Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, August 17, 1816, Image 4

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mm ». Itsaiored by 1 Tbe price ofthi INDEPENDENCE. dollars each; We have no'authentic copy of tliis most important State Paper, the verv basis that supports the proud Co-, lutnnof American Liberty; none, at least on which tfye eve of taste can rest, for "a moment, with satisfaction.— \Vht save wb not? The English nation, still proud of their MAGNA CH \RTA, though every provision it contains has been trampled upon by the bold, ambition of their rulers, have published edition after edition of this instrument, each Store splendid than its predecessor. Sir William Black- Stone has collated and commented on it. His fine copy ©T Magna Charts has been excelled by later specimens of the art, and the fac similies of die seals and signatures have made every reader of taste iq Great ^Britain acquaint ed, in some degree, not merely with the state of know ledge and of art at the period in question, but with t!u literary attainments, also, of King John, King Henry, and their “Barons bold.” Surely the Declaration of American Independence is^ at least, as well entitled to the decorations of art as the Magna Charla of England; and if the fac-similies of the signatures of the patriots who signed it were published in America, it would serve to gratify a curiosity, at least as laudable as that which calls for imitations of the cor respondents of Junius, or of the aristocracy that wrested the English Charter from the reluctant monarchs of the ^Ve are tinnly persuaded that the more the principles of our Declaration of Independence are spread out be fore the eyes of the world, the more they will be admir ed, by foreign nations as well as our own, and every in nocent and honest device that may serve to attract at tention toward them, will serve, also, to promote the great cause of public liberty. Such an embellished edi tion as will render it an ornament to an apartment, will have a tendency to spread the knowledge of its contents, among those who would otherwise have turned theif thoughts but lightly towards the subject. Such an edi tion will serve to place it continually under the eye ot man, woman and cliild in aJLrtiily—it will associate ti.e pleasureable ideas of elegance and ornament with the history of tbe transaction itself—and familiarise those principles which form, or ought to form, the very bond and cement of political society. Nor is it of small mo ment that such an edition, weil executed, will serve as a specimen of the state of the Fine Arts amongst us as.,t the present day. Actuated by these views, the subscri ber proposes to publish A SPLENDID EDITION ^.stavTTfy~•-£. . most approved wider emorew. superb copies Will be THIRTEEN As no-more of those copies will be print ed than shall be.subscriberi for, gentlemen who wish for them, are requested to add the Word “c»lore<r’ to their subscriptions. JOHN B1NNS, No. 70, Chesnut street. Cj* Subscriptions for the above proposed splendid Engraving will be received at this office. july 9- -81 £> Brought to gaol, in Savannah, on the 7tii June, i3i6, a V.-.-ro Jhn, who says is, name is Cuffee, ami that he belongs to the estate of John Fraser, but has been in thi charge of John.II. MTntosh. He is about 35 years'of age, and 5 feet 9 inches high; he has an ulcer onhislefr leg, and has lost the little toe of his left foot; lias on white cotton, shirt, jacket and trowsers. Hi Gli MUIAl.L, •?. c. c. JT—70. & Brought to goal, on the 17th u uly, 1816, Tom, the properly of doctor Gillett, of South C;.r- oriina. He is H . e feet three inches high, thirty years of age, and an African by birth, thin free. H. M‘Call, g. c. c. iulv 23 7 On ike Jirst Tuesday in September next, Will be sold at the cOHrt house in Savannah, bttween thehoiura nt If) and .3 o’clock. * the hours cit 10 and 3 o’clock, Ttvo Negro Women, named BoseandDi; levied© 11 the property of Joseph Davis to satisfy an execution at tlie suit of the United Staten, vs. Joseph Davis, and Duvui Leion. JOHN EPPINGER, marshal. aug 10—9|5 Miirshal’s sale continued. vti On the first Tuesday in September next, Will be sold at the court house, in tlie city of Savannah between tlie hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, A Negro Wench, named Delia; levied on as the pro perty of Robert Dillon, at the suit of William Hort. John Eppingery .y tar shell 10- -0.5 £> Brought to gaol, on the 30th July, 1316, negro xv. mufti ftsriY, property of James Sandiford, at Liberty county. She is about forty-five years age and • e feet one nch high; she has lost one joint of tlie little finger of the left