Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, November 14, 1816, Image 5

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Supplement to the Republican; SAVANNAH, NOVEMBER 14, 1816. & Fin mi Elts t ) d«J C liK' t.K v,m c .rn ' t i .t f) IS fllilCSI VI J it be , atiei A Vi 10 o ffcr f -r s. lof L.ICCH, < ,1 >Slc rv, i ’ill rr Drv Good business, .1.lines Carrutuers mess on hnnself. The commission bu- 11 -1 .s usual, by Joseph Carruthers & Co. k on .uoiicraio terms, u consign in ent &c. november 7 133 Notice is hereby given, that pilotage due the above P , lS ,o be paid to no one but uvself; as I am the on- L r ,on authorized b\ the Commissioners of Pilotage to receive tne same. JOHN G. HOi.CO.M8E, s. c. r. rill Niles’ Register. A few copies of this valuable and useful work remain on li n i For sale, at this office. august 1—91 The subscribers STEPHEN ELLIOTT’S BOTANY Wil: receive the First Number, bv cal!in_r u tne iook- storeof W. T WILLIAMS, oct 19—124 __________ . The Marine an<1 Fire Insurance COMPANY, Of th? '7. ■/ f 'ytrunnnh, Will insure Propertv in floats, between Savannah and ugusta, and at and from place to the other. R. Wayne, secretary. oct 24—127 _ " ___ Elegant Mirrors, ® Of various size* and figures, in gib frames. For sa'e J. J. k F BLANCHARD. oct i—m—nr Harris 71. Hickman H is opened a Ijaw-Oflfice in Suvuiimh, and tenders to (tl’K n.iblic his professional services in the courts of the & stem circuit. oo r 6 120 Notice. The law office of the subscriber, is at the house re lent i\ in the occupation • f doctor \Ti,c.-.o Edward F. Tattnall oct 8—120 N otice. The subscriber, for a short time, will he absent froth ft vannah. Mr. F. S. Mitt.ra will act as rnv attorney. Frede rick S. Fell. OCt 31—130 For sale, If immediate application it made, A two store H OUSE, with other out BUILDINGS, te ther with a HALF LOT, situate in Franklin ward, tier r h- Market, and a good Stand for business. Apply ,.t this Office. nov 7 Ida A HORSE, suitable for a family, being remarkably gentle,,m l a good saddle horse. \iso a second hand G VR'HAGE, being light and suit able fur this place. Enquire at this office, nov 2 .-l 131 bi To let A commodious STORE on the Bay. For terms apply to J. Hanmer. finv i2 1 >5 To rent That well known Stand, on the Thunderbolt Road, form-riy occupied by Mr. Jacob Veaver as a Grocerv! Immediate possession will be given. For terms apply ui A. O'Connor. For sale For sale A pair of well broke carriage HORSES, at a reasona- e price. Apply at this office. nov 5—i.—1 o.2 For sale A light CIIAIR, with plated Harness. Apply to the mater. nov i2 1: 135 nov 7- To rent tie store occupied by Peter Dupon, corner of Drayton Bl-ougiiton streets. Enquire at Gaudrv & Dupon’s 134 The store .nd tore, nov 9 y,.. 'upon i P. DUPON. Fair Dawn. The subscriber will lease the dwelling House at Fair L-Vn, for one or more years—to it is attached forty or iitv acres ot land capable of any improvement, and would ; an object with the subscriber to have put in a state i cultivation. Possession can be given immediately.— ttPPl? B> WILLIAM WOOUBRIDGE, Who has for sale one prime Field Hand and two or capable House Servants. nov i2 1 155 I. rr IV. Tefft & Co. (Juhnsoii’s square.) Aave just received by the William and Lord Whit worth, fii.m Liverpool, and the Savannah Packet, from Ncw-Vork, in ADDITION to their former stock, Patent and Carolina Hoes, gentlemen’s portable writ ing Desks, Yutannia Ware, in tea sets ; coat and vest gilt and plated Buttons ; and a tew casks of assorted Hard-ware, c -ntaining, carpenter’s Rules, codec Mills, Handsaws, Files ; pen, pocket and sportsmen’s Knives ; Scissors, Razors, Knives and Forks, carpenter’s and shoe Hammers, Yutania Spoons, Padlocks, carpenter’s Adzes, iron Squares, trunk, chest, draw and door Locks, iron W eights, house and horse Bells, coat and vest bail Buttons, ike.