Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, September 26, 1816, Image 2

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= . CONTINUATION OF EXTR ACTS. from- late English papers, received by the ship Nestor. Lonb^n, August' 1. The Sake of "Wellington returns to France on Tues day next. EXECUTION OF PLEIGNIER, Sec. Paris, July 28. ^ Yesterday at miS-da^ the vehicle of the concierjrerie •arrived at the niceff-e! to convey the convicts Pleignier, Carbonneau, and Tolleron to the palace of justice. On being informed of this Tolleron exclaimed, “We are dost!’* Carbonneau was deeply affected, Pleignier said nothing, but appeared absortjed in thought. Tolleron requested that two petitions which he had left in his cefl should be handed to him, the one addressed to his royal highness to Monsieur, and the other to the attor ney general. Carbonneau asked also for the three peti tions which he had orepared, one to Monsieur, the other to the prefect of police, and the third to thejattorney gen eral. These petitions were given to them. They then mounted the vehicle which was waiting for them, and which was escorted by eight gendarmes. On their way <hev spoke highly of the prefect, and of the manner in Wliich they had "been treated in prison. They placed tnuch dependence on the effect of their petitions, allud ed to some circumstances in their life, and especially those which led them into fatal projects; but they believed that they they were taken to the conciergerie (palace of jus tice) only to hear the decision on their appeal in cassa tion. Tolleron retaiued his firmness and all his presence of mind. At one o’clock, they arrived the conciergerie.— Thsy were placed in three sepaftfte apartments, and the head gaoler read to each a letter from the attorney gene ral, containing the rejection o©their appeal. He, at the sometime, announced to them that the execution of the sentence must take place that same evening. Pleignier showed the deepest despair, and wept copiously; he re peated, “I-thought I had my pardon; I wish to speak to -tkfe attorney general,” Then, after his old manner, he -requested to speak to the king. Carbonneau listened to his*fate with resignation Tolleron said to the keeper, "I suspected that this would happen.” At this moment the three clergymen charged to administer the last .con solations of religion, made their appearance. Tolleron, thinking he saw a movement cf hesitation in his conff ssor, •said to him, hiking off lib cap. “Approach, sir, I know what I owe to a minister of religion.” ^ The three clergymen remained with the convicts until six o’clock, preparing them for death. The attorney general, the prefect of police, and one of the gentle tn Of the court, came down into the prison to receive the re velation which Pleignier persisted irf'saving he wished to make. After having drawn up the minutes of his an- £-vers, the attorney general waited upon the chancellor With them, wh" 1 had come to the conciergerie that mom- •Ing to receive them. We understand he made no disco very whatever, but spoke merely of vague and irrevelant matters. Pleignier was profoundly depressed, Car bonneau appeared tranquail, and Tolleron quite resign ed. They then asked for some broth and a glass of wine, which were given them. At half past seven the attorney general returned from the chancellor, and ordered the sentence to be forthwith executed. The three convicts were brought forth into - the lobby of the prison. Pleignier m ide much resistance tohia being undressed. He begged with a wild air, to •peak again but once, sometimes to the king, sometimes to tiie attorney general, and then to the gaoler. The execu tioner having repeatedly observed to him that all resis tance was useless, the Abbe Montes, his confessor, in- treated him to be resigned, and submit to the will of God: “No no,” said Pleignier, “it is not so; it was my ‘•'blindness; I did nothing of myself—I would speak to some one.” When his bands were tied, he complained that the rope was too tight; it was loosened. Next accord ing to the mode prescribed by law, they drew a cord round his waist, in order to stop the blood. It w as with ' considerable difficulty that these preparations were finish ed. Carbonneau succeeded Pleignier on the stool; he kept jthe most gloomy silence, and resigned, himself to all that Was required of him Tolleron maintained his coolness and tranquility to the last; he several times repeated that he was innocent, but that he thought he did not deserve to die. He asked for -•glass of Water, which he drank without the least trem