Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, September 28, 1816, Image 4

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idjfc Ogfrtfle’s Essays, ^afti Will Speedily be pnblished,(at fMa- o£tavt> Folume^Qi front three to totfr nun- Its contents alpedivided into two parts, and . wui 1/E as fellows: * SIPhe first flart -will contain ^Preface and four Evas*. FrmST.—Oti the cardinal importance of the study of mathematical Science, as a hraach of liberal “^cation, ttpd as connected with the attainment of ability arid skill In the exercise of oratory* . J Secoitd.—Oh the Jh'atwe, Extent and Limits ot Human knowledge, so fa? a* it is founded in the relation ot Cause and effect; and concerns Hind and matter. ' * Thi*d.—On the abuse of Mitral Fiction in the shape of ‘^omr^^On the tlieoVy arid use of Moral Fiction The second part xrill contain an Introductory JVara- ■Utie, in which the circumstances that led the writer to .Undertake the design, to the prosecution of which he has jdaiduously devoted the last six years of his life, Will be detailed. This narrative will record; too, incidents that occured ^faring his successive visits to the principal cities of the •Unites States, so far as a knowledge of these incidents - 4nay aeem to him calculated to enable the candid and Intelligent reader to understand distinctly the nature ' fruf objects of tffts enterprize—the principles by which die has been governed in its execution—the degree of success that has hitherto crowned his exertions—the use Jk has made of his success, so far as the public are con cerned—the stage in the prosecution of his design, at ~\»hich he has arrived—his plans and intentions with re gard to its further prosecution, so far as they can be dis- ’tinctly foreseen,and are likely to be in any degree in teresting to such readers. This narrative will commence with his departure from Milton, Albemarle county, Virginia, in 1809, and close With his departure from Charleston, for Philadelphia, in $816. This narrative will be followed by the principal part of sm oration, entitled “The Rostrum,” in-which he has en deavored to illustrate the permanent public utility, and ' to display the intrinsic dignity and attractions of the species of oratory which he has cultivated; its appropriate sphere, in contradistinction to other and pre-established -applications of this uoble art; its peculiar adaptation to the. age and state of society, in which we live, and to the spirit of atpopular government; the subjects best fitted fqr the exercise and exhibition of this species of oratory, Nndthe many useful and benificent purposes to which it may be made subservient _ ^ ’A series of shorter passages, from other-oratious, pre Vtously delivered from the Rostrum, and a few specimens Of Philosophical Criticism, will occupy the last part of 1 jhe Volume. v As this volume is committed to the press, for the pur pose principally, of enabling the intelligent part of the public to decide how far the writer is qualified to per- tbrm the duties of a teacher Of oratory—to deliver Lec tures on Rhetoric, accompanied by exercises in compo- sitSon, criticism, and elocution, to successive classes of >■ students, inrthe principal colleges established in the Unit- id. States, it, is proper that his pretentions to prac tical knowledge and skill ill the exercise of orato ry, should be subjected to a severer test, than the super ficial fugitive and equivocal impressions, on the minds of aii miscellaneous audience, by declamatioi . • Tt is fair and just'that persons, from whom momentary, Vuianalyzed and involuntary feeling, or the contagion of y 'Unreflecting sympathy, may have extorted a plaudit, un- "Octofeer On holiday, the 7tb Octbil be held at the court house, ‘ efectifen will vannahjfora SevATOE pnd three RsVartxjrrJnrrvsi; to represent the county of Cbatham m the next State Legislature; andfor sixMiwirtas to represent the ttate of Gkorgiaihthe fif- cultivated by Jsmes iUfcram, es<$. „ , teenth Congressofthe Uffited Stafrw of which the elect- 1 Also, a tract, containing upwards of thfeb hundred • ot . .P - —La »-■ - - _ - . J* A.J-A a. iL' - -l. A«mA .O tmnt unli fkri on will (ike notice. By order sept 17 hi gf-oUgE JONES, t. fee. c. c. j.P. WILLIAMSON,*. I.C