Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, September 17, 1816, Image 1

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3 y FREDERICK S. FELL.] SAVANNAH, (GA.) SEPTEMBER* 17, 1810. {[Whole Number 27 as TRUTH WITHOUT FJpJW * V [Volume XIV the republican is PUBLISHED EVERY TITESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDA . AT SIXDOLL.IHS PERAAJfUM, PAT ABLE nr advance- advertisements squ ire STS*? 3 SSSSS’lSyBS cU rs for eacA continuation. CASH , .n orders from the Cottntrt, unless the Tows, or the party well known to the Editor. All Letters to the Editor mutt be post-paid. For Boston i The brig LION, captain Bry«, For freight or passage apply to the captain onboard, at Bol- ■™’ ! "oinwtead & Battelle. Who have now landing, from tend vessel, 5J dozen Shovels; Trunks, in nests I ca-e bed 1 ickens, 2t-0 Casks stone Lime 190 cobs bordage Also, for tale on boardf SO bis Mackerel 6 boxes cod Fish 50 boxes smoked Herrings 1& «) ibs glauber Saits 50 dozen bed Cords ‘ 20 lbs sewing Twine 10 do whipping do Hand Lilies, Marline, EcC. 2 coils bolt Rope 10ii pair men’s finished Shoes 65 pair Pumps 2 bis Sug.r 1 hlid St. Croix Rum ■1 patent Balance 1 hhd assorted tin Ware 1 patent time I’iece, (Willard’s) 4 dozen silver mounted Whips. sept 10—108 1 sept Wanted immediately, A Vessel, of about 200 tons burthen, to load k with pine lumber, at Sapelo, for New-York.— ,Por particulars enquire of William Craig. 7——107 - iiills on New-York CALVIN BARER & CO. Pors le. Apply to aug 22 —1 (’0 1 hecks on New-York, At sight. For sale at the Insurances Office. Richard Wayne, august 22 100 sec'ry. Bills on England. For sale by ROBERT MACK AY. aug 34 — -101 i.anding From brig lion, 100 cask Nails 4, 6,8,10,12, and 20 penny 60 boxes Soap Iir STORE, 20 barrels Barne’s Porter, fit for bottling. Lawrence & Thompson. sept 10 1. lob Just landed, From brig Lion, captain Bryan, from Boston, 100 casks SPIKES, assorted sizes, from 4 to 8 inches ALSO, 8 casks whale OIL. For sale by Nichols & Hunter, sept 12 w 109 . W A' nne’s -wharf 100 bags Coffee For sale, R. RICHARDSON. The Life of General Jackson, Which was commenced by the late Major John Reid,'is now progressing, and will shortly be completed, by JOHN H. EATON, FOE THE BENETIT OF THE CHILDREN OF THE DECEASED. This WoTk is already in a state of considerable for wardness, and will be finished during The ensuing fall. From the qualifications of the author, and his being in possession of all the papers of the General, appertaining to the operations in the South, its details may be better reiied -an for accuracy than any other that can be pre sented to the public. - The History will commence with the early lifet-of Gen eral Jackson, and conclude with the operations of the British and American armies before New-Orleans; and will comprise allthe events of the war in. which he had any agency. yhe Work will contain about four hundred pages oc tavo, accompanied by an engraved likeness of the Gener al, and drawings of the different battles.—Price g4. (£j* Subscriptions, to the above Work, received at the Office of the Savannah Republican. aug 13-96 VV hite’s Letters on England. Letters on England; comprising Descriptive Scenes, with remarks on the state of Society, Domestic Econo my, Habits of the People, and Condition of the Manufac turing Classes generally. Interspersed with Miscellane ous Observations and Retlections, by Joshua E. White, in 2 vols. 8vdt Price g4 50 in boards and go 25 bound. cr> Subscribers to the work are requested to call tor it. W. T. WILLIAM8: sept 12—109 First Fall Goods. By the ship Lucy, just arrived from Liverpool, ANDREW LOW & CO. * Have received a part of their WINTEfo GOODS; which, together with those already on hand, they offer for sale, on moderate and accommodating term*. Their Stock, besides other Articles, contains the following.