bling:, although the glass was filled to the brim. “I par- t»a written order* from the minister. fchng, although the glass don Pleignier (said he) with all my heart; he is the author of my death, but I do not wish tiie same to him.” The only emotion of sensibility which he manifested was the recollection of his family. When the executioner put over his shoulders a whi’e cloth tied before, he appeared to regret that his facewas covered, because, he said, it couid not be seen whether he died with firmness. He bade adieu in a very friendly manner to his keeper; * the executioner’s assistant supported Pleignier, who ap- - peared ready to fall at every step. Pleignier sat in the front of the cart; Carbonneau was in the middle; Tolleron at the end; this was the inverse order to that in which they were executed. The cart set off from the court of the prison at a quar ter before eight. From three and four o’clock, the whole space from the gaol to the place of execution w r as Covered with an immense crowd. The convicts were able to convince themselves of the love and devotedness of the French people for their legitimate sovereign—tiie air rang with snouts of vive le roi! They waved their hats, and manifested in every manner their attachment to the -best of princes. Tolieron, hearing these universal ac- * clamations, told his xonfessor, that he answered them from the bottom of his heart; he appeared penetrated with repentance and genuine remorse. Having reached the place of execution, the convicts mounted the scaffold, while an usher read with a loud voice the sentrncp of the assize court on the steps of the hotel de vi ip The executioner took oft from them the black crape. Pleignier and Corbonneau went down. Tolleron remained alone; and, being fastened to the swing board of the instrument of death, had his right hand cut off on a block, and was immediately be headed. Carbonneau and Pleignier successively under went the same punishment, but wi’h much less firmness. Shouts of vive le roi! vivent lea Bourbons? where anew heard from the whole of the place de grave, and from the quays. Their remains were immediately conveyed to the cemetery of Vaugirard. Luvuas, July 30. Tiie rumor is revived of die solicitude expressed by an illustrious personage to bring the question of a divoice, by way of bill, in the house of lords. A female, a Swiss by birth, is said to be a material witness. We have heard that several ministers have decidedly declared their unwillingness to agitate the delicate question; and that this only has prevented the trial of a measure that might have been attended with the most important con sequences to the country. . The following is an extract of a private letter, dated Paris, July 26, 1816. “Sir Robert Wilson and Mr. Bruce left Paris yester day for England. It has been understood, that the de parture of these gentlemen was not to till the end of this week, and that they were to travel with the usual passports from our ambassador, a point wliich, I believe, had been clearly agreed on between M. de Rich- lieu and sir Charles Stuart. The minister of police, however, whether from ignorance of this arrangement, or from a wish to give these gentlemen a last proof of his good -anil towards them, directed passports to be sent to all three of them, with a notification to quit Paris in three days. These passports were communicated to sir Robert Wilson and Mr. Bruce on Tuesday night, and another was meant to have been given capt. Hu'cliinson, who, however, had left Paris early in the morning of that day, with a passport of the British minister, countersign ed in the usual way by the minister for foreign affairs, and the prefect of police. Sir Robert Wilson and Mr. Bruce declined receiving these passports, and returned them to M. de Cazcs, with letters stating the arrange ment by which they were to travel with British passports. These,^entlemei) also informed sir C. Stuart of the cir cumstance, and 'with a full intention of not deferring their departure beyond this week, awaited the result of this step. Previously,'however, to receiving an answer from the British minister, they each of them received, on Thursday morning, at about ten o’clock, a visit from a commissary of police, attended'by a captain of gendar merie, wow informed them that they had orders to see them in tJteir carriage and out of Paris by two o’clock On that day, for which purpose post horses were to be sent in time; and that furthermore, they were not to }ok sight of them until then. They stated that they had . qir-verbal ir unarl^p Sukrt was im«ne<Jiajedj.y