Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, October 01, 1816, Image 2

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tuitwKUix wnmpr miter uian that of iw.' . * rtuenta, ought-to be found or hnairineri tttrtliof these statements, it is iohfbeijL, - wywho haveattendejktothe complexion of iff r side of foe water, will haye any' donb^ Lri ^ niirtn foencoutomeafe recapitulate U»J^"„ the t c^vas tb.s ow"!' 3 8 -fft-ar^Bi^detW'bave grown D .- corru ^ v»C i concluding part ofsrr Francis Burdett’s siv^i rer^pUmlyindifetive, that, howew streni^ llsl tdvocate a reform Hi parliament, and that' the i ,Y linsr should beco-extensive with Hii-f rtt ,-. .: >“• ion. -..The trial kfpiacefoe 19 Sultaimrig the honor tup jiish flag against tbeTlsri: iprdaily': incteaming; > Th and to receive the it cessaiy'toplfoeR^opt tbougfd'hojveveri ' fifat the ptahe cannot i resistance! shwdd foe rMooVs. venture an ji .-■'■■it was-eertamlysthfeogh mtst?k* foal ^ felopted hastlly’fo*5tatemen» contained in received m this city, that foe British «>' Btht off th<i JPrencIi ca Grept-Britnin only cri in relinquished Of Geutais to befrinforc- ' ammttnitidn, Ac., nee rorn \nr etont- It is; •n sliewed towards TmhumviGiui&iL from jCew-Vark, arHyedi iFigKt A fow jbjssage f}d Urnag-^- [esars. Parish, of, Philadelphia, l’ev. Orm ith several ufoer^ - , , * •- *] ■ Sir Cflteiirose will iomlofd with te ships now iiftder jys bofii tmanti. in the,M< fcantJespared for ofosriT s^b iee: they are 6, captain ^Teriton; Ister, j38,wea{lt!unyoi "^^^expecttdt^H^^^chs^ d!hifwk.Capellcn, iihd a Ncipbtitan *qu« fate with oitf. fleet. Btit'uiclapenrlently Sritiah force will consist of flVe-siut qf tl y-frigates, eight sloops, mid four bonibj- othpanjCpf roy.i sappers and triinei so ton*,stHfstffea foe people do not-assume a me n v 5; attitude-, and, for their own safety, ftducathem to r^if 7 their tfroogi* It isffifficid^boWkver* to draw tU r indte revolution of nations, -when the arm of the-,. , Lis rai%d and the blow w3$»14. - pt0 Pk Tfcfe baronet concludes thus.- , ¥ v “It is £ mistake to suppose tb«i a petition Wj rnere begging pf almy-tibr it means a demand r/^t, 4 as the petitio* of nfMfor instance. I: would be a raise idei of dWity to decline the US( . ot’V word petition. Forn^-stltTl declare, that if I wi, nt J"j a general disposition On the parriof the people to Tj- tionfbr reform, 1 should efiteltairt the highest ho-es r success, " for, Independently ofxh^consideration thattia voice of t^e oppressed was afways terrible to the onrn*. iora, southing must, I have, no doubt, be dom J cm!' phance with tlie general yrish of the people <,f burkn i' if -that w*sh T tfere firmly, and satergrticalH- nnll l allies; so Vbablv be I tgfadaUbn which he Was doomed to suffer in this count try, upon a charge that, should‘forever be nameless among us. On Saturday m consequence of an -order from, the fferaid’s office, the proper*oflic/r proceeded, to the Stall in Westminster Abbey, where h : >s ukSgnia of, the order of the , Bath were deposited, and; from that place they threw down his banner, kicked ?it away, ^pd, completely degraded him frbln the honor, whictyin tty: Ids better fbrtuhe and unsullied eharaOter, hid, Ijeen conferred on him. •>- Augtist 9. » v jV** ‘ We wereirighrin bur goojectures respecting the gros* exaggerations and falsehoods dealt out mi the French jyi- -pers on the subject of. the Barbary ftowffrs. We have teeen-letters from Maltsfof the 11th of July, wluch state jhat the navigation of the Mediterranean Was-never so free from interroptisn^in the meroory of man by the