Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, November 14, 1816, Image 4

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By thi ship Lucy, just arrived from Liverpool ANDREW LOW & CO. Have received a part of their WINTElt GOiJDS^vbich, together with ttiose already on hand, they d on moderate and •accommodating’ terms.^* Their Stock-, besides other .l/licles, contains 72 bales duffil Blankets j Brussi Taaeipliia Razee Robert a> John Dolton Have just received, by the ship William Fell, from Liverpool, A small invoice of HARDWARE, Which they offer for said cheap, giving the purchaser The subscriber ol Mr. Robi 709 pair of men’s 200 do do 500 do do 800 do do BOO do do BOO do do 200 ,do do BOO do do 500 do ladies' 600 do Grecia. 400 do do ’ 400 do boy’s ' 400 do child l-e 500 do negro Will be sold on James Carruthers |V * (smith’s W’i Uf) fftts imported by the ship milium Fell, Coarse and fine Cloths * White aud blue Thins Bristol and London duffil Blankets 200 pieces cotton Bagging Patent and Carolina I loes Chain traces, 100 crates assorted Ware 6 tierces assorted fancy Ware 10 boxes tea Sets 50 casks bottled London Porter and 200 tons (coarse) Liverpool Salt Which he offers for sale by the piece moderate terms. nov 7 ALSO, I* 8TOJIK, A few dozen Hutch portable Liquor Cases James Camither (smith’s wham) Offer? for sale * gentlemen’* elegant and fashionable Gold Watches, Gold FaceSy Rose Edged, Patent Leavers, &c. maker, Bos- kell; 2 ladies’ ditto, which he will sell very low. Also twofrunks ready .made. Clothing, of the very best quality and made by the most fashionable tailor in Livcr- or package, on Madeira Wine The undersigned havin] I The undersigned having been appointed Agents for the very respectable house of John IIowabd Maiu u & Co of Madeira; they will, at any time receive, from respon sible persons, subscriptions or orders for any quantity of ^Madeira Wine, which will be selected and shipped bv the said house, with all possible care and attention- anil the persons whom it is for will be drawn upon at thirty or sixty days sight for the cost, which will require to be accepted at the time when the wine is delivered. As the Marieet at Madeira is generally advantageous for the sale of Rice, the undersigned will attend to the shipment of any parcel ordered to be consig ned to" the above mentioned house, to whom they will transmit the shippers’ instructions for insurance, appropriation and remittance.^ WILLIAMSON & DEVILLERS, nov 3—TT—4M Fmort and CtmnwsivjfAfei-chants 1 case of castor Hats 8 do" rorum do 3 do youth's do 4 do hoy’s do 1. do*J wool do Tlie followiiig. GOOny, received per ship Oneida, from fT-.w. • .. Mew-York, at wholesale or retail, Rose Blankets, London Duffils, Irish Sheetings, Platil- h* Sheetings, cotton. Shirtings, Plusliings, Bandana Handkerchiefs, Bombazets, assorted; Calicoes cambric Prints, rjpttpn Ifpst., furniture Calico, colored Cambrics, Continue to transact and COMMISSION BUl they are the agents for ir on saySnnah liner, they \ large supply of assorted CTORAGE ?b wharf; as ft-Savi-.Mills l on hand a Sicily M&deif ar Wrhe f THEr SUBSCRIBERS jfctSS received, on consignment, by the may of JVev-Yurk, 30 pipes, half pipes Mid quarter casks of tins Wine trhiob'aiby offer for sale