Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, September 10, 1816, Image 1

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I ]}Y FREDERICK S. Dumber 108.] SAVANNAH, (HA.) SEPTEMBER 40, 1816. [Whole Number 2719. TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR. &L [Volume XXV REPUBLICAN PUBLISHED JESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, SIX DOLLARS PER ANNUM, payable IN ADVANCE. advertisements will be inserted « .be f ^.VSTLSThS square the first time, and Ihibtyp Cents for each continuation. CASH mm , y a ii orders from the Countst, unless the ™ayllnte%cuU in T^s, or the gfty well known to the Editor. AU Letters to the Editor must be post-paid. Wanted immediately, A Vessel, of about 2uO tons burthen, to load with pine lumber, at Sapelo, for New-York.— fei^^Kor particulars enquire of William Craig. seiit 7— -107 Niles* Register. of this valuable and useful work remain A few copies on baud. For sale, at this office. .Utrusf 1—HI liilis on N ew- \ ork - For sale. Apply to CALVIN BAKER & CO. 22- -100 Bills ot Exchange On New York, for sale by. A. Erwin, Lethbridge & Co. sept 3—l—loo'' 1 Checks on New-York, At sight. august' 22— r sale at the Insurance Office. Richard Wayne, 100 sec’i-y. The Life of General Jackson, Sfhich was commenced by the late Major John Reid, is noio progressimr, and -will shortly be completed, by JOHN H. EATON, TOR THE BENEFIT OP THE CHILDREN OP THE DECEASED. This Work is already ia a state of considerable for wardness, and will be finished during the ensuing fail.,. From the qualifications of the author, and his being’ in possession of ail the papers of the General, appertaining to the operations in the South, its details may be better relied on for accuracy than any other that can be pre sented to the public. The History will commence with the early life of Gen eral Jackson, and conclude with the operations of the Bqifish and American armies before New-Orleans; and will comprise all the events of the war in which he had anv agency. The Work will contain about four hundred pages oc tavo, accompanied' by an engraved likeness of the Gener al, and drawings of the different battles.—Price 54. Subscriptions, to the above Work, received at the Office of the Scivc.nndh Republican. aug 13—96 ? Dr. Lewis Herman Fuerth, Lately from Hamburgh, Wil’l practice in the various branches of his profession. •Applications to 'be' made at Mr. Ti*u- v -as Jones’ boaruing ho'itSc. AUf - On hand, A quantity of excellent BACON, in casks, fit for ex portation. 14 kegs best Buncombe Butter, for family use 60 do Lard 50 boxes assorted cotton Cards 3 tierces men’s common lined Shoes Cases assorted looking Glasses Bales Cloths Cotton Shirtings Qotton Cambrics, &c. &c. A. Erwin, Lethbridge & Co. uly 30— 90 » Jones' U’har JL Bills on England. For sale by KOBER1 MACKAY. aug 24 -101 ^ 100 bags Coffee 1 5 r or sale, R. RICHARDSON. ror sale 2000 bushels Liverpool Salt 2,X) pieces In verness Bagging 5 bales white Plains 1200 bars Englisn fiat Iron, 1£ a 21 inches 4U0 do do square Iron, 5-8 a 1£ do lOu crates Crockery A few chaldron Coals James Johnston. sept 5 ——t. —1 I he subscribers Have just' received, and offer for sale, 53 casks trace Chau is 41 boxes assorted window Glass 11 crates do Cvtockerywure 20 bags race Ginger. July 16- -«4 L. PETTY U CO. M‘Kiline's -wharf Just opening and ior sale, At the subscriber's Clothing store, on the Ray, next door to jfH. WILLI AM T. WIXIaIAM’ 8 BOOK STORE, 100 elegant superfine Coats, various colors 150 pair superfine cloth, cassimere and stockinet Panta loons 50 silk Florentine Vests 100 fanc\ Vests , „ . 