Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, October 26, 1816, Image 1

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LICAN. yilEJ)ER ICK Sm FELL.] SAVANNAH, (GA.) OCTOBER x>6, 1815. [Whole Number 2739. TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR. [Volume .XTV rp]lF REPUBLICAN IS PCBLIHHKD 1 vnx T UEST).VY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, E r r v holla ns vlua-h.xuat, PiTiBUS 1» Al'VANCK. \DVKivrisEMGNrs , ! t the rate of Skvlxtv-Five Cf.xts per .fl! he inserted at tne r linn i-St\ rx and a Half „ re the first i,n Cilrs for eflc/.' continuation. c r ysH „ or dersfrom the Couxtrt, t.nless the must uccompsny a or ,j lc party well known to p.vmuvtlr: secured mi tin- Editor . /-.//for must ie post-paid. hi Lettebs /$ r - Fot Liverpool LAiiKSOI) rr *. The fii»e Sil, H v having o pBrt of her cap ..rhest slap oft. l »r tret R. Richardson. •gfc'he ei captain AVil- ,dy, will be iacply to for Liiverpooi rfntlii'i tl OS a regular packet J The fine American ship JOHN & LDAVAU 1 ', r'- K e s Webb, iiiaster, burthen 32lt tons, built «t vir f>' ^ 0 .). < |, C .uul cedar, copper fastened, and ( t j ie jjeiuts. will comn.ence loading in baU'ia' a considerable part of her cargo en- * k "l“7;.I’nieet with dispatch. For freight or passage r T.ccommmiattrns bring elegant) apply to captain e t xl .t '1‘Knine’s wharf. cct 19—125 For Liverpool rjiieiv.eil to sail on ihe 1st /Decemberf The well known ' coppered ship GEORGIA, Lines Low, master. For freight or passage, n i'm s aug. nt accommodations, apply to captain Low, on' board, at Fr** r*» wharT or to . James Hickson & lo. oct 19—125 For Liverpool The ci>pptv botlomed, fast sailing, packet ship FACTOR,' Of Philadelphia, Robinson, master, 7v^i-rvrtmc:al to arrive at this port from Pilila- . ei;>aa. and will meet with immediate dispatch, having ■art-'had of btr cargo ready to go on board. For freight cm the remainder,to fill up, apn'V to + William Gaston. r ri 10 ..-p; ' For Glasgow The 1).rque MARY, will sail the middle of idi for freight of two imndred bales mapplvto ' JAMES JOHNSTON. l ' ‘r'fo™ 214 tons burthen. Enquire of captain Olm- VaJu*u£ste«d,nn board, or L. PETTY &. CO. »• 1 1 It 22 For sale, freight or charter, The fast sailing brig ST. CRUZ PACKET, For sale Tl'.f brig LANUDON CHF.VES, burthen about gjf%2)() ions, copper fistened and sheathed. A launch, fast sailing vessel, well found in every respect, anti ready to receive a cargo on board. For terras, which are liberal, apply to M. Herbert & Co. nr* " r >— 190 Tills vJii ‘jostoii or Ncvv-iurk. At sixty days sight. For sale by . oet 22—126 George Gordon. ' Dills oil * pvv- i , riv AND PHILADELPHIA. For sale hv A. ERVvl.V, LETil BRIDGE St CO. oct 8—12J liills on New-ion-v, \YM. GASTON. At sight. For srde bv ec\ Pi. jo.. a necks oil New-York, At sight. For sale at the Insurance Office. Richard Wayne, ■use 22- -P)0 The Marine and Five. Insurance COMPANY, Of t’.ip. Cii , J Savannah, Will insure Property in floats, between Savannah and Augusta, and at and from either place to the other. R. Wayne, secretary. , 24—127 The subscribers TO STEPHEN ELLIOTT'S BOTANY M ill receive the First Number, by c, ding at ttie Book store of \V. T. M IL, LAMS. tv ?