on accommodating terms. They have alto for tale, Negro Cloths, in bales and in clothing made up into Jackets and Trowsers; .and Rice and Cotton of the new CiW CARNOCHAN k MITCH EL. Vpt 38 116 1 Cifmmihg & Moorhead The subscriber Continues to transact the FACTORAGE and COMM1S JON BUSINESS, at No. 37, Boltsn’s central wharf, a mediately above Brooks k Wellman’s gro eery) where e proofs stores are provided for the safe-keeping of __ sduce. T. POLHILL. ” oct 15—®a—123 ’f he subscribers Continue to transact business, as FACTORS and COM- AnSSION MERCHANTS, and will be thankful for the prolonged favors of their friends. *•' They offer for tale Superfine PhiladelphiaFlour Lisbon and Sherry Wine, in pipes and quarter casks Country Gin and West India Rum. George 8£ Alexander M. Ker. nor 2- -131 The subscribers Have for tale, received per brig Hollon,from Boston, <50 cases assorted Shoes 3 do napped Hats £ do children's morocco Hats 1 do plated Whips Hi boxes best No, 10 cotton Cards '1 do do do 5 wool do 2>0 reams pot aud letter Paper Landing from brig Too Broth 2<j bis New England Rum T3 casks Lead, in small bars 2 cases domestic GOODS T II. CONDY & CO. nov 2 o 131 .V". 21. /(niton's Range hers Butter. 100 small firkins fresh Goshen Butter, fit for family Ust. Also 15 dozen Windsor Chairs and 2 Settees, New York manufactory. For sale by BRANT & FOX. nov 7 r-——133 T- fa-'-'s eharf Received,. Pn- schooner Friends and sloop Volant, 20 tons Iron, assorted 4S, boxes window Glass lit boxes tea China, and 2 tierces containing China Desert, Bets and Jars For sale by 13 A AG COHEN & CO. oct -29 129 T~^- Deev 6t Martin Offer for tale 1 case woolen Gloves 8-i pieces cotton Bigging 5 ba7e linen and cotton Shirts 1 ti i wo.ilea Jackets 1 hUd negro I Lise and Socks boxes first quality Spanish CigC(*3 half boxes Soap 10 crates queen’s Ware OFFER FOR SALE The follosbing articles, at very lose prices and on accommo dating credits, viz. 20 boxes Irish Linens, assorted, part of which were pur chased at Dublin ii^July last 1 ditto fine Long Lawns 2 ditto superior quality Vestings 2 trusses superfine west of England Cloths 60 pieces heavy Kentucky Cotton Bagging 4 pipes Cognac Brandy A few hogsheads green Coffee 100 boxes dipt Candles 100 casks superior quality cut Nails, assorted; Crowly and German Steel, &c. nov 7—.v—133 The subscribers Hive for sale, noio landing from ship Jane, from Liverpool, 39 crates superior EAR’iTEN WARE ALSO, BBCXTVEB BT LAX* ARRIVALS, 20 bis No. 1, 2 and 3 Beef 5 hhds N. E. Rum 30 dozen Windsor Chairs Bedticking and priest Cloths Razor Straps, Tentania Teapot3 Castings, sacking Lines 3 Cables, 4 Hawsers Olmstcad & Battelle. nov 7 m 133 The subscribers 50 barrels The subscriber Has for sale on board brig Two Brothers, from Buslon, lying at Bolton's v/harf, 30 his. prime green Coifee 50 do N. E. Rum 50 do No. 3, Mr.ckarel 50 do No. 2, Beef 26 do. No 3, do 40-boxes first quality yellow Soap * 20 do first do mmid Candles 200 Grindstones 100 casks cut Nails, assorted sizes 1 bale Baflas 1 do fine Sawns 1 do Gurrahs 00 pair Grafton Shoes 300 do Roan Shot s 5 trunks Boots and Shoes, assorted 19 boxes superfine cotton aud wool Cards 2 barrels giauber Sail Its Lots Hihgham boxes, Buckets. Pails. Sec. John W. Read. nov 9 134 The