Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, November 14, 1816, Image 1

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jiY FRE J-E RIEK 8. FELL.] SAVANNAH, (GA.) NOVEMBER 14, 1816. [Whole Number 2747- Number 1S6-] TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR. [Volume XIV the republican IS FCBI48UF.T> EVERY TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, Jil SIX DOLLARS PER A.XNUM, PATABIE Iir ADVAHCK. ADVERTISEMENTS Will be a. .he square the frst time, and l airrr a*. Cents for each continuation. CASH , ,11 orders from th‘ CnirxTKT, unless the t'Mb??Zured in Town, or tire party well known to the Editor. ?,7 Lettkbs to the Editor muni be post-paid. For Glasgow The barque MARY, will sail the middle of k next month. For freight of two hundred bales cotton apply to JAMES JOHNSTON, oct 24—tm—127 The ship JOHN Sf EDWARD, for l ivernoi d, having commenced taklugnn her cargo, will be dispatched as soon as possible For freight ot Oil i bales cotton applv to captain Webb on board, or at 5k cuimtinar house of RICHARDS & HARROW AY. pnv 2 1-'3 pa ich. For Liverpool The fast sailing copper bottomed packet ship FACTOR, Robinson, master, will commence * loading immediately and meet with every dis- For freig-ut or passage apply to William Gaston. nor 7- 1 r*."> OA For Liverpool The fine fast sailing coppered Philadelphia ,•??>&. fndlt ship DIDO, captain Maxwell, will meet Ski Mwith dispatch. For freight or passage apply to Perry & Wright. nnv 7 t- 133 | » _ — For Liverpool ; _ The fine new ship CLARKSON, captain Wil- wJ'pt'Xson, having a part of her cargo ready, will be j^dklilie eurlit. t ship off. For freight, ao.ply t > R. Richardson. net—5—119 For Liverpool The copper bottomed ship LORD WHIT- k WORTH, Joseph Yond, master. For freight Lot* 3J0 bales cotton apply to the master on board, nr to S. C. DUNNING, „ov 1 134 No. 2. Commerce Rom For Liverpool ^ The ship REBECCA, captain Nimmo, 2S5 tons Ji^fevburthen, will cmliipejice loading on. Month.} Xfi^iutxt, and will be dispatched immediately. For fref-. applv to R. RICHARDSON. oct 29— 129 For Liverpool The fine new and fast sailing ship ALBERT GALL.Vi IV, Charles Clark, master, will meet £«4&£with immediate dispatch, one half of her cargo •being now engaged. For freight of the residue or pus- S:-having good accommodations, apply to the master on board, at Hunter’s wharf, or to Charles Cotton, On the Pan, near the Exchange rfho has for sale, now Landing from said ship, 5 b ies Cloths 2 do Stockings 3 boxes Glass 10 do Pipes 10 casks white Lead 50 quintals Codti.-ii 100 barrels Apples 20 b_mls Pears 10 coils Cordage / HOT l - -131 For Liverpool The staunch, fast sailing Philadelphia ship .— — JOHN BULKELEY, Roger Horner, master, «*w&iiKowiil be dispatched among the first vessels. For freight apply to JAMES JOHNSTON. For sale 50 boxes apple and 50 boxes crab Cider, in boxes of one dozen each 2000 bushels Liverpool ground Salt I or Bordeaux The f .st fine sailing coppered Philadelphia built ship TH A I.IA, captain Morns, is daily expected and will be dispatched without delay, having two tliirds of her cargo already engaged. For freight or passage, having excellent accommodations, apply to Perry nov 7——r. 133 & Wright. For Havre The staunch and elegant New-York built brig JANUS, Congdon, master, will have quick dis patch, four hundred and fifty bales being