Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, September 24, 1816, Image 3

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the necessary authority to tarry into just and moderate views, and that his jrmjesi representative will know how to resist s pretension*that might secretly or openly com promise that unity ot action interests he- tween the protecting sovereign and the protect-, ed state, which was the essential, basis of the Paris convention* ■’ ... '. , , J The present proclamation shall be P^ nted U1 Greek and Italian, and published for the infor mation of all. Palace, Corfu, .May 2o, 1816. By his excellency’s comSnand. 3 William Meyer, Secretary to Government. fBy the above mentioned documents, four se nators and the secretary of the senate are depriv ed of their situations.] New York, September 9. IMPORTANT FROM CADIZ. Captain Roberts, from Cadiz, has favored us with the following interesting article: Cadiz, July 34. A privateer called the Congress, commanded have by a man named Aimeda, belongi ng to Baltimore, under the flag of die insurgents ot South Ameri ca has been off this place tor twenty-five or thirty days, and has made, by report, twenty- fn ir crizes, the value ot which is variously stat ed from 800,000 to 3,000,000 dollars. In the last live or six days, five more' privateers have made their appearance. On the 22d, one ot them an hermophrodite brig, attacked a ship bound to this place, and then within sight of the city, and after receiving and giving one fire sheered off. The ship had three killed and six wounded. Among the killed was a lieutenant colonel of artillery, a passenger from Havana, who received a shot while in the act of putting fire to his gun. it is supposed the privateer lost many persons, as the snip fired a broadside into her as she was in the act jof boarding when she immediately sheered off. There was anotiier in sigot at that time. There are eight . JWh|S9h SAN. ; dull *t that—Norfolk Mtin ’dh m. per' cent, and is ■ ■ v -wk - ' TTAXJFOR1815. ^t%esclay Evening ^epiember 24,1816.- collector of the 1st district off^nnsytyania (comprmng*he ejty of Philadelphia) has t pie ted the collection Of this tax, without the TO DOCTOR GEORGE V. PRO OTOR: ship ships of the fleet from Havana now missing Mr. Erving the American minister, has arriv- edat Madrid, but has had no interview with the king, as his majesty has gone to the Baths, about 20 miles distant fromMadrid, for the benefit, of his health. On Montlay 2,000 troops entered the city, and on that night began to impress for the army. They got 800 men. The troops arrived under sealed orders, to be opened at 12 o’clock on Monday. It is supposed that similar orders have been forwarded to all other parts of the kingdom. There are many conjectures for what purpose ths troops are raising. It is said that the emperor of Austria has declared in favor of Charles the IVth, and that he has determined to put him on the throne of Spain. There was an impressment for sailors 10 or 15 days ago, when they took from 300 to 500 men. There i3 one 74, 2 frigates and 1 brig cruiz ing off for the privateers List ofpart of the captures made by Aimeda. A Xebec witli 600 boxes sugar, from Havana to Cadiz: brig St. Andera, 1600 boxes sugar, from Havana to Cadiz; brig Diamanta, 300 Doxes do. do. given up, and prisoners put on board; Ame rican ship Blooming Rose, detained five hours, and prisoners, put ,on board: Catalan ship with 8900 boxes sugar, from Havana to Cadiz; ship San Leona, 3 to 400 boxes sugar, 50 serooms 'Cochineal and 45,000 dollars; a snip of 300 tons from Havana to Cadiz, with sugar and specie. Commodore Truxton has offered himself a candidate for the oifice iff sheriff of the city and county of Philadelphia. Kingston, (Jam.) August 24. The following is an extrac> of a letter from St. Thomas’s, dated the 8th inst. “General Bolivar, accompanied by three offi cers, arrived here yesterday, in disgrace. Re port states, that lie had started, and ieft his army behind, when attacked at Ocuniara, by general Morales, and went to Bonair; but on bearing that sir Gregor McGregor, who had captured Vittoria, had come up with seven hundred men, defeated Morales, and again got