Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, November 07, 1816, Image 3

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POTiT OF SAVANNAH, 'Thursday, November 7, 181G. A ft HIVED. Newcomb, Liverpool -ommoTce, Crocker, Providence, (r. i.) ^'"'Ivsvva, fnow, Charleston "" i w. iB-ht, Loveland, ditto SIOOP 1*^'“’ CLT.AHKP. . Fimeriment, Perkins, Darien OfSoonot r ' l _ — For Liverpool Tl,e fine fast soling- coppered Philadelphia _ ., t s!ll p DIDO, captain Maxwell, Will meet JiyH dispatch. For freight or passage apply to l &**‘ Perry & Wright. . ... v” por laiverpooi . f-t sailing copper bottomed packet ship -o'pid'OR, Robinson, master, will commence ,A??> , j, n a immediately . nd meet with every dis- ktt' 1 ' n of i futfreight or passage apply to William Gaston. For Liverpool The fit* 1 new and ih*t sailing ship ALBERT , vUA a,X, Charles Clark, niasier, will meet a. & -^immediate dispatch, one third of her cargo k ,,\d- For freight of the residue or pas- 1 ,i «i Accommodations, apply to the master ■’s wharf, or to Elegant Looking Classes. KETTELL £f SEWALL, (ov HVSTEf.’s WH11(f) .Ire nora opening FORTY-TWO BOXES BOOKING GLASSES. Containing a very general assortment, among which is 1 pair 34 inches by 17 very elegant 3 do 26. do do 15 2 do 24 do do 14 Together with many other sizes in gilt, mahogany and stained Frames AtSO case Canes and walking Sticks do letter, pot and foolscap Paper boxes Shrub, in bottles Yellow Soap, Chocolate Cotton Cards, cut Nulls Shot, .Mustard, in bottles Pttlverest d Cassia, in cannisters A small lot Ironware, chief!) Pots casks Tinware, well assorted box do plated Ware Also 4 painted Bathing Tubs nor 7—t.—133 ~t 1 1 6 il’i f !S '.aving .-C" 1 board, A Htinttf IT \o hut f>t 5 p.ud't.'tli* Charles Colton. now landtag from said, ship, 2 ao 3 boxes bhss i> do iV; s . T , j., u Lite T .ead 3,; qiwi'als Codfish luO 1-rreis Apples 2,1 barrels Fears i\L Cordage O' IfteWit» r l 3a8 ' For Greenock. The ship WILLIAM FELL, John Roan, nis- ffZ ter. A considerable part of her Cargo being Ilf .,.m?-eil, siie Will meet witli dispatch. , For capplv on Smith’s wharf to Joseph Carruthers Co. * The consurnecs ofje^ocis. by tiie W iiii .m Fell, Guested to get their good* entered and* leave tile . [■ • ; s' ' ii .s r>oss hie. mov 7—loo For Bordeaux ,,{. t- st t’"f s Ping coppere a Philadelphiabuil f Tl«Ll A, captain Morris, is daily expected latched w illiout delay, having : ,"ih of Iter c.n-go ,Jn ady engaged. For freight or having exccfiein accommodations, apply to Perry & Wright. 1.33 I TlClLlA,capta nd will be d.spatcl For Havre The staunch and elegant Xew-York built brig hi* I AN t a, Congdon, master, wiil have quick dis- i. l i^u .tell, four hundred and fifty bales being tng.ig- uia prmis.ons made to furnish the'remainder, if it shou. ! not be ,'iierwise offered immediately. For terms r tV i«fii ! of what is v. anted, or p.,, i^tlte accotnma- utioas being verv superior,) appiv to Ilenry W. Hills. firm and i Lc. George Kali Cv Chu Have formed a connection in business, tin lcr the i f H.iLI. o' //OF'/' They have taken the Stun Wharf, formerly occupied by .Messrs. B. M‘Kinnc & .