Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, July 09, 1816, Image 4

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f or Wanted to purchase, from eighty to one hundred Shares in the Planters’ Bank or the Bank of the State of Georgia, for which cash will be pale. Enquire for par ticulars of the printer. july 4 79 Fire-Wood. The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to custom ers and friends for past favors, and solicits a cont-nu- ance of their custom. There is a constant supply of the best oak, hickory and ash WOOD at his WoOd-Yard, with drays in waiting to transport it from his wharf. Ephraim Cooper. N. B. Purchasers are requested not to pay the dray man one cent, without a bill receipted. june 13 +■ 72 ^ For sale The Toll-Bridge over Great Ogechee River, at which Joseph Hill lately resided— it is a substantial well built bridge, composed chietly of cypress; it has stobd the freshets, and appears to be in all respects a good and complete piece of work. For terms apply to - JOHN BOLTOV or 0 ex’ora. JEREMIAH CUYLER. $ J. lkU. april 4 -10 The subscribers Have concluded to continue their bifti^ess through the Summer, and will keep constantly on hand and for sale at their Manufactory, mould and dipt CANDLES, some of which are part bees’ w.tx. No. 1, 2 and 3 SOAP. Also, good cider YLMtOAIl, at wholesale or bv the gallon. • L. BALDWIN & CO. june 11—*cm—69 Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm of Chiustie & Hotchkiss was dissolved on the loth inst. by mutual consent. Aii persons having de mands against said firm will present the s .iae to Jared Hotchkiss for set;leinent, and those indebted v ill call and settle their accounts, as he is fullv authorised to settle tile concerns of the firm ROBERT CHRISTIE, * JARED HOTCHKISS. -june 18 ■ -cm -72 r or A House and Lot, in St.- James’s square; being one of the most healthy and pleasant situations in this city—on the said lot are all necessary out buildings. Tliis pro perty will be sold for a moderate price, and a credit of one, two and three years given for the payment.. Per sons disposed to purchase will apply to .either of the subscribers. BEN. SHEFTALL, M. SHEFTALL, sen. april 6 -41 VY anted to hire A COMMODIOUS HOf'SE. Apply to the Printer. A bag of Sea-Island Colton Was brought to the subscriber’s store by mistake, Some months ago, supposed to have come from about the Exchange Dock. The owner is requested to prove it, and take it away. d, Camochan & Mitchel. june 27—fp—76 Sheriff*s sale. ■i. ■ ■— Present their honom judge Johnson and judge Stephens. In consequence of an act of Congress having passed; changing the times and places of the sitting of this court, so that the next court for this district will be holden at at this place on the 14th day of December next; and whereas by the said act, power is given \o this court to make such rules and orders as may be necessary to pre vent delay justice arid injury to parties; it is ordered, that the nextpury to be drawn, sliall be drawn and sum moned to meet at this place in pursuance of the said act, arid that all writs, and process of all kinds, issued return able to the term in course at Milledgeville, shall be held returnable to the court next to be holden at this place; and that the parties be required to appear accordingly to plead or prosecute; a-«! it is further ordered, that the act of Congress on the foregoing subject, together with this order, be published by the clerk of this court for two months during the ensuing vacation. Extract from the minutes of the sixth circuit court of the United States, for the District of Georgia. Johx J. Bcleoch, clerk. AN ACT. For the more convenient arrangement of the times and places of holding the circuit Courts of the United States, for the District of South Carolina and Georgia. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa tives of the United States of America, in Congress assem hied, that from and after the first day of June next, the Circuit Courts in and for the sixth circuit of the United States, shall be held at the following times and places, and no Others; that is to say, for the District of Georgia, at Savannah, on the fourteenth day of December in every \ ear, and at Milledgeville, on the sixth day ol May every year; for the District of South Carolina, at Charles ton, on the twentieth day of November in every year, and at Columbia on the twentieth day of April m every year, and the Circuit Court for the said Districts respectively or the Circuit judge of the said Sixth Circuit is author! sed end required to make all sue*, rules and orders may be necessary