Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, November 09, 1816, Image 3

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• V ' MS r «■"*' > r*'- But it is hoped that where to rules ''“■; 4 ')‘^ nera i congress will remedy the t h estahhshme.: > * .? Lou.snna who have visited r,"LSa ret^Ae country us enjoying the ! 'es < teVcr. claim and producing every thing in \WUsouri Gazette. advan- grea; sfc undance. FRFRA>fCE. •.. i of the brig Commerce, captain Misser- Bvthe r - r ] n ';‘‘ Bordeaux, we have received papers vey. in 41 ^ ^ September and Paris to the 11th ot that city "° xVe jiscover nothing interesting in them, if i inclusive.; regulations in tne internal gov. rnment we excep. a uhicil we p erct -ive the dissolution of ot France r ties an( j ^ restoration of the col- the c.iamta ^ ^ of criminal trials—which go on leg 63 - . 1 ,-phe Commerce brought out twelve pas- svvimnung ■■ . { , on Southern Patriot, 4th inst. sengers.—‘"t“' Nsw-YonR, October 29. t , f ram Europe.—Yesterday arrived at this port, r V sailing ships Comet, Center, in 35 days from yj^vre-de-Grace, and the Sachem* Davis, 38 days from these arrivals we learn verbally, that the prices of cotton and ashes were rather declining in France; and tint the harvest had been more abundant in that country ,| lun was expected, tliough tlie vintage had proved very bad in consequence of the coldness ot the season. The Comet sailed from Havre on the 22d of Septem ber Captain Center has politely furnished the editors .,f the Mercantile Advertiser with Paris papers to the ihth and London papers to the 16th ot Sept, inclusive. The French papers contain no ntws of moment. The council of war, in its session of the Util of September, condemned to death, for contumacy, general Bertrand ^ Under the Vienna head of September 7th, it is stated that tlie emperor of Austria is to marry the princess Char, lotte Augusta, of Bavaria, 24 years of age, and it is re ported that die arch dutchess Leopoidina, of Austria, is betrothed to prince Peter of Portugal and Austria. Among the passengers in the Comet, is general 8. Ber nard, formerly aid to the emperor Napoleon. Prict of Stocks, London, Sept. 16.—Three per cent. OOUaOli 62 1-8. Nsw-York, October 30. Specie.—The precious metals are almost prepetually reaching jpne port or other in the United Slates. At Philadelphia, die British schooner Doe, from Nassau (r. r.) and at Norfolk, the brig Rose-in-Bloom, from GNadar, have arrived'with specie. The ship Independence, from Greenock, brought a cf specie. One of the passengers has g30,000. \Vt understand Uiat ncriy all the propriety of which the Philadelphia bank was robbed, has been recovered. The sloop of war Alert, lieutenant Stewart, is under sailing orders for the Mediterranean. She received her dispatches yesterday, and takes out dispatches and stores for our squadron in,the .Mediterranean.—JVea<-Yurk Ga zette, 20th ult. General Gaines commenced the reading of his defence yesterday before the court-martial. A spectator, on comparing the testimony even in part with the char ges and the comments in defence, cannot hesitate to pro nounce the conduct of general Gaines throughout, to have- been not only not censurable, but laudable.—aVno-Tort Coluinbian. The following is an extract of a letter from Haverhill, N. H. dated October 18th. “Snow fell last night about twelve inches deep, and is -now (eight o’clock evening) about six inches. Sleighs have been going quite brisk to-dav.” mam : <g?>: •*:- CT/ > The friends and acquaintances of Messrs. Del berghe and Roma, are invited to attend the Funeral of tlie late Mrs. Euu Dllbliiuhi:, TO-MORROW MORN RIG, at 12 o’clock. For Liverpool rn m“» ** PMMdphk ship uhlfh 1 nL LKhLEY, Roger Horner, master, will be dispatched among the first vessels. For JAMES JOHNSTON. For sale 50 boxes apple and 50 boxes crab Cider, hi boxes of one dozen each 2000 bushtds Liverpool ground Salt 200 pieces cotton Bagging, nov 9—134 freight apply*, to Crockery For Liverpool The copper bottomed ship LORD WHIT WORTH, Joseph Yond, master. For freight of 300 bales cotton apply to the master on board, or to S . C. DUNNING nov 9 134 -V,. 