•bn/ oJTes- for safe 50 crates veil assorted Crockery 2 pipes Cognac Brandy . 4 half pipes Sicily Madeira Wine 12 bis cherry Branu\, superior quality 2d M. Spanish Gig - .vs, do do in quarter boxes 10 casks Si assorte d ff barrels Coflee 10 c..ska fivsi quality Goshen Chc< ie 10 pieces do do Cotton Baatfintr ' r i . / co ° ■> light Gigs 1 light Jersey W iggon 3 chests Hi son Tea 12 dozen (Bur's warranted) Ayes, lengavl short bitted 1 hhd'halt pint Tumblers . no' 7—si—133 Robert c> John tSoltoo Have just received, by the shift l / V’.'/am Veil, J rum Liverpool, t ALL INVOICE OF HARDWARE, Which they offer for sale cheap, giving the purchaser the privilege of bonding the duties. nnv 7-i- l id Cummin £ Moorhead Medical CoTiege Lottery, , SECOND CLASS,' Commences drain,ig in a f'e-u< days in Ih ' city cf Baltimore, HIGHEST PRIZES. 1 of 30.000 DOLLARS 1 of 20.000 DOLLARS 2 of 10,000 DOLLARS 3 of 5,000 DOLLARS With a full proportion of ltjUO, 500. 100 Dollars, fee. Not two blanks to a prize and unit 25,000 rick' s Tickets, Halves, Quarters anil Kigtlis, for sale bv c. r.imDEN. N. B. Just received the Official List of Masonic Hall Lottery, whic! rorinlt ted dia > lg on me 26th Septem- * ■ 1 m m —— — . ■ . . — aS C\V E-itMi'C. » 77.* swbsaibtr* have received a t ttiRF. vvii ciiir-Hal 'ssiuiT'ir.xT of EUROPE\N,FRENCH AND CANTON f OODS, Cntisisii* ;• of the following article*, vis: I Superfine C'oths and Cassinieres J-S j London dnffil and rose Blankets ’ White and blue Plains, Fearnouglifs Flannels, assorted; Beaveit is ,,nd Cords Men’s and wm.h n’s Worsted Silk striped Vesting, B unb..zets and Bombazines Cotton Shirtings and flosierv, men’s and women’s Plates, fancy C, furniture ditto Low priced and fin. CmHi ms, tu liled printed Muslins Silk and cotton Timbre lias. 3-4 :*i .'6-4 liinuties Diamond mil baloc n furniture Dimities Praia and figured hi c.k Muslins, ltiull mu-il do Do do do Iudi. nmli Musfms Tndiatrull Dresses »nd Shawls. Elegant lace l)>-rss>*s and Triininiygs Rich figured Velvt ts and nlush Trimmings Artificial Flowers, Col, rets and IMurines Merino and raw silk Shaw is nd U ndkcrc'iicfs Counte-nan s and M. rseihes Q lilts 7-8 and 4-4 Irish Linens, long Lawns and Sheeting Table Diaper, rich damask table Cloths and X-pkins Uteri embroidered sdk Stockings, worsted and brack sdk I^ice Levantines, Florences, fiattin. plain and fi' tired i’lain and figured Lu-‘ring and'. ir. Ribbons Canton Crapes, damask Canton cr pe bha'vls Black Sinchews, plaid Sarsnets, tDir and Bandana Hand- kerc'akfs. men’s and wo -cifst ik .uid red Cloves Black and white lace Veils, Shaw iaao. 1 Fishcvrs Ridicules, thr. d Laces, Sec. With a variety of utiier F Auction, To-Morrow, 8th instant, Will be sold before my store, Groceries and Dry-Goods* ALSO, 5 liluls and 8 bis.New England Rum 4 hhds 4th proof Jamaica do 5 pipes very superior Holland Cm 2 do do Malaga Wine 9 quarter casks Colminar sherrv Wine 1 half pipe and 2 quarter casks TeheriiT Witie iOO sacks Salt 50'boxes negro Fipes, 3 kegs I.ead * * '-■) pieces cotton Ragging, 2 bales Coatings 2 1 1 16 12 do Fearnoughts, 3 bales rose Blankets trunks Calicoes, 1 bait Humhums trunk Madras Handkere hitfs trunk stiiptd Cinghams Pjects superfine and second Cloths I r 1 n superfine Cassimere, 25 pieces Flannel !■ islr L”>tns, cotton. Shifting, women’s Stockings, Shutvtg, &c. ’ 5 fine andcoarst ITats, 2 cases cotton Umbrella*; 2 do Bi.< is, &c. Tern.# cash. Side to commence at 11 o'clock, l). Williford, fiuct’r. OFFl.R FOR SALK The following articles, nt v*rn lira pi ice* and on aceolnmo- datiny credits, viz. 20 boxes Irish Linens, assorted, part of which were pur chased at Dublin in July last 1 ditto fine 1 .ong Lawns 2 ditto superior quality Vestings 2 trusses superfine west of England Cloths 6J pieces heavy Kentucky Col on Bagging 4 pipes Cognac Brandy A few hogsheads green Coffee YJ) boxes dipt Candies 10.) casks superior q iaii’v cut Nails, assorted; Crowl) 1 Ur- o S«r 1. &e. nr.v 7—w—163,- At No 2. Commerce 7?ou». On Saturday, the 9th instant, POSITIVE SALES Of DRV GOODS. trunks I’rihts case Dimities pieces 5-4 Broadcloths bales point Blankets, 1 bale Flannels trunks cotton Cambrics. 50 pair rose Blankets case bl: ck Cambric, With a variety of other article# small boxes veilow boap b~xes Candle's * S. C. DUNNING, 1 23 5 «) 1 86 10 nov 7- -133 offer Ci 1 sale, bv Johnson’s square Low N.C o. nnv 7 13; »CY GOODS; vihicii tlicy saie ■ r>d. retaii, at their store in , tile third door west from Messrs. A. i’. RARELYS k CO. Public Auction. On Saturday, the 9th instant, If;!! be so;,!, rt 11 o’clock, The schooner RIFLEM AN, lying at Wi'liam- AfTE, fun and T)r Ail lev’s wharf. Slie is built of cedar kSjSkKfLand five oak principally, and is in complete or. de-r for sea. ' M. HE BERT &. CO. .... V'-J .dvet’rk. ox orton 'lave returnedfrem the \\ a liutins north and arc opening as ’j 'ltoent of STABLE \M; F/.Ni V GOUDja, Best superfine Broadcioths ami Kersey r.vres Common Cl 'I s, I’i .ins -nd Ixerstvineres via rtrev 7— _1 • For FrnA'idence, (r. i.) The brig GENERAL J ACKBuN, AV. T. Pearce, f Jsgmast-. r, will positively sail on Saturday next. AS&Korfreight or passage apply to the captain on _r:l, at Smith’s wharf, or t > P. II. & T. Crapon. - 1 33 C-> From <i wish of Joseph (Jarkuth- m to decline me l-)n Good business, James Carnnhers 'll carry th..t busi ics; on hit itself. The commission fcu- vss Will be attended ..s usual, bv Joseph Carruthers & Co. AA ho offer fur s .le on uiode-raie terms, a consignment I Lacs, Hosiery. Sec. november 7 133 V or rhuid, •M En s lira': 1 ! port oil toe n The staunch coppered brig SPAR I' AN, C. M. ** 0°15«, e p , is now in complete re din ess to ! l&sre-re ve a cergo, part of which is now ready to ■ in hoard K'’v freight,fir the remainder, apply oil rel, at Johnston’s wiiarf, or to Uea & Duller. 533 nov; vt . iiiillCil Tno Brothers, andfor sale, ..j el n i tie r JI.s just received m r brie lo Casks very fine <5hce« 15 hoves Chocolate 13 dozen stone Jugs, cf each also, , v s rnitF, A few dozen Thpch portable Liquor Cases nov 7 13 3 quart to three gallons Bomb v/.exmr*v.