Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, October 31, 1816, Image 3

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Ceact*.**** is expected in Nashville the Vast of . ' , k We understand he has succeeded in securing , oh ect of hi* niffiSW & <3> e southern tribes of Indians. vmmUieChfcfcuaw-* itisiwdhe has procured n-re- VMui*l..ncn't of all the land .they clanned nprih of tiie. Tennessee river, amounting to >t least .ten millions-of Vrvs it is conjectured, and also their claims to part of frvjwk cession, for which he covenants in behalf of Y! JjQited States to give them $10,000 yearly for ten “ —This cession is important to Tennessee and Ken- \~Z V „ and will enable the government to bring into some very valuable land in Tennessee and the rr^saooi territory From the Cherokees he obtained , retinqu'sicnentof rilthe churn they have to the lands a ,itred as inclikled m the Creek cession, and the C ... north of the Tennessee river for which he co ve- re *f lo give gld,0<h> a year for eight years. The' In- ’i ^rtled on far m ** secured the peaceable pos- d al1i>S oftiiem, or paid for their improvements. 9e ^°",^it and glorious termination of a business that , r0 y(. T this section ot the union like a portentous T'd .^serves to be commemorated, and we hope that arrangements will be made by the citizens of ffuntiste to receive the general on his return with tliat it t so richly merits, and that no time will be lost in returning thanks to the officers of the general govern ment far their prompt attention to the expressed wishes ot the citizens of Tennessee. It we are prompt in coin- nkilling when unjustly treated, let us be equally prompt in acknowledging that our desires have been attended to. —The first .veck of our Octobercourt-will afford a con silient opportunity for convening the citizens to take tins subject into consideration * &br Liverpool TJRe fine new.snip JtkSiX cantanrJAIm iuv ^hourly expected frum,New.lfo£ and havi^fe r , her cargo eiigaged^will meet with immediate dispatch. For freight of the. balance or passage ap:;lv to ,„ . B. M‘Khmelt Co. oet .11—E x——130 *•- • For Liverpool rpool 1ST. t shbsttmtial brig ^T. CROIX PACKET, of 217 tons burthen, captain Moses (Jimstead, meet w.£ ffiSpafch - For freight, which wiU be taken low, apply to the captain on board, or to L. Petty & Co. a * ^ *1' jCinnu'e, ivharj" yukoi/) ir nL, dozen fine knapt .mdli-lt Hat* . il,°00 yards cotton Shirting*, Checks ai 4 boxes No. lAenttnu r\.c~L. or* tVeare informed that the United States’ brig Saranac, commanded by lieutenant Elton, ms arrived at her an- ciioimg ground near the Bay of St. Louis, a few days “ ! siiehas been down the Mexican Bay, and iieuten- ant"Elton had the pleasure of seeing the magnanimous fleet of the Wo/«* that insulted lieutenant Cunningham, fl i 1 from prudential motives the Dons, who could outsail tk s.;raiuc, kept at a respectful distance—for three days <j K ! itenant Elton endeavor to get within hailing dis- uut without at ail.— LouisianaGazette, 27th ult. lance, Information is received by the schooner Elizabeth and jane, from Havana, that the Spanish squadron which at tacked the Unite;! States’ schooner Firebrand, had arriv- et’.at that port hut no correct statement of the affair had be.