Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, October 17, 1816, Image 1

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lof JLeipric, a poem, by Ecty&l Qoilllnaui esq, ridge, e»q. 37 £ cents £*i%s.earlflf Crawford [emqire^of the IYAlvara ^Mdticr;eaer,l9 r,. Ik. J*«eof SirinreJir, Cl i »d Tairrr-S.™ m continuation- CASH'. * „jl redtre ftaa the Coomr^ui will be 50 half UairSfinSur « 2^on#OS»ftp! ' - 1 S do ( jjJpogJ Mmihls *s 15 hhdsJLSwSungJ 10 hhds W. I. Ri.nSjp, 15 hhds prime Milm f Crwtabcl, i The Ch he and Linds to . The Ini must accompany bay mat: be secure the Editor- jUl'lxnn* to lonitor, or ’Teneriti Wine oct 15-123 R. & .1 . Bolton, ^ -Ire now opening, at their Store, JVai 13, Itoiton’i Range, and-at the bride state,on the May, lately- occupied by Orphan Boy, of Journey to Bath, 50 cents Jutt received, py , .8* “ ' Wifi) u Vrtliuble selection of theologii ,** mr-2 ^or'sale PLAINS, ..BLANKETS and cotton ’and miscelia- —*——122 Tile fine new *h‘P : *#* A| >n, haying a pvto^Uer »e earliest ship off^ Tor tTUtm fiiUn hu4 m mi. ‘dp^be a* AsawaTjtsjrr op wu,l nucnirA .,r.y DBY GO JU3,^. V. A ong which are, innar. 8uperfine and coarse Clotlis and Kerseymeres Blue and white Plains •« ' •.? Blankets, Hosiery, Irish linens. Etc. 1 - ■'* -■ . s Wliich they will sell for casli, or on a liberal credi pickets . . In fhe Jmatcal Science Lottery,' warranted undrawn iy fpurtk day of Usawing, fpr sal? at 10. dollars, by t inscribe^? ' ' . 1 J, PENFIELD. T 7 ZnJ For sale 16,o60 first (Quality Philadelphia ■ Knox-fit Stone's wharf, oct 15—1123 • ' The copper bottom, ship VJU .master to sail by the l! “ tliidriiwn Tickets, '‘Iff’fBe'yi C1?ss Medical Scietic^Xottery.'dTNew-York; in which are jet the high prized of ■ Erg*,; ■, 830,000 S3 Piano Fortes? Jutt received, per tekaboer Mechanic,/root Four elegant PIANO FOR'raS.^ , ,, cargo. Enquire of aimer (V, bottom’s baugb, , . (In the room formerly Jopathan .Battdle) . Hat the ship Adonis, A large and elegant assortment ofEjiujpph, French and India GOODS; wliich he offers, at reduced prices, for casli or approved,paper, at ninety,„dayp, , july SO p-a,, . , ..... , &3$m nor accommodatoopv^pply ^ : *Received by the latest arrivals from J'ea-Tork *’ ■ . Superfine aiul common Cloths and Casril&erel ; .^kjta skin Coating; white^ red and jfettokr Plannel; rose; pbint imd-fluffiV Blankets; white and assorted' Plain*, Brussels and ingrained Carpeting,'stair ditto; fire Rugs"*»d*fcetl Carpets, Bombuiines and Bombazeta, Irish Linens And Sheetings, linen Gih'Jmcand longLawn, silkkhdcotto* Umbrellas, cotton Shirting, an$Gtanbric, forfeiture *a4 common Dimity, furniture Fringe,’ corded Cambric sad Dimity, ; 3-4-Uftl &4ct>ttuh Ginghams, 4-4 «!16 ditto-, pU*» and figured-mullMuslins, iaccfieriditto; toilinet and afarw «e i lies 'Vesting, 4 bl ack Florentine ditto; cotton BedJadb ing, Checks iind Stripes, Russia Sheeting and brown HoK land, Ac. „ . v . w .'fj] Jtho, an elegant assortment of _? fancy goods, AMOVS WllTCB ASS ** . Levantine and Florence Silks; white and colored gjsfo and figured Sattin; thule Lace; white and black; ditto ■ litio Grape; Merino Shawls, very rich? S-4 to 8-* LekPBi- tine ditto, sattin, damask and serge ditto; Bandana wd, flag Handkerchiefs. Florence ditto; white and crimson Merino Cloth, green and scarlet Merino Robea, ditto Trimming; Cashmere Bordering, plusb ditto; elegant diread, lace and worked muslin Caps, do do Colarets* worked Bands, for do; worked Bobes, Yamitures, Cufik and Bosoms,for do? figured and plain Ribbons, No.lJ •o 12; Gauze do; velvet, sattin, Levantine and Florence Hidicuies, some elegant, with clasps; do do Purses; la dies’ anif gentlemen’s embroidered and plain White sod blrxk silk Hose; db do Gloves, kid and beaver do; figur ed and plain Gauze, sewing Silks, nun> and Fromh l nread, Needles in cases, silk and Chenelle Corda and I'assels. Pelorines and lafee Handkerchief*, black/and a hite lace ShaWis, elegant thread irid silk Laces' and Edgings, dressing Cases and work Boxes, ornamented ' 'onibs. iriniD Tnmmimrs. silk Bonnets, ostrich and down The drawing commenced on the* 23d September, and ie lists ar#rcce ived to the fourth d:iv. Tickets, WARRANTED UNDRAWN, are for sale by ie’subscriber—price KM)olhir8*biP wilhbe advanced as ie- dBwirfg progrrssfes. ; -W. T; WILLIAMS. : Le&ux it ship PORTIA, copper ed,’In complete order in- 1 to Wail from Charleston, ibeir: For freight or paa- venient accommodations/ First Fall Goods. By the *hlh» frfctt, just arrived from Liverpool, * -‘“ANDREW LOW & CO. Have receiver a part of their WINTER GOO 1X3; which, together with thosft f trendy.on^hanu, they offer for sale,i • on modfcrute and ucCc.Tnmod;itingterin». Thew Anri-bmidso Other Articles,contmns'tJie following:— Philadelphia Razee 8UWARROW BOOTH. Just received, ftp the Tine OlynthtiO, -from Hhi'adelphia 50 pair feu warrow ftottl's, of Keaiting’s manufactory 25 pair Razee • do do do do , a tse t 1 Front .Yen-Fork, by tfce trig Thames, An assortnien* of ladies’ and gemie nen’s SHOl SLIPPERS, 8cc. For sale by Johu Douglass, octS——120 . C. ySSayannal ill-■?••• with-immg or passage apply U 30 <lo white Plain* 1^ do , colored Plains >t%J • b p!? : 8 da. Flannels • ; *U . 6 .do Coatings, Flashings and blue Stroud 3 do., Ca**imere*, assorted 6 do black and colored Bombazets 175 pieces Bagging 6 trunks worsted and lamb’s wool Stockings 12 do*" cotton Stocking* ——*• - 35 do printed Calicoes . 4 do do \ Marseilles, for vesting > 3 do woolen Vestelets 10 do cotton Cambrics 4 do black-Cambrics 6 do. cot to* twist Shirtings 60 do assorted Muslins 15 do cotton Umbrellas .2 do Bombazines 2 do black Crape ite tiisnatclq The fine, iast/jeupng sciiooufikM'DONOUGII, Jf|ll John M‘Leod, mssier. will hf Sspatcned in ail &4j£tl.i* week.. For freight or passage, havmg good accommodations, apply to the captain pn^boafq, «>x to L. Petty & Co. oct 15—133 . For sale, freight oir.eharter, Th— t.rt ,„mng 'r.^' ST. CKU2 t-ACKBT, Jfg,nf il4 ton. bunhen. Enquire »f capUiu Olmi trading Negro Shoes,Jye. Jit it received from JV*-w» 1'ork, by the ship Ceres, X) pair superior quality negro Shoes i . j . also, ,, , , . Ladies’ morocco Boots Ditto do Jackson Boot* Ditto dp . walking Shoes Ditto do Slippers and Tie* *4i_so; A large assortment of men’s fine and second qua lity SHOES, Ac. For.-ale bv Jolm Douglass, • lombs, gimp Trimmings, silk Bonnet*, oetnehand down Feathers, &c. &c. which will be told on acconufiod#^g erms. bv < C- IQBLSBjf.t*/ or 15 123 . ♦ - > . - ,.y ' 1 do black silk Handkerchiefs 5o cases of Ginghams, asserted 20 do coarse and fine Dimity 2 ila handsome furniture Dimity 12 do '< Irish Linens 8 do * brown Holland 6 do apron Check: ' 10 dor 1 pound and paper Pins 1 dof Whitechapel Needles' CuOery, assorted, in small c,.aks Turkey rfed Yarn Russia Sheeting ...! . 1* r , x ' „ Crasii, for towels Osnaburgs, he. Sic. &€. qtJ» By the ship Georgia, now on her passage, from Jverpool, A. Low & Co. will receive further supplies. sept 12 109 " , » LAOtIRA, C. B. Hall, mas- * ’ Fall Goods. THE SUBSCRIBERS Have received, by the Mp Georgia, fr )o A large anA well selected supply cf —suoi which, with ulrir 'present stock,'wfl! dmde ., ! 8. C. Dunning, 120 wYb. 3 Commerce How >< Fof sale I Tit brtjUANI.nON CHEVES, burAm about XI tobs, copper fastened and sheathed. A aunch, fa*t AUrfgWeasel, weU found m every ment very complete, and which they will di*] piece or package, on reasonable and ac« DAVID GLGEL. chrgd on board. For William i*. Beers, i Having formed a connection with Messrs. S-rmott, tsauAN, of New-York, wilt, in 1R—r'J'jl Savaumui under the firm of \V. P. IL sus 6i C«W*, i lmjKirted Goods; Herlieft & Co. Brooks & Welman Have received by the late arrivals from Jfew-York and Philadelphia, (part of which are tiowi JaruhogJ A large and general assortment orGROGBRlES, com prising almost every, article'iK. theif fine, Wliich they of fer for *al£ .ori their usdal liberal ten^s, viay 6 pipes 4th proof Coguac Brandy, superior quality 5 do Scheudam ftin . f f r A . * 20 hhds. ‘N. E. Rum - 25 do rye Whiskey - ■ i* 5 do and 20 barrel* N. Gin 1 50 quarter casks Maintain Malaga Wine SO do and half quarter cask* superior Colemenar do *. 2 pipes, 10* quarter cask* L. P. Teneriffe do 29 bbcia. ami tierces dug-ar t.db v- SO barrels do - 20 do double riefined Loaf Sugar e , . - 2o do single do do ^ _ 35 tierces, 15 bis and 150 bags prime Jamaicii Coffee 30 bags heavy Pepper > 3- Jpice Qhf *►* < *** ^ * * 50 biasuperftne Flmir,new * - ' 29' kegs manufactured Tobacco, Dunlap, 8’* .. figs - StHnttH kegs dor ' 100 Demijohn*^ ^tilfHJtM "‘Mi . * , 1 Bi" store, find at retail, .i Prinet-imMcovailo 'Sugar, old Jamaica Rum, Cogftac ^ir fid! supply of goods, conn and second Cloths, Ca*ina-rea, iuffil and rose Blankets; HCu ItlerV, Glass-wane,' Pots,« On The subscriber* - Will have ct.usUmtiyon A general assortment of DRY, GOOD^at. their store in roughton street, where country dealers may be suppji- Gardner Tufts. Irons, Shot, bar ieai«d jipund papers and cannjster ‘ Wuited immediately, k Vesaei, of shout Ant ton* burthen, to 1 h pine luidber, at Sapelo, for Jiew-Yori rjiailieuUiu enquire of - Wflliam Craig. Mijis & Henry / • Have received,-by reemt arrival^,. ■. v A large supply of GOODS, which they Wht for by tiie p«bce or package, consisting of U Cossimerce, Coating*, Flannels, Blankets; white Ulus PlunE dolhB.^lisfc ditto; Cupol .Bombazets, Velveteens, Hosiery, Gloves, Dimities, . .Cords, Ginghams,'Calicoes, Shawls, Bala sore Hartd . ,chiefs,*long Cloths, Linens, Sheeting, ShirtmgpiVest A general assort fer by whole sale. Bills on New-York ' AND Wffl/ADELPHLA. ^'tt.^u.^AtAiws. wsmnBfacsaco. f -Inverness l 200 pieces very superior IN 1 just received and for sale by Holland, it ofOUTLERY in New-York, itMirriirs; D uek<Gce*ham. bi -G o. - ‘rjrinB..