Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, July 25, 1816, Image 2

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■SSrtrhct FRANCE. . «j of a letter-from Bordeaux to the*Editor of the v Boston Patriot, dated in May, 18^6. We have all been highly incensed here off'the arresta- Yion and examination of-dolonel -Fenwick, one of Ortr ’most respectable officers, who, covered with wounds, went to reside for his health at the town of St. _ Foy, in this neighborhood. The mayor of that town insulted him, by insisting on his taking out his eag# from his "cockade. They forced him to quit the place, and on his ^arrival here he was arrested by the gendarmes, aud con ducted through the streets like a vagabond to the mayor’s office, where he was examined and questioned in an in famous manner. They wanted to force captain Stanton, of our army, to take out his cockade, but he refused, and swore he would run the first man through the body- Who dared to molest him. As the royalists are not not ed for their courage, they thought proper to let him Wear it. Colonel Drayton was ordered at Lyons by the mayor to desist from wearing liis eagle—He made an ele- f ant reply, and concluded by telling the agent sent to Ln by the mayor, that nothing but force could-oblige him to conform to their wishes. They did not repeat the demand. These gentlemen, our consul, and indeed all of us, are indignant at the conduct of this anglo faction. ‘This city is full of-Englishmen—hundreds are establishing oommission houses—others are here for a short time, and many have taken country houses in this vicinity.— The famous George Canning has taken a house for his Family. He was at the ball given last evening by the prefect, to celebrate the anniversary of the first arrival of Louis XVIII at Paris. The rooms, I am told, were crowded with Englishmen—All the foreign consuls were ipvited except one's, and not one American was asked.— How different from former times, when our consul and countrymen were the first t6 be invited. How disgraceful to Frenchmen, to see the apariments of one of their chief magistrates filled with British officers and traders, while such respectable men as our consul, colonel Drayton, X»lonel-Fenwick as.d others are nof-bnly treated with neglect but insulted. Mr. Hyde de Neuviile may make -as many flourishes as he pleases, and try all he can to wipe of the stain which the! conduct of his party towards Ws has fixed on them—he will not succeed. The trial of the English officers, Wilson, Bruce and Hutchinson, for the saving of Lavalette, has finished; they have been condemned to three months imprisonment.— I send you the trial, which you will find very interest ing. They' appear to be Englishmen of the old school. I send you ai90 one of the Sunday hand-bills, which are printed and stuck up by the prefect at every church in the department, to instruct the loyal peasants of the state of things and of the health of all the legitimates.— You will see, on perusing this Sunday sheet, that Louis 18th prostrated liimseif at the feet of the statute of St. Ann, but not being able, from the feebie state of his health, to perforin all the rites due to that Saint, his royal brother had tiie goodness to wash the feet of the statute for him. This will paint to you better than any words I can use, the fanaticism of t a se poor wretches. Disgusted and enraged, our consul is about embarking to return home. We .have presented him with a handsome address, and given him an elegant dinner, in testimony of our regard. He is universally esteemed by all of us here. Just as t am finishing this letter, the~cl:dly paper ap pears, giving a splendid description of the perfect’s ball above mentioned. After mentioning ali the authorities 'that were present, it concludes by saying, “together with ail the European consuls and officers of distinction.”— This, thought a pitiful attempt to make known to the public that the American consul and officers in this city were not present, is worthy of notice, as it proves what I have before stated to you that every occasion that offers as eagerly seized to insult and irritate us. A public din ner is to be given in a few days by the English merchants established here to Mr. George Canning, at which ail the Authorities are to assist. What a change. The French •authorities of Bordeaux feasting and entertaining ► British minister, who has contributed so much to the de gradation of their country, and to the destruction of the commerce of this city! Bat believe me, this is done by the authorities in direct opposition to the public senti ment; for at no period of French history were the bulk of the people oftiiis nation so inveterate against the Eng lish. You will have seen the farce between the president