to carry into effect the change in tim and place of holding the said courts according to tne f rne intent and meaning of this act. H. CLAY. Speakerof the house of representatives JOHN GAllaLARl). President of the srritite pro-tempore. April 24, 1816—approved, JAMES MADISON. hme 16—M BAflk m TilE UMTJbJJ STATES. '*■ NOTICE. sen con JS otice. ^ r All-persons having demands against the estate of John II. D. cbell, dec. and thoseir.delitLdar.. requested to cali on C. 14. Hayden, and settle the s «rne, who is authorised to transact the business of said estate. Ann Deubell. iune 25 <-» r 5 " r On the first Tuesday >n August next, "Will be sold at tiie court house in Effingham county, between the usual hours, All that tract of land, containing two hundred two and a half acres- situated in the county of Jasper^se venteenth district, No. 130, or so much thereof as will Satisfy the taxes of Philip Jones—amount due two dol lars 19 cents uud costs. C. II. DASHER, g, e. c. june 8—68 City Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in .Ingust next, Will be sold at the court house, in the city of Savannah between the usual hours, The Lot and Buildings, in Broughton-street, at pre sent occupied by William Stephens; levied on as his pro perty to satisfy sundry executions against him Also one half of the Buildings anil one half of the lease of the Lot, on the south common; levied on as the pro perty of John F. Herb to satisfy a judgment in favor of John B. Norris, against Herb & Rahn Isaec D’Lyou, c. s. s. june 29 77 . Notice. Nine months after date application will be made to the Justices of the Inferior Court of Bulloch county, for leave to sell one half part of an undivided six hundred acre tract of Land, lying in Scriven county, for the be nefit of the heirs and creditors of John Lowther, late of Bulloch county, dec. MARY LOWTHER, june 29—fw*—77 . adm’rx Late Hank of the United States. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in tlie trust funds of the late Bank of foe United States, as the proprietors of bank-notes, or of dividends upon stock, either of capital or interest, and in general to ail th creditors of the said bank or trust of whatsoever des cription, that unless their claims are presented for set tlement before the 4th day of March, 1817, when tiie term of six years from the creation of rhe Said trust will have expired, the trustees will not feei themselves ob liged to make opposition to any decree or order of court, -which may be obtained for the distribution among the stockholders of the amount hitherto reserved to sa tisfy the said creditors. G. SIMPSON, may 28 |po 63 4 Cashier. Ten Dollars’ reward. Ranaway from the subscriber about the-first of January last, a negro man named LUCK, five feet four or five inches in hieglit, well made, but srhall, aged about 30 years, and well known in Savannah, having-worked about t iWxrfor several years p;ist, and mamiged by Joseph Rahn, executor of Nathaniel Zett'.er, deceased- William Bird. february 1—f—12 *** Brought to gaol in Savannah, on the 28di June, 1816, a Negro .Man who says bis name is Tom, and that he belongs to Mr. John A. Cuthbert, in Liberty county He is about 35 years of age, and' 5 feet 7 inches high. Has on an osnaburg shirt, and blue and wlijte homespun trowsers. II. M‘Call, g. c. c. july 4—79 One Hundred Dollars Will be paid, for the recovery of my Mullatto Girl, Salli, (or Sanitte) on proving'to conviction of her be ing harbored or employed by any white person, or tak. en out of the state; if by a colored person, Fifty Dollars, and thirty for her apprehension alone, on lodging her in the gaol of Savannah. She was formerly owned hy Messrs. Rosignol, of this place, and" absconded on the 20th March last; she is about five fiat one or two inches high, very hollow footed, about twenty-five or six years old, high featured, father likely, and of a slender nuke, has a scar on one of Irfc’r arms, from a bum, puts on a modest down look when spoken to; and very capable of telling a plausible tale. ARCHIBALD WILKINS. (T/’ Should she be in any of tbe gr'ols in or out of the state, the keeper thereof is requested to address me a line to that effect and oblige their’a, &c. A. W. july 2— . -Lf -78 Escheator’s sales. On Thursday, the 11 th day of July nert, Will be sold at the court house in Savannah, all the personal property of Robert Bowmakey, lately of Sa vannah, shipwright, dec. an alien, who died intestate and without heirs in this state. Conditions, cash. Sale to commence at 10 o’clock. By order of the court of ordinary. Samuel M. Bond, june 20 ■» 73 Es cheater, Chatham county. Sheriff’s