Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, October 19, 1816, Image 4

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fi* ? Valuable Lands for sale. October 15, 1816. le death of David D. httiaf Wif.LiAiis, esq. cletk of council. Received unanimously, That Council sincerely lament the death of their worthy and upright officer, the late David D. William, esq. and consider his death as a •erious loss to this cky and his fellow-citizeps. Resolved unanimously, That, as a ju*t .tribute of res- , tn the virtues of the deceased, the, Mayor and A1 i ' I- Four hundred and fifty acres,'prime tide swamp, on the Savannah Back River, situated about ten miles above the city, well adapted, to the culture of rice or the sugar cane; up wards of one hundred acres now under dam, nnd Cultivated by James Ancram, esq. Also, a tract, Containing upwards of three hundred acres, adjacent to the above tract—this tract will be worthy the attention of the''owner of the river swamp, haring some convenient buildings on it; it also contains demen will go into- modraing, by wearing a crape for | a good proportion of high pine land, and the balance is thirty-dam. ° . oct 17—124 I well adapted to the culture of cotton and provisions In Council, October 15th, 1816. . election will be held on Monday next, at the re- 'meeting of Council, for a Clerk of Council, in the i of D, D. Wiliams, deceased. By order of Council, T. TJ. P. Charlton, Mayor. act 15—1ST Police-Office, October 11, 1816. /kll persons in arrears for City Taxes, will be pleased Jto v call at this office, and pay them on or before the 2d | cfc November. After that date levies will be made. F. M. Stone, m. c. s. 12^-122 1 * — ‘ also, a swamp, abounding with cypress and other Valua- ! ble timber. Also, a tract, containing five hundred acres, situated on Savannah River, a few miles above Purysburgh, known by tile name of Hear Bluff—this tract is ve^y valuable, as it abounds with white oak and other timber, suitable for I the Savann.ih market. Also, two tracts of pine Land, in the vicinity ofPurys- burgli, well timbered. r The whole of the property will be sold on easy and moderate terms. Apply to John B. Barn well, in Beaufort; to Jons Norton, on the Okaties; or in Savannah, to Jacob Deveaux sept 7 -107 Kank of Georgia. Alexander Habersha - It being deCmed'expedient by the'Board of Directors, Has just received, by the ship Lucy, from Li that another'Instalment of the Stock 6f the Bank of the plyoffresh DRUGS, MEDICINES, Cy c . State of Georgia should be called in, and that the Stock- Henry’s Calcined Magnesia holders should be required to pay a proportion tliereoi ” ' Police-Office, October, 12, 1816. Tile season has arrived, when greater vigilance and Attention are required on the part of the Police-om- £Cts of this city. . The ordinance must be rigidly enforced, as it relates - to a greater number of negroes, coining to this city, on Sunday, than is allowed. Meetings of slaves at shops, for the purpose of drmk- For sale A House and Lot, in St. James’s square; being one of the most healthy and pleasant situations in this city—on the said lot are all necessary out bwldings. This pro perty will be sold for a moderate pnee, and a credit of one, two and three years given for . the payment. Per sons disposed to purchase will apply to either of the subscribers. BEN. SHEFTALL, M. SHEFTALL, sen. april 6——41 For sale The Toll-Bridge over Great Ogechee River, at whicli Joseph Hill lately resided—.it is a substantial well buiit ln^, and acting disorderly, particularly on Sundays, must br . ( ^ compos / d ciuetty of cyprcsS; it 1,as stood the ^prevented. By order of‘he mayor I™.U. ,li r, s r>ert« a o-nnrl and -122 By F M. Stone, c. m. Police-Offi e, . . October 12, 1816. Persons owning and keeping HOGS, in this city are Xgsdn, and for the last time notified, that on TUESDAY NEXT, a general search will be made, and every hog I jffiund after that' date, iu the city, will be removed or l^il- Ied^ Dogs have also, become a great niusance, particu larly every morning at the Market. Every dog found j there, from this date, wiil be killed. By order. F. M. Stone, c. m. oct 12—122 Police-Office, October 17,1816. Tound on Rice’s wharf, by two of the city watch, four ’bakes and one trunk of Merchandize. Persons claiming the same will be pleased to make application at this ot- .fice, or to the superintendant of the watch, captain Shick, oct 17-124 cresliets, and appears to be in all respects a good and fomplete piece of work. For terms apply to . JOHN BOLTON or } ex'ore. JEREMIAH UUYLER. 