>' For Havre The copper bottomed ship CERES, M. Mix, AkflfL. master, will be ready to receive freight on the jlyLjigiHe. insL For freight or passage, having supe- lior accommodations, apply to 'he master, of Minis & TIenry. p-i I5---123 ______________ For Bordeaux ’ _ The Philadelphia built ship PORTIA, copper- JV-ceU and copper' fastened, in complete order m respect, intended to su»l irom Charles on, on nr before the lJth November. For freight or pas sage (^l iving extensive and convenient accommodations) aapiy to John Stonae, Cliarieston, or » Isaac Cohen & Co. j 122 SV/771 niuh jl i U 210 x wi U b. •Tstst received, fter schooue•.Vf t, chanic i f o*n JK'tnv-Vorh, Four elegant PIANO FOUTKS Stehbins & Iilason. oct 15 -r 12.1 Sugars. 6 hhds St. Croix 20 hhds New-Orleans, of a superior 1 'quality For sale by WHI'I NEY Se PARKMA? oct 12-1.-124 New Goods. CHARLES W. CARPENTER & CO. Uuvc received, by ihe tchoonpr .'.feentmic. Apart of their FALL ancl \\ 1\ 1'KU COODb wl\ c.h they offer for sale, consisting i f Cloths, Cas. ifneias, Coating, Blankets, Flannels, Bombazcts, Calico,, &c. Jiho, have on hand and .iuK hr rrcci'i 'g A general assortment of SADDLERY, n.anufYuwd in the best manner ,,c; 24r~l l~ JNfiv Goods. J. E. WHITE & CO. SOT'TH ENI1, VVW 11 Till x bviliuNk, johvutii ’s sux'Itik) Have received, by ihe ships Georgia ami John £? Edvard, from hiverpoo', nin e -seven additional packages of Goods, among wide!, are French superfine Cloths, Cassimcrcs \ igonia C.issimeres, London d.tfiil and superior rose Blankets Vfhite Plains, superior, 5-4 wide Blue, white and mixed Plains Kerseys, table Covers Sc.triet Cloaks, great Coats Salisbury Flannels, plain and printed R.ittinets and Bombazets, Vestings Fashionable plain and twii.ed pelisse Clotlis Bombazines, fine black, and fancy coloi s Carpets, Carpeting, Coating Cossack and Champ.gnon Shaw's Ginghams, Handkerchiefs, Si.irtings India Jaconets, cambric Dinthy, Cambrics A I.SO Cotton Dagring and Osu..burgs oet TT—*-124 *,V I * • .. , A ci11 » rv>V is. THE SUBSCRIBERS Have eeceir d, by the ship Georgia, from Idvrpvd, A large, and wed s lectcet supply of seasonab.e LUO OS; which, witli their present stock, will rend, r tneir Assort ment very complete, anil ■•vnich they will dispose of by the piece or package, on and ..ccomm'ulatuig terms. JAMES DICKSON X CO. „r< 1C 121 Sol—IT l 31 ' •;ft.v.ts;aossu pi -.t.'eio.3‘ >; sastjiimo J ‘puvq i;o 1.9 -uatp ip aw ‘tpiupyy -y rna x-n/j .inf .m(pjjap.tQ 'saooD ajnyjI v^aicivxs X5L»ltt-JiVV VitlXI •H.’NH.ld ‘IlSl IDXA s;'..oirj.wd /C»| 7 siret.t.n: tuvaw A\| paAio.ta.t oarq Aoip ‘trip o;| -qnd 3tp pm: spuoi.ij .tio'it o) aanssajd 3i|i j.r)| ^ I'D p? »if%U :i C /?v p.uj..a.)-j lipivj 3.t»:s 3’;: in ‘.isnotf Suipjnoo sprint/a/},' ■■‘MT f" ’tG'n .a'yin‘1//. pun itvi/uj' iff fo -aataoj ) *GJ ^ lYVHSHHH ‘THilCI • i.. j.t u a v :i vsa hula 'siiojir’j.fodiu[ a 4 .o 8 ail. 1000 bushets Turks Island S ALT. For sale bv M. Herbert Co. rice 1° 12.5 net 12- For Boston The schooner SA'll.Ul \NN, captain hum- h.-rd, having half her freight ready to go on TY&board. For ff-ight or passage, app.'y to the Ciptain on bo..rd or to Olmstead <Sf Battelle. Oft 22—1°S ^or New York The stun QNEIOv., captain Hillard, will be lo take in on Monday next, and will meet vi'.ii dispatch. Focfreighl or passage, having el- es-iitucconuuodaiions, apply to tlie niasttr on hoard, or J. BATTELX.E, JVo 16, Commerce diora, jrj,,, f, ns landing from said ship 50 pitccsBa..dee cotton BAGGING, of lery superior • quality 5U Ixillflie. 