Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, August 15, 1816, Image 3

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:onnca* of Eugene'Beaubarnois 15 ent ' wrede. Bavaria leans more to the lade of thanto that of the northern powers. A Saris papers of the 11th and iWinst. have ec " Paris, June 12. “After an investigation of 24 days the chamber ofac- has come to a decision respecting the authors cus , r-rnmulices in tlie equally fdolish and detestable con- an wv thit some wretches/ho dared to assume the ti- S PfPatriots of 1816, and the plan of which was nothing t le tfpanoUtfi , of r theking andthe TOyal £ Sv and to destroy the government, m the hope of •I or some moments of pillage. some daj , DCrso ns are indicted before the assize “ 1 Wt fVnsf anumgst them is Genneau, a member of court .j^ber of representatives. Do -Cid that marshal Messena is very much in- ,T vuch anxiety still prevails respecting the *11 the fcttersrfrom Switzerland confirm the extraor- r lv impression which the famous madame Krudner ri"ho was lately visited bv the emperor of Russia) has induced at Arau, whither she lias been exiled by the go- veniment of Basle. Deputies repair to her from the pro- ! Zu Cantons. The principal persons in_ Arau, pass an hour every evening in listening to her. 1 he confer ences are earned on in French. Madame Krudner be- ences ar theories tend to approximate and S U the different communions of Christians. Mem- bL-s of alt the German confessions come in pilgrimage to her! and appear to return satisfied .-London Conner. T . . .. rt is said that there is a schism among the Je- Jesuits. .„«■ tliese of Spain and Italy. The suits, espec j fbe general of the Jesuits in Russia that S VoSpanSd should be appointed vicar general. This exception^was.not of a nature to please the Spanish Jesuits: the pope has. therefore, on Ins own authority, appointed an jiWvnai** —It is said orders have been sent from Calcutta to England to prevent any more missionaries from coming out. arnv- latest from englan6. - Nkw York, August 5. Bv the fist sailing ship Minerva, Sketchley, arrived at this port on Saturday evening in 42 days from Liverpool the editors of the Mercantile Advertiser have received London papers to the 18th, of June. Liverpool papers to die 2Jth, and Lloyd’s lists to the 14th, from which the foilowin : extracts were made. Bv this arrival, we learn verbally that the markets for cotton &c. were declining—choice uplands had been sold at I8per.ce, Losnox, June 11. The due ess of Parma, Maria Louisa, has an accredit ed envoy at Paris, although her duchy is not recognized in tlie royal Almanack. June 17. Price of Stocks.—Bank stock 220 1-2 220—3 per cent red. 63 1-3—Uranium paym. 23 1-8—cons. for acc. 64 3-4- i We have received the Paris papers of‘\Vednesday and Thursdav last. They contain details at great length of the reception of tlie duchess de Berri at different places tlie preparations making to receive her on her route for the fetes on the marriage, 8tc. In Germany a question has arisen, as to whether fo reign ministers shall be admitted, or not, to tlie Diet to be assembled at Frankfort The commissioners of the king, and of the Diet of Wirtemburg, are Said to have at length agreed upon the b.tsis of a constitution. The secret ar ticles of the treaty between Austria and Bavaria have been published, by which it appears that the former guaran tees to the latter tlie circle of Neckar, in the possession of Baden, in case bf the direct male lute of the reigning grand duke. At Malta uhd Gibraltar, say the letters from these pla ces, tlie trade is chiefly carried on by foreign vessels un. der English colors, to tlie great detriment of the fair British ship owner. A private letter, dated Paris, the 7th states, “that the [■wives of the crown prince of Sweden and of Joseph Bo- iaparte,v;uo are sisters, and whose maiden names were lary, who were still in this capital, have received a no ice to quit Paris, as belonging to the family of Bonaparte, -.ccording to tlie law of amnesty, which banishes the re- ationsof hat family forever from France. A report prevailed in Paris on the 9th, that M. Laine will immediately retire from office, on account of bad health, and that the archbishop of Rheims, who, is charg ed with the concerns of the Roman Catholic ch- rch, has tendered his resignation in consequence of the refusal of tlie king to adopt some changes which he has recom- me ded, as contrary to the concordat, with which his majesty considers himself bound to conform. On Thursday