Barhary pirates# it has been since the treaties n^fiy ated by ford ExStouth; and. that the massacre at Bans*,, Onbvhich hundreds were stated to have been slaiuy was a skifisiph*'m Mish someieven or ejglu pe^sna.bosti tlieir lives, but'iio BnrlkdKten. nor any vessfel^fthder aron, under vice dron, will co-op- of tljjeaeaids, the ellne, ^glit hea- -totnlJ15.sail. A s, under major board theAueeu ’to ^ on fe- to a depufatiohfrom on him ori 'Tuesday hfeibr ttwrcity with employed hT^t^e Z^SSS ri^btvaod that itcHTgld and would be em way or other i» their own protect^ PS** for the public noftbe best w y , r C A ^ i e ^i n W ‘"’" ,ril r a,l(1 useleaiV r ,^d ; bosgfts to balls and baroi ucb. misdhieftf might be R?mtd “ ser more* constitutional m0(1 ^ ‘4 r T | R an essential ocoply.-liutthere w ;s " t> to ac«5| day, »»d j betters OutBh W iiynerous iome. pef tbeniPas, owrugfro pwmorsfrom 'whole, .they conskleiithe-f*ai«jaT s stan(}ing#n firm gtouhft. - >HipioT ^tiorts at tte <hike of Avliich it ^inftyrhd tliat his-gf^pefv return to that capital. BHvafe c .iipon a report ofthpfrrti’ -rptwogs ^n, yet made of i J sewed to have bei Tvpfch arrived disl iteat g4le of \yind- aud the llprbaty poireis h»s e: given ^o iouriners^Hat it prob; irtondon' fldi e are enabled fiat ageneral impte^niint in Spaid is order- ped Fdjj -ant all, and moreiplrtn all, tl,.- soldi.-rs-. ht he intends serioqfiv tio nr with the train. Hits jnSouth AnWffic^ weidieujj.e roCfen §«LSnainr nor theney^power at tfee Braajb, overcome «ld skBilWe a vast popuhitionL til bare aiitdo«sly%reathingfor indepfehajnu^. Inti? liberty. One observes ^ith pjtn^tfel toratlon to Rtitne, however just inre* tmpanied with Bio greater j^art«dP the 0 we might *<lu|pst add.the crimes, which al ; ii n c Trom which-#* tipnal articles:- Wejiave regdvejdfecounts fi-Om"Ta vesaefyattwo ships had been fallin in sqwSnwi, which had no visiting them, it Wai tion they belonged, this d«:laration at ti . We are solyy %o learn, that a^coj/rnnatjon has bee received of the mfirder Air. Lisle, tfie govemm^j messenger ^Madyid. He « supposed to have time r.mtly entemf a walk freejutnted-by bad characters,!.!!, •was, peripps, suspected to hav^been a spyt&m'phg thea He received seven itabs in the bony. His clothes an. otther effectsbave already-reacted this cjuhtiy, with til par&ulatB of this, atrocious acf, \vhieh, of coUfae.'wiU b lliorougiily investigated. ^ /re/ouf/.—A fety nights ago, the laiopse of a farmei situated between Antrim and Laughanmoye, was bgse by banditti ha,ving their faces Wackfhea... They sow forced an -entrance, and demanded- his money, wide thejr sakl they kbiew he possessed,, lie assured them h had’ none, for featibe had,.oh the previous day, paid W tffent with it. ’ They reiterated.their deniaftifcwith dread fuT threatenings, to ■which the ngor man coJfe only repl by'again-assuring them he had pfed Ids rent with it. THi barbarians 4-ould not believe him, and, imputjng his de niaL to obstinacy, then proceeded io break thy tables an. the Fi-eneb ____klld that after ^P&aihle. to ili^tSiyer to what na* Aain Ldois Scarlett bus made ImKjte, in order that information sclaBis. ber of small vessels. iW brigs n?K« and a ship of the line navy will Soon btfhAile to fumidt ep.gtli, if nothing occurs to cvnnJ the government jppc&rs to give given ti armiug launchc. from Flanders inccd in an art Russia and Ai Sail doubt ha Lthey will ren Tliaq iiideed, is a question, i>e premature to discuss, but declaration is jvistiy express raelv, that the right of vot- eriavedrith direct taxation. that, club. ' Hampden