* made. No doubt the valiant talkers at Havana fell oitate themselves on the transcendunt achievement///— . Charleston. Tim. St. Jons’*, (s. b.) September‘28. We learn that the commissioners under the fourth and fifth articles of tlie treaty of Ghent, between hi* majesty and the United States of America, met and opened their respective commissions at St. Andrew’s, in this province, on the 23d instant. ' The 4th article relates to the isl ands m Passamaquoddy Bay, and the island of Grand Me- nan in the Bay of Funday j and the 5th, to the eastern boundary line of the United States, to be traced and sur veyed from Hie river St. Croix to the river Iroquois or Cataraguy, according to the 2d article of the treaty of Util. \Ve understand that colonel Barclay, late his ma jesty’s consul general for the eastern states, and the hon orable Ward Clupfflati of this province, who acted, the former as commissioner, the latter as agent, oil the part of hi-, majesty, under fhe 5th article of the treaty of 1794, for determining t ie true River St. Croix, are again em ployed in the same capacities, under both the above men tioned articles of the present treaty. The honorable John Holmes, of Massachusetts, met colonel Barclay as the Amer.wn commissioner under the 4th., and Cornelius an Nias. esq. of Vermont, under the ith article. It is said that the American claim, advance! 1 under the 4th article, extends to ail tile islands in Pass, i.naquoddy Bay, *s writ as to Strand Menan Both conn) I ssions, we hear, are adjourned, to meeUn Boston in tl) t month of Alay text. From the Plattsburgh Republican, October 5. Sort hern Boundary.—An opinion is Indulged in the asoutiiem papers, tl, a t on a revision of th-i northern boun- dar. betw een the United States and, the Ixle auX Xa\ will be brought within the limits of the United States. This expectation is probably delusive. It is the opinion of competent judges, who have given considera ble attention to the subject, that the line as at present es tablished on the shore ot' Lake Cliamplai:* is correct. Uncommon Drought.—No Tain of al.y consequence has fallen, in this plac- for 8 or 10 week *. The streams and weds are generally dried up, and many ofourf .mt- *rs have for a Jong time been compelled to come to the hake to water their cattle. The riveim in Chazv and Chajnpb,in are so low that the mills cannot grind suffi cient to answer the demands of the country—aftd for w®: weeks the excellent mill -of Messiie. Smith and L. fkit, oil the neverfailing Saranac in this: village has been Awiged with wheat from as far north, as La Cadie, a ^“tuice of 50 re iles. I. fhe ,c«th has become so dry that the soil has in many instances .be>:n burnt oft td the hard pan. We have hard of stveral’TBcadovvs in this county of from 10 to jv acres, which have been bamt entirely over, so as to kne several :incliea aslies on the surface. Swamps •liich in veans past liaVe been constantly wet, have be- Comc so drv the present season aa to bum over, by the fctidental communication of fire to them; the fire taking up green trees by the roois. Efforts to stop tlie progress of the fire in the mea- iuvrs j,us hi many instances proved i tuav.«iliug. We Be understoodsome hay and grain has been burnt, fhe aUnospheceJias been so filled with smoke arising (from die fi -es in eyery direction^that even intliis village for three or four days, tne first of the present week, it ■on;: be difficult in the morning to distinguish a man at e uii'xncc of fifty rods. The steam boats have expe dited considerable difficulty in navigating the lake, and iHnJu boats iaive lost tlteir way in many instances, in *oning it in the narrow jjarts, in the daytime. The cunorAy of the Brunswick convention have’pub- isKiffa protest ag.jas' tlie renert made* b.v Mr. Hoj.mes i fuwofint sepuratinMof Alaiite from old Massachu- ^ds.