francis Hopkins, agreeable to a rule absolute of the honorable the Superior Court of Chatham county. . A. Cope, s. c. c. june 20—73 Try ©STATE ■a The Commissioners appointed by the president of the United States, to superintend at Augusta, (Ga.) the stib. scriptions towards constituteng'tlie capital of the BANK OF TllE UNITED STATES, hereby give xotice, that, i n conformity to an act of congress, passed on the tenth day of April last, entitled “An Act to incorporate the Snh. . . . ... It V — - * a _ n. i L .. I.w -.11 la 11 r\ a ta .. d ..; A. L . . T9 . . —— I* a J' A —. - • ..4... . 1 —. when the same will be closed. , * . Tliat any individual, com|>any, “corporation, or state, inay subscrijbe for any number of shares of the capital of said bank, not exceeding* three thousand shares, and at tlie subscribing*, there must be paid on each share, five dollars in gold or’silver coin of the United States, or of foreigp coins, and twenty-five dollars more in like coin or ia funded debt, in the manner following; that is to say, the payments in coin must be made in gold or sil ver coin of the United States, or in gold coin of Spain or tlie domimoiis of Spain, at the rate of one hundred cents for everv twentv-eig-kt grains and sixty hundredths of a grain of the) actual weight thereof, or in other foreign gold or Silver coin, at the several rates prescribed by the first section jof an actreguiatmg the currency of foreign coin in the United States, passed on the 10th day of April, 1806; that is to sav, The gold coins of Great Britain aud Portugal, at ? the rate of one hdndred cents for every twenty-seven grains of the actual weight thereof. , .. The gold coins of France, at the rate of one hundred , cents for every twenty-seven grams and two fifths of a grain of the actual weight thereof. , : , . , , _ . „ Spanish milled dollars at the rate of one hundred cents for each, the actual weight whereof shall not be less than seventeen pennv \veights' l und seven grains, and in proportion for the parts of a dollar—crowns of France at the rate of one hundred and ten cents for each crown, the actual weight whereof shall not be less tlutn eighteen penny weights and seventeen grains, and in proportion fbr tlie parts of a crown. The payments made in the funded debt of tlie United States, will be received at the following rates, that is to say, The funded debt bearing an interest of six per centum per annum, at the nominal or par value thereof; the funded debt bearing an interest of three per centum per annum, at the rate of sixty-five dollars for every sum of one hundred dollars of the noni nal amount thereof; and the funded debt bearing an interest of seven per centum per annum, at the rate of one hundred and six dollars and fifty-one cents, fbr every sum of one hundred dollars of the nominal amount thereof; together with the amount' of the interest accrued on the said sever'd denominations of funded debt, to be computed and allowed (to the first July.-—Provided nevertheless, Tliat it shall be incumbent on tlie subscribers to produce such evidence as may be satisfactory to tlie commission ers that the interest has not been paid—for which purpose a certificate from tlie commissioner of loans will be required—and I That at the time and place of subscribing each and every subscriber must deliver to the Commissioners the certificates of funded debt, for the funded debt proportion of taeir resjjcctive subscriptions, together with a power of attorney, in the form following: that is to say, of the state of w Know all men by these presents, tliat I a subscriber for a \ Augusta, f Ga.J June 17, 1S16. EDWARD HARDEN, JAMES S. WALKER, JOHN GUMMING, [cur > Commissioners. 74} For sale or rent The house at present occupied by Mr. John Carno- chan, situated at the comer of Bay and Jcfferson-strects, trie former residence of Wi; Wallace, esq. Applica tion for tlie same to be made to Joseph Gumming. r’tv 19—rtr — fit) ■ i en dollars’ reward. tianaway from the subscriber, oil Sunday, 16th instant, negro man Job, about 20 or 21 years of age, rather yel lowish complexion, and about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high: had on when he went away, a black coat, light c:,ssimerc pantaloons, boots and abiack liat; lias been seen several times about town since with Ught clothes on. The above reward will be paid for lodging him in gaol ordeiiveringhim tome, and all rcuonuble exnences. -74 J. E. Hartiiclge. Notice. All