apprised of this Unexpected ct&uiostonce,'ahtf Wrote thi* 'due de Rtchlieu forjin ejkrlanation, sending 1 at the sathe time bis owti passports for- tire nsuaLcdhutersign. The duke beihg engaged hi conference, observed, that he wouic- send an answer. It was .to be feared that this explanation could not take place previous to the hour at which the officers had stated that they must peremptorily execute their orders, each of them having gendarmes, at hand if force had. been necessary.. An appli cation was therefore made io the prefect and tnihis- er of police, for a suspension of the order until the explanation cou-d- be obtained. This was grant- »d until six o’clock, and the order ’for that purpose arriv eed just in time to prevent the intended departure. Be fore six, further communications took place with the min isters of police and foreign affairs inconsequence of which an order was at length obtained, for the removal of the restraints put upon these gentlemen, and which order, like the former, arrived just us the . hour was expiring.— The minister of police declared he had not intended that any restraint should be put upon those gentlemen previ ous to their departure, although the effect of his orders was to keep them prisoners in their apartment until the moment of their departure. They set oilt at length with British passports in the usual form, not even spe cify ingVtfte route much less the time in wliich they Were expected to leave the country.” The Chichester packet arrived at Falmouth the 23d inst. from the Mediterranean. She brings intelligence,that sir Thomas Maitland was expected to be :.t Malta on the 25th June. The contagion had ceased in Corfu and Calabria,:but continued to rage at Cyprus and Alexandria. The accounts received by this conveyance state, that the harvest has been very' abundant on the northern shores of the Black Seas, and a great number of vessels laden with grain, have arrived at Malta, from Odessa, to look out for markets in the Mediterranean, for the disi posal of their cargoes. The apprehension of scarcity if now in a great degree diminished by the prodigious ex uberance of the southern territories of the Russian em pire. Saixt Tropes, (France,) July 19. AVe understand that the Algerines have burned the jejune trees behind their city'; that they propose to fid up the cisterns; and in short, to leave nothing in their town should tne F.ngiish attack it. Fkaxkfout, July TO. The navigation of the Rhine is totally stopped by the incessant floods of snow and l ain? If there is not a speedy change of weather, all the h irvests will be lost. Paris, July 25. The Algerines, apprised of the hostile intentions of the British, are making great exertions for defence; they are removing ali their treasures to the interior, and have expressed a determination to sacrifice all their sea port towns rather than submit to tiie demands of the Chris tians. A French vessel, coining ‘from Cyprus, has entered the harbor of Marseilles. A Barbary frigate chased it between Tunis and Sardinia, but she ceased the pursuit when the white fi .g was hoisted. From Copenhagen we learn, within these few days, five richly laden ships have arrived from St. Croix, and a large fleet of merchantmen from the West-India colonies wilt soon follow. As a proof of the backwardness of the season, it may be mentioned, that though it is past mid summer, we have no ripe strawberries in our gardens, a circumstance out of the memory of the oldest inhabit ants. It is a lamentable, fact, that the number of suicides has for years past annually increased. Authentic lists show, that the number of" suicides here was, from 1785 to 1790, 181; from 1790 to 1795, 209; from 1785 to 1800, 261; from 1800 to 1805,319, Sec. The priests of Mace rata have been arrested and carri ed to Rome, charged with publishing a fabricated letter from St. Paul to the Homans, with dangerous comments. The following is the oath taken by the marshal of France:— “I swear, before God, my Creator, on tiie faith and law I hold from him, and on my honor, well and loyally to serve the king, here present, in the office of marshal of France, with which the said lord lias invested me; that I will have no understanding or privacy' with any person whatsoever, to the prejudice of him and his kingdom; and that if I hear of any' thing prejudicial to him, I will reveal it; that I will cause to live in good order, justice and discipline, the military who now are or may be in pay or service; that I will prevent them from injuring the people and subjects of the said lord and will cause them to