50 greatcoats—all of which are made of the very best materials and workmanship—cheap for cash or approved credit at sixty days. Leslie Thompson. autr 2— 100 Li. Petty & Co. Have just received ami off er for sale, 5000 bushels Salt ... 2u casks assorted cut Nails 3 casks Shses 41 boxes cottqn Cards 2 double barrel Fowling-Pieces 1 case Brocade Parasols 1 case black silk Handkerchiefs aug 27-102 For sale The Toll-Bridge over Great Ogechee Idiver, at which Joseph Hill lately resoled—it is a substantial well built bridge, comprised chiefly of cypress; it has stood the creshets, and appears to’be in all respects a good and fompiete piece of work. For terms apply to r JOHN BOLTON or j ex’or s. JEREMIAH CUTLER. £ J. Hill. 4—40 The subscribers Offer for sale on accommodating terms, 20 pipes superior Cognac Brandy 15 hi ids Muscovado Sugar 10 do Coperas 30 boxes Soap 40 kegs White-Lead 50 casks brown Stout 30 quarter casks Colmenar and Madeira Wine 100 bags Coffee 500 Demijohns 25 crates assorted Crockery 5 casks Olaret MINIS 8c HENRY, sep 3 b 105 The subscribers, Have just received, 10O bones first quality SOAP ALSO, ON HAND, 15 hhds Philadelphia rye Whiskey 10 do prime retailing Molasses 1000 bushels Turk’s Island Salt. All of which they of fer for sale, low for cash. Cormick & Dousset. qprt 5 If‘6 The subscribers Have just received, the following art.cles, which wjU be sold on accommodating terms, for ca li or approved paper, at sixty or ninety days, viz:— 50 til ids prime New-Orleans Sugars 100 hags do green Coffee 40 quarter chests hyson Tea, latest importation 40 ions assorted Iron 2 ditto ditto Shot 10 ditto Pot-Metal bags Punefttp ditto Ginger 20 hhds Molasses 10 do Philadelphia Whiskey 10 do W. I Rum 30 kegs TiiAiHtfiidtured Tobacco 50 bis fresh up-ebuntfy Flour 50 kegs assorted cut Nails 75 crates • do ’ - .Crockeryware Copperas, in barrels 80 pieces prime cotton Bagging 50 coils white Rope On Consignment, 10 bales Plains. Sl'ANTON & BYRD, sept 5 f -U6 * Ditto do do Ditto do Ditto do Ditto do do Ditto do do Groceries. Landing from brig 'Ey bee, ship Siletius, and schooner Laura, 15 hhds old Jamaica Ruth 5 pipes pure Holland Gin 2 do do Cognac Brandy 10 tierces northern Whiskey 1; quarter casks Malaga M ine 10 do do Colmenar , 10 half do do 13 hhds green Coffee 20 his northern Gin 4 chests hyson Tea 20 quarter chests do 10 half chests hyson Skin 10 quarter do young hyson do 5 lihds Molasses 10 bags Pepper 10 do Ginger 10 do Pimento 100 quarter boxes Spanish Cigars 25 kegs manufactured Tobacco, 8 to the pound 12 bis loaf Sugar . 10 boxes Chocolate 10 do Sweet Oil, one dozen each 2 tons Shot, assorted 1 ton buck Shot 2 tons bar Lead 25 kegs Dupont’s Powder lUO reams writing and letter Paper Raisins, Soap, Stc. For sale on good terms, for cash or approved paper. Lawrence & Thompson. sept 3 l 105 april A Book-Keeper wanted. Apply to the Editor. • aug 22—100 \V barf and Stores. To rent, that extensive Wharf and commodious Stores, at present occupied by Mr. Barna M’Kmne, of which possession may be - had on the first of Nov ember next. For terms apply to july 9 81 R. &. J. HABERSHAM. To rent, From the first October next, all that valuable wharf and stores situated thereon, near the Exchange, common ly called Morel’s wharf. Apply to doctor Miller, Brough ton street, or to T. N. Morel, esq. august 13 ~:96 To Bent. A HOUSE in Carpenter’s Row, at the lower end of Broughton street, containing four rooms with a fire place in each room, with the necessary out buildings. Enquire of James Morrison. sept 5 —m 1 j6 W anted To hire, eight or ten prime black FELLOWS, fbr Such liberal wages will be given, and paid