possession of Ocumafia, he returned, but would not be receiv ed by his troops. Morales ^desperately wound ed, and obliged to retreat to Port-Cabeilo. “Subletee has had an action with some of the royal troops, and was compelled to retreat to wards Cumana, where general Marino is in force. “Briones fiett have sailed, supposed for wind ward, as he is quite disgusted with the conduct cf Bolivar.” TO THE EDITOR—dated “New-York, 7th September, 1816. “The general court-martial was organized on the 2d inst. conformably with the order from the department of war, and on the 5th proceeded to the investigation. The first charge, with its specifications, were objected to by the judge ad vocate, on the g *»• nd of limitation; this" evil was, however, remedied by the accused havin'* waved every advantage guaranteed to him bv that article of war, and expressed his most anxi ous solicitations for an enquiry into the pharge. but the court decided they were not competent to take cognizance of it—hence it was quashed. As yetlittle has been done; no witness has been examined but lieutenant-colonel Trimble, the prosecutor—and his .testimony goes, most un equivocally, to acquit thegeneral of every fact set forth in the charges, so far as he has been ex amined—and I entertain very little doubt, but the testimony, on the part of the prosecution, ■"ill make it unnecessary for the general to in troduce any of his. How will this trial read, w uen recorded with the event and history of 0u rlate war? There is censure and condemna tion due some where, and I feel a 4 pride i n fi^v- ln git in my power to state, that the public mind •appears to know very well where to fix it . le re, there is but one opinion—that he has been jaal treated. There is «s much feeling excited ‘; le >in his behalf, as there ever was in the case Sin—Ypu have been given up by -Mr. Woolhopter, as the author of two pieces which appeared' in the “Museum,” one signed “A Freeholder,” and the other, “A Friend to* a Freeholder.” Under those signatures you have assailed me. You accuse me pf Misapplying words when it suits my views, or in other lan guage—of lying. Yoil charge me, likewise, with being the Mayor’s right-hand man; of using in decent and scurrilous terms in editorial remarks; and withal of being a blockhead. But, dear doctor, can you make g8od ajiy one of these charges? At what time, or.on what occasion, I ever falsified to further my own pur poses? You say it is well known that I have; but what is George V. Proctor’s word without collateral facts? You style me Mr. Charlton’s, aid-de-camp, or as you meant to say, sycophant. What, sir, could induce me to become such?— There is no favor at his disposal that could pre vail on the most humble citizen in Savannah to swerve from honor. Whjit then, sir, could lead me so far from the course of rectitude? -Indecent and scurrilous language! This is whatyou please to style plain English;T>ut at the same ihstant you forget that, the lam made use of in your famous pieces is not that of a gentleman. Bpt, who, that is acquainted with Doctor G.V. Proc tor would expect gentlemanly language from him? Now, Sir, take the files of the “Republi can,” from tiie first day I became its conductor to the present, and produce, if you can, a single com ,loss any additional expen- of one coat, and without _ r __ ses, othw than he would havnfreen'entitled to for the' collection of the internal revenue alone—the principal assessor has already revised the assess ments and completed the tax /lists of the res pective wards for 1816. Messrs. Simon Cratz &R»bei't A. Caldcleugh, much to^their hpnor, came forward and relieved the delinquent proprietors of property sold and advertised, by the payment ofjabout £240, being the whole amount that remained unpaid to the collector.