observe the ordinances issued for the said military; tfiat I will cause punishment, justice and correction to be in flicted upon them, such as may be an example for all others, that I will provide, or cause to be provided, and give orders that the military live in conformity with the ordinances of the said iord, that 1 will proceed atall tiine-s that I may be commanded, to every part of the kingdom to observe and examine how these military live, and pre vent, a« far as lies in my power, any’ oppression or nvles- tation to the people; anil I swear, that on my part I will observe the said ordinances in every thing that is possible, and shall fulfil every thing that may be ordered in them, anil perform in all, and through all, every thing that con cerns the eaid office of marshal of France, such as a good and worthy person, who is invested as I am with that state, should, and is bound to do in every tiling concern ing that state. “In sign whereof, and for the better fulfilling what is above, the said lord the king now gives the truncheon of marshal; as he has been accustomed to do, to all my predecessors.” Some public papers speak of a machine invented bv M. M. G eyser, brothers, which would induce a supposition that they had discovered the perpetual motion The Genevese society', for the advancement of arts thus speak of the machine: M. M. Geyser, brothers,^and Langenthall, Canton of Berne, residing at La Chaux de Funds, have exhibited to the society a well made and ingenious machine, viz wheel which seems to tuny of itself, and of which it is impossible for the most skilful artists to discover the moving principles, and wliich the artists keep a secret, but which serves to show how far illusion can be practis ed on persons the best instructed, in persuading them that the perpetual motion is not a chimera. The society admire the beautiful execution of this machine and ac knowledge that the illusion is very striking. The London papers mention that some serious discontents have been shown in Sweden and Norway and that there is a prospect that the king of Sweden will not long survive. It seems to be supposed that the decease of the old king may further disturb the tranquility of the kingdom. We believe that the crown prince who has been aiiopted by the reigning monarch as h s son and acknowledged a the heir apparent of the crown in the most solemn man ner, is very generally and deservedly popular in both kingdoms, and that iris succession to the throne is likely to take place without any serious danger of convulsions in tiie government. low lands. ’mr m d ingenuity of the officers of t ’. e , (fisrov^r no riiiA Kv a,. • , ‘ &&KAV&SS? b for Tir US : tfiscover no clue by which V that.ifi. some districts, the Indian‘corn cron h through a great porifio seriously afflicting. Occasional showers have afforded tectioR. considering.'that the <!f " A’llCrs . J 1 . OlilT,'! ( k v. their benefits temporary. We have l.ot experienced an ■ , . . >=- — - r _ where sentinels, are posted durinn- the old fashioned rainy day since May.—Argus. ■30* could icts, iriis.combutfdW ope half of 7to ^entity then ' on has .been cut, l*he : brought, J>^ r at°r4if tnisdamigrobbery, and it a Jl N rrnon eff northern’country, is ao small matter of suraii^ , eiT1 * -should have succeeded so well robber in escaping d P . SCARCITY IN VIRGINIA. To give some idea of the uneasiness that prevails in that state, in consequence of the late severe drought, we copy from the Enquirer, the following: TO THE EXECUTIVE. The communications on the subject of crops from all parts ot the state, are more and more gloomy. 1 he misciiict occasioned by the drought has been in creased by the torrents of rain. Famine is peeping in at our doors! Nine-tenths of the people will be obliged to consume their wheat, for want of other bread stuff.— Nor, is there any prospect of relief from abroad, where the same calamities appear to be general—the just scourge of war! In England, the crops are deficient; in France, largely so; and great scarcity prevails in Spain and Portugal: and all the way up the Baltic; and in the heart of Germany, the danger of a want of bread is so much apprehended, that the distillation of grain has been already prohibited. Ought not the legislature to be im mediately convened to take tliis same subject into their serious consideration, as well as the subject of taxes, which it is now evident cannot be paid? Listen, gentle men, you whose duty it is to take care that the republic sustains no detriment, listen to the voice of A STARVING PEOPLE. N. B. For the reasons I have