monthly until the first day of Jahuarv. Enquire of the printer. sept 3 fx 105 Blank Manifests. For sale at this Office. Just received, And note landing from New- York, 37 hhds. prime selected New-Orleans Sugar, fit for re tailing 40 do , do retailing Molasses 4 pipes 4th proof genuine Cognac Brandy 10 chests Gunpowder and Hyson Tea 6 casks assorted Shot 2 pipes old Madeira Wine quarter casks L. P. Teneriffe and Malaga do barrels Pork and Beans IN STORE, old 4th proof Jamaica Rum, warranted pure, be ing imported direct Whiskey, N. Ei Rum, Coffee andiron Together with a large and general assortment of well chosen GROCERIES, in any quantity to suit purchasers, for sale by BROOKS & WELMAN, june 4—66 Bolton’s -wharf Razee Boots, Shoes and Slippers. JVtrr Deceived, from nevv-yodk, By the ship Woodbine and brig Savannah Packet, Ladies’ colored and black morocco Slippers do Grecian Ties do Pumps do walking Shoes undressed morocco Slips kid Slips MisseS’ morocco Boots, Slippers and Ties Men’s Razee Roots Do morocto Jefferson Shoes and Pumps I)o wax calf’s skin Jeffcrsous Do morocco Pumps Do fine Shoes I)o buff' Slippers Youth’s Shoes and Pumps and children’s Buskins The above articles are seiectc <i by the subscriber him self, and are of a superior quality. John Douglass, aug 15 -——97 Clibbo- a aiding To Watcb Makers. S. I. Turias& Co. (New-York,) of the firm of M. I. Tobi as Sc Co. wholesale Patent Lever Watch Manufac turers, Liverpool; beg leave to inform the trade that they have Sttajnished a house in this city, where they mi.y be supplied with GoCl and Silver Patent Lever and Vtrticle WATCHES, and ail kinds of Watch Materials Orders forwarded to New-York will be immediately attended to. •A r /vv-fork, 2ifh (Tux.—*r \—-ffiff Factorage and Commission. The subscriber having commenced in the above line of BUSINESS, oilers his services to his friends and the public; his Counting-Room is on Wayne’s upper wharf, formerly occupied by Messrs. Phinizy &. Barnett- The Store is large and commodious—produce will be re ceived on storag’e and every attention given to its re ception and shipment. RICHARD WAYNE. dec 2—139 Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm of Samuel &. Isaac Russel is this day dissolv ed, by mutual consent. AU persons havi g demands against said firm, are requested to present them for pay, meat to Samuel Russel, who is fully authorized to settle the affairs of the concern. S AMUEL RUSSEL. ISAAC RUSSEL. The subscriber, i Has on hand, A large and elegant assortment of DRY GOODS, which he will sell a bargain, on a liberal credit. Samuel Russel. sept 7 ■ cn 107 For sale The PLANTATION called Vebnezobre, settled by colonel Daniel Heyward, dec, situate on the east eide of the Savannah baCk-river, twelve tniles from the city, and Contiguous to the lands of Thomas Gibbons, esq. The tract consists of a total of 2126- acres, being divided in to pretty equal proportions of tide-swamp, pine-barren cotton and provision lands. Of the former there are about 300 acres on the river, which, by clearing, wrslid be well calculated for a productive rice plantation; and of-the latter, with a- large body of cleared provision land, there are about 100 acres of prime uncleared cot ton land. On the place there Is an excellent dwelling- house, with five rooms; a large Substantially built barn, with a number of negro-houses and other buildings.