R. MACKAY, i. i. c/ c. e. Job T.Boiles, ‘clerk. In ( ouncil, 23d September, Resolved, That Council will, on MONDAY, the 7th October next, elect the following City Officers: Recorder, * , Treasurer, Piiysici .n to the Gaol; Clerk of Council, City Marshal, City Sheriff 1 , ~ 1 Clerk of the Mayor’s Court, Messenger, . Sexton, City Surveyor, Three Gaugers* • Extract from thr minutes' - ♦ - 1). B. Williftms ft. c. sept 24 114 In Council, Monday. QtA September, 1816. The following Committees were appointed: / Committee of Finance. Aldermen Hums, Harden, Henry. Exchange Committee. Aldermen Mflntosh, Uoiton, D’Lyon. Gael Committee: Aldermen Cope, White, Duke. Street, Imne, and Tree Committee. Aldermen Proctor, Morel, Tufts. Pump Committee. Aldermen White, Cope, Fell. Jfealth Committee. Aldermen Proctor, Harris, Bolton. Extract from the minutes. D. D. Williams, c. c* Mr. W. R. Coxx, has been.appointed Sexton until the general election for City Officers, in October next. D. D. WilliamlS, c. c. sept i0 108 i ' Four hundred miff fiftjfcres, prime'tide swamp, on the Savannah BacIf River, situated about ten miles above the city, Well adapted culture of rice oh the Sugar cane; upwards of ortohundred acres now under dam, and (The Life of General Jackson, acres, adjacent to the above tract—this tract wiU he worthy the attention df the owner of the river swamp having 1 ■ "■ a go also, a swamp, abounding with cypress arid other valua bletimbet. Also, a tract, fcdntaining five ; hundred ..acres^ situated on Savannah River, a few miles above Pittsburgh, known by the name of Sear Bluff—thb tract is very valuable, a* it abounds wilh-white oak and other timber, suitable for thwSavannah market. . ‘ *• Also, two tracts of pine Land; in the vicinity of Putys- burgh, well timbered. * • .The whole.of the property wjll j»e told', on easy and moderate term* Apply to JfiHirB.BaEwwxu, in Beaufort; te Jour IfoExox, on the Okaties; or in Savannah, to Jacob. Deveaiix. sept .7—-107 now progressing, and -bill shortly be completed bo ? JOHN H. EATON, irofi-ttht nassriT or ras .attWteir or the »bc*a SIi , This Work is alri^dyrin a state of ^considerable ( finished during the ensuing his **% in appertaining The History will commence with the early life off eral jACKsox, and conclude with the operations of’T' Iran armipo Kpfnnn Vaic i . aitu -tSiSm For sale The PLANTATION called VEfatftofiEX; settled by colonel Daniel Heyward, dec. situate on the east side of the Savanriah back-river, twelve.miles from the city, and contiguous to the lands of Thoihas Gibtforis, esq. The tract consists of a total of 2126. acres, being divided in to pretty equal proportions of tide-swamp, pine-barren cotton and provision lands. Of the former there are about 300 acres on the river, which, by clearing, would be Well calculated for a productive rice plantation; and of the latter, with a large body of cleared provision land, there are about 100 acres "of prime uncleared cot ton land. On the place there is an excellent dwelling- house, with five rooms,- a large substantially buih barn, with a number of negro-houses anid other "buildings.— Possession of the place will be given at any time. For terms, which will he mode easy to an approved pur chaser, apply to the owner, at Callawassie Island, St. Luke’s Parish, South-Carolina, or to the undersigned factors in Savaqndh. WILLIAMSON & DE VILLERS. may 25- -t ■ • -62 . . . Police Office, 20th July, 1816. Pursuant to a resolution of Council, the following re port is published for the information of all concerned. “The committee to whom was referred the considera tion of the best mode of redeeming, investing and appro priating the funds derived from the emission of corpora tion treasury change bills, report—that for the further security of the holders of the said bills, the treasurer do keep a separate account of the amount issued and that he do keep the sums in the treasury of the city, to enable him to pay bills when presented to him, and that on no occasion do he make use of the sums so received,.but for the payment of the said bills, unless otherwise authorised by special resolution of council. -Your committee are of opinion, that the amount issued is too smalTYto enable o • ». • • .