Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, November 14, 1816, Image 8

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. -# 0 Marshal’s sales* f^irsuanl to i decree of the honorable W llliam Stephens, - Judge of the District Court of Georgia, will be sold, it Cirnochin & Mltefcel’s wharf, at U o’clock, on SATURDAY, the 23d instant, _, The YILLL of the ship ,\'ew-Good Intent, as it ^JnL lays in Savannah Back River. Also, the bails, jEfljfcfa Rigging and Appurtenances of said ship, lying in the Stores of Camochan & Mitch el, agreeably to inven- tpiy io be exhibited on the day of sale. John Eppinger, nov C ■ 135 Marthal Just received ?000 bottles fresh Macobau and Scotch Snuff Fresh Crackers and butter Biscuits 13 boxes fresh Raisins, 6 bis so ft shelled Almonds Fresh Prunes, pickled Tongues 300 lbs Saltpetre, mushroon and walnut Ketchup Basket Salt, fresh Mustard, Olives, Capers Brandy Fruits, assorted An assortment of the best Cordials Raspberry and cherry’ Brandy, sugar Plumbs Spermaceti Candles, loaf Sugar, white Havana do Sweet Oil and a few boxes of Claret, warranted of the first quality. For sale by P. Morin. nov 5- VT- -132 Just received 1 oase ladies’thread Stockings 1 trunk do silk do 1 do Angora Shawls 1 »ase paper Bureaus, in nests l do watcl: Furniture ALSO Barrels Beef and Pork Hampers black Bottles Windsor Chairs For sale by ■d€t 29 129 J. BATTELLE. Just received Per brig Tybee, captain Cobb, from .Yew-Fork, on con signment, TWENTY-FTVE PACKAGES DRY GOODS, cossistiso or Fearnoughts, superfine % estings White, red, vellow and black Flannels Cloths and Kerseymeres, assorted colors Drab Cords, Sarsnets Coatings, men and women’s lamb’s wool Host; Men, women and children’s cotton Hosiery- Rose Blankets, satin Stripes ALSO Gunpowder, Shot and Lead Brandy, Wine, Gin, Pepper Soap, Cop eras, Nails, and A small assortment Hardware Twine, Cotton Bagging And a variety of other articles, all of which are offered on very low terms, by the piece or package by Theodore A. Schoedde. oct 31—130 Notice. The undersigned having declined the business which he hitherto earned on his own individual account, and feeling very anxious to close the same, do hereby solicit those who are indebted to him, to come forward and set tle the same; as a further indulgence cannot be granted. -'John B. Gaudrv. nov 9 — Tt — 134 __________________ Notice. The undersigned having declined the business which he hitherto carried on his own individual account, and feeling very anxious to close the same, do hereby solicit those who' are indebted to him, to come forward and settle the same; as a further indulgence cannot be grantee. P. Dupou. flov i -134 Copartnership. The undersigned having united their stocks of goods, •Kill also unite their efforts to deserve the more, the pub lic patronage which they have hitherto individually re ceived, and for which they now return their thanks.— They have entered into a copartnership, under the firm of Gacdkt & Dcroir, and will continue the Grocery Bu siness at the store, corner of Johnston’s square and Bull street, where they will keep a constant supply of all the articles in the grocery line, from the East and West-In dies, from Europe and from the United States, which they •will dispose of for cash or city acceptances, at the low est rates: as they import their wines and liquors from the best sources direct, they will warrant them to be of the best qualities, and be able to afford them at a very mo derate profit. JOHN B. GAL DRY, PETER DUPOX. Jtttl received by the thip Jane, from Liverpool, 30 dozen Pickles, viz: Piccalillo, Chow Chow, Cucum bers, Cabbage, Frendi Beans, mixed Radishes, Cauliflow ers, Walnuts, Mushroons, yellow Cabbage. 12 dozen Ketchup, Walnuts, Mushroons, Royal Sauce, quins, oyster Ketchup, liquid Sallad, Pickles, Vinegar, lemon Pickles. 