— Possession of the place will be given at ahy time. For terms, which will be made easy to an approved pur chases, apply to the owner, at Callawassie Island, St. Luke’s Parish, South-Carolina, or to the undersigned factors in- Savannah. WILLIAMSON &D£ YQUfig. : may 25——4——62 * Valuable Lands for sale. Four hundred and fifty acres, prime tide swamp, on the Savannah Back River, s-tuated about ten miles above the city, well adapted to the culture of rice or the sugar canepip wards of onehundred acres now under dam, and cultivated by James Ancram, esq. Also, a tract, containing upwards of three'hundred acres, adjacent to the above tract—this tract will be -worthy the attention of the owner of the river swamp, having some convenient buildings on it; it also contains a good proportion of high pine land, and the balance is well adapted to the culture of cotton and provisions— also, a swamp, abounding with cypress and other, valua ble timber. Also, a tract, containing five hundred acres, situated on Savannah River, a few miles above Purvsburgh, known by the name of Bear Bluff—this tract is very valuable, as it abounds with white oak and other timber, suitable for the Savannah market. Also, two tracts of pine Land, in the vicinity ofPurys- burgh, well timbered. The whole of the property will be sold on easy and moderate terms. Apply to John B. Barnwell, in Beaufort; to John NoUiton, on the Okaties; or in Savannah, to Jacob Deveaux. sept 7 107 Notice. j To be sold, at public auction, in front nf the court house, m the city of Savannah, on the first Tuesday in January next, one thousand acres of prime land, situate on the spuih branch of Turtle river, Glynn county—the joint property of the Union Society, Chatham Academy and the Savannah Poor-House and -Hospital Society, which- tract of land was originally granted to the Bethes- dae College. Any person who feels disposed to embark largely in the cultivation of cotton, corn or sugar-cane, wbulclfind'iliis-a most eligible situation. The grants can be seen by applying at the office of Lloyd & Morrison, in the Exchange. Terms of sale—one half pash, tlie ba lance in one year, with interest from .the date of pur- chase^sectired by bend atod mortgage, on the premises. MOSES SH*#TALL,1 *resident U. S. —- . R. W. HABEKSHAM, Treasurer. C. A. J. MORRISON, Com. Sav. P. H. and H. S. aHg 23—103 Andrew Low & Co. Have received, by the skip Winmfred, from Liverpool, mi j other late arrivals, Turkey red Yarn Linens andcottpn Shirtings , Fancy figured mull Muslins, for dresses Fine and coarse, low priced leno Muslins, suitable fot pavillions Plain and figured Cambrics Calicoes and Ginghams, in great variety Counterpanes and Marseilles Quilts Handsome furniture Dimities Common and 6-4 cambric Dimities White and colored Marseilles Vesting Black and colored Bombazines and Si&i Bombazetts, J cans, York. Stripes Plain and ribbed Stockinets Cotton Stockings, of all kinds Madras and Puiiicat Handkerchiefs Apron Checks, brown Hollands Italian and Canton Crapes Whitechapel Needles and fresh ounce Threads Superior cotton Umbrellas . London paper and pound Pins Cutlery, assorted, in small casks _ ■ Osnaburgs, Russia Sheetings, long Lawns; and, a variety of tether GOODS, all of which will be sold, either wholesale or at retail, on the most-moderate t-rms. July 6- - 80 John Fanner, BOLTON S SENSE, (In the room formerly occupied by Jonathan BatteUe) Has received by the ship Atlonis, A large and eleg ant assortment of English, French an<) India GOODS; which he otters, at reduced prices, for casli or approved paper at ninety days, july 30 90 - ’ - — -- ■ — ■ —i Duel, Gresham & Co. Have now landing,from the ship Winnefred, faom Liver* pool, A large supply of SUMMER GOODS. ALSO, 39 casks and cases assorted Hardware and Cutlery, each containing a complete assortment for a retail store One case superior plated Ware, consisting