Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, July 11, 1816, Image 3

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SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. Thursday Evening, July 11,1816. 1 ’ s The British at their old tricks again! Our vessels on Lake Erie, have been firedat from Fort Maiden, and detained and search made for deserter*, by Uritish officer; and their officers arid crewsinsulted.— I, this to be submitted to? Shall the flag, which shone so esolendenton the same waters, be shrouded by clouds i? We hope not: There is but one strait- olishihg re, and three hogs- > the centre ■if r^ad, several the r mob, it waJ evident prompt measures could pre- uences, likely to follow, and invented.' by the exertions of some ts, who rushed among the mob, beer, seized the ringleaders, and. in a very spersed upwards of two thousand, commit- :r to prison.—Jfath Journal. pjbnrgh Gazette says, that some very well in- erSona assert that-M/Tiavalette lias not quitted forward course for our d dete nnmed resistance to the smallest aggression. This is, indeed, the surest way to avert the calamity of war . We may soon convince Britain that she has not ubdued our spirit nor discouraged our confidence in But if we yield to one sin- of degradations to pursa e-tiniely ^ ^ w<s in ^neighbor" Mr? Canning has 1 arrived at Bordeaux from Lisbon, from whence letters were received on Saturday from him, tae Granicus frigate lias, it is said, reached die lattef port to convey Mr. Canning andsuite home. Letters: were on Saturday received at Lloyd’s from Malta of tiie idth April, from Naples of the 17th, and from Genoa of the 29th. Tile advices from tlie Utter place confirm thepeports that lord Exmomji laid effect ed a pacification between the Beys of Algiers and Tunis and tne king of Sardinia; and that he u ..s about to pro ceed with Ins squadron to Tripoli for a Similar purpose. Hehad redeemed three hundred and fifty-eight .Neapoli tans and Sicilians at Algiers, and sent them to Naples in tlie Zephyr transport. The plague at Noja had not en tirely ceased. At Corfu six villages remained -infected, but tnK garrison was -suit healtn}. The Uorffl Gazette states that, from tne20tli to the 24th of March, both days ’inclusive, there had been thirty-four deaths, forty ascer tained fresh classes of infection, arid cases. T. diminished within that short period, tiie numbers Having on tlie 24th, been only three deaths, four cases offresn infection certain, and one suspected. The Mainotti pi rates had taken four boats under British colors, and man ned tiie two largest. Massena is not expected-to live. Paris, May 7- 1 The Mayor of Agen being informed that there are per sons who t.Jce upon themselves to wear caps, watch chains, and diner articles of dress, which by tue assort ment of tiie colors, bring to recollection those which are prescribed, has issued an arreie containing tue following ^regulations: “Every citizen is prohibited from henceforth wearing a bonnet rouge orally older ivi lying si 6 n, winch may call to mind the frightful System of 1793. Tae wearing of every other article in winch the three colors of red, biue and white, may be united, is also prohibited, as- aiso any other partieuiof signs by which tlie wearer may an nounce tiie uiteiuion of distinguishing linustif. Such measures of security as the case' may require, shall, be adopted with regard’to those who contravene tins present arrete.” . One of our journals has published the following anec dote, to wmcli tne law for suppressing- divorce gives a certain appropriateness. “In Zurich, the husband and wie who apply for a divorce on tiie ground of incom patibility of nuinof, are shut up together for a fortnight m a tower on the lake. They have only' one apartment, on bed, one chair, one knife, tec. so that for sitting or sleeping, eating or resting; liicy are completely depen dent on each other’s camplaiSance. It seldom happens that they are not reconciled before the foraiignt expires.” Paris, .May 8. “The following