Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, November 05, 1816, Image 1

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SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN. Frederick s. fell.] SAVANNAH, (GA.) NOVEMBER 5, 1816. [Whole Number 2743. rumber TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR. [Volume XIV the republican ,g PUBLISHED IvruY TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, S 11 , IX DOLLARS PER AMUM. PaLABLE I* ADVA5C*. advertisements' I _ "l -t the rate of S *ientt-Five Cents per trill be inserted at_ , ntl Thirty-Seven and a Hale t^'each continuation.^ all orders from the Codntrt, unless the jtoV.iwi'be secured in ftlie Fart* r. Mi LirrE „ s to the Editor must be post-paid. Ror Liverpool The fine new slop CLARKSON, captain Wil $nr , on hating a part of her cargo ready, will be ^fethe earliest ship off- Tor freight, apply to linnstaccompnny-*— orthe par ty well known to R. Richardson. M PV For Liverpool 'IntnuUd as a regular fif^t) e fi„e American ship JOHN & ED\\ AKU, burthen 320 tons, built ot meet with ilispatch. For freight or passage modations being elegant) apply to captain ‘ w harf. oct 19—laO T S Webb, master, , ih ;. e uak, locust and cedar, copper fastened, and afcw Sri^ing.^coSekble part of her cargo en gaged w (her accom , WI BB, oil board, at M Kinne s For Liverpool The ship REBECCA, captain Nimmo, 265 tons £ burthen, wilt commence loading on Monday »u b. freight apply to oct 29—129 # 1 For Liverpool EMenXed to sail on the 1st Decemier J The well known coppered ship LLOKt.lA JTSSLjames Low, master. For freight or passage laving elegant accommodations, appij to captain Low, on board, at Fraser’s wharf) ov to James Dickson & to oct 19-125 For Liverpool The copper bottomed, fast sailing, packet ship facKl''\CTUR 1 , of Philadelphia, Robinson, roister. “ * =daiiye.'*d led to arrive at th's'port from Phil , f’ulna, and' will meet with immedia‘e dispatch, hqyiiig oi c half of tier cargo ready to go on board. For freiglr <M the remainder, to fill up, anrrfv to William Gaston. oct 19-125 For Liverpool The tine new ship JUNO, captain John Doak h uirly expected from New-York,and having one ifcnaif her cargo engaged, will meet with immediate disnalch. For freight of the balance or passage apnly to B. M‘Kinne & Co -130 For Liverpool oct 31- The substantial brig c>T. CHOIX PACKET, of 217 tons burthen, captain Moses Olmstead. I, i v nrlii meet with dispatch. For freiglit, which will be^taken low, apply to the captain on board, or to L. Petty & Go. , T] TP . ,Tf‘ h'lnve’s wharf ■“7”F or Glasgow The barque MARY, will sail the middle of next month. For freight of two hundred bales STD l»,irATOT'A\T For Boston The brig 1IOLLON will sail with all possible .dispatch. For freight or passage apply to the .master on board at Moor’s wharf, or tp » ; „ A. Fox & Co. oct 29—129 For New York The ship ONEIDA, captain Hillard, will be ready to take in on Monday next, and will meet with dispatch. Forfreight or passage, having ek egant accommodations, apply to the master on board, or to *■ J. BATTELLE, „ JVo 16, Commerce How, Who has landing from said ship 50 pieces Dundee cotton BALLING, oi very superior quality 50 bundle's HAY oct 21—127 For Charleston The regular, fast sailing, f F.R -.L WASHINGTON’, R. will sail tirst fair wind. For freight or passage, having handsome accommodations, apply on board, or to NICHOLS & HUNTER, nov € a——131 r ”es’ -h—f 1. Iv. Tefft N Co. {Johnson's square ) Have received by the Joiui ft Edward from Liverpool, and by the recent arrivals from New York. TWO lllMihED AND Pack ages of * HARDWARE, CUTLERY, JAPAN