-uc 'es. Cambrics, fancy Mire Plain and twilled S ' Merino and other J5ii:.i >es, t (ins, noes :s, Poplins, s IK V o Ik Shawls . a is rilu;C k o 11 I UilA hjf e i s f 4 gentlenvr’s eh gant and Gold F.ces, Rose Eilged, Pater ke,l; 2 ladies’ dittf., lie Aim Carrut hers i va.vr;) r s.’/n f:.shi.»Ti (t’’e Gold 'Vrdches, 1 12 in Leavers, kc. mak ill s 11 v ry low Figured silk Laci-, colt n f _ A large suplv ci’.ent lie Coriis Ladies’ an.! gLiirh nn n r *nk IIosc, II itinetts Purses, Iudi,.. las’ic I hr: ers Ribbons, Hosier) , Buttons. Thre ■ 1 and Tapes Blankets, Flannels, d.unt’slie.Ginghams Bed 'Ticking, l-.dies’ and gent eeicn’s Gloves, Hats AA itli avareetv of oilier srucles too tedious to rnumc- rate—niuS’ of wlaen lu re been purciiasca at auction in New-York, at ivunr-d priets, and will be soivi as low as at any oilier store in the city. Also on ennsicrmr.imt, casks real Goshen Cheese, lust quality gross Almanacks , Ftibiic A ’utioa. Oil Monday, 12th instant, IVill be sold before my store, to close satesf A VAJtIKTT OF Drv Goods and Groceries. — 7 hnmediidelv after, A st-ong NEGRO FELLOW, about 23 years old, a na- live born, with a good character. Also a NEGRO WENCH, has been an excellent wash- r er and servant, is a complete gardener; siic complains of rheumatic pains, but is lazy. Conditions will be inane known at time of sale J. Depass, allot’r. n<w 7 5 33 Grand Lodge. 50 G.g, second 6. crick Bed.,tv..3 case 1 bnfi-i'llas id The members of the Grand Lodge of Georgia, and the difiereti. lodges under its jurisdiction by their proper representatives, are summoned to attend at their lodge rociii, in the Exchange, on the first Saturday of Decem ber next, at 7 o’clock, p. w. being a grand quarterly com- i.mnicationCfortiie eiec'ion .of officers and other business of the craft. /fu nr do of the It. U Brand .Master. Paul P. Thomasson, d. g. s . nov 7——133 nov t - -133 it or Jb.iuiiiiuTC The^finc new schooner MINERVA, captain Lemuel Snow, will be dispatched immediately. Far freight or passage appiv to L. Petty SC Co. 133 For freight or coarter The fi st sailing s aunch ship GLENTIIORN, $> R.iiicv, now in complete oreler to re- *.4st*ceive a cargo. Appiv to . Henry VC. Hills. 133 » two trunks rendu made C'oibiiiT, c( very quality und made by liic most;on..b’e t..nor in Giver- [ pool/ • v * ^ 1 Tiie subsu nnv 7- i iliu i .•> IJiirye for sale, voyo landinc from - i f> Bine, from Binierpool, 39 crates superior EARTHEN WARE ALSO, Wr.Ck'sKl) BV LATE All 111 V ALS, 20 ! )ls No. 1, 2 and.3 Bvefi 5 hhds N. E. Rum 30 dozen Windsor Chaii-s Bedticking and priest Cloths Razor Straps, Tentania fie .pots Castings, sacking Lines 3 Cables, 4 Hawsers Blankets ti i 110 S (S’ ! H ’S imported by the ship* j Coarse . in! tine Cloths j White and blue Flams i in - ■; and London u'.ifFd j 5 .0 pieces cotton Bagging j I t.ti ot and Carolina Hoes i Ch. in mac's, 1 .1 crates assorted 6 tierces assorted fain ) Ware li.' boxc s tea S.-ts •5u casks noii ied 1 .ondon 3’orti r and 2 b tons (coarse) Liverpool bait AVjiichue offers for sale by the piece cm levj.le •crrr.f n ;v 7 RMTUilCrS, Ti;’.s VVI. a; ) il'ii! an. Bell, firm Liverpool, , nov 7■ t o s eat v, A large dry CELLAR, on the Bay, near the Market, and a commodious ROOM, for a store, both nearly ad joining. Enquire of E. EARLY. > l!ho has for sale A pair of voung, well matched, northern HORSES. — i— 133 are Olmstearl SfSattclle. S. Rees fcbenezer Retiimt h;s thunks to his fiiencls, for their patron- .'hiring the i.season, and informs tliem and the ’■•ic genua,iv, tliut he continues to transac* f. t c ro i; f. , a, d c o w„ vrrssio.Y n usiness, ""Li, a; Ripe’s wharf, near tile Exchange. j ini ^ ted ■Per the sldp IVUHant, nup'w'n 7\ Id Is, from Liverpool. F«H: SALTS OM VB11Y MO ERATE TERMS. •1 bales very best London dnffil Blankets ) casks brojvn Stout, London Porter, 6 an.) 8 dozen ^ kegs w hite Lewd; ground in oil, 26ibs. each - boxes 8 by lb crown (.lass J (1.10 by J2 do b c»sks English wrought Nails, clasp heads, 6J. lOd and 2a-l. cm-s crockery Ware, assorted for the country tons bur Iron do. do. 5 casks b.,r Lead, in lib. bars do. Sh 4, of all sizes ^ quantity of Iron Pots, different sizes On consignment, fW bale Englisft broad clotlis tine cask best steeled broad Hoes Une case of Hardware One cask cooper’s Adzes, Hammers, (mizzles and club , zes Oiu .Sad f ins, one bundle London Shovels -o casks London Porter, in b-uties James Wallace. fccTT.ber 7 13g For saie, i if immediate application is made, a two story HOUSE, with other out BUILDINGS, to- V , a HALF LOT, situate in Franklin ward,near ,.V a,l: ^ a good Stand for business, supply at nov 7—*-'-k>l3'3 u general assortment of ladies, gentlereeii’s. *nd chil- rf, i s hoots, Bootees, and Shoes. ,> aX Cgl’U i ps»»p joo • Negro Shoes hoes. nov 7- -1 ' .1 Tub ;;ju ■dev CI -rr in, ’<1 si! SU.ISC1 Have for sale, lamerg from brig Engle from /’ion: C:vses brown Linens, quilting Vests, Toihnets, j tnr. Dowlas, Coicrrin .Siii!*ings, fancy Calcutta ] 1 Muster, sistersoy Handkerchiefs, mixed Broadcioiii, etc. ALSO 2 cases first quality Bonnets I case domestic Goods 10 hhds and ? nure Vrw-Fii'c’and » T i'r 50 barrels 5 P ure R tvv t ' ,, ? ,dnrt K “ 1 Bureaus and w ish Stands T. H. Comly, jun nov 7 n 133 .’.>.21 ' & Co. ’'on's fi’anoe or package, «n ;) ’ 1 ,7 yh UuCC. The subscribers having formed a copartnership, will tr. nsact business under the firm of Guse v & Lifiutt. S. C» GilEKN. AV iKMikN LiPFITT. nov 7 n——— 1 ) > i^ost, Near the For’, on or about the first of October dastj an iron bar- lied PISTOL, with two silver diamond# on the stock, each side, and a silver band near the muzzle, w ith a stop lock. The finder, by leaving the pistol «t this office, shall receive a liberal reward, nov 7 133 JS ow laiieiisi^, servers, Factorage auc.1 Gommission. The subset iber having rented colonel Johnston’s wharf j and fire proof Mores, offers his service's to his friends and J the public in the above line. I) PONCE. On hand and for sale 100 tons Swedes Iron 50 crates Earthenware 10 casks cut and plain Glassware Hardware, Cutlery, Anvils, v ices Koes, trace Chains, Shot Welch Plains, Flannels, Bombazets Gine"!rtms, It,.niik( v'fiefs, &r. nov 7—r-133 Butter. fit for family 2 Settees, New 100 small firkins fresh Goshen Butter, use. Also 45 dozen Windsor Chairs and i York manufactory. For sale bv ’BRANT & FOX, nov 7 r 133 T tfn -' h, Just If ALS», An Alfco ^ s‘-»«vr*-re r s» of Brushes, Wliip5,<md Trunks t ' n ! c ’ UI 't Bedsteads, (vere *idO ' U , ck -(uit beta n invoice of elegs* Prij*<s and looking Glasses / s Abram Stevens, hi. Julian-*y6et;next dnar'to Low, Walluce U Co r -3veri!, tr f-——t-133 rocciVcvi An invoice of 12 trunks and 1 case Whj.js and finishes, comprising an excellent assortment, and will be sold low. Apply to J. LVl'H/tOP & GO. november 7 .1.7" ffunu**s laha f. ,yeceivc(l Per ship Jolin 8c Edwairf> from Liverpool, an invoir'e of DRY GOODS, comprising 1 almost ever;' article neces sary for a well assorted store, which are offered for sale by tiie packageaftusually lovv. A LS<>» 1200 Iron Pots, assorted sizes, (Carron) 600 plough Moulds ji tons iron, assorted 4 do German and blistered Steel Thomas Gardner. l-’J ■ . "i r ; ~i . L 'om b irr Fugle, anil for sa'r by the sv 10 hhds N. F.. Rum, 5 h :s Jamaica kum 5 do and 20 his Muscovado Sugars 10 do and 20 do Whiskey 10 do Molasses, 3 Ins India point Gin 10 bis T< neriffe Wine JO do Currant »o 25 bags best creeii Coffee Is) boxes spcraiacctti Gandies 10 do tallow do Boxes and half boxes Soap 25 kegs family Butter 20 casks Cheese, 15 his prime Beef Potatoes, Beets and Onions 10 Albany double Ale li) do Vinegar, io boxes cotton Cards 100 kegs and 5u half barrels Crackers 50 coils assorted Cordage , . 10 cases northern Homespun, containing ‘Stripes, Plaids, Ginghams, O.tmbrays, bleached and brown Shirtings Coarse and fine Hats Coarse end fiiieSh^ 5 GREEN f. LTPP1TT, , .l/f/or’.v -wharf. Wanted to hire An active NEGRO BOY, from 16 to 18 years of age) accustomed to Wait on table. 1. K. TEFFT. nov 7 a 123 - - , In Council, Monday, November^ 1816. Jt .soh ed, That the City Tressurer, do re-enter all lot# that niuv be in arrears for ground rent, after ten days no ice. " F.xtrcrt from the minutes, John 15. Norris, c. c. In conformitv with the above resolution of council, T shall proceed to re-enter all lots in arrears on the 17tlj instant. F. M. STONE, c. n. noi 7 133 .. Checks. 4 cases straw Bonnets ^ r.ov 7 —*•- ‘1‘ailorAig. JOHN PRENTiCE Respectfully informs the gentlemen of Savannah and viemitv tiiat he has commenced the 1 ailnimg busi- ss, directly opposite, the west side of tiie Mumt'a •rniimctiis business in all its vari- witii Uifcir its ness, dwere he Intends pros-jculing bis business wall its van nov 7- City Sheriff's sates. Ore the first Tuesday in January verb, Wifi he sold in front of the Court-house, between the usual hours, Sundry articles of Household and Kitchen Furniture— levied oh anthe property bt James TJ. Annour, to satis fy Henry W? Oakman.’fee bou»«- reuiL Xstoc J>*LytoB>.8k c.a. mrv ous bnuicius. Gentlemen, who will favor hut custom, may depend-on having their Work done m U.e best gtvic and the most workman like manner. Hi will keep constantly on