Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, July 16, 1816, Image 1

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- ■ 'A rr j^Y FREDERICK S. EELL.~J SAVANNAH, (GA.) JULY 16, 1816. [Whole Number 2695. Dumber 84.] TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR. [Volume XIV v ■» the republican v IS PrBLISHED EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, AT SIX DOLLARS PER ANNUAT, payable IN advance. advertisements will be insert'd at the rate of Sevxxty-Fivx Cents pe, the fist time, and 'X iuktt-Sxvex am a Haxj Cents for each continuation. CASH must accompany all orders from the Co?*tnr,unless the ™ he secured in To w x, or the party weirfcwUWi to tl>e Editor. Hi Letters to the Editor must be post-paid. For Boston, To sail on Saturday next, The packet brig ALMIRA, Atwood, master, pj,ly to WHITNEY & PARK-MAN. S3 - * >■ For New-York The brig SKA ISLAND, captain Wheeler, to sail on Thursday next. For freight or pus- pji'j,p. e apply on board, * " B. M‘Kinne & Co. v 13—*—8-3 For Philadelphia The packet schooner SOPHIA, captain Wal- V.Ajactywill have immediate dispatch. For freight passage apply on board, at Bolton’s cental wiiarf, or to M. HERBERT & CO. For sale on board, 15.DO Philadelphia BRICKS. a july 11-82 Lillis ol Exchange ON NEW-YORK AND LIVERPOOL. t- J. E. White & Co. mav 21 60 4>iiis on England For sale by AND1LEW LOW & CO. june lo—70 Hills on New York, For sale by julv 9 81 DUEL, GRESHAM & CO. liar Lead, Lo * sugar, NOR THEJ1N HOMESPUNS, &c. K^s 0. r Lead Du buck, low mould and swan Shot Do assorted sizes, do *mn( ;is .Oaf Sugar Ladies’ Twist Tobacco Plata, stripe and chambray Homespunsg •lust received and for sale by - B. & G. Lathrop, fitly 13 1. 83 Ai '..-r s-ptur Copartnership. Charles C. Dunn having associated Ins brother James H. Dunn, in business with him in the DRUG line, under the firm of & James Dtrxx; they oiler for Sale at their store on the Bay, a generally assorted stock of MEDICINES, low for cash, and compting-houst Ink, by the bottle. CHARLES 8c JANIES DUNN, juiy 2 78 Clavet Wine, 6cc. A few boxes Hermitage, of 1808 Do L’eovile, of 1810 Do Brandy Fruits and Cask of Almonds. Tor sale by R. & J. Habersham. july 9 81 Fresh Shoes and Slippers. Just received, from New-York, by the brig Pocahontas, con- sisting of the folio-wing kinds: Ladies’ black kid Slippers, from Hedenbcrg’s manufactory do undressed Morocco, 's Morocco Shoetees do Pumps fine seal Shoes do wax caif-shin Shoetees do do do Do Me Do Do Do Do Do Do strong Pumps Children’s leather Boots All of which will be sold low for cash by John Douglass, jul v 9;. 81 (Jibouu 'ilding. grain do Shoes Fresh Flour. Just received, from Philadelphia, by the brig William & Alary, the following articles, for sale at No. 17,Exchange wharf Superfine Flour, in whole and half barrels Fresh Crackers, in kegs Gunpowder, of Dupont’s brand Kegs cut Nails, assorted on hand, 40 casks London bottled Porter Madeira and Lisbon Wines' and 3000 lbs North Carolina Hams Francis Jalinean. july 9 81 Sugar, Rice ana <u&iiuu;o. 50 hhds. prime New-Orleans Sugar, now landing from New-York 53 half tierces Rice, fit for retailers, just from the mill 25 boxes Augusta Cannes, now landing and for salt cheap by ^ T - BROOKS Sc WELMAN. julv 9—b—81 V For sale 200 pieces Cotton Bagging 50 quarter casks Tcneriff Wine l@ShpgdieadfeM«lasses 10 casks Madeira Wine. ri h 11 82 ifnic ION. For ter, 6cc. Received per the Volant and Delight, from Charleston, Ah 1> FOB. SACfc a s JAMES HILLS, .Marhet-square, Casks double brown Seou , old Cognac Brandy ant Holland Gin, from l.oudon; St