NED anU FANCY GOODS; winch they offer for sale on very accommodating 'enns. oct 24—• —J27 R. & J. Habersham Hax<e received, on consignment, and for sale, 5 bales white Plains 3 ditto Blankets 1 case Linen 8 bags green Coffee 12 boxes Tin Cotton Bagging Sheet Lead, and P tent Hoes oct. 29-1-129 r For Charleston The sloop MANHATTAN, Lathrop, master, k will sail next week. For freight or passage, ■having elegant accommodations apply t° Gardner Tufts. nov 2 a 131 Tiie subscribers^ Under tiie firm of IS. 1.1 C COURSE & SOX', have established themselves in this place, m the FACTORAGE 8c COMMISSION BUSINESS, and hope from their at tention and strict punctuality to render satisfaction to their employers. ISAAC COURSE, JAMES MORK, In the new bride tenement, Hunter's n hurf. Savann October 31 —c i—130 For freight or charter To. avtj port in Europe, The superior and fast sailing ship VIRGINIA, 280 tons burthen, Jonathan Hillman, master. For terms apply to the master on board, at Fraser’s wharf, or to HAZEN KIMBALL, oct 29—e—129 For freight or charter CTo any port m EuropeJ The substantial brig TWO BROTHERS, cap tain Lupliam, burthen 200 tons, double decked, lieurly expected. For terms apply to J. Battelle, JVo. 16, Commerce Rout, Directly wider his former Counting Room HAS HOW LANDING, FROM SCHOONER Si 11 All AS>, 75 casks cut Nails, assorted sizes In store 25 quarter casks L. P. Teneriff and Sicily Wine, nearly equal to Madeira 28 demijohns old L. P. Madeira Wine 35 boxes Bordeaux Claret, for sale low to close a con signment ALSO A small invoice French GOODS, consisting of Umbrel las, half S'Ockings, cambric Handkerchiefs,Cambric, Ians, fire Screens, Garlands, snuff Boxes, low priced Epauiels. oct 24-127 For freight or charter, To any of the IVest India Islands, The staunch and burthensome schooner AN TELOPE, 105 tons register, will be ready to receive a cargo in ten days. A full freight will be taken low. Apply to Isaac Course & Son, OCt 31——St 130 O 'Yv.'i Vr' ,'r.rf ^^^cotton apply to oct 24—cm—127 JAMES JOHNSTON. For England EOr amt port on the Continent J The staunch coppered brig SPARTAN, C. V/. Godin master, will soon be in readiness to receive ; a cargo—a considerable part of which will be ready- to ffo on board. For freight for the remainder, or passage, apply on board or to REA & BUTLER, “ 6 Johnston s wharf Who arc now landing from said brig from Stockholm 2L1J tons Swede’s Iron, principally axe bar and waggon tire, which they will sell by the single ton or larg er quantity, and 3 tons icon Plates, 12 to 16 indies wide, suitable for plough Shares Also, landing from schooner Harriet, 4 pipes andld bis New-York Gtn, best quality, which they will sell low, (for cash or short credit) if ta ken from the wharf. oct 31 lot) 1 For Havre or Bordeaux C As freight may offer J The brig TY BEE, N. Cobb, master, is in com plete order and now ready to receive a cargo.— '/•'or freight or passage apply on board, or to Rea Butler, Johnston's Wharf WhO have received and S or 4 pipes Holland 5 hhils 3d proof W. IrWm • pipes 4th do Cognac Brandy do Sicily Madeira Wine ro quarter casks Colmwar Wine 3 ( { 0 do Malaga do 50 half boxes Soap 5 cask bar Lead 23 do Shot, assorted 2 bales Twine 32 Coffee and , 40 iron bound w .ter Casks oct - ! warranted genu. » me as imported -128 For tue Havana The fast sailing schooner BUG l'US, Nathaniel Thompson, master, will take freight or ponen* if immediate application is made to the fcasiS’n board, or NTCIK.'.S & HUNTER, nov 2——-. —1->1 For Boston The schooner SARAH ANN, captain Lum- jt, having half her freight ready to go on board. For freight or passage, apply to the captain on board or to . Olmstead Battelle. oct 22—126 — For freight or charter, To any port in Europe, the fVest Indies or the United States, ___ The staunch fast sailing brig HUNTER, Wil- liam Rodman, master, burthen' 133 tons. For JaBjfaterms apply to tlie master on board, at Telfair’s Wharf, or to H. S. CUTTER, At the compting room of Olmstead U Battelle. i oct 31 130 ‘ For freight or charter, To any northern port, The brig GENERAL JACKSON, burthen ninety tons, W. T. Pearce, master, a staunch vessel; will be ready to receive a cargo on Mon day next. For further particulars, enquire of the cap tain, on board, at Smith’s wharf, or to P. H. & T. Crapon > Who have for sale, received by said, veostl, 109 Grindstones 2 cases northern Homespuns, containing Chambrays, Stripes, Plaids, Shirting and Checks 1 case India Goods 100 bis Potatoes, Onions* Stc. 1 case Bedticking oct 31 — 139 For sale The brig LANGDON CURVES, burthen about 200 .tons, copper fastened and sheathed. A staunch, fast sailing vessel, well found in every respect, and ready to receive a cargo on board. For terms, which are liberal, apply to M. Herbert & Co. nr> 1? 122 iiiils on .Sew-York AND PHILADELPHIA. For sale by A. ERVVlX, LETHBRIDGE 8c CO. oct 8—120 Andrew (t. be mines Continues the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BU SINESS, in this city, and tenders his best services to the public in the above line of business, with the promise that the strictest attention shall be given to all business committed to his care; he has good fire proof Stores tor Rice, Cotton or Merchandize. oct .H- ip-IoU Administratolfc sales. On Tuesday, 12th November next, Will be sold at the late residence of J\[r. Richard J\Iorell t opposite to Peter JVIitchel, esq. A single story House, Kitchen and other out Buildings} to be removed within seVen-days from day of sale. Sundry articles of Household and Kitchen Furniture, consisting of Bedsteads, Bedding, Tables, Chest Drawers, Chairs, 8cc. See. ALSO, A NEGRO FELLOW. Terms, cash. Sold by order of the administrators. Sale to commence at 11 o’clock M. Herbert & Co. auct’rs. _sept 19— 112_ The Marine and Fire insurance COMPANY, Of the Cit.f nf Savannah, Will insure Property in Boats, between Savannah and Augusta, and at and from either place to the other. R. Wayne, secretary. oct 24-^-127 The subscribers TO STEPHEN ELLIOTT’S BOTANY Will receive the First Number, by calling at the Book* store of W. T. WILLIAMS. ict 19—125 Wav N. Haker Hax-e received, by r ^.'nt arrivals from AVa- Tori', An assoruneht of 1m, GOODS, which they we.i dis pose of, at wholesale or ret il, at .very reduced prices. Shepherd’s extra) superfine Cloths, fine and coarse Cloths and Cassimcres, toiimet and Marseilles Vesting London dufF.l anil rose Biankeis, white and colored Plains, Carpeting and carpet Binding, white and colorcu Flannels, negro Hose, priest Cloths, black and colored Bombazines and Bombazets; worsted, lamb’s wool, cot ton and -ilk Hose and Socks; niuil mull, cambric, book, juckonet and leno Muslins; Irish Linens, long Lawns, tabie and towelling Diaper, damask linen table Cloths, linen Cambrics, Irish and German Sheeting, cotton Cam brics, corton Shirtings, furniture aad. common Calicoes, Dimities, Ginrfiams, striped Muslins, Bedticking; Levan tine, Florence, Dalian ami India Silks; Merino Sliawls; black and white lace Vie Is, black and colored Canton and French Crapes; damask, Levantine anti serge Shawls, Marseille^ Quilts and Counterpane s; Ilumhums, flag, Ban dana, Drury, Komal and black silk Handkerchiefs; silk thread and cotton Laces; plain and fringed Ribbons silk and cotton Umbrellas, plaid Uoiv.cspuiis; pen, pock et and pruning Knives, Knives and Fork3, Scissors; bag ging, knitting and white chapel Needles, £*c. Ike. r.ct$26- f—128 - * Elegant Mirrors, Of various sizes and figures, in gilt frames. For sale by J. J. 8t F. BLANCHARD, oct 1—fit—117 Just received A few pieces of extra superfine blue and black CLO^THS. For sale by • LESLIE THOMPSON. oct 12 —122 ort For sale 50 tons axe bar and waggontire IRON R. Richardson. 29 W9 a ur sale, 100 bags Coffee sept 3 105 R. RICHARDSON. For sale iirooks \ Welman Have now landing,"per schooner Harriet Newell, from New-York, and other arrivals from Boston and Charles ton. the following articles, which makes their assortment (with what they have lately received) large ant! com piete, and which they offer for sale on their uwial acconv modating terms, viz:— 107 hhiis superior quality New-Orieans, St. Croix, and J. maica Sugars 20 hhds high 4th proof Jamaica Rum, warranted pure 10 tons Russia iron 40 bags Pepper and Spice 6 boxes assorted Sandies 6 crates Connecticut Earthenware 10 chests fresh hyson and y odr.g hyson Teas, (imported this month) 12 dozen long and short, filled Axes or) .»1 t. 130 Fall Goods. THE SUBSCRIBERS Have received, by the slap Georgia, from I.iverpmt, A large and well selected supply of seasonable GOODS which, with their present stock, will render their assort merit very complete, and ’a hich they will dispose of by tin reasonable and accommodating JAMES DICKSON St CO piece or package, on terms. oct 10 121 Bills on New-York, W.M. GASTON. At sight. For sale by ect 19—125 Checks on New-York, At sight. For sale at the Insurance Office. Richard Wayne, august 22—-—100 sec’rv. Salt. 10,000 bushels Liverpool GROUND SALT. For salt* by THOMAS GARDNER, nov 2 r. 131 • T lie subscriber Offers for sale the following Articles, received from J\‘ew York,per schooner Harriet X'ewcit, 1 elegant Secretary 1 pair elegant tea Tables 3 curled maple Bedsteads 4 half barrels Fly-Market Reef 1 double writing De.k, with Stools J. George. oct 31—v—130 1000 bushels Turks Island SALT’. For sale by 31. Herbert Co. oct 19—125 For Planters’ oct 31- Bank STOCK. — 130 / sale Apply at this office. Received, Per schooner Emends and s'.tfOp Volant, 20 tons Iron, assorted 45 boxes window Glass 14 boxes tea China, and 2 tierces containing China Desert, Sets and .Tars For sale by ISAAC COHEN &: CO. oct 29 129 Lewis Mirault, TAYLOR, Respectfully informs, his customers that he has ta ken a room above Mr. J. P. Gizorme, (jeweller) next door to Judge McAllister’s and opposite Johnston’s square, where lie intends to continue his business; and from his former strict attention, he hopes still to be fa vored with his customers’-business, and does assure them that all business left in his charge shall be punctually at tended to. ov HAND A very handsome assortment of Waistcoating and a few dozen of lambswool Shirts and long Drawes, which will be sold low. oct f7—124 ?ihip Chaiuuery COMMISSION BUSINESS. The subscriber returns his most grateful acknowledge ments to his friends and the public, for their 'liberal support, during the short time he has been in business, and hopes from his steady attention and punctuality, to still merit a share of their patronage. He lias just received from Liverpool, per ships Vulcan, Georgia, and John & Edward, a large and general as sortment of SHIP CHANDLERY’, HARDWARE and CUTLERY, too numerous to enumerate, which he offers at a moderate advance. He will in the course of the next week receive a fur ther supply from Liverpool, New-York and Philadelphia, which m addition to his present stock, will make his as sortment vciyr complete. COVSISTrVO OF Paints of all descriptions, Oils, Cordage, 8tc. Casks assorted Shot Ditto superior club Axes Ditto broad ditto Ditto patent Ifocs Ditto wrought and cut Nails Ditto assorted Spikes Ditto cross cut and whip Saws Shovels anti Spades, frying Pans, &c. A few Italian Irons. A. H. PUTNAM. net 31—T—1.90 The subscribers Have for sale,received per brig Hollon,from Boston, 30 cases assorted Slices 3 do nipped Uuts 2 do children’s morocco Hats 1 do plated Whips 16 boxis best No. 10 cotton Cards 1 do do do 5 wool do 50 reams pot and letter Paper Landing from brig Two Brothers 25 bis New England Rum 13 casks Lead, in small bars 2 cases domestic GOODS T. H. CONDY & CO. gpy * g—131 iYtf. 21, Boltin’* Range 50,000 feet clear white pine BOARDS 100 kegs BUTTER 11 cases wool HATS R. Richardson. oct 29 129 - Goshen Cheese, dec. 10 casks first quality Goshen Cheese 15 quarter casks Colminar Wine 1 lilid prime Jamaica Sugar 10 dozt n superior Windsor Chairs, bf different paints; landing from on board schooner Harriet Newell, anil for sale by Ballard & Spencef, or* 31—^—139 Rice*9 toharf New Goods. CHARLES W. CARPENTER&CO. Have rev is ed, by the schooner .Mechanic, A part of their FALL and WINTER GOODS} which they offer for sale, consisting of Cloths, Cassimcres, Coating, Blankets, Flannels, Bombazets, Calico, Muslins, Ste. • Also, have on hand and will be receiving A general assortment of SADDLERY, manufactured in the Ik st m iim r. oct 24—127 Just received case ladies’ thread Stockings trunk do silk da do Angora Shawl3 case paper Bureaus, in nests do watcli Furniture ALSO Barrels Beef and Pork Hampers black Bottles Windsor Chairs For sale by oct 29 129 3. hATTELLE. Just received Per brig Tybee, captain Cobb, from X'ew- York, on coni• signinent, TWENTY-FIVE PACKAGES DRY GOODS, CONSISTING OF Fearnoughts, superfine Vestings White, red, yellow and black Flannels Cloths and Kerseymeres, assorted colors Drab Cords, Sarsnets Coatings, men and women’s lamb’s wool Ilcsa Men, women and children’s cotton Hosiery Rose Blankets, satin Stripes ALSO Gunpowder, Shot and Lead Brandy, Wine, Gin, Pepper Soap, Coperas, Nails, and A small assortment Hardware Twine, Colton Bagging Yml a variety of other articles, all of which are offered on very low terms, by the piece or package by Theodore A. Schoedde. orf 31—130 Galvin Baker & Co. Acquaint their citv and country friends, that they are receiving daily, per the constant arrivals at this port, their fall and Winter supply of DRY GOODS, winch is large and extensive, in the various articles requisite for the country trade; which they will dispose of on credit, or for cotton, or cash, as may be most con. enientrfo their customers. sept 26 115 Merchant Taylor, JAMES FOWLER ("East of .Messrs. Lose, Wallace iS Co’s, and nearly obbo. site ,Messrs. Duel, Gresham & Co’s, in St. Julian street J Has the pleasure of informing the citizens of Savgjj- nali, that lie has established himself in thi^ city, in the above business, and will have any garment in his line made at a short notice, in the most fashionable manner and by the best of workmen. He hopes, by his experience and assiduity, to share a part of the public patronage. He has selected in New-York, a few of the best of the following Articles, imported into that citv, viz; Superfine black, blue and fancy colored Cloths Superfine black, blue, mixed and drab Cassimeres Florentines, Marseilles, Toilinets, Ac. Which is offered for sale on accommodating terms. (ffT Wanted one or two of the best JOURNEY MEN, for whom liberal wages will be given. Also Women to majty ScatDCU’3 ClotfiH jet 3i—^ «• •