Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, August 13, 1816, Image 1

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SAVANNA 1816. ]?]lEi)EJlIGK S FELLJ TRUTH WITHOUT.FE-W. Volume XIV v Number 96*3 Medical Science Lottery -O-r. > . K0,2.- ’-'I fZk. Will draW on the 7th «f October in the city of New-- York; The prizes are, the republican 1 18 rtTBXISHRD r TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, at six dollars per ajvjtum, Fl-TABLS Vtt 1BTASCB. * ADVERTISEMENTS + ; ; SSiSSSKSTlE the first time, - nd 1 ui “ T for each continuation. CASH , L n nrrlers from the Cottwtrt, unless the tC u 0m . P I/Lrfin Tovtjt, or the party well known to •A new ahd cheap edition,,in 6 ; vols. 8 vo. without the .marginal references; vols. 1st and 5tlj are published; sub scriptions received „? Nos: sA and 7 of the Panqplist 1 ' -Jf ■ 9 Historical Sketches of the late war, embellished With Portraits^ &c. by John L. Thompson —. Congress of Vienna, by M. De Pradt Colonial Policy of Great-Britain, considered with re lation to her TJorth-American provinces, by,a British tra veler , • , • f'f Valentine’s Eve, by Mrs. Opie . Tales of Fancy, vojuj, containing the shipwreck, by Miss Burney ' * ‘ s .' ■ Dance of Death and other Poems, by Walter Scott Continuation ofEarly Sessions, by Maria Edgeworth WithaVariety of late juvenile Books. For sale by the Editor must be rosT-PAlD. aug More prize* than blanks. Tickets in the above Lottery for sale by the bscriber. * JOSIAH PENFIELD. May Butter^ Received, by the Woodbine, For Liverpool The fine fast s-uing brig GEORG ’West, daily expected; having three ► h e r cargo ready to go on board. Fqi nasSiff e, having excellent accommo or passage, uLMSTEAD & BA1 33— —87 _j — For Boston The fine new schooner ADELT1 : ri|B, master, will be despatched in £ For freight or passage, apply to th< A few firkins BUTTER, put up for family use, for: le bv B. WG. LATHROP. The subscriber Rave just received, and offer for» J ust received, By the brig Eliza Lord, from JVem-York, 20 boxes Cheese 5 do smoked Beef Id do Anchovies 15 dp Capers 2 barrels Walnuts 4 casks white wine Vine! Fresh currant and raspl 53 casks trace Chains 41-boxes assorted window Glass 11 crafts do Crockeryware 20 bags race Ginger, july 16*». — 84 ’ L. PETTY & CO. M'iinne’s wht Brown Stout Ty Jelly J Marmalade John B. Gaudry, Syrup- of bene, Apples am CROCKERYWARE. 20 casks veryhest Brown' Stout 50 crates Crockei^Ware, assorted, suitable for coun- , try stores, for sale by , Wm. Taylor. angimt 3 -92 - Factorage and Commission. The Subscriber having commenced in the above, line of BUSINESS, offers his services to Ins friends and the public; his Counting-Room is bn Wayne’s upper wharf; formerly-occupied by Messrs. Phinizy & Barnett- The Store is large and commodious—produce will be re ceived on storage and every attention given to; its re- cepti'uj, and shipment. RICHARD WAYNE. A quantity of excellent BACON, in casks, fit for portation. > . 14 kegs best Buncombe Butter, for family use 60 do do Lard ‘50 boxes assorted cotton Cards 3 tierces men’s common lined Shoes Cases assorted looking Glasses Bales Cloths Cotton Shirtings Cotton Cambrics, &c. 8cc. A. Erwin, Lethbridge & Co. july 30 9CT Jones 9 to '"t'S master, wHt be cuspatcnea in au uu# wcc*.— freight or passage apply to the master on b^Tr , S.C. DUNNING. For sale, on board, 20 barrels Potatoes 40 quintals Codfish 20 boxes Herring __ . 