saW.s. On the first T oesday in August next, Will be sold at the court house, in the city of Savannah between the usual hours of 1# and 3 o’clock, All those three several lots or p-rcels of Land, situate and being in Y dnacraw, near the city of Savannah, county of Chatham; , knowiv by the numbers twenty-two, twenty three and twenty-four, bounded on the north ..nd west by Twigg’s land, south by a lane, east by lot number Iwentv-one, wluch said lots adjoin each other; levied on as the property of Benjamin Wall to satisfy Wm. Wal lace, Thomas Gumming and Joseph Stiics, administrators of Joseph Clay, dec. the above property mortgaged by the said Wall, and sold by virtue of a rule absolute of the superior court of this county. A. COPE, s. c. c. june 29 77 . Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in August next, Will be sold, at the co;^-t-in>use in Jefferson, Camden county, between the usual hours of-15 and 3 o’clock, A tract of Land lying arid being in Camden county, on Great Satilla nver, containing 327 acres, more or less; or so much tiiereof us will satisfy the taxes of Charles John ston, for the year 1815. Also, his fifty per centum tax, for the year 1814; amount due §18 37 cents, and cost. Also, a tract of Land lying and being in Camden coun ty, on Great Satilla river, containing 250 acres, more or less; or so much thereof . s will satisfy the taxes of John Gormon, for the year 1815. Also, his fifty per centum tax for the year 1814; amount due g6 73 cents, ? cost. Also, a Lot and improvements in the town of St. Ma ry’s, on which Stepnen W. Moor now resides; levied on as the property of said Stephen W. Moor, to satisfy his taxes fo>- th. year 1815. Also, his fifty per centum tax for the year 1814; amount due f,27 98 cents, andcost. Also, the improvements of Thomas Clark, jun. in the town of St. Mary’s; levied na ;-,s the property.of said Thomas Clark, jun. to satisfy his taxes for the year 1815 Also, his fifty per centum tax for tiie year 1814; amount due (j3 10 cents, and cost. Also, a tract of land, lying and being in Camden county, on the north side of Crooked river,, about one fourth of a mile above the residence of Abraham Pratt, containing 150 acres, more or less; levied on as the pro perty of said Abraham Pratt, to satisfy an execution in favor of David Lewis. Also, a tract of Land lying and being in Camden county, on North river, containing 900 acres more or less; levied on ak the property of Catharine Howell, ex ecutrix of John Howell, to satisfy the taxes due for the year 1015. Also, the fifty per centum tax, for the year 1814; amount due |§2J 93 cents, and cost. John Bailey, s. c. c. june 27—76 Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in August next, Will be sold at the court House in tire city of Savannah, between the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, All that Island of marsh, situated in the river Savannah, in Chatham county, bounded every side by the said river, said to contain eight hundred acres, originally granted to Noble Jones; also, a tract of land granted to the said Noble Jones, containing 437 acres, in the cqunty of Chat ham aforesaid, bounded southwardly by a causway, Ba- thesria, and lands of William Alien and Ben. Stirs, west- Wardiy by lands called Nazareth and Euphrates, and northwardly by lands of John Smith, John Carr,- and vacant.marsk, and eastward!}- by lands of John Curry, and the western shore of the the Isle of Hope. Also, all that lot or piece of ground, known as lot No. 28, being one of the five acre lots, eastward of the city of Savannah, near the Thunderbolt road, bounded north wardly and eastwardly by lands of H. Lillibridge, south wardly by lot No. 39, and westwardiv by No. 25; the above levied on as the property of George Buchanan, mortgaged by tiie said George Buchanan to John Wil kinson, and sold to satisfy said Wilkinson, agreeably to a rule absolute of the honorable the superior court of Chat ham county. Also, all that tract of land situated in the countv of Chatham, called Chatham, consisting of oak hickory and pine, and containing by resurvey 738 acres, formerly the property of Sarah, bounded on the north by the Savannah farm lots, on the southwest by the village of Acton, on the southeast by the Orphan House tract, and on the northeast by land formerly Mrs. Moore’s; levied on as the property of John Fraser, mortgaged by the said John Fraser to Francis Hopkins, and sola to satis fy said Francis Hopkins, agreeable to a rule absolute of the honorable the Superior Court of Chatham county. A. Cope, s. c. c. iune 20 73 Notice. Those persons, members of the Chatham