are the de ails in tlie ministerial cir cles, concerning the conspiracy which has just been dis covered at Paris; there can be little doubt of their authen ticity-:— “Some of tlie agents of the military police, forming part of the nocturnal patroles had remarked ail individu al, apparently of tne inferior class, returning to his house m tne Rue de la Harpe, at four o’clock jn tue morning. He was traced at 9 o’lock in the evening to an obscure hotel in the Rue de la Rocnechouai’d, where he regular ly passed tlie night. He was seized at the end of a fort- niglit, as w-cll as ail the persons assembled there. The greater part were disbanded officers; men already signal ized by the police. Their examination led to further discoveries; a press and several seditious proclamations were seized, rather, I am informed, tending to subvert tne present government than ni favor of the usurper or any ocher pretender. It is asserted that the apprehen sion of Benoit, M...set’s secretary in Switzerland, and ol tiie chevalier St. Atgnon, have thrown new and unexpect ed light on the subject. This is now believed, to be a subordinate l-amificadon of a deep iaid plan vvhicu em braces m us action To acne at Dresden, Carnot at Warsaw, Excennaiis in tne Netherlands, and Soult at Dusseldorf. Considerable sums of money have been au-eady secured, and as the affair will shortly be examined by a court of juspee, the pubnc anxiety will soon be dissipated. The government appears perfectly Satisfied, with the mea sures already adopted, and fail of confidence in tlie ac tivity of tht pouce. “M. -VI. M jon and Clouet, formerly aids de camp, to Marshal Ney have been apprenended at Nismcs. The motives of this measure have no connection with the af fair I| have just related. It is believed these gentlemen are a* dbg under an entirely different influence.” Paris, May 9. Fourteen young women, 12 to be chosen by the vicars of Paris; and two by- the consistory of tne reformed cliul-ch, will be married at tlie expence of the city of Pa ris, on the day of tlie Duke of Berri’s marriage, and will receive eacn a portion of 1290 francs. Marshal Massena is at present very dangerously ill. Tiie following letter came by a vessel wnich has arriv ed in tlie Delaware, from Bordeaux: Extract of a letter from a gentleman in Bordeaux, to a mercantile house in New York, dated Bordeaux, May 14: “Cottons, which have been gradu..lly advancing in this market, ever siitce tlie establishment of the new tariff was considered inevitable, are selling at handsome prices, and the demand continues brisk, with some prospect of a further improvement. Uplands are worth at present from 210 a 230 francs Louisiana, 215 a 240, and Sea Islands, from 340 a 385, du ty paid. v On account of the existing demand from Switzerland, may be expected that better prices in proportion to the above quotations, which include tlie duty-, will be ob tained for cotton in entrepot. yetsui our strength and resources. le abuse, %ve shall inevitably drew down tlie calamity upon „ s We shall never appease the wrath of our enemy by cowardly submission; but by constantly maintaining tlie attitude of defence we shall probably teach her to respect and fc-ar us. We have laid aside the spear and tlie sword, Cut we must not yet convert them into the ploughshare, -u'd the pruning-book, lest at the approach of danger we should be found disarmed and defenceless. In peace apart for war, is a sound political maxim which was never yet disregarded by any nation, with impunity. The aggressions on Lake Erie must be disavowed by th- British government, and punishment inflicted on tlie t-s-ors, or they must consent that they sliall be cliarg- cd to their own account. NATIONAL BANK. The Boohs were opened in Augusta, (Geo.) on the 1st • nst The /whole amount of Shares taken, during the three first days, were 1569. The subscription books will continue open till the 23d inst. It is expected that above 10,01,0 shares will be subscribed in this state. The following sketch may be of use to some: The c.