Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, September 03, 1816, Image 4

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A IXDEPF.XDEXCE. We 'have no authentic copy of this most important State Papet-, the very basis that supports the proud co- iumn of American liberty; none, at least on.which the we'of taste-can rest, for a moment, with satisfaction.— Why have we not? The English nation, still promt of their MAGNA CHARTA, though every provision it contains has been "trampled upon by the bold ambition of their rulers, have puliKshed edition after editioif of tlus instrument, each inbre splendid than its predecessor. Sir Wiiliarti Black- itone has Polluted and commented on it His fine'copy of Magna Charta has been excelled by later specimens of the art, and the fac similies of the seals and signatures have’fhade every reader of taste in G-reat-Britain acquaint- odv msomedegrc-e, not merely with the slate of know ledge and of art at the period in question, but with the liter^ury.attm.ftments, also, of King John, King Henry, and ’their “Barons bold.” " Surely the Declaration of American Independence is, *t least, as well entitled to the decorations of art as the J&HgUa Gharta .of England: and if the faC-similies of the signatures of the patriots who signed it were published in America, it would serve to gratify a curiosity, at least j*Sf iaudaifte as that which calls for imitations of the cor respondents of Junius, or of the aristocracy that wrested 3the English Charter from the reluctant mouarchs of the ’day., We^re firmly persuaded that the more the principles out Declaration of Independence are spread out be fore the eyes of the world, tire more they will be admir ed, by foreign nations as r 11 as our own, and every in nocent arid honest device that nr,y serve to attract at tention toward them, will serve, also, to promote the great cause of public liberty. Such an embellished edi tion as will render it an ornament to an apartment, will ■have tendency to spread the knowledge of .ts contents, Am6ng'. these who would otherwise have turned their thoughts but lightly towards the subject. Such an edi tion will serve to place it continually under the eye of jaan, Woman and child in a family—it will associate the mfeasureable ideas of elegance and ornament with the hiuton- of the transfection itself—and familiarise those Jprinciples which form, or ought to form, the very bond fend cement of political society. Nor is it ot’ small nio- JmetSt that such an edition, weil executed, will serve as a t specimen of the state of the Fine Arts amongst us -s at t£e_pre»ent day. Actuated by these views, tiie subscri pt proposes to publish ~~ ‘ * ' A SPLENDID EDITION DECLARATION INDEPENDENCE, lb- Which shall be, ih all respects, American. ^ All the ne- bfessary-materials shall be manufactured in tliis country, and expressly for this publication. The Ztesigi iu'j tile Engravings shall be the work of American Artists: the publication throughout shall afford evidence ot what our ■Citizens have clone in politics and can dom art. ~ Philadelphia, March, 1816. pt.iv anil tTerms of subscription. Wheti the publisher submitted the preceding notice of his intention to undertake this national publication, al though it had 16ng occupied his reflections, he was not fully aware of its importance, for he had never suspected what the fact really is, that there is no -where extant an Authentic published copy of the most important State Timer iri the annals of the World. • Tire ohrdiNAif Declaration of Independence, as depo sited’in‘the secretary of state’s office, was happily pre served When so many valuable papers were consumed bf fhe&riemyt Without dwelling upon slight dirter- ■ences, inaccuracies, or omissions, the first words which presept .themselves in our printed copies, and even as they are of record on the Journals of the Old Congress, sfte ds follows"/— " *£■ DECLARATION bt the REPRESENTATIVES ot the Tf^nTi'burr'ATES • OF AMERICA IN CONS11KSS ASSEMBLEII,” whereas in the original the Declaration is thus headed— ‘‘ra^ UNAXXMOUS DECLARATION of the thirteen united STATES OF AMERICA.” ^ This is not a mere verbal distinction; it involves a dif ference in principle. Docs it become Americans to be edmess- on tliis subject, or ought interpolation or altera- tifth’ofi' any kind to be permitted iri a public document so sacred 5 ' Ought it not to be faithfully preserved and tz^nsmitted to posterity word for word, letter for letter aKdpbint filr point? The American