Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, August 01, 1816, Image 1

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<■- " j] Y FREDERICK S. FELL.] SAVANNAH, (GA.) AUGUST 1, 1816. [Whole Number &703. Number 91 -J TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR. [Volume XIV THE REPUBLICAN IS PUBLISHED * SVEBV TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, AT SIX DOLLARS PER A.VNUM, pataBle in advance. ADVERTISEMENTS be Inserted it the rate square the 5>-s< time, and l murx j Cents for each continuation. CASH , . must accompany all orders from the OrNTDT unless the fugn^secJed in Town, or me party well known to tlit bailor. Jill Letters to the Editor must be post-paid. For Liverpool The fine f-st s..iimg brig GEORGIA, captain .r giST West, dailv expected; having three fourths of ^jPibier cargo ready to go on board. For balance of £*77”,. n .«o .^ c having excellent .xconnuodations, ap- fre.ght or, oLMSTBAD & BATTELLE. PlV to _ July 23——87 For New-Fork The fast sailing -and liandsoniHy accommodat- ^■SPST cd siiip ADOM3, Thomson, master, will-sail on $2/Kj,uLy nex't, positively (wind and weather per- gentlemen that intend to take passage , re requested to attend immediately, that no |,n the !,?,t nSJo-tiike place, on the part of the ship loniMiV ' The consignees of goods, by the s}iip, will Kite‘receive them, when landed,, with out .further For Philadelphia The -Jacket schooner SOPHIA, captain Wsd- dtfltalace, will have immediate dispatch. For freight 5-^or passage apply oil board, at Bolton s central feSor to M. HERBERT & CO. For sate on board) _ 15,-hOO Philadelphia BURES. julv 11-S-, Rills on England. For sale by CUMMINfi Sc MOORHEAD. ■July 30—t—90 . . Bills on England For sale" bv june 13—70 ANDREW LOW Sc CO. Landing, From thr brigs Active and Olynthus,from Philadelphia, 5 pipes old Cognac Brandy, 4th proof 99 dozen bottled Cider, in barrels containing o dozen each 5 chests superior hyson Tea. Forsjilehv Francis Jalineau, julv 16—84 -A*-. U ’ v 7 Fresh Dry-Goods. THE SUBSCRIBERS, Have received, per the brig Sea Island, from e-.o-Tork, A large and well selected supply of English, French, Domestic Alanufixtured GOODS; ail of wh ch wiit be sold, by wholesale or retail, at their store, north west. end of Gibbons’brick budding. Market-square. Murdoch M‘Leod & Co. julv 20—t—86 For sail 1 elegant Mahogany Side-Board 1 do do Bureau 2 do do Tables 1 dozen elegant fancy Chairs, and fir die. Apply to W. & A. Weyman & Co. if, . on the Buy 1 Alaiiogan On hand, A quantity of excellgnt BACON, in casks, fit for ex portation. _ < - 14 kegs hest-Buncombe Butter, for family use 6 k. do Lard - | da i> -.-vs pssoiAi d c tton Curds 3 t.i, rces m; ii’sjommon lined Shoe3 C. s- - assorted looking Glasses B Ls GUP h-> Got. on Skirtings Cotton Cambrics 8cc. &c, A. Erwin, Lethbridge & Co. j’liv -uoi Tones’ -wharf lavet W ine, &c. •V ft w boxes Hermitage, of 1808 Do I.’eovile, of 1810 ‘to Brandy Fruits land cask of Almonds. For sale by II. & J. Habersham. -Si A ) it' .iiilg soaooi. Mi's. Oanttet has removed her Boarding School to [ Mr. R pinger’s brick house, on tlie South Commons, |r riv*' pppsite the Academy, where she can accomuio- I date some more young ladies. *' 1 ;V 23 +CJ1 —Sr Savannah Poor House and Hospital. VISITING COMMITTEE For July and August) James Morrison and Rkkjamct Burroughs. J#sepli Cumming, j uly 30 - 90 Secretary For sale One thousand acres salt (now fresh) marsh, in Wil mington river, joining lands of John Simpson, now con fiscated, and lands of J. M‘Queen, esq. originally on the i-h September, 1772, granted James Lucenu, dec. For cmis apply to Wiu-iam Stephens, or at this office, - here a plan m.