hand. H. M‘CALL, «. c. ;ugiisi 1— 91 In Council, 12th August, 18115. Resolved, TIiat Election be held at tne Court House, in tiiis city, on MONDAY, the5d day of September next, for fourteen Aldermen and a Clerk of the .Market, under the- Supcrintcndance of three or more Justices of the Peace or Judges of the Inferior Courts not. be-ing them selves candidates; Jlnd, That tlie Cit}' Sheriff, with two ‘ or more City Constables, do attend to keep and pre serve order. Extract from the minutes. D. D. Williams, c. c. roving Tincture “Tired Nature’s soft restorer, balmv sleew He, like this world, his readv visit pays P> WTiepe Fortune smiles, the wretched he forsake. Swift on his dowjiy pinions flies from Bed “ d •“* ““"•'w., After the most minute research and experiment, oo its efficacy, Dr. Bkrthelot now confidently f’* 6 ' 1 * the public, that he hasinvented a mixture which' "* infallibly destroy those unwelcome distuihers'of n ‘ r!t pose, by applying it to the furniture which the v There i* nn Honor**** :— /• , * .jnk-yt. There is no danger in its use, and it is perfectly Wl ungrateful smell '""k As Dr. Berthelot is desirous that what he now «• to suffering humanity may recommend itself bv ^ he abstains from all that panegyric too often ' acc , nvinethe most contemptible nostrums^ aug otice. aur 13- -°6 *** for a Daring ray absence from Savan nah, tor a few months, Mr. Gil;, will conduct me f- t firs of the Livery Stables; Mr. Daly, tlie Stage Office; and Job T. Bolles, will act as my Attorpev l Agent. Daniel Hotchkiss. july 6 89 Drought to gaol, in Savannah, July l.i, 1816, X i, belonging t. Redder Tutton, Black Swam South Carolinr; she is about thirty years of age and five feet high! has on a blue frock. H. AFCALL, july 16 84 g. . < Police Office, 20th July, 1816 Pursuant to .. n solution of Council, die following re port is published for the information of all concerned. “The committee to whom was referred tlie considera ticui ot the best mode of redeeming, investing and appro priating tlie funds derived from tlie emission of corport tion treasury change bills, report—that for tlie further security of the holders of the said bills, the treasurer do keep a separate account of tlie amount issued and that he do keep the sums in the treasury of the city; to enable him to pay bills when presented to him, and that on no occasion do he make use of the sums so received, but for the payment of tlie said bills, unless otherwise authorised *** Brought to gaol, in Savannah, July 13,1816, Punch, belonging to Samuel Lowder, near Augusta. He is about forty years of age and five feet six inches high; has on nankeen trowsers andstriped shirt, lias a thin face ahd a scar on the back of'his right hand. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, Whish shali be, in all respects, American. All the ne oessary materials shall be manufactured in this country, and expressly for tliis publication. The Designs, the Engravings shall be tlie work of American Artists; the publication throughout shall afford evidence ot what our citizens'Aat»e done in politics and cun do in art. Philadelphia, .March, 1816. plan and terms op subscription. When the publisher submitted the preceding notice of his intention to undertake tliis national publication, al though it had long occupied his redactions, lie was not fully aware of its importance, for he had never suspected what the fact really is, that there is no where extant an authentic published copy of the most important Slate Paper in the annals of the world. The original Declaration of Independence, &§ depo sited in the secretary of state’s office, was happily pre served when so many valuable papers were consumed by the enemy. ‘Without dwelling upon slight differ ences, inaccuracies, or omissions, the first words which present themselves in our printed copies, and even us they are of record on the Journals of the Old Congress, are as follows;— . ™ ja DECLARATION BT THE REPRESENTATIVES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IN CONGRESS ASSEMBLED,” whereas in tlie original the Declaration is thus headed- “THE UNANIMOUS DECLARATION OF THE THIRTEEN UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. This is not a mere verbal distinction; it involves a dif ference in principle. Does it become Americans to be careless on tiiis subject, or ought interpolation or altera tion of any kind to be permitted in a public document so sacred? Ought it not to be faithfully preserved and transmitted to posterity word for word, letter for letter ahd point for point? The American public will unhesitatingly answer YES! and the publisher stands pledged to have it so engraved, ail'd to accompany it with tlie requisite