Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, November 02, 1816, Image 3

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K ™Vl,vhi< majesty in a despatch from the l,;.a nw , rf-si.ilnsr in that regency, lhe immediate j.\, ncli consul, re ‘ s ® cce s9, so ably conducted by loru n suit of tl!!S besides the destruction of the pirati- hil t , liberation of all dte*£uropeai>s in slavc- f a! cruisers, tnc ^ ^ capture of them m futu ab . t t!je operation of this signal act of ven- U .. nf tho niratidil SVStem. • I tiic; >niuui» ‘v-- -— — _ -r . t of the capture ot them in tuturc. nt me operation of this signal act of ve i'lie detaus )es t (foyer) of the piratical system, " jci'iV officially to publish. In the mean n trticulurs are authentic.—Moniteur. 3 l * - L . Je siwh not tune. 1 . follOWlI!] FURTHER particulars. b .s been received from Algiers to the 31st of VeWs n. jj n <rii s h fleet came in sisyht of tiiat place iiiJU’h ^ o)je O j.| oc g ] n the afternoon, to the number „ of which six were Dutch. „n .vailing attempt at negociation, lc [ his vessels of the line w ithin half , -» one _ , dw “ i|! of which six were Dutch, of *mr n -t» ’ ■ in«" ©oatii of the port and road, placing his „ . .. lord Ex- Vf- i,!'!"" , bis vessels of the line within half cannon i in-) 0, , vC ,r ' :!1, ( t ||e Queen Charlotte, at the entrance of the port, ; be wharves, that his yards touched the hous- *ii.I s,l , ni .'Vims, taking the interior of the port in reverse, ts’i" t” v ,Mgerine artillery men, who were eu- ,,r ‘Covered and exposed. fffi '■ rermCS sustained the fire of the English for up- 1 / •« hours, and their, fury appeared to increase, ";‘ r '* s t 1 ’i ish officers demanded leave to embark, w' ,c| ! t ' 4 ( ° '' c rhenaitse sou free (carcase) to the principal and to ;l '- , ‘ 4C .‘ r te vvll i c i, blockaded up the entrance of the 1116 Tit her on fire. Tliis enterprise was crowned ,v ulK , *„ ciirress. The w*ind from the west being barbi*—- success. "i‘ 1 con ' 1 ’ iine , tt - L rc immediately communicated to the s M ” v - ha | ^ and fi v e frigates, fouf sloops of war and vbo.e *1-- • became a prey to the conflagration.— i: - f.' '- ph'rcu Uni* notwithstanding the bombs did •, U . ;,ii sustained a very heavy lefts. It isestimat- “,f„ris-.mi men were lost on eacli side. One of f“ l ,,‘ r , , t -fr..cues, in flames, was driven by tin: wind '-j, Feiniur h’s shin, Which compelled him to cm tn T c.mud Tne , tS ;„ul retit't i’or some time from the combat. It ,'h,' lias lost two hundred of her crew. His lord- miltcl,wild a captain of one of the. frigates u 1,.Tiledev did not cease, during tlie whoje IlflO'l jle J' C.--‘>' i, 0<f sf slr.n W ( ‘ -,j. 1 lie !ie _ , to | .s,fVom post to post, animating his soldiers. “ im 2d:h, the squadron t&nctiorea m the i, ,uoi, bui out of cminon shot from the town. On -it,, .inarmistice was concluded upon the basis which I .i lAii.'iiitJi had previously proposed. The follow- | nv the principal conditions: ;.i 'flie Algerine regency consents to abolish the . turv uf Kumpealis ini Algiers; and in consequence to S'i it’libcrtv, immediately, all Europeans in captivity. 