— -ro bales ditffil Blankets rose Blankets white Plains colored Plains Flannels ’ "> Coatings, Flushings and blue Strouds Cassimeres, assorted black and colored Bombazets 175 pieces Bagging » 6 trunks worsted and lamb’s wool Stockings 12 do cotton Stockings printed Calicoes do Marseilles, for vesting woolen V estelets cotton Cambrics black Cambrics cotton twist Shillings assorted Muslins cotton Umbrellas Bombazines black Crape black silk Handkerchiefs 5 do , 30 do ,10 do 8 do 6 do 3 do 6 do 35 do A do 3 do 10 do 4 do 6 do 60 do 15 do 2 do 2 do 1 do 50 cases of Ginghams, assorted Niles 5 Register. A few copies of this valuable and useful work remain on hand. For sale, at this office., august 1—Q1 , Fancy Goods. CHARLES KELSEY, Has received, by recent arrivals, from New-York, An elegant assortment of fashionable and fancy GOODS, among winch are: White, pink and blue figured Sattins White Virginia Sattins White and blue figured Silks Pink, lilack, green, white, lead, silver-grey, brown, olive and Levantine Silks White, black, silver-grey, green, lead and brown Flo rence Silks Embroidered and plain lace Pilloreens 3-4 4-4 5-4 6-4 and 7-4 black and white lace Veils 7-4 white lace Shawls Lace half Handkercliiefs Figured -and plain silk Gauze Hull Lace Chenelie Cords , - Fancy Trimmings Plush Ribbons Furniture Fringe, (white and colored) Silk Umbrellas, v?ith cases Silk Shawls, of various sizes and qualities Green sewing Silk Velvet Ribbons Stay Laces Black Crape Ladies’ work Cases Elastic (embroidered silk) Garteas Do plain silk do Do leather do Plain and embroidered Ridicule’s, with gold, silver and steel Clasps Embroidered thule Ridicules Figured Virginia sattin Ridicules Embroidered merino do Cord velvet • do Embroidered double and single Leventine Ridicules Printed sattin Ridicules Gold, silver and steel Purses Embroidered sattin do do in pearls do' Net silk Gold purse Clasps Ditto Tassels Morocco needle Cases Pearl Beads Do Necklaces Small gut Chains Snuff Boxes, &c- &.c. Ac. 1’he above articles are offered for sale, at his store, (north ride of Johnson’s square) at very reduced prices, either at wholesale or retail. sept 10—108 Building STONE Fathom. Apply to sept 12—cm—109 U Gl and suie, Stone BALLAST, at Five N. TURNBULL. Garden seeds. A small invoice of the above is offered for sale by the aubscriber. W LIMBERT. sept 12—m—109 To Watch Makers. 6.1. Tobias & Co. (New-York,) of the firm of M.l. Tobias & Co. wholesale Patent Lever Watch Manufac turers, Liverpool,•• beg leave to inform the trade that they have established a house in this city, where they m-v be supplied wit h Gold and Silver Patent Lever and VerUcle WATCHES, £nd all kinds of Wafch Materials. Orders forwarded to New-York will be immediately attended to. New- York, ’24-th aug.—-*cN—106 Factorage and Commission. The subscriber having commenced in the above line of BUSINESS, offers his services to his friends and the public; Iris Counting-Room is on,Wayne’s upper wharf, formerly occupied by Messrs. Phinizy So Barnett - . The Store is large and commodious—produce will be re ceived Dn storage and every attention given to its re ception and suipment. RICHARD WAYNE. dec 2—139 Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm of Samuel & Isaac Russel is tins day dissolv ed, by mutual consent. All persons having demands against said firm, are requested to present them for pay ment to Samuel Russel, who is fully authorized to setue the affairs of the concern. SAMUEL RUSSEL. ISAAC RUSSEL. The subscribe*) J/as oh hand, Alarge apd elegant assortment of DttY GOODS, which he will sell a bargain, on a liberal credit. Samuel Russel. _ »*pt 7—cn-^—107 - ’ Wanted immediately, ^ Five or six NEGRO FELLOWS. %wel*e dollar* a ESS.** v*™*- m * •ept IF i'-fr- The subscribers Have now landing from brig Pocahontas,from New-York-, 100 barrels Menhaden 30 do Mackerel 10 pieces bed Ticking 10 do Priest Cloths IN STORE Writing, letter,-printing, wrapping ahd sheathing Paper Ship Bread and Cordial Barrels glaubler Salts Curry Combs , Hatchets, Hammers, Axes and hollow Ware Floor Brushes' Cut Nails, Trunks Boxes Chocolate Bed Cords, Twine, ravens’ Duck No. 1 to 6 Shot Boxes cotton and wool Cards Currants, in barrels case mill Saws 6 casks northern Shoes j»fr Olmstead & Battelle. 