proofs of authen ticity. The size of the Paper will be thirty-six inches by twen ty-four, it will be manufactured by Mr. Amies, in his best manner and of the very best materials. The Design, which is from the pencil of Mr. Bridpdrt, will be executed in imitation of lias Relief; and will en circle the Declaration as a cordon of honor, surmounted by the Arms of the United'States. Immediately under neath the arms will be a large medallion portrait of gene ral GEORGE WASHINGTON, supported by cornucopia:, and embellished -with spears, fags, and other military tro phies ahd emblems. On the one side of this medallion portrait, will be a similar portrait of JOHN HANCOCK, Bresident of'Congress, July 4; 1776; and on the other a portrait of THOMAS JEFFERSON, author of tlie De claration of Independence. The arms “of the Thirteen United States,” in medal lions, united by wreaths of Olive Leaves, will form the remainder pf the cordon, which will be further enriched by some- of the characteristic productions of tlie United States; such as the Tobacco and Indigo Plants, the Cot ton Shrub, Rice, 8c.c. ' Tffie whole of the design, (excepting the portraits) will be engraved by Mr. Murray, of Philadelphia, wdio lias for some weeks been at work on the plate. ‘ Mr, Leney, of New-York will engrave die Portraits. By the-advice of all the artists engaged, the publisher has abandoned the idea of printing the declaration with types, and has determined to have the whole of it ex- oraved. The ornamental disposition and style of the en graving of tlie Declaration of Independence, which will occupy" the interior of the cordon, will be designed and executed by Mr. Fairman. TKefac-simiiies will be engraved by Mr. Vallance, whb wiil execute tills important part of the publication at the city of Washington, where by permission of the se cretary of state, he will have tlie oiuginae signatures constantly under his eye. The public are well apprized that the gentlemen •whose names have been mentioned, -as undertaking par ticular departments in the proposed publication, are the Cyst artists-in the United States, and they have, one and all, Assured the publisher that they will sedulously devote themselves to the execution of the several parts they have undertaken, and will finish them in such a manner, as to do-credit to themselves and to the country, so far as depends on the anxious employment of their respective talents on this national work. The poRTRAits wiH be engraved from original paint ings and the most esteemed likenesses. The arms of the United States, and of the several states, will be faithfully executed from official descriptions and documents, and in the manner directed by the most approved authors on tlie science of Heraldry. From the arrangements made, and the dispositions manifested by the artists, it is confidently expected that tliis engraving will be, when finished, a splendid and tru ly national publication. The publisher thinks lie can pro mise that it shall be ready to deliver to subscribers in February next, at TEN dollars each copy, to be paid on delivery. The engravings will be accompanied by a Pamphlet, containing the official documents connected with the pub lication as authorities, and a list of the subscribers* july 16- -84 H. M’Call, g. c. c. by special resolution of council. Y our committee are of opinion, that the amount issued is too sm.Jl to enable council to make any appropriation of the same by invest ment in funds or otherwise to draw interest, and that the existence of these bills may be too short in their limita tion to authorise council for the present to make an permanent appropriation of their proceeds. Y'our com mittee further recommend tlie treasurer do receive for said bills, the current money of the city, to wit—lit *** Brought to gaol, on the 11th inst. Sam, who says he belongs to Jacob Sutton of Jefierson county. Five ft-et 7 inches high, thick lips, round face, and has on biue pantaloons and striped vest about 27 years old. A. HAItMON, «. g. c. c. august 18 06 * - Brought to gaol, on ta£ i4th Au gust, .. negro m .n, «viio says his name is Jerky, belongs to Mr. John Fox, of-Augusta, about twenty-two years of age, five feet six inches high, a smail scar on" his left cheek. A. HARMON, d. «. c. c. aug 35 97 notes of Banks wliich are not depreciated further than I the difference of exciiange, and that the tre..surer furnis; j the committee of Finance with tlie amount of change bias issued, and die amount on hand received for the same, and that he do advertise that persons, holders of tne change bills, will receive payment at any time, by calling on the treasurer—but no sum under one dollar wni be paid. CHARiJsS