last, the ship Lindsay, Turner, sailed from Portsmouth for the North of Ireland, she being chartered to t ike one hundred and fifty persons on board, who are emigratin to America, Seven single men, two labourers and llieir families, and a Jewish family, embarked in her from Portsmouth. CAPTURE OF A SPANISH SLAVE SHIP. Plymouth, June 15. This morning arrived his majesty’s brig Ferret, captain tirling, from St Helena; on her passage home, she fell in vitii and captjired, after an action of three hours, a Spun- ,h slave schooner, off Sierra Leone, and carried her into it port. The Havana frigate, captain Guven W. Hamilton, arriv- :d on Saturday at Portsmouth, from St. Helena, whence he sailed on the 23d of April, with colonel Mark Wiilces, nssenger, who had been, preceeding the arrival there ram England of lieutenat general sir Hudson Lowe, two ears governor of that island. Bonaparte was in good ■tilth, but more dissatsfied that ever with his situation, e has sent by the Havana a string of complaints to the rince Regent, upon the subject of the personal regula rs to which he has been compelled to conform, fracl of a letter from Jllalta, tinted, May 18, via Mar seilles. “It is said, indeed promulgated by government, that “ e 8ty of Tunis has lost his head by his own son, for ding the Christian slaves; and that in the absence of British fleet, they had equipped their fri gates and erc detirmined to take every tiling they met with. It currently reported that one English vessel has been f"“nd the crew murdered. , ' • .5 P J 'iuces3 of Wales has arrived at Malta from l ums.’- t June 13. *t was reported yesterday on change, that advises had pen received from India, that appearances of a hostile “Hire on tlie part of the Mahrattas, had occasioned a new n *? n “ie army to prepare for tlie field. We have not Mm toe particulars, and trust that the timely exertions ? akif 0Vtrn0 r general will prevent another war from Liverpool, June 19. EMIGRATION. P to the present year, "We believe that emigration has ■“ P uce principally from Ireland and Scotland; but now going on to an alarming extent from the me- ar| 8 heart of the united kingdom. There are t b v 't? W "u rece * ve these emigrants with a view to pro- ^nsth 61r hapless condition and ignorance; to these per- ' wjjbji. EY sunis money, perhaps their last penny, ■ rov : “ la - 'ifntract is given to find them passage and 'nbirk'rf f Doited States. The first entire cargo aurterM the river Thames is now on board the ^Hiffht ShlP ^ rLS> Sm ‘th. master, which on Tuesday lernutte/ 3 ^ seize ^ having more passengers than is A roo ‘., - our humane laws, no ship is permitted to • and a f Un one P eps °n for each two tons per regis- nh t * P ar *iy laden, no more than one person for d* n . an i° ns re f“ s ter measurement, which remains un- I’lantity 1 [ en “ otmeuts are added for proving 1 a proper [ lr gtan wt W jh SQme provisions for each person, and a ' lj thtr / n - v P ersons are on board, apd for enforc- le Insi s ,h Uta, ? re ff uLlti ® rt3 > under heavy penalties.— pster- hundred and forty-two tons burthen, per 'tdaniisev ore ent hlcd to carry only one hun dred and'n,/° ur P ersons , including the crew; one -riionjg i trty-one names were given in at the cus- hthitt v ’ 1 w “ en the seizure was made twb hundred PhwevflsJJf Persons werw found on board. Amongst onem.,1 r nt L U P° !l t * u s system of emigration, a P*ned for the escape of culprits. a let . „ Pials » May 31. 'gated. Th; ' eneral Lafayette has been merely m- hts caussd the report of his arrest, ^au- have also been iivtert v June 12. “'r * Didier’s execqtion has taken place; He endariored throughput his interrogatories-and trials to throw per plexity aind dismay into the minds of his judges' ariffV government. He stated, .that he wfa but one of “twenty - four-commissaries appointed by a great power to pro mote the interest of the cause for which he was about" tn suffeiyand which, better conducted by. his surviving col leagues, would ultimately prevail. After making this apparent or teal confession, which Vie observed to be noi dictated by any desire to court the clemency, of the king, which clemency could but litfleprolong a life already so far advanced, he recommended to his judges the imme diate execution of the sentence awaiting him, lest a short interval elapsing, such a revolution in tilings might occur as to put him in their place, and them in his. Thjs frank avowal had the effect of suspending for a few days the se verity of go vernment, and of inducing on their part every