ad some of the members of the legislative body. The latter, suspecting the king meant to dismiss them as soon as the debates on the budget were finished, brought forward in the midst of those discussions, a project to regulate the future elections. The president having his duo from the ministers opposed the report of the com mittee of elections, in which though disgraced in the at tempt, he finally succeeded. When the discussion on the budget was completed, and forty-two millions with &c’s. were voted to the clergy together with fifteen hun dred thousand francs per year to the duke of Berry for ids eminent services, (say 303,000 dollars) the king, whom the royalists call the Solon of the age, dismissed this hum ble chamber! The state of the country is wretched indeed, bread and wine, the staff of the poor, is "enhancing in price; labour is lower than ever; ail the money the lower classes can collect goes for taxes, while the opulent are gathering into their coffers all they can collect, fearing a revolu tion. One of the best writers on finance in France has proved, that if the present system of taxation was persist- ed in for twenty-four years, the whole territorial value of France would p ass through the public cliest3 in that period!! These are the blessed effects of “legitimacy.” I was in the c onsul’s office yesterday the gre ater part of (iit morning, engaged in perusing our gizettes, which he gives Us ail free access to, notwithstanding the authorities lure have endeavored to prevent it. Daring that short time, five French officers of different grades, and eleven man- facturers of'various branches, applied to him for a pas sage to the United States, most of them in a starving c m- dition. These classes of people look with anxious eyes towards.the western world, regarding it as the only asy lum left for suffering humanity. Charleston, Julj 23. Since our translations of Saturday, from the Bordeaux and Paris papers, of the 18th and 24th May, received per ship Portia, captain Suliiman, we find, that the prohibi tion of importing in foreign vessels, (mahogany, dye- woods, lignumvitae, cocoa, cinnamon, cotton, ivory, tor- toishell^cloves, gums, indigo, nutmegs, bides, unnatto, sugar, clayed or raw, the growth or production of the French colonies or possessions;) is a misinterpretation of the law by the director of customs at Bordeaux; and that it only affei rues. ects foreign vessels direct from the French colo- their »alue. Upwards of, one hundred, farmers were in Carlisle jail; besides a multitude cif other debtors, and the jailer being somewhat, put' to it to accommodate so nume rous a company, is said to have declared that he could ake no more in except “gentlemen of good character.” Mechanics generally were without errfploymeqt, and la borers unable : to earn more tlian six shillings a week.- How different is the lot of the American farmer, whose products command almost any price he choses to demand for them.—Norfolk Herald. London, May 18. A junta is now sitting in Madrid, formed of deputies from ali the Cortsuladocs, oh boards of trade, belonging the commercial towns of Spain. The president is lb: ra, counsellor of state; and the object is said to be, to devise and report to the king a plan to give increase to Spanish trade, as well as to propose a mean of raising- public credit front the depressed state in which it stands Lord Holland said in a late debate, that the number of persons in England who were in favor of the income tax and of those in France who were in favor of the Bour bons, might conveniently find room either in Elba, or St. Helena. Pams, May T47 - The second council of war will immediately try the officer who, on the 6th of .Uilv, 1816, killed on the Boa levard Poissoniere, an old man, who cried Viveie Hoi! - From the Utica Gazette. THE LATE SPANISH CORTES. There was an interesting debate in the British house of commons on the 20th of February, on the subject of the late transactions in Spain. Mr. Bfougham endeavor ed, in a very able speech, to convince the house of the justice and expediency of the interference on the part of England in favor of those members of the late Cortes, who, instead of being rewarded for their services in the cause of Ferdinand, are suffering the most deg rading and cruel punishments from that unrelenting bigot. The speech furnishes some important facts relative "to the conduct of the English towards the Cortes. It is as serted, that the British general Whittingham advanced to Madrid before the Spanish tyrant, and surrounded the Cortes toith troops in English pay; after which “the pro scribed list was brought forward, and the Cortes with two of the regency, were arrested and cast into dunge ons.” “But even here (said Mr. B.) our cc-operation did not end. Pay and clothing had subsequently been ad vanced to the amount of half a million, tie doubted not that general Whittingham hud his instructions for -what he did.” Mr. B. considered the suffering ofuie patriots as culling for the interference of the English government.