demands against the of V. A. Stookes, dec. must be rendered in, duly attested, without delay, to John Caruochan, june 27 ct 76 <• J <■’’»>• 100 Dollars’ reward. Ranaway from the subscriber, at Edgefu Id court house, on the night of tlie lot; ijist. a mulatto man named Jut its, about 28 years old, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, sietider but weu formed, somewhat slow in lus gait, of a sedate frown ing countenance; but very plausible and intelligent, speaks very well for a si .ve. He is a very good work man os a carpenter and cabinet-maker, and very capable as a servant or waiter. He inclines a little forward in walk ing, and there is one unerring mark by which he mav be known, his left arm, which has been put out of joint at the elbow, when he Was quite young, and never pro perly set, and may be perceived by attentive observation even with a coat on. He had on when he went away, a reddish mixed homespun coat and striped blue northern homespun pantaloons—he may possibly endeavor to reach Savannah' or Charleston, to get on board of some vessel, and go to the northern states. All captains of v.ssels are therefore cautioned against concealing him, and receiving him on board. He will no doubt cnetavor to pass under ail assumed name as a freeman. Any pi r- son who will apprehend the said fellow, and commit him to gaol in Savannah or in any part of Georgia, be- yonel the distance of 1JU miles from Augusta and give information to tlie subscriber at Edgefield court house, (s. c.) will be entitled to the above reward. W. Elleson. , bine 25 't 75 Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in August next, Will be sold at tlie court house, in tlie city of Savannah, between tlie usual hours of ten and three' o’clock, A negro woman, named Rose; levied on as the pro perty of Edward Lloyd, deceased, to satisfy a judg ment in favor of R. Mitcheil, survivor Also, a negro man, nameddWill; levied on as the pro perty of John Fraser, dec. to satisfy judgments in favor of Joseph Kitchen et. al. il Also, all that tract of Land, originally purchased of Joseph Wood, for 600 acres, bounded northward# by lauds of Thomas Young, formerly George Cutljjert, east ward# by lands granted Kenun, now part of Mulberry- grove, southwardly and southeastward# by general Read’s land, formerly Zubly’s; the same having been re surveyed by- John M’Kinnon and found to contain seven hundred and twenty acres; levied on as the property of William and Charlotte Stephens to satisfy an execution in favor of Thomas E. Lloyd. ADAM COPE, see feavaunah Boor House and Hospital. VISITING COMMITTEE For July and August, James Huxtek and .T imes M. Watse. june 29—77 Joseph C maming, june 29 m- Josepli Carrutliers & Co. 77 Notice. During my absence Junv Coufek, esq. of St. Simon’s, and Mr. Jouk M‘Nisn, of Savannah, are . ppoimed my uttomies. j ROSWELL KING. /K rim. June 25, 1816 m 77 & Brought to gaol, in Savauiiult, on the 7th Jjuin., 1816, a N^gro Man, who sa\sis name is Ccffee, and that he belongs to the estate of Joim Fraser, but has been in tiie clu.rge of John H. M'lmosh. He is about 35 years of age, and 5 feet 9 inches high; he has an ulcer on his left leg, and has lost tiie little toe of his left folot; has on white cotton shirt, jacket and trousers. HUGH M’CALL, ... c. i june 13—70 Brought to gaol, iu teavaimali, June 1, 1816, a Negro Man, who says his name is 8 «, and tliat lie belongs to William Cable, near Xew-Orlesns. He is about forty-five years of age, and five feet three inches high. He was formeriy owned by Mr. Deiburg in tliis city. H. M-Call, g. c. c. jurip 4 —66 june 4—66 “IT H. M*Cafl, g. c. c. * Brought to gaol, in Savannah, June i7, 1816,a negro man, who says his name is (’ t.Jo, and tliat he belongs to John Miller, near Jacksoub. ro’, (Ga.) He is about forty years of age and five feet nine inches high; has on oznaburgs shirt and trous^gs^ml drab woolen jacket. H. e. c. 18- — 72 l \ JjA - ■ 12 j Dollars ard. shares of the capital of die Bank of the United States, do hereby authorise and empower Edward ILr- den, J miles S. Walker, John Gumming, or a majority Of them, Commissioners for superintending tlie subscriptions at Augusta, in the state of Georgia, in person, or by substitute to transfer in due form of law, the funded debt wlui V of the certificates are hereunto annexed, to the President, Directors ar.d Company of tlie Bmik of tne United States, as soon as the Bmik shall