25 casks brown Stout 18 boxesMustard --By several others arrived from JVew-l'orh, L. P. Madeira Wine, do Teneriff^Sherry, Malaga, Port, Vin der Sauteme; Frontignan, Bfticdy, Holland Gin, New-England do. New-England Rum, Crackers, Raisins, Soap, Goshen Cheese, See, nov 9 tT 134 Executor’s sales. On the-Jirst Tuesday in December next, Will be sold at public auction, at the court-house, in the * of ■Savanndb'between the usual hours, The HOUSE and LOT,fronting on West Broad street, iate the residence of John Gibbons, deceased. , -a ' . - JOHN R. WILLIAMSON, \ Execu- A14MNDER TELFAIR, $ tors. now SUrJod , GT? * ' ■ V. L. Pettv & Co. (m’kinxu’s WUAiir,) Have just received, and offer for tale on accommodating terms, 200 casks Nails, assorted 50 ditto trace Chains 30 tons Waggon tire Iron 20 ditto axe bar ditto 4 ditto share Moulds 4 hogsheads Sugar 2u bags Gmger 40 boxes window Glass, 8 by 10, and 9 by 11 40 ditto cotton Cards 75 crates Crockeryv. are AtJ-jJ bushels Liverpool Salt ALSO, 2 case* shk Handkerchiefs and Parasols 2 dit’o Madras, mock Madras ar.d pubcat ll-ud- kerchief* 4 do Calico, Gingham*, Dimity, Homing*, L C ’ ■’>, prince’s cord Vesting, cotton t I.-U;- :a.i ... t w orsted Hose 1 do India sew ing .Silk, assort* C, and hv.aA iJ .t 2 do furniture oil (J.olhs, ho. Oct 31—L—130 Rea be Butler {Jrjfinst'.n * // < o'j., lin t tan ».,at 15 bags race Ginger 20 do Pimento 25 bales Casata 5 cLesrsfrtsu hyson Tea 25 q*iart‘rr casts CtdlLapaZ Wiftfc 15 bags Pepper 6 Iiaif pipes L P. Madeira Wd.t A pipes Holland Gin 7 do Sicily Madeira Wise 6 do Cognac Braniy 3 quarter casks Malaga Wine J 14 boxes Castile Soap 4 pipes and 10 barrels X. Y. Gin 20 casks Shot, 2 bales Twine, 13 bis Copperas, a Sweedcs Iron, assorted Sizes nov j2 • L‘.TRrr IMKBt- C a A EJGNS Notice. do roan do do leather do Gentlemen’s Boots and Shoes do lace Boots Morocco Pumps Calfskin do Boys’ high laced Shoes do common laced Pumps 800 pair Negro Shoes 150 do do Pumps AI-SO HATS of various qualities do do oct 29—139 For sale An elegant Chair and Harness, with one of the best family Horses in town, for gentleness, on reasonable terms, as the owner has now no use for them Also, a young Negro Man, 22 years old, stout made, and a bLtcksmith by trade; he would be very useful for a country geatleniaft. For particulars enquire at this office. ‘rov 12—135 Elegant Looking Classes KETTELL £ SEW ALL, (ojr HE'T. ih W Ai-e nov: trpei.t:^ FORTY-TWO BOVL.t LOCKING GLASSES, Containing a very ge>0tai assortment, among which is 1 pair 34 mchcsoy 17 very elegant 3 do 26 do do 15 2 do 2-1 do do 14 Together with many ether s.zts in gilt, mahogany ar.d s'aiaed Ir_j.11.e2> ALSO I CLAe Canes kijd wa.iklpjr Slicks 1 *-o letter, pot ^iati F^ptr G Siirtib, in Lotties V.iiou >-p, (.u(/coL ie Co'-Wn Car* s, cut Naiis S >1 usi^rd, in Lories Pa. * frj'Acd Ca.-solkt, ;n C- ftnivtCTS * if A fror.w*re, chief:} Pots A t. \ 4 1 . veil «y.:tt.A 4 V . . ! * V» Ap^4 pa-.aaaBadJr.g lues Bov 7 i Received O.V ( O'.SihMMhM. fi cm Iti‘rr~'T)c , j[ f v-it ~s,nr^rar*% + cs,z.pittt aA»ortmeiit of Buttons AXO i* s’iOkE ~ •« ar'i 5-eocv Iron, assorted ±c, 5.3 • ^ ■> j r ^ j , . P- " '* r ‘^ 8 by 10, 9by 11, i'j b> 12 * • i r .zt J u;;4i.k rs , , t. - y. p.ixiciito .-eta VJ, at/. U in*: p-t 1. P I' t .nr tio j-Jtt «tony \\ t'.c c ttor. B-eping jir^fuiy - s, Cora/c. hi tea sets China p^. H 33 G -tj tuxes Soap, &c For s-.le by Isaac C' olien it o. eeeived The subscribers having formed a copartnership, vriJ fransact business under the firm of (sites Jc LirriTT. S. c. GREEN. WARREN LIPPITT. nov 7 —p 133 Now landing, Prom brig Eagle, and for sale by the subscribers, 10 hhds N. E. Rum, 5 Jamaica Ruin 5 do and 2U bis Muscovado Sugars 10 do and 20 do Whiskey 10 do Molasses, 3 bis India point Girt 10 bis Teneriffe Wine 10 do Currant do 25 bags best green Coffee 10 boxes spermacetti Candies 10 do tallow do Boxes and half boxes Soap 25 kegs family Butter 20 casks Cheese, 15 bis prime Beef Potatoes, Beets and Onions 10 bis best Albany double Ale 10 do Vinegar, 10 boxes cotton Cards I jO kegs and 50 half barrels Crackers 50 coils assorted Cordage 10 cases northern Homespun, containing Checks, Stfipes, Plaids, Ginghams, Cli-mbruy s, bleached and brown Shirtings Coarse and fine Hats Coarse and fine .Shoes 4 cases straw Bonnets GREEN St LIPPITT, nov 7— e————-133 Moor's vhar Negro Shoes. 