public will unhesitatingly answer YES! and.the publisher st ands pledged to have it so engraved and to ‘heidurhpany it with the requisite proofs of authem tietof. ' dtbttsiie of the Paper will be thirty-six inches by twen- 't/3t>ur. It will be manufactured by Mr. Amies, in his ‘teSfoianner and of the very best materials. The Design, which is from the pencil of Mr. Bhldfort, ■wifi be dkOcrited in imitation of Has Relief; and will en- ciftffc thff Declaration as a-cordon of honor, surmounted by the AitfUs of the United States. Immediately under neath the arms will be a large medallion portrait of gene-' "ral GEORGE WASHINGTON,supported by cornucopia, -and embelUsked-with spears; flags, and other military tro phies and emblems. On the one side of tliis medallion portrait, will be a similar portrait of JOHN HANCOCK, SVesident of Congress, July 4, 1776; and on the other a ^aME'V’THOMAS JEFFERSON, author of the De claration of'Independence. The arms “of the Thirteen United States,” in medal lions, united by wreaths of Olive Leaves, will form the reibaJlldef oftlie cordon, which will be further enriched hyfsoihd’ df thWcharaeterisUc productions of the United StsiCS; shell as the Tobacco and Indigo Plants, the Cot- toaShrub, Rice, Sec. The whole cf the design, (excepting the portraits) will be engrav ed by Mr. Murray, of Philadelphia, who has for samfr'Veeks h et: n at'work on the plate. Mr.LEsEY, 'of New-York will engrave the Portraits. pp the Advice of all the artists engaged, the publisher haRabaiiSotied the idea of printing the declaration with types, and has determined to have the whole of it en- <;raved. The ornamental disposition and style of the en- grsviSg' of-the Declaration' of Independence, wliich will o«*Jpythe interior of the cordon, will be designed and ex dented by Mr. Fair gentlemen them, aje requested to add the word “qolored” to their subscriptions. JOHN BINNS, • Xo. 70, Chesnut street: Cj- Subscriptions for the above proposed splendid Engraving will be peceived at this office. july 9 81 *** Brought to goal, on the 25th inst. a negro man, who says his name is Isaac, and belongs to Richard Keating, of Bryan county, five feet seVen inches high, about 27 years old, has on u nite wooden pantaloons and blue jacket, much patched. A. Harmon, d. g. c. c. aug 27—102 $3* Brought to gaol, on the l6ta Au gust, 1810 a mulatto in-ii, says his n.ane *s Bil<-T, be longs to MixCisey, of Charleston, South-Carohna, about nineteen years of age, five .feet one.inch .high, wonts two fore teeth, h-es on blue jacket and pantaloons. A. HARMON, ; i| t V* -OR 11. o. C. C. Medical Science tottery, NO. 2. ■ Will draw on the 7th of October, in fee city of New- Yorfc. The prizts'are, • 1 of - $30,000 is 1 20,u00 1 10,000 1 SOOQ 5 1000 40 700. 12 a - $00 20 200 30 100 70 50 * 100 20 2500 10 3000 7 9500 5 * «30,000 20,001 10,00t 500t 5000 28,000 '6000 —4000 *3000 3500 2009 25,000 21,000 47,500 *** on the 19th ; say s i.e belongs Brouglit to gaol, August, a negro man, named Willia to Mr. James Smith, of Camden, (s. c.) about 27 years of age, five feet four inches high, has a small scar on las left eye-brow, lias on dork pantaloons, and coarse brown shin. A. llARMOOf, d. a. c. e. aug 20 99 15.281 prizes 14,719 blanks More prizes than blanks. Tickets- in the above Lottery for sale by the subscriber. J Obi AH PENFIELD. july 9—±c.\—81 Graml Lodge. The Members of the Grand Hodge of Georm, the different Lodges under its jurisdiction, by dtp. Der rer»pe<4ent:itivp«; are qumrr orpii »/. _ i ., * r pfo- au£ 17 98 D I). Williams, Grand -Secretary *** During my absence from Sav& n . nah, for a few months, Mr. Guo., will conduct the f fairs of the Livery Stables; Mr. Daly, the Stage Offif' apd Job T. Bolles, wiilactas mv Attorney —a * - ‘ e ‘ july 6- -80 _ 'and Agent Daniel Hotchkiss. To relit, From the first October next, all that valuable wharf and stores situated thereon, near the Exchange, common ly called Morel’s wharf. Apply to doctor Miller, Brough ton street, or to T. N. Morel, esq. august 13 06 Brought to goal, on the 17th July, 1816, 'Tom, the property of doctor Giiictt, of South ' -«r- orlina. He is five feet three inches high, tliirty years of age, and an African by 7 birth, thin face. H. M-Call, g. c. c. july 23 37 *** Brought to gaol, in Savannah, July lb, 1816, PTum e, belonging to Samuel Lowuer, near Augusta. He is about forty 7 years of age and five feet six inches high; lias on nankeen trowsers and striped shirt, h.,s a tluu face and a scar on the back of iris