club, shoo,\4 be ind. Such an estabiisVimtvt ; arid mat the several clnti licate as to the- state of opinion in their ,concert measures together,and threw :o each oQier for the benefit of the , hear/] I hope, therefore, the gentlemriS present, will use their endeavors :rtUte such clubs in their several neighbourhoods. heed, to learn from my friend near me, twrigMs) that several such clubs already in Scotland-, that one is also Torrhed in the res ile town’of Belfast, In Ireland; and that similar are forming at Yorb and Newcastle. I aa . - n a— ^ iti aS 1 — abb - W. M llkwAA w,... foe dh the hearth.,. They then scried him, and stretched the watched victim on the blazing wood, where they field him,-regardless of his screams and writhings, until he wassever^y scorched in timer cat parts of the body; •nd one of his sides is so dreadfully burnt, tliat it is not- *t]«oq|^it he can recover. When the unhappy sufferer Was seemingly exjpring in the midst .of the harries, the Svnetcliea' drew him out on th^Soor, where they left him uid retreated Trom the bouse, not .suspecting tliafemy ■eye had wftnessed this ^tragic scene. . Bat Proyidehce had ordered it otherwise; for a ytinng woman who was ■in the house, and who had hid herself when they first en- tered, satr-tliB whole transaction, and distinctly- knew two of the party; who resided in the neighborhood. Thirty lieutenaiUjftfr vice, as inspectors oJ stib-inspectoife. Sue hibited as a strong some letters-|roiri F of 60.0OT tnen to. ini Sir Eyre Coqte h< Ghiltern Hundreds, i the housriofco ebrngs vaesthti- .- The 1033 anc difced. ■ ' The Bflftgels are still very;!; risen to .thftlsrii Oudinai-de'weM tjgcasionea Iprvest promisi ruined.^ 1 * j 'The Gfrand J nonage wdtrsiibi instated to ba fixed on thiffw happy to say? that prince Leoj lyesterdayj^to be ableJto c.'-'His serem^liiglBiess called i respects to the prince ri?gCTi jhcess of Wales is said to ha so mtfch .ride on BhmswiU ex- f hostility, especially since -afeof an fujoroaching levy wifo -the old troops, d the . Stewardship of the uen$e oif wVp^t ffisjseat in bqrougjh of BarnStable be- ' ‘i?. ' >-» ■''■ *- nts are intended to be re established tin js, indeed extrajit- jy desirable; Should comiBuni...'. ' ' ■’ respective district^ out suggestions tc common object. [Heats county ' gentlemHi pres I am happy, ind< {major Cartwrq Constanti- ave nearly elapsed since tlie pirates of its of terror and hostility to the gov- ;■ ‘From the ^rstjjeriod oftheir po-v- tions have ,heen almost without inter- tlie most extensive and most hazard- evtrv descr^ffdtibaye beeqfcnun- S of poht^fcajrglSiidiseaSenq or'-po. layer has rite well-concerted or wide- s papers ^ the 9th ■'State, thaf. the water! ligh in tlie^etherlands. The Scheldt had feht of 16 feeq anti the rich meadows of e inundated., threat damage has al^i beep. 'faflr Iifse^fenl ^districtl, where thA abundant, ft is stated to |>e totally 3 Mortnr.—This distjogmshed military prr- mivtedto public inspection-fliis d*y before ^ ds, m st. James’s ^rk. The eggaa re. about half the ^|ns 'fyfere fired i^ttnor of of tha^frince -regent. Aboupfive thousand ’ assembled to behold the itiBfedac tion of Gt-asoow, August 5. Every symptom of rioting, we are happy toAstateydis- Bp'peaml on Fric^j, and we have since been iu themost perfect.tfinquUkv. We trust we shall not again haveto record any sueh di^raceful proceedings. A tri^>p of the 6th dragoon guards arriked. from Hamilton ori-Fri- dgy, and a atpiatii-on ofJBie 'same regiment from Pier^l barracks .