above stated, congress ought to be convened immediately. Th? fresn attained its height about twelve o’clock, on Saturday, but it Was not so high by several inches as the one in 181-4; Mayo’s bridge mini this shore to the toll house, was nearly under Water, but no part of it was swept away. The island on which the toll house stands, was neatly covered, fend that part.of the bridge which springs from the island to the new piers on the Manches ter shore, co'mprising'tliree old piers and four lengths of fifty feeteacn, was totally carried a Way. A boat from the island to the shore is at present the only communication for passengers and the mail. Trent’s bridge has lost about two courses between seventy and tigh'v feet long; the fresh has subsided, so as to let a part of it peep above the water. Part of the northeast corner of Coutts’s fishing house is thrown down. Thert is no other damage done us in this city, worthy of specification. Mr. Anderson’s saw mills, two o'r three miles above, us, have sustained some injury. Lofty as the bonk of the canal is, the tor rent broke through it in two places, and demolished the upper dam. On Monday a batteau was carried over the wiiig-dam at the head of the locks, and staved to pieces ■—two of the crew were drowned, tiie third sei ed an oar and swam to the shore; the cargo was lost. AVe have no account of the damage sustained by the low lands in the upper country.—Hichiioud Enquirer WHAT’S THE DIFFICULTY? The federal writers continue to comfort themselves with the notion, that democrats have practically adopt ed their principles. , One of them declares that “good sound federal doctrines have obtained a complete tri umph.” Indeed! Then, pray gentlemen, what’s the dif ficulty? are you opposing, all this time? If “good sound federal doctrine” prevails, what more have you to wish for?—9top a little—let us see what the Delaware Ga zette savs? shell we destroy ourselves?shall we giveupthe office to democrats, and thereby seal ock final destruction! Ah hah. That word in capitals is the key to the mystery. The question about which you are contending, is not whether good sound federal doctrines, or prin'cip’es, shall prevail; for they, it seems, prevail already; but it is, con fessedly, whether yourselves or wliich you profess to con sider as synonomous, your offices sit:.!! be given up!— AVe are much obliged to you gentlemen, for informing us, even at this late day, what is tae object of our exertions! —Del. H'atchman, From the Montreal Sun of September 7. AA’e were this morning informed, by good authority, of the arrival last evening of a gentleman from the north west, bringing the intelligence of Fort William’s having fallen into the hands of lord Selkirk’s party. William MKJilhvray, esq. is said to be taken prisoner. Tux harvest.—It is generally admitted, haghe dib*ri< t that the farmers have got nearly all their « into tneir granaries. The information we have received from ail quarters on this subject is the most flatrering. Besses the number of sheaves being much greater, they are more proliflic, and less is required to produce a minotof good wheat, than has been for some years past. Twelve siieaves of wheat yielded, to one husbandman, four minots; fifty- yielded nineteen and a quarter to another. Thirty sheaves of Barley produced ten minots. The peas, however, are, not yet free from all danger, notwithstanding, they have at present a very' fine appearance; they are tender, and a light frost may do them much injury.—Spactuteur Ci^ia- dien. New-York, September 13. The Storm.—The north-east storm wliich commenced on Monday, has increased to such severity that we have had no connnumcauon with the outer harbour for the last 48 hours. Ail the vessels reported yesterday as below, still remain there, except the Plato, from Cork, which has gone to Amboy-, probably many others have arriv, ed in the bay. It is believed that more rain lias fallen here during the present storm, than in any like period for a number of years.—.Mercantile Advertiser, 13th inst.^t, September 10, The frosts of August; we are very sorry to leam, have proved extremely injurious. In the counties upon the Hudson, their effects were principally confined to th Fire.—The mills at Red Hook, L. I. were burnt down on AA’ednesdxy about midnight. The flames cast such a radiance, that the city bells rang an alarm, and the peo ple in the upper end of the town thought the lower or southern part Was oil fire.