Regiment, late in the service of the United States, who have not re- ceived their pay, are informed that*thev canjeceive the sums respectively due them, at any time'previous to the 24th inst. on which day the accounts will be closed. James Morrison, p. m. july 6 80 Notice The monthly meeting of the Board of Managers of the Georgia Bible Society will be held in the Library Room, at 5 o’clock r. ji. on MONDAY, the 8th instant. WILLIAM B. JOHNSON, july 6-C-80 Recording Sectary congress, passed on the tenth day of April last, entitled ‘Vtn .tct to incorporate the ,SV* scribers to the Bank of the United States,” subscription books will be opened at the Bank of Augusta, on the day of July next, and will continuetjpen every day from the tifbe of opening the same, between the hours of tt ' o’clock in the forenoon, and four o’clock in the afternoon, for the term of twenty days, exclusive of Sundays* when the same will be closed.' , * ’ That any individual, company, corporation, or state, may subscribe for any number of shares «f the capital of said bank, not exceeding three thousand shares, and at the time of subscribing, there must be paid on each shar» five dollars in gold or silver coin of the United States, or of foreign coins, and twenty-five dollars more in bfc. coin or in funded debt, in the manner following: that is to say, the payments in coin must be made in gold or s jf ver coin of the United States, or in gold coin of Spain or the dominions of Spain, at the rate of one hundred cents for every twenty-eight grains and sixty hundredths of a grain of the actual weight’ thereof; or in other forei-v* gold or silver coin, at the several rates prescribed by the first section of an act regulating the currency of fortiSi, coin in the United Stftfes, passed on tiie 10th day of April, 1806; that is to say, The gold coins of Great Britain-and Portugal, at tiie rate of one hundred cents for every twenty-seven grains of the actual weight thereof. The gold coins of France, at the rate of one hundred cents for every twenty-seven grains and two fifths of j grain of the actual weight tiiereof. Spanish milled dollars at the rote of one hundred cents for each, the actual weight whereof shall not be |. y than seventeen penny 7 weights and seven grains, and in proportion for the parts of a dollar—crowns of France at the rate of one hundred and ten cents for -cacii crown, the actual Weight whereof shall not be less than eighteen penny weights and seventeen grajns, i.nd in proportion for the parts of a crown. The payments made in the funded debt of the United States, will be received at the following rates, thatij to say, * • » The funded debt bearing an interest of six per centum per annum,' Rt the nominal or par value thereof; th e funded debt beoring an interest of three per centum per annum, at the rate of sixty-five dollars for e'i sum of one hundred dollars of the normnul amount thereof; and the funded debt bearing an interest of seven per centum per annum, at the rate of one hundred and six dollars and fifty-one cents, for every sum of or,, hundred dollars of tiie nominal nVnount thereof; together with the amount of the interest accrued on the said several denominations of funded debt, to be computed and allowed to the first July.—Proviiied nevertheless, Thit it shall be incumbent on the subscribers to produce such evidence as may be satisfactory to the commission ers that the interest iias not been paid—for which, purpose a certificate from the commissioner of loans wilj be required—and That*at tiie time and place of subscribing each and every subscriber must deliver to the Commissioners tk» certificates of funded debt, for the funded <i. i;t proportion of their respective subscriptions, together with a power lowing: that is to say, of attorney, in tue form tol « Know all men by 7 these presents, that I of the state of , Jo hereby authorise , a subscriber for ■ and empower Edward H d snores of the capital of tiie Bank of the United State _ ^ den, James 8. Walker, and John Gumming-, or a majority ol them, Commissioners^ for Superintend^- tbe subscriptions at Augusta, in the state of Georgia, in person, or by substitute to transfer indue io-mt of law, tiie funded debt .vhiyeof the certificates are hereunto annexed, to the President, Directors and Company of the Bank of th_ United States, as soon as the Bank shall be organized: Provided alwav" That if, m consequence of the apportionment of the shares in the capital of said Bank among the~si-h' scribers in the manner by law directed, the said funded debt shall be of a greater amount than sh 1! be necessary to complete the payments of the funded debt portion for the siiares to be apportion ’ oniv so much of the funded debt shall be transferred by virtue «f the power and authority he’-l'b*' given, as shall be necessary to complete such payments. 