— He mentioned the case of a poor tr. desman whom one of the tribunals had sentenced to four years imprison ment for having promoted political discussions. On see ing this sentence, Ferdinand exclaimed, “71 hat! only four years imprisonment for a wretch -who had presumed to speak-in public on politics?” and immediately sentenced the man, who was a cripple, to be hanged. A pleasant anecdote of Oliver Cromwell is related in this speech, who, when a Spanish ambassador represent ed the inquisition and the colonial trade to be his mas ter’s two eyes, replied, “Thai I must trouble your master to put out his two eyes.” On coffee, the restriction only extends to such as is the growth of the French possessions, beyond the Cape of Good Hope. The principal importations at Bordeaux, from the United States, from the 2 Jth of April to the 20th of May, 1816, exclusive of six cargoes from the Havana and Mar tinique, were— Cotton—4502 bags. Rice—750 casks. Skins—1500 fiales. Logwood—920 tons, j Coffee—450 casks, 15,771 bags. Sugar—1554 casks, 1302 boxes, 4774 bag?. Such performers as are distinguished for their royalist principles, have all received presents, more or less’ con siderable, on those Oceanians when the king has been present at the theatrical representations; but nothing can equal the delicafty which has been employed in the case of Mr. Huet. He has received a complete service of enamelled china, made up with eighteen dishes, eighteen plates, eighteen knives, eighteen spoons, fcc, The per former immediately perceived the ingenuity which the present contained and exclaimed—“Ah, Good God, would that we were living under Louis the Thirty-sixth” —-Paris paper. N ENGLAND. Aeeou«t$ from different parts of Great-Britain con tinue to represent .the condition of the farmers and ma nufacturers of that country as most distressing. We have seen a letter of late date from an intelligent inhabi tant of the town of Carlisle, in the county of Cumber land, which states, that once flourishing seat of industry and art to be now in a state of bankruptcy, while the country round about it, with its numerous villages, exhi bits a picture of distress which baffles description.— T housands of farmers unable to pay their rents in money, owiugto the depreciated price of their produets, have of- Haven, Connecticut, felfeotbeirlandlords all their,crops and stock, which FROM CALCUTTA AND ST. HELENA. Captain Sargeant, from Calcutta, (arrived at Boston) has communicated the following to the Daily Advertiser: Bonaparte's residence at St. Helena, is that formerly oc cupied by the lieutenant-governor of the island, at a place called Long Wood! lie was permitted a circumfe rence of three nniesto walk or ride at pleasure: beyond this he could not go, except attended by captain Poppie- i, of the 53d regiment—but he has never seen fit to ex ceed his limits, round which are a guard wiiliin a speak ing distance of each other, and round his dwelling are constantly ten centries. On his first arrival at St. Helena, he run much in debt to shopkeepers, &c. trusting him is now forbid, and his wants are supplied by a purveyor appointed by government. His household consists of marshal Bertrand and lady, general Montholen, general Congo, Las Casas, captain Poniotowskv, and his old valet; Cockburn, of Chesa peake memory, is admiral; sir Hudson "Lowe is govern or. For fear Roney should swim to Ascension, seven days sail distant, the British have a sloop of war’s esta blishment on that Island, rated as his Britannic majesty’s sloop Ascension; ships homeward bound are obliged to take water to this establishment, there being none on this island.* Captain Tede has been to see Bonaparte sever al times, and represents him, to use his own terms, as “rather sullen.” Calcutta, March 5. Within a few days five fires have broken out in this town and its suburbs. Those of Coole Bazar, Jaun and Kidderpore were the most severe. We are happy to hear that the magistrates are going to adopt" measures which will greatly abate the recurrence of these acci dents. The right reverend the Bishop of Calcutta left Madras on the 31st of January to proceed to Bombay overland— a salute of fifteen guns were tired on his lordship’s de parture. The escort which attends iiis lordship is com manded bv lieutenant Sawnston, of the quarter mas ter general’s department, who likewise officiates as in terpret er. Yesterday seventy four minute guns were fired from the ramparts of fort William,., in consequence of the