9—81 The subscribers, Offer for sale, on accommodating terms, 20 bales white and blue Plains . 10 do Blankets ' p J S do Flannels >. 10 cases 4-4 Irish Linen 5 do cotton Shirting 10 trunks assorted Cabceek 5 Cases Ginghams , . 2 trunks cotton Cambrics 2 do Pullicats 3 cases assorted Muslins 4 do fine and seeond^lotls 1 do Hosiery ■ _->• 1 do Irish Sheeting - 1 do Frenoh paper Hanging 5 bales coffee Bags 200 pieces Inverness Baggings , 30 cades best brown Stout 4 do Glassware, assorted 200 bags Coffee 20 hhds Sugar’ . 20 pipea 4th proof Cognac- Bimndy . 10 hhds Copperas. . MINIS & HENRY, sept 14 'Oy-^-llO, 20 do 2 do 12 do 8 do 6 do 10 do 1 do coarse and fine Dimity handsome furniture Dimity Irish Linens brown Holland apron Check r pound and paper Pins Whitechapel Needles Cutlery, assorted, in small Casks Turkey red Yarn Russia Sheeting Crash, for towels Osnaburgs, &.c. &c. See. ffj* By the ship Georgia, now on her passage, from Liverpool, A. Low St Co. will receive further supplies, sept 12 lu9 L. Petty &. Co. Have just received and offer for sale, 5000 bushels Salt 20 casks assorted cut Nails 3 casks Shoes 41 boxes cotton Cards 2 double barrel Fowling-Pieces 1 case Brocade Parasols 1 case black silk Handkerchiefs aug 27-102 Duel, Gresham & Co. Have now landing, from ihe ship Witmefred, fuom liver* A large supply SUMMER GOODS. ALSO, 39 casks and cases assorted Hardware and Cutlery, each containing a complete assortment for a retail store One case superior plated. Ware, consisting of erect Framed, candlesticks, Snuffers and Treys And via New-York, . J Two trunks Parasols, three bales Seersuckers, three bales Huiuliums 1000 pieces long yellow Nankeens, one case chip Hatft white, black and colored Levantine and Florence Silks Stout mixed coat Silks and Florentine Vesting; white and black lace Shawls and Veils; Merino Tippets; ele gant embroidered Ridicules, assorted colors and patterns Thread Laces and Edgings One case Chinelle Cords, assorted colors and sizes Fifteen cases straw Hats and Bonnets Six cases Artificial Flowers Seventeen cases Looking Glasses, a part of which are iq elegant gilt frames. june 15r-f71 John Tanner, Bolton’s danse, (In the room formerly occupied by Jonathan Battelle) Has received by the ship Adonis, A large and elegant assortment of English, French and India GOODS; which he offers, at reduced prices, for cash or approved paper at ninety days, jnly 30—r- 90 . Just received, By ship Lucy, from Iiverpool, 100 tons Iron, suitable for the country trade 153 crates Crockery ware 30 hhds Copperas 125 kegs White Lead 30 casks Brown Stout 5 boxes Irish Linens 7000 bushels coarse salt. sep 12- -109 For sale by William Tailor. J ust opening and for sale, At the subscriber’s Clothing store, on the Bay, next door to MH. WILLIAM T. WILLIASt’g BOOK STODE, 100 elegant superfine Coats, various colors 150 pair supertine cloth, cassimere and stockinet Pants, loons 50 silk Florentine Vests 100 fancy Vests 50 great Coats—all of which are made of the very Wat materials and workmanship—cheap for cafh or approved credit at sixty days. Leslie Thompson. auv-22: 19" . ’ „ Razee Boots, Shoes and Slippers. JUST RECEIVED, FROM ItEW-TOBK, By the slap Woodbine and brig Savannah Packet, Ditto do do Ditto do Ditto do Ditto do do Ditto do do do Grecian Ties do Pumps . do walking Shoes undressed morocco Slips kid Slips Misses’ morocco Boots, Slippers and Ties Men’s Razee Boots Do morocco Jefferson Shoes and Pumps Do wax calf's skin Jeff'ersons Do morocco Pumps ^ Do fine Shoes Do buff Slippers Youth’s Shoes and Pumps and children’s Buskins The above articles are selected by the subscriber him self, and are of a superior quality. John jDouglass, aug 15——97 Gibbon's building Dr. Lewis Herman Fuerth, Lately from, Hamburgh, Will practice in the various branches of his profession. Applications to be made at Mr. Thomas Jones’ boarding