Julian Cearee, in casts, (yen supenof;) old Hermitage, in costs; white Havan Sugar, in boxes; Crackers, in barrels and' kegs; London Mustard, Scotcli Barley and split Pease, Ac. ox iian it, A choice and general assortment of Wines, Teas, ho- quors and Groceries. july 15—»■ Fresh Teas. The subscribed have for sale, A few chests of hyson mid gunpowder Tea, and in ca nisters of two pound t. cii. George & Alexander M. *Ker. july 13 f j Factorage and Commission Business. Tut sdiscuutr mltuus, n cue tirst 1 utsd..y ol Sep tc tuber next, to decline the practice of law; and, from tia-ldale, to engage in the above business. If the strid es* observance ot the interest of diose who may conliclt in turn, and the most unrenuttt-d attention, exertion ana pa,ideality in business, have any ckJm to public pat rimagt; tut subscriber pledges himself to ins friends a *iu t’tUow -citizens, generally, to ment a portion of tlieir f. • or. 1J t li..s procured fire-proof stores for the reception of produce on Howard’s wharf, and liis counting-room is in the c„st tenement of sunt building -83 Joseph S. Pelot. X ol* sale Au active Mulatto Boy, accustomed to house work, £ho IK fourteen years old. Apply to M. Herbert & Co. job 13 A 83 Duel, Gresham <x Co. Have now landing, from the ship Winnefred, ftom Liver- . pool, A large supply of SUMMER GOODS. o9 Casks and e. cu ctmul ALSO, cases assorted Hardware and Cutlery, hang a complete assortment for a retail store ,J ll,c case superior plated Ware, consisting of cruet - aits, candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays And via JVew-York, * A ’° Hunks Parasols, three bales Seersuckers, three a-sifimaiums • ’-o pieces long yellow Nankeens, one case chip Hats; ,J aud colored Levantine and Florence Silks ’ ' i miked coat Silks and Florentine Vesting; white ; ‘“ ct kee Shawls and Veils; Merino Tippets; ele- uhroideied Ridicules, assorted colors and patterns .Head Luces and Edgings 2 c,lSc Cninelle Cords, assorted colors and sizes . 11 ten casessfraw Hats and Bonnets cases Artificial Flowers Citteen cases Looking Glasses, a part of which are l_J * JiirfriiOes. june 15—71 '• ' Landing it , . O ° n 7 Almira, Atwood, master, from Boston, " bite pine Boards - • E. Rum, in hogsheads and barrels ue bate priest Cloths, cotton Bagging casks Cheese £, *7 boxes Slate > 1 i wo bales Humhums ee cases Northern Homespuns. For sale by Whitne ^ Hunter’* wharf =»F Philadelphia Razee Roots. The subscriber has lust received per Olyuthus, 50 pair RAZEE BOOTS, of asuperjkw quality. John Douglass. june 1 65 E. Bliss <x Co. (MARKET-SatJABF.) Have just received per ship Adonis, from New-York, London superfine Cassimeresj black, blue and drab; Vigonia ditto; Cotton Cassimere and Vigonia Cord; white, black and blue Jeans; London Stripes; black Cambric.; cotton Lace; bell Buttons; nun’s Thread; men’s buckskin and beaver Gloves; L.dies’ kid and silk Gloves; tortoise shell Combs; Ribbons; Levantine Shawls and fancy Handkerchiefs. 1 case China Silk, assorted colors black, green and changeable Florence Silk 1 case cotton Cambrics 1 do Calico 1 do Ginghams 1 bale India Cotton 1 case German Sheeting, 8cc. June 6—67 Wanted VIRGINIA BANK BILLS, a# ' 1r The subscribers Have now landing from brig Pocahontas, from New-York-, 100 barrels Menhaden 30 do Mackerel 10 pieces bed Ticking 10 do Priest Cloths . fjf i s IX STORE Writing, letter, printing, wrapping and sheatliing Paper Ship Bread and Cordial Barrels fianker Salts , Curry Combs HatchetsMlammers, Axes and hollow Ware Floor Brtftlies Gut Nail.4ft.VimL^ Bdxes CliwBlate , Bed Cords, -Twine, favens’ Duck 'No. 1 to 6 Shot Boxes cottonr iid Wool Cards Currants, in barrels 1 case mill SaWs 6 casks northern Shoes Olmstead & Battelle. julv 9—81 T Mackerel, oce. 60 barrelsMackerel, tliis summer’s catching 6 do Salmon 5 hhds prime Janfaica Sugar 10 bis do do do 20 hhds old Antigua Rum , 6 pipes Cognac Brandy 400 kegs FowderfD. P.'