2d. As reparation for tlie wrongs done at Bona TlH i the regency shall remit to England, the three jun-ired »®l seventy thousand dollars which have been J.iit b» tiie Neapolitans to Algiers. Jii. e'onsuUr presents shall be abolished; but as it is usage of the east, they may be admitted as personal •.in', on the arrival of a new Consul, and given in nan name, but shall never exceed SoO pounds ster- f.. ?r Gazette. FROM port-au prtxce; ■ We learn by a passenger in the lfrit is, sloop Three Sis- ters, arrived yesterday tVm Port-au-Prince, that a French frigate and sloop of w 0 .rrived at ttiat place about Tour dayaJfcfore captain K r sailed, from Martinique, with thre^Jommissioners from the French government on board. It was reported that the object oftfieir visit was,' to bring about a reconciliation between Petion 'anti their government. The general belief, however, was, that nothing of the kind would be listened to, unless Louis 18th acknowledged the independence of the country.— Port-au-Prince w as illuminated on the nights of the 8th, 9th and 10th October, in consequence of tlie revision oi the constitution, which makes Petion president for life. He was formerly appointed every four years.—ilt. Captain Robinson, of the sclemner Betsey, from Port- au-Prince, favored the editors "with a list of vessels left, Sec. at that port, similar to the one furnished by captain Ashley, of tiie Citneral Jackson. Captain Robins informs, tuat three Urge privateers had arrived there from Baltimore, changed their flag, and hoisted the Garthageniancolors, :uk! s-died for the Spanisit Main. He also states that a number more of a similar des- cripiion. were daily expected from Baltimore fur’simi lar purposes.—JWw-J oek Gazette, '22iJ uit. BnrosETowy, September 28. Tbesliip Count ,/• touched here,' on Thursday last, from the South Pacific Ocean. She had been one of the squadron of the republican government of, Buenos Ayres, and is commanded by captain Brown, to whom they gave tlie title of commodorepr admiral.— Whilst in their service, lie had been particularly entcr- long prlice of tlie Portuguese having taken of Molite Video (probably m behalf of Spam,) which, of eour.-c would be followed by their othcrooeiv.lions against the r-jMihiicaus, so that, if he had continued his voyage, he might have exposed himself to capture, and therefore, :-.s he con'd no- longer be of service to the Cause that he had espoused, he shaped liis course for these seas, and has proceeded' to leeward, perhaps to obtain supplies or disposed of tlie vcsscUn some neutral island. NV.w-Oi!lka>», September 27. VTe have just received tlie following news from the coast of .Mexico: “BoqviUa tic Peilro, Sejttcm/.ei 16. “General Guad.d/Jirie \ i. toru has beaten lhe%neray at OrisSava,' and taker, from them ail the crop of tobacco, so precious for fattening their treasury. The com mandant Ttran hud gone by forced marches to tile vil lages on tlie coast to the south < t V. raCruz, to seize on the pert of Guaracuaicos, fr m whence the royaiists fit it to VeraCruz, according to a number of intercepted let ters. • ••■ six 1.0,11 4V I ’ I’ Uj lie- uc.u L/e e n |y.neiv'Mi,i i, v prizing, and was on bis return to tie t porC from a and successful crui/A, when he received iiuelngeiic 1- / -The kingdom o^thc Netherlands, in consequence of e . o- peraoou of Cie Dutch squadron in the expedi tion; siuli 1'iiioy tne same privileges as England. 5.1,. A new treaty shall be formed between England ana Vipers, in w men the kingdom of the Netlierlaiuls slim be included. Uiiur article's of the armistice, stipulate that tlie regen cy man preserve the right of making war upon certain E ir(,i,van ,towers; but that those oi their subjects who n...v hi .) then* hands, shall never be made slaves, bat t:-at.das prisoners of war. Another account of the adair at Algiers states, tiiat t! e Iky Lad been compelled to give up ail the .neney tint in' iiad received of the various European powers, end to is a-use 11,000 wluie European slaves. The English lost but) uieti, ami one ul tiled - ships suiiered liiueii. S-ptnnber 14.—The de-tails which we have given of the a'.ck on Algiers, were hmuglit to Marseilles by a i reiic.i curvcttc. it is iwiiied, tiiat the battle of the 2i"d) lasted fruia 2 o’clock, ui the afternoon, to after midnight; am, lue l)ey, dis'UListkd wi Oi the measures taken by his iri,iis:eroi lUarme, hi.dcut off his head. .. . an . tne prelect of the department of the Jk is., tne distiiiauou of brandy from grain, is forbid- den. wn tne 8ih instant, the Du...e of Wellington left this rny ter Cainbray , to pass hr review a part of the army of occupation. The frigaie Medusa, proceeding to Senegal with the n ■ > governor, was ship wrecked ha leagues from Cape,, July 2, and on.y lb persons escaped. On the 5ui September, a royal ordinance was issued r q tiring a new election of „f 2o8 deputies in tne 8G de- p. J meats of France. By a late ceil us, the population of France is ascertained to be 29,4sO,viov! souls. 1 ne king ot iftiiSsia having remaineU 15 days, at Top- litz, was atjout to return to Berlin by w ay of oi Siiesia.— T he expectedTueecing of sovereigns was therefore not to take place. The health sol the king of Sweden is re-established.— Prince Oscar, is named viceroy oi Norway, ami count M-erucr, governor of the pr.\ nice, will act as his mentor. Tl.e dispute between die king and states of Wirleniblirg is unstteied. A duel was fought ai Brussels, Sepiemher 7, bciiiud the palace of L..eken, b-.-tAveen -Messrs. D. &. C. lormcr of whom was snot through the cheeks, and had a ooih broken. Five pit cents at Paris September 13, 57, id; hank, snares JU»5. An American schooner arrived August 19, at Ravenna. Tiie cajitiun proceeded immediately to Rome on busi ness with the Pope. .Aaotlici; account says it was a Li gate tiiat anchored ,.t i’. -.venna. flie London Times of September 6, contradicts the report that hail prevailed ol tiie Uireat of the American squadron to bombaru Naples, and adds, “whatever ate ti.c Claims of tiie Americans, tin v have-been brought for- v.aro in a more decent way. On'me biu of August, Mr. P. ickuvy jiresentcd Ins tetters of credence-1<> the kin »of tiie two Sicilies. Hellas been sent to Naples on a spe- Cj.ii mission, whence he is to proceed S . l’etersbui-gii, wiieil Ui.d is accbiiiplisued. k is prelenued already tiiat l;eisto propose a cession of territory, in case the N'eapoi- I.uii govci'iur.Wit sWU not discover the disposition, or the means of satisfying dnf.detnand of tlie Americans in mon ey. The Lipan Isles have been mentioned, but it is not probable tjiaL tlie court of Naples wide suit to such an arraiigemeui." The same paper mentions a report that Spiun has eg vied to tiie court oi Bio Janeiro, ad tne »cfc bank of tiie Itu la. Plata; and.than the iader bus ceded to tiie former, in the forth of do a tT of die princesses, the pr ovince oi G.ivejrza. N APcts. Akgust 24. , As »o the American ckumis, the first demand of four mil lions of dollars » .s at first iieferred, by tne gol ermnent tothfecongress.of Vienna, liutit appeal's tiiat .it the tune ns intervention W as not accepted. The urgent de mands of Mr. Pinkiiey gave list’to a thousand rumors.— Some say that tiieg'oveiinnenl h-.s promised to pay ; otiieis they jiav'edeiimn iy consented to tlie cession of a port in thej Meditcrranei it. But * lias not been detenmutd, as has been pretended, to cede By i ncus. The. f.ipari Isies are likewise spoken of situated at Uie north west extrem ity of Sicily, called in the classical ages the Ionia’; Istauus;’ Wt they have no port fitted for accommodating tne wants oi the Americans. Nap'.es, August 18. The American squadron remains in our road. Itissaid they are desirous t enlist the colonists who are here. By a regulation of the squadron, tiie indiscriminate visit of alt person's thereunto,-is proinbited, . Lr.xnox, September 9 Three per cents 62 1-2.' 01 .MSTEAD &. ll.vT'TELhli. v For the Havana # The f.«st wiiiiirgschooner JIIiUTUS, Nathaniel Thomiison, m. -ter, will take freight or passen gers if immediate application is made to the master,on board, or NICHOLS ot HUNTER. f nov 2 a -131 ^ l< 1 cr (Jiiai'iefcum Tlie regular, t’.st sailing, p: cket sloop GEN- ^ ^‘yER AL WASUINGTtJN, U. Campbtll, n.-ister, sail first fair wind. For freight or passage, having handsome accommodations apply on hoard, or to • NICHOLS &. MUSTER, nov 2-i—i 131 ' •-•f • For fiharlestoo .The sloop MANHATTAN, Lath.rnp, in. ,.y'v sail next week.. For freigl.. • r -'*sw3ft«i*aviiig elegant accoinmodatioi.s, apr-iv to Gartliier Tiifto. ftev 2 A 131 Boat IlamjHon. Notice is hereby given, that pilot, ge due the.above Boat, is to be paid to no one but myself; as 1 am tiie on ly: person authorized by the Commissioners oP-l'iloiage to receive thr same. JOHN 6 lID! COMBE, k. i no- n ' It A variety of Gooc rossis-fisn or • '' * GROCERIES, HUY GOODS and JEWELLERY. Conditi, . c.ohl. , iu., to commend'd II o'dock 3. Bcpass. auct'r. Auction. On Monday next, 4th inst. mil l/e sold on Messrs. Jlf'Kiwte £4 Co’s, -wharf, for at* coi/tu the underwriters anti oil concerned, I trunk SILKS, r.hd 1 trunk BONNET5 Damaged 1 on board the schooner M'Donough on her i 'passage from 1’hilodelpSia. 0 * T.SO - . » 1 crate TEA KETTLES arid SAUCE-PANS Terms, cash * Sale to commence nt 11 o'clock M. Herbert & Co. aufct’rs. The Managers an J of Fire Engines, are no- t’.fied to attend a regular meeting, in the Exchange, on M'.)NDAY»4tii Xoreiubcr next, at 8 o’c.rt- k i*. x. at wldcii time an election wiit mke ]>iace for CLERK to the Board. Candidates w ill leave 'J.eir app.iePl ns vdli Thomas AV. Jvotlman 181 ( nov y iricn/i 'Ai )\v landing', u.ia z >• hogsheiuls Molasses 75 bags Cofiee 5ll do Batavia Sugar JR. Ricliavdson. 2 1 >1 d lor saie, or euioj scliooV'U-. i■'ffinpi\ at Taylor's rehurf, Neil, On hoard th loti b .rreis North Carolina 1 Alt nov 2 v 131 A Spanish squadron hit 9vsent sev< r.,1 launckes, mount ed by ahundreu soldiers, to drive the patriots Irom Bo- qui lude Pcdva—out the Dons, r. pulsed wi ll the loss oi •v.vcral men, retired with the greatest pm ipimtion.” -1/ — ROBBERY!! | The bank of Philadelphia w as entered during Sunday or Sunday night, and robbed, of a considerable sum in specie and notes, .md some pi.-Ie The villains appear (o have been furnished with suitable implements for ef fecting their purpose, as every lock, desk and chest w.»s opened and searched; excepting on.y the lire proof vault, which fort,in, teiv baffled ail their force and art. Had they succeeded iiei-e,"'the lbs; to the bu'k. nd mdi'ui i- »ls would have bteli intuicusc.—I'/tituucffuu Gazette, 21st instant. From the .Acte-.drk Celtic*! of October 22. The legislature of tne stale of New-Jersey convene in the city of i renton this day . A'ezc-Jersey !■'.!.-e.ion.—Tne recent election in this state for members of the legislature, has terminated, s was | expected in favor of republicanism. In both houses diere j is a decided republican majority. In the counties of | Hunterdon and .Monmouth, which usually deciue po- j iitic.d character of the state, there h.i> lu, n no federal op position this year. The following table exhibits i.r r<- iauve strength of cacii party ih each br-ncii nt Uie legis lature:— Run BLieAy. F. nxH tr,. For sale A HORSE, suitable for a family, being rctnaikablv gentle, and a good saddle Siorse. Also a second I .and CARRIAGE, being light and suit able for this ph-.ce. Enquire at this office. bait. 10,000 bushels Idvcrpool GROUND S ALT. For sale bv I ?iv».’>i vS (oVUDNCU. r i ci(U*J r:t X\ m -. \ rents for 'I'be undersu-ned J.aving been appoin'e the verv respi c-abie i'ouse pf Jonv f foxv um v! > ecu fx Co. of Madeir.,; thev wi'.., at an” tune ivccivc, from i-espon- sible p. rtmlx, s ' ../.uni . or orders for any iiuaiititv ot Madeira Wine) w Ucii will bo»se;ected nd shipped, by the said house, with all possible care and attention; and the person? whoinn Is for will be drawn upon at thirty or sixtv days sight for the cost, which will require to he accepted a the line when the wine is rleiivi r>-d. As the -Market at M deira is generally advantageous for tiie sale of Rice, 'he undersigned will attend to the shipment *T any p-.rcel ordered Jo he consigned to the above vm inTi ri d y,o ;se. to whom they will r. . unit the siiir.-jx rs’ iiisivucdoiis for insurance, appropriation and reniit'ance. WILLIAMSON l*. DE v ll.I.ERS, ■■ ■ 1 r.—1 l j amt Co.remission Jilercluints - *— Con ily. . tysnnbt’y. Co?.**: fy. ,‘lsscmbly. Essex, 1 ‘k 6 0 Bergen, 1 0 0 o* Morris, 1 4 0 0 Sussex, 1 0 2 Hunterdon, 1 4 0 0 Somerset, 0 0 1 3 Middlesex, 0 0 1 3 Monmouth, 1 3 0 0 Burlington, 0 0 1 1 Glouct ster, 0 0 1 ,j Salem, 1 v> 0 0 Cumberland, 1 o 0 0 Cape .May, (>., a • 0 1 1 8 23 5 18 Making a republi' can ma joriJv of ( ■igh.t tn joint meeting. icnois bz Hunter Offer for sale,’at then- store on Jones' -ivhnef, A gen* I' .i assoiiiiient .1 SilXi? CiiA.s.Dl.EK\, -itON- .MONtiEIiY and GKOGMU’ES, ticti.ed by the late ar rivals from Nevv-York and Boston;, added to their stock on bail'd, ln.-Jies tin ir a ssortment large and complete. TO KENT A Counting House :;.id part i f the Store which they occupy. u iv 2 ■■— • 131 lAe subscribers Continue to transact business as FACTORS and COM MISSION MKR-Ui \ N FS, and Win be thankful for tin prolonged favors of their friends. Then o/jer fo sale Superfine Philadelphia Flo. r IJii.ii and. Slierry Wine, in pines and quarter casks Cotintr*' Cm and West India Rum. (jcardie $C Alexander M. Kit. nov 2 iji e , !n; d be interesting to many of our friends to know, ,!il c,n the l't of next niouth, btJM AX M‘Uit, xsq. wijj J- •-sianiisi! ,ne lme of mail stages between Fayetteville, CaiiiuLji, „.y f Oujumbio, which route lias been recently tutcrrupieit or disused.—lYdtiondi Intelligencer. Ronr.nT Wbabto.x, esq. has bcTu unanimously elected >» tne select and common council, mayor eiftbe city of 1 iuiadeipida. * * * In Ber .en only two member* ot assemtav are cho sen—t'lere being a tic between Peter 8ip. republican— and Peter Mickies, federal—each having 979 votes. PORT OF S WAInNAH, Saturday, aX'uveniuey 2, IS iG. AH Ul \ Jt!l. Ship Juno, Doake, New-Yotic Albert Gall .tin, Clark, Ncw-Vork -Concordia, Coffiii, Portsmoutlk, (.v. it.) Jo o '{iilktiv, llomor, Philadelphia Brig T'wo Brothers, Sunham, Boston Spartan,.Soule, Boston. Gustavus, Wingate, l'ortsmo' Britisii brig liaiiiduy, Siewai t, Baltimore Sloop Ranger, fhiegs, Xe-w-Kedfonl M.mii.itten, iattiirop, Charleston, 1 day- General Washington, Camp hell, Charleston CCK VIIF.D. Rrig Rclvidere, Jocelin, New-York Schooner Harriet, Newell, Nevv-York Sloop Nancv,'Brown, St. Man’s ’ NOTICETU MARINERS. On the first day of N'T :mber next the Light at Charles- lun (s. c.) which is now lived 'vili be altered to a itEvotv- ino timer. At the distance or'8 or 9 league's the time of darkness will he twice to that of light. As you ap proach it tiie tune of darkness wiii deci and that of iig'it increase, Until you get witiiih J leagues, when the light vili not wlioliy disappear, but (lie greatest strength of light will be as one to forty four at t m least. A light house is now building on Point Judith, and wifl. be g’giited cn tlie 15th November next, ,*id contain a hevoivivg U'mr to cbstiiigtiish it from Newport light, which is a fixed one. It wn. la built of stoiia 49 feet high and tim. lumps will'be 60 feet above live level of the sea. — A Light ll.nisc is building on Point Gaminon, (sooth side Cape Cod) vv.iicb makes the north side of Harbor. The idght House stands on the s. w. c-xtremi’y of the Point and bears a. s. w. iron tiie noled rocks cr.i- lee the Bishop and Clerks. It wiii be lighted on the 25th November next and contain arisen i.iiiicr. Such printers as ark disposed to diffuse light, will please publish the above and oblige, respectfully, I'.aMC.M) M. Hat’NX.. J'\’ctb York, October If, 1816 A CARD. X,The iji;designed, passenger^ in the ship Jitno;.from New-York, return our thanks to exp! ain Doak, tor his ve ry geui iemanlyr conduct during tije voyage. Sahnit R. DaVK-npout, Shut A.F. Fahm, Eliza Cscrcii, J A \ r. S. W A O K ,RoS W K LL KlXG, J. DaVKNI'OHT, (."(iHtl T-V- 'BEi:, P. R.v\-elte, J. Ill Nr an, Ai.Kitnn Waiis, 'I'bomas Askew, .Tastes Twin, W. Gavlour. nov 2———131 ~ a gaud; f The passengers oii iionrd the brig Hollon, return their thanks to captain Atkims for his polite attention during their passage from Boston to Savannah, nov l i»—c 134 The suosdiToers * finer for sfil ', rt'ceived/icr bag Hollo:^jroui Boston, .vi c.- srs assorted Shoes 3 do napped ilais 2 do children's morocco Hats 1 do plated Whips —\ 16 boxes best No. Pi c.'tton Cards 1 do do do 5 wool do 59 reams pot ami letter Paper . Bantling front lung T'tco Brothers 25 his New Engia ... .iiini 18 casks Lead, in small bam 2 cases domestic tiO-.-Da T H. CONDY & CO. -181 •Vo. 21, Uo',on's Binge Cabinet Furniture. A handsome assortment of Mahogany Furniture, hist lnni led, consisting of Sideboards. Secretaries, Sofas, Bu reaus. card Tables, dining Tables with endS, breakfast T'.blts, candle Stands, work Stands, field and high post Bedsteads, IStc. by J. 11. OLDERSHAW, On the Bay, adjoining the corner of H hitukei- street nov 2 *r 181. Dancing Academy. GABRIEL r L. COLMESNIL Inf »ms his frieiyj- and fl.e public in general, tl'.at he will open Jiis Dancing School, at Mr. Luccna’.s long V' qi.i, Broughton-streei, on Monday-, the 11th instant. He hopes,-that liy his attention to the pupils confided to lib. care, hq will merit the patronage of the public. For terms apply to him, at Messrs. Thomnsson ie Colmesnil, near the Planter's Bank. The quarters to be paid in ad vance. * nov 2 r 131 Contract. COMMISSIONERS OF PILOTAGE. - Proposals, w ul be received for erecting a BEACON on uie \\ bite Oyster Bank, one on Adam’s Knole, one or, Cockspur, one on Racoon Island, and two on the Upper Application to be made to Ahhaiiam Nininw, esq. JOHN G. HOLCOMBE, s. c. v. r.uv 2 ■■■ 131 , Georgia—Buil»c]i county. By Ely- Kennedy, clerk of tlie court of ordinary for county and state- sfyrcsaid. Whereas, DoratKy Williams and John Williams, ofthe said connty, apply for letters of administration on the estate and effects of Samuel Williams, late of said county, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and sin gular, the kindred and creditors of the said deceased, to file their objecTions (if am- they have) in niy office, on or before tiie first Monda^ tn January next, otherwise letters of administration will be granted the applicants. Given under my hand and seal, this 30th day of Octo ber in tbe year of our Lom eighteen hundred gnd sixteen. ’ f G. S.] ' - ELY KENNEDY, c. c. o. nov i- 1 ■ Auction. On Tuesday next, the 5th instant, H id be sold at my store, Groceries and Dry Goods*,. .hid, without the least ivsorve,tit dose a sale, 1 bale siii.vriilie f lotlis 4 bales s-.vt d L-rt do 2 do Von-.- Blankets 1 ih? Fvari:.*i;giits 1 do Flannels '42 pit.c.-s tine fancy Waistcoating 25 do fine Stockinets 45 do Bon'.baztts, assorted 128 do 4-4 and 6-4'coLton Catiibrifca 2 trunks CrJicoes 2 cases Ginghams - 1 -case Urtibrel): 3 1 trunk .Madras Handkerchiefs 2 Closes Pins Iinit.lion, a .mask and white bordered Shaw ls Merino ami silk Shawls Irish Linens, cottoifShirtings, be. Terms made known at the time date to commence precisely at. 19 o'clock 1). Williford, auct’r. nov 2 131 Additional Notice. b.V^K OF GEORGIA. Whereas, it is represented, that it will be more con venient to many of the Stockholde rs, that the time pr: - Scribed for the payment of tlie Instalment, of twenu- three p. r ce’it. which inc.hvlcs the five per cent of specit, directed by the board, on tlie 20th September, 1816, should be extended. Itesolved unanimously, That the time he, and the same is hen by extended to the second Monday in January next, and that tlie Cashier give notice, tiiat die said Instalment is required to be paid on or before the said second Mon day in January next. Extract f am the JWnutes. Eleazar Early, ( Smi>'VTinh x 1 1.>T Cay! ’ * City Marshal's sales. Ou the first Tuesday in December next, Will be sold at the court house iii the city of Savanna!., between the usual hours of 10 o’clock in the forcncc' , and 3 o’clock in die afternOGn. All that wharf lot No. 6 and buildings, Reynolds war ', or so much thereof as will satisfy- the tax of ihe estate of Nicholas Ancia.ix, for tiie Year 1S16, and costs. Also, all that lot No. 10 and buildings, 4th tything Reynolds ward, or so much thereof as will satisfy the citv tax of Simon Jackson, for die years 1809, 10,11, 12,1», 14, 15, and 16, and cos's. Also, all that wharf lot No. 9, or so much thereof os will satisfy tiie city tax of Abraham Twiggs for tlie year 18i6, and costs. Aiso, all that lot No 6, and buildings, second tythirig, Reynolds Ward, or so much thereof as will satisfy the city t..x of Archibald Smith, for the year 1811, and costs. Also, all that lot No. 4, Sloper tything, Perceval ward, or so much thereof as will satisfy the City tax of Mrs. M-Gill, far the year 1816. and inists. Also, buildings on lot No. 25, old Franklin ward, or so much thereof as will s. tisfy the city tax of the estate Thomas Pitt, for thevears 1815 and 1816, and costs. Aiso, buildings on litter O, Heathcote ward, or so nnicii thereof as .will satisfy the city tax of David Leioa, torthc year 1815, and costs. Also, two thirds of lot and buildings No. 4, Jekyl ty-8 thing. Darby- Ward, or so much thereof, as will satisfy the city tax of estate of M. Germaine, for die yxar 1816, and costs. Alsu, lots No. 6 and 7, in the village 6f St. Gall, or- so much thereof, as will satisfy the city tax of William Smith, for.tbe y tar 1816, and costs. - Also, buildings on Falnu street, to satisfy the city tax of Leah Simpson, for the year 1816, and costs. Also, die buildings on lot No. 10, second tything Rey nolds ward, to satisfy the city tax of Lewis B. Thompson, lor the years 1815 and 16, and costs, j Also, halt wharf lot aiut buildings, Darby,ward, of so much thereof us will satisfy the city tax of Henrietta Mil ler, for the year 1816, and costs. Aiso, all tiiat wliarf lot No. 2 ar.d buildings, Reynolds ward, or so much thereof as will satisfy the city tax of Mrs. Margaret Fraser, for the ye..r 1816, and costs. F. M. Stone, c. M. nov 2 131 .. —. bheriii s sales. On the first Tuesday in December next. Will be sold at the court house, in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours often and diree o’clock,. Half of the Island, known by die ri .me of Rutton Isl and, on the River Savannah, containing thirty-six and :. half acres, or no nr ich thereof as will satisfy the tax d ie hy- Owen Owens, dec. for the year 1815, the former purchas er having not complied. ADAM COPE, s. c. c. nov 2 13t Inferior Court—Chathatii county. Chambers, 2d JYoiietnber, 1816. On the petition of Charles C. Dunn stating, that he is confined at the suit of Barrett & Sims, otl bail process, and that he is unable to pay Ids debts, or to support him self in his confinement, but is willing to make a fair su: - render of all his estate, real arid personal, forthe benefit of his creditors, in tetms of the Insolvent Acts of tin* State. his ordered,That thjs.iid Charles C-Durin,be brought up at the Court House, iii the city or Savannah, on the sixth day of January next at 10 o’clock,, to be examined in the premises, and th:^ ncitice thereof Be given in one of die gazettes of Savannah. . Extract from the minutes Job T. Bolles, nov 2 t -131 - - cleric. Georgia—-Otatliartl county. By- S. M. Bond, clerk of the court of ordinary for tho " county of Chatham. , • To all whom it' riiay concern. Whereas, Samuel M.Mordacai, of Savannah, hath this day applied for letters of administration, (with the will annexed,) on the estate and effect* of Waller Roe, dcr. which remain unadministered, on behalf of the creditor* of said deceased. Now, therefore', these are, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceit*, to file tJieir objections, (if any Urey have,) in my office on or before the first Monday in December next, other wise letters of administration will be granted to die said applicant. Given under my hand and. seal of office, at Savannah, diis 1st day of November, 1816. [L. 3.] ' StMl BOND, r. c, o.e. r. [WI i