HARRIS, Y GEO. V. PROCTOR, C Committee” EDWARD HARDEN,3 Extract from the minutes. D. D. Williams, c. c. july 23—87 City Marshal’s saies. Savauuak Poor House and Hospital. VISITING COMMITTEE On Friday, the 13iA September, Will be sold before the Exchange, between the hours of! ten o'clock a. m. and two o’clock p. m. the following Articles: Two pipes of Cognac Brandy; levied on as the pro perty of Sturges & Burroughsto satisfy an execution for taxes due the city; amount of tax §300 and costs Also one Iron (cotton compressing screw, and the ap paratus attached to the same;) levied on as the property of ILzen Kimball, to satisfy an execution for taxes due the city; amount of tax g34 5 cts and costs Also one bale of white Plains, marked I. H. C. No. 14; levied on as the property of S. C. Dunning to satisfy an execution for taxes due the city; amount of tax §95 and costs Also four pieces of Ticklenburgs; levied on as the pro perty o J. Hanmer & Co. to satisfy an execution in favor of the city for taxes; amount due §57 and costs Also one Jack Screw; lev ied on as the property of I Brooks & Welman to satisfy an execution in favor of the city for taxes; amount due §10 and costs F. M. Stoue, c. m aug 13 96 For July and August, James Morrison and Benjamin Burroughs. july 30 00 Joseph Cumming Of t/ry 125 Dollars’ reward. Runaway, some months past, the following Negroes, belonging to the estaveof Peter H. Morel, deceased—Joe’ a likely man, about five feet six inches liigh, a carpenter by trade, of a yellowish compaction—he is well known in Savannah, and was formerly owned by the late John P. Ward, esq. Simon, a young man, about twenty-five years old, has a downcast look, when spoken to. Mohia, a young woman, of light cornplection, about twenty-five years old, and Aor.v, a woman about thirty years old, bmps when she walks, occasioned by a burn. ’ The above- negroes are harbored at tlie south end of Ossabaw, where Joe was recently t;.ken, but made his escape. Fifty dol-' lars will be p:iid for Joe’s being lodged in the countv gaol and twenty-five dollars each for the others. John H. Morel. jtine 13—70 Slier ill’s sale. On the first Tuesday in September next, Will be sold at the court house, in Jefferson, Camden country, between the usual hours of ten and three o’clock, A tract of Land, lying and being in Camden county, on St. Murv’s river, about one and a half miles from the town of St. Mary’s, containing seven hundred and eigh- y acres, more or less—levied on under the foreclosure Fifty Dollars’ reward, i j ft it It all reasonable of a mortgage as the property of the representatives of | Margaret Jones to satisfy tlie Commissioners of Camden County Academy. . JOHN BAILEY, s. c. c. 31 in -76 aheriif’s sales. On the first Tuesday in September next, Will be sold at the court-house, in the city of Savannah, between tlie usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, Also, the one ninth part of Lot No. 5, Third tythir.g, Reynold’s ward, and the ninth part of all those buildings, on said lot, on the corner of Drayton and Congress streets; levied on as the property of the estate Thomas Dowell, deceased, to satisfy John 11. Haupt and Henry Haupt. Also, a negro fellow, named Primus; levied on as the { p. S property of Owen Hughes, dec. and sold to satisfy the executrix of John H. Deubell, dec. Also, a negro woman, named Lucy; levied on as the property of Edmund Jarvis to satisfy David Bell, et. al. A. Cope, s. c. c. august 3 92 charges, Will be given, by the subscribers, for the immediate apprehension of the Negro Fellow Tom, belonging to Nicholas Crager, esq. who ranaway, on the 7th July from captain Bythwood’s vessel, while at Beaufort, (s. c.) and whom his master put on board, at Charleston, with several articles for his plantation, on Caiawassi Island.— It is expected Tom will endeavor to get on board some vessel, from Savannah for New-York, in which place he has a mother, v, ho is free—Tom is about twenty-five years of age, five feet four or six inches high, short, but thiek set, speaks with much deliberation and civility, when ad dressed; has a prominent but very heavy eye,"remarkably fond of dress and neat in his person, reads very well, has a scar between his chin and under lip. Torn is a very cunning, artful fellow, quick and a good waiter, he is of a dark copper color, he wished to be sold in Charleston and not to return to the country; lie being a very artful fellow, and by forged papers, may make his escap,e.