1 ^ Witness my 7 hand and seal, this day of ■ , 1816. Signed and delivered, J in the presence of 5 N. B. The wording of the power must be changed when necessary to meet the cases of subscriptions bv com. panies, corporations, or states; and foe parties should acknowledge the execution of the power before a m l gistmte, who will certify the sane under his hand and seal in the usual form. a The Commissioners have adopted the following regulations in receiving Subscriptions. The payments, as well in coin as in funded deot of any number of subscribers may be consolidated the u- ments of coin into one sytm, and the hauled debt info one or more certificate*; Provided, there shall be annex'A to the power to transfer a schedule of tiie proportions which tiie subscribers so combined are ■ Every Attorney claiming-to receive any surplus which may Arise in consequence of a rtdu will be'requilt d. to produce to the commissioners, at the time of any such application, satisfactory ful authority to receive tli'e same. At any time during the term allowed bv law for receiving subscriptions to the said bari, arv person in. tending to subscribe, may deliver to the casluer of the Planter’s Bank in Savannah, or to the ca. w r of the Bank of Augusta, on every share so intended to he subscribed, five dollars in gold or silver coin, acc- the rates prescribed hv the act of incorporation—and particularized above. The cashiers will give to foe person, or the laenceofhis law. . . by the commissioners at tbe time of sub. scpbing, as evidence ot the payment m com—tor the number ot shares so subscribed, provided the number of shares to which each subscriber may be entitled, shall be endorsed thereon, or annexed thereto, and signed by foe sub. scriber or subscribers, or their attorney duly authorized. As it may be inconvenient in many cases, to obtain cei-tificates of funded debt, for the exact amounts intendeds 1 —ribed, it has been determined that payments of such are not necessarily to be made precisely equal to tie of subscription payable—but they must be sufficient to cover tiie same. J 1 EDWARD HARDEN, A JAMES S. \\ ALKER, ( Commissioners. -'*■ > .JOHN CUMMING, \ Augusta, C Ga.J June 17, 1816. [ex 74J be subscrib portion For sale or rent 'rhe house at present occupied by Mr. John Carno- chan, situated at the comer of Bay and JefTerson-streets, the former residence of William Wailac4, esq. Applica tion for foe same to be made to Joseph Gumming. mv 19—f -—fio 1 lurty dollars’ reward. Runaway from the subscriber, on Sunday, 16th instant, negro man Job, about 2o or, 21 years of age, rather yel lowish complexion, and about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high; had on when he, went away, a black coat, light casshnere pantaioons, boots and a black hat; has been seen several tunes about town since with light clothes on. The above reward will be paid for lodging him in gaol or deivvcringhiin to me, and all reaonable expences. J. E. Hartridge. ■one 22 74 Notice. All demands against the estate of V. A. Stookes, dec. must be rendered in, duly attested, without delay, to John Carnochan, june 27 —r,r -76 ad-dor U)0 Dollars’ reward. Ranaway from the subscriber, at Edgefield court house, on the ni£ht of the 13th inst a mulatto man named Junes, about 28 years old, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, slender but well formed, somewhat slow in his gait, of a sedate frown ing countenance; but very plausible and intelligent, speaks very well for a slave. He is a very good work man os a carpenter and cabinet-maker, and very capable as a servant or waiter. He inclines a little forward in walk ing, and there is one unerring mark by which he may be known, his left arm, which has been put out of j r oint at the elbow, when he was quite young, and never pro perly set, and may be perceived by 7 attentive observation even with a coat on. He had on when he went away, a reddish mixed homespun coat and striped blue northern homespun pantaloons—he may possibly 7 endeavor to reach Savannah or Charleston, to get on board of some vessel, and go to the northern states. All captains of vessels are therefore cautioned against concealing him, and receiving him on board. He will no doubt endeavor to pass under an assumed name as a freeman. Any per son who will apprehend the said fellow, and commit him to gaol in Savannah or in any part of Georgia* be yond the distance of 100 miles from Augusta and give information to the subscriber at Edgefield court house, is. c.) will be entitled to the above reward. W. Elleson. june 25 it 75 £?