-pit’ 1 of the national bank is thirty-five millions in shirts at ;-,l00 each. The United States are allow ed to subscribe for seven millions of dollars. No corpora tion or indivuluai is allowed to subscribe more than five thousand shares. Every share to be paid for as follows: 5 dollars in specie? on subscribing; 25 dollars in stock ) 10 dollars in specie / j n 3 ; x mon th S; 25 dollars in slock > 10 dollars in specie ? ; n twelve months. 25 dollars in stock y 190 Seven per cent, stock to be received at 106J, 6 per cents at par, and 3 per cents at 65. The excess of shares -lobe cut down, so as to reduce the highest to the next highest, and so on. The National Intelligencer, commenting on a paragraph from a Spanish paper, reflecting on our government for holding possession of tiie Fioridas, says: “ The ..hove is of a piece with M. de Oifs’s lofty epis tle to our secretary of state on the same subjects to winch, and ail such rhodomontade, Mr. Monroe’s letter of the lutii January is a sufficient answer. Tlutt letter, how ever, could "not have reached Madrid so early as to give rise tc the aoove article, which is therefore, probably founded on the representations of the. Spanish minister here. We do not consider this article as indicating the approach of hostilities; since the “rupture” with Spain (hiatus, the disagreement or difference) has long existed <m uur part, if die government of Spain considers itself aggrieved, as intimated above, all that can be said of the m tier is, that there are now two sides to a question which before had but one. We liaye a long score agains. Spain; she wants to make out a counter-score against us. Our government, of course, will maintain its rights, “peaceably ij we can, forcibly if we must,” as Mr. Quincy once said on a very different occasion.” [FRXriS OUR CORRESPONDENT.] JV'ew- York, July 1, 12 o'clock—noon. LATEST FROM EUROPE. We have been favored by a mercantile friend with London papers to .he 14th May. Tne prince regent has in a general order reprimanded in severe .erms sir iff Wilson, and captain Hutchinson, for UJ“ part which they took in aiding M. Lavaiette in escaping from Ins prison in France. The Princess ‘.liarlotte Packet arrived at Falmouth on the 11th of May in 28 days from New-York. Bread 'starts had advanced considerably. Tliis added to 1he stagnation of traue, and the consequent want of em ploy among tlie manufacturing class, had created consi derable uneasiness, and some disposition to riot. London, May 19. Brussed papers to che-8rb instant arrived this morning. A letcu- fioni Vienna .states, that prince Kaunitz, the Austrian ambassador a', tiieacourt of .Madrid, is soon ex pected to retain, as fie lias not been able to obtain an audunce of Ferdinand VII, who protc:■' against tiie. possession of Parma By the archduchess . & d Louisa.— L appears that ordere have been issued by the court of Jlaucn to prepare for the passage of a numerous corps O' i-tn..n troop.-., who are going in a short time to . e those now in France. W e received tins morning tlie Paris papers of Tues- /■' ’ “ lu * k* ve extracted from them all the articles of eav interest. Among other things, they inform us of ne iviurn io Naples Genoa of many persons who u.'i been in siaVery in Algiers uhd Tunis for years, and vtaoiiave been released bv tiie treaties dictated to the IV;. s or those places, but it does not go “ he considered bv ; hr.A w V late . Onthe l/hli and 18th June, a meeting of the JCommiff- stoners,.appointed by the Legislatures of the State of Gemgia arid South Carolina, for the purpose of improv ing the, navigation of the Savannah River, had a meeting at Petersburg % to carry into effect the object of their ap pointment, A subscription was opened, and five thou sand dollars were subscribed in a few hours It is hoped, the public spirit of the citizens will not be wanting, on this occasion; as the sum appropriated by tlie govern ments of tlie States, is far too small, to effect any valuable end. AVe Understand, tlie Commissioners have determined to purchase a number of hands, and place them under the direction of a person, qualified for the undertaking.