death of her royal highness Qoodsea Begum, the mother of Nehur the second, king of Dehelev, on the 15th uit. We understand three hundred tons of Congreve’s Rockets have been sent to this country in the Indian Oak, and that Messrs. Wevill, .Allen and Guthrie have come in her att .died to the rocket department. The following is an extract of a letter, dated the 28th of February, camp under the second range of hills. “ On the 14th when the moon rose, we pushed for ward without the least opposition towards CheeriaGtiau- tee Bass, having left a fortified magazine at Beezhiako in charge of the 15th, under colonel Greenstreet. Our route lay sometimes in drv beds of nullahs, through ra vines, ditches, lanes and up mountains, as rugged and frightful as the Pyrenees. After a march of thirty two hours, the latter part of which we had a great scarcity of water, we arrived at this most desolate place, surround ed with woods and hills. We are much impeded by tiie difficulty experienced in getting our supplies up an almost inaccessible mountain, distant about'seven miles. The pioneers have been indefatigable, and have to tiie astonishment of us all formed a flight of steps from the bottom to the summit, so that now the Ele phants are enabled to mouqt, and their loads are brought up after them. We expected all our ammunition and stores up to night, and we hope to start on our way to Mukwanpere to-morrow. We are here without one sin gle tent, and the generaj, or nobie commander, puts up with-a temporary hut with thegreatfcst content and good humor.” On the 16th, colonel Burnett was ordered to advance against theiStockades between Boechiako and Etowndah. The first and second, after little resistance, were evacu ated by the enemy; From tiie third stockade a fire was directed against our troops, and unfortunately lieuten ant Walcot of the artillery was severely wounded, by a shot through the lungs. It is also said that lieutenant Heron, 8th native infantry, and lieutenant Earl, of the pi oneers, were slightly wounded. Six Sepoys were woun ded, and one killed. The stockade was found deserted next morning, the 17th and the pass was taken posses sion of by colonel Bu>*>ett’s detachment. The commissariat department is about to receive im portant aid from the princely , liberality of the Nuwab Lucknow. It is said that his highness has collected 7060 carriage bullocks, and 1200 bearers to facilitate the pro gress of the army m the field. Yesterday morning, an express arrived from major general Ochterlony’scamp, dated Etowndah, the 19th in stant. The general had arrived at that place without see ing the enemy. Katmundeo is only about fifteen miles, nprtheast of Etowndah, and between these two places, the strong fortified post of. Chesepanec is situated, to whifch the Nepaulese have probably retired. The troops continued in fine health and spirits. - _ "Ot His mate:was a PortugtieS^ and the 'cteW principally English.- He had cleared »Ut his vessel, find was to sail -t Say lifjht on the morning of the 3isf. He went on board at nine the preceding evening, and took with him between one and two hundred ounces of gold; which was •ifterwar4s found on board except twenty or thirty oun ccs. The mate was supposed to liave murdered him, :j;d threw his body over board. The mate and crew were all in prison. The English merchants at Rio sub scribed 6UU milireas for the prosecution of th* murder ers.—vV. Y. Gazette, 13t/i vnst. The editors of the feazette are indebted to a gentle- ileman of this city, for the following extract, of a letter from an officer on board the United States’ frigate Ma cedonian, captain Warrington, dated “Off Annapolis, July 6, 1816. “We arrived at St. Martha after a passage of 28 days, where we found the English had been before us, and got the greatest part of tiie prisoners -way, making no dis tinction between Englishmen and Americans, but offer ing- an asylum and protection tans ccrimonie, to those who couid effect their escape. A few were left, whom they refused to give up to us—of course, we had to pro ceed to Carthugeua, where we were received politely, and immediately obtained the release of ail the prisoners, ooth at St. Martha and Carthagena. We returned to St. Martha and not only received our own, but English jmd French prisoners, without any distinction. Two da;, s after our receiving them, las Britannic majesty’s sloop Thais came in, .ndtiie English subjects were putOn board of her.”