20,00u spruce Laths ~ 50,ooo feet white pine Boards, clear stuff august 6 93 0 John Tanner, BOXTOx’s RANBE, {In the room formerly occupied by Jonathan Battelle) Hus recei -jrd by the ship Aiionis, A large and elegant assortment of English, French'and Indfa GOODS; which he offers, at reduced prices, for cash or aporfcved paper at ninety days. ■?.. • on Factorage and Commissiont BUSINESS. The subscriber informs his friends and the VtibBefr general, that he has commenced m the above business, tnd hopes, by strict attention and punctuality, to iherft 2 share of public favor. He offers for sale, his Stock ia Trade,, on good terms; consisting of excellent Blankets, of different sizes; colored Negro Clothes, Caasimeres, second Broadcloths, Calicoes, cotton Bagging, &c. and will Let his Stand, near the Market-square; the Store is twenty-five feet by twenty, and a Cellar, under the Store, that will hold from fifty to sixty bales of cotton. For terms apply to JAMES WHITE- angust 1 -ev- 91 Received Per ship Portia, X. if. Stilliman, master, from Bordeaux, via. Charleston, A few boxes Vtn-de-Grave, first quality 25 boxes St. Jutien Claret 20 casks Claret, different qualities, warranted good Soft shell Almonds Sweet Oil * 4^, And a few pipfs Cognac Brandy, warranted genuine, which will bs sold at wholesale ,or retail, by Thomasson & Oolmesnil. * aw-10— xr 95 T ’ ForNew-York The packet ship W OODBIN E, captain J. Wil- let, to sail bn Thursday next. ForHfehtpr pas- haring superior .accommodations, apply oh i Rice’s Warf, or to P. SCHENK & CO. A few copies of Strictures on the cul'uv.tion of the Sugar Cane, just received and for sale at this office. august 1 -- 91 For sale A few shares in the STEAM BO At ENTERPRIZE.— For terms apply to Charles Howard. Landing, From the schooner Ann, from Havana, 60 half boxes of superior white Sqgar, for family use 40 barrels Muscoyado Sugar A 43 barrels Coffee 7 Best Spanish Cigars, inboxes and half boxes Sweet Meats afid Pruitt. For sale by ; Carnochan & Mitchel. august 6—x—°3 * The subscribers - ed into partnership in the practice of LAW. :s immediately over the Book Store- of Mr. Villiams, on the Bay. - WILLIAM DAVIESL JOHN DRYSDALEh august 1 Fresh Shoes and Slipper; from JYpw-York, by the brig Pocahontas, sisting ofthefolio-wing kid Slippers, from Hed< Niles 5 Register. A few copies of this valuable and useful work on hand. For sale, at this office. remain ufactory Ladies’ black kid Slipp.—, Do do undressed Morocco, Men’s Morocco Shoetees Do do Pumps Do fine seal Shoes Bo do wax calf-shin Shoetees Do grain dp Do do Shoes Do strong Pumps Chiidren’s leather Boots 8ank of the State of ixeorgia. London particular TENERIFF WINE; ■dper sliip Woodbine, and for The Directors will, on TUESDAY, the 27th August in stant, at 11 o’clock a. is. at the Bank in Savannah, ap point thirteen Directors, to preside over the Office of Discount and Deposit, established at the city of Augusta. Also, seven Directors, to preside over the Office of Dis count arid Deposit, established at the town of Mill edge- vitle. At the same time the Directors will elect a Cashier for the Office at Augusta, with a salary of one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum, who will be Received per sloop General lf^shirtgton t from Charleston, 9 boxes white Sugars 1 case containing twenty gross Scissors * - , ! ALSO, 12 silver Watches. JOSEPH DEPASS. anp-ust 8 :— 94 . . In quarter casks, receive, sale by ang 10 m - ■ - -95 ISAAC COHEN & CO. For sale 2 JO barrels Philadelphia superfine F-OUR. R. Richardi John Douglass, Gibbon's building. Cottpn Bagging, &c. 175 pieces Inverness cotton Bagging 300 reams wrapping Paper % 80 kegs Dupont’s Gunpowder, warranted Buck and patent Shot, assorted sizes Prime Orleans Sogar, in barrels White Havana Sugar Green Coffee, in bags Gunpowder Y Hyson and v Teas, of the latest unportations Young Hyson 3 Prime chewing-Tobacco 2000 yards Towclotbr.»ery cheap Landing, from brig Sally,from Philadelphia, 5 casta English Phials, assorted sizes. For sale cn accommodating terms, by - James H. Fraser, Jilurket-square Wanted, 1000 lbs sarsaparilla Root hug id T 95 , hundred dollars per annum, who will be required to give two or more sufficient securities, for the discharge of the duties required of him, in the sum of foity thou sand dollars. ' Also, a Cashier for the Office at >CUedgerille, with a salary of one thousand dollars per annum, who will be required to give two or more sufficient securities, for the discharge of the duties required of him, in the sum of thirty thousand dollars. ' - ■' ' fp Goshen Cheese. •om ship Woodbine, Landing, fn 40 