2000 pair good Negro Shoe* a is. i, A general assortment of ladies, gentlemen’s, and chil dren’s Boots, Bootees, and Shoes. ALSO An assortment of Brushes, Whips, and T. auks 14 elegant Bedsteads, (very xvide) 1 elegant Sofa An in\ aice of elegant Prints and looking Glasses Abram Stevens, St. Julianstreet, door to Low, ffauuce eg Co, november 7 l 155 Charles Harmon 8c Co. lime for sale, at Ilusiter’s -wharf, in lots to suit pu-ehax- ers, lollies’ colored kid Boots and Shoes do black do with h-els Morocco walking Shoes do Ties and Slippers Roan do do Scotch Sandals Children’s morocco Boots and Shoe's Per ~ ~ J~:”i f: Eaward, from Liverpool, an invoice cf DRY by >L’S,c -r pnsing almost even article ntets. sary tor a veil -sst-rt-a stare, which are oflertd for sale Dy tile package UnUsUaUV lew. ALSO, 1200 Iron Po^. asscr-ed sizes', (Carron) plough Moulds 13 tons Iron, asserted 4 do Gtruur. aiid biistert • S'e-.'I Tltomas Gardner. Imported Per t\e thip Jf .fliam, c tp'an .Mil’s, from /.——s-.’ Fua sale "V vest sia eeate tel-s. 14 bales very best London daffil Bkmkt’s 1 >0 c.sks br*>wn Stout, 1 a.ndon P>.rti.r. 6 and 8 do; IvU kegs while La a 1, ground .u on,-bibs. C. CI1 10 boxes 8 bv 10 crown Glass 50 do luby 12 do a30 casks English wrought Nails, clasp heads, 5. 1 . 1 and 20J. 50 crates crockery Ware, assorted f r ti e countrv 15 tons bar Iron do. do. 5 casks bar L'-an, in 1 lb. bars 15 do. Shi t, of all sizes A quantity of iron Pots, different size* On constznstier.t, O.-.e bale English broad ciott.s One cask best steeled broad Moes One case of Hardware One cask cooper’s Adzes, Hammers, Chizzlc-' ar club Azes Sad Irons, one bundle London Shovels 25 casks London Porter, in beetles James Wallace. november 7 133 Lewis Virault, TAYLOR, Respectfully informs, h:s c-.-to.; trs tiiat he has ken a room abovi Mr. J. P. Gi.:o.».nc, ( ji aeiltr) n door to Judge M'AHister’s and op. o>u JoliriSt. square, vhi re he intends t>> cont.i.'ic n.s 'ousiik-Ss; . from liis former strict attention, iit hours slid to hr vored with his custom rs’ business, and does assure n. that all busiucso left in his ch.-age sliail oc punctually tendeil to. o.v ham A very handsome assortm' nt of IVaistcoating : a few u. ci of iambs wool a,arts and long Dr.‘>> which will be sold low. oct 17—12- ta- • Tt : ’S a u- iE ,nd For sale The Wharf, lately occupied by Oaig ^ Mitchrl. con taining 200feet fronton Savannah Riven bounded west- vardly *>y Carnochan St Alitchel, and eastw ardiy by An drew Kuox. Also, the Wharf I.ot, adioining the Ferrv. at Frit Wa; yne, containing 150 feet on the river and near 30J feet back, from the same; bounded eastwardly 1 y the ft-nce at Port Wayne. < >n this lot, is the House, with two piazas, at the east end of the Bay. For te-m?, please apply to PETER MITLHLL. dug 24 101 _ A prime young* Wench, With a female Child, about seven months old. Th e wench is a complete house servant. Her present owner not having use for her is the reason of her being oflerea for sale. For particulars apply at this office, nov 7-1-4 Advert! sem ent. A person of steady manners, wishes to employ him self in bringing up Rooks, making out accounts, or i<j w riting generally: which will be executed with care and expedition, or would agree to go to the country till umm?r. . Please apply »t this office. nov 9—x—l3f