—ib. From the Philadelphia Register. The folio a mg- official news received by the Macedoni an, proves completely the falsity of the accounts lately published of general Moruio’s defeats. OFFI0IAL ACCOUNT •IF TUX CAFTURJ5 OF SAN1> Fill., THE CAPITA* OF NEW-GRE- NADA. Carthagena, June 2, 1816. His excellency the governor ana captain general of tiie kingdom, Don Francisco de Montalvo, has just received the following offici a despatch from his excellency Don 1’abto Moriiio, commander m chief of tiie expeditionary army. Most excellent Sir—The king’s troops, under the or ders of colonels Don Miguel de la Tecre, and Don Se bastian de ia Caizada, entered the capital of this vice- kingdom on the 6th of this month; and the insurgents, rith their pretended government, and the remains of their bands, are flying in terror in every direction. Some of tiie ignorant people who have suff ered themselves to he seduced, are' now undeceived, desert and return to their homes. In a very Short time, the whole of this country will be entirely pacified, which has suffered so much from the excesses of a few wretches, headed by foreigners, and by some emigrants from Cu-raccas, who have never hao -.ny other object in view, but that of robbery and plun der, which they have practised every where. 1 communicate the foregoing intelligence to your ex cellency, for your satisfaction and information, and for that of tne faithful inhabitants of the tranquil provinces. God preserve your excellency many years. Head-felUai-ters at San Gil, May 17, 1816. Fa a l Moeiuo. To his excellency Don Francisco de Montalvo. * This is a mistake—there was a living stream on the island in 1795, sufficient for the use of one thousand per, sons.—Aurora. * We learn from captain Fosdick, of the brig Edwin, from Rio Janeiro, that captain A. Benham, late of New Haven, Connecticut, who commanded the Schooner Wellington, under English erdor^, wajfgjaitfcrtftl by his From the Virgin Islands Courier, received at the office of the Norfolk Herald. To r ro la, J une 19. Extract from Bcatio's Guzette, published at ffilarguerita in -May last. (translation.) Intercepted Documents from the Spanish general of Caracas, and the governor of the Island of Marguerita. Despatch, from Captain General Moxo, to Governor Ur- reiziieia. In consequence oftlie information I have received from the governor of Cum«nL, I send you ali the assistance I have within my re„ch, which consists of one company" of the crown battalion, in very g-ood condition, and com manded by an excellent officer. I direct you to set aside ali humane consideration. (1.) All the insurgents and those who follow them, bearing rms or unarmed; those who have .listed or now assist them; in short, all who have taken part in the crisis in which, that island is placed, must be shot without remis sion, without any formal process (2) and only by verbal adjudication of three officers. There shall not remain in that island any other horses or mules, than such as are necessary for the service ot the dragoons and officers of infantry; and you will send the remainder to the governor of Cumana, without al lowing one to remain with any individual in that island (3.) As soon as tranquility is re-established, you will send back to me tiie company I have placed under your com mand, as I am threatened on all sides, and am in the greatest want of their co-operation. We need not be dismayed—valor has always triumph ed over numbers, and if, us I believe it to be tiie case, tiie squadron of drag oons is in action, they will suffice to ex terminate the miscreants who still wish to plant their bones in this island. 1 repeat to you my charge of activity, and that from being inexorable, (4) you may announce to me the entire subjection of that band of rogues, who have so much abused our natural goodness and clemency. (5) May God preserve you many years. Salvador De Moxo, Captain genet id. ad interim. Caracas, 22d Nov. 1815. To Don Joaquin L'rreiztieta. Another;from governor Urreiztieta, to captain Garrigo. You will remain in your post until captain Joaquin Somosa with 4‘J men shall reach it. Immediately on their arrival you wili march to the northward, and by ali means take tiiat post, acquainting me with every oc currence. You will not give quarters to any person (6) and you wili allow pillage (7) to the troops as soon as they ar rive. If you think the enemy is weak, you will continue your march to San Juan; but of ihis, your will inform me when you arrive to -the northward. You wili burn the town of San Juan and retire when every thing is quiet. (8) The city of the north shall also be" burnt (9) when -you return from San Juan. Use all the means you may. deem expedient to estab lish the good character of tiie corps (In.) God preserve you many years. City of Marguerita, 17 th Nov, 1815. JoaUCIX URREIZTXXTA. Captain Don Juan Garrigo. NOTES. (1) This advice is useless, as no Spaniard has posses sed humane consideration. (2) This is the Penal Code the Spaniards have observ ed towards the Americans from the conquest to the pre sent day. ^ (3) Such vexations have not been witnessed in the his tory of any nation. (4) Mr. Moxo forgets he is writing to Mr. Urreiztieta, as he directs him to be what he is too much Si ready, as will be seen by his orders against the North City, given by anticipation. (5) Clemency! Spanish Clemency!!!!