subscribers 40 kegs Tobacco 50 do Butter 13 bd£es Chocolate % 9 do English MUstard y .10 do Cayenne Pepper 3 do playing Cards, assorted <1,000 Philadelphia Bricks 1 ~box counting house, chamber nr.4 pock-t Lights : 3 casts Rifles, Philadelphia manufacture; Bureaus, and Akerman’s Water Colors, laielv imnorred, and Akerman’s water Colors, lately imported; with Camel’s hair Pencils, kc. Apply at the store .if OLMSTEAD & BATTELLE. Norton 6c Wadhams returnedfrom the north, and are opening a general assortment of STAPLE AND FANCY GOODS,viz. Bes^-ptiperfine Broadcloths and Kerseymeres 4 tomrnon Cloths, Plains and Kerseymeres Itoniii .zets, Colicoey Dimities, Ginghams Cambrics, fancy Muslins, Lenoes _ Plain and twilled Silks, Poplins, silk Shawls MeriuO and other fancy Shawls Figured silk Laces, cotton Fringe A large suply chencile.Cords j Ladies’ and gentlemen’s silic Hose, Ratinelts I Purses, Iridispensibius, e-lastic Garters Ribbons, Hosiery, Buttons, Thread, and Tapes Blankets, Flannels, domestic Ginghams Bed Ticking, ladies’ and gentlemen’s Gloves, I (jits With, a variety of other articles too tedious to enume rate— most of which.have been purchased at miction in New-YOrk, at redueeij prices, and wilt be sold as low as in’trie city. Have for sale 30 boxes pint and half pint Tumblers 89 pieces company Nankeens 70 casks 4.1, 6,i, lOd, 12d and 20Tpatept cut Nails 5 casks Marseilles Wine 595 suits negro Clothing 512 pair men’s Shoes ( 220 Grindstones, 25 bags Pepper 300 sets Measures, 100 dozen wood Cocks 45 dozen Axes, 50 red and black Waiters 40 boxes cotton and wool Cards 100 Trunks, 10 kegs Shot, S casks Flints 7 (latent Time-Pieces, lOu Bridles 10 Bedsteads, 120 dozen bed Cords 13 gTOce vest Buttons 53 do coat do 16 do suspender Buttons 40 dozen chalk Lines, 55 do three square File* 36 do Knives and Forks, 14 pair Caudiesticks 39 boxes Pipes, 5 Bureaus 12 fowling Pieces 2 pair Pistols 18 Ciiairs 8 bis giauber Salts, 10 dozen printed Shawls 20 dozen case Combs, 47 do ivory Combs 200 casks stone Lime 30 boxes Soap, 20 do Windsor Soap 300 lbs Turkey oil Stone 160 Demijohns, 100 pieces Inverness cotton Tagging Letter, writing, printing, wrapping and shvathi Paper Looking Glasses, blank Books, &.c. Olrastead SC Battelle. oct 24—127 eathing at any pthcr Btore Also on consignment, SO casks real Goshen Cnecsej' first quality 7 gross Almanacks 1 Gig, second hand 32 crick Bedsteads 1 case nnib-'.-ii-AS and Parasols nov i- Min is be Henry Have received, by recent arrivals', A large supply ofGOODS, which they offer for sale, tiy the piece or package, consisting of Cassimeres, Coatings, Flannels,' Blankets; factorage and commission. The subscriber having rented colonel Johnston’s wharf and fire proof Stores, offers his services to his f riends and tlje public in the above line, n PONCE. On hand and far sale 100 tons Swedes Tron 50 crates Earthenware 10 casks cut and plain Glassware Hardware, Cutlery, Anvils, Vices Hoes, trace Chains, Shot Welch Plains, Flannels, Bombazets Ginghams, Handkerchiefs, ike. nov 7_ P _133 R. & J. Habersham Blankets; white and blue Plains, superfine Cloths, pelisse ditto; Carpeting, Bombazets, Velveteens, lIusieHy, Gloves, Uimitie.i, hair -’ Cords, Ginghams, Calicoes, Shawls, Balasore Handker chiefs, long Cloths, Linens, Sheeting, Shirting, Vesting, Ribbons, Bnjulanpes, .Lawns, Cambrics, Threads, Car peting, brown Holland, Ravens Duck, GrandarilU/es. A large assortment ol' CUTLERY ALSO, A . -300 Demijohns 50 huga&sds prime Sugar 200 bags Coffee 1 8 12 Have received, on consignment, and for sale 5 bates white Plains * ditto Blankets case Linen bags green Coffee boxes Tin Cotton Bagging Sheet Lead, and Patent Iloes or ( 29-1-139 50 crates well assorted Chockerywr re 200 pieces prime Inverness H.igect 15-^“-!2^, Bureaus and wash Sfaijds T. H. Comly 7 jun. & Co. nov 7 <+ 133 vVy ^1, t$<jiton*8 iiaiigt Fall Ooods. „ YHE Sl’BSCR: KBS Have received; by the ship ; ,/ m j- A large and well svitetert supply of s as- which, with tiieii present stock, will r. m. : ment very complete, and which they w.d - ■hlPTP AH , . J piece or package, on reasonable and r Ti.. ’• b T UiC:r . a ontfiDj ■ns ; 'vrt, y .fie 5 do 30 do 10 do 8 do 6 do 3 do 6 do rose Blankets white Plains colored Plains Flannels Coatings, Flushings and blu Oassimeres, assorted black and colored Bon 175 pieces Bagging 6 trunks worsted and lamb’s 1 JAMES DiCivSON' Aew Crocus. CHARLES W. CARPENTER^ (fl a rcCC il'f\ sooner Mechanic * . "'il’.CIt A part of their FALL ■ 12 do ootton Stockings 35 do printed Calicoes ' 4 do do Marseilles, 3 do woolen Vestelets lfl do cotton Cambrics 4 do black Cambrics^— 6 do cot ton twist 60 do assorted Muslin^f 15 do cotton UmbreUatfl 2 do Bombazines 2 do black 1 do baick , fi . MTac. GOOD-, they oner lor sale, consisting of cloths ( ’ Coating, Blankets, Flannels, Bombazets, oliic^ MnTr Jl'/to, have on hand and -witl be ------ — nec- j7i?7 rr general assortment oi SADDLERY nan,'’ - il'Ct rv itinnzit. the best manner. -'•lured New .3Lore. -s-L ;n The subscribers have received A LATUIE A Ml (. If HAL ASSOUTM EUROPEAN, FRENCH AND CAN ! Consisting of the following article T o X(. i til: 0DS, 50 cases of f Have for sale, landing from brig Eagle from Providence, Cases brown Linens, quilting Vests, Toilinets, premi um Dowlas, Colerain Shirtings, fancy Calcutta plaid silk Muster, sistersoy Handkerchiefs, mixed Broadcloth, &c. A LSO ,. 2 cases first quality Bonnets 1 case domestic Goods 10 hhds and 7 pur ,, Kew-Englund RUM 20 do 2 do 12 do 8 do 6 do 10 do 1 do bombazines ler Pins feedlc.; knali casks 'with c. JVlt ml John Edwaisl, from TJvcr- just arrive/1, bordering and hearth Rugs to Carpeting, and carpet Binding ; and tab It Covers f Cassimeres feat coats cloths loiiibazets, for childrens’ wear Idurovs 7 : 8 and 4-4 Irish Linens, long Lawns and Sheeting Ci ^» Mapcins Rtcii embroidered silk Stockings, worsted a,.a blict s* ciieap linens, very hcoes lace Viels. and bed Lace Lth, for billiard tables rider supply of negro Cloth, Hon Bagging, Ac. oct 26- 129 Levantines, Florences, Sattin, plain and figured Plain ami figured Lus.ring and Satan Ribbons l anton Crapes, d.tin.,sk Canton crape Shams U-ack Sine hews, plaul Sarsnels, flag- and R.ndana Hand- kerchiefs, men s womerdssiik u.d red Li., ves Black and white lace \ nis, ShawlsanuFisheus Huiiouics, tiircad Lacc-s, See. With a variety of other FANCY GOODS; uhich they offer 'or sate, bv wholesale ainl rehu,, at'tltei, store J joynson’s square, Pie third acor west from aL L. w & Co. p. R Vi-hLYK ^ asrs. A. . J'J. John