^sterday forenoon: Some o.fthe dttefeli- mentpfthfe 78th.have also been calk-din, attii. dor girri. lon isnowrpt respectable strength. The b^lgjirho w^s -Carried to tfie infirmary^on ThurBday, m .ponsequened of Ahe wound on the head* we are sony to say; diri^ast Bight. We understand tfikt it has notvet beysi d&cever- -ed who gave the fetal blow.—Glango-w Herald.' *-i -'Mawhkik, July 25. h At th^'moment when the arrangements of the Ger- manic.bod*- are going to be entered up«(^a report, is re ceived -of the- creation. of two great.protectorates, to,be cntnlsted to Prussia and Austria. - li»e north umiSt Frits sia, and south under Au&t r ^ i Several princes of the tlHfd and,fourth ordfii* desire quentiy-hniSt powerful n; hope, however, that tiie^r« pfeih a more permanent su tain will thus .add. another t ntisdipn of mankind. . | tiie assemblage of the borough faction; I cannot e: Ibat kuch petitions will 'make any impression upo minils of that body; for to use the’ language of Ant alluding to Shylody— “I pray ^ou thii^poti question with the Jew 4Ytiu may aS well ga stand upon the beach, And bid the main flood bate its usual height— You may as -well use question with the wolf, ■ 4 Why lie fiath, made the ewe bleat for the lamb— You may as vri^l forbid the mountain pines To wag their high tops, and to make no noise Wlien they she fretted with the gusts of Hoav’n— 'You migias.well do anything most hard, Sf accounts are received classes in Sb-iFonlshire, f tSiticeline of the coat and iron and seventeen famines in the iston alone withimt food, egdept wj;at is and of charityl ^t five pai4mes alone fif- out of employment—though reduceAl to ^e yet patient and honest, in the initial f Wellington haYlfeceived evei% mark of fe,iduring hi^siiort stay in Bogland— simple uniform and generally unattended situation ol ||fven by Oft been hundrec starvation, tl of their suffej The duke arid froin thence to P^ris. i-ritk*i§^>temb<-r 16. i, captain Ma.iTi-e arrived yei tlon, and b'fcught jpapers d Landed wh to iston- ;uent ilieve , and nor for the protectorates;.tliey would willingly preserve fe full and entire indepeiulence. It Is is even Saidj'tfert within a short period these courts liavtpeikeyed into inore intimate relations, apd are endetopril^to agree Aq votein the samp name, and to act on tlioSRhe sys- tpnpTat tlic conference which will take place at Frai&- Ibrt. TV vjfe ''-jfcH ~i\ Bbpsskls, August 3.' Several pJSaers of Uird ^feUmgton’s staff lately refumed tfTOambray.,, ? 4 * * VrssxA, July 25. flFimm a letfesr.) A singular affair attracts ftse, of the publsc here. Ope of the principal bapfei erinh has been imprisoned; he is-.accus&l, ofi h poh^rt with las friends, who were in me plot enoftnous srifo ori the same day, in . the irite brhak tlie bank. The Austrian army is gsnng ducefl to 150,009 men effective, which pnwage P ' BK»xfsr, July 2% His majesty set out on the 23d in the, evening for Carlsbad, wheffe he will arrive on the 27th. duly 27. . * the 13th August^Thi “Stocks have rixpenenc iy orje neffbent. • At hi were afetit) 5-8, andthdf mrier of tl iis,morninj list 12, the three p'ertfents. [363^4- Mappi of the great- arious causes were ass^ghem lerstanding With France^ to diich we-can give a positive contradiction; another re- ort .wns, that an alteration. oTinterest was intended; a lird.^that the monied men had had an interview^with le Qiani eUor o||tim Exchequer upon the subject of a rgetioan. ... We have'fpceived the Paris piuaers of S-'tUrd.