engag ed, and provisions made to furnish the remainder, if it should not be otherwise offered immediately. For terms offreight of what is wanted, or passage, (tne accommo dations being very superior,) applv to Henry W. Hills. nov 7 133 For Havre The substantial and fi st sailing ship WINI FRED, Charles W.Geiston. master. Forfireight or passage, having excellent accommodations, to the master on board, or to Calvin Baker 8C Co. 12 135 * . Fur Havre brig GUSTAV US, Wingate, master, will be taken on The fc One hundrtd bales cotton sfreight. Apply on board at Bolton’s wharf, or to Hazen Kimball. 9 w 134 For New- York (To meet -with immediate dir-patch) The fine new packet brig LAURA ANN, Pe ter F. Coffin, master. For freight or passage, having elegant accommodations, apply to the captain on board, at Bolton’s central wharf, or to S. C. Dunning, - .Vo. 2, Commerce Row For sale on board 10 ton 9weeds Iron, 40 bis prime and cargo Beef 8 bis Potatoes no, '2 .35 For New-York The packet brig SAVANNAH PACKET, to ^Iry^sail on Sunday next. For freight, or p-sNage ap- ^ afryTpi p'y on board, at Rice’s wharf, or to P. Schenk, nov 12 <——1 '5 For iNew-York The regular packet b ig ELIZA, Potter, mas- likSkwler. For freight or passage, apply to tne cap- ^i , *Tii’ , " ri on board, at M’Kinne’s wharf, or to H ill & Hoyt. nov 5—132 For Boston The schooner SARAH ANN, captain Lum- r bard, having half her freight ready to go on board. For fr ight or passage, apply to the captain on board or to Glmstead &* Eattelle. (v-t 22—1 "6 " For Baltimore Tl'.e regular packet brig CAT.YPSO, captain .Neill, will sail on Thursday next. For freight -applv to R. RICHARDSON. r-sd-apply to nov 9- -134 For Baltimore The fine new schooner M INF,RYA, captain k T.erneel Snow, will be disnslched immediate;} . ,F, r freight or passage apj -iv to L. Petty Co. nov 7 Hi 200 pieces cotton Bagging, Crockery nnv 9—134 For Liverpool The fine coppered bng FRIENDS, captain vf'J'SkGeorge Wilson, burthen 235 tons, will meet .-sli^Uwitii dispatch. For freight of two hundred haiieis rice, on advantageous terms, or cotton, applv to J. Wallace; it ho ofers for sale received by said vessel, l6) tons Liverpool ground Salt, *0 tons Coals l2 cases coarse Hats Crates Crockery Ware, assorted Kegs Paint, stone Jugs and Bottles no. )2 35 For Liverpool CtnienfM as a regular packetJ The fine AfBtjican ship JOHN & EDWARD, S. 8. Webb, maste r, hm lhen 320 tons, built of «lk,iive oak", locust and ftdar, copper fastened, and riy coppered tc die bends," Hili commence loading in Mr days; having a considerable part of her cargo en- :ed will meet with dispatch. For freight or passage r accommodations being elegant) apply to captain as, on board, U M'Kinnt's ivJy-rt. oct 19—125 For Liverpool The brig TWO BRO i HERS, William Lap. SJ^bam, master, burthen Slid tons, iu complete ur- SFdcTaadready to take in; can be dispatched hav. apart of her cargo engaged. For freight of pas- e apply oh board, at Bolton’s central wharf, or to ' J.BATTEILE. If >v 9 -,134 vg For Greenock .... The ship WILM.AM FELL, Jolm Boan, mas- ‘ftf-. ter. A considerable part of her cargo beuiir fewucngagcil, she will meet with dispatch. For ‘bi't or passage apply op Smith’s wharf to Joseph Carruthers Co. XT’ Tlie consignees of goods, by the William Fell, Requested to-get their goods entered anil leave the "inits as hm e. as soon as possible. nov 7- 1 ‘"’ -133 For England,- (Or any jj'ri-t on the Continent,) The staunch coppered brig SPARTAN, C, M. .Coffin, piaster, is now in complete readiness to ^receive a cargo, part of which is now ready to on “uard. For Wight, for the reminder, apply on- d Johnstdn’g \wljarf, or to smr- -Ip Rea & Butler. For Providence, (r. t.) The fast sailing brig HUNTER, Rodman, master, will sail by the 13th. Fur freight or passage apply to the master on board, or to Ii. h. CUTTErt, nov 9—xr—134 .It the comf'tivg room of OlmsfeadPutte'h. For freight or charter The fast sailing staunch ship GLENTHORN, captain Rainey, now in complete order to re- •SiLSotceive a cargo. Applv to , Henry W. Hills. * nov 7 133 Bills on New-York AND PHILADELPHIA. For sale by A. ERWIN,’ LETHBRIDGE feCO. or 8 - V Biils for sale on cw-York. Apply to CALVIN RAKER & CO. noy 12— 135 For sale BILLS ON NEW-YORK. Apply to JOHN HUNTER, nnv i? 135 For sale EXCHANGE ON LIVERPOOL, Parable in Lutdon. BILLS ON NEW-YORK. Also Codec, in bags; Claret, in boxes of 1 uozen eachf 8 baskets sweet Oil, 1 dozen each; 3 pipes 4lh proof Cognac Brandy, 12 casks nf excellent Porter, 8 dozen each; a few bales of Plains. Blankets and Flannels. Ap plv to RICHARDS & HARROW AY. nov 9 134 Windsor Cnairs. 6 dozen finisl.ed in bronze 15 do common uo. - For sale by J. ilanmer. nov 5 132 Sait. 10,000 bushels Liverpool GROUND SALT., For sale by THOMAS GARDNER, nnv 2 r. 1.31 bait. ' 1000 bushels Turks Island SALT. For sale hv M. Herbert Co. net 19—125 ' ror saie 50 tons axe bar and waggontire IRON it. Richardson. oct 29 129 Now landing, ana for sale, 23 hogsheads Molasses 75 bags Codec 50 do Ratal iu Sugar R. Richardson. nnv 2 191 .fist recoivevl An invoice of 12 trunks and 1 case Whips and Brushes, comprising an excellent assortment, and be sold low. Apply to J. LATIIROP fe CO. novetnner 7 133 fluntn ’s wharf. For sale Planters’ B‘.nk S TOCK. Apply at this office, oct 31 130 For sale 7000 bushels best Liverpool ground Salt 50 crates well assort! d Crockert ware Now landing’from on board the ship Thomas Gibbons, from Liverpool. Apply to JAMES DICKSON fe CO. nov 5—132 For- sale 50,00''(Jfi et clear white pint BOARDS 100 kegs BUTTER 11 cases wool HATS R. Richardson. oct 39 129 For sale 15 kegs cut Nails, assorted; 10 hhds ami 69 bis. Whis key, do bis. ship Brcati, 150 bis. fresh s ip - ••fine Flour. R. Richardson. nov 9 134 J ust Kectavtai Front Linn-pool 150 casks bes‘ brown Stout, 50 crat^assor’ed Crock ery ware, For sale by M. HERBERT fe CO. nov 9 134 Auction. On Monday, the 18th insL H ill be sold on the premises Those two BUILDINGS, fronting Mr. Joseph Charier’^ stoicorner of the Bay and Drayton street; to be remov. ed previous to the 1st of December. Terms, cash. Sale to commence at II o’clock M. Herbert & Co. auct’r«. nov 5 132 f ov sale, freight or ciiarier A substantial fast sailing BRIG, of about two . 'p-v hunilred tons burthen, well found. Also For Boston ^ The fast sailing brig 1IOLLON, Ephraim At : x'5^kinS’ master, will sail on Friday next 15th i’-st. asSvtfSS: wind and weather permitting, having part of a cargo engaged. For freight or passage, apply to the master on board, at Moor’s wharf, or to I. liL jNTETt 8c CO. jVs. 1, Pices’ -wharf. tVho have for sale ISO casks cut Nails 10 iifids. N. E. Rum 2 cases first quality fur Hats 6 do do do wool do 50 boxes Herring 50 do. brown Soap TO bis. Shoes, letter and writing Paper 1 elegant mahogany comptingroom Desk, Sideboard, ,Secretaries, ladies dressing Tables, card Tables, fee, nov 9—134 8aIt, Ooiiee, 6tc. 3000 bushels of Liverpool ground, 50 barrels prime green Coffee, 2tW pieces prime cotton Bagging - . For sale by BENJAMIN HOWARD & CO. 134 Hunter’s -wharf For freight or charter, fo ann northern port, The brig (JENIJIIAL JACIiSON, burthen ^AFJiyBiHety Tons, W. T. Pearce, master, a staunch . vifTStevessel; will be ready to receive a cargo on Mon- lay nc'xt. For further particulars, enquire of the cap tain, on board, at Smith’s wharf, or to P. H- & T. Crapon, TVho have for sale, received by said vessel, 100 Grindstones 2 cases northern Homespuns, containing Chambrays, £itripes, Plaids, Shirting and Checks 1 case India Goods 100 bis Potatoes, Onions, fee, 1 case Bedticking oct3I-—-130 For sale The brig LANGDON CHEVES, burthen about 200 tons,' copper fastened and sheathed. A staunch, fast sailing vessel, well found in every respect, and ready to receive a cargo on board. For terms, which are liberal, apply to M. Herbert & Co. oct 12 —122 sale Jl All A Negro Woman, a good cook, washer and ironer, with her Female Child, about nine years old. Apply to Joseph Bacon. nov 0 v- 11 i i lie subscriber Ifns just rereivetl. from Liverpool, An extensive assortment of extra superfine blue, black and fancy colored cloth Coats, rich Florentine, white Marseilles and fancy Vests, superfine and second cloth Surtouts and Pantaloons, a large assortment ; all of which will be sold low for cash, by Leslie Thompson, nov 9— 134 JTferchant 1'avlor. The subscriber Has removed to his lower wharf, next above that of James Wallace, esq ; JAMES jOUNSTON. nov 9 ?t 134 John Tanner Having taken captain Otis Dy'lh in'.rf copartnership, the business will be cohrhi ted under the firm of TANNE II & DYER, li'/io offer ftrr sole An extensive assortment of woolen, cotton, linen and silk GOODS; together witli HARDWARE and CUT LERY. nov'9 134 Auction. POSITIVE SALES. Dry Goods and Hardware. m TO COM MENCE ON Tuesday, the 19th day of November, . hid continue, from day to day, until the whole is disposed of. Superfine and common Cloths and Cassimeres White, red and vellow Flannels, white and assortedPlailfit Bombazets, Bombazines-and Katinets Rose, point and duffil Blankets, Irish Linens Cambrics, Lawns anil cotton Shirtings Furniture and common Dimity, Ginghams Muslins, Toilinets and Marseilles Vestings Brown Holland, Checks and Stripes Stockinet and fancy Cords, silk and cotton Handker chiefs and Shawls, Turkey red Curtain and common Calicoes, Chintz and Sarsneta Silk, cotton and worsted Hose, assorted English and German table Cloths and Napkins, commotl . and superior Velvets, Corduroys and princes’ Cords Laventine and Florence Silks, assorted Gentlemen and ladies’ kid and silk Gloves Ribbons, Tapes, Bobbins, Threads, Needles and Pin's Shot, Lead, Anvils, trace Chains, weeding Hoes, Axef_, .Spades and Shovels, rice Seives * Crates of E .rthcnware and boxes Glassware, assorted for the country, and a general assortment of Hard ware and Cutlery. Terms of sale—all sums under 200 dollars, cash; over 200 to 500 dollars, two and four months; over 500 to 1000 dollars, two, four and six months; over 1000 dollars four and six months, approved endorsed paper. v S. C. Dunning, auct ? r. nov 5 132 i ickets On Wednesday, the 13th inst. the price of Tickets in the MEDICAL SCIENCE LOTTETY will be advanced to eiaven iioelabs. The present pride is tex Domes WARRANTED UNDRAWN. The lists have been received to the fifteenth day, aj)d the following high prizes are vet in the wheel; 30,000 DOLLARS 10,000 DOLLARS 5,000 DOLLARS. &c. W. T. Williams. nnv 9- -134 Lord Byron, 'The Hero of a Novel!!! Glenarvon, in two volumes, price g2. The work is the production of lady Caroline Lamb; and the real hero is no other than lord Byron. The fair author is a lady of rank and eccentricity, the daughter of an Irish earl, xnd the work contains a deliniation of her own life as well as the lives of some’ofthe most distinguished of her acquaintances. Popular Models and Impressive Wamingsfor the Sons and Daughters of Industry, by Mrs. Grant—2 vols. gl 50. Essays in Ulnuie, or Morals and Manners, by JoAo Taylor, author of Display, &c. price 62J cents. Scriptures Romani, vol. i5th—for subscribers. The Ward of Delamere, a Novel, in 2 vols. g2. Lord Byron s Works, complete, a new edition, con- tabling all his late Poems, in 3 vols. ALSO, Just received from Condon, via Idverp-iol, by the ship Lord TVhitivnrth, A variety of new and valuable Books, which will be opened in a few days. W. T. WILLIAMS. nov i2 p 135 ■ ■ ■ ' ■ — — ■ - - - II On consignment, From New-York, per Savannah Packet, 2 cases Mil LINF.TTV, containing sattin beaver Hats and Bonnets, chip, straw and Leghorn Bonnets, Feather* and Valid}cks, of th< - latest fashions. For sale by William H. Joyner & Co. nov i2 a r35 Taylor’s wharf Woolen Jackets. A quantity Woolen Jackets, suitable for negroes, which hr sold' low. D. WILLIFORD. ’ Will nov ■2- -i31 Crockery and nagging. J 100 crates well assorted Crockery * 200 pieces Cotton Bagging. For s de by *—■ S. C. DUNNING. V nov 12- 135 JWo. 2, Commerce Ro Cotton Bagging. 250 pieces best heavy Inverness Bagging, just received' AND, IX STOEE, 10 quarter casks superior quality old Port Wine 10 tons waggontire. axe bar Iron and share Moulds For sale low bv GEORGE GORDON. -135 Inverness Bagging, Iron, Wine, &c. 150 pieces superior Bagging 20 tons assorted Swceds Iron Jl half pipes Sicily Madeira Wine, ten vears aid 10 bis Vinegar, 2 boxes No. 10 cotton Cards 100 pieces of homespun Woolens 100 pieces of homespun Cotton, 200 pieces Hunihum* 100 do colored Plains, low priced Sugar, in hot-shead* No. I, 2 and 3 Boston Beef. . For sale bv Whitney & Parkman, nov 12 * 135 Hunter’s wharf Just received, And for sale, An invoice of Hosiery, AND A small invoice of Hardware, Laid in 15 per cent lower than any other in Market. The purchaser will have thtr privilege of bonding for nJ^ n — R & J. BOLTON. -134 The subscribers Have just received, and offer for sale, i0 casks Goshen Cheese, iGO bis. pickled Herring 20 half bis New-York inspected Beef 3 bis Barnes’ do Ale, id do. Potatoes i5 halfbls. groat Bread, kegs Soundsand Tongues.. -r— -- —c* aery, nav 8 4 seroons Spanish Tobacco, 7 pieces cotton Ra^ginc: e 8hibiispea tnemaeives m this riMhin the FACTOR i invoice pocketBapks, iOO club Axes, 20 broad do COMMISSION BUSINESS, and hope from their at on hash, at retaii, tention and strict punctuality to render satisfaction to A'good assortment of Groceries their employers. JSAAC COURSE. Palmes & Davidson. ... james mopk, ‘ ntSvC-of-O* "I StfonnoA ***** The subscribers,