1 .1! !V ^ .Just rcucivcu A fe-w pieces of extra superfine blue ,ird blrek CLOTHS. For sale bv LESLIE T HG.MFSON. oct 12 i—122 For sulc. 100 bags Coffee se])t 3—* 105 H. RICH ART )St)N sale, T or On board schooner .'Wonongh, 2 elegant Sofas 38 pair Cossac Boots 13 Saddles and Bridles 5 dozen calf Skins 2 hhds Pottery’ 4 pipes Brandy ID bags Shot ta oct 24—127 For New-lork • a The fine new brig BEL\ ID ERE, Wm. Jocelin, l^niaSter, will piisixively sad on 1 uesday ne-xt.^ ilh-r height or passage ajifiy to captain Joey I m, ” 1 > li. M-KINNE & CO. -127 For New-York "be fine, ricU and fast salting schooner ME- CUfNIC Lewi=% master, will meet with .nimc- lilutirdispatch .Vor freight or j.assage apply ler on board, or to c fi Charles W- Carpenter k Co. 5 > . c For Philadelphia Landing, front “aid brig, ?0 hhds 1.1M B La keys <. L N POWDER 10 i’l.d deinhia BRICKS net 22-126 1 — ek Boots’ buD’ur, 60 Ids prime Muse lit ten- K’.issia Ir<> 30 hhds N. E. ku 10 pipes pure liol 1 pme 1 1 half pine U 3 oujner casks y 40 Casks cut Noils, 10 bags Pepper 3 fits Coffee 5J do Mackerel 10 do Vo 1 Beef 10 do No. 2 do 12 boxes No. 10 cc loo boxes Slate. oct 17—124 ; . Superior Madeira WINE ■For freight or charter. fi'o any port in EuropeJ : The substantial bHg TWO WHO! DE^S, cap- iXtar'i Upturn., burtlmn 200tonS, double docket., dBUheuriy expected. For tehms apply to J. Battelle, jVo. 16, Commerce It out, Directly under his former Counting Hoorn HO HAS SOW LASinkli, SIIOM SCHOONED S All AH ASS, tasks cut Nails, assorted sizes In store quarter casks L. P. Teneritf and Sicily Wine, nearly equal to Madeira _ . denuiohns old L. P. Madeira m6 boxes Bordeaux Ciaretj for sale low to close a v con signment 1 small invoice French GOODS, consisting of Umbfel- Ulf Stockings, cambric Handkerchiefs,Cambric, f ans, : Screens, Garlands, snuff Boxes, low priced Epaulets. *afcj27 - Mh. Just received and for Sale on acrommod.ding forms by John Lathrop k Co. or* - OJ a 1 >~ Hunter’s wharf Tat iViaukci ei, Nc. 70 bh fuli bay No. 1 Mackerel 50 dozen socket Spades. American made 50 dozen Axes, Beer's make 200 kegs Dupont’s Powder,'FF. R. 700 busheU Salt ^or board the brig Governor 50 bis Menhaden Fish J Hopkins, which will be sold low from on hoard by - GADNER I LIT S. oct 19—i*—125 Minis & Henry Have received, bu recent arrivals, A large supply of GOODS, which tiiSy offer for sale, bv the pH ce or packi ge, consistii^;’ot- ‘ Cassimcrcs, Coatings, Flannels, Blankets; white an*! blue Plains, superfine Cloths, pe’upse dittqi Carpeting, Bombazets, Velveteens, Hi^iery, Gioves, Dimities, iiair Cords, Ginghams, Calicoes, Shawls, Babsore Handker- chiefs, long Cloths, Linens, Sheeting, Shirting, Vesting, Ribbons, BailUanoes, Law ns, Cambrics, Threads, Car peting, brow'll Holl. nd, Ravens Duck, Grandarilioes. A large assortment of CUTLERY ALSO, 300 Demijohns A0 hogsheads prime Sugar 200 bags Coffee 50 crates well assorted Crockervuvare ^ 200 pieces prime Inverness Bagging oct 15-c^-l23. ’The suo iuriuci’D Have for sale 80 boxes pint and ban pint Tumblers 80 pieces company N,...keens 70 casks 4d. 6,.; lOd. 12d and 20d|p.,tent cut Nails 5 c -ks £•!.:• scihes Vi’iue 505 Mnts negro Clothing 512 pair men’s Shoes 220 Grindstones, 25 bags Pepper 30,; sets Measures, lo0 dozen wood Cocks .< A l iazi n Axes, 50 red and b ack \\ a.'