-.y be seen;the tract is prime cotton land. Also acres of land, in lots of the beautiful village of Montgomery, on Vernon river, fine, healthy summer’s residence. Enquire as Jjnve. jnly 16—84 ' For sale A House and Lot, in St. James’s square; being one of */e most healthy and pleasant situations in this city—on tac said lot are all necessary out buildings. This pro perty will be sold for a moderate price, and a credit of one, two and three years given for the payment.' Per sons disposed to purchase will apply to either of the subscribers. BEN. SHEFTALL, M. SHEFTALL, sen. apnl * Andrew Low & Co. Have received, by tlie ship IVinnifred, from Liverpool, anil other late arrivals, Turkey red Yarn Linens and cotton Shillings Fancy figured mull Muslins, for dresses Fine and coarse, low priced leiio Muslins, suitable for paviilions PI -in and figured Cambrics Calicoes and Ginghams, in great variety Counterpanes and Marseilles Quilts Handsome furniture Dimities Common and 6-4 cambric Dimities : White and colored Marseilles Vesting - Black and colored Bombazines and Silks Bombazetts, Jeans, York Stripes Plain and ribbed Stockinets Cotton Stockings, of all kinds Madras and Pullicat Handkerchiefs Apron Checks, brown Hollands Italian and Canton Crapes Whitechapel Needles and fresh ounce Threads Superior cotton Umbrellas London paper and pound Pins Cutlery, assorted, in small casks Osnaburgs, Russia Sheetings, long Lawns; and, a variety of other GOODS, ail of which w ill be sold, either wholes.Me or at retail, on the most moderate t'UKf • S 6-—.9') J. F. Do jLorme oe Co. Have just received from Nevv-York, and offer for sale, at their store, cheap fol- cash, No. 5. Gibbon’s building, the follow ing Articles;— Toilet looking Glasses, elegant plated Candlesticks, paste 3oard, eleg..nt thread Lace, northward Homespun, turt' ise shell, quid back and horn Combs, snuff Boxes, Brushes, elegant Jewellery, Stationary, Dry-Goods, -nd Hardware. Also,an assortment of Musical Instruments, such as Clarionet, German Flute-Fifes, Fiugeilets, Vio lin, Guitars, Hand-Organs; also, music Books, to suit the above instruments; as also for tlie Piano Forte, &c. julv 1-8—fp—85 Duel, Gresham <x Co. Have now landing, from the ship Winnefred, fiom Livei'- pool, A large supply of SUMMER GOODS. ALSO, 39 casks and cases assorted Hardware and Cutlery, each containing a complete assortment for a retail store One case superior plated Ware, consisting of cruet Frames, candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays And via cVew- York, Two trunks Parasols, three bales Seersuckers, three bales Humhums 1000 pieces long yellow Nankeens, one case chip Hats; white, black anti colored Levantine and Florence Silks Stout mixed co.-t Silks and Florentine Vestmg; white and black lace Shawls and Veils; Merino Tippets; e'e gant embroidered Ridicules, assorted colors and. patterns Thread Laces and Edgings One case Chincile Cords, assorted colors and sizes Fifteen cases straw Hats and Bonnets Six cases Artificial Flowers Seventeen Cases Looking Glasses, a part of which are in elegant gilt frames. June 15—71 Fresh Philadelphia Flour AND INVERNESS BAGGING. 