— Columbian. September 14. The violent storm of and w ind which set in here from the north-east last Monday morning, and which continues to tiie present hour, was not felt above the Highlands on the North river until last Wednesday even ing, nor had it extended itself to Boston as late us Thurs day morning. In this city it lias rained almost steadily for the last six days, and it is calculated more water has fallen than is recollected to have fallen in the same space of time for a number of y ears. Tiie gale appears to be nearly exhausted, so that we hope in the course of this afternoon to hear from the shipping in the bay and offin: Mr. Stevens, Of the pilot boat George, arrived here yesterday afternoon from Amboy. He informs that on Thursday morning the George was driven, with both anchors ahead, on the point of tiie Cove, when they slip ped the cables, and ran up to Amboy for a harbour. The Revenue Cutter, and pilot boat Science, were safe in the Horse-shoe. Most of the vessels in tiie bay nad dragged their anchors some distance, but appeared to be safe. Two brigs came in from sea on Thursday morning and anchored in the bay. The wind was variable at sea, shifting occasionally- from east, and by north to east, and by south. The brig George AVashington, Smith, which arrived below- on Tuesday, from AVilmington, s. c. with a cargo of cotton, corn, and naval stores, parted both cables on Thursday morning, and ran ashore in Prince’s bay, Staten island, but will probably be got off without ma terial injury. situated only a fetv steps from tV^,ffir e n | ’ 3 teen months had elapsed, and all thought* ( • covering either the robber or his b<- , M " be dismissed, when a complete devr’-opeim. ".- 0 suddenly made, and the delinquent disci v- i and apprehended! As all men in his sir . are to be considered innocent yntil their - ' - 11 p&ria n ; u,.e .’P. ' f proved by a regular process of law. we s d stain from any remark tending to a preju,!;, of this man’s case; nor even couple hi* with his crime unt.i boih are formerly i:,t ed into a court of justice. It is enm;* 1 time to say, that he belongs to the fie -,- his station, though menial, necessarily responsibility in the care of the public / and that the person who has lodged i.,', ! - : ! v against him. was probably an ficcompiire ■'. " robbery. No nartof the'money ha- u- v ,. f “ recovered, aiid probably tne whole i! i, |k ,^ the government.—Herald mu to Montreal, August On Monday e vening, the dbfh inst. at half w “rili) seven, the clouds presenting a dismal aspect the northwest and north, wh-n suddenly a-”' rent of rain and large hail fell in quantities u almost exceeded belief. The lightning w a < commonly vivid, and the thunder the whole displayed a scene at once ;,v. terrific. Notwithstanding the furv 0 fthe little damage has been sustained in thi so far as we have been able to learn. Oa Wednesday last, several trar. Quebec, having on board the De WattviHe r-v ment. ’ ' ‘ S 1 ’ storm, ^ vicir„: T pnrR Ilo “It LAKE CHAMPLAIN. A wag of this town was luMv trar New-York,and while passing where t! can fleet is laid up in Lake (’f ian aine the subject of conversation. '}; can gentlemen did not fail of lustily ! what their squadron had achieved V: -e Amerj. r>. it be- p An in i- W'tifio of in the l»tc war. and of what it would perform shvihl i-o-ti I*ties again take place; to which uurw -T ^rav. !y replied, that they tvere out of their rtrkor.ii,®* for that toe British government would soon hdi upon a measure that would render the Ameri- can naval force useless. This naturally excited ome astonishment among those vain-«!nnoi:i gentry, bur when they were told, “it \va- intend ed to make a wide cut, nine feet deeper thru the Rapids of t?t. Johns, which would aim ,«t drain the. they were confounded, h aA a scheme is very practicable, ami would .ess money in the execution than the bait din" and equipment of the squad rot. which was cap tured atthebattie before Plattioc.-;. A southern federal paper has latelv invented a supposed dialogue, in which federal arg’.meets against the administration and the late '.var ar» answered, by a republican, bv replying -If ire- Light.” The federalists complain tnat ml} not hear their arguments and reasonir. fWi e. b '.5 US i.c \Su'\ •rr M subject. This cal! upon republicans <i war and since, to “bear to reason.** n :. of the man and his son who got into sin culty with a load of wood. The fath< r : upon getting out of the difficulty in hi- owi and the son repeatedly called on h s f:.< !iear to reason. Do for God’s sake, far lit he, for once hear to reason! Tiie far her • so often importuned, at last laid down his *i>i; to attend to reason, and anxiously enquired w ; it was. “Why,” says the son. *T wish, father, that you, and the cart, and oxen and stood weft t.. > all in h-U together.”