-—Democratic Press. conduct, benpwrests from hislabow,and 5«gone tore* cave a crown of life at the’Hght handLof God. OF savannah, 'Ptiteday, September 24, 1816, CLEARED, Schooner Levant, Wood, New-York --y • Auction. * To-Morrow, 25th inst. * Will be sold before my store Groceries and Dry Goods.' of ,». a ®y individual since our Richmond Enquirer. indecent or scurrilous passage under the edito rial head. Blockhead or thick scull! This comes with a peculiar bad grace from yoq, sir The Professors of Edinburgh College gave you, z very high character for genius and perseve rance, and time has verified their predictions As a physician, you now stand unrivalled in this place! and as a man of general information, who is your equal! and where is the man who would violate those laws by which the liberties of the country are guarded for a paltry compen sation, sooner than George V. Proctor. Have you, sir, any remembrance of your smallpox bill? Not even possessed of common shame, you con tinued to sit inCouncil afterbeing elected health officer, and in contravention of an express law you advocated and voted on the different Bill; awarding you a* compensation. Out of three thousand five hundred and ninety five dollars, the amount of small pox expenditure you, sir, receiv ed upwards of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS- Your conduct relative to quarantine regulations will long be remembered by the mercantile inter est of this city. At that time George V. Proctor, made himself notorious. Love of money proba bly was the cause of your asserting in my pre sence, which you dare not deny, and which was uttered in presence of Mr. Thomas N. Morel, and Mr. Samuel G. Bunch, that you “thought that some of the committees of council locket- ted the public funds.” My reply to you was, “that I did not believe it; but, if you really knew it to be the case, your duty, as an aider- man, was to expose the offenders?” Your an swer was, that you “were not present at the time the bills passed.” I called on one of the aldermen, and informed him of your declara tions. This is the cause of your hostility to wards me; but your anathemas are more accep table than your blessings. Your attack on the mayor, sir, is unmanly and ungenerous; but the gossamer texture is easily seen through. The election for state representatives is approaching and by attempting to traduce his character you hope to be elected senator. These are your views, and they are the views of a dunce and ; daemon in malice. I have arrived at the closing part of my ad dress. In your last pasquil you declare that “ a Freeholder” and “A Friend to a Freeholder,’ are two distinct persons: and if I am rightly informed you, pledged your word on Friday last, to a gentleman, that you were not the author of “A Freeholder”—these are instances of your ve racity. But the finishing Stroke!—You intimate ifper- sonal satisfaction is required it shall be given.— Would you, arch-hypocrite, have,me fight a sick man in his bed? My editorial remarks in the Republican of the 19th instant, can be had by sending to this office. They have given me sat isfaction sufficient; but I shall not deny you that of a gentleman, wheuever you are able and feel so disposed. I am,,&c. Frederick S. Fell. NOTIU Treasury Department, September 12 ih, 1816 The proposition made by tiiis department for commencing the payment pfsmaij sums in coin, on the first day of October/1816, has been gene rally declined by the state banks, which have here tofore suspended their specie payments. Audas an arrangement for supplying tiie people with the requisite medium to, pay their duties and taxes, independently of the state banks cannot be conveniently made i until the bank of the United States shall be iij operation, 'no further measures will be pursued, with a view to the collection of the revenue in com, on the said fir at day of October, 1816. But in pursuance of the resolution of con gress, passed on the 29th day of April, 1816. Notice is hereby given, That from and after t)ie 20tii day of February, 1817, all duties, taxes, debts, or sums of money accruing or becoming payable to the United States, must be paid and collected in the legal currency of the United States, or treasury notes, or notes of the bank of the United States, or in notes of batiks which are payable and paid on demand in the legal currency of the United States, and not otherwise. And all collectors and receivers of public mo ney are required to pay due,attention to the no tice hereby given, and to govern- themselves, in the collection and receipt of the public dues, du ties, anil taxes, accordingly'. I The coiiectors of tiie customs, and of the di rect tax and internal duties, are requested to make this notice generally known, by all the means in their power. And the printers author ized to publish the laws of tf.e United States, will be pleased to insert it ill their respective newspapers. A. J. Dallas, l Secretary if the Treasury. We are authorised to state, that the suit en tered by B. J. Shain, against the Mechanics’ Bank, has been amicably compromised to the sa tisfaction of both parties.