of cruet Frames, candlesticks, Snuffers and Trays Aiid via JVew-York, Two trunks Parasols, three bales Seersuckers, three bales Humhums 1000 pieces long yellow Nankeens, one case chip Hats; wliite, black and colored Levantine and Florence Silks Stout mixed coat Silks and Florentine Vesting; white and black lace Shawls and Veils; Merino Tippets; ele gant embroidered Ridicules, assorted colors ana patterns Thread Laces and Edgings One case Chineile Cords, assorted colors and sizes Fifteen cases straw Hats and Bonnets Six cases Artificial Flowers Seventeen cases Looking Glasses, a part of which are in elegant gilt frames. june 15—71 The subscribers Have new landing from brig Pocahontas, from JYcw- Yorlc\ 100 barrels Menhaden 30 do Mackerel 10 pieces bed Ticking 10 do Priest Cloths IN STOKE Writing, letter, printing, wrapping and sheathing Pape? Ship Bread and Cordial Barrels gluuber Salts Curry Combs Hatchets, Hammers, Axes and hollow Ware Floor Brushes Cut Nails, Trunks Boxes Chpcolate Bed Cords, Twine, ravens’ Duck No. 1 to 6 Shot Boxes cotton and wool Card3 Currants, in barrels . 1 case null Saws 6 casks northern Shoes ** Olmstead & Battelle. july 9—81 Marshal’s sales. On the first Tuesday in October next, Will be sold at the store lately occupied by C. & J. DuntJ, at 11 o’clock, A general assortment of Druggs and Medicines, and sundry articles of household Furniture—levied on as the property of Charles C. Dunn to satisfy an execution ht the suit of Robert Lindley Murray. John Eppinger, aug 31 104 _ Marshal Marsh&l’sjsales. On the first Tuesday in October next, Will be sold at the Market House, in St. Mary’s, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, All that tract of Land, in Camden county, adjoining the town of Jefferson, containing two hundred and fifty acres, more or less—Also, Lot No. 45 and improvements; and Lots, 25,.56, 61 and 76, and half Lot No. 49, in the town of Jefferson—levied on as the property of Silva- nus Church to satisfy an execution at the suit of James Wilson. WILLIAM F. KELLY, aug 31 104 Deputy Marshal For sale One thousand acres salt (now fresh) marsh, in Wil-> mington fiver, jdining lands of John Simpson, now con* fiscated, and lands of J. MfQueen. esq. originally on the 4th September, 1772, granted James Lucena, dec. Fof terms apply to William Stephens, or at this office, whew a plan may be seen;the tract is prime cotton land. Also acres of land, in lots of the beautiful village of Montgomery, on Vernon river; fine, healthy summer’s residence. Enquire as above. july l6—84 Savannah Poor House and Hospital. VISITING COMMITTEE Pop September and October, James Moaaisox and Moses Cleland. Joseph Gumming, july 30^90 / For salts The Wharf, lately occupied by Caig & Mitchel, con taining 200 feet front on Savannah River; bounded West, wardly by Carnochan & Mitchel, and eastwardly by An drew Knox. Also, the Wharf Lot, .adjoining the Ferry, at Fort Wayne, containing 150 feet on. the river and near 500 feet baclt, from the 9ame; bounded eastwardly by the fence at Fort Wayne. On this lot, is the House, with two piazas, at die east end of the Bay. For terms, please apply to PETER MITCHEL. aug24. ■ .. 101 For sale A House and Lot, in St. James’s square; being one of the most healthy and pleasant situations in this city—on. the said lot are all necessary out_ buildings. This pro perty will be sold for a moderate price, and a credit of one, two and three years given for the payment. Per sons disposed to purchase will apply to either of the subscribers. BEN, SHEFTALL, M. SHEFTALL, sen. aoril 6 . ■■■ -41 ■ ■ ~*L. < Z lank Indentures* — ^ For sale at this Dffice.