& Co. FF r Loaf Sugar, by hogshead, barrel or loaf Fresh Hyson Tea, bv chest or retail Old Rum, Brandy and Gin, as usual. For sale by Gardner Tufts. july 6—j,—80 it Medicines. Fine powdered Cream Tartar Do do Yellow Bark Fresh do Ipecac Do Caraway £eed Do English Uammomile Flowers Do Annistfed Best short staple Isinglass Do Flake Manna Do Alexandrine Senna Bateman’s Drops American Ink Powder Essence of Peppermint Refined Camphor Turkey green Ar..bic British Oil Harlem do Spanish 1 lies Mace Nutmegs Manna, in sorts English Sugar of Lean Do Rochelle Salts jill Boxis, 'The - above articles arSti^’qiefffbr saie'by Stub bins A Mason. nnril 4 49 Factorage and Commission. The subscriber having commenced in the above line of BUSINESS, offers ills services to his friends and th public; his Counting-Room is on Wayne’s upper wharf formerly occupied by Messrs. Phinizy 8c Barnett- The Store is large and commodious—produce will be re ceived on storage and every attention given to its re ception and shipment. RICHARD WAYNE, dec 2—139 Apply to juiy li- E. BLISS &. CO. -82 Marshal’s sales. By virtue of a decree of the honorable the sixth circuit court of the United States for the district of Georgia, made in a case wherein Jane Irving, William Irving, Ca- harine Maitland and Alexander -Maitland, were com plainants and Joseph Currie and Joseph Miller, were de fendants, Will be sold at the court-house in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours, On the fust Tuesday in August next, The following negroes, viz: Dublin, Rina, Mintey, Han nah, Priscy, Tom, Mary, Molly, Sandy, Maria, Eisey, Pc , Hercules, Cufty, Suckfey, Betsy, Polly and Sambo— being a part of the personal estate of the late John Currie, :sq. dec. J©HN EPPINGER, june 27——76 Afrrshal Andrew Low ic Co. Have received, by the shit Winnifred, from Liverpool, and other late arrivals, Turkey red Yarn Linens and cotton Shirtings Fancy figured mull Muslins, for dresses Fine and coarse, low priced leno Muslins, suitable for pavillions Plain and figured Cambrics Calicoes and Ginghams, in great variety Counterpanes and Marseilles Quilts Handsome furniture Dimities Common and 6-4 cambric Dimities White and colored Marseilles Vesting Biack and colored Bombazine*;’.}*! Silks Bombazetts, Jeans, York Stripes Plain and ribbed Stockinets Cotton Stockings, of allkimls Madras and Puilicat Handkerchiefs Apron Checks, brown Hollands Ituian and Canton Crapes Whitechapel Needles and fresh ounce Threads Superior cotton Umbrellas London paper and pound Pins Cutlery, assorted, in small casks Osnabuigs, Ituss.a Sheetings, long Lawns; and, a variety of other GOODS, all of which will be sold, either wholesale or at retail, on the most moderate terms. julv 6—H'J 60 boxes Soap 30 nests Tubs july 11—<—82 uandmg, From schooner Sophia, LAWRENCE 8c THOMPSON. Marshal’s sales. On the first Tuesday in August next, - Will be sold at the court-house in Savannah, between the , hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, The following negroes, to wit: Judith, Rachel, Fri day, Juno, Bob, Hetty, Scotland, Fox, Jarvis, Jane, Bi- nah, Brutus, sen. Brutus, jun. Duncan, Galloway, Ciesar and J ick— levied on as the property of Alexander Cur rie, dec. to satisfy an execution at