• _ , i * .. «I utv amount tsousdiou^ly, perhaps reluctantduring* toe ' delivery or 1 council to make any appropriation of the same by invest- his_ orations, should have an opportunity td retract orl it.lL...- /- , — - f -T P ■ - - Aw. MuMAttr onlrAlvf 4-Vv’a ronf'unaido confirm that plaudit; to review calmly the sentiments and the style in whichthey were expressed, on | which they - -teemed, and wept believed, perhaps untruly, to stamp ap probation, and to decide how far the impulse of the mo- XQent was in unison with the dictatee.of dehberate reflection Ihfi writer feels that this appeal from the impulse of Anomentaiy feeling, to the dictates of mature reflection, from the~auditor to the reader,-from the Rostrum to the press, is not merely fair and proper. It is the course which prudence, honor, and integrity, th« 'unked-dictates of personal and social duty, prescribe. He well knows, that the plaudit, which the candidate fbr oratorical honors, may draw even from an intelligent Uudience, is equivocal and. ephemeral, unless it is ratified by the judgment of the intelligent reader, and that in an age like this -no species of literary empiricism, or impos- ture, can pscape detection and ignominious exposure, ■when in appeal is made from the Rostrum to the press. He makes this appeal therefore, under a distinct present- timsnt, that the sentence pronounced upon his preten tions Will be the awafd of justice, and he cannot antici pate this award without solicitude and apprehension sept 12—109 *#* During my absence from Savan nah, for a few mdiiths, Mr. Gill, will conduct the af fairs of the Livery Stables; Mr.' Halt, the Stage Office; UndJoE'T. BollXS, ’will act as my Attorney and Agent. Daniel Hotchkiss. ment in funds or otherwise to draw interest, and that the existence of these bills may he too short in their limita tion to authorise council for the present to make any permanent appropriation of their proceeds. Your com mittee furtlier recommend that the treasurer <lo receive for said bills, the Current money of the City, to wit—the notes of Banks which are not depreciated further than the difference of exchange, and that the; treasurer furnish the committee of Finance with thuamount of change bills issued, and the amount on hand received for the same, and that he do advertise that persons,-holders of the change bilis, will receive payment at.&ny time, by Calling an the treasurer—bat no sum under one dollar will be paid. CHARLES HARRIS, A GEO. V. PROCTOR, i Committee” EDWARD HARDEN,5 Extract from the minutes. D. D. Williams, c, c. july 23—87 Contract. -80 july 6- »..m -. Brought to goal, on the 17th July, 1816, Tom, the property of doctor Giilett, of South Car- " tjenna. "H6 iS five feet three inches high, thirty years of nee, and an African by birth, thin face. ^ H. JVDCall, g. c. c. juiT-33—-^87 *** Brought to Savaimah eael, on the 25th September, 1816, a negro man named Stephen, five feet three inches Jqgh, an African horn, about twen ty-five. years of age; says lie belongs to Mr. Paul Wil- kins,'Lroerty county. A. HARMON, aept26—1—115 n.». c. c. *** Brought _ it to Savannah gaol, on the "25th September, 1816, a negro man named Ben, five feet nine inches high, has a scar over his left eye,- says fie belongs to Mr. Robert Frazier, of Richmond county. A. Harmon, d. g. c. c. sept.26 ■ -- ■ 115 ^ Brought to goaf, on the 2dthinst. a negro man, who says his name is Isaac, and belongs to Richard Seating, of Bryan county, five feet seven inches high, about Y7 years old," has oft White Woollen pantaloons axt blue jacket, mnbli patched. i. A. Harmon, d. g. c. c. aug27—102 -/=- . 1_ ; : £/■ Brought to gaol, in Jacksonbo- rough, Scriven county, September 2,1316, a negro man, who says his name b John, and that he belongs to Tho mas Gilson, of Coosawhatchie, South Carolina. He is an African by birth, about twenty-two or three years-old, five feet six at seven inches high, darfccoiaplexion; has irons Ground Ihs legs, with acluon across, and says heranaway about a month ago. SOLOMON KEMP, ». 1.1. c.- —aept 14" ■■■ —11Q Brought to Darien goal, 12th Sep tember, 1816, a negro man, says lus name is Flohen- tijie, and that he helongs to William Bird of Bulloch county, about forty years of age, six feet high, speaks; broken English, pitted with the small pox. j. John Coarts, sept 24—L—ltt gaoler. Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in October next, . Will be sold at,.the court-house in Jefferson, Camden -ooUrtty, between the Usual hours of ten and three %’eloeh, Three negroes, viz: Roduf, Sampson and Abram; levi- - d rvn as the property of Thomas Hughs to satisfy an cx^utibn in'ravor of Alexander Leckie. ^Viso,» two ritory dwelling house and kitchen, situat- ;«£ ip town of St. Mary’#, on the east comer of Lot fite residence of the late Vincent Pendergass, ^,ic. levied on as tlie property of Eleazer Watermen to fdatlfy tfh'Sxecutioji in favor ofp. Hunn. Jolrn Bailey, s. c. c. Proposals will be received by the undersigned commit tee until the 28th iust. for painting and paving the ad ditional vegetable and fish Market. GEORGE L. COPE, 1 ) „ , . G. R DUKfc, C Market G. TUFTti, \ calumltt * e - sep 24 114 Notice. Pursuant to an order of Council, I will sell the new Vegetable ■ and Fish STALLS, in the,Market, Eilis’s square, on FRIDAY, the 4th October next, to the highest bidder—sale to commence at ten o’clock, under the su perintendance of the Market Committee. The conditions of sale as customary with other stalls. F. M. Stone, sent 24 114 . Ctty Marshal Savaunah Boor House and Hospital. VISITING COMMITTEE Fqr September and October, James Morhishn and Most* Olelaitd. Joseph Cumming, julv 30—J—90 Secretary For sale The. Toll-Bridge -over Great Ogechee River, at which Joseph Hill lately resided—it is a substantial wall built bridge, composed chiefly of cypress; it lias stood the creshets, and appears to be in ail respects a good and fomplete piece of work. For terms apply to JOHN BOLT ON or ? ex’ors. Jeremiah cutler. s/.Hat. april 4 riO For Sale Thy Wharf, lately occupied bv Caig & Mit<?hel, con taining 200 feet front on Savannah River; bounded west wards .by Camochan & Mitchel, and eastwardly by An drew Knox. Also,, the Wharf Lot, adjoining the Ferry, at Fort Wayne, containing 150 feet on the river and near 500 feet back, from the same;. bounded eastwardiy by the fence at Fort Wayne. On this lot, is the House, with two piazas, at the east end of the Bay. For terms, please apply to PETER MFI CHEL. autr 24>—-——101 For sale A House and Lot, i« St. James’s square; being one of the most healthy and pleasant situations in this city—on the said lot are all necessary out buildings. This pro perty will be sold for a moderate price, and a credit of one, two and three years given for the payment. Per sons disposed to purchase will apply to either of the subscribers. BEN. 8HEFT ALL, M. SHE FT ALL, sen. anril 6——41 #%ich urns commenced by the late Ma lor j 0 i m u - ‘ ~ ill short!,, Hna o W British and American armies before New-Orleans" U j wiU comprise all the events of the war in which h- h,'i any agency; - . " aa The Work will contain about four hundred _ taro, accompanied by an engraved likeness „ al, and drawings of the different battles.—v*-— o. ner ' OCy* Subscriptions, to the above Work, Qfice o f thr. Swo(„ny<if, Republican. Price g4 reca ^<4* au P 13.* Dissoliition of Copartnei shm. The firm of Samuel '& Isaac -Russel is this day dis^ )v ed, by njdtuxd consent. All-persons havi <- denur.di against said f^m, are requested .to present diem for niv. ment to Samuel Russel, who iaffrUy autliorized to v -/u the affairs of the concern; SAMUEL HVsst'i ' Isaac RcsotL The subscriber, Has ou hand A large add elegant assortment of DRY GOODS, v ri ;, n he will sell a bargain, on a liberal credit. Samuel Russel. sept 7—rx 107 . - . . . Dissolution. The firm of Fcuches Si King is this day dissolve ’ - consequence of the death of Mr. John Furclies Alioe- sona who a$e indebted to tlie concern, will please call and liquidate their accounts; and those who We clairrs against the concerfl will present them for settlement to tlie subscriber. JOHN' KING sept 26—115 t’rn ir-np, ■ - • - ■ - tr - To Watch .'lakers. S. I. To Bras & Co. (New-York,) of the firm of \f ; Tobias & Co. wholesale Patent Lever Watch Mann: turers, Liverpool; beg leave to inform the trace tint they have established a house in tins citv, where they may be supplied with Gold arid Silver Patent Lever and Verticle WATdHE8, and all kinds of Watch .Materials. Orders forwarded to New-York will be imm< dutelv attended to. PTewYork, 24th aug.