Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, November 23, 1816, Image 5

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V? V»- ■■ 4 • - ' :—7 ^ v ■• V 7T. ! . . .. > '* >•- '.(■ % V / v 'r 'ement to the can\ SAVANNAH, NOVEMBER 23, 1816. lc-s* w ish of Joseph Carruth- gri'G.jcid bu.ii!i' s.., .i.tijft's Garruthecs o'l nmuelf. The commission bu- l-K.i .alu by Joseph Carrutliers & Co. 'errors ,d .1 jj»->dcra.te terms, u consignment , > t novtfmbcr 7 133 A gentleman, lately arrived from . ,i- ne Laics and genuemon of tt • , ..a ivc.i a house in Bry un-s're- t, Mar- i.-. iic- intends teaching the French Lan- •...via?, ..mi b.onograpny oi' Short Hand Writ* rtc.-na, ;>•“>'- s above, or at the house ofcoio- iii t ie Hay. i ’ ’ . i »,us .eisrtre hours lie 'w.ff also give private i\ ,*--139 a ;S V oo -iy t i .hie Work i^ister. „ O 3 S. bseribcrs to tais valuable Wore, are informed that »• ..ud . iicii voium :s ilave bee i received at the t-..a Office. 3" Baltimore, Georgetown and K^ns-u iia.ik Notes will be taken i,i pay rpent fur the ■Weekly Register. nov 16 137 i 3 ilot Boat Hampton. nov hereby given, that pilotage due the above be naid to no one but nyself; as I am the on- iitli.v.-ized bv die Commissioners of Pilotage to s JOHN U HOLCOMBE, s. c. p. —.131 ' T'ie subscribers -'Q IsrEPlIWN ELLIOT F3 BOTANY Will rec ivc the First Nu.nne.-, b. catting ai hie Book* — - WILLIAMS.^ VV. T The A i <e a ad Fire insurance CO >1 PAN if. )f ' f 3f;uwt:t< Will insure Proper! * in Ho ts, between Savannah and lA-.gusta, --id at and..'- ...» .t.h.-rV t.*e >tneo.oer. U. vV'ayne, secretary. OCt ‘2 4—— 1 <>7 Harris l. Hickman Has opened i Law-Office in Savannah, and tenders to the pubLc as professional services in the courts ot the fasten, circuit. oct ^ Notice. The law office of- the subscriber, is at the house re cently in the occupation of Hoc tor ^ Dean. Edward F. Tattnall. oct 8—120 Notiee. The subscriber, for .i short time, will be absent from Savannah. JVlr. F. S. aVtiLioui will .ict as my attorney. Frederick S. Fell. oct 31—130 To rent The store occupied by Peter Dupon, corner of Dravton Bit 1 Broughton streets. Enquire at Gaudry & Jupon’s .tore. |P. DUPON. nov 9 — • r —134 For sale An elegant Cluir and ’ larness, with one of the best family d.r.-sGs in town, far gentleness, on reasonable tens, as the owner has no.v no use f >r ‘item. A.s.1, a you ig Negr i lan, 23 years Did, stout made, and a blacksmith by trade; ne would be very useful for a country g-.ruietnan. For particulars enquire at tins office. nov 12—135 83=° Notice. W anted A prime young Wench, Wants a situation tended th. nov 21—m—139 The subscriber Has imported per ships Thomas Gibbons, Jane, and William, fronq Liverpool, the following GOODS, 20 casks line wrought clasp head Nails i2 do jjne twisted trace Chains, 41 lbs. and 5 lbs. per pair 2 do containing table Knives, and Forks, desert * Knives and Forksj pen and pocket Knives, double bladed Knives, sets of ivory handled Knives and Forks, with deserts to match i cask containing common and patent curry Combs, double and single bolted pad Locks, Ipirse Brush es, steel coffee Mills, tinned Iron Spoons and Yu- tannia metal Spoons 4 cases containing single and double barrelled Guns and single and double barrelled gun Locks, some very elegant, patent self tilling shot Beits, do lire proof powder Flasks, powder Horns, double and single shot Belts 20,000 rifle and double barrelled gun Flints 20 casks patent Shot 20 quarter kegs English FF rag Gunpowder . iOO papers double sealed Gunpowder ^ iUO canisters treble strong Gunpowder, manufactured by W. G. Harvey, Battle Sussex 4 casks bar Lead i4 do BBS London brown Stout 4 do sad Irons 3 do green Copperas id tons Iron, assorted i do Orowiy Steel ^600 iron Pots, half gallon