2. Commerce Row I? or Liverpool The brig TWO BROTHERS, William Lap- riiiiii, muster, burthen 200 tons, in complete or- .der and ready to take in; can be dispatched hav ing a part of her cargo engaged. For freight or pas sage apply on board, at Bolton’s central wharf, or to J. liATTELLE. nov 9 134 For Bordeaux r- c-j— 1 he brig GUSTAVUS, Wingate, master. gyd>Jj>vG ,le hundred bales cotton w ill ^ be taken on iSiwE,freight. Apply on board at Bolton’s wharf, or to Hazcn Kimball. nov 9 — 134 For Ntw-lork The fine fast sailing ship ONF.IDA, Moses Hillard, master, will sail on Tuesday next, having more than half her cargo onboard. For freight of the baf ■ or passage, having elegant accommoda tions, apply on board, at Bolton’s central wharf, or to J. BATTKLLE. nov 9—-—134 Tickets Rising! O'}' ednesday, the 13th inst. the price of Tickets in the MEDICAL SCIENCE LOTTETY will b£ advanced to m.ivss noT.T.ans. The present price is tex hollar* WARRANTED UNDRAWN. The lists have been received to tlie fifteenth day, and the following high prizes are vet in the wheel: 50,000 DOLLARS 10.000 DOLLARS 5,000 DOLLARS, &c.. W. T. Williams. nov 9 134 For Baltimore The regular packet brig- CALYPSO, captain .Neili, will sail on Thursday next. For freight 134 R. RICHARDSON. From the Kentucky Reporter. OBITUARY. We have to perform the melancholy task of announcing the decease of George Madison, governor of this state. He died on Monday list at Paris, Bourbon county, where he had been several weeks confined by a painful illness. \V e shall not attempt to pourtray the character of this amiable man ; his virtues and patriotism are too well known to need euioyium. His ■whole life was devoted to the service of his country; the conspicuous station to which he had been so recently chosen by the unanimous voice ol his fellow-citizens, amply testifies his worth. Inconsequence of the above distressing event the government wiii be administered by Gabriel Slaughter, lieut. gov. for four years. The con stitution does not provide for a new election. PORT OF V'A.N SAIL Saturday, J, 181C. A Hill VEIL Ship Lord Whi* worth, Yond, Liverpool British brig Two Frauds, .V.isoa, Liverpool. Brig Goliah, Paine, Boston Calypso, Neill, Baltimore Sloop Al«na, Porquet, Nevv-Xork. CLEAKEB. Brig Tybee,Cobb, Ne a-York. Port of Baltimore, October 28. The schooner Traveller, De La Roche, from Aux- Cuyes for Baltimore, with valuable cargo, was captured oft Cape Tibero-.,n, I3tii September, two days out, by a pirate of about 25 tons, manned by nineteen blacks, anff one white man, w; o appeared to be the Captain. The cr.#, after a great deal of ill-treatment, was put in the boat, and reached .kremie, thence to Avx-Cayes. Two patriot privateers lying off Aux-Cayes hearing of the cir cumstance, made immediate sail in seareh of the pirate and prize; but at the iast accounts had received no other account, than that a vessel Pad been seen bottoin up wards 23d September, near the place where the above mentioned vessel was captured. ^5^The ship JOHN §* El)WARD, for Liverpool,-Jiaving commenced taking in her cargo, , V'ill be dispatched as soon as possible. For freight of 1 2bh biles cotton apply to captain Webb on board, or at tin- counting house of RICH ARDS Sc H ARROW AY. For Providence, (r. i.) The fast sailing brig HUNTER, Rodman, master, will sail by tlie 18th. For freight or passage apply to the master on board, or to H. 8. CUTTER, nov 9— m—134 .it the romptinsr room of Olmstead & Battelle For sale, freight or charter A substantial fast sailing BRIG, of about two hundred tons