boxes containing one Cheese each Xawrence & Thompson. tot to a ■ —95^ . For sale 200 pieces Cotton Bagging 50 quarter casks Tenerift Wine 17 hog he,ds M alasses 10 casks Madeira' Wine. R. RICHARDSON. july H— fr~2 ... ; . ■ - , ■ For sale A quantity of West India CASTOR OIL, of a superior quality. Apply to THOMAS H. HARRIS, 'Jlgust 6 p—93 Market-square 4 pipes 4th proof genuine Cognac Brandy 10 chests Gunpowder and Hyson Tea 6 casks assorted Shot - * 2 pipes old Madeira Wine ■. quarter casks L. P. Tenerifleand Malaga do barrels Pork and Beans is STORE, old 4th proof Jamaica Rum, warranted pure,' be ing imported direct Whiskey, K- E. Rum,.Coffee and Iron Together with % large and general assortment of ; well chosen GROCEHIESj in iiny quantity to suit purchasers, for sale by BROOKS & WELM AN, rune 4—66 Bolton’s -wharf [ang6r93] six acres, situate For sale A valuable chair HORSE, warranted gentle, and well tituated for a family. For terms, apply at this office The subscribers Fo# sale The Toll-Bridge over Great Ogechee River, at which iseph Hill lately resiSed—R is a substantial well built idge, composed cliiefiy of cypress; it has stood • the eshets, and appears to be i* all respects a good and miplete piece of work. For terms apply to JOHN BOLTON or \ ex’ors. JEREMIAH CUYLER. 5 J. Hill. swamp, about one quarter of a mile' from Spring Hill; part of Which j?, at present, planted in cotton,-by Joseph Stiles, esq.—about three ana an half acres of it is high, and a rich clay soil; the balance, rich low land. It» particularly well calculated for a. Garden and Place of Amusement, from its vicinity to town, or for a Brick yard—-it would be laid off" in lots to suit purchasers, if requested; indisputable titles will be given. Eor -terms, and a plan of the lot, apply to ' John McKinnon. august 1—x-^91 »Marshal’s sale ccmtinued. On the fat Tuesday in September next, Will be sold at'the court house, in the city of Savannah* between tfip hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, A Negro Wench, named Dkxia; levied on an the pro perty of Robert Dillon, at Hie suit of William Hort. John Eppinger, ang 10——-95 ; MarAd Hceve now landing Jr am brig Pocahontas,from Jfeio-York-, .100 barrolsMenhaden 30 do Mackerel 10 wteces bed Ticking * 10 ao Priest Cloths - IB STOHE -Writing, letter; printing, wrapping and sheathing Paper For sale . 20 casks CLARET, of a superior quality. . ' R. Richardson, avi.eust 8- 94 For sale . A House and Lot, in 8t. .James’s square; being one of the most healthy and pleasant situations in this city—on the said lot are all necessary out buddings. This pro perty will be sold for a moderate price, and a credit of one, two and three years given for the payment. Per- ■ • • - • to either of the BENl SHE FT ALL, M. 8HEFTALL, sen. Curry Combs JIM. Hatchets, Hammers, Axes ana ho Floqr Brashes \ Cut Nails, Trunks Boxes Chocolate Bed Cords, Twine, ravens’ Duck No. 1 to 6 Shat Boxes cotton and<wool Cards Currants, in barrels > 1 case mill Saws - ; + € caries northern Shoes low Ware To Hire, A likely vcungWenclt Apply to the printer. _ ir. , ■ -95 Notice. TiiVr e ' ection will- be held at the Synagogue, on MON DAY, the 19th inst. for OFFICERS for the ensuing year; ^re&abie tocharter alig l n ~ —.... v~-r~—-95 subscribers. april.6- Olmstead & Battelle Notice. t copartnership, heretofore existing betwerii the nbers, under the firm of J. Hanmer A Co. yaa dis- 1 on the 25th June last- : by mutU&l conkeht. J.HANMER A.GAMAGE ® bscriber is authori zed to settle the .concerns of Ae firm of J.Hanmer & Co. and Waving purchased "ock will continue his former line of business. s saje continued On the first Tuesday in September next, Will W sold at the court house in Savannah, bet ; the hours of 1/0 and 3 o’clock, * Two Negro Women, named Rose and Dh levied the property of Joseph Dalvis to satisfy an exeeuti the soil of toe United Stat es, vs. Joseph Davie and 1 One thousand acres now con* lly on the at-this oi 20,000 • 10,000 5000 20000 - - r ..ffT * j 10,000 5000 - 1000 hf 3a 'V