hoqse. aug 20—99 The subscribers, Have just received, 100 boxes first quality SOAP ALSO, ON HAND, 15 hhds Philadelphia rye Whiskey 10 do prime retailing Molasses 1000 bushels Turk’s Island Salt. All of which they of- -fer for sale, low for cash. Cormick & Dousset. sent '5 106 Received, By the brig lion* and far sale, 13 tons assorted Iron 10 smith’s Vices 6 do Anvils 5 packages seine Twine 5 hhds N- E- Rum 5 casks bar Lead 20 casks assorted Nails 1 case Slates , 1 cask containing 28 M. Marbles 2 cases wool Hats ALSO, IN STORE, 20 Ills corn Meal The subscribers Have just received, and offer for sale, 53 casks trace Chains 41 boxes assorted window Glass 11 crates do Crockeryware 20 bags race Ginger, L. PETTY to CO. July 16——84 M‘ KijmPs wharf On hand, A quantity of excellent BACON, in casks, fit for ex portation. "> 14 kegs best Buncombe Butter, for family use 6J do do Lard 5J boxes assorted cotton Cards 3 tierces men’s common lined Shoes Cases assorted looking Glasses Bales Cloths Cotton Shirtings Cotton Cambrics, &c. Stc. A. Erwin, Lethbridge & CJo. July 30 90 Jones' wharf Crates. 50 crates well assorted CROCKERYWARE. ing from the ship Lucy, and for sale by B. M‘Kinne & Co. Who have jji store, 200 pieces prime Inverness Cotton Bagging 2000 bushels Liverpool Salt Jamaica Rum, Coffee; Iron, See. sept 12 m 109 sale, For Ink Powder, looking Glasses Razor Cases, snuff Boxes Watch Cl tains, Spoon-Knives Large assortment elegant Knives and Porks Shot, of all sizes, Sic. Stc. P. H. & T. Crapon, safc 10- -108, Market sgttare Just received, And now landing from New- York, %j 37 hhdx prime selected Newt-Orleans Sugar, fit for re tailing 40 do do retailing Molasses , 1 4 pipes 4th proof)j«uiine Cognac Brandy 10 chests Gunpowder &nd Hyson Tea 6 casks'assorted Shot 3 pipes old-Madeira Wine ' quarter dairies L. P. Teneriffb and Malaga do -barrels PotRand Beam • IN STORE, ) '• okl 4t}| prt>of Jamaica Rum, warranted pure, be- ^eddirect K. Rdb, Coffee andiron and . general assortment of weU At first cost and charges, the following Mathematical, Astronomical, Geographical, Surveying and Optical lntrumcnts, lately imported and chiefly made by Dl ji- let Adams, of London: • One second best Theodolite, with telescope and level, the horizontal and vertical motions, produced by. rack- work, limb and nonius graduated to one minute, maho gany tripod staff and case; a very fcomptete instrument. One surveying or spirit Level, with acromatic teles cope, compass and all requisite adjustments, adapted to the operations of levelling. &c. mahogany tripod staff and case. One improved Circumferentor, with four sight vanes, compass, limb and nonius graduated to three minutes, mahogany tripod staff and cases. . ‘ One plain Theodolite, with compass,, ten inch litnh, graduated with nonius to three minutes, four sight vanes, improved ball and socket, qaked tripod staff and case. One Cylindrical Survey Cross, with sights at right an gles, compass, limb and nonius graduated to three mi- antes, mahogany tripod staff. The ntoflportable Orrery, invented and made by Wm. Jones, _of London; exhibiting, by wheel work, the rela. tive order and motion of the planets, with respect to the earth and sun; also other improvements. One elegant case and set of Mathematical lustrum eats. One rolling parallel Rule, invented by Eckhardt. One compound Magnifier. Apply to Josiah PeniiekL sept 13 ■ ‘ f r ■ 109 Marshall sales. On the frit Tuesday in i October next, Will be sold at the store lately occupied by C. & J. Dung, A . . ' at 11 o’clock, >A*general assortment of Dreg)gs and Medicines, and sundry articles of household Furniture—levied on aath# property of dearies C. Dunn to ieaUafy an execution St the suit of Robert & lintlley -Murray. JSJt ha l Marshal’s *iales On the first Tuesday Will be sold at the Market F the hours of |0 All that tract of Land, u. — the town of Jefferson, cootainani actes, more or 1ms i Also, Lot N and Lots, 2S. 46S£§fc and town of Jefferson—levic nusChuroh to satisfy aa ... .....