— They will commence with a portion of them, at this place and a portion at Petersburg-.—Augusta Gazette, July 1. ■ — + In adverting to the release, at the instance of admiral Exmouth, of tl lie Neapolitans and Sardinians .imprisoned at Algiers, an American naval officer takes tiie occasion, jn a letter, to speak of tlie English as “a generous nation.” We have no wish to cast indiscriminate reflections upon the character of any nation,- but the truth is, and it were folly, to SlippresS or di9gtiise it, that England is as del old oi generosity, us she is of honor and good f.jlh, towards” all foreign powers. It is perfectly ridiculous to ascribe to generosity or bravery, tiie reie. se of the Italian pri soners in Algiers.’ What is tiie fact? Lord Exmouth goes to the harbor of Algiers, plays the part of a brava do for a moment, and tnen basely and disgraceful!} ag rees to purchase the liberation of a portion only of the Christians enslaved in the dungeons of tile piratical bar barian; and it is asserted in respectable letters, that tlie purchase money is to be paid or refunded by the Ita lians! Is any part of this conduct brave or generous?— Why, then, shall any of o:fr naval officers, especially after , . . . witnessing the ungenerous and cruel spirit m which the .si, classes o infection, and sixty suspected English prosecuted tne hue war on the ocean and tin he ratio of allhad, however, very conwderabq^ an(ij continue t0 eulogize-the generosity of that nation? Was it generous in England., in every instance, to ascribe our naval victories to accident, rather thali to the rea! cahse? Was it generous in her to treat our prisoners of war as if they w ere worse .than brides? Of all tlie men in creation, the seamen of America have tlie least reason to think Great-Brit/in honorable or magnanimous. In peace or in utr, tlie policy, tiie conduct, tlie spirit of the English are selfish «nd illiberal towards Americans espe cially, and towards the world at large.—BalUrftore Pat riot. VcrJ nv Lord ExuvrAh. Tins is well; fir enough. Tlie se treaties will only ie pirates as truces, wlndl they will believer they choose. Indeed, it is, that SeVe-r.d inhabitants of Sardinia have beencar- ieu alt, and twenty men murdered and their bodies left on me sea shore. I lie only effectual way of putting an <cnui stoppage to the career of these pirates is, to < is roy ail dieir siups of war, and not to suffer the flag oi any one of them to navigate the oceaiii To what ha- jo.i could tais task be so appropriately confided, and erf. '' ! ‘ lcllc oiUdit be so effectually executed >as by that e 1 peopie whose career of greatness and glory has tin also the career of humanity and justice, who were _ L , , ls * abolish that horrid li-affic by wliich the heart wl l00t of tbe living nian were weighed and sold as tii aii if he From Halifax.—By the British Packet we have received Halifax p„pers to the 16tii June. Halifax, June 15. Arrived last evening, the Montague packet, captain Watkins. 33 days from Falmouth. Our files are up to the 11th uit. but they contain nothing interesting. Letters received by the Montague packet, announce that the rev. Robert Stanscr, I). D. is appointed bishop, for tlie province of Nova Scotia, &.C. He was to take passage in H. M. S. Leander, captain Skipsey, to sail in a few da} s after tlie packet. The secretary of the treasury and the secretary of the navy have departed from tliis city, on a visit to their re: spective families. On Monday evening arrived in this city, M. Flyde Neu- ville, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary. United States. He were no „ ” T > W /‘8 UCU ,’ u » u . from the so vereign of France to the United St value tlZ tTe yesterday revived by the secretary of state M. Petty, consul for New Orleans,; and M. Bourgeney, private secretary to the minister, also arrived at tlie same It, h.10 Kafir, f—lari 1 .. ' . tifilS.