Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, October 01, 1816, Image 3

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T o m ike tie ration ot «** <* "HBSJf«» tte merctu SSTSk** ^ SSfdESSS^ o^Ss^tSSSeSoSS s«ilsS W asbeueved rt t> ^ at time> * e ^ f ar in nper^ioij br f Ch i?’^we i rfuliyto aid thEmerchants*1h tijeirr not only house; >4. to supply, in p* "wESS." -unSnca Irthtrendered it , P ..If .... in tie opinion of the general coon solutely necea*“j».„ e , lts imspecte, they relied on tW,t ^rtoTtheir ftilo'w Citizens, if sueh. steps were t UpI »^?5baiih* « s wcre likely to diminish the dang ten S„ap,p- circulation when upchecfced by Effectual restraint, tiie payment of specie- /or Z^rrJe they pledged themselves to each o|hen am merce, We canmJt fiesiUte^n b« Chjwncey would instan&neou! ' wecioi hardlyJjelieveto haveta the; dispute to the deeission of- otm^resKtent;, wad- it, seems nothing mere than. probate. to .suppose thatflfe willawait the arrival of an answer, Eeftliings, h^Weverv turn out as they may, we areperfcctly f-ase with regard MediterraneaUj—our sailors’ will not make an unp- ’chastise him; but this oneoftM*'b. ■eriuf ffiepa %tf the estale of said d •tv;Hl be.solpat ’Auction, of December rtSit, 1 ^^ the tract cf Lapd Seizes;- of which about V>i nature for, the" rormatli s ftp wtor* ' ty garad# before Uie corsair’s detij ’ iVPrROACM^G ELECTION i •■■■■, MoNOAYi^etobei’1816. ' Candidates for CongfesSj ^to represent the ate of Georgia, in the fifteenth Congress oftfie Sited States. jC .'a ALFRED CUTHBEftT, qfySdv&n^dh^ .- * WiMSYlfl^qf^mta. .-f - RICHARD II. WILDE, u/JlugustA. TIIOHAS TSLP yR, o/ fFi7^es^ HOMER V. Ml&TOfcj o/Jjfferson:. V ■ * -THOMAS V* CO $M/ (%kthorp£ . jOELHRA WB&kBiW jfctiedgitcille:. S5ADGCK. COOIL, of Clarke. # .Bc-JOBL ABBOTT, A S JOD, qf Columbian i feoL'V^SjF LinSbln. TEJtRELL,^/:#mcoct. 1 ALLEN* DANIEL/ of jqpkson county. WM. FEW, Chairman Ssrcir.-r-lt is perfectljagratifying f United States, to spe the jre^ Rjl of of the “Union.” The* ewhange on most parts of South Am¥nci,n m fav States. N ew-York b&itk&iptes Ri^alsp da, in consequence s P ec j* ***! rrl ' in all directions, and cadndt be;' per cent, advance I'he ^n Will verify** obtain, theirjFill! The sacrifice ci»n be readffy ago* many of «’Mun aw original stool receivingnine [ twelve j j for manv years- The himks are hpW S] the citizens, depressing« little trade we lihve-, in c to tlie United States Hal in fact, ought immediate cessity of calling a fhcet skleration the best dK issue specie Is loudly fit place.—JVtrw-Yorli C$ir i%Jrild Hogs are; prime^S fa amply sufficient to suj and to spare.' Tire Land p-oes, in families, and st li Be niade kliown on that by Ahe stockholders, liters, and haw been and his" counting rot uilding, immediately ode of compelling the banks to Iked W, and' 1 trust will soon take SAVANNAH tEPUHLICAN. Tife^tlay Etenia^, Qgtobe* 1, 18l6i| VjFiiliaiti;,jpi HavhifJ formed a ^connection SHEaMAXypf New-Tbrk, wiilfin ut Savannah undof the: firm of li k FOB REPRESENTATIVES JAMES M. \VA%E.. EDWARD HAIiDEH FREDERICK;- Will haa^ fnewerop,) in the cptifity of Cumberland.. It is ca^t ted ffiat it may average tkerfeabouthalf a crop, t^em frpm most quarters of. the state are inauspicious; thoi in someipiaces, the crop is not only gpod, but e» lent. 