kind of oner to obtain from him the completion of his re- vealations on a pian, of which the late events, alarming as they were, would appear to form but an inconsiderable part. ^ The power alluded to by Didier is conjectured to be either Austria or Bavaria. It is certain that tlie rtiiu- tary arrangements and general disposition of those pow ers, blit particularly the latter, over which prince Eugene is know n to have so decided an influence, are a subject of real uneasiness to the French court. Yesterday evening several persons were arrested in the Rue St. Claude, near tlie Boulevard de Bonne Nou- vele, for holding ^ditious discourse respecting the sol diers of the royal guard. Vievva, June 1. The territorial claims of prince Eugene B4auhamois in tlie Papal dominions, are now set aside by a convention concluded under the mediation of tlie court of Bavaria. The prince receives his domains there upon an heredita ry lease, and pays for them, besides a landemium of 150,00U francs, an annual canon of 20,000 francs. The yearly revertue is estimated at 850,5000 francs, and the capital value, at 5 per cent, at seventeen millions of francs. The pope reserves, to himself for nine years the right of redemption on payment of this capital.— Austria will also make an arrang-ment with prince Eugene, on account of his domains in Lombardy, and wdt purchase them back. If to these be added the in demnity which he expects from Naples, he will certain ly be one of the richest individuals m Europe. Copexeage.x, June 4. From a letter.—By an order of the duke of Wellington, in consequence of a convention concluded between the duke and the French government, the allied troops arc in future to assist the French donaniers against tlie' smug glers, for which the troops are to receive so much per cent, on the value of the goods seized, in proportion to the degree of assistance given. These smugglers are particularly numerous on the northern frontiers, occupi ed by the allies, where the)' are frequently seen in bodies of twenty or thirty, mounted and armed, and try to pass with their goods loaded oil their horses. The Grace packet, we are told, was to bring tlie June mail—and would probably sail about the same time as the Rosary The Hinchinbrooke packet was lost May 7, near Cape St. Vincent; but the passengers, crew and mails, were saved. July 20. A gentleman from the westward informs us, that the coast all along from Bryer Island, is crowded with Aineri can fishermen. NATIONAL BANK. TABULAR ESTIMATE. [ Corrected from subsequent Jfetwns.] ' Portland, Maine Boston, Portsmouth, v. hi Providence, a. i. Middletown, Con. New-York, New-Brunswick, ft. j. Philadelphia, Wilmington, D^l. Baltimore, Washington Citiy, Richmond, Raleigh, w. c. Charleston, Augnsta, Geo. Lexington, Ken. about Cinncinati, O. Burlington, VtT Nashville, Teh. sAol heard from. Ntw-Orleans, S Present deficiency Suppose then, as has been estimated, Vermont, Tennessee, Louisiana, 55210,000 2,500,000 120,600 75u,000 680,000 2,300,000 130,000 5,833,600 470,600 4,014,u00 1,293,000 1,702,200 285,000 2,580,000 826,3u0 1,000,000 470,000 25.165,300 2,834,700 28,000,000 150,000 250,000 2,000,000 2,400,000 There will be a deficit of about 55434,700—which will be easily supplied, at Philadelphia, where the books will be re-opened for the residue.—Jticlimond Enquirer. We understand, that the executive have appointed Mr. John Wood to survey the principal rivers in Virginia from their mouths up to their falls—and afterwards to ascertain the and longitudes of such places as fhey may choose to designate. Mr. Wood is an emi nent mathematician, and will doubtless discharge the in teresting duty confided to him with constancy and skill. —Richmond Enquirer. The special district court re-assembled at the eapitol on Saturday last to receive the report of the viewers in the case of the privateer Romp. The court ordered that the vessel, tackle and equipments should be sold, and the proceeds deposited in bank for the benefit of the con cern.—ib. Sp,' : .e payments.—The prospect of a general and vo luntary resumption of specie payments, within a short pe riod, is becoming every day more certain. The price o specie in Baltimore is now down to twelve and an half per cent, a few weeks ago it was above twenty, in New York it is down to about three per cent, above the par of their Bank notes; and, as large quantities are expected to arrive from abroad in our several sea ports, we may hope the time is not far distant when it will be paid as current as Bank notes.