.ers 40 haves cotton and wool Cants 1C(.' Trucks, 10 k:gs Shot, rf casks Flints 7 parent Tjjnt>Pi».ces. iOo Brinies Bedsteads, 120 dozen bed Corns grace vest Buttons do coat do iio suspender Buttons dozen chalk Unrs. aj do three square Files do Knives u..d Fo.ks, J i pair CaiiuitsucLs boxes Pipes, 5 Bureaus fowling Pieces 2 pair Pistols Chairs his giauber Salts, 10 dozen printed Shawls, dozen case Combs, doivoiy Combs casks stone Lime hoves Soap, 20 do AVindior So..p lbs Tiii'key oil Stone * Demijohns, li>0 puces Inverness cotton Bagging Letter, writing, pruning, wrapping and sl.ealnir.; Paper Looking Glasses, hi oik Books, Sec. Olmstead Battelle. 24—127 Id 5.5 16 40 36 39 12 18 8 20 2)i )0 3 ; ;o 160 i lie S.UISCi'iiJCi'S Have nmo landing and for sale 30 boxes white, anti z c,, , . ’ 5 Havana bCGAR 20 boxes brown > TitXT HAVE ALSO FOIl SALE TenerW Wine, in quarter casks, and Round fioit Iron, in bundhs Caruoclian iSj* Mitchel. or' 22-t.-126 Sicily Madeira Wine. * the subscribers nave received, on consignment, by the -way of Xevo-York, 30 pipes, halfpipe* and quarter casks of this Wine; which they offer for sale on accommodating terms. 2 hey have also for sale, Negro Cloths, in bales and in clothing made up into tnrkets aiid Trowsers; and Rice and Cotton of the new Jackets ana CARNQCHAN & MITCHEL. I sept 28——116 . i ■ Stuj*ges -x burroughs Offer for sale 30 hhds prime Scan- Sugars 22 do second quality do 10 do grec n Copperas 20 kc-gs cut Nails 1>> hales London duflil Blankets 2 tlo rose do 1 do point do 5 do white Plains 2 do bhi*: do oct 29—r—126 Lawrence & Thompson Have noto landing,from the brig St. Croix Packet and schooner . Donovgh, fuotu Pjuladelphia, 10 hogsheads 10 tifticesandU WHISKEY 20 barrels j 5 pipes and )., IV 20 barrels y i,li 100 kegs Dupont’s Powder 140 boxes best yellow Soap l'i0 dozen Selves 50 half barrels Fiour 2 tons Castings a 2 do pioughMoulds ijr svoni, 15 hhds N. E. Rum 10 hhds W. I. Rum 15 luttis prime Muscovado Sugar . l r’er casks L. P. Tenerift Wine oct 15-123 A. ■ ' ' ■■ i ■ f ... —. . - ■■ The subscribers, Have just received, ' 100 boxes first quality SOAP ALSO, 02T HAND, 15 hhds Philadelphia rye Whiskey' 10 do prime retailing Molasses 1000 jjushels Turk’s Island Salt. All of which they of- - fer for sale, low for cash.-* Cormick & Dousset. Administrators’s sales. On Tuesday,'12th November next, II ill be sold at the late resilience of Ah. HU'iard AIorell f opjmsite to Peter Ahtche!, rsij. A single story House, Kitchen and other out Buildings; to he reiuovtd within seven days from day of sale. Sundry articles of Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting of Bedsteads, Be t iiritr, Tables, Chest Drawers, Chaws, Etc. tie. a sn, A NEGRO FELLOW. Terms, cash, bold by order of the administrators. Sale to commence at 11 o’clock sept 19- M. Herbert k Co. auct’rs. -112 Undrawn Tickets, • In the 2 i Class Medical Science Lottery, of New York; in which are yet tlie high prize of 830,000 10,000 5,000 1,000, &c. The drawing commenced on toe 23d September, and c os's re race ived to-the fourth d. \ . Tick, ts, WAltR IN IE1) UNDRAWN, are for sale by e subscriber—..rice 10 Dollars; but will be advanced as the drawing progresses. W. T. WILLIAMS. tlu od 12- \V. Hills licnr \ •f (iltTXTEn’s WH.VRP) T Hus vow landing, from brig Janus, Cogn c Bra dy and Holland Gin, pure and of superior quality, being ten vc. rs < id; door