'In case of great scarcity, it has been aske^mrhet we may nqt hai-e a gupply from tiie.Mestem statesr 1 corn meal, wmich reaches us by the'Wissi^sippI, must kiln-dri«d, onWrwii?, if is s)x>rt—Acaiunti fr be suppli- Satdrday’s and to^ky’s {Japer, it will be seen, that Ku. ro;>ean‘traiiqffilit* has not yet become permanent. The Bo'iirbons sure sedulously employed in empTjijng fpair m^itary e^pblishmcnt. %nehuudred the to hqjadded tQ the present, force, and so, "legitimatt*” tp complete; the quiver, “ all ranks, who fere seryjgd under Don: rnafrked as (tecid«!%n|inil^qf the’ Bourbo into actual se*vice.” Tlwis, it would se the desired, looks with suspicion oh the therlahds, and^the comtt&ng policy of pears to. think that meA faith ought to be repose^ jn physical pdWr as means of defence than in" all thg^iVP Xesttttt&ii* that Alexander can uUer^t the shrine of St Nicholas. J ^ ^ ; . . ±T*M.£- ’ Pefdinand, ^‘the «(#w^”,isiapparehliy f^ftfid or some revfclution in his tfobiain*. The strfefeBf precautions hane been takthi against tlie introduclicp of evtry fflhd of foreign publications, and a levy of sib&y thou&nd men made. The latter sffipdtas been .suipposeq, by some, to / have been undertaken,' that the veferans^lrmght bq sent to South-America, to act s^nst the patriots, while the^ people of Spain wouJA-be kept-in subjection to “his jna- je^v, the king?* and 'ihe W inqui ritioe, by the new men . Axhoioe and gene,pal assortthent ofHASDV CUTMIiV^whicti is,offered for sahsbyAhejtai |jpn which will he sold low by tlie toffi. An ethpffii assogtmeHtjpf platted SABL^RT,. and around tlie wlauie a who. are c« ed tbftx months impris- Ivcw^York* foh^tealing >r of aWubscnher to 01K t the ligbt-f#lg£re'd gen- n*sentei prison, of tlie gazetKjRff ttiat-icity. try in this city look to it.— 1 . JH > .rrr 1 ■lemb/i Courier. GRA>I> J^ATlON,VL LOTTERY lYill positively fe«e place; in the city o f Jlaliimere, on Mondav, the 3ikh S- Ofen-her, 1816. < G. $ R. Vte, r- ■ - Will guaaantee this pfcctual daymen*? of aB Prizea bought at either of their offices in v * BALTIMORE, J NEW-YORK, PHILADELPHIA, *\ ALBANY, .• ... OrtU; subscriber at Washington; Price of Tickets only SIX DOLL4RS, and the pidzeb'are numerous and great, and capitals all floating, and those gentlemen St a dis tance wjiqqrder tickets from their offices, shall faithfully. have tlie money returned per mill if any of the capitela Sepferfiber 1< three inches ev'ery bi'afiStlpef if our late election, that every branch of the rep: tickeehas prevaiiedhy a very handsome' aridq eff^jority. In about every tgwh feqa whic^ heard there has been some, ani^Kj" m^iy a,very la riican gaag^.tThe rctui4k ImwwHarp-sofeiv ate hit we dehii'tt unimportant to undertake to pub! For: the gratibcatioAdf those vfip may wisjg a list of votes givgj^f%1UuiU ImrCT'terjpubiijj^g ilete iirone number.— Vermoht HepubhCu,t.up&&‘ rpes. FOr sale 1 , AN CHARD. a more jjP* ., S ^Lately from itamhuri^ Has takeTthe Store lately occupied by : « : orttrs.for sale, on Liberal terms, d Of JEWELLERY, so life glazier^, v sets of'TKA CHINA; and a fmti petted from’ Baltimore, and CliaririgjjWj* 't*.