—Baltimore Federal Gazette, 5th inst. Benjamiv Hrr.ER and James Envur, esqs. are candid ates to represent the district of Georgetown, Williams- burgh, Darlington, Marlborough, Marion and Horry, in the next congress.— Charleston 'Southern Patriot, 12th inst. A NOBLE ENTERPRIZE. It is reported and believed, that a distinguished barrister of this city, together with captain Bunker, of the Steam- Packet Fulton, h:is resolved to cross the Atlantic to Eng land, and proceed thence to Russia in the new steam boat. This great, undertaking, we understand, is in fulfilment or acceptance of a contract offered to Mr. Fulton by the emperor of Russia, allo wing him the exclusive navigation of Steam-Boats in the Russian empire for twenty-five years. As the vessel is built as, substantial and strong as. a sloop of war, little or no doubt is entertained by tiaval men of the practiciablity of the attempt. We are delighted with the prospect of a Steam Boat, propelled across the Atlantic ocean, by Americans “the 1 first.”— There is no. doubt of the expedition, it is determined; and since rumor is busy on. the subject we make free to mention that Mr Golden, is the gentlemen alluded to.— JVew-York Columbian, Ams Carsoit, was twice-on Tuesday last, taken before judge Carson at. Harrisburg, on a writ of Habeas Corpus, Messrs. Fisher and Elder, attended as her counsel. It is worthy of remark that either of the men charged as pair- tie^ to the conspiracy and now lodged in the joal of Dau phin county, hare applied for a»y L After hearing ^several witnesses, Aaa Cabsoh was remanded to prison l she find surety herself in Sre’thousand dollars, and one surety la the same, sum.—Democratic /sayStnah republic Thursday Eyening, August id, 1816. ti. f -ft ' Auction. To-Morrow^ the 16th inst. . Will be sold before my store, Groceries and Dry Goods. |Cj" Subscribers living west of Barnard : street are requested to send for their papers, a the carrier is indisposed. • . ., ENGLAND AND ALGIERS. The reported rupture between the* two powers is doubt ful. It was current at Barcelona on May 29, but liad not reached Cadiz on the 28tli of the month follow ing. "It is uariily possible, Were the rumor true, that it should re main a secret in the latter place thirty days after being’ made public ill (lie former, especially as the distance from Oran to Barcelona is greater than to Cadiz. However, should the report, contrary'to our expecta tion, receive confirmation, we can discover in its conse quences nothing of exultation for the philanthropist-— Whatever. pe.ty misunderstanding may occur between Britain and the Barbary states, their respective interests are too clfisely blended for any tiling serious in detail to ensue. Witnout the assistance of England, tlie pirates could not. equip their war vessels, nor dare to infest the sea. Ii is owing entirely to the dread which the English navy has infused into the nations of Europe that a corsair exists on the AFriqap shore. Without trie pirates, Brt- tain must relinquish tlie carrying trade of the Mediterra nean—the numerous population, die low price of labor and provisions in Sgain, Portugal, the Italian states and the Grecian archipelago, together with their advantages of locality, marred by no artificial prevention, would ren der her competition ridiculous. T he object of all her measures is sortUdness and revenye, but the latter is gene rally tlie slave ol the former. She would not endanger her trade up the Streights for the loss of tw'entysail of merchantmen; besides she knows, though there cun be no affection between the followers of tne cross and tlie cres cent, yet seif-interest wilt induce tlie Dey of Algiers to make every concession which she-may seriously demand. Whatever may happen, it is not o England we are to look for the suppression of the piratical states. FR ANCE. Didier, prior to his execution, is reported to laive inti mated that he was but one of twenty-four commissaries appointee, by a certain great pok er to promote in France a revolution against tiic Bourbons. Austria aiul Bavaria are suspected. Suspicion, we think, lias taken a wrong" direction. Austria, without, tlie concurrence of B-vari , would never venture in 3uch an attempt; because Russia, Prussia and the Netherlands, which are certainly oppos ed to her further aggrandizement, would, by invasion, re sent the infringement. Bavaria is no longer the humble dependent of Austria, but vies with that empire in rival- ship; and will,'in consequence, join in no litw that has a tendency to raise it ..hove tlie level of competition. Louis, f.