Alalls. Colminar Wine and Chocolate; all of which will be sold low and on long ere ! h. from f he "-i. : -*f vc , —J27 i. Iv. 1 Citt C-- I o. * (Johpxon*^ square') Have received bytne John Ik Kdward from Liverpool, und by tlie recent arrivals from New York T wo IIL Nil I KI) AND FUFTY Packages f HARDWARE, C UTLERY, JAPA'v .v ED and FANCY GOODS; which they offer for sale on itr\ tcrmnwod .ting terms. -get 24—i—127 J. T. Da Lor me & Co. Have removed from Gibbons’ buildings, to the corner of Broughton and Barnard streets, opposite to Mr. Isaac Fell’s, where they continue to keen a stock of fine DRY GOODS and JEWELLERY for sale, as usual. O't V- -1,7 Caiviii Bukcr cC Co. Aenuaint their rity and country friends, that they are receiving daily, per the constant arrivals at this port, their fall a-.d Winter supply of DRY GOODS, which is large and extensive, ir. the various articles requisite for ihc country trade; which they will dispose of on crei:i T , or for cotton, or cash, as nut he most con- i He -j - . • 26—115 Jriuiaiicipiiia Kazce SU WAR ROW BOOTS. J'/st recriv •:/, by the hng (Jtynthus, from Philadelphia', > pair Suwarrow BOO’l S, of Keaitinj’s manufactory 25 pair Razee do do do do ALSO, From ATew-York, by the brig Thames, An assortment of ladies’ and gentlemen’s SHOES, SUPPERS, ike. For sal? by John Douglass j ort 8 —- 120 y; terms’ building Negro Shoes, Te. Just received from JWs?- Verb, by the (ship Ceres^ 15og pair superior quality negro Suoes ALSO, Ladiys’ morocco Boots Ditto do Jackson Roots Ditto do walking Shoos Ditto do Slippers and Tics ALSO, t larg-e assortment of men’s fine and second qua lity SHOES, &c. For sale by or f 15—125 John Douglass, Gibbons’ building N egro iSilOCS. The subscriber lias on hand, six or seven hundred pair prime NEGRO'SHOES, warranted well made and of good materials, which he offers for sale, in Effing ham county. DAVID GUGEL. Goshen. Jt : s*rict. October 8—o—120 Just received. 1500 pair of prime NEGRO SHOES, For sale, by E. S. KEMPTON. oct 22— 126 _ — George Schley, On the Hay, nearly opposite the Exchange, Is now opening and offers for sale, at low prices and on accommodating terms, an assortment of well selected GOODS, just received from Liverpool and New-York, consisting of Superfine and common Clotlis and Cassimeres White, red and vellrtw Flannels, white and assorted Plains, Bombazets, Bombazines and Uatinets Rose, point and duffil Blankets, Irish Linens Cambrics, Lawns and cotton Shirtings Furniture and common Dimity, Ginghams Mullins, Toiiinets and Marseilles Vestings Brown Holland, Checks and Stripes Stockinet and fancy Cords, silk and cotton Handker* chiefs and Shawls, 'Eurkey red Curtain and common Calicoes, Chintz and Sarsinets Silk, cotton and worsted Hose, assorted English and German table Cloths and Napkins, common and superior Velvets, Corderoys and princes’ Cords Laventine and Florence Silks, assorted Gentlemen and ladies’ kid and silk Gloves Ribbons, Tapes, Bobbins, Threads, Needles and Pins Shot, Lead, Anvils, trace Chains, weeding Hoes, Axes, Spadesqtnd Shovels, rice Seives Crates of Earthenware and boxes Glassware, assorted foj* the country, and a general assortment of Hard ware and Cutlerv. oct 19—o—125 Harris H. Hickman Has opened a Law-Office in Savannah, and tenders to the public his profetfsonal services in the courts of th® ?astern cirguiR ® ct 8—12U