— Put up by one of the first houses in Bir mingham, expressly for the country trade, which they offer for sale on their usual good terms, nov i2—135 James Poultney (MARKET-SQUARE) Has just received, per ship.. Georgia mid John if Edward, from Liverpool, A LARGE ADDITION TO HIS FOJt-MER STOCK. OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, ike. Among -which are, Casks of socket Spades, cast steel patent Hoes Carolina, narrow and broad Hoes Chian Truces, sad Irons <’ st and waggon Boxes 2d, 3d, 4d, 5d, and 6d wrought clout Nails fid, 8d, lud, 12d and 2ud fine wrought Rose and Clasp Ounce Tacks, head nails 4j. to 6 inch Spikes, ike. .(T.SO A large quantity of American and F.rgl>sh Hollow- ware, an elegant assortment of plated Saddlery, Sic. which is (•tiered for sale on a low advance for cash, or town acceptances; and is well worth the attention of country merchants, ike. N. B. Highest price given for old Brass and Copper, oct 29—1 m—129 > '1 lie subscriber Has imported per ships T loirias Gibbons, Jane, and Wiiliain, from Liverpool, the following GOODS, 2 J Cusks fine wrought clasp bead Nails i2 do fine twisted trace Chains, 4j lbs. and 5 lbs. , per pair 2 do containing table Knives, and Forks, desert Knives and Forks, pen and pocket Knives, double Waded Knives, arts of ivory handled Knives and Forks, with deserts to match 1 c.,sk containing common and patent curry Combs, double and single bolted pad Locks, horse Brush es, steel codec Mills, tinned Iron Spoons and Yu- taunia metal Spool s 4 casts containing single and double barrelled Guns and single and double barrelled gun Locks, some very elegant, patent self filling shot Belts, do fire proof powder Flasks, po a del - Horns, double and sm N le shot Beits 20,000 rifle and double barrelled gun Flints 2l> casks patent Shot 2d quarter kegs English FF rag Gunpowder idO papers double sealed Gunpowder tdd canisters treble strong Gunpowder, manufactured by \V. G. ii.irve’ , Battle Sussex 4 casks bar 1 .cud i4 do BITS London brow n Stout 4 do Slid Icons 3 do green Copperas id tons Iron, assorted 1 do Crowly Siet. (k/0 iron Fols, half gallon to five gallons lOO Spiders, 1OG 50 pair Ami-Irons Sets of Weights, from half ounce to 28 pounds 3 bales London duliii Blankets 1 do Great-coats. For sale, on accommodating sets waggon Boxes OO terms, by nov i2—t—135 J. 11 FRASER, .)/r-k:t-:qj:tue. Ship Chandlery COMMISSION BUSINESS. The subscriber returns his most grateful acknowledge ments to Ids friends and the public, for their liberal support, during the short time he has been in business, at id hopes front his steady attention and punctuality, to still merit a share of their patronage. He has just received from Liverpool, per ships Vulcan, Georgia, and John St Edward, a large and general as- sortment of SHIP CHANDLERY, HARDWARE and CU TLERY, too numerous to enumerate, which be offers at a moderate advance. He will in the course of the next week receive a fur ther supply'from Liverpool, Xew-York and Philadelphia, which in addition to bis present stock, will make his as sortment very complete. CONSISTING OF Paints of all descriptions, Oils, Cordage, 8tc. Casks assorted Shot Ditto superior club Axes Ditto broad ditto Ditto patent Hoes Diito wrought and cut Nails Ditto assorted Spikes Ditto cross cut and whip Saws Shovels and Spades, frying Pans, Sic. A few Italian Irons. A. H. PUTNAM- oct 31—t—130 Andrew G. Semmes Continues the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BU SIN ESS, in this city, and tenders his best services to the public in the above line of business, with the promise tiiat the strictest attention shall be given to all business committed to ins care; he has good tire proof Stores for Rice, Cotton or Merchandize. oct 31-ap-130 Ebeiiezer 8. Rees Returns his thanks to his friends, for their patron age, during <he last season, and informs them and the public generally, th t he continues to