—*c?c-—106 Factorage and Commissi*mi. The subscriber haring commenced in die above line of BUSINESS, offers his services to his friends and the public; his Counting^toom is on Wayne’s upper wh_rf, formerly occupied by Messrs. Phiiiizy &. Barnett T„e Store is large and commodious—produce wiii be re ceived on storage and every attention given' to us re. ception and shipment. RICH ARD WAYNE. dec 2—1.39 Notice. To be sold, at public auction, in front of tlie court house, in the city of Savannah,- on the first Tuesday in January next, one thousand acres of prime land, situate on the south branch of Turtle river, Glynn county—the joint property df the Union Society, Chatham Academy and tlie 8avannah Poor-House and Hospital Society, which tract oTland was originally granted to tlie Bethes- d* College. Any person who few disposed to embark largely "in .the cultivation of cotton, corn or sugar-cane, would find this a. most eligible situation. The grants can be seen by applying at the office'of Lloyd & Morrison, in the Exchange. Terms of sale—one half cash, the ba lance in one year, with interest from the date of pur chase, secured by bond and mortgage, on the premises. MOSES SHEFTALL, President U. S. R. W. HABERSHAM, Treasurer, ff. A. J. MORRISON, Com. Sav. P. H. and R S. arr 23- Id". . W harf and Stores." To rent, that extensive Wharf and commodious Stores, at present occupied by Mr. Barna MTfinne, of which possession may be had on the first of November next.— For terms apply to R. Sc J. HABERSHAM, july 9— ■ --SI To rent, That commodious dwelling HOUSE, in Oglethorpe ward, at present occupied by David Taylor, esq. for terms apply to JOHN H. MOREL, oept 10- • • ‘ 108 . ....... . - . Robbery. To rent, On Saturday night last the room occupied by the sub scriber, as a Billiard Room, was entered by some villain or villains, who took away a small TRUNK .containing sundry ARTICLES—also one set Billiard BALLS and a small LANTHERN. Any person who drill give such in formation as will lead to convict the robber or robbers, shall receive five dollars. From the first October next, all that valuable wharf I and stores situated thereof near tlie Exchange., common ly called Morel’s wharf. Apply to doctor Miller, Brough ton street, or to T. N. Morel, esq. august 13 96 sep 24—m—114 Tranquile Mories. Wanted. A small boy, between 12 and 15 years of age, to wait Ten dollars’ reward. Absconded from the subscriber, this morning abotu 10 o’clock, his negro girl SALLY, country born, abotu 16 years old, slender made and tolerable likely, she -wlil- ; be easily known, from the scar of a blister, recently ap- | plied on tlie back of her neck, had on a check homespun frock, no shoes or bonnet; it improbable slie will endea- ! vor tp get on board some of the Augusta boats, as she i was bought from a gentleman living in that quarter — The above reward will be paid on delivering her to me, at the Merchant’s and Planter’s Hotel. W. CRAIG, sept 10 108 Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in October next. Will be sold at the court bouse, in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours of It) and 3 o’clock, Five negroes, viz; Isaac, Cretia, Damon, Mentor and Sally; levied on as the property of William Stephens, esq. and sold under a foreclosure of mortgage to satisfy Joshua E. White & Co. I in a house, wages will I printer. be punctual. Apply to the sept 21—113 Georgia—Chatham county. By Samuel M. Bend, clerk ot the court of or* dinary for the county of Chatham. Whereas, Patrick Houston* administrator of the estate and effects of Harriet Y. Morel, dec. has applied to the said court, to be dismissed from the burthen of the administration aforesaid. Now, therefore, these are to cite and admonish all and singalar the kindred and creditor:, of the | said Harriet Y. Morel, dec. to file their objections, (if any they have,) in my office, on or before the .'ixth day of January next, otherwise letters dismis- »ory will be granted to the applicant. Given under my hand and fieal of the Mid court, at Savannah, the 6tfi dav of July* 1816. [L. S.] ' SAM UEL M BOND, c. c. o. july 6—sec a—80 Bank of Georgia. It being deemed expedient by the Board ot Directors, that another Instalment of tlie Stock of the Bank of tlie State of Georgia should be called in, and that the Stock holders should be required to pay a proportion thereof in specie. N'rtice is hereby given, th. ; agreeably to a resoluhoj of tin; Directors of this date, twenty-three per Centura on each share, of the Stock of the Bank, is required '0 be paid by the Stockholders, on or boiirre t.