—No Spanish heart has experienced that generous sentiment. (6) And it will then be asked who makes war without giving quarter, the patriots or Spaniards; the refusing quarter, to persons of every description, has only hitherto beesi practised by the Spaniards in America, where they butchered fifteen millions oflndians, and now they have sacrificed above three millions of their own sons. (7) Pill Aging is a very ancient practice of the Span iards !—Wftat necessity is there to permit it. (8) This is the tranquility the Spaniards wish America to enjoy; who will then set fire to the iity and murder the inhabitants? | the time of the new governors arrival, which -ST 'jyfeceabout'theTast June'. e «Uo«k #ist before capt. Long sailed, a Atpqrt was current tv, . another Embargo was shortly to be laid on in P „ quence of the great number of Qarthagenian ’private^! Which were cruizing in the neighborhood. They hi jjecame so numerous as to Soil around the island in squad The Spanish frigate which was destroyed by f irf . the 4th cf July, iis supposed to have been the effect 0 *!- design on the part of tiie seamen belongihg to her. °* Markets at Havana.—Muscovado sugar £9 r g — coffee, gl'2 a 13; Molasses, bits per keg. American produce, as usual, very low, and in no demand rice v selling at £4—flour, 12 *14, and other articles pron-if* tionably low.—Charleston City Gazette, 19thinst. * ■ . . . .. j. St. [Louis, June 15. Since the middle of April last, we have not had on- shower of rain to relieve vegetation from the sickn u which universally prevails. The people of tins teriit, are not singular in this awful and protentous caian ,/ from Maine to Georgia this uncommon drought is f.'. ; we would beg leave to advise the farmers to plant lari’ ly of potatoes to serve for food in case of a general f • lure of crops. Several- white men have been lately murdered bv th» Pawnee ahd Osage Indians. The Pawnees justify the -J, as defending their Inu*»ing-gTounds from the whitest Both the Osage and Pawnees declare that the few w; h C who visit their countiy as hunters, kill more bufliio in one year than would support both their nations (contain ”ig 10,000 persons) for the same period; It is said that 100 buffalos were killed last fall to procure one boat load of tailow. It is a well known fact, that thousands of those animals are killed for the sake of their toiis-nw and tailow. ° 3 The Usages complain that settlements are forming i n the midst of their hunting country, five hundred milej west of tiie Mississippi. This is about half way to the Spanish villages in .Mexico. INDIANA STATE. , Louisville, (Indiana) July 1. A e are happy to learn, that the Indiana Conventios have agreed to accept tiie terms offered by congress, by f '°,h t0 \ T * ie 7 have <ured the general election for the officers of the new state; on the first Monday ip August next, and the seat of government at Corvdon about 2a pleasant miles from this place, for 9" years', bv a majority of one vote. They closed their patriotic labors on Saturday last, by agreeing to a constitution of go vernment for the new state, whose denomination is the estate of Indiana. So soon as we receive the constitution of the receive . ... .. , , nt 'W state, we shall publish an outline of it for the gratification of our readers. CINCINNATI MANUFACTURES. We are gratified in noticing the growing prosperity of manufactures m this town. A Scythe and Sicklemonu. factory lias recently gone into operation, and furnishes those articles of a superior quality at £30 per dozen for the former, and glJ per dozen for the latter. Screw Augers are likewise made here and sold at ten cents per quarter inch, a less price than those imported. A Mustard manufactory is ia successful operation the price of which per pound, by the keg, is one dollar* Three dollars per bushel given for Mustard Seed. The proprietors of the Cincinnati On Mill will shortir commence the manuf.e.ory of Castor Oil, and new give two dollars per bushel for the seed of the Palma Chris* Castor Oil or -Mole Bean We our Te. w ould recommend the cultivation of this plant to friends, the farmers.—Ohio paper. *ity and murder the icamsr (9) What a gratification! to conquer ashes. (10) In truth, he preserved the character of the corps, allowing himself to be beaten as usual; and he could not preserve that of Incendiaries, Assassins and Thieves, which they have so much merited. LATE FROM HAVANA. €a£txun Long, of the schooner Alert, arrived here yes terday in 5 days from Havana, informs us, that the port w*s to be shqt agvbst all ftpdggi % ffyy dtps fepw The Cared.—Having been favored with a copy eftbe report of the commissioners appointed to this subject, and pave the way to the accomplishment of tins grand design, we lose no time in laying it before but readers. The estimate of the expense attending it, is drawn from the most correct data; and, when it is considered that the trivial sum of thirty-five dollars from each free holder m those districts of countrv w nose interest is to be immediately advanced, via be more than -sufficient to the completion of the canal, we are sure in considerate man in this district, would ndt hesitate to act. Snail it be necessary then, to make any stronger appeal to the interest and good sense of our citizens, than this valuable document contains. We know there is no ne cessity for further argument on the subject.—Norfolk Beacon, 12th insi. DEAF AND DUMB ASYLUM. A society ha3 been formed in Connecticut, denomirah ed tile “Asylum for the education and instruction of l)e>;f and Dumb persons.” His excellency governor Smith is clvosen president, and John Caldwell, esq. Dr. M. F. Cogswell, Nathaniel Terry, esq. Daniel Wadsworth, esq. rev. Dr. Dwight, Charles Sigourney, esq. David Porter, esq. and Joseph Battle, esq. vice-presidents. It is ascertain ed that the number of deaf and dumb persons in Connec ticut amounts to nearly one hundred. They have sent an agent to Europe; and he is now obtaining instruc tions from the celebrated Abbe Sicard, in Pans. We hope the patrons of this useful institution will not be coufiped to Connecticut.—Boston Yankee. FROST IN JULY. Our friends from the country inform us,- that on Mon day morning frost was visible in low lands. The cool weather of the four or five last days has given a check to vegetation. Our accounts from Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, on this subject are melancholy. Show ers and heat may yet revive the husbandman; but a wise forethought will take measures to guard ag-amst a scar city of bread corn.—Boston Centinel, 10th insi. There is scarcely a physical evil without some utter- dnnt benefit the cold, has been. vcrj^gTeat, during’ this season, in Canada; but the Hessian ffiy, and other de structive insects, are said to be completely an mini: ed- melons, peaches, and nectarines are not expected in prolusion; but the apple trees promise an abundant crop, tiie vermin which proves so tatai to them Being de- stroyed by tiie cold.— Compiler. THE SEASON IN EUROPE. A letter from Dublin to a gentleman in New-York, dat ed the 8th ol May, says;—“The spring is the latest ever known, or at least now remembered here. Very few of the trees are in bloom, and there is little vegetation of any kind. Accounts from England and France agTte in representing a similar backwardness in the season. CAUTION TO PARENTS AND NURSES. We are concerned to state, that captain Stewart, of the navy, has ^ lost his eldest child, in consequence of the nurse administering a quantity of laudanum. His young est child also was dangerously affected from the same cause. Nurses should not be allowed to use this dan gerous opiate.—Philadelphia Gazette. From the National Intelligencer. PROTEUS. Very soon after the close of the revolutionary w*r, lord Sheffield’s celebrated pamphlet was published, the object of which was to point out the best modes of pre venting the growth of the infant repubiic. The parlia ment of Great Britain, practising on his lordship’s prin ciples, imposed heavy duties on Indigo, an important ar ticle of the productions of the southern states, and g»ve bounties on indigo imported from the East Indies. Tins measure was highly injurious to the cultivators of that part of the nation. In a few years our southern bre thren discovered that cotton could be cultivated to adv-n- tage, 'Urul at present it value is incomparably greater than that of indigo ever was or ever couid be. More than 80,000 bales of cotton, worth at least six million of dollars, were exported from Savannah in the six months preceding last June. As cotton will never be unfashion able, but seems destined, (as doctor Darwin observes) to be the chief article of cloathing of the whole human race, we may consider the southern states as possessed of an everlasting source of wealth in that simple article--— The late war presented another opportunity of embar rassing us by restricting our trade to her sugar colonies; but at the same time a few ingenious men made the dis covery that sugar might be cultivated to almost any d®- sired-extent in Georgia and it is believed, that there are at least fifteen millions of acres of sugar land belonging to the United States, and lying in Western Louisiana, between Saiuno rivers* We iu?? W