50 half 16 111111 } biirrels fresh Philadelphia FLOUR 113 pieces prime Inverness Bagging 57 boxes real Spanish Cigars, in whole, half and quarter boxes 30 kegs assorted Cut Nails ALSO, 2 cases DRV GOODS, consisting of sewing Silks, silk Hose, black ltce Rotiiius, silk Gloves, imitation In dia Moils, Florence Silks, satfin Ribbons, Gaiaon Crapes, furniture Dimity, imperial three cord Thread, white lace Veits, ike. 1 case gentibnun’s Lqghoru Hats. Just received and for sale, at No. 5u, BoItcn’sR-.a-.e, Exchange wharf, by Bacon k Bmen. julv 27—'. —89 xi V SOii A Cti * 12 chests Hyson Tea. For sale by julv 18- •85 Cfiarles Kelsey. For sine 8 casks Linseed Oil 7 chests young hyson Tea 1 ton shear Moulds 3 pipes Malaga Wine. Camming k Moorhead. julv 23—t—87 Fresii Flour. Jus! landed 50 barrels superfine Philadelphia Flour, and for sale by the subscribers, who have also, a few bushels of Bene Seed to sell. C ARNOCHAN &. MlTCHEL. july 23 87 For sale 200 barrels Philadelphia superfine F..OUR. R. Richardson. — 89 J. lie su hscri oers Have fist received, and offer for sale, 53 casks tr-ce Chains •:1 boxes assorted window Glass 11 crates do Crockcrywure 20 bags r-ce Ginger, july 16 84. L. PETTY & CO. APKiane’s wharf For sale Fresh Shoes and Slippers. Just received, from A'ew-Ybrlc, by the brig Pocahontas, coil sisting of ihe following kinds.- Ladies’ black kid S lippers, from Hedenberg’s manufactory Do do undressed Morocco, do do Men’s Morocco Shoetees Do do Pumps Do fine seal Shoes Do do wax calf-shin Shoetees Do grain do Do do Shoes Do strong Pumps Children’s leather Boots All of which will be sold low for cash by John Douglass, july'9 81 Gibbon’s battling The subscriber Offers at private sale, tor good notes or town accep tances, the following articles: 6 hlids4th proof Jamaica Rum '10 barrels West India do 10 hhds Plii'ladelphia Gin 10 bis do do 20 crates well assorted Crockery 9 hhds Glassware 5 pipes Cognac Brandy 15 quarter casks Malaga Wine 25 boxes Soap 25 boxes fresh Rabins, just landed also, 5300 lbs CORDAGE. JOSEPH DEPASS. ju!y 27—m—89 Wanted To the Printing Busines, two APPRENTICES. Ap- ”lv -f this Office. june 29 77 To hire, A smart, active young Girl, accustomed to taking care of cliiktivn—will be hired bv tlie month, or longer, if re- quired. Enquire at this Office, ~ , julv 30-C-90 To hire, Jis a House-Servant or Porter, A young active Negro Fellow. Enquire of the prin ter. ’ julv 27—■—89 To be sold A valuable COTTON PLANTATION, on Crooked river six miles from St. Mary’s, consbting of upwards of one thousand acres of land, a good proportion of which is fine planting land; sixty acres have been planted oneyear. It is remarkably healthy and plenty of fine fish got with little trouble; it will be sold a bargain, if applied, for soon. For further particulars enquire of . G. & A. M. Ker, julv 11—<TM—82 Howard’s wharf For sale The Toll-Bridge over Great Ogechee River, at which Joseph Hill lately resided—it is a substantial well built bridge, composed chiefly of cypress; it has stood the freshets, and appears to be in all respects a good and complete piece of work. - For terinb , apply to JOHN BOLTON, or \eoc*ore. JEREMIAH CUYLpR. yfigd. april 200 pieces Cotton Bagging 50 quarter casks Tcnenti \\ ine 17 hog he als Molasses 10 casks Madeira Wine. R. RICH ARDS ON. julv 11 82 J usl rece;\ ct.i, And now landing from A Vic- York, 37 hhds. prune selected New-Orleuns Sugar, fit for re tailing 40 do db retailing Moiasses 4 pipes 4th proof geinline Cog'nac Brandy 10 chests Gunpowder and Hyson Tea 6 casks assorted Shot 2 pipes old Madeira Wine quarter casksL. P. Tenerifle and Malaga do barrels Fork and Beans IN STUCK, old 4th proof Jamaica Rum, warranted pure, be ing imported direct