<« second Monday in December next; that five dollars, m be paid on each share, as part of the said twenty-three per cent, and the balance in bills of either of the Bank! of Georgia. Tlie Stockholders are lurther notified, that Cashier's Certificates of Stock will be issued -n lieu of the Com missioners’ Certificates, held by tlie Stockholders, upoa the delivery of the Commissioners’ Certificates, at the time of paying the Instalment, as above required. Western Stockholders are informed, that they may pav aaid Instalment, and receive their Stock Certificate's, on delivering the Commissioners’ Certificates, s, either of the Offices established at Augusta and Milicii,evale, h soon as they shall be'in operation, which wiUi be n a short time. ELEAZAR EARLY, Cashier. Savannah, the 20th September, 1816.—’[115] For sale, A Negro Fellow, a prime field hand, a good boatm-l and a jobhing~carpenter, and is a smart, active, vtiiwt servant. ALSO, A Negro Fellow, a very gpod tailor; both of vhici will be sold low, if applied fox immediately . Bacon & Bruen. sept 14 cm 110 ♦ _ - For sale A House in Market-square, which has every conveni ence for a store and family, and is well calculated to: country-trade. Apply to the printer. sep 12—109 Marshal’s sales. On the first Tuesday in October next, Will be sold at the store lately occupied by C. A J- Djm, at 11 o’clock, _ _ , A general assortment of Druggs and Medicines, and sundry articles of household Furniture—levied on as the property of Charles C. Dunn to satisfy an execution at the suit of Robert & Lindley Murray. John Eppinger, aug- 31 —104 Marshal’s sales. On the first Tuesday in October next, Will be sold at the Market House, in St. Mary’s, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, All that tract of Land, in Camden county, adjoinin, the town of Jefferson, containing two hundred and tit.’ acres, more or less—Also, Lot No. 45 and improvemen t and Lots, 25, 56, 61 and 76, and half Lot No. 49, in. toe town of Jefferson—levied on as the property of -Sitva- nus Church to satisfy an execution at the suit of Jam rf Wilson. WILLIAM F. KELLY. 1 104 «--**» aug ltepviu Sheriff’s sale. A. Cope, s. c. c. aug 10 95 • ■«;» Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in November suxt, WiU be sold in the town of^rwiswick, Two Dwelling Houses, situate on the Bay* in said town—levied on as the property qf William Green, to satisfy an execution in favor'of George Abbott. WffliamTa*% D . s . g. c. sep JL2-——-109 Blank For On thefirst Saturday in October next, Will be sold at the market house m St. Mary’s between the *sual hours of ten and three o’clock, the following property, viz: Part of Lot No. 132, in the town of St. Mary's, con- { I tainragykhree acres; also tlie improvements on which j Stephen W. Moor now resides, imsairl town-levied on < | as tbe^property of said Moor to satisfy his taxes fog the |year4815; also bis fifty per centum tax for the yew 18J4; also to satisfy taxes due bysaid Moor for R. Dole, for the years 1903 and 4 ■ amount due, £33 37 cents and [costs. t JOHN BAILEY, s. c.«. City Marshal’s sales. On Monday, the 30th day of October next, Will be sold in front of the Exchange, between the ho ,1?s of ten and two o’clock, Five hogsheads of Sugar—levied on as the prepare, of Charles Morell to satisfy a tax execution in favor® the city—amount of tax g500 and cost. F. M. Stone, c. aug 31— ,104 Six and a Quarter Gents’ reward, For taking up and delivering to me, ray a PP ren .S boy Allec, who absconded on the evening ot tne i. inst. a negro of rather a light complexion, Aged 16 yeaf** but, for proof to conviction of his being harbored by person, Ten Dollars will be'added and all re ? son ^ i; j charges paid. I forbid all persons from harijornv ^ boy or assisting him any way, or from carrying ™ 11 ' of the place. JOHN STILWUhL J ’ s... y ^ Blank ladeatures,