5 J. HiU. april 4 40 Notice* To be sold, at public auction, in front of the court house, in the city of Savannah, on the first Tuesday in January next, one thousand acres of, situate on the south branch of Turtle river, Glynn county—the joint property of the Union Society, Chatham Academy and the Savannah Poor-House and Hospital Society, wliich tract of land was originally granted to the Bethes- dae College. Any person who feels disposed to embark largely in the cultivation of cotton, corn or sugar-cane, would find this a most eligible situation. The grants can be seen by applying at the office of Lloyd & Morrison, in the Exchange. Terms of sale—one half cash, the ba lance in one year, with interest from the date of pur chase, secured bv bond and mortgage, on the premises. BIOSES SHEFTALL, President U. S. R. W. HABERSHAM, Treasurer. C. A. J. MORRISON, Com. Sav. P. II. and U. S. an - 23 It*3 Prop osals . Will be received until the next meeting of council for repairing the Exchange. The repairs wanted may be Ifcfewn on application to either of the Exchange Commit- H. MTNTOSH, ’ oct 12—122 Chairman of Exchange Committee. Notice. An election will be held on Thursday morning next, jst 9 o'clock, for a CLERK to the Board of Com mission- •elPs of Pilotage, to fill the vacancy occ„,ioned by the •death of D. T>. Williams. gj* Brought to gaol, on the 17th July, 1816, Tom, the property of doctor Gillett, of South Gar- •orlina. He is five feet three inches high, thirty years of I ai&e, and; an African by birth, thin face. , H. McCall, g. c. c. 23—37 ^ ' N otice. All persons having demands against the estate of Jacob Campbell, dec. late of Camden county, will please for ward them duly a’tested for settlement, and Those in debted to said estate will please make in mediate pay ment. WILLIAM PRATT, oct 12 122 adm\ Ten Dollars 5 reward Will be paid, for apprehending and lodging in the gaol of Savannah, my servant woman Rossalie, and her child •vho left my yard on the morning of the 14th inst. Rossalie is a French negro by birth, formerly owned-by Mr. Mer rick speaks English as well as negroes generally, and will probably be .harbored in totfn. THOMAS BOUKKE • — —123 *#* Brought to gaol, on the 25th inst % negro man,-who says his name is Isaac, and ftelon -s to Rjclurd.Keating, of Bryan county, five feet seqan inches. high, about 27 years old, has on white woollen pantaloons I °* ™ e P*? ce - 4hd blue jacket, much-patched. 1 A. Harmon, d. g. c. c. Six and a Quarter Cents’ reward, For taking up ana delivering to me, my apprentice boy Allec, who absconded on die evening of the 16th inst. a negro of rather a light complexion, aged 16 years; but, for proof to conviction of his being harbored by any person, Ten Dollars will be added ahd all reasonable charges paid. I forbid all persons from harboring said boy or assisting him any way, or from carrying him out JOHN STILWELL. cut 26 115 aug 27—102 Sheriff’s sales. *£* Brought to Savannah gaol, on the 12th October, 1816, a negro boy, named Jim, who says lie belongs to Paul Wilkins, of Liberty county, five feetfiv« inchc4 high, small limbed, has an iroil ring on his He£k and a. very large chain attached to it, and the rem nant of a-blue jacket and trowsers, about nineteen years ■qf age. A. HARMON, u. o. c. c. dcuiA^i^-. r : - d~/ ; Oil the first Tuestlay in November next, Will be sold at the court-house in Jefferson, Camden county, between the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, A