— The above reward will be paid for Tom’s being lodged in Savannah gaol and information immediately given to John White & Co. Factors, Chisolm's whurj, Charleston, f S. ~C.J All owners and masters of vessels „re cautioned against receiving- tlie fellow Tom on board, on anv pre text whatever. august 1 94 The Copartnership of Pelot & Merrick, heret-f existing in the city of Savannah; and of 1st r \;, 1 & Co. inNew-York; was dissolved on tlie 5th j’jT and the business will hereafter be carried on hi scriber. SAMUEL G. pri' i-ig 1.3—m—96 J| l W liarf and Stores. To rent, that extensive Wharf and coirmno-'ii at present occupied by Mr. B; ma M‘Kin; possession maybe iiad on the first of Never.' 7n .' : For terms apply f o R. St J. HABER.5H.ijj' of, iulv f- -81 To rent, Frorh the first October next, all tl^at valuable e; -i and stores situated thereon, near the Exch nge, ci.innm ly cal led Morel’s u harf. Apply to doctor Miner, Bruii i ton street, or to T. N. Morel, esq. august 13 96 For salt The PLANTATION called Y EttNEZOBmr, colonel Daniel Heyward, dec. situate on the tar the Savannah b .ck-river, twelve miles from t_, , contiguous to the lands of Thomas Gibbons, j : tract consists of a total of 2126 acres, being . to pretty equal proportions of tide-swamp, ;■••• .; cotton and-\ provision lands. Of ti.e former about 3oo acres on the river, which, Ly clearing, v be well c dcuiated for a productive rice piaiita',1 of tlie latter, with a large body of cleared ; r; land, there are about 130 acres of prime unclean.; ton land. On the place there is an excellent uwt house, with five rooms; a large substantially bmli with a number of negro-houses and other buildin Possession of the place will be given at any time. made easy to an approved 33.■ terms, which will be chaser, apply to the owner, at Callawassie Luke’s Parish, South-Caroima, or to the under- factors in Savannah. W ILLIAMSON Sc DE TILL h -62 Stolen, From the subscriber, on the night of the 12th inv Five Hundred and Eighty-Six Dollars; pr.ncipahv 11 and 20 dollar bank notes of the State Bank o; \ Carolina. A Reward of Fifty Dohars will be gj-.-.n fa I tlie recovery of the money and apprehension of the t.ii£( I or Twenty-Five Dollars for the mono alon.. Edinmid Blunt July 27——89 Twenty Dollars’ rowu\ u. ’•.Vifv W'ill be p:id for the apprehension of the suLser.ber’j mulatto fellow Billy, who absconded on ti e 276. dt Billy is well known about Savannah and was forn-cm -i; pr perty of five late Edward L. Davies, esq. and huair of Mr. Benjamin Norris; it is suspected he is lutb about the city, as he has been seen lately several f { and has a wife who resides near the Fort. The ..L ( reward will be given and all reasonable expencrs-J ipon his being lodged hu gaol, or delivered to Vtsn Btvill & Co. lumber faetors; or to the subscriber. esidence, in Scriven county. JAMES hEMit > • 1 . <!6 ,<j Receiver ol i ax Returns’ c Thirty dollars’ reward. ^Sheriff’s sales, continued. On the first Tuesday in September, Will be sold at the court house in in Jefferson, Camden j county, between the-usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, A tract of land lying and being in Camden county, on Berrel’s creek, near the town of St. Mary’s, containing | 700 acres, more or less—levied on as the property of names. The engravings will be delivered to subscribers in the manner in which they may have subscribed. Itis contemplated to have a. few copies printed on pa- £ er prepared to carry colors, to have the shields accurate- r tinctured in the modern style, and the plants, &©. Robert Brownlow, to satisfy his taxes for the year 1815, also, his fifty per cent, tax for tlie year 1814, amount due. §1.6 99 cents and cost. Also, a two story dwelling house and kitchen, situated in the town of St. Mary’s, on the east corner of lot No. 4; levied on as tlie property of the late Vincent Pendergast, dec. to satisfy his taxes for the years 1812, 13 and 14, amount due §39 96 cents and cost. John Bailey, s. c. julv 25 88 Ranaway from tlie subscriber, on Sunday, 16th instant, negro man Joe, about 20 or 21 years of age, rather yel lowish complexion, and about 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high; had on when he went away, a black coat, light cassimere pantaloons, boots and a black hat; has been seen .several times about town since with light clothes on. The above reward will be paid for lodging him in gaol ' SI or delivering him to me, and all n aonable expenses! J. E. Hartridge. une 22 74 Ten Dollars’ reward. c. Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in September next, Will be sold at tlie court house, in Riceborough, Li berty county, between the hours of ten ana three o’clock, the following property, viz: Peggy, a negro woman; levied on as the property of Alexander Forrester to satisfy an execution in favor of 1 Nathaniel Law. Conditions, cash. Benjamin Mell, s. august 1 —-91 L. C. Sheriff’s sales. Runaway from the subscriber, on the 29th July, 1816, a Negro Fellow, named John; lie is a likely young fel low, about twenty-five years of age and about five feet six or eight inches high, he has large whiskers, he is of a very black complexion and has a scar on his forehead, and another on one of his feet, it has been cut with an axe, he cah read English very well, he is a keen, sensible fellow and of a very pleasing countenance, his back is very much marked with the whip, he was raised in South Carolina, near Charleston, and removed to Savan nahs and sold by David Polock to Joseph Seymour, and by the latter to myself; it is likely he mav call himself Peter. Any person, apprehending said fellow and deliv ering him to me, or securing him in any gaol shall receive the above reward and reasonable expences paid. David Hall, Little SatiUa River, Camden county, Georgia. Qff All masters of vessels are cautioned against carry ing off said negro, as the law will be enforced against tl'fnit;- its n-m'.’- .st extynt. august 8 L 94 On the first Tuesday in October next, Will be sold at the court house, in the city of Savannah, between tlie usual hours of 10 and 3 o’olock, Five negroes, viz; Isaac, Cretia, Damon, Mentor and Sally; levied on as the property of-William Stephens, esq. and sold under a foreclosure of mortgage to satisfy Joshua E. White- & Co. Sheriff’s s&les. aug 10 - -95 A. Copers, c. c. On the first Tuesday in October next, Will be sold at the court house, in the city of Savannah between th$ ytfual fours °f 10 and 3 o’clock, One third of Lpt apd Buildings, No. 10, West-Brpad- street, Oglethorpe Vard; levied on as the property of 'Jacob Herein an, to satisfy the executors of Simon Fraser ' “ ■ Adam Cope. s. e. c. augsist 8— NO i ICE TO ABSEN ELS. That the foil owing lands have been < barged h taxe fo' the gear 8lo. Lewis Dubloise eight th-iusand acres Lan<\ia| ■ m en county, on Si. Mary’s ri er; suj r .isr be principally pin; land. The hi-irs Willi m Middleton, five thowsmo hundred and s»vent\ five acres, situated in Cam den county. White Oak creek' William Elliot, five tb Ui-and and two hnnird ac r es, situated in Cam inn cuun y, or Gnat Satitii riter, rear Jefferson. Hueh Rose, one thousand four hundred a^ru, situated in Camden county, on Great featilii ver, near Jefferson. John Bailpv. k. t. e. inn - op . . * * tiou wnl be Nine months after date, nade to the Justices ot m- lit Court of Chat ham count. . for have to :e n lowing property for the benefit of the he rs and itors of Thomas Glen, late >>f said count). lt: - viz One undiv ded fifth part of lot No 8, in Fi^’ ick ty thing, Darby ward,containing- 60 feet in n Broughton street, ana 90 in d p h, witn '-M u’idings and improvements therein; <ni t* 0 lots of land on the Isle tl<v e, tun■ aininj together 67 acres GEORGE GL.E-V t 11 -39 F.r G’ts- Gcorgia- id Chatham Superior Court; May ’term, 18-6- Th omas Gibbons, assignee of George 8coht tJ • m s Pierce. Upon the petition of Thomas Gffibons, » 5 * ! ' nee of George Scott, praying the fureclosut ol the equity of redemption of the f-d owing p r£,nl * m-8, mortgaged by the said James Pierce to the G-orge Scott, on the seventh day of May ‘ e thousand eight hundred and ten to securt tl’ c nayment of three certain Bonds, bearing *v--n <i«' e th .-rewith conditioned for the payment of ihe sB- 3 of three thousand six hundred and twen'v v z thirteen hundred dollars on the fi tt dq January, one thousand eight hundred ai d eb'^ i eleven hundred and twenty dollars 01 the ’ day of January, one thousand eight hunrireia; twelve; and twelve hundred dollars on th- first r-*.' of January one thousand eight hundred and tf- ir ) teen; viz. all that lot of land situate in the city °‘ Savannah, and known by the number (ID ele'fri in Franklin ward, containing sixty feet io f r ° n - and ninety feet in depth, together with ail singular the houses, buildings and improve thereon; and on motion of Messrs. Lloyd St rison, attornies for the petitioner. . . ■ It is ordered by the Court, That tbe princip* > interest and costs due upon said mortgaged P re 9‘ es be paid into court within twelve months frt ; this date; and unless the same be so paid, the p( l u ‘‘j of redemption shall thenceforth be foreclosed s ^ Other proceedings take place pursuant to the a‘ assembly. It is further ordered. That this r u * pu lished in one oTThe public gazettes of titles » at least once a month until the time a PP°.' nt '*^ c j 4 i payment; or served on the mortgagor or hi* agent alleast six months previous to the time and .nienti Mor- money is ordered to paid into court as 1 Extract from the minuter. Joj)T. BollesclK- may 30—ca$—64,