* Brought to gaol, in Savannah, on the 7th June, 1816, a Negro Alan, who says is narra is Cutfee, and that he belongs to the estate ofcjohn Fraser, but has been in foe charge of John H. M‘Intosh. He is about 35 years of age, and 5 feet 9 inches high; he has an ulcer on his left leg, and has lost the little toe of his left foot; has on white cotton shirt, jacket and trowsers. HUGH M*CALL, c. c. c. june 13—70 £> Brought to gaol, in Savaumali, March 29, 1816, a Negro W oman, who says her name is M i Hr, and that she belongs, to Mrs. Thompson, of Augusta, alias Jesse Walton of Wilkes county. She is five feet one inch high, very corpulent, and about thirty- five years of age. H. M < Call, g. c. c. june 4—66 *** Brought to gaol, in Savannah, June 17, 1816, a negro man, who says lus name is Crujo, and that he belongs to John Miller, near Jacksonboro’, (Ga.) He is about forty years of age and five feet nine inches high; has on oznaburg-s shirt and trowsers and drab woolen jacket. H. AI'CAUL, g. c. c. iune 18 - 72 125 Dollars’ reward. Ranaway, some months past, the following Negroes, belonging to the estate of Peter II. Morel, deceased—Jui. a likely man, about five feet six inches high, a carpenter bv trade, of a yelloifish co'mplection—he is well known in Savannah, and was formerly owned by the late John P. Ward, esq. Si.vox, a young man, about twenty-five years old, has a downcast look, when spoken to. Modia, a young woman, of light complection, about twenty-five years old, and Aggit, a woman about thirty years old, limps when she walks, occasioned by a bum.' The above negroes are harbored at tiie south end of Ossabaw, where Joe was recently taken, but made his escape. Fifty dob lars will be paid for Joe’s being lodged in the county gaol and twenty-five dollars each for the others. John H. Morel. jnne 13—79 Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in August next, Will be sold at the court house, in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours of ten and three o’clock, A negro woman, named Rose; levied on as the pro perty of Edward Lloyal, deceased, to satisfy a judg ment in favor of R. Mitchell, survivor Alsa»anegTo man, named Will; levied on as the pro perty of John Fraser, dec. to satisfy judgments in favor of Joseph Kitchen et. al. Also, all that tract of Land, originally purchased of Joseph Wood, for 600 acres, bounded northwardly by lands of Thomas Young, formerly George Cuthbert, east wardly by lands granted Kenan, now part of Mulberry grove, southwardly and southeastwardly by general Read’s land, fbrmerly Zubly’s; the same having been re surveyed by John M'Kinnon and found to contain seven iut‘<- 27—75 Llpy COPE, s. c. c. Savaimau Boor House and Hospital. VISITING COMMITTEE For July and August, James Husteb and James AL Watxe. june 29-—77 Jtieph Gumming, Sherrff’s sale. On the first Tuesday in September next, Will be sold at the court honse, in -Jefferson, Cam country, between the usual hours of ten and. force o’clock, A tract of Land, tying and being in Camden countr, on St. Alary’s river, about one and h half .ndes from the town of St. Mary’s, containing seven hundred and eigh ty acres, more or less—levied on under the foreclosure of a mortgage as the property of the representatives of Margaret Jones to satisfy the Commissioner* of Camden County Academy. , JOHN BAILEY, s. c. c. June 27 76 Sheriff’s sales. On .the first Tuesday in August next, Will be sold at foe court house, in RLc.eborough, Li berty county, between the hours of ten and three o’clock, the following property 7 , viz: Abbey, a negro woman; levied on as the property of James M. Stewart, dec. to satisfy two executions, one in favor of Samuel Lewis, administrator of George Foster, surviving copartner of Foster & Stewart, the qther in favor of tiie admmistrator Daniel Boardman. Also, Juba, Daphne, Mary, Jack Sharper, Paul, Sam, veggy, Rachael and Clarinda; levied on as the property' of Jonathan B. Bacon to satisfy executions in favor of R- &. J. Bolton and Curtis Bolton & Co. Conditions, ca ? h - BENJAMIN AIELL, s. l. c. june 27-0—76 ^ Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in August next, Will be sold at the court house in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours of ten and three o’clock, A negro woman named Nanny, levied on as the pro perty of doctor William loot, to satisfy a judgment in J favor of Peter Crovat. ADAM COfE, s, c, c. Secretary I june 2ft ■— -77