—Philadelphia Press. We understand parte is expected that Madam by tiie first France in the United States Joseph Bona- arrival from ib. The editor of the National Advocate says lie -received sincere pleasure from Mr. Governeur Morris’s inaugural address, delivered yesterday before the Historical Society. We have heard similar remarks made by others; and we are giad to near that the “long agony” of Mr. Mor ris’s folly (to say the least of it) “is over;” out it is a fact, that the very mention of his name and the recollection of his monarchical oration, on tiie restoration of the Bourbons, &c. prevent ed many gentlemen from attending the celebra tion of yesterd; > , which, under any other cir cumstances, they would have hailed as a most joyous jubilee.—New-York Columbian. ALSO, AN INVOICE OF DRY GOODS, ... Just received from Jn'cw-York, T . Consisting of Calicoes,. Cambrics, Linens, Long Lawns, Bandana Handkerchiefs, muslin neck Handker^ chiefs, book Muslin, Britannias, Checks, sewing Sifluff Hosiery, Ginglianis, Sec. . ... f Sale to commence at 11 o’clock A. Howe, aact’r. sept 21—114^ ' ' ' Auction On Friday next,/ 27th.instant, Will be sold in fdont of my store, S pipes Brandy 5 pipes Gin ^ E R um 5 hogsheads Copperas, &c. ALSO, " • Without the least reserve -whatever, SEVENTEEN PACKAGES DRY GOODS, C onsisting of Blankets, Plains, Carpeting, Fearnoughts, Wellington Cords, superfine and second quality Cloths, men’s and youths’ Gloves, Pins, &c. Conditions, cash. Sale to commence at 11 o’clock. sent 24- -114 I). Williford, auct’r. For Charleston The regular - packet sloop VOLANT, Allen M'Lean, master, will sail in ail this week. Fop freight or passage apply on board, at Sice’s wharf, or to OLMSTEAD Sc BATTELLE. sept 24 114 Medical Science Lottery, NO. 2. HIGHEST PRIZES, 30,000, 20,000, 10,000, 5000 Dollars! The present price of Tickets g9 50 cents; but will be advanced on the 7th next month, (first day of draw* ing) to 10 dollars. JOblAH PENFIELD. sent 24 — ; —114 The subscriber Offers for sale, 5 4 2 2 1 1 1 1 6 The following GOODS, received per latel'arrivals fka Liverpool and from New-York, bales Madras and other Handkerchiefs cases checks and Ginghams bales Flannels bales twilled Bonibazets ca9e cotton Laces bale fine Cloths case pound and pack.Pins case black Senshaws cases French Goods, consisting of Levantine Silks, lace Shawls, Gauze, side Gloves, Ribbons, Stc. 6 casks waggon Boxes i ' 80 kegs white Lead 26 kegs Shot, S G, S S G, B B, B, No. 1, 2, 3 22 crates Earthenware, well assorted 100 bags green Coffee 100 tons waggontire and axe-bar Iron And daily expected, 40 hhds Muscovado Sugar 40 hhds Copperas bales Plains and Blankets sept 24- ■ t ■ ■ H4 D. PONCE. The treasurer of the American Bible Society, has acknowledged the receipt of amounting to 11,130 dollars, and of life scriptions amounting to 1350 dollars.—Albany donations, sub- Factorage and Commission Business. The subscriber having declined the practice of law, on the first instant; now offers his services to his friends and fellow.citizens, -generally, in the above ling, and pledges himself that his attention, exertion and punctuality,.in business, shall be such as to merit a portion of their fa vor and support. lie has obtained commodious fire proof stores on Howard’s wharf for the reception of pro duce, and his counting room is in the east tenement of said building, immediately under Mr. Charles Howard. Joseph S.Pelot. ser> 3 ■+»o 105 Register. CORRESPONDENCE “Publicus” is in type, but laid over until our next for want of roo^. independence.