tract of Land, lying and being in Camden county, on Point Petre Neck, containing 57S acres, more or less Also, two Negroes, viz: Will and Bobb; levied on as the property of Daniel Copp to satisfy two executions one in favor of the late Abraham Bessent, esq. deceased, and the other in favor of Hewctt &. Mandervilfe. inspeefe. Notice is hereby given, that, agreeably to a resolution of the Directors of this date, twenty-three per centum oik each share, of the Stock of the Bank, is required to be paid by the Stockholders, on or before the second Monday in December next; that five dollars, in specie, be paid on each share, as part of the said twenty-three per cent, and the balance in bills of either of the Banks of Georgia. The Stockholders are further notified, that Cashier’s Certificates of Stock will be issued in lieu of the Com missioners’ Certificates, held by the Stockholders, upon the delivery of the Commissioners’ Certificates, at the time of paying the Instalment, as above required. Western Stockholders are informed, that they may pay said Instalment, and receive their Stock Certificates, on delivering the Commissioners’ Certificate*, at either of the Offices established at Augusta and Miliedgerille, so soon as they shall be in operation, which willl be in a short time. ELEAZAR EARLY, Cashier. Savannah, the 20th September, 1816.—[115] Notice. The law office of the subscriber, is at the house re cently in the occupation of doctor M‘Lean. Edward F. Tattnall. oct 8—120 For sale A House in Market-square, which has every conveni ence for a store and family, and is well calculated for country-trade. Apply to the printer. sep 12—109 Land In the vicinity of Savannah FOR SALE. A tract of land, (known by the name of Bonabelle, and lately the property of a Mr. Bretet) containing about 520 acres, is offered for sale. It is situated about five miles from the city of Savannah, within a short distance of Thunderbolt, and on the saits. It has a very com fortable dwelling houses good barn and out buildings. The above tract will be disposed of upon the mos reasonable tej ms, as ihe heirs of the estate, of which it forms apart, are anxious for a division of the property Persons desirous of purchasing will apply for further particulars to either, GEORGE JONES, EBENF.ZER JACKSON or EDWARD F. TATTNALL. oct 8- 120 m Liverpo °®‘> a nip. among Magnesia, large and small squares Cheltenham Salts Sodaic Powders Evans’s best Clown Lancets Loyd’s do do Wedgwood’s Mortars and Pestles ' Apothecaries’ Scales and Weights Cephalic Snuff Aromatic Vinegar Tooth Brushes Prussian Blue, Nos. 1 and 2 Powdered Jalap, do Hippo Tartar Emetic, and Calomel , Which, with his former stock on hand, is offer,, i . sale on reasonable terms for cash, or on a credr • f:r tual customers, at his Medical Shop, near the kV’ 1 ”" lc * oct|4. ■■■ 117 c Harris H. Hickma Has opened a Law-Office in Savannah, inn tend the public his professional services in the coi->, I s * 0 eastern circuit. .... ... ' the For sale 16,000 first quality Philadelphia BRICKS, i v ;.. Knox & Stone’s wharf. GEORGE F. PUTY.u n oct 1$-; 123 ... AM Factorage. The subscribers respectfully inform their friends the public generally, that they have form d a conm m?’^ under the firm of Shaffer & Davavt, with a view of ° n ’ ducting the above business, and solicit a share r.f patronage. It is their intention to bestow tin , '1 prompt and unremitted attention to the orders im.i est of their customers. mter - I'hey -will keep const ant hi on hand A general supply of GROCER1F.S. oct 15—ca—123 FREDERICK Sff\FI’FR J IMF: TM V\ V( - To be sold, On the first Tuesday in November next, OR SOOVER, AT PRIVATE SALK, Three likely NEGRO FELLOWS, one, a tolerable good carpenter; the two, porters. J. CUYLER, oct *0 121 Attorney for Samuel Simons For sale The Wharf, lately occupied by Caig & Mitchel, con tabling 200 feet front on Savannah River; bounded west- wardly by Carnochan & Mitchel, and eastwardly by An drew Knox. Also, the Wharf Lot, adjoining the Ferry, at