burthen, well found. ALSO For Boston T he fast sailing brig HOLUON, Ephraim At kins, master, will sail on Friday next 15th just, wind and weather permitting, having part of a cargo engaged. For freight or passage, apply to the master on board, at Moor’s wharf, or to I. HUNTER & CD. JVe. 1, Rices' -wharf. Who have for sale 160 casks cut Nails 10 bhds. N.E. Rntn 2 cases first quality fur Hats 6 do do do wool do 50 boxes Herring 50 do. brown Soap 10 b's. Shoes, letter and writing Vaper 1 ei< *.,nt mahogany eomptiiigroom Desk, Sideboard, Secretaries, ladies dressing Tables, card Tables, Ac. nov- 9—134 The subscriber Has for sate on hoard trim Two Brothers, from Poston, lying at Hilton's wharf, 30 bis. prime green Coffee 50 do N. E. Hum 50 do No. 3, Mackarel 50 do No. 2, Beef 26 do. No. 3, do 40 boxes first quality yellow Soap 20 do first do mould Gandies 200 Grindstones lOo casks cut Nails, assorted sizvj 1 bale Baft as 1 do fine Saw us 1 do Gurrabs 700 pair Kr..fton Shoes 300 do Roan Shoes 5 trunks Boots and Shoes, assorted 19 boxes superfine cotton and wool Cards 2 barrels ginuber Saults Lots Hingliam boxes, Buckets, Tails, Sec. Jolm W. Ilf ad. 1 nv 9 114 The subscriber 7/a« jus! received, from Liverpool, An extensive assortment of extra superfine blur, black and fancy colored cloth Coats, rich Florentine, vine Marseilles and fancy Vests, superfine and second cloth Surtouts and Pantaloons, a large assortment ; ail of which will be sold low for cash, by Leslie Thompson, nov 9- 134 Mkrdwjii Taylor. The subscriber Has removed to his lower Janies Wallace, esq. 134 nov 9- wtiarf. next above that of JAMES JOHNSTON. John Tanner Having taken captain Otis Dm into copartnership, the business will be conducted under the firm of TANNER & DYER, IVUo offer fur suit An extensive assortment of woolen, cotton, linen and silk GOOJ»S; together with HARDWARE and CUT LERY. nov 9 134 For sale A small SLOOP, of 14 tons burthen, fitted for a pilot or passage boat. For terms apply on board, lvingat Williamson & De Viller’s wharf. 9 r* —134 Bills on New-York, At sixty days’ sight Fcr sale bv BENJAMIN HO WARD &. CO. nov 9 » 134 For sale EXCH ANGE ON LIVERPOOL, Ptr/nhle ir? London. BILLS ON NEW-YORK. Also Coffee, m bags; Claret, in boxes of 1 dozen each; 8 baskets sweet Oil, 1 dozen each; 3 pipes 4th proof Cognac Brandy, 12 casks of excellent Porter, 8 dozen each; & few bales of Plains, Blankets and Flannels. Ap ply to RICHARDS & HARROW AY. 1 u-,v 9 134 For sale 16 kegs cut Nails, assorted; 19 hhds and 60 his. Whis key, 6u bis. ship Bread, 150 bG. fresh sunerfini- Flour. R. Richardson. nov 9 134 For :u v 0- —i A (JARiL I The passengers in the brig- TWO BROTHERS return their thanks to c mu-in William L.ipiiam, for his polite ness and kmd at tint ion to them during their passage, t-o-o I., , —qt-;*nnali » r 13 t ■me and rire ."VouRAN<'E OFFICE. An election will be held on Mondr.v the 11th inst. for • H. F, Srr'rtt. sale by the subscribers 8 bales course blue and grey CLOTHS, suitable for negroes. Will be sold unusually low to c.i. se a con signment. WILLIAM H. JOYNER St CO. nov 9 a 134 Taylor's tcharf Just Received From Liverpool 150 casks best brown Stout, 50 cr.Veg assorted Civtck- erywarc, For sale by M. HERBERT it i O. nov 9 134 John B. Mangin, GEJYTLEME.Y .1.'.'