right land. H. M‘Call,G. c. c. iulv 16— 84 jN oiice. All persons having demands against the estate of J'uin II. Deuberl, dec. and those indebted are requested to cad on C. ih Hayden, and settle the Same, who is autho nsed to transact the business of said estate. Ann Deubell, auir 27—tp—102 udm'rx Ten Dollars’ reward. Ranawav from the subscriber about the first of January last, allegro man named Ll*CK, five feet four or fije inches in liieght, well *pade,' but small, ag-ed about 30 years, ,-nd well known in Savannah, having worked about town for several wears p. Rahn, executor of Nathan! february 1—f—12 T id managed by Josepl ittier, deceased. William Bird. City Marglt&rs sales. On Tiit^play, September next, Will be sold befcirqjfiieTrtliiange, between tiie hours of ten o’clock a. andtwo o’clock, r. m. the follow’ articles: , • Three hogsheads Jamaica Rum; levied on as the pro perty of Barna M’Kinne & Co. to satisfy ail execution for taxes due the city. • Also ten pieces cotton Bagging; levied on as the pro perty 7 of R. & J. Bolton, to satisfy an execution fortuxes due the city. Also one bale of Woollens; levied on as the property of R. Richardson, to satisfy an execution for taxes due the city. F. M. STONE, c. si. aug- 20— 99 who the city of Washington, v. nere ny pe crejfhry of stafe, he will have the criuikae siunatcres constantly under his eye. T-he public are well apprized that the gentlemen whose names have been mentioned, as undertaking par ticular 'departments in the proposed publication, are the first artists in the United States, and they have, one and all, assured the publisher, that they will sedulously devote themselves to the execution of the several parts they have undertaken, and will finish them in such a manner, as tp docredit to themselves and to the country", so far as depends on the anxious employment of their respective talents on this national work. Eh<6 -Portraits will be engraved from original paint ings and the most esteemed likenesses. The arms of the United States, and of the several states, will.fce firithfilHy executed from official descriptions and documents, and in the manner directed by the ^nost approved authors on the science of Heraldry. Fyoni Ac arrangements made, and the dispositions manifested by tiie artists, it is confidently expected that tliis engnaving will be, when finished, a splendid and tru ly national publication. The publisher thinks he can pro- shalkbe ready to deliver to subscribers in February next, at; TEN dollars each copy, to be paid on delivery. *' l'he*ngravirtgs will be accompanied by a P amphlet, - ccfedhining the official documents connected with the pub lication as authorities, and a list of the subscribers’ imrnnir The engravings will be delivered to subscribers in the tnanrier in which they may have subscribed. It ir contemplated to have a few copies printed on pa llet Wferitftdto carry 7 colors, to have the shields accurate ly tiacwfei&thfc modern style, and the plants &c. City Marshal’s sales. On Friday, the 13th September, Will be sold before the Exchange, between the hours of ten o’clock a. si. and two o’clock e, m. the following Articles: Two pipes of Cognac Brandy; levied on as the pro perty of Sturges &. Burroughs to satisfy an execution tbi taxes due the city; amount of tax £3ul) and costs Aiso one Iron (cotton compressing screw, and the ap paratus attached to the same;) levied on as die property of H.tzen Kimball, to satisfy an execution for taxes due the city; amount of tax §34 5 cts and costs Also one of white Plains, marked I. H. C. No. 14; levied on as the property of S. ' . Dunning to satisfy execution for taxes due the city; amount of tax §95 and costs e Aiso four pieces of Ticklenburgs; levied on as the pro perty o J. llanmer Sc Co. to satisfy an execution in favor of the city for taxes; amount due §57 and costs Also one Jack Screw; levied on as the property of Brooks 8cWelman to satisfy an execution in favor of the city for taxes; amount due §10 and costs F. M. Stone, c. m. aug!3 - - «-96 City Sheriff’s sale. On the first 'Mfiesday in October next, Will be sold at tiie court house in the city of Savannah, between tiie usual hours, Sundry articles, levied on as the property of William Green, tu satisfy tiie executors of Hogg. Isaac D’Lyon, c. s. august 21 101 Georgia- Tattnall county. By James Perry, clerk of ordinary for tile county of Tat’, nail. Whereas William Todd applies to me for letters of administration with tiie will annexed of William Todd, late of Tattnall county. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections in my officer as tiie law directs; otherwise said letters will be granted. ffiven under mv hand, this 5th day of August, 1816. ».—100 (L. S.] . JAMBS PERRY, c. c. o. c. c. -* Georgia—Chatham county. By S.M. Bond, clerk of the court of ordinary for said county To all whom it may concern Whereas, Matthew Riesser, applies for letters of ad ministration on tiie estate of John M'Legon, as principal creditor These are, therefore, to cite and admonish rdl and sin gular, the kindred and creditors t.o file their objections, (if any they have) in my office, on or before the 14th day of September next, otherwise letters will be granted lum Given, under my hand and seal of office, this 14th day of August, 1816. |-,.-i»-97] [L. S.l SAMUEL M. BOND, c. c. o. Georgia—Chatham county. _ By S. M. Bond, clerk of the court of ordinary for said county. To all whom it may concern. Whereas, Mrs. Mary Even, (late Mary Lambertoz) and Peter Even, applies fqr letters of administration on the estate and effects of Desire Lambertoz, late of Savannah, shop-keeper, deceased, as nearest of kin. Now, therefore, these are, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objections, (if any they have) in my office, on or before the eighth (lay of September next, other wise letters of administration will be granted the appli cants. Given under my hand and seal of office, at Savannah, this eigfith day of August! 1816. L. 8.1 S. M. BOND, c. c. o. [aug *-94] 8 ' • i^or sale The Toll-Bridge ovjr Great Ogechee River, at which Joseph llili lately resided—it is a substantial weft built bridge, composed chiefly of cypress; it has stood ci-e ofeshets, and appears to be' in ail respects a good and fompletc piece of work. For terms apply to JOHN BOLTON or ~)ex’ors. JEREMIAH ULYLER. j J. Hill. april 4 10 Police Office, 2Qik July, 1816. Pursuant to a resolution of Council, the following re port is pubustied for tiie information of ah concerned. “The committee to whom was referred uic considera tion of the best mode of redeeming, investing and appro priating the funds derived from the emission of corpora tion treasury change bilis, report—that for the lurtner security of the holders of the said bills, the treasurer do keep a separate account of the amount issued and that lie do keep the sums in the treasury of the city 7 , to enable him to pay bills when presented to him, and that on no occasion do lie make use of the sums so received, hilt for the payment of the said bills, unless otherwise authorised by special resolution of council. Your committee are ol opinion, that the amount issued is too small to enable council tu make any appropnation of tiie same by invest ment in funds or otherwise to draw interest, and that the existence of the® bilis may be too short in their limita tion to authorise council for the present to make any permanent appropriation of tucir proceeds. Your com mittee further recommend that tiie treasurer tio receive for said bids, tile current money of the city, to wit—the notes of Br.nks which are not depreciated further than tiie difference of exchange, and that the treasurer furnish the committee of Finance with the amount ofch .'.igc bills issued, and the amount on hand received for the same, and that he do advertise that persons, holders of tile change bills, will receive payment at any time, by calling on the treasurer—but no sum under one dollar will be paid. CHARLES HARRIS, A GEO. V. PROCTuR, > Committee” EDWARD HARDEN,5 Extract from the minutes. D. D. Williams, c. c. iulv 23—87 ** Marshal’s sales. On the first Tuesday in October next, Will be Sold at the store lately occupied by C. Sc J. Dim at 11 o’clock, ‘’ A general assortment of Druggs and Medicines, v i sundry articles of household Furniture—levied cn as) property of Cliarles C. Dunn to satisfy an execution f the suit of Robert Lindley Murray. John Eppins;or ail S’ tfi4 * ° / , f i r Marshal’s sales. On the first Tuesday in October next, Will be sold at the Market House, in St. Murv : s,betwee" the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, ' -l All that tract of .Land, in' Camden county, adjoin™ the town of Jefferson, containing two hundred , p , acres, more or less—Also, Lot No. 45 and improveun-, and Lots, 25, 56, 61 and 76, and lull'Lot No. 49 ) U1 f' town of Jefferson—levied on tiie property of .Su ^ ' r -mes IV!A VI p k FI I 104 mis Church to satisfy an execution at the suit of Wilson. » ’ WILLIAM F. Klliy aug 31 —104 Hepmu ,\f. lui bavaiiuau Poor House aud Hospital. VISITING COMMITTEE For September and October, James Morrison and Mos.s Cleland. Joseph Cumming, iulv —j—Secretary iJoliars" reward. Ranaway, some months past, the following Negroes, belonging to the estate cf Peter H. Morel, deceased—Joe, a likely man, about five feet six inches high, a carpenter by trade, of a yellowish compaction—he is well known m Savannah, and was formerly owned by the late John V. Ward, esq. Simon, a young mail, about twenty-five years old, lias a downcast look, when spoken to. Modia, n young woman, of light compaction, about twenty-five years old, and At. at, u woman about tliirty years old, limps when she \v;dks, occasioned by a burn." The above negroes are harbored at the south eml of Ossobaw, where Joe w'ts- recently token, but made his escape. Fifty dol lars will be pud for Joe’s being lodged m tiie county gaol and tw enty-fiv$ dollars each for the others. John H. Morel. :/ him 13—79 biierm s saics. On the first Tuesday in October next, Will be sold at tiie court house, in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours pi J o and 3 o’clock, One third of Lot and Buildings, No. 10, Wcst-Broad- street, Oglethorpe ward; levied on as the property of J..cob ilersman, to satisfy tiie executors of Simon Fraser. Adam Cope, s. c. c. august 8 °4 Sherill s sales. On the first Tuesday in October next, Will be sold at the court house, in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, All that Lot and improvements. No. 3, Si..per tything, Percivul ward, containing sixty feet in front on York- street, and ninety feet deep; levied on as the property of Lie estate of John Glass, dec. to satisfy the administrator and administratrix of John Herb et. al.—former purchas er not complying. ADAM COPE, s. c. c. aug 31 —104 Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in October next, •Will be sold, at the courthouse, in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, A likely negro boy named Will, levied tin as the pro perty of Lewis G. Cuthben, to satisfy executors of Jus tus ilulse, deceased—property pointed out by the ad ministratrix. Also, a'uegro fellow named May; levied on as the pro perty of Robert Jordon, deceased, to satisfy a judgment in favor of John H. Deubell, deceased. Also, a small House, 14 by 18, on the place or island called the Lazaretto—levied on as the property of Wii Ham Brag, dec. to satisfy Henry Cragg, property return ed to nie by a constable. Aiso, one grey Horse—levied on as the property of Joseph Bridger, dec. to satisfy Janies Bryan. Also, one Negro Fellow, named Dick—levied on as the property of Miss Judy Minis, to satisfy Koilock & Por ter. Also, all that tract or parcel of Land, containing 250 acres, on Black Crefik, about thirteen miies from Savan nah, adjoining lands of Hobbs, Snyder and others—levi ed on i the property of Seth G. Threadcraft to satisfy the ad irnistrators of John Scott, et. al. Also, the Medical Life-ary, Surgical Instruments and sundry articles of shop furniture—levied on as the pro perty of the late Dr. John Grimes, to satisfy an execution in favor of James Glen, et. al. ADAM COPE aug 29—103 • s. r.’c. For sale The PLANTATION called Veunezobre, settled l- colonel Daniel Heyward, dec. situate on the east side ,> the Savannah back-river, twelve miles from tiie tin, r q contiguous to the lands of Thomas Gibbons, esq"’][■)!'„* tiV consists of a total of 2126 acres, being divided j-” to pretty equal proportions of tide-swamp, pine-L-'" cotton and provision lands- Of the former tlitr- !*. about 300 acres on tiie river, which^bv clearing, v" gj be well calculated for a productive rice plantation q of tile latter, with a large body of cleared pr.. * land, there are about IGu acres of prime uncieartt4, ton land. On the place there is an excellent dweW house, with five rooms; a large subswnti-Jiv built uia, with a number of negro-houses ana ‘other buildings- Possession, of the place will be given at &nv time. £ F .terms, which will be made easy to an approved rn:. chaser, apply to the owner, at Callawassie Eland, m. Luke’s Paris.i, Soutli-Caroiina, or to the undersigmc factors in Savannah. WILLIAMSON & DE VJLLE11S. may 25 T 62 » For sale The Wharf, * tely occupied by Caig 8c Mitchei, cnr ; - taining 20t> feet front on Saviqjnah River'; bounded Wy. wardly by Carnociian 8c Mitchei, and castwh.ed*v by An drew Knox. Aiso, tiie Wharf Lot, adjoining the Ferrv, a.’ For: Wayne, containing 15;J feet on the river ana’near S'A feet back, from the sun.e; bounded eastwardiv by the fence at Fort Wayne. On tliis lot, is tiie House, v ith two piozas, at the east ci.d of tiie Bay. For terms, please apply to * Pl'.TER M1TCHEL n.a-24 191 rur saie One thousand acres salt (now fresh) marsh, in mington river, joining lands of John Simpson, no, -, fiscated, and lands of J. M’Queen, esq. ori-’-inail'. 4th September, 1772, granted Janfes Luceno, dec. terms apply to William Stephens, or at tliis ofhc^ where, a plan may be seen;the tract is prime cotton Bin. Also acres of land, in lots of tiie beautiful village c; Montgomery, on Vernon river; fine, healthy suma.en residence. Enquire as above. julv 16—tg ' r or sale A House and Lot, in St. James’s square; being oneef the most healthy and pleasant situations in this citv—c.i tne sail! lot are all necessary out buildings. This pro- perty w ill be sold for ^moderate price, and a credit of one, two and three years given for the payment. Per sons disposed to purchase will apply to either of ths subscribers. BEN." SHEET ALL, . M. SIIEFTALL, sea. anril 6 41 Notice. To be sold, at public auction, in front of the court house, in the city of Savannah, on the first Tuesday a January next, one thousand acres of prime iand, situate on the south branch of Turtle river, Givnn ciaintv-—tie joint property of the Union Society, Cnucham Ac’adcn.y ad the Savannah Poor-House and Hospital Society, which tract of land was originally granted to tiie brt..~ N % College. Any person who fecis disposed to eitbari; largely in the cultivation of cotton, corn or sugar-cant, would find tliis a most eligible situation. The grams cat be seen by applying at the office of Lloyd A Morrison, in tiie Exchange. Terms of sale—one iioif cosli, iri to- lance in one year, with interest from the date cf pur chase, secured by bond and mortg ,ge, on tr.c MOSES SHE FI’A Lc. President U. S. R. W. HABERSHA i, Treasurer. C. A. J. MORRISON, Com. Z-v. P. H. andH S. aug 23 163 I a i* Notice. The subscriber being duly elected and commisaonfl as.SL RY E\ Oil of McIntosh County, respcctfuhy mforitj ail pei-sons who may have lands to survey, or to re-sur- vey, that he keeps his Office near the Court House cf sail county; and that ill all cases, it witi be. necessary tire sur veyor should have previous notice of the time and place where the work is intended to be executed; and whereas, there are a number of land warrants already depositedi» file Surveyor’s Office, which are intended to affict va cant lands in almost every part of the county, and it be ing ascertained that there are a number of old surveys that have not been resurveyed since the first location, and scarcely a corner, or marked tree, of the tract to be dis covered: in order to enable the surveyor to avoid inter fering w 7 ith such surveys, particularly those that were made before the county of M’Intosh w-as taken from the county of Liberty, he respectfully suggests to the owners thereof their eariy attention to have their original loci* tions re-established. Those who have recently had their unds re-surveyed, and have not had their Plats recorded, are informedjhat Books are now opened for that put" pose, which can be carefully done, and the originals re turned to their respective owners. Any information through the medium of the post-office, (post paid; snail be duly attendedto JOHN UKMK. MIntosh County, Aug. 25—*p—1 -3 City Marshal’s sales. On Monday, the 30th day of October next Will be sold in front of the Exchange, between the hours of ten and two o’clock, Tive hogsheads of Sugai^levied on as the property of Charles Moreil to satisfy a tax execution in favor of the city—amount of tax §500 and cost. F. M. Stone, c. m. aug 31 104 ~ Blank Manifests. v Sheriff’s safes. On the first Tuesday i* oVo ember next, Will be sold at the court house, in tne city of Savnmwi, between the usual hours, of 10 and 3 o’clock, Four NEGROES, viz. big Adam, little Adam, Hannon and Jenny her child; levied on as the property of Jacob Hersman, to satisfy A. S. Bulloch, esq by virtue of a foreclosure of mortgage. A. COPE, s. c. c. august 29 -103 ^ Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in October next, , Will be sold at the court house, in the city of Savannac, between the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’olock, Five negroes, viz: Isaac, Cretia, Damon, Mentor a- Sally; levied on as the property of William Step esq. and sold under a foreclosure of mortgage to sa^ j Joshila E. White & C?- Mg 10 « A,iCope, s. c. c