Whiskey, N. E. Rum, Coffee andiron Together with a targe and general assortment of wel chosen GROCERIES, iii any quantity to suit purchasers, for sale by BROulvS Ik HERMAN, june 4'—66 - : John Tanner, bolton’s range, (In the room formerly occupied by Jonathan Battelle) Hus received by the ship -hlonis, A large and elegant assortment of English, French and India GOODS; which lie otiers, at reduced prices, for cash or approved neper at ninety days, july 30 90 ‘ Tiie subscribers Have entered into partnership in the practice of LAAV Their Office is immediately over the Bookstore of Mr. William T. Williams, on the Bay. WILLIAM DAVIES, JOHN DRYSDALE. ndv 39——i ' °0 - V i ire- Vv ouu The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to custom ers and friends for past favors, and solicits a continu- nce of their custom. There is a constant supply of the best oak, hickory and ash WOOD at his Wood-Yard, with ctr-tys in waiting to transport it from his wharf. Ephraim Cooper. N. B. Purchasers are requested not to pay tlie dray man one cent, without a bill receipted, toe 13 -b 72 Factorage and Commission. The subscriber having commenced in the above line of BUSINESS, offers his services to his friends and the public; his Counting-Roorn is on Wayne’s upper wharf, formerly occupied by Messrs. Pliinizy &. Barnett- The Store is large and commodious—produce will be re ceived on storage and every attention given to its re ception and shipment. RICHARD WAYNE, dec 2—139 Marshal’s sale. On the first Tuesday in August next. Will be sold at the court heuse, in the city of Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’cloek, A Negro Wench, named Delia; levied on as the pro perty of ^Robert Dillon, at the suit of William Hort. ' John Eppinger, julv 6 80 "■ _ - '7:-sba' In otice. On Saturday, the 3d mf August next, at twelve o’clock, Will be leased for the term of five ..years, The Slip of Ground, adjacent to the wharf of die es tate of R. Wayne; purchaser to give bond, with approv ed security for tlie rent, payable quarterly. Sale to take place on the spot. By order of the committee. Stone, c. m. julv 25 ■ - 88 L Auction. j On Tuesday next, the 5th of August, WiU. be sold in front of the Court Housej* A NEGRO FELLOW, about nineteen years ojf age. A. Howe, auct’r. july 30 - 90 Administrator’s sales. Will be sold in front of our store, On Monday; 19th August, AT lOo’coCK A geld Watch,- sundry articles of Jewellery, silver-. smith’s Tools, .aid a trunk of wearing apparel, being the personal property of ^Timothy Bonucou, dec. liy order of the administrator. M. Herbert & Co. iulv 6—r+—80 ; — A jtiXeciitor's sale. '*t ■ i On the first Tuesday in September next, Will be sold before the Court House, in this pity, be tween the usual hours, A prime Negro Fellow, named Mahccs, belonging to the estate ofE. Wells, deceased. Sold by tide? of the executor, july 9— -81 M. HERBERT & CO. aUcl’rs. Hank of the State of Georg ia. The Directors will meet, at the Bank, on Friday next, the 2d day of August, at 9 o’clock a. at. when the Bank will commence a Discount. Notes, intended for discount on that day, must be de livered in Bank, under cover, directed to the; Cashier, on Thursday, by two o’clock p. >r. and notes, so deliver ed, on every Thursday thereafter, will be acted on the following Friday. After Thursday next, a Committee of Directors will decide daily, at 11 o’clock a. m. upon Bills of Exchange offered at Bank for discount, and upon applications for Checks or Dr. f s on other Banks, with u hich this Bank may have i n account. The Bank, (in conformity to its regulations,) will re ceive for collection, Notts, Bills or Acceptance*. Eleazar Early, julv 28 A 90 Cashier The subscribers ; Have now landing from bpg Pocahontas, from JVeta-Yorkf 100 barrels Menhaden 30 do Mackerel k 10 pieces bed Ticking 10 do Priest Cloths in stone Writing, letter, printing, wrapping and sheathing Paper Ship Bread aud Cordial Barrels glauber Suits ' ury Combs 1 (atchets, Hammers, Axes and hollow Ware Floor Brushes tit Nuiis, Trunks loxes Ctiocolate ltd Cords, Twine, ravens’Duck No. 1 to 6 Shot j / Boxes cotton and wool Cards \imats, in barrels 1 c.-se mill Saws c. sks northern Shoes j : ly 9—81 Olmstead & Battelle. a resii r iOdr. st received, from Philadelphia, by the brig William bj Alary, the following articles,for sale at J\~o. 17, Exchange wharf, Superfine Flour, in whole and half barrels Fresh Crackers, in kegs Gunpowder, of Dupont’s brand Kegs cut Nails, assorted OH HAND, 49 casks London bottled Porter Madeira and Lisbon Wines and 3000 ibs North Carolina Hams Francis Jalineau. j ulv 9 81 Factorage aud Commission Business. The subscriber intends, on the first Tuesday of'Sep- 4 ember next, to decline the practice of law; And, from - hat date, to engage in the above business. If the strict- i st observance of the interest of those who may confide ■n him, and the most unremitted attention, exertion and punctuality in business, have any claim to public pat ronage; tlie subscriber pledges himself to his friends ind felliWv-citizens, generally, to merit a portion of their favor. r* He has procured fire-proof stores for the reception of produce on Howard’s wharf, and his counting-room is in tlie east tenement of said building Joseph S. Pelot. julv 13 a a 83 Marshal’s sales. On the first Tuesday in August next, Will be sold at the court-house in Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, The following negroes, to wit: Judith, Rachel, Fri day, Juno, Bob, Hetty, Scotland, Fox, Jarvis, lane, Bi- nah, Brutus, sen. Brutus, jun. Duncan, Galloway, Caesar .ad J ck—levied on as the property of Alexander Cur rie, dec. to satisfy an execution at the suit of John Mil let. ' JOHN EPPINCF-K. \june 27- -76 d ' , -hal Marshal’s sale contnuiea. On the first Tuesday in August next, Will be sold at the court house in Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, Two Negro Women, named Rost and Di; levied on as the property of Joseph Davis to satisfy an execution at the suit of the United States, vs. Joseph Davis and David Lekin. JOHN EPPINGER, marshal. julv 6—80 Wharf and Stores. To rent, that extensive Wharf and commodious Stotts, at present occupied by Mr. Bama M*Kinne, of which possession may be had 00 the first of Novegjber next.— For terms apply to jaly Marshal’s sales. By virtue of a decree of the honorable the sixth circtlit court of tlie United States for the district of Georgia, made in a case wherein Jane Irving, William Irving, Ca tharine Maitland and Alexander Maitland, were cora- ! ilainants and Joseph Currie and Joseph Miller, were de fendants, Will be sold at the court-house in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours, On thefirst Tuesday in August next, The following negroes, viz: Dublin, Rina, Muitey, Han nah, Priscv, Tom, Mary, Molly, f-todv, Maria, Elsey, Fox, Hercules, CufFy, Suckey, Betsy, Polly and Sambo- being a part of the personal estate of the late John Currie, tesq. dec JOHN EPPfNGER, June 27—-76 Marshal Blank Clearances jFor (sale at this Office*