—^/\ Ul. Bit. Oil. i its Deen tried by a counciL'of war at Paris, and onuclllni-rl tn fU.Al. • _c .1.. 1 f , / Lhv-dox, May 11. hera, Bertrand, who is with Bonaparte at St. Hele- !• ! , lacl JJ nc ^ to death. The cousiii of the general, M. ti ( s “- ue > demanded a delay of tiiree months to notify t.|V 1 —. 10 the general, but the reporter opposed blTt t,n , ,ni h -t-SSerting, that it was notoriously impossi- ^,." r t " e accused to appear before the tribunal. Km, C ire , l^PPf to announce the arrival of thirteen homeward-bound ships from China. Lonbox, May 13. Oiiart C . at r °, Se , rnorn mg at Mark-lane, six shillings a c L1 » mietkihg, with the rise Last Friday, ten shillings a .‘tu beyond last Monday’s price. Flour rose ten ; n „ P er sa ck. The best wheats were sold this mom- }j U , o:T1 92*. to 100s. the quarter, the ° n ? u - v rooming, in consequence of the advance in iro- n nCe °*' ^ reac ^> several groups of tlie manufactur- com',?.° r - assem hied at the different parts of Bridport, e, n .L of the grievance, added to tlvefr want of am-Dh/ trQm tile P rc9en '- stagnation of trade. Their •«moers encreasintr. nnn «<• ^ i—, i encreasmg, one of the most active bore a quar- |vemment.‘—*iurortn The wife and family of Joseph Bonaparte, arrived at this port yesterday, in the French ship Good Henry, front Havre-de-Grace, and forty other passengers, among whom are Mr. Drovilie, and Mr. Pardee, of this city.— All was quiet in France.—Mew-fork Gazette, 1st. The numerous arrivals yesterday furnish no news.— By the William Wise we received a Liverpool paper of the 18th of May, but it affords us nothing but a trifle of ship news. The prices of American produce seem to be the same as former quotations.—ib. German accounts, mention, that, though the manufac turers of Prussia are in a state of,tolerable prosperity, some hands, not sufficiently employed, mean to emigrate to the Brazils, to No rth-Am erica, and particularly to Po land, where they are, sure of a good reception from go- POLTVAR’S EXPEDITION. The success of tiie patriots under Bolivar in Terre Firnia, ike. is an event that cannot fail to have a great and auspicious influence on the liberation of all • Soutli- Americai In a central situation between North and South, open to a direct intercourse, with Europe, and in tlie vicinity of the principal islands, it invites volunteers from every quarter, and may maintain an intercourse with all tiie world. Hundreds of Irish, English and other dis banded officers, naval and military, had proceeded for faeiiierera, Curevoi, Trinidad and St. Doming?), in drtler to join tlie patriots oy the first conveyance; and tiiou- smeis from all parts will volunteer ill tiie cause of inde pendence. When the details of general Bolivar’s operations come to liaud, they will present to us a most interesting pic ture, Tiie royaiist.*:. who murder opponents without mercy, and even sacrificed foreign merchants to their fury, have, we trust, been justly requitted for such deeds; tlie liberates have bee n released from the “reign of terror,” and enough done to insure tiie freedom of Venezueia —- Columbian. We have seen with much regret, one of two letters, in the public prints, from officers in the Mediterranean, which squint at some censure against commodore De catur. The aliugioiis seem to be altogether founded on mistake. , f We repeat the assertion, that Decatur never did bind himself or his government to give up to the dey either fiis brig or its value—that the dey refused to give up the Spanish consul, [or vice-consul at Grail] whom he had put in confinement; upon wnich condition alone did Decatur offer to give up and to convoy tiie vessels into the Algerine port—So f„r from tiie dey's expressing any dissatisfaction at that time about it, tliat when Deca tur gave iinn tne possession of tiie brig, tlie Algerine agent gave invn’a receipt for her! To our credit be it added tliat so long as vve held tiie brig, tne Spanish au thorities did not dare to claim fici-—but as soon as the Algerine flag took the place of our own; they seized her on the plea of a violatied jurisdiction. It seems nohv, that the Spaniards have since given her up by way of ransoming the crew of the San Fernando, wliich was lately cast ashore on the coast, of Atgiei-s— thus tlie dey, not being able to Claim her at any nanus, is now trumping up a claim for the value of her.