S. iiey Has just returned from New-York, ;.t:o is r ARROW BOOT8. by the brig Olynlhus, from Philadelphia, Jw BOOTS, of Keatting’s manufactory do do do do now opening at his stoi c, in Bryan street, where he oh, rs for sue on the lowest terms, ALSO, o-York, by the brig Thames, kof ladies’ and gentlemen’s SHOES, ike. For sale by John Douglass, Gibbons' buildinp Shoes, bcc. .A ero- York, by the ship Ceres, Quality negro Siiqes ALSO, Boots Jackson Boots walking Shoes Slippers and Tie3 ALSO, ent of men’s fine and second qua- k&c. For sale by John Superfin. biue, black and brown Cloths; stmt-fins blue, black, drab and mixed Gasshnere; elegant f.,r,ci Vtst- i-'tf; black, green, drab and purple tabby Velvet- silver Cord, blue and mixed satinet Lion-Skin, biue Co ting and water proof Cloth; blue and black Flannel; and figured Bombazet, silk Umbrellas, Irishlaaen, do Shirting, HurnlnTms, striped :md mixed Homespun, flag Handkerchiefs, ladies’ white suk Hose and Gloves, 6 kid do. cotton and beaver do. black worst< d Uo^ worsted Socks, silk Buttons, patent Cloth, do ball yes Buttons, kc. He also offers to furnish customers with snperfe Coats, made and trimmed in the best manner, fortv.<n. tr eight dollars; superfine cas.imere Pantaloons, for eleven dollars; Coats mad-’ and trimmed in the best mrrur r f r ten dollars oct 29—i.—129 Jirooks Welmau Douglass, ’■M. hnihUr. SHOES, y E. s. KEMPTON. Lvctt, 14 150 12(1 3500 1200 2.i0 dt bh iO do 300 do 500 do 100 do < 300 do 2500 do 2 rjO do 4p0 do 1100 do 500 do S00 do 1000 d,o 200 do 3590 do ie, east uf the Ereh/ingo, ND EIGHT PACKAGES, r cmvTA ivi.v a flenicu’s fine Boots do si condiy quality Boots do Wellington’s d« d > fine Slioes ItttP lined and bound Slices fine I’umps ^fcoroepo Bootees do Slips Perry Laces Sandals t morocco Slippers with military heels L white Kid M*n leather Shoes kid Shoes occo SfipjKrs “■j-occo Boots titer do (orocco and leather Shoes lumps Have now landing, per schooner Harriet Newell; from New-Y rk, and other arrivals from Boston and Charles ton, the following articles, wnich mattps their assortment,, (with what they have lately received) large and oaffl- piete, and which they offer for Sale on their ii ual accom modating terms, viz:— 107 hhds superior qualify Xew-Orieans, St. Croiq ana Ja maica Sugars 20 hhds high 4th proof Jamaica Ilum, warrar.tsa J®* 10 tons Russia Iron 40 bags Pepper and Spice 6 boxes assorted Saddles 6 crates Connecticut Earthenware 1U chests fresh hyson and young hyson Teas, (iir.pcytsd this month) 12 dozen long and short billed Axes r >ct 31 t——-130 Way (Sc Baker Samuel G. Biineii inuel Evans, jun. Has fait received, per brig Turn Brothers, and for sale, 10. casks viery fine Cheese 15 boxes Choeolate 13 dozen stone Jug*, of from a quart to three gallons each 3t the latf residence Mark et-square. : Sliues Vdo do do Focco I’umps do 4|0 Have received, by recent arrivals from A’/nr-Tork, An assortmeht of DRY GOODS, which ti-ej wU dis pose of, at wholesale or retail, at very reduced prices. _ Siiepherd’s extra superfine Cloths, fine and esa'se Cloths and Cassimeres, toilinet and Marseilles Vesting, London (infill and rose Blankets, white and colored Plains, Carpeting and carpet Binding, white and colored Flannels, negro Hose, priest Cloths, black and colored Bombazines and Bombazets; worsted, lamb’s wool, cot ton and silk Hose and Socks; mull mtiii, c nibric, book .jackonet and leno Muslins; Irish Linens, long L - ns, table and towelling Diaper, damask linen table Cloths, linen Cambrics, Trish and German Sheering, cotton Cafli- I’rics, cotton Shirtings, furniture and common Calicoes, Dimities, Ginghams, striped Muslins, Bedti, king; lA'an- tine, Fiorence, Italian and I:ulia Milks; Merino Shawl?-, black and white lace V iels, black and colored Can-on and 1- rench Crapes; damask, Levantine and serge Shaub, .Marseilles Quiits and Counterpanes; Humhums, flag. IL n " dana, Drury, Romal and black silk Handkerchiefs: siik, thread and cotton L;ices; plain and fringed RJibottSi sjlk anil cotton Umbrellas, plaid Homespups; pen, poor et and pruning Knives, Knives and Forks, Scissors; bof ging, knitting and white chapel Needies, &c. kc, oct 26—f—128 1 lie subscriber has just received, per brig IlenM 0 , from Hamburg, and offers for sale, in the upper part®! 'Jepas*’ auction store, fpr cash or good endorsed puptt, tlie following articles- Russia Sheetings, Ravens Duck. Dowlas, Brit-nri* brown Rowans, Linens, lmen Checks, bed ‘Tick-, iirown Hoi 1,4'ds, rool i.mens, fiuen pocket Handki rchk'h I hiVads, Hosiery, girfli Webbing, oil Cloths, K.hh.-ns, Tielylenhurgs, cotton SIvrtings, Calicoes, sfik UinbrviU-h Button’s Parasol*, silk Rose, Gloves, Silks, siik ?f»aW» and Handkerchiefs, Fr^ge, table Cloths anr! Napki ns » merino Sha-wls, Cassimeres, Cloths, toilet Glass.«, i ):it Covers, Pencils, Candlesticks, Pistols, thread and cotton laice, cut and plain Glassware, looking Glasses, assort* eu, Beads, Jewellery, chimney Ornaments, Sec. An elegant assortment of gold and silver VVATCHE’j- Aiso, 30 demijohns of 4th proof Scheudam Gin, whica will be sold singly to accommodate nurd users David Leicn. oct 26 128 Copartnership. The subscribers entered into copartnership! un der the firm of GrLLsrr Sc Mixkf, arc now opening a ge neral assortment of DRY GOODS, at their store, *out£ side of Johnston’* square; which they offer for f*W 0 town acceptances ut dinety day*. ^ [01 MILOT.’ Superfine Ciotlis and. Cassnnci*es London duffil and rose Blansets White anil blue Plains. Fearnoughts Flannels, assorted; Btaverets and < oi Men’s and women's worsted Hose Silk striped Vesting, Bombazets and ! Cotton Shirtings and Hosier. , men’s and Women's Plates, fancy Calicoes, furniture ditto Lo w priced and fine Ginghams, twined p r i., C( i M ,. : Sukand cotton UmbrcUas, 5-4 and6-4 i.inm,cs Diamond ami baioon tu: mture Plain and figured book. Muslins, mm. mull do Do do do India mull Musuns India mtill Dresses and Shawls Elegant lace Di e sses and Trimmings Rich figured Ve-i.ds and. plushTrimmin-s Artificial Flowers, Goierets and Pelerines Merino and raw siik Shaw is and Handkerchiefs Counterpanes and .'vlurseiiies QuiLs v-eti t in l>dKer oc t u. Acquaint th w c;tv ai d country ir.ends, that thev rje recmvmg- d .fly, pe # tl.e ci nsuiit a.r-vais at tns PVv* . ' 1 r ai1 d Winter stq piv of dry whicn is largo, and extensive, n* the various art,ci<s requisite for tlie country trade; winch liev wi.l disj., 0 f on credit, or for cotton, or cosh, as mav tie molt con- enietit to their custo invrs. seiit 26 m