transact tne FAC TO HA HE and COMMISSION BUSINESS. as usual, at Rice’s wharf, near the Excliange. nov 7 l- 133 John B. Mangiu, GENTLEMEN AND LADIES’ HAIR DRESSER, Lately from For is, Has the honor of informing the public, that he does every kind of Hair Woik, cuts the hair in the most fasli- ionable style, and will go to the houses of the person, who will honor him with their patronage. IIis residence is at Alexander D'-brosse’s, Bay lane, near the Market • quare. nov 9 m—’—134 A. Erwin, Crenshaw £> Co. Have imported, in the ships Georgia and John If Edward from Liverpool, A very extensive and. well chosen assortment of DRY GOODS, IRONMONGERY, CUTLERY, plated and Ja panned WARE, comprising a complete assortment; which they are now opening and offering for sale in Gibbons’s beck building, near the Market, at the most reduced advance, for cash, produce, approved notes or actep- anecs. • oct 31——130 Ai endian t Taylor. JAMES FOWLER CEast of Messrs. Lo-w, Wallace if Co’s, and nearly oppo site Messrs. Duel, Gresham if Go’s, in St. Julian street ) M as the pleasure of informing the citizens of Savan nah, that iie lias established himseif in tins city, in tlie above business, and w ill have any garment in his line made at a short notice, in the most fashionable manner and by the best of workmen. He hopes,by his experience and assiduity, to share a part of the public patronage. He has selected in New-York, a few of the best of the following Articles, imported into that city, viz: Supertine black, blue and fancy colored Cloths Superfine black, blue, mixed and drab Cassnneres Florentines, Marseilles, Toiiinets. itc. Which L, offered for sale on accommodating terms. (ffp Wan ed one or two of the best JOURNEYMEN- for whom liberal wages will be given. Also \V omen to make Seamen’s Cloths, oct 51 130 Tailoring. JOHN PRENTICE Respectfully informs the gentlemen of Savannah and its vicinity, that he has commenced the Tailoring busi ness, directly opposite.the west side of the Market* when lie intends prosecuting his business in all its vari- oi: > branchts. Gentlemen, who w'ill fat or him with their custom, may depend on having their work done in the Lest s’y ie and the most workman like manner. He will keep constantly on hand, for the accommoda tion of his customers, the best of French and English superfine bread Cloths, Kerseymeres and Vesting. “ Gentlemen will be under no obligation to take their clothes if they do not suit. nov 7 o* 133- Factorage and Commission. The sulisc liber having commenced in the above line of BUSINESS, oilers his services to lus friends and the public; his Counting-Room is on Wayne’s upper wharf formerly occupied by Messrs. Phinizy & Barnett- The Store is large >.d commodious—produce will be re ceived on storage and every attention given to its re ception and shipment. RICHARD WAYNE dec 2—139 ., For sale. The subscriber offers for sale his LOT, on the Bay, with the improvements thereon, consisting of two substantial well built Stores, covering tlie entire front <~ and extending 1 arty feet in depth, at present occupietf by Messrs. J. Ilanmer 8c Co. and Mr. J. Depass. On ■- the back part of the Lot, fronting on Bay lane, are four small tenements well calculated lor shops. For particu lars, apply to Messrs. Minis & Hunky, or Thomas Mendenhall. N. B. Mississippi Stock would be taken in payment nov i2—o—135 Notice. The managers and assistants of Fire Engines, will oif Monday, the 18th inst. visit every house in the city, for the purpose of ascertaining tlie number and state of the Buckets, Ladders, Sic. Rodman & Herb, for Anson end Percival Wards. , „ Herbert $c M‘Cuxsh, Green, Washington if Columbia, Rcssej. & M'Leod, Decker if Durov- Jones 8c Tuomasson, Reynolds if Warren. . Harris Si Lirub Rises, Haatficoate, Libert if Liberty,,-. Leach Si W’akhen, aid and new Franklin if Oglethorpe, Hy order, WINTER, eecreta ' JlOV 9 — ■