Fort Wayne, containing 150 feet on the river and near 500 feet back, from the same; bounded eastwardly by the fence at Fort Wayne. On this lot, is the House, with two piazas, at the east end of the Bay. For terms, please apply to PETER MITCHEL. aug 24 101 Marshal’s sale. On the first Tuesday in November next Will be sold at the Exchange, between the hours of 10 and 3 o'clock, A quantity of new and fashionable furniture, consisting of dining, tea and card tables, side board, fancy chairs, 3 carpets, looking Glasses, Prints, Beadsteads, wash Stands, fcc. Sec.; levied on as the property of Samuel G. Pelot to satisfy an execution in favor of Joseph Johnson. , John Eppinger. oct 8 120 crsluil. *** Brought to Savannah oct 3- -118 John Bailey, s. c. c. Sheriff ’s sales. Oh the first Tuesday in November next, Will be sold at Effingham court-house, between the usual hours, • The following Negroes, vrz: Philip and Nat; levied on as the property of William G. Porter to satisfy an execu tion in favor of Sarah King. Also, one Negro Woman, named Sail"; levied on as the property of Norman M‘Leod to satisfy an execution in favor of Penman &. Nichols. C. H. Dasher, s. e. c. oct 3 fp 118 gaol, on the 13th October, 1816,A negro man named Isaiah, fiv< feet eleven inchfcs high, about twenty years of age, says he.-belongs to Mr. Lewis Cyphets, of Camden, (South •Carolina) A. HARMON, d. e. c. c. oct 17—124 7~ - - l '"Sheriff’s sale. Ob the first Tuesday in November next, Will be sold, at tlie- court-house in Wayne county, be- tween the usual hours. A certain tract of pine LAND, containing 100 acres non-4k|lr 0,1 the-post road four miles from Barren- ton ftpi^PBiken by virtue of an execution, as the pro- perty-of A^rini Rozf r, to satisfy said execution in favor | •of administrator of Young Griffen, dec. returned to me by constable. Conditions cash. J"jhn Jacobs, Sh eriff. sept 151—109 Sheriff’s sales. On thefirst Tuesday tn November next, Will be sold at the. courirhouse. in Effingham county, be- jr-v”: tween- the usual hours, All that tract oftand, containing two hundred two and a. half acres, situated in tho. county of Jasper seventeenth district, Nor 430;- or .so m uch thereof as will satisfy the tax es of Philip Jones—amount due g2 19 cents and costs. H. Dasher, s. e. c. Sheriff’s sales. - ■ ». On the fiat 'Tuesday in November next, Will be sold in the to.wn of Brunswick, Two Dwelling Houses^ situate on the Bay, in said town—rlcvjed on as the property of William Green, to satisfy an execution ip favor of George Abbott. "William Piles, d. s. g. c. sepl»~~-t09 --- ’ , .Borgia—i-Chathanj bounty. BjcfcSf. Bond,-derk of the court of ordinary for the county of Cliatham. Whereas, Lewis Giradon, hath made^application for I d CW ° CnU ; letters of^ministration bn tk estate of DID. Williams, IS °, f esq- late of Savannah, deceased, in behalf of the children. Sheriff’s sales continued. On the first Tuesday in November next. Will be sold at the court house, in the city of Savannah, be. tween the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, On third of Lot and Buildings, No. 10, West-Broad- street, Oglethorpe ward; levied on as the property of Jacob Hersnian, to satisfy the executors of Simon Fraser. Adam Cope, s. c. c. oct 5—119 Sheriff’s sales. On the first Tuesday in November next, Will be sold at the court house, in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours, of 10 and 3 o’clock, Four NEGROES, viz. big Adam, little Adam, Hannah and Jenny her child; levied on as the property of Jacob Hersman, to satisfy A. S. Bulloch, esq by virtue of foreclosure of mortgage. A. COPE, s. c. c. august 29- 103 Sheriff’s sales. On thefirst Tuesday in November next, Will be sold at the court-house in Riceboro', Liberty county, between the hours of ten and three o’clock, the following property, viz. ; A negro man named Charles, levied on as the proper- ty of Alexander Forrester, to satisfy an execution in fa vor of Nathaniel Law. Also, a negro woman named Kate, and her two chil- These are, therefore, to cite,and admonish all and singular,- tbe kindred and creditor* of the mid deceased, to me-thrir objections (if any they have) in my office within thirty days -from this date, otherwise letters of administration will l^e granted to the aforesaid applicant. Given, under my hand "and seal, this 17th day of Oc- ■ - [L. S-J- ... 8. M. BOND, c. c. o. c.. c. Manifests. Fortale at this Office. Elia| Cassels, to satisfy an execution in favor of Joseph Witherspoon. Also, a tract of Land containing three hundred acres more or less; bounded southe^stwardly by land belong ing to Thomas Shruder, and on all Otlier sides, by vacant land at the time pf survey;-levied on as the -property of Williaip Thompson, to satisfy an execution in favor of John Winn, tax collector, for the state and county taxes, due for the years 1814 and 1815, and his fifty per cent taxes, due for the years 1813 and 1814, amounting to seventy-six dollars thirty-sieven and a half cents and costs. The above tract pointed out bv the defendant. Condi tions, cash. BENJAMIN MELL. b. i c. oct 3 118 . . so t;- -esum*.’ ■ .- f.j « ; / . j, i ' f - -.g ' J MarshaFs saies. On the first Tuesday in November next, Will be sold at the court-house, in the city of Savannah, between the hours of ten and three o’clock, Lots No. 15,16, 17,18, and 19, adjoining fort Wayne, to the eastward—levied on to satisfy an execution at the suit of James B. Read and others, wardens and vestry of Christ Church, versus Joanna Lur-cna, and James Lucena heirs, and devisees of James and John Charles Lucena. * A negro wencli named Delia, levied on as the proper ty of Robert Dillon, at the suit of William Hart. Two negro women, named Rose and Di, levied on as the property of Joseph Davies, to satisfy an execution at tne suit of the United States, vs. Joseph Davies and David Leion. JOHN EPPINCEK, oct 5—-—f 119 marshal he subsonic. Continues to transact the FACTOR u;g w SION BUSINESS, at No. 37, Bolton’s ccn-r I here ee P m- of 1. POLlHiX. (immediately above Brooks & Wellman’s grocery • u fireproofs stores are provided for the re produce oct 15 CA -123 Factorage and Commission. The subscriber haring commenced in the „hnve of BUSINESS, offers his services to his frauds n< ’ tiie public; his Counting-Room is on Wa ne’s upper wh rf formerly occupied by Messrs. Phinizv Sc Barnett the Store is large and commodious—produce will be re ceived on storage and every attention given to >- re .' ception and shipment. RICHARD \YU \> dec 2—139 Niles’ Register. A few copies of this valuable and useful work remain on hand. For sale, at this office. •.ugust 1—91 Dissolution. The firm of Fpxches & Rise is this day dissolved, ia consequence of the death of Mr. John Furches. All per- sons who ary indebted to the concern, will please call and liquidate their accounts; and those who have claims against the concern will present them for settlement to the subscriber. JOHN KING, sept 26 115 surviving cot'nrtr.p. Wharf and Stores. To rent, that extensive Wharf and commodious Stem, at present occupied by Mr. Bama MlCinne, of wide#, possession may be had on the first of November next.— For terms apply to . R. & J. HABERSHAM, julv 9 81 8 tore. To Let, the ground floor of the Store, occupied by the subscriber, on Hunter’s wharf, an excellent stand tor t Grocery Store. HENRY W. HILLS oct 3 118 Horses for sale. Two excellent Horses, one an iron grey; the other a bay; price, one hundred and fifty, anck one hnndn : nj twenty dollars each; also, a light Chair, with plated Har ness. Apply at this office. oct 10 121 Fire-Wood. The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to custom ers and friends for past favors, and solicits a continu. ance of their custom. There is a constant supply of the best oak, liickorv and ash WOOD at his Wood-Yard, with drays in waiting to transport it from his wharf. Ephraim Cooper. N. B. Purchasers are requested not to pay the dray man one cent, without a bill receipted. ••ini is- ■+• “2 Boarding school. Mrs. Canuet has removed her Boarding School to Mr. Eppinger’s brick house, on the South Commons, nearly opposite the Academy, where she can Accommo date some more voung kulies. july 23 fc.M 87 Georgia—Chatham county. By Samuel M. Bond, clerk of the court of ordinary, in and for the county of Chatham, in the said state. -» To all whom itniay concern. Whereas, Frederick Willink, hath this day applied to me for letters of administration on the estate and effects of John Andrew Woolsdorf, late ofSavannah, spar, block, and pump maker, dec. in behalf of the creditors. These are to-cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the deceased to file their objec tions, (if any they have,) in my office on or before the first Monday of November next, otherwise letters will be granted to the applicant. Given under my hand and seal ef office this 30th Sep tember 1816. [L. S ] S AMUEL M. BOND, c. c. o. c. c. oct 1 * 117 *** During the summer season, the Librar) will be kept open foi delivering Po.Ks to tbe members of that Institution, in the .ftwnoon, from 4 to 6 o'clock, every Monday, W.J"* -dsy and Friday. ’ GEORGE GLKN. iris'- 7--$r. — 54 S L. Srct'rf Notice. Nine months from the dite hereof application wilt be made to the honorable ti e JuttFe- of the Inf* .ior court of Chatham county for ieave to * e ^ , an undivid-d third part of a tract of land contain ing fifty acres in the district of White Bleff, fof the benefit of the heirs &c of Joseoh Rob rts, dec. W. Roberts, mwrch 14—o$—13 odm'rx ' Georgia—Liberty county. By Elijah Baker, cleric of the court of ordinary for tbe county of Liberty in the state aforesaid. Whereas, Mrs. Amey Shave applies for letters of ad. ministration, with the nuncupative will annexed, on the estate and effects of Dorcas Fryar, late of the said coun ty, dec. as next of kin. These are therefore, to cite and admonish all apd sin- pilar the kindred and creditors pf the said, deceased to file their objections, (if any tfi#. have,) in my office at Riceborough, on or before the first Monday m Novem ber next, otherwise letters of administration will be grant ed to Qie said Applicant. - Given under my hapd and seal, this 28th day of Septem ber in the year of our Ldrd eighteen hundred and sixteen, and in the forty-first year of American independence ' 'oat P 3fl._il 8 BAKE R, Tc. o. A. Notice. Nine months after date, application willbp made to the Justices of the Inferior Court of Chath.m county, for leave to sella House and Lots Nos- 3 and 4. in Carpenter’s Row, (Savannah) the real estate of Mary Jane Stoof, deceased, for the bene fit of the heirs and creditors. Isadore Stouf, ff^ 27 —— — ■ 94 tdminis*' Notice. Nine months after the date of this : ot. •* ap plication will be made to the honorubi- t. e Javici of the Inferior Court of Liberty county, f r .erroii' soin to sell a pact of the real estate of AD • m Alex ander, deceased consisting ot two hundred acres of land, in said county, of Liberty, known by til* name of the High House tract, adjoining lands of Hastings and Cnthbert, and bounded north by North Newport river; also one improved the town of Sunbury, in said county, known and distinguished in the plan oi said town as lot (130) onehundred and thirty. Louisa F. Alaxander. mere 1 - 7 ?q -! Hw’rr “blank Manifests. ! • Forsale-ftt ;4 Georgia—Chatham county. By Ssmuel M. Bond, clerk of the court of or» dinary for the county of Chatham, Whereas, Patrick Houston, administrator of th* estate and effects of Harriet Y. Morel, dee. applied to the said court, to be dismissed from the burthen of the administration aforesaid. Now, therefore, these are to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said Harriet Y. Morel, dec to file their objections, (if any they have,) in my office, on or before the sixth day of January next, otherwise letters distp“' sory will be granted to the applicant. Given under pay hand and seal of the said coon, at Savannah, the 6th day of Jnly, 1816. [L.S ] SAMUEL M, BOND, c. c. o. inlv6^wf^ ” ‘ ijlank Indentures, For. sale at tjiis Office. j