to five gallons .IjlrU' Spu; vs, :00 sets waggon Boxes 50 pair And-Iroiis Sets of Weights, from half oiupe to 28 pounds 3 bales London duiiil Blankets l uo Great-coats. For sale, on accommodating terms, by nov j2—t—135 J. H. FRASER, Market-square. Mirrors, Pictures, LOOKING GLASSES aND COiiNICES. Just opened, from Jfew York, An elegant assortment of the above articles, framed in the most fashionable manner. Also an assortment of toilet Glasses, Dressing-Boxes, containing five drawers; all of which are in gilt and nu- ho any frames. The size of the glasses are 38 by 21, 34 by 20,33 by 19, 30 by 17, 28 by 16, and lesser sizes down to 12 by 15. 2 superb Mirrors, with four lights, 24 inches diameter 2 du do do do do 17 do do Some of the popular NAV AL BATTLES, in the late contest with Britain, done on glass-nd engraved, in gilt frames; Window Cornices, of four patterns. For sale by J. H. Oldershaw, nov 14—136 On the Jiay. of Whitaker treet To Druggists, Physicians A N n Just received Whereas, the subscriber intends leaving this city the last of the present month, and will be absent for two or three months, gives notice to those w no have made ap plication, and others, that the present health of the citi zens puts it in his power to pay attention to sealing, se parating, settingartificlal, and regulating childrens’Teeth upon the shortest notice, and in the neatest manner. Yougue M‘Daniel, nov i4 ■ — * .■'tjfi Miirket-squarc. case ladies’ thread Stockings trunk do sdk do do Angora Shawls case paper Bureaus, in nests watch Furilnure ALSO Barrels Beef and Pork Hampers black Bottles Windsor Chairs For s:ile by oct 29 129 J. BATTELLE. To rent TVrlve or fifteen Negroes, for whom liberal wages •w ll be ifiven. Aonlv to Ckase B.vxr.n, or Clark St Xtira*»*ow, Brick Lauer). nov 9 p*——1^4 With a female Child, about seven months old. The wench is a complete house servant. Her, present owner tint having use far her is the reason of her being off ered for sale. For particulars applyfat this office, nov 7-134 In a Drv Good or Grocery Store, a young Man of •*Jpadv habits, and, will attend strictly to business. A •line directed to R, C. and. left at this office will be at- Lew s Mirault, TAYLOR, Respectfully informs, Ins cu tonurs that he has ta ken a room above Mj*. J. !’. < izorn.e, (jeweller) next door to Judge M‘Altisii_r and opposite John- on’s square, where lie intends to continue his business; and from his former strict attention*he hopes still to be fa vored with his ctisli rne-rs’ business, ana dots assure them that all business left in Ins charge shall be punctually at tended to. e \ A very handsome assortment of VVais.coating and a few dozen of lambswooi Shirts and long Drawes, which will be sold low. oct 17—124 Merchant favior. . JAMES FOWLER (‘East of J\fes8)H. IjOxv, // ulUice & Co,,mJ jteurhj oppo site .)/: •xsrs. Duel. Gresham & Co’ St. Jn ’mii street J "Has the pleasure of informing the citizens of Savan nah, that he has established himself in this city , in lie above business, and will have any garment m h.s line made at a short notice, in the most fashionable manner and by the best of workmen. He hopesjbv Ins experience and aksidtiity, to share a part of the public patronage - . He has selected in Ncw-York, a few ofthebestof the following Articles, imported into that city, viz: Superfine black, bine and fijicy colored Cloths Superfine b.ack, blue, mixed and drab Cussuneres Florentines, Marseilles, 1 oiiinets Ac. Which is offered for sale on accommodating terms.. <J3 Wanted one or two of the best J’OCRNEYMENj for w hom liberal wages will be given. Also Women to make Seamen’s Cioths. oct 31 130 Tailoring. JOHN PULVI.