/) L.iD/KS’ If.llli DHESSEB, Lately front Paris, Has the honor of informing the pubiic, that he does every kind of Hair Woik, cuts the hair in the most fash ionable style, and will go to the houses of the persons who will honor him with their patronage. His residence is at Alexander Cebrosse’s, Bay lane, near die Market square. ' nov 9 m 1.34 Just received, <Jnd for sale, Ail invoice of Hosiery, AND A small invoice of Hardware, Laid in 15 per cent lower than anv other in Market. The purchaser will have the privilege of bonding for the duties. H. & J. BOLTON. Public Auction. On Monday, 12th instant, Will bt nold before ruy wore, to close *iue* 9 A VABJETT OF Dry Goods and Groceries. Immediately after, A strong NEGRO FELLOW, about 28 yean old, a ti\ e born, w itli a good character. ; Also a NEGRO WENCH, lias been an excellent wash er and servant, is a complete gardener; *he complains of rheumatic pains, but is lazy. 64 pieces COTTON BAGGING Conditions will be made known at time of sale -133 J. Depass, auctW. Auction. POSITIVE SALE OF DRY-GOODS. On Tuesday, 12th instant, Will be sold before my store, 1 bale superfine Cloths, 1 do. do Cassimere, 5 do. rose Blankets, 7 to 13-4, 1 do. bath Coating, 1 do. Fear noughts, 1 do. Flannels, 1 trunk fine Prints, 1 do. Ma dras Handkerchiefs, 2 do. Shawis^l do. Bandana do. 1 do. do. cotton do. 1 case Cinghauis, ldo. Dimity, 1 do. cotton Shirts. Terms —under $20p, cash ; 2 to glOUQ, 99 days ; over §1000, 90 and 120 days; approved en dorsed, paper, purchasers paving for stamps. Gale to commence at 11 o'clock, 1). Williford, auct’r. nov 134 Factorage and Commission Business. The subscriber having d<;t lined the practice of iaw, on the first instant; now offers Ills services to his friends and feiiow-citizcns, gentn i.v. in the above line, and plot ges himself that Ills attention, exertion and puiicniaht) .n business, shall be such ;.s to merit a por ion of their fa vor and support. He h.ts obtidned commodious fire proof stores on Howard’s wharf for tlie reception of pro duce, and his counting “room is in the east tenement of said building, immediately under Mr. Charles Howard. Joseph S. Pelot. sen 3 +ao 105 Notice. The undersigned having declined the business which he hitherto carried on his own individual account, and fceaiig very anxious to close the same, do hereby solicit those v ho are indebted to him, to come fV-rw aixl and set tle the same; as a further indulgence cannot be .-—anted. John B. Gaudry. nov 9 t* 134 Notice. The undersigned having declined the business which he hitherto earned on his own individual account, and feeling very anxious to close the same, do hereby solicit those who are indebted to him, to come forward ..nd settle the some; aa a further indulgence cannot be planted. P. Dupun. nov 9 t! 134 -134 Received ON CONSIGNMENT, Per ship William, from Uverpool, 12 cases containing a complete assortment of Buttons. AND IX STOIJH 1600 bars Russia and Swedes’ Iron, assorted sixes, 50 crates Crockery 40 boxes Window Glass, 8 by 10, 9 by II, 10 by 12 20 half pint Tumblers 49 bags C /fiVc, 29 do Pimento 40 casks Malaga W me 2 pipes L. P. Teneriff do 4 casks sherry Wait 64 pieces c tton Bagging 10 pipes Cognac Brandy 80 coils Cordate, 35 tea sets China Pipes Holland Cm, boxes Soap. &.c. For sale bv Isaac Cohen & (.«. nov 9—134 C abin et Fui*n11ure. A handsome assortment of Mahogany Furniture, just landed, consis’ing of Sideboards, Secretaries. Sofas, Bu reaus, card Tables, dining Tables with cuds, breakfast Tables, candle Stands, work Stands, field and high post Bedsteads, &c. For sale by J; H. QLDURSH.WV, On the May, ailyoining the corner"of Whitaker street X. B. All orders for cabinet work, executed witl pro-nutne«s mvI fi- : 13' p iv-o 1 Yv ockU Wood! Just Received chid for sale Fresh Crackers in kegs, real Goshen Cheese, five's dairy) Rutter in small kegs of a superior quality, put up for family use, soft shelled Almonds, in barrels, 70 Xew- York barrels 'risk Potatoes. Also, 50 barrels fresh su perfine Flour. F. JALIXEAU. „ v 9—r—134 Lignumvitae. 29 ton, of a superior quality, just landing and for sale by NICHOLS ik HUNTER, nov 9 134 FIRE , v wishes to employ him- Afivertitcmeiit person Of steady manners. . m bringing up Books, making out accounts, or in *ritmggenerally; which uiilbe executed with Care and ^I'tunion, or would agree tp go to the country till ■unnwr. Please anplv at this offi. e. nov 9- self -m—154 0; Sheriff’s sales. the first W ll k ' " :,w d 11 "* 1 Tuesday in January next, 1 be sold at t!,u court house, in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, l!\i i 1 F!;inutioi > or Tract of Land called MUIR r v .- s ‘tuate on the south branch of little Ogechee lioci' 1,1 f * ,e co,lnt >' Q f Chatham, late tlie residence of nA° r ^ onu ’ l l M Leod, containing one thousand acres, 0r l, 0r J' ss—the above sold under a decree of tlie hon- ‘ e lt) e Superior Court of the county of Chatham. Salt, Coffee, &c. 3000 bushels of Liverpool ground Salt, 50 barrels prime green Coffee, 200 pieces prime cotton Bagging. For sale by BENJAMIN HOWARD & CO. '• ——w 134 Hunter's soharf For a ale A Negro Woman, a good cook, washer and ironer, with her Female Child, about nine years oid. Apply to Joseph Baton. nov 9 131 A prime young \i encii, With a female Child, about seven months old- The wench is a complete house servant. Her present owner not having- use for her is the reason of her being off ered for sale. For particulars apply at this office. nov 7-134 WOOD, of various kinds, and at be had always on Wallace’s lower v. half. Shipping will also be supplied, at a nioincnl'i notice, with any king of Fire Wood. The best of FIRE the lowest rates, to J. ?tl. Collins. nov 9- -134 House to let. A convenient Dw elling House to rent near the market. Apply to B. & G. LATH HOP. nov 9—m*—154 Wanted i Twelve or fifteen Negroes, for wham liberal wages will be. given. Apply to Ciust & Baker,or Claki;&. Lcfbuurow, Brick layers. nov 9 134 triv 9- Adam Cope, s. c. c. Notice. The mhttagers and assistants of Fire Engines, will on Monday, the 18th inst. visit every bouse in the city, for tlie purpose of ascertaining the number and state of tlie Buckets, Ladders, Lc. Kodxan" Sc 11 sun, for -bison and I'ercivai Wards. IIxaiiEU-/ Sc M'Cliksb, Green, Washington <J Columbia. Russel & M'Leoo, Becker H Darby. Jones & Thoxasson, Reynolds & Warren. Harris Sc Lillibuidse, Heathcoate, Elbert Li Liberty. Leach & Waurew, *ld and rurw Franklin Li Oglethorpe. By order, WINTER, secretary. nov 9——134 Tax Collector’s sales. On thefirst 'Tuesday in January next, Will be sold at the court-house, in Jefferson, Camden comity, between the hours of ten and three o’clock, A Traci of Land, lying and being in Camden county, on White Oak creek, containing 5575 acres, more or hss—levied on as the property of the heirs of William Middleton, to satisfy the taxes due thereon, for tin veer 18L5 ; amount due, 5^41 25 cents and costs. Also, two other adjoining Tr: ,’s, in Camden county, On the north side of Great Satiiiu river, about one mile above Jefferson, centring*5209 acres, more or less—levi ed on as the property of William Elliott, to satisfy his tuxes, due for the year 1815 ; amount due g298,7/ cts. and costs. Also, one other Tract, lying and being in Camden count}-, on St. Mary’s river, containing 8090 acres more or less—levied on as the property of Lewis A blots, to satisfy his taxes, due for the year 1815, and fifty per cent, tax for tlie year 1814; amount due gl44, 14 cts. and costs. ALEXANDER ATKINSON, nov 9—+•—134 t. r. c. c. Sheriff's sales. On the first Tuesday in January next, Will he sold at the court-house in die city of Savannah between the usual hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, Two Negro Fellows, named Ned and David—levied on as the property of John I. Gray, to satisfy a judge ment iulavor of Robert S. Gibson. ADAM COPE, g, c. c. nov 9—134 Copartnership.-. The undersigned having united their stocks of goods, will also unite their efforts to deserve the more, the pub lic patronage wiiich they have hitherto individually re ceived. and for which they now- return their thanks.— They have entered into a copartnership, under the firm of Giciinv A W-tpov, and will continue the Grocery Bu siness at the store, corner of Johnston’s square ana Boll street, where they will keep a constant supply of all the articles in the grocery line, from the East and West-In dies, from Europe and from l lie United Stai.., hicu they wili dispose of for cash or city acceptances, at the iow- e-t r..tes: us they import their wines and liquors from tlie best sources direct, they will warrant them to be of the best qualities, and be able to afford them at a very mo derate profit. JOHN B. GAUDRY, PETER DLPpN. Just received by the ship Jane, from 1st -i'f>ooL, 30 dozen Picklea, viz; Piccalillo, Cl.ow Chow, Cucum bers. Cabbage, French Beans, m’xcd Radishes, Cauliflow ers, Walnuts. Mushroons, yellow Cabbage. 12 dozen Ketchup, Walnuts, Mushroons, Royal Sauce, quins, oyster Ketchup, liquid ballad, Pickles, Vinegar, lemon Pickles. 25 casks brown Stout 18 boxes Mustard By several others arrived from JV 'em- Tsrk, I.. P. Madeira Wine, do Teneriff, Sherry, Malaga, Port, Vin de Sauterne; Frontignan, Brandy, Holland Gin, New-F.ngiand do. Ruin, Crackers, Raisins. Soap, Goshen Cheese, Ac i.'.v y tT 134 Deputy Collectors’ office/ Rice's irliarf. near the. E. cd- u r/ye, Notice is hereby given, that the subscriber will attend at his office, every day, Sundays excepted, from 19 • 12, for tlie purpose of granting Lirtnses to rot. il: rs, grocers and merchants, and to owners of carri;.y< s; certificate^, of the payment of the dut #s. pay'file on the same. The penalties of the law will Le rigorous ly enforced against all persons selling without licenses or keeping carri ges for use, without certint-.tes of the duties being pan’ on them. E b. REES, nov 9— w—134 !)ep. Col 1st Col.ection district of Ga. To rent That well known Stand, on '.lie Thunderbolt Road, formerly occupied by Mr. Jacob Ve.iver .s a Grocery. Immediate possession will be g.vtn. Fa- u rn. ■ p ay to A. O’Comor. nov 7 133 To rent The store occunit d by Peter Dupon, corner of Drr.yton and Broughton »ttects. Enquire at Gau irv & rtanon’s store. P. DLPi N. nov 9-——i-r 134 Executor’s sale On the first Tuesday in' December next. Will be sold at public auction, at the court-house, in the city of Savuim*!^ between the usual hours, The HOUSE and LO T, fronting on West Broad street, late the residence of John Gibbons, deceased. JOHN P. WILLIAMSON, ) Erecu- ALEXAXDEK TELFAIR, 5 tors. nov 9—154 Fifty dollars’ reward. Ranawav from the subscriber, on the 14tii day of Oc tober last, ray mulatto man TIM; he is about forty-five years of age.Wipwards of five feet high, very grey, and has lost the sight of his left eye, he is unable to straiten his middle finger of liis right hand; had on when ne went aw ay, blue flannel shirt and homespun pantaloons. Who ever will deliver the said runaway shall receive the above reward, on proof of his being harbored by a white per son, or thirty dollars if harbored by a negro, or ten dol lars’ reward for his being apprehended and lodged in gaol or delivered to the subscriber in Savannah; it is to be supposed, he will endeavor to pass for a free man, or get on board some vessel, in order to leave this port; therefore all captains of vessels as well as .ill other per sons, arc strictly cautioned against the same. William Gaddy. nov 9 m? 134 Georgia—Chatham county. By Samuel M. Bond, clerk of the court of ordinary of said county. To all whom it may concern. Whereas, William Johnston, hath made application for letters of administration on the estate of David Jemtaton, dec. as next of kin. These are, therefore, to cite and admonisn ill an-J si:' gular, the kindredand creuifc s cf the said deceased, file their objections (if any they nave) in my office wit: .r thirty day's from this date, otllerwise letters cf r.d.T ,c- tratiou will be granted to the applicant Given, under my hand and teal, this 8th day . vember, 1816, [L. S.j ». Mb ROND, c 5. • • p J t 1 ■ I- l it i. i '-I % I i ‘ .‘til! S