—Mtlihmire i'atiiot, October'212. tVto.v'—Tbe ladies cif Maine, it is st.i l, we opposed i separation; and are all for union—to hi Ms*. FORT OF* SAVANNA ff, Tktirxday. Octobdr i>x» 1S16. MHTEli. ®rig Hero, Bailey, Plttladelphia Schooner Harriet, Newell, New'-Vork ‘ ■ Antelope, Morfc, Georgetown, (s. c.) Eliza Lord, Smith, New-York Sdio.iner General Pike,' Emery, Charleston bpor says there are vessels beloiv. For iiiugiaad _r 0r an D port an tut Continent J The staunch coppered brig SUAKTAN, C. W. Lolhn master, wall soon be in ryadiuess to receive a cargo—a considerable part of which will be ready to go on board. For freight for the remainder, or passage, apply on board or to REA & BUTLER, use . Johnston’s wharf Kwjqtuhugfrom said brig from Slockh'>m UU tons Swed; s Iron, principally axe bar and v aggou tire, which they wdisell by die single ton or larg er quantity,-and . 6 o tons iron Ffoica, 12 to 16 inches wide, suitable for piougil Share* xllsu, lutnlinrf from schooner Harriet, 4 pipes and Id bis Sew-York Gin, best quality, which they will sell iow, (for cash or short credit) if ta- keufrom the wh«rt. o C . t 31 13o For New-York The schooner H ARRIET A EWELL, Gifford, master, will sail positively on Saturday next, wind and weather permitting. For freight or passage apply on board, at Bolton’s wharF, or to Ballard Si Speuccr, ■ v ■ :im"f net 31- -130 For JFmlatlelphia The packet brig OLYA'i nUS, captain Bailey, ,"'ill be dispatched about the 6lii of November. •For freight or passage appiy to Ferry k Wright. oct 31—m—130 For freight or charter, To any portin Europe, the H'est Imiiex or the TTniteilStates, The staunch fast sailing brig HUNTER, Wil liam Rodman, master, burthen 133 tons. For .terms apply to the master on board, at Telfair’s wharf, or to Ji. S. CUTTER, Jit the comptiug room of Oimstead <J halt die. oct 31 13d For freight or charter, To any of .he H'esi ImLa Diands, The staunch and burtiieusome schooner AN TELOPE, ld5 tons register, will be ready to receive a cargo in ten days. A fud freight will be-taKcu low. Apply to Isaac Course m Son, oct 31 IT-— -139 fi u \jrf For freight or cnarter, The ^ninety Vo any norther:, port, brig GENERAL JACKSON, burthen tons, W. T. Pearce, master, a staunch vessel; will be ready to receive a cargo on Mon day next. For further particulars, enquire- of the cap- tarn, on board, at Smith’s \i liarl, or to P. II. & T. Crapon, IVho have for sale, Oy said, 100 Grindstones 2 cases noruiern Homespuns, containing Ckambrays, Stripes, Plaids, Shirting and Checks 1 case India Hoods 100 bis Potatoes, Onions, &.c. 1 case Bedticking oct 31 130 Planters’ i>unk. Abscond Book Keeper, and an Assistant Clerk, wili be qiectcd on Wednesday next. Two securities to be bound jointly and severally in the »um of five thousand dollars, will be required tor the first of these offices, and the same number, in the same manner, in the com of two thousand dolku-s for the other—The names of the securities must be mentioned in the applications, which are to be handed to J. MARSHALL, Cashier Now -Lclitillig 50 quarter boxes of fine turpentine SOAP, for f mily use. For sale, bv P. CATOXNET fit CO. oct 31— r.