<r these reasons, vve think, has nothing" to fear from the machinations ot those two powers. Russia is the spectre that haunrslns morbid imagination. Situated as she is at present, the whole of the northern powers,lie at her mercy; and on every occasion she williuid a will ing and active co-operator i.i tlie king of the Netherlands. Hence, at her beck, die crown would totter and fall from the French king’s bead, and the Dutch and Russian troops joined by tlie malcontents of France are more than sufficient to the united forces of tlie rest of Europe. However, we apprehend, that the late commotions in France rathe r sprang from the indignant feelings of a spirited but oppressed people, than the secret measures of any foreign potentate. THE ‘ BULWARK OK RELIGION,” It is said, is determined to suffer no longer the intro duction of missionaries into India. The worship cf Booillia and Brama causes perhaps the chains of the Asi atics to press lighter than Uie Christian faith would; be sides, the preaching of all the missionaries that both Old and -Ve-u) England could afford, would never produce half the" amount of the sum at present yeilded by the juggling of Brainin priests in the environs of Juggernaut. Query—Will the psalm-singing Cossacs of the north imitate the “Bulwark” in this as well a3 in other worthy undertakings, and deny the Winebagoes and Sioux a supply of their lioly brethren!’ MILITIA OF GEORGIA. We understand that the military board, appointed by the last legislature, consisting of colonel Nicholas Long, colonel Jack, colonel H. V. Milton, captain Wil liam Jones, colonel Ed-.vavd Harden, captain Willoughby Barton, general Aden Daniel, andcoionel Daniel Nevvnan. will convene at Washington, in Wiikts county, on the 10th day of September next, for the purpose of framing and digesting a system for the militia of this state. As soon as the system shall have been completed, the board are directed to present the same to the governor, who will submit it, together with nis opinion, to the next gen eral assembly. ALSO,-. ", 5 hhds and 10 barrels N. E. Rum 2 hhds Jamaica Rum, 5.pipes Gin 10 quarteg casks Sherry Wine 15 bis,Sugar . 10 bis and 20 bags Coffee 20 boxes claret Wine 30 boxes Soap 15 bis Beef 10 bis Almonds 12 casks cut Nails 50 pieces Osnaburgs Sale to commence at XI.o’clock D. Williford, auct'iC ■august 15 ■■ 97 > 1 8i 1 Auction. On Saturday next, 17th instant, Will be sold before my store, Groceries and Dry Goods* ALSO, 4 hlids W. I. Rum, i5 bis Sugar 10 bags Coffee, 25 bis Mackerel 20 bis Menhaden Fish 8 kegs manufactured Tobacco 12 boxes Pi|>e3, 20 do Soap » 2 crates Crockeiyware 1 Piano Forte 8 demijohns old Cognac Brandy 10 pieces cotton Bagging A quantity of Saddles, plated stirrup Irons, ice." I case northern Homespun 50 pieces Muslins, Cambrics, &c. 60 dozen Fans, 10 do silk hat Covers, &c. Sale to commence at 11 o’clock aug 15 97 A. How e, auct’c. Sicily Madeira Wine, Six years old, in pipes, half pipes and quarter casks. Just received from New-York, per brig Savannah Packet, and for sale by WILLIAM H. JOYNER, aug 15—.ii—97 Jit Bacon ii Bnten’s counting room. Landing, From sloop Delight, from Charleston, 10 casks superior Bordeaux CLARET, entitled to tft- benture. IK STORE, 2000 yards white HOMESPUN. For sale by Whitney & Parkman. •J.l" OT .Landing, From brig Savannah Packet, 100 boxes SLATE. For sale by John Lathrop & Co. aug 15—-vr—97 Soap, tobacco, Iron and Coffee. Just received per s/dp Woodbine and brig Savannah Packet. 50 boxes Doolittle’s superior Soap 70 kegs Richmond tobacco, of the most approved brands, 5, 6 and 8 heads to the pound IK STORE, 35 tons Iron, assorted sizes Bags and tierces Coffee, bale Rope, Ac. Meigs & Reed. aug 15— m—97 .. “ For sale 2500 bushels Gourd Seed CORN 500 bushels OATS. Perry & Wright. aug 15—m—97 BANK OF THE UNITED STATES. The numbers of slrares subscribed at Augusta to the Bank of the United States, having been incorrectly stated in some of the gazettes, we have ascertained that the exact number was, eight thousand, two hundred and sixty three shares, amounting to 826 thousand three hun dred dollars, nearly one million of tlie capital. We are requested to state, that James M. Watke and John H. Ash, esqs. will not be candidates for aldermen at the ensuing election. ^ FROM THE MEDITERRANEAN. The following is an extract of a letter to a gentleman in New-York, from an officer in tlie Mediterranean squad ron. United States’ frigate Uidled States, Barcelona Roads, May 13,1816. “We arrived here from