—itich- mond Enquirer. FROM HOLLAND; Boston, June 27. We are sorry to hear that Dr. Fastis and liis iady had been much out of health; the climate not agreeing with diem. They w ere about undertaking a journey to Ba ris. Many respectable American travellers were in Holland —among them the rev. Mr. Liven it, Mr. O. Everitt and Mr. Ticknor. Lord Wellington still remained at the Hague. Tlie governor Was popular in Holland; but hot so mtich so in Belgium. The young prince of Orange is re presented as a person of tine taiencs. Mr. Erring, tiie American ambassador to Spain, arrived •at Havre in twenty six days from tlie United States—and intended to visit Fans, and then proceed to Al.alnd.— Mr. Lewis, of Ncw-York, is, we believe, his secret..ry of legation, ar.d Mr.. Smith, of Boston, his private secretary. The Weser, lncksoii, and Caledonia, Johnson, from Baltimore; Frederica, Tabbat, arid Frederica, Kraft, from Uharlestori; Indiana arid Weser, from New-York, have arnved at Bremen. Stephen W. Deblois, esq. has been appointed deputy rnarsiial of tiie vice admiralty court of Nct} a-SSotia. Married, at Louisville, (Ga.) jin Sunday, tlie 30th ult. by the reverend Mr. M'Vcin, Doctor .1 an as Whitehead, .ol Burke, to Miss Ri Ta Lowndes Berries, d ughter of the late Major John Berrien, of Jefferson county. Died, at Carlisle, (Penn.) on tlie 25tli ult. IIenht Hugh Bracxen ridge, one of tiie judges of tlie supreme Court of tliat state, aged 67 years. Died, at Boston, Thomas O. Szefridge, esq; counsellor at law', and both the personal and ’political iriend of tlie late Samuel Dexter. Died, at Mastic, (t. i.) on Tuesday morning, the 25th uit in tlie 81st year of liis age, general John Smith, mar- siial for the disft-ict of New-York. PORT OF SAVANNAH* Thursday, July 11, 1816. arrived; Schooner Sophia, Wallace, from Philadelphia, via. Charleston. Sloop General Washington, Campbell, Charleston. -—- Leander, White, Charleston & All demands against the British brig EXMOLTH, captain j*ollard, ninsl be presented TO-MORROW, or payment will be debarred. j. Battelle. ..inly,11. .8^.., . The members of the Dorcas so ciety are requested to meet, at Mrs. Read’s, on TUES DAY, the 16th instant, at 11 o’clock. Margaret King, julyll ■■■—a 82 Secretary, 60 boxes Soap 30 nests Tubs jnly 11—m—82 Landing, From schooner Sophia, LAWRENCE & THOMPSON. For sale 200 pieces Cotton Bagging 50 quarter casks Teneriff Wine 17 hogsheads Molasses / 10 casks Madeira Wine. B- RICHARDSON. july 11 " *82 Auetion, To-Morrow, {2th instant, WiU be sold before my store, Groceries and Dry Goods* ALSO, 1 pipe sweet Malaga Wine iJ. quarter casks Sherry Wine 5 pipes Holland Giq. 20 bags Coffee 5 hiids N. E. Rum, 40 boxes Soap 5‘j bis Philadelphia Beer, 5 bis Shrub 10 half barrels mess Beef 19 demijohns Cogn_c Brandy, &e. Sale to commence at 11 o’clock. 13. Williford, auct*r. iulv 11- -P.2 Wanted to hire A COMMODIOUS HOUSE, Apply to the Printer, City SherilCs sales. To-Morrow, the 12th instant, - Bet ween the usual hours, Will be sold at the stdre, in the Market-square, lately be-' copied by John Millen, by consent of all parties can* cemed, tlie following Articles: Out barrel containing Molasses, 6ne barrel containing Gin, half barrel containing Mackerel, half keg Tobacco, half box Pipes, five kegs containing Rum, Gin and Cor- diai; three barrels containing Coffee, Sugar and Flour; half barrel Biscuit, tw’o boxes Herring, three papers of Knives; fishing Hooks and Lines, ten Bonnets, and a few articles of l)r} Goods—levied on as the property of John Millen to satisfy Ash & Gorham, et. al. 11- -82 Isaac D ? Lyon, s. c. s. Marshal's sale continued. On thefirst Tuesday in August next, WiU be sold at tlie market-house in St. Mary’s, between the hours of ten and three o’clcck, ] The buildings on part of wharf lot No. 3, in St Mary’s, levied on ;o> tlie property of Paul Chase to satisfy sun dry executions at tlie suit of the United States against said Paul Ch.ise and others JOHN EPFINGER, July 11—82 ma'sTkal- For Philadelphia The packet schooner SOPHIA, captain Wal lace, will have immediate dispatch. For freight aor passage applv on board, at Bolton’s central wharf, or to * M. HERBERT & CO. For sale on board, 15.000 PhiladoTnhia BRICKS. july 11-82 For Charleston The regular pi cket sloop GENERAL WASH INGTON, Robert CumpbeU, master, wiU posi tively Soil- tiie first fair wind. For freight or passage apply to, the master on board, at Bolton’s wharf, or to NICHOLS & HUNTER. july 11 — 32 , ■ . For Charleston Tlie regular packet sloop VOLANT, M‘Lean, ^master, will sail on Sunday next. For freight s or passage apply on board, or to J. Battelle. bdv 11- -82 lee. Just received from Philadelphia, A quantity of ICE. For sale on board the schooner Sophia, at Bolton’s central wharf. july 11-82 Georgia Flour. Just received 60 barrels fresh Georgia Flour. Apply at No. 17, Ex- ch; oge wharf, july 11— 82 For sale A handsome GIG, with atop; also, a good substantial DRAY. Apply to J. A. DUFALRE. julv 11 * a 82 Bank of the United States. Notice is hereby given to persons intending to sub scribe to the Bank of the United States, at Augusta, \ by attorrlev, that it wiU be necessary to have a regular Pow er of Attorney, duty witnessed bv some magistrate,-! as well as the power to the commissioner to transfer stock' prepared and presented to the commissioners at tiie time of subscribing. EDWARD HARDEN, jul v 11—82 , one of the ran mivtioners. The Bank of the State of (reorgia. The Stockholders are informed, that tlie Second In stalment will be received at the Bank, between the hours of nine and two. ELEAZER EARLY, july 11- —r —82 Cashier Wanted VIRGINIA BANK BILLS. Apply to E. BLISS & CO; juiy 11- -82 W anted, A person to take charge of a Wharf, who can write a fair hand, and knows sometlujig of accounts. Apply afc thl.- 'tfoe. » jnly If b 82 i o be sold A valuable COTTON PLANTATION, j3n Crooked river, six miles from St. Mary’s, consisting of upwards of one thousand acres of land, a good proportion of which is fine planting laid; sixty acres have been planted one yean It is remarkably healthy and plenty of fine fish got with little trouble; it will be sold a bargain, if applied for soon. For further particulars enquire of G: & A; M; Ker, julv 11—cm—82 Howard's wharf Assize of Bread. The price of flour being twelve dollars per barrel, the weight of bread for the present month must be as fol lows, viz: lbs. oz. 12j cents loaf must weigh 1 15 6J do do do 13 Of which all bakers and sellers of bread will take due notice. JOHN I. ROBERTS, fuv 11— 82 \ city treasurer. Office of Clerk of Council. July 10, 1816- Owners of Dogs will be pleased to take notice of the fojjowing sections of an ordinance of this city. “ That no dog shall be suffered to go at large in *ny street, lane, or open place within this cky, without a li cense first taken out from the office of the clerk of the ci£y council, by the .owner of such-dog: and there shall be 1 a collar around the neck of the dog so licensed, with the name of tlie owner thereon engraved, and number as as entered on the register. * “That if any dog shall be found goindkt large within the city, without having been registerei^re aforesaid, and. without such collar, it shall be the duty of the marshal and constables to destroy such dog.” License, 2 dollars* per annum—Fe^|t« the clerk, 25 cents By order of council, D. D. Williams, c. c. july U—82 The subscriber ’ Will be absent from this state for a few months, and leaves Mr. Donald MT-xon his Attorney. Francis Doyle. july 11—v—-82 , Notice. The subscriber being under the necessity of leaving- Hi* city for a few months, Mr. Robert T. Dews will act as his Attorney. CHARLES PATTERSON July 11 * &