—Vermont Republican O 2 Rostov, September 12. Captain Eaton, from Fort Royal, (Mart.) reports that while at Martinique, a French ship arrived from Havre bound to Gaudaloupe, but did not proceed on her way in consequence of the plague being in that Island. The last advices received at Martinique stated that it had ra ged to such a degree that half the inhabitants were swept off—no business was transacted. The French frigate Normande arrived at Fort Royal 20th August, from the Saints, and was to sail in one or.two days for France.— The French troops were daily expected at Martinique, to take possession of the Island, and the British preparing to leave.—Daily Advertiser. British H'est Indies.—AVe have seen letters from Bar- badoes to the 9th August, which mention that troops were sailing from all the islands for Jamaica, where an insurrec tion of the slaves was expected.—Gazette. From the Ai‘ev>-Yark National Advocate. Mr R , of this city, informed the person who com municates this article, that a few days since an intelligent farmer lately arrived here from Scotland states, that “in the ne-.o town of Endinburgh, (said to be one of the hand somest in Europe) most of the elegant houses are shut up, and only one servant left to watch the buildings, the owners having gone to France, to evade paying the enor mous taxes.” He further adds, that “absentees’ estates pay no taxes, during their absence,” as he Was informed. Hence this law must have been enacted to favour the no bility and the wealthy landholders! AVe have no such partial laws in this happy country. AMICUS. A tribute to the memory of Sheridan. : found in our columns ol this day-. That Bi i-l patriot had lived long enough to see hi-1 .c a tions fulfilled, that the French wav, and r.s/7? system, would bring ruin upon England .’ Pitt has been called the pilot that weather' A" storm—but history will show, that he rt- the storm, and died before the succeed In; had given England the opportunity of v wr ing its terrible effects upon her happing awl prosperity. Even the calm, which sent; to display' the wide spread ruin and distress ri her agricultural, manufacturing and commerce, interests, may be but the interlude between lift the “MURDER WIIL OUT.” Norfolk, September 11. On the night of the 26th of June, 1815, the clerk’s office in the navy yard at Gosport, was feloniously entered, and the desk belonging thereto broken open and plundered of four thou sand seven hundred dollars in bank notes, which had been received of the navy agent and depo sited there the preceding evening, for the pur pose of paying off seamen, marines, and others attached to the dgpot. The utmost vigilance fhe revenue, and taxes exceed the rentf foreign storm which Pitt poured tip°n French republic, and that domestic oitfw v.c; must sooner or later level the British gnver: - ment in the dust, and scatter its proud pi I in the Avhirlwinds of a dreadful revolution — dlbany Register. SITUATION OF GREAT BRITAIN The following is an extract of a letter from i gentleman in Bath,-England, to his son in N«- York, dated July 22, and left at the ol£ce the National Advocate. “Trade and commerce in this country seem ,1 be annihilated—people out of emplov a d not ing in every part—the hanging at Eiy fas by r n means quelled the spirit of dissatisfaction—H has shown itself in a most alarming degree it Chippenham, Bradford, and also at Trowbridge in tliis neighbourhood; The national debt w Enplane! is above a thousand millions, and that of Ireland above two hundred millions more — OvR NATIONAL EXPENSE EXCEEDS THE RE v £>'' :E SEVENTEEN MILLIONS PER ANNUM, AND THE TAXES EXCEED THE RENTS IN EVERY COUNTY. A W® 01 . so embarrassed cannot long exist. Eleven 11 the first houses in London have latelv stopp^ J payment—many more are tottering—and the bankrupts in England alone are, upon the 2 yer ‘ age, 80 per week.” * - This is no doubt, a pretty correct pictur* 0 the state of England; for we should not suppose » father would undertake to deceive his son— a dreadful picture it is. Tom Paine’s calculation was, that the national debt of England won destroy itself by its regular increase in the p re sent year, 1816; or, in other words, that in t year 1796, it had entered upon the last twer C years of its political existence; and we sas P ec . Mr. Paine’s opinion will prove nearly c< ?^, r . e ^ When national expense is seventeen mlCt ? ur pounds sterling, or seventy-five millions J hundred and eighty thousand dollars more ^