the suit uf John Mil ler. JfSIIN EPPINGER, i*!ne,27 76 Afarshal Marshal’s sale. On the first Tuesday iv, August next, Will be sold at the market-house in the town of St. Ma ry’s, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, All that house and lot, (known by number 56) lately occupied by Silvanus Church, in the town of Jefferson, on Great Satilla river, with eleven whole and six half lots contiguous, and designated bv the numbers, Whole Lots—36, 65,77, 85, 96, 100, 41, 60, 64, 80, 81. Half Lots—43, 52, 69, 72, 89, 92—levied on as the pro. *7 of said Silvanus Church to satisfy an execution at ink of James; Wilson—the above property pointed out by e plaintiff’s attorney. W* F- KELLY, july \ .1.79 deputy marshal. Just received, And now landing from New-York, 37 hhds. prime selected New-Orleans Sugar, fit for re tailing 40’ do do retailing Molasses 4 pipes 4th proof genuine Cognac Brandy 10 chests Gunpowder and Hyson Tea 6 casks assorted Shot 2 pipes old Madeira Wine quarter casks L. P. TenerifFeand Malaga do barrels Pork aud Beans IX STORE, old 4th_ proof Jamaica Rum, warranted pure, be ing imported direct Whiskey, N. E. Rum, Coffee andiron Together with a large and general assortment of well chosen GROCERIES, in any quantity to suit purchasers, for sale by BROOKS & WELMAN, june 4—66' Bolton’s wharf Administrator’s sales. Will be sold in front of our store, On Monday, 19tfi August, AT lOo’cOCK A gold Watch, sundry articles of Jewellery) silvers smith's Tools, and a trunk of wearing apparel, being tbs personal property of Timothy Bonticou, dec. By order of the administrator. M. Herbert & Co. july 6—if—80 Executor’s sale. On the first Tuesday tn September next, ^ Will be sold before the Court House, in this city, bt» tween the usual hours, A prime Negro Fellow, named Marcus, belonging to the esfi. v of E. Weils, deceased. Sold by order of the executor. M. HERBERT & CO. auct’rs. ml, Q 81 llw 1 11 1 , ■ ■■ —» Fresh. Fruit and Tui lie. Landing from the schooner Alary Ann, from Nassau, Pine Apples, Cocoa Nuts, Limes and greefi Turtle ALSO,. Cj tons Lignumvitx; all of which will be sold low, on at the wharf or to C amoeban & Mitchel. julv 6—80 Georgia Flour. Just received 60 bamlsfresh Georgia Flour. • Apply/at No.17, Ex- chenge wharf. july 11——82 Marshal’s sale continued. On the first Tuesday in August next, Will be r,old at the court house in Savannah, between the hours of lo and 3 o’clock, Two Negrb Women, named Rose and Di; levied on as the property of Joseph Davis to satisfy an "execution at tlie suit of the United States, vs. Joseph Davis and David Leion. JOHN EPPINGER, marshal. july 6—80 Marshal’s suie. On the first Tuesday in Avgust next, Will be sold at the court house, in the city of Savannah^ between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, A Negro Wench, named Delia; levied on as the pro perty of Robert Dillon, at the suit of William Hort. John Eppinger, july 6 —-80 Marshal Marshal’s sale continued. On thefirst Tuesday in August next, Will be sold at the market-house in St. Mary’s, betw.ejn the hours of ten and three o’cleck, The buildings on part of wharf lot in St. Mary’s, levied on as tlie property of Paul Guase to satisfy sun dry executions at the suit of the United States against! said Paul Chase and others JOHN EPPINGER, july 11—82 marshiij^ ’ William H. Gilleland Earnestly requests all those indebted to him, both in this city and in die country, to call and settle their ac counts by the first of August, (afl he intends leaving th* city at that time,) otherwise their respective account* will be placed in the hands of an attorney for collec tion. ju v 6—•— 80 • Permanent Establishment. The Trustees of the CHATHAM ACADEMY, with pleasure announce to the public, that tliis Institution Is now conducted by Instructors of the first rate talents* Ir. Grjysus, as Principal, and Mr. Law, as Usher.-— The establishment has been at a great expence, rendered permanent; and its respective departments are open all, the seasons of the year. Female Scholars to the numbe* of fifteen, may now be admitted. The importance of in struction to youth, during the summer, as weik*s the win ter, is obvious, and as tliis seminary offers advantage* equal in every respect to any of the kind, it is believed us claims for patronage are equal, if not superior, jo those temporary schools kept open during only ahsw of the healthy months of the year, merely to suit tmlfnter- est and convenience of transient persons, without ally view whatever to the public weal, july 13 l 83 Bank of the United tares. Notice is hereby given to persons intending to sub scribe to tlie Bank of the United States, ut Augusta, by attorney, that it will be necessary to have a regular Pow er of Attorney, duly witnessed by some magistrate; a* well as the power to the commissioner to transfer stock prepared and presented to the commissioners at tlie time of subscribing. EDWARD HARDEN, july 11—82 • one of the commissioners. Wanted, A person to take charge of a Wharf, who can writs * fur hand, and knows something of accounts. Apply ah thisoffi*e. july 11 b—■ —-82j To be sold A valuable COTTON PLANTATION, on Crooked river, six miles from St. Mary’s, consisting of upwards of one thousand acres of land, a good proportion of which is fine planting land; sixty acres have been planted one year. It is remarkably healthy and plenty of fine fish got with little trouble; It will be sold a bargain, if applied for soon. For further particulars enquire of G. & A. M. Ker, july 11—cm—82 Howard’s wharf William P. Beers Has received a variety of elegant lace Veils Demi Veils Shawls and Handkerchiefs Thread Laces, of the newest patterns . ' ALSO, A few pieces first quality bed Ticking Black and colored Crapes (very low) Green Florence Silk, fine book Muslin Fine undressed Calicoes and Cambrics Striped Jeans and Florentines Webb’s patent Suspenders, silk and cotton Kid Gloves, best quality, of which a few dozen are un dressed Irish Linens, at all prices, silk Glove* Fresh HYSON TEA, toft quality, june ° r h auk of the. State of Georgia. The stockholders of the Bank of the State of Georgia are hereby notified, that the second instalment of twenty per centum will be received at the State Bank in Savan nah; and for the accommodation of western stockhold ers, an agent will be appointed to attend at the Bank of Augusta for that purpose also, from the first of August next. The holders of stock are required to pay tins in stalment within six months from the time of subscribing for the same, in specie or notes of the Banks of .Georgia. W. B. Bulloch, president. The editors of newspapers tnroughout the state are requested to publish the above, and forward their buls for payment". Savannah. 25th June, g816 75 Bank aliareh. Wanted to purchase, from eighty to one hundred Shares in the Planters’ Bank or the Bank of the State of Georgia, for which cash will be paid. Enquire for par ticulars of the printer. july ■ A New Establishment. The subscriber has a good supply of Oak and Hickorjf WOOD, on Mr. Clarie s wharf, which will be drayedt* tha bouses of all those who may wish to buy of hun^^jf At flie delivery of the waod, tb* j, juiy *