* —130 ;r.">V-w rtf I ten;s wharf Goaiien Giieese, <Nc. 10 casks first quality Goshen Cheese 15 quarter casks Colminur Wine 1 hhd prime Jamaica Sugar. Id dozen superior Windsor Chairs, of different paints; landing'from on boaul scii..oiier iiarriti. Newell, and for s;ile by Ballard & Spencer, o-» 31—v—1)0 - Rice’s wharf I»|« Sv'iessrea^" - su<p “ c*»e straw Bonnets ' ’ cloven Sidles and Bridle* 3 tou# assorted Hohow War 1 * 1 ton cut Nails f? 18 °f Measures and Buckets 10 boxes No. 1 Clmcai„t e Shovefo, Axes, and a quantity of tlumbl'e* for rigging The above will be mild at reduced pa-ices if applied for 8,K)n - oct 31—-130 Aiiurew «e.iUa*es <«w?i nUe * . tJ -' e FACT °R- v <3E and COMMISSION BU- , S, in tins city, and tenders iiis best services to the pu nc m tile above line of business, with the promise »a the siric.est attention shall be given o all business committed, to ms care; he iias good fire proof Stores for -i”' • '■■Of-on or Merchandize. or: ,>i- Fctty- o Go. „ 1 wnilir,) nve Just received, and 'offer for sale on acfornmodatiag ' . ter4ns t 4*{yj casks NaiU, assorted 30 ditto trace Cuaims 30 tons Waggon tire Iroii 20 ditto axe bar ditto , 4 ditto share Moulds 4 hogsheads Sugar 2u bugs Ginger 4u boats window Glass, 8 by 10, and 9 by 11 40 ditto cotton Cards 75 dates Crockery Ware 4000 b ii.slit is Liverpool Salt c --so, 2 cases silk Handkerchiefs and Parasols 2 dito Mudr..s, mock Madras and Hand- kerctiieis 4 do Calico, Ginghams, Dimity, Shirtings, Quiltings, prince’s cord A'esting, cotton Umbrehas and worsted-Hose * 1 tlo IiuLu sewing Silk, assorted, and jaconet Muslins 2 do furniture oil Cmu.s, Lc. oct 31—a—130 Erwin, Crciibiiaw & Co. Have imported, in the ships Georgia and John id Eduard, from Liverpool, A very extensive and well chosen assortment of DRV GOODS, IRONMONGERY, CU ULERY, plated and Ja- p.-nnedWARE, comprising acotnpiete assorUnent; whicu tliey are uow opening and offering fur sale m Gibbons’s brick building', near tlie Market, at ttie most reduced advance, tor cash, produce, approv ed notes or uceep- ances. oct 31 l.)d x*rooK.s ... vV Have now landing, per schooner Harriet Newell, from New-York, and otner arrivals from Bos.on and Ctiarles- ton, the follow ing articles, which makes their assortment, (wild what they have lately received) large and com plete, and which they offer for s Jc on then cutiai accom modating terms, viz:— 1U7 klius superior quality New-Orleans, St. Croix, and Ja maica Sugars 2(J litids bigii 4ui proof Jamaica Uuui, warranted pure Id tons Russia iron 4u bags Pepper and Spice 6 boxes assorted Saddles 6 crates Connecticut Earthenware 10 diesis fresh h, son and young u, son Teas, (imported tins mouth) 12 do/,t-n long .uni short biffed Axes oct oi a- ■ - adU Tiie subscriber Offers for safe the following Ar.icles, received from J\‘ere- Tork, per schooner Harriet .Vexed, 1 elegant Secretary 1 pair elegant tea Tables 3 curled maple Bedsteads 4 half barrels Fly-Market Beef 1 double writing Desk, with Stools , J. George. , or f 31—v—1.30 Joseph i ruchelut, CONFECTIONER, On the Hay, nearly opposue .tie E.: cnangeJ} Returns Ins most unfeigned thanks to nis friends and customers for the liberal -encouragement they have hitherto given him, and nopes'a continuance of iq which he will endeavor to merit by assiduity and a steady at tention to the convenience of his geests; for whose amusement, lie will, after tlie 15th day of the present month? keep regular files of the Boston Patriot, Philadel phia Aurora, New-York Gazette, Baltimore Patriot, Na tional Intelligencer, and Lie Charleston Courier and Southern Patriot. As heretofore, refreshments will be ready at all hours, and i arts at the usual tunc—nis Liquors wiii yield in point of quality to none in tins city. Pastries of every description anu to an* extent, may, at <ui times bo hati, by g.ililg a da v a pi’cVliMSS ItOtlCC. He has now on hand Best Claret, coinm-m do , Madeira, Malaga, Port and Teneriff Wines, in bottle* Champagne, Frontignanund bauteril V. a.os, by tiie dozen or single bot.Ic Porter, Sec. Auiusced, Noyeatt, mint, rose, perfect love, cinnamon, orange, cuff.., . , ivcsaud raspberry Cordials Syrup of Lemon, do of Vinegar, do of Qumars Do of Orgeate, do of .'> v-iden-Hair, tio of Pomegranate Do of Raspberry, jelly of Quinces, do of Apples Jelly of Plumbs, do of WhortL berries, do of Currants Qumcc Preserves m syrup, Orange doejo Papau do do. Peach do do and .n brandy •S weet Chocolate, and plain do Sugar Plumbs and C.uidy of all sorts And every other article in the confectionary line N. B. Considerable difficulty and loss often arising from crediting, he finds that in future he wili be under the necessity of trusting no person. oct SI-m-130 Notice. The subsciW- ft* a **‘ ort tim€ > wiU ^ absent from iiomiih \L t>~w 'Mii.i.Btt will act as my attorney. P G - Frederick 8. Fell. jy 31-130 ... .. ■ ^ For ^ntcxs’ Bank STO'CK. nct'31—v—130"/ ’ -hfca Stile Apply at this pflice. •1 he subscribers, Under the firm of ISAAC COURSE 2J SO U have established themselves in this place, in the F ACT VGE & COMMISSION BUSINESS, and hope from tneir at tention and strict punctuality to render satisfaction to their employers. ISAAC COURSE, JAMES MORE, In the new hick tenenmnt, Hunter’s wharf. Savannah, October 31—c.—133 Wanted A person to act as MATE of a vessel, who will he im mediately employed: recommendations will be required; appiy 'o ISAAC COURSE oi-sON. on 31—13P ' • Dissolution of Copartnership. The firm of Kxox & Stove is this day dissolved by mutual consent; debts due them must be paid, and de mands against them presented to A.vmsw Kxox, who is duty authorised, and have agreed to settle tlie busi ness of said firm; and who will continue business on his own account. ANDREW IvNOX. WILLIAM D. STONE. oct 31—r—130 ' Wanted to hire »active BOY, of 14 To 16 years of age, ' One who bten accustomed to wait on table. -Appiv at this pet. oct 31—“—A' -133 X * r ’ "■ To rent ^VeBOOMS, without k kitchen, in Gibbons’ brick ^ r5aka ^vaunah visiting HOfeSE. Ehqulre at oct 3jP 130 For. _ Boaftopou: ^31— Notice. DoetorsS’Jwi'-Toa 8; Caloweh 1i2sc entered into co partnership In ii»e practice of PiiVSlC tuad SURGERY Calls from tlie court Gy will be attended to. They will hi ways be Tound at the shop of Dr. Caldwell, on thehay, * ' - *- ,rr book store. Merchant 'Faylor. JAMES FOWLER rErst of Afessrs. Erei, H allace & Co’s, and nearly oppo- site . ilessrs. Duel, Gresham id Co’s, in St. Julian street J Was tlie pleasure of informing tlie citizens of Savan nah, that he lias established himself in this city, in the above business, and will have any garment in his line made at a short notice, in the must fashionable manner and by tlie best of workmen. He hopes, by his experience and assiduity, to slure a part of the public patronage. He has selected in New-York, a few of ihe best of the following Articles, imported into that city, viz: Superfine black, blue and fancy colored Cloths Superfine black, blue, mixed and drab Cassiiueres Florentines, Marseilles, Toilinets. Ac. Which is offered for sale on accommodating terms. QJff Wanted one or two of the best JOURNEYMEN; for whom liberal wages will be given. Also Women to make Seamen’s Cloths, oct 31—~-l30 ^Saleof To MurFoWj 1st Ujfovembek be soldat'JVP, 2, Commerce £<ri, ;100 pieces cotton Cambric 50 do black Sarsncts , ' 40 <lb Frtizfe, 15 do iluml Blanket* 20 do 5-4 Cloths l trunk worsted and lamb’* wool Hosiejr , 2-J pieces white FLumels , 1 hale Bombastts ' 4 cases northern Homespun I trunk cotton Shirt* 3 bales point Blankets 1 case striped Ginghams 10 pipes old 4th proof northern Gin 5 casks lamp Oil 4 casks Shot, assorted sizes 1 trunk superb table Covers 1 bale blue Plains , 1 bale slop Clothing S. C. DUNNING, aud'r. ' . v . At private side 5 baits rtegro Plains 1 13 do 7-4 duffll Ul aikets 3 do cheap Flannels 15 pipes 4th pfoof Cognac Brandy 100 crates well assorted Crockery 30 tons do do Iron * ori 31 l^Q Auction. On Saturday, 2d November, /fill be sold before my store, Groceries and Dry Goods. Sale to commence at 11 o'clock A. Howe, auct’r. oct 31 -139 I. K. Tefft &t Co. ARIWARE, treiiemly, Ms* ising Two bales, No. 23, 26, one bundle Steel, one Anvil, a few spider Ovens and Pots, all marked A. S. Ik Co. land ed from ship Georgia; any person having any of the above articles ui uitir possession, will give notice to tlie sub scriber. JAMES SOHNSTON. oct 31 ■ —c 130 IMPORTERS OF HARI And Iivnmongery Offer for sale, at their new stoTe in Johnson’s square, the most general assortment of GOODS, in their line, now to be found in any one store; among which they enu merate CUTLERY, viz: Table Knives and Porks'* of various kinds, as white an.l Desert do do do V stained bone, buck, ivory, prts- C:trving do do do j sed horn and iron Handles Pen and pocket Knives, Razors and Scissors, a very handsome and general assortment Butcher’s, shoe and Currier’s Knives, prime com Sytl r » BRASS CABINET FURNITURE, &c. Curtain Pins, commode Handle and Knobs, commode lion head Rings, Socket and Balls, Escutcheons, cup- - board Turns, chimney Hooks, bed Caps, table Fasteners, brass Nails, brass and iron Castors, do butt Hinges, cut Glass, commode Knobs (a new and fashionable article) JAPANNED WARE. Tea Trays and Waiters, tea Caddees, ladies’ and gen tlemen’s dressing Cases, Cuudlesticks and Brackets, de canter Bland*, Snuffers and snuffer Trays, cloth Bruibes, Sec. PLATED WARE. Candlesticks and Brackets, (very handsome patterns;) Snuffers and Trays, bottle Stands, Castors, table and tea Spoons, tea Bells, pencil Cases, &c. SADDLERY, viz: Plated Bitts and Stirrups, Buckles and Nails, tinned spoon and snaffle Bitts and Stirrups, tinned and polished roller Buckles, curry Combs, plated Spurs (elegant pat terns.) FANCY GOODS, viz: Gentlemen’s dressing Cases, with Razors, complete; tooth Brushes, shaving Boxes and Brushes, pocket anti memorandum Books, note Cases, money Purses, writing Cases, walking Sticks, snuff Boxes, coat and vest ball Bu t tons, cork Screws, ladies’ Combs, steel Busks, backgam mon Boards, silver Watches (capt and plain, with chains, seals and keys) silver tooth Picks and pencil Cates, hair and cloth Brimhe*, Britannia metal tea Pots, powder Flasks. And a general assortment of STAPLE GOODS, among which are Hoes, Anvils, Vices, a great variety of Files and Rasps, I.ocks, Latches, Hinges, Screws, Saws, Chissels, plane Irons, frying Pans, block tin tea Pots, best London Pin*, English iuid American Shovels and Spades; Russia, Swedes and English Iron; Hollow-ware, patent and cop per tea Kettles, kitchen and parlour Below*, post and box coffee Mills, spoke Shoves, Braces and'Bitts, razor Hones; lathing, carpenter’s and shoe Hammers; Hatchets, iron Wire, Gimblets, carpenter’s and cooper's Compasses^ foot Adzes, shoe Pincners and Nippers, awl Blades, smoothing Irons, trace Chains, Planes (of every kind) Shovel and Tonga, cut Nails, brass Cocks, gun and rifle Locks, do Flints, iron Squares, ink Powder, small gar dener’s Hoes, wafflo and wafer Irons, cowskin Whips, Steelyard*, drawing Knives, screw and pod Augers, Seates and Pencits, club and broad KxeS, trunk Handles, iron Weights, iron Pollies, Lock*, &c. 8tc. (jy Country Merchants supplied with Goods, on very accommodating terms, and all orders punctually attend, cd to. oct 31——130 oiiip Chandlery COMMISSION BUSINESS. The subscriber returns his most grateful acknowledge, meats to his friends and the public, for their liberal support, during the short time he has been in business, and hopes from his steady attention and punctuality, to still merit a share of their patronage. He has just received from Liverpool, per ship* Vulcan, Georgia, and John & Edward, a large and general as. sortment of SHIP CHANDLERY, HARDWARE and CUTLERY, too numerous to enumerate, which he offers at a moderate advance. He will in the course of the next week receive a fiir. ther supply from Liverpool, New-York and Philadelphia, which in addition to his present stock, -will make tus as* sortment very complete. constsTiwo or Paints of all descriptions, Oils, Cordage; &c. . Casks assorted Shot Ditto superior club Axes .. Ditto broad - ditto ,.3 JJ Ditto patent Hoes Ditto wrought and cut Nails Ditto assorted Spikes Ditto cross cut and whip SawS Shovels and Spades, frying Pans, tie. A few Italian Irous. A. H. PUTNAM, oct 31—t—130 . ... . i Wants a situation, next'door to W. T. Williams? rdp Dr Caldwell will attend to the duties of Health Officer during my absence. G. PRHG UOR, ^31 ... 130 < Ileahh Officer. Sheriff's sales. On the frit Tuesday in December next. Will be gold at ff ryan-court house, between the usual hours of IfFand-3 o'clock* AH that tract of fund containing 59 acres, nfore or. less, seated bn tbfe.aalUj levied onj* &e Joseph Sill, * deceased); to^Hsty sandry executi**.— [tions; cash.; Seertuif ' 3i—fr—i30 In a dry good of grocery store, a young man of re. spcctable connexions. The most unexceptionable refer ences con be adduced for probity and capacity. A line addressed to F. G. and left at this office will be attended to' ■ .,j. ocf31 —130 ■X. -q I . Advertisement. Ranaway from the subscriber, on the fifth May last, a negro woman named LUCY, about S feet, 2 or 3 inches high, thin visage, a scar ®«* W her oheelw, from 40 to 45 years old, speaks smooth and Main, and pretty vood Any person Who Will deliver her to me, or to anygaaMje. Georgia or South-Canilina, shall receive ward of twenty dollars, tobrpaidby Horton. Beoufori ‘Htflrtrft 3Tt\ (iff. KjJC^»-rT31> ■rev Just received Per brig Tybee, captain Cobb, from JVkmiTork^ an mite signment, ... TWENTY-FIVE PACKAGES DRY GOODS, coKStrrixe or Fearnoughts, superfine Vesting* , x | White, red, yellow add black Flannels Cloth* and Kerseymere*^ assorted colors Drab Cords, Sarsnets Coaupgs, men and wondeii’* lamb’s wool Host Men, women and children's cottoii Hosiery * 1 Rose Blankets, Satin Stripe* _ ' - . „ 1 ax*0 Gunpowder, Shot and Lead < Brandy, Wine, Gin, Pepper .. J Soap, Co peraa, Nalls, aitd ...... A small assortment Hardware J-- - — Twine, Cottori Bagging , And a variety of other afticleS, all of which are olfhrM off vfcry low ttnwJby the.piece of package by. Theodore A, SchoeudA, oct 31—130 & Brought to g^ol in • ST ^ eotedne. that hebe. He is aboutffvejeetkix inebea tugfiT X^ovdipgto itatement, hedeserted in Cfi*ile*ton, from* drogsr, on boards which he w*. hired; James 0. The! Riceborough, fyberty Qountys <*fl.} Q0, oh the 23d of October, 1816, k yellow gro man,' who 4ays his name is Wixuau, .. longs tq James Smith,^of Camden district, tint, his s' ji ?.x< fit ! l '■‘I * ;| ■ J l L I ft • H Mii-S