be organized: Provided alumos, That if, in consequence of the apportionment of tne snares in the- capital of s.nd Bank among die sub scribers in tlie manner by law directe-d, the- sad funded debt sl.all be of a greater amount than sli-ll be necessarv to complete the payments oi die funded debt portion for the shares to be apportioned, only so much of the funded debt shall be transferred by Virtue of die power and authority- hereby given, as sht-li be necessary to complete such payme nts. Witness my Hand and seal, dus day of , 1816. Signed and delivered, / . in tlie presence of 5 N. B. The wording of the power must be changed when necessary to meet the cases of subscriptions bv com panies, corporations, or states; and tiie parties should acknowledge the execution of die power before a ma- ristr-te, who will certify the s me tinder his hand and seal in the usual form. \ The Commissioners have adopted die follow ing regulations in reced ing Subscriptions. \ The payments, as well in coin as in funded debt of any' number of subscribers may be consolidated—the pay ments of coin into one sum, aud the funded debt into one or n.ore cerlific.-tes; Provided, there shall be annexed to the power to transfer a schedule of the proportions which die subscribers so combined are se\ end#- entitled to. Everv Attorney claiming to receive any surplus which may arise in consequence of a redundant subscription, will bit required to produce to die commissioners, at the time of any such application, satisfactory evidence of liis law. ful authority to receive the same. ’Runaway, some montiis pasV^Uflpftiowing Negroes, belonging to-tiie estate of Peter HbxKp&l, deceased—, a like# man, about five feet six incites high, a carpenter by trade, of a yellowish complection—he is well known in Savannah, and was formerly owned by the late John P- Ward, esq. Simov, a young man, about twenty-five years old, lias a downcast look, when spoken to. Mmm, a young woman, of light complectiop, about twenty-fi'J years old, ahd Aggt, a woman about tiiirty years old. limps when dhe walks, occasioned by a burn. The abov e negroes are harbored at the soutii end of Ossabaw, whir® Joe was recently taken, but made his escape. Fifty dol lars will be paid for Joe’s being lodged in the county gaol and twenty-five dollars each for the others. John H- Morel. june 13—70 Found, Under thei trees and on the walk from the Exchange to the eastward, a SILVER WATCH and a WALKING STICK. Arty person proving property, and rewarding the Negro who found the same, w ill be directed to | recovery by applying to the printer, and pa^ffr ' attorney of iny person or number of persons intending to subscribe, a certificate of tbe deposit so made, to be specifically held subject to the order of the commissioners designating the several kinds of coin and die value there of—according to the rates ..foresaid, which certificate will be received by the commissioners at die time of sub scribing, os evidence of die payment in coin—for die number of shores so subscribed, provi J* die number of shares to which each subscriber may be entitled, shall be endorsed thereon, or annexed thereto, and signed by the sub scriber or subscribers, or their attorney du# authorized. As it may be inconvenient in maiy cases, to obtain certificates of funded debt, for the exact amounts intended to be subscribed, it h. sXbeen determined tliat payments of such are not necessarily to be made precisely equal to the portion of subscription payable—but they must be sufficient to -cover tlie same. Lost or mislaid, Two family Pictures, a mahogany tea Table, and some small articlcg These things were put in charge of a servant, whej was directed to put them on board of the sloop Volant, bound for Charleston^ about lo days since. Instead of their being put oil board the Voiant, it is sup posed th..t they have through mistake been receivei. by some other vessel. Any person having said articles in their possession, will much oblige die owner bv giving information at tiiis office. june 29 ->i 77 Notice. During the absence of the subscribers, Mr. Johx M‘Nisu is autiiorized to transact any business for then:. is’ Brou^lit to gaol, iu »;itiall, March 29, 1316, a Negro \\ oman, who savs tier name is Mm, anti that she belongs to Mrs. Thompson, of Augusta, alias Jesse Walton of Wilkes county. She is five feet one inch high, verv corpulent, and about thirty- five years of age. Secretary 1 vertisqpeat. juae