(JE Respectfully informs the gentlemen of Savannah and its vicinity, th.ut he has connnenced the Tailoring busi ness, directly opposite the w est side of the Market; w'here he intends prosecuting his business in all iLs vari ous brunches. Gentlemen, who will favor him with their custom, may depend on having their work done in the best style anil the most workman like n aimer. He will keep constantly on j.and, for the acc. mn.oda- tion of his customers,- tiie hist of French um superfine bread Cloths, K.u-seymeres and Vesting. Gentlemen will be under no obligation lo t. ke li.eir clothes if they do not suit, nov 7 o* 133 COUNTRY MERCHANTS. The subscriber respectfully iniorms his friends in Geor gia and South-Carolina, that he will in a few' days recom mence Ills Drug, Paint and Oil Business in Savannah, in 'econnection with his present establishment in Piiiladel- phia; and that he has taken into copartnership with him Mr. Robert Worrell, jun. w ho will attend to and conduct the business under the firm of Harral & Worrell. They will open in a few days, at their Store, in Con gress street, near the Market-square, one hundred and seventy-nine packages anil cases of DRUGS, CHEMI CALS, SHOP FURNITURE, &c. which have been care- ' fully selected in the European and Northern markets, and confidently recommended as of a very supe rior quality. . All orders to the firm, or to the subscriber, in Phila delphia, will be promptly attended to, and charged at the lowest prices. GEORGE HARRAL. Philadelphia, JVov. 5. 1816.—139 , Factorage and Commission”. The subscriber having commenced in the above line of BUSINESS, offers iiis services to Ins friends . nil the public; his Counting-Room is on Wayne’s tipper wharf formerly occupied by Messrs. Phiniz'y & Barnett- The -Store is large and commodious—produce wui be re ceded on storage and every attention given to its re ception and shipment. RICHARD WAYNE. dec 2—139 1 b or sale. The subscriber offers or sale his LOT, on th© Bay, with the improvements 'thereon, consisting of two substantial well built Stores, covering tiie entire hont and extending forty feet in depth, at present occupied by Messrs. .1. llanmer & Co. and Mr. J. Dep’rss On the back pari of llie Lot, fronting on Buy lane, ; .re four small tenements well calculated for shops. F r particu lars, apply to Messrs. .VlixjsHi \ or Thomas Mendenhall. N. B. Mississippi Stock would he taken in paj ment. A convenient two story HOUSE, with necessary out buildings, at the lower end of Broughton-street. For par ticulars apply to C. H. HAYDEN, nov 16 --I37 For Congress. An election will be held at the court-house, in Sa vannah, on MONDAY, the 2d dav of December, ensuing for a REPRESENTATIVE, in the congress of the Unit ed States, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resigna tion of the hqnorable Alfrej> Cuthrliit, pursuant to a writ of election from the Executive .Department; of which the electors of Chatham county will take notice. Three justices of the peace, will preside at said election, and. the sheriff, will attend the same. J. P. WILLIAMSON, j. i. c. c. c, OLIVER $ f URGES, f. i. e, c. c, nor 14-15® i imported Per the ship V/illiam, captain Mills, from Liverpool. .FOR SALK IliTESI HU 1 EBiTI. TIB*S. 814 bales very best London duffil Blankets 100 casks brown Stout, London Porter, 6 and 8 dozen JOU kegs white Lead, ground in oil, 28lbs. each lOCGboxes 8 by 10 crown Glass 50 do 10 by 12 do 100 casks English w rought Nails, clasp heads, 6d.‘ lOd . and 20d. 50 crates crockery Ware, assorted for the country- 15 tons bar Iron do. do. 5 casks bar Lead, in lib. bars 15 do. Shot, of all sizes A quantity of Iron Pots, different size* On consirfnrnent, One bale English broad cioths One cask best steeled broad Hoes One case of Hard ware One cask cooper’s Adzes, Hammers, Chizzlcs afr club Azcs One cask Sad Irons, one bundle Londcn Shovels 25 