hand, for the accommoda tion of his customers, the best ot French and English superfine broad-Glottis, Kerseymeres and Vesting. Gentlemen wil. be under no obligation to take their clothes if thev do not suit. rev 7 '•*' 133 The two vacant tvthing, Decker eastward!y by- Rico and wesiwardiv by Jefferson street; the Lot No. 5, [o tbe westward, being a corner one. For terms please appiv to -• PETEK MITGIL L. nov 7—t. 133 ... . . Brought uT gaol, iu bavianiali, November % 1816. A Negro man named David, belong ing to J. J. Grey, of Barnwell district, (s- c.) He is five feet six inches high, and eighteen years old. Has on a brown Jacket ami striped trowsers. Also, Ned, five feet five inches high, and eighteen years of age. He is drtssed in white cotton liotncspHn. - iLWCidl, g. c. c. A Iu Council, 4!'- November, 1816. 7 n eov.-plimce with an order of Council, the treasured laid 5cf -re the Board, a statement of rents due for city Ordered, That'the marshal re-enter the same in the name of the city, in terms of the ordinance, in such case; made and provided; and that the marshal do twit* no tify in the gazettfs of the city the day of re-entry, which shall be on Monday, the 2l)th inst. City Lots in arrears for Ground Lent, viz. Franklin I Yard.—Nos. 2, 3, 4, five quarters; 5,10, 25, two quarters; 7, 12, 21, 22, 24, 27, 29, SO, 39, 4U, four quarters; 33, 35, three quarters, each. Warren lYard.—Nos 2, 15, 21, two quarters; 3, 5, 8, 20, 22, 23, four quarters; 7, 37, 38, five quarters; 11, sir quarters, each. „ H'ashington IVard—Nos. 4, 5, 6, 8, 15, 1,7,18, 21, 24. 39, four quarters; 36, tw o quarters; 33, nine quarters, each. Liberty'Ward.—Nos. 1,3, 4, 5, 15,16, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 35, 39, four quarters; 7, three quarters; 25, 26, 27, two quarters; 29, five quarters, each. Columbia Ward.—Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,6, 7,10,16,20,29, four quarters; 13, 22, 25, two quarters; 11, three^uar- tc-rs; 14, 24, 31, 33, 36, five quarttrs; 28, thirteen quar ters, each. Greene Ward.—Nos. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10; 11, 20, 27, 29, 34, 38,39, four quarters; 14, 19, 35, three quarters; 15, 18. five quarters each. Elbert It ard.—Nos. 1, 16, 22, 29, 33,34, 35, four quar ters; 7, 8, 10, 11, 13 21, 30, five quarters; 15,24,38, two quarters; 39, 40, three quarters, each. -Yew Franklin Ward.—Nos. 1, 3, two quarters; 7, 9, 10, four quarters, each. ■S.® ing Jtill.—Nos. 1, 3, 5, 8, 11, 12, 15,16, four quar ters; 2, two quart. 7, 9, six quarters; 10, fourteen quarters, each. Jackson Ward —Nos. 2, 3,11,12,13,14,15,19, 2t Hope IValk— Three quarters. East half of Filature Lot—Two quarters. Wind Mill Lot—Seven quarters. Joho I. Roberts^ city -treasurer. In obedience to the above order of Council, I do herd* by give notice, that I shall proceed on Wednesday, the. 20th inst. to make a rc-entrv on the above Lots, in terms of tiie Ordinance, in such case made and provided; un less the respective rents due, be paid to the city treaaup ver, on or before that day ncrv 7—132 F, M. Stone, city war&\njt^