Algiers, via Marseilles, a few days since. Having settled our business, we shall return immediately to Algiers, where all the fleet will join uji. “It has became necessary to keep a bright loot out for these fellows, they having shewn a hostile disposition towards us—they grumble and growl very much, and 1 believe only want a favorable opportunity to commence depredations ofl our commerce; at the same time l do not believe they will act, so long as we continue to make our appearance occasionally off the port. The Java, Constel lation, Erie and 'Ontario, have gone to Tunis and Tripoli. We shall notin all probability go into a Christian port again for a month or two.” PORT OF SAVANNAH, Thursday, Jlugust 13, 1816. CLEARED, Ship Woodbine, Willet, New York Brig Georgia, West. Liverpool Schooner Hale, Jackson, Havana Factorage and CommissionSusmelsf The subscriber intends, on the first Tuesday of Sep tember next, to decline the practice of law; and, from that date, to engage in the above business. If the strict est observance of the interest of those who may confide in him, and the most unremitted attention, exertion and punctuality in business, have any claim to public pat ronage; the subscriber pledges himself to his friends and fellow-citizens, generally, to merit a portion of their favor. , He has procured fire-proof stores for the receptioh of produce on Howard’s wharf, and his counting-room is In tlie east tenement of said building. Joseph S. Pelot. julv 13 ■ -a a 83 For sale A prime NEGRO FELLOW, accustomed to the cul* tore of sugar cane and distilling; A. HOWE. augJS-fM—97 ‘ ▼^ Brought to gaol, on the 14th Au- gust, a negro man, who says his name is Jerry, belongs to Mr. John Fox, of Augusta, about twenty-two years of age, five feet six inchi* high, a small scar on his left cheek. At HARMON,». a. c. c- Prime Green Coftee. 150 bags prime green COFFEE, just landed and for sale by MINIS & HENRY, aug 15—m—97 Razee Boots, Shoes and Slippers. ^ JUST RECEIVED, FROM KEW-TORK, By the ship Woodbine and brig Savannah Packet, •adies’ colored and black morocco Slippers do Grecian Ties do Pumps do walking Shoes undressed morocco Slip* kid Slips Misses’ morocco vBoots, Slippers and Ties Men’s Razee Boots Do morocco Jefferson Shoes and Pumps Do wax calf’s skin Jeffersotis Do morocco Pumps -/ Do fine Shoes Do buff Slippers Youth’s Shoes and Pumps &n<V childf&V Buskins The above articles are sele^tnl by the Subscriber him* self, and are of a superior quality John Bouglass, aug 15 ■■ -97 Qibboii’s building Ditto do do Ditto do Ditto do Ditto do do Ditto do do Just received, 2 trunks Baltimore Boots, of superior quality 1 do Bootees and Razee* 2 do men’s fine Shoes and Pumps, &c. E. S. Kempton. aurc-lS—r— 97 1 he subscribers Have removed from Gibbon’s building to their new brick store, fronting "Johnston’s square, and have just receiv« ed, per ship Woodbine, froin New-York, 1 case assorted northern Homespun 1 do 4-4 fine Irish Linen 1 do 4-4 low priced do 20 pieces yellow Nankeen nr Stork, Superfine Broadcloths and Cauimeae Hum hums, Gingham, Calico, Dimity Pavillipn Gauze, Irish and Russia Sheeting Black Canton Handkerchiefs, Marseilles ve White and striped Jean, Russia Diaper Ladies’ and gentlemen’s black and white silk Hose Ladies’ and gentlemen’s white and colored cotton Hosft Ladies’kid and beaver Gloves, cotton Counterpanes Marseilles Quilts, Steam loom Shirting Muslins, Cambrics,.Lenocs, black and colored Saragett Black Shinchews, Florentine Vesting Black Bombazine and Bombazet Black and white Crape, brown Linen Cotton Platillas, oil Clotbs, Bedtick Cotton table Cloths and Knap kins Cotton Cassimere, Romal and Madras Handkerrhiefs &C. Also, 2 elegant Piano Fortes 1 Crib, 1 pair knife Cases, 1 rocking Chair 2 seta elegant fiuicy Chain, together with a number of other Articles, too tedious to enumerate, all of which are offered for sale, fbr cash or approved town acceptances. Stebbins & Mason. aug 15 97 testing Georgia—U haiham county. By S. M. Bond, clerk of the court of ordinary for sai county To all whom it may concern Whereas, "Matthew Riesser, applies for letters of a< ministration on the estate of John M‘Legon, as princip creditor These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all a»d sir gtilar, the jbindred and creditors to file their objection! (if any they have) in Ihy office, on or before the 14th da; of September next, otherwise letters will be granted hir Given, under my hand and seal of office, this 14th da; of August, 1816. PT-97J JL, S.) SAMUEL M.BpMV,c. c. p.