-'y lusf— y'a^ecree of Hie PVench*^overW|terit, grain, bread and icuft areaacVmitiecl to be impOrtiftl inio ajl the FrencJi arts, dutyffree: By an ordinance of the 28th AfTril last, ark, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, held in Philadelphia, i the 6t$f of August, 1816, foe following resolution and •eamble were passed unanimously. Whereas, it is believed that the bank of the United ate8 and the brutbriM-thereof; will nttt be in complete leraftion at an earfet^pprtod than July next; and it be- ipears-tliamord Byron has writ- is something so offensive to the igland, »fto be rejected by the we understand tliat it is now jHgbe printed- h^Tollowing. is from a French ti nation has arisen in foeSarKl- f which hax6 becoimFiiibiect ^nat taleqjjtspe^ipg the ling- mingto English maimers. He agteat number of English and procured from the latter some vhich Ite is constructing others, his prince curies on a lucra- , which, to^fcfoer witii his cam ion booksellers, ing considered- as impoitint to the- safe return of the state bai|b to the payment of specie for all demands up- oothem, that mk measure.should be as nearly as practi cable, simultaneous -on the part of the state banks, and Ihe bank of the United foatea in Philadelphia, and of its branches in New-York arid Baltimore—Therefore, Hetoh'etl t ^pi it he recommended to the bunks in New-York, Philadelphia, and Baltimore, to resume their :ention of Vi- ing,ir> long!; ‘Pacha's squadroi tlfe vessels carrii of ihmls by thi English Jrigute. s Prom the jf&u i BRrrmi pari i&SnpaiioHal Advocate. fit ENTARY REFORM, Her fonjesty the queen of the Netherlands, left «s to dayto VetiBTi home; at Potsdam she wffl take leave of the priocess Charlotte, who returned this morning from Mirgijebarm The prince and princess of Grange will depart foe beginning qf n?xt week for Fngikfort; they will fj|epproceed along fife Rhine; end on the way have' an attmwqfew with her imperial highness the grand-dutdi- e*s MSmhereditary princess of Saxe-Wehnar. * , - f ; HvxdvBB, July 15. .« |jr . We hear that his royal highness foe duke of Cumber land, I# expected herein autumn. GwA; •JnWm further, that the roval palace will be, if not spiinOy ‘re-built upon a new plan, st leaii arranged injpr more convenient manner. 'The plan foF this purpose- has been sent for examination to Lon dom - * f. • HUxtompm' July 3» . Aeconfing to accpuntorom Turkey, foe prince® <ff* Wales had left Com»ri»lnople, where she had bee^ge- ®4th number* of Cobbett’s Political Register* foe ret published htfoisv' *■"** '* “ Rpngia London for *“■ The general committee representing foe bank of Ne^* York, Merchants’ bank, Mechanics’ bank, bank of Ame rica, City bank, and foe bahk of the New.York Manu* Factoring Company, give notice, that die boards of di rectors of these institutions have severally passed reso lutions to resume their payments in specie on the fin 1 Hpnday in July next. r . . . This resolution has been adopted in conformity witfl foe rcchinmendation of .the convention of banks beld ui Philadelphia; anti foe brinks in Philadelphia and Balh- imenti- riese m ew|es to havt is of the mimst^r of E; rewtiyes are as little eto to call a meeting more. of-foiseity, ^eiriightd foMlneetinj andapiritei fcnade in the hfedite! All our continental p to obtain paV- the 20th j*®' iatb anfo-waagone to Jerusalem, whence fori intended to etum to her country seat near Como. , ' . | Bxchai^e off London, July 26*^36 6 L2. - / - * ietjtar fmm JhforiaryA, in thejtuchy of Hunenbuggh^Ju- it 'V ■ ^2S. •; •“TepUtday irt tlis presence of the states of the chief is tnsjcKy' tri4F ua*)0cij hi sric. i nc royju iUHOVG* sntionof deleirates tore- the several boards of sole judge of the'i rej^eiicy, and » I them, as its vassal: