Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, October 31, 1816, Image 6

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■ -16*11 TL t?-. *&■ : A v*»~ pr. ■ • , . * w n :*• jL 'JVmO ,r imPx&fcL$£ iTJ&SrmmKfr; :- Ft * k Of vxeorgm* Hieing deemed expedient by the Board of Directors; (flit another Instalment of the Stock^ot the Bank, of the ytate. of Georgia should be called in, and thatthe Stock- hgj^era should be required to pay a proportion thereof Especie. ' r Notice is hereby given, that* agreeably to a resolution Qf the Directors of thb date, twenty-three per centum bit each share, of the Stock of the Bank, is required to fee paid by the Stockholders, on or before the second Monday in December next; that five dollars, in specie, Jje paid on each share,"as part of the said twenty-three per cent, and the balance ill bills of either of the Banks of Georgia. . The Stockholders are tardier notified, that Cashier’s Certificates of Stock will be issued? M lieu of the Com missioners’ Certificates, held by the Stockholders, upon the delivery of the ComrmSsiondr^,Certificates, ait the ‘time of paving the Instalment, as above required. Western Stockholders are informed, that they may pay said Instalment, and receive their Stock Certificates, on delivering the Commissioners’ Certificates, at either of the Offices established at'Augvata and Milledgeville, so £pon as they shall be tn operation, which wiUl be in a short time. RLE AZ t# 1 V.ARLY, Cashier. -4, the 20th. Sepiemh-x 1816..-.-1^1.1] , .ate Bank oi the United States. Notice is hereby given to ail persons interested in the .trust funds of the late Bank of the United States, as the proprietors of baiik-notes, or of dividends upon stock, either of capital or interest, and. in general to all the creditors of die said bank or trust of whatsoever des cription, that unless their cl.dms are presented for set tlement before die 4th day of March, 1317, when the term of six years from the creation of the said trust will have expired, the trustees will not feel themselves ob liged to make opposition to any decree or order of court, which may be obtained for the distribution among the stock .aiders of.% amount liidierto reserved to sa tisfy die said creditors. G. SIMPSON, -^aiay .28—.f po- -fed Cashier For sale, At first cost and charges, the following Mathematical, Astronomical, Geographical, Surveying and Optical ' Iotruments, lately imported and chieflyAnade by Dod- xst Adams, of London: One second best Theodolite, with telescope and level, Oi£ horizontal and vertical motions, produced by rack- yfork, limb and nonius graduated to one minute, maho gany tripod staff and case; a very complete instrument. One surveying or spirit Level, with acromatic teles- ieflpe, compass and all requisite adjustments, adapted to Jfhe operations of levelling, &c. mahogany tripod staff apd case. One improved Circumferentor, with four sight vanes, ■ ctjmpass, limb and nonius graduated to three minutes, • Aahogany tripod staff and cases. One plain Theodolite, with cotrfpass, ten inch limb, graduated With nonius to three minutes, four sight vanes, improved ball and socket, oaked tripod staff and case. One Cylindrical Survey Cross, with sights at right an gles, compass, limb and nonilis graduated to three mi nutes, mahogany tripod staff. The new portable Orrerv, invented artd made by Wm. ^Jones,-of London; exhibiting, by wheel work, the rela tive jprder and motion of the planets, with respect to the earth and sun; also other improvements. One elegant case and set of Mathematical Instruments. One rolling'parallel Rule, invented by Eckhardt. Qae compound Magnifier. -Apply to Josiah Peufield. For sale , Lots No. So and 34, Elbert Ward, on-a lease forever, Subject to a ground tent to the city,-and (for which titles Slay be obtained in fee simple on payment Pf the valua- ' tion money;) together with tlie improvements thereon, Consisting of the well known and valuable stand for bu siness called the BLUE STORE, in which, besides the Store, is a comfortable dwelling house: also, the three small buildings and the kitchens adjacent. Kor term., kpply to WILLIAM 1. SCO IT, or- SAMUEL HOWARD. Tor sale _ TwotlurdA in fee,simple, of the WHARF and STORES at presept.occupied by Cliarles Howard, and a lease for a, considerable number of years for the other third, sub- 4 ject to an annual.payment of four hundred and thirty three dollars, and one third. The titles will be indispu table and immediate possession given, wai-ranted free of ineuinbrancc. _py U v-- - . txbms One half payable in six months, and the remainder in - fikur jrears'on interest payable quarterly. "tOr, thp pfemiaes will be lease* for four years, if im- - mediate application is made. Apply to Samuel Howard. 126 Mentj° r Cp>irr 'Cafl man For sale ^ .Warren ward, in fee simple, with the improgdaehts thereon, at present occupied by Samuel HowiW;the:-titles will be ’ indisputable and warranted Efee-of all irtcumbrance. Apply to JOHN ANDERSON, or .. SAMUEL HOWARD, t- ocfc.... , ,.. L , ^ Gteot^ia—Chatham eounty. ,8y,5. M. -BotTOu clerk of the court of ordinary for the ebuaty of Cliaiham. »■ WhQ»eas r Lewis Giradon, hath, made application for ~ administration on the estate of D. D. Williams, rJ ‘®“* t, fiinali, deceased,-in behalf of the children. :fore, to cite and admonish all and r —-—.-'A ihid creditors of the said deceased, jfisiebtions (if any they have) in my office y‘days ^fronr this date, otherwise letters of lptL"^dl,b® gTifited to the afO;-esaid applicant iacr my haitd and seal, tlus 17th day of Oc- S. M. BOND, c. c. o. r.. c- Valttable Lands for sate* , Four hundred and fifty acres, prime tide swamp, on the Savannah Back River, situated about ten miles above the city, well adapted to the culture of rice or the sugar cane; upwards of one hundred acres now under dam, and cultivated by James Ancfam, esq. Also, a tract, containing upwards of three hundred acres, adjacent to the above tract—this tract will be worthy the attention of the owner of the river swamp, having some convenient buildings on it; it also contains a good proportion of high pine land, arid the balance is well adapted to the culture of cotton and provisions— also, a swamp, abounding with cypress and other valua ble timber. 1 Also, a tract, containing five hundred aefes, situated on Savannah River, a few miles above Purysbutgh, known by the name of Bear Bluff—this tract is very valuable, as it abounds with white oak ai\d other timber, suitable tor the Savannah market. _ .. Also, two tracts of pine Land, in the vicinity offPurys- burgh, well timbered. The whole of the property will be sold on easy and moderate terms. Apply to Juss Kustov, on the Okaties; Or in Savannah, to , Jacob Deveaux. sept 7 107 „ Cotton Lands, on St. Simons.. To be rented, for one or two years, a tract of Land, about the middle of said Island,^containing 719 acres, whereof between 2 and 300 are cleared and under fence; 150 acres have rested for several yeunrwwd are in prime order for planting. Also, the tract adjoining, called th.c Village, on which there are a dwelling house, containing six rooms, v. ith fire places, and two garret booms; a b..rn of three stories in height, cotton house, &c. a good garden, orchard and extensive pasture. As there are no buildingson the first mentioned tract, it having been always held as ar>-appen dage to the other, they must both be occupied by one person, and as the lands of the Village will only be rent ed as a pasture, the rent requiredfbr them juid the build ings will be small. Immediate possession will be given of the first tract, and on the 1st of January Of the other. Apply in Charleston, to Mr. Spears; in Savannah, to Colonel Johxstow; or near Darien, to George Baillie. . ’Those lands would snit any person intending to make a settlement on the Alatamaha tide lands. ang 17 | Ay 98 Six and a Quarter Cents’ reward, For taking up ana delivering to me, my apprentice boy ‘, who absconded on the evening of the 16th inst. a negro of rather a light complexion, aged 16 years; but, for proof to com iction of liis being harbored bv any person, Ten Dollai-s will be added and all reasonable charges paid. 1 forbid all persons from harborin said boy or assisting him any way, or from carrying him out of the place. JOHN STILWRLL. “en^ 26; 115 Fire-Wood. The subscriber returns liis sincere thanks to custom ers and friends for past favors, and solicits a continu ance of their custom. There is a constant supply of the best Qak, hickory and asli WOOD at liis Wood-Yard, with drays in waiting to transport it from his.wharf. Ephraim Cooper. N. B. Purchasers are requested not to pay the dray man one cent, without a bill receipted. jtjne 18 72 City Sheriirs sale. ♦ On the Jirst Tuexdait in Dertinher next, Will be sold, in front of the court-house, between the usual hours, One chest carpenter’s Tools and one trunk Clothing; levied on as the property of Thomas Wilson, deceased) to satisfy Edward Hughes. Isaac I)*_Lvon, s. c. s. oct 26—I2S Georgia—Camden county. By Tsaac Crews, clerk of the ordinary for the county of Camden, anti state aforesaid. Whereas, Elihu Atwater, esq. applies for letters of ad ministration, on the estate and effects of colonel William Scott, late of s-aid county, dec. as next of kin, These are therefore,to cite and admonish, all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of said'dec to file their objections (if any they have) in mv office, on or before the first Monday in January next, otherwise letters of ad ministration will be granted to him. Given und<Jr my hand and Seal, at Jefferson, the 19th October, 1816. [L. S.] ISAAC CREWS, c/erlT i*/ Georgia—Liberty county. By Elijah Baker, clerk , of 'the court of ordinary for the county of Liberty, in the state aforesaid. , * Whereas, Samuel Jones, sen. esq. applies for letters of administration, on the estate and effects of Elias Cassels. late of (lie said county, dec. ^ These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and sin gular the kindred and creditors of the said dec. to file a "- vthe y have.) in my office, on or before the first A ondav m January next, otherwise let- Tens of administration will he granted to him Given undermy hand and seal, this twenty first day of October in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and sixteen, and m tht- Forty first year of American indenen- 7l C 27-*f [L ‘ S ] EUJAH BAKER c ‘ c ’ *• c ’Sheriffs sales continued. On the Jirst Tuesday in December next, Will be sold at the court house in Effingfiain eo«ntv between the usual hours, One hundred acres of land, bounded by fend dfReed ^nd others, situated irrdhe county of Effingham levied > *» Property of Mathew Reiser, to SyaS executions in favor of Johj* M'Laggon, +eturnad to ms y «t C 22^-il2B ' C. H. DASHER, %, V v , Notice. WiD be sold at the plantation cf Mathew Cc’.s--, dec. on the 4th day of December nut ’ Wl All the personal and pcrish„b'.t pi open v 0 f’ .tate, consisting of Horses, Hogs and Cattle, (■, & Fodder, and other articles, too numerous toV" — Terms of sale, cash. CHLUE t'-ULSOX' j HENRY CUL80\ Scriven countu. Or'obrr 2", Jf-16 or ^ , 5r Notice. To be sold, at.public auction, in front Itouae, hi the city of Savannah, on the first '| ?'" r - Jantiary next, one thousand acres of prime bn.! ^ ' ofi the south branch of Turtle river, t.iynn cour,tv7 joint'property of the Union Society, ChaUi-n ~ and tlie Savannah Poor-House- and Hospital ^.'v which tract -of land was/iriguialh granted to tin t?' dx College. Any person who feels deposed -.oj'i* lai-gely in uie cudilution of cotton, corn or s, .. ''jre would find tliis a most eligible situation. The ‘‘T* be seen by applying at the office of Lloyd k \re' 4 in tiie Exchange. Terms of sale—one halt cash lance in one year, with interest from the date of n^ ehaae, secured bv bond anil mortgage, on tlienr, ,Ur MOSES Sfll .ri A.UL. Preside,-: / s - II. W. HABERSHAM, Treasurer r ■ J. MORRISON, Com. iuv. J‘ // ■ ajftg 26 litj ' "• Grouglit to Savannah SiwiTTiiTtEF 18th October, 1816,a nugro man naiixu .: ,>, ;f inches high,about 2J years of age; sms i.e btiun s - 1 estate of Daniel Jenkins, St. Helena, ft) 0 A Harmon, d. g. c c oct 19—125 & Brought to gaol, on the 1816, Tom, tlie property of doctor Giliett, r,j s , '! orlina. He is- five feet three inches iugh, t.urivv<r- *i age, and ;ui African by birth, thin f -s- H. M‘Call, G. C. C. -87 *** iirought to Savannah gaol, t, u the 15Ui October, 1316, a negro m..n hui.ium ij llt feet eleven inches high, about twpntv ytarsof nuc x) - he belongs to Mr. Lewis Cyphets, of Chruden ^ Carolina) ^ f- A.HARMO-V, o. o.'iC oct 17—124 iliougnt to goal, in SavaimE; On the 23 of October, l«lo, , negro u !„> su- s ‘ name is Ji.nathas, anti uiat lie belongs to X!r/ L-! Eacles, of Wilkes county, lie is about tventy ye.a-../ age, ami five Jeet se^i-n inch's high, says lie f . n about the first of last month, and ! ,s‘ been" at Ncv-V, II. M-Ca.ll, o. c. c. im-‘ 26 128 i w eiity i/vtiitiib Runaway, from tlie subscriber, cn the night if theft J October, 1816, two Negro ill. :•:.?<*«»,a countn U low, about twenty-nine or tliirtv years of .. about five feet eight or nine inch s high; took w. liis last y ear’s round jacket, greyish colonc. n _, blue, and blue pantaloons, also a h.ue an i \> , i;s coatee of homespun; and homespun p..n, ;Ej . v. aistcoat; and had on a felt hat, John vas fon. - i property of colonel Frederick Oneai, of M i .io fai tv, and purchased from him by the subscriber at. year of 1811. Batrrrs, a liktly country l.-.r tc,nj about twenty three years of age, about inc- net sin seven itiches high, lias a iargv scar on his let occasioned by a burn; took with him no cutia aa.1 what he had on, which are a .grevish cmo...; jacket, lined with blew, check* d liomespun p-«. and Osnaburgh shirt, an old twilled waistce.t -i- hat. Each of them took with them a bLnkct iin.B was formerly the property of Dr. AVili.aiii Iorr. purchased from him by the subscriber in liie ye..r lalrl Tlie above reward will be paid for the said mgre'es,/ ten dolhu-s for either of them being dtiiv. subscriber, at Springfield, or on being hub i m M . gaol and information given, so that tne suircreer j them. S'lT-FUEN S. C.tRiilij oct 29—Mf*—129 To all whom it may concern, Notice is hereby given, tnat tlie following pcrs;.« . ar. hctnseu by- tiie Lomaiibskmersof Biiotai c to q Pilots. I BRANCH PILOTS. Thomas Notfage Noah B. Sisson Stephen Timmons Reuben Andei sou Henry Gragg E. Broughton WiliiamBoystom Jolin Dixc n John Cleary Jesse Furnace John Low CERTIFICATE PILOTS. Benjamin Sisson 1 s. H. Timmons John Hale | Henry Baker By order of the boa"d, I). D. Williams, c. c-p -^apri 1 id 95 Georgia—Chatham county. 8afr.uel M. Bond, clerk of the court a or of saul county. Whereas, Thomas E. Lloyd hath this day a , to me foj* letters ©t udminiitratioii on tiie estate ^x j cts of Benjamin HoldsworJi, late of tltt liiy ofSh* nah, deceased, in belialf of next-of kin. Iliese are to cite and admonish all and sin?”' kinured and creditors of the said decesseii, to hie objections (if any they have) in my office, on or b tiie 10th day ot November next, otherwise letters'* 1 ^ granted to tii« applicant. t L - S 1 SAMUEL M. BOND, c.e. o. c 11 ocr 12— 122 Blank Bills of Sale! For, sale at this Office. i lank Indentures, Fitr sale at this Office, William Bragg Robert Kcy Joim Dennis V