‘ out M ■ 117’ . :a^p mail nave thoTlist furwarded by mail. The fodoTeing is an obstruct of the schemes prize of 35,000 dollars, prize of 25,000 do. Bprof 10,000 do. prize of 5,000 do. prize of 2,000 do. prizes offe* 1,000 do. iiriaea-of™ , vTB’’ ' 60ffi^ do. nfes subject as usoat to 15 per cerit. iaedtfeti I tlie capital prizes continue in the wheel a feU must consequently advance from the presen if six dollars. ‘ hi Dunn, gant ms MON US, ipply ex- ficSiflections in Vermont^for ^»vernoryBitn8Bfers' repi'eseptatives to caw^ress have' resulted WThe&jjjk. , of tne whole repAoBan ticket by a £?®i iter than its friends had anticipate^—3v'o*. Int. 24ih beFsfram % t fj. from Liverpool* a sup- L .V, cJ (* ^.rnoug them are Has just received, by thy shihLUfC Pfy °f UGS, JVIElflGIi Hen^S Calcined Mjigmffc . itaignesia, large ihd sia|Bp< ’ ' oticlteiffiam Salts r Sodaic Powders Evans’s best,Grown Lancets 5NERAL-YHNA T of the Idfii : turii ot mail, and w*B»nt the tickets undrawn. The four c&pituhpiTzes in the first class of the above ttery were spld and paid by G. St R. Waite. Orders for ifets in- any of the lotteries drawing in the United Tjr ‘’fights may*also be Sad of the subscriber, wl>c» ill keejSRh regulir check book for tho-inspection of Ids atbrneri. , W. COOPER, Pennsylvania Avenue. igence from Havana, receivedhereJiE ie%dowr.ig news from Havana, bp| Ich relates to general Alina, is incogr io«a”-r-67iJPie. some % gVcagrOod’s NIiirtarasMHnKMH r> ApotiieC.ri-.-s’ .So.hes Ui'rtlWpJlBSf . " **. w, Ldi 3&g Cephalic Snuff RkStt rw'-' Aromatic. Vinegar T'^' Tooth Brushes i * 'lyK . Jtl. r Prussian Blue, Nos. 1 and 2 ’-H, Powdered jalap, do UipgflL,- .. 'dipff- s I jrtar Emetic,jttd CaloffiSf *4 fedR.. " Which, with Iris former stock on fiwtMi is offered for saleun reasonable terms for cash; or on a credit” to^urtd- tual cmftomers, at hiS Medical Shop, near tlie Exchange. present hi tt^bbe Liverj nsiLK Bond, clerk of tue said county. ToaU.Vh Whereas, letters a&u! 2 do containing scarlet andgaeen Serges, ara 1 brown Wildbores tt^do do eorbeail, brow.n aitfrmdlgo blue Coatini T*do do Flushings, best indigo blua Broadclo f4'#as, nip, Paper, Sees,’-jK 1 cask-Puptialis .. ’ xrso, rw eroKr-i Rates Cloths, Flannels, and various articles GO(%S, foi»sate lovv bv the piofe. oct I- xander J. C. ShaU r'bas applied to me fa station on the eshu$ of Margaret Baugh as next of kin. . refore, tn cite and admonish alt and sin- ed and creditors of the said deceased, te tmi, (if any they hard) in my office, On oi “VVe arrived at this pleasant passageEthirt ,oing six dayaStdiibra ^ the fi will be veiy little tnouble can he-eeeure rhe conquest oi via and Walkchia, thus becoming faster of ^n of the Danube, besides gaining a military from whence Austria, *t any momenq may be aw active pow^f into acquiescence.^ Ajri/«-r long and loudly complained^f Bop "mfmefital system. Thiit system seems to haj«e j Vlve ^wiffi more rigor than $ver—scarcely a pot By Samuel Hf. Rond, Clerk of the court of ordinary, in and for the county of Chatham, in the said state. To all 'wfcnxjv it may concern. «»Wltefei». Frederick Witfirik, hath thia day applied to ihe ffiHietter* of administration on the estate and effect* of John Andrew Wo^sdorf, late ofSavapnah, spar, block, and piunp make*, dec. m behalf of the These are to*^ and admonish all and singular the for the «*** of distri^B wh •"rfactuses mnBt bedr * d ty the rum of fieri- ter ^kal^ JpfS It u1ii<A mmm