-— The-rey. Mr. No-rr and lady, have returned fT 08 * India, j: -“«•«» in consequence of hia having the Co ™plaint, a disease incident to that cli- The United State’s brig SparkycSjSt^in Nich olson, got to aea on Friday ©ventqff. Mr, White; tier pilot, left her at a qoa«erj®«St se ven, about six miles outside of the"hqp;'with a light breeze from n. w. ThffSpafkisbound to the Mediterranean with despatched? New. Pork Gazette» COURT OF INQUIRY. A court of enquiry v,as convened at the re quest of captain Lewis Warrington, of the navy on board the United States’ shirflndependence, on Tuesday the 3d instant, to ascertain the facts of the.rencontre between the United States’ sloop Peacock,, and the East-India Company’s cruiser Nautilus, which took place in the straits of Sun- da, on the 30th June 1815. The court is com posed of commodore Baiubridge, president; cap tains Jones and Morris, members, and George Blake, judge advocate.—Bosiun Gazette. Portsmouth, September 6. Whale, Shark, and Porpoise.—A whale was a few days since harpooned in prospect*harbor. He had been chased into soal water by a shark which was likewise taken. The shark wa9-16 feet in length, and had five rows of teeth—a small porpoise was taken out of his belly, and a barrel of oil extracted from his liver. Duane says that his zeal for the public ser vice leaves him about 8000 dollars out of pock et, for work authorised by the war department. [It is not then to be wondered at, that he is so wroth against the administration.]—New-Fork Pa r r - w,— |C7* Subscribers living west of Barnartt- street are requested to send for their papers, as the carrier is indisposed. Departed tiiis, in hope of a better life, on the 15th Afet. aged 25,-Mr. Mohdkcai Sleast, a native of Tyrone For sale, BY E. D. NAIRAC, Spanish Tobacco, of tiie first quality ~ ’ warranted, at 100^} do do Do Cigars in the box Honey, in barrels Sautern Wine. Enquire of Joseph Charier, sep 24 r* -114 In Council, 23d September, 1816. Resolved, That Council will, on MONDaY, the 7ti) October next, elect the following City Officers; Recorder, Treasurer, Physician to the Gaol, Clerk of Council, _ ^ City Marshal, , ~ t City Sheriff, Clerk of the Mayor’s Gpurt, Messenger, - Sexton, City Surveyor, 7 Three Gaugers. Extract from the minutes D. D. Williams c C. sept 24 114 j Contract. Proposals will be received by the undersigned commit tee until the 28th inst. for painting and paving the ad ditional vegetable and fish Market. GEORGE L. COPE,") G. R DUKE, i f™*? G. Tufts, y committee. sep 24 ■ 114 Notice. Pursuant to an order of Council, I will sell the new Vegetable and Fish STALLS, in the Market, Ellia’a square, on FRIDAY, the 4th October next, to the highest bidder—sale to commence at ten o’clock, under the »■ periuttndance of the Market Committee. The condxtionkof sale is customary with other stalls. F. M. Stone, srpV24 114 City Marnhaf countyi Ulster, Ireland. His infant and 6nly child, Asm, 1 had touched the uurepassable bourne but a few days before, j 1 laving departed on the 6th, aged fifteen months. Thus have they been permitted, by inscrutable wis- look at this temporary new' world, in Robbery. dom, merely to their passage to. that of perfection and pennanence, Jiav- ing lived but thirteen monthsafter^ their arrival, leaving, behind a widowed mother to lament her bereavements The Chatham company of Artillery, and other respec. table citizens, honored his obsequies: The hrief experi ment of hi probity, industry, patriotism and other vir tues, merited this. The social sympathies are, mean- ■— S ’vs of his convalescent widow. ton, Columbia another patriot.— that sp^ciq is U-JT in Petersburg, (Ga.) on the ISth in? less, ofrtwo weeks and five days, - a respectable inhabitant ef ,cc to b&tre, from Is» past On Saturday night last the room occupied by the sub scriber, as a Billiard Room, was entered by some villain or villarns^ who took away a Small THUNK containing sundry ARTICLES—also one set Billiard BALLS and a small LANTHERN. Any person whd will give such in formation as will lead to convict the robber or robbers* shall receive five dn&trs. i> Tranauite Maries, fep 24—x—114 4. * £> Brought to Dariengeal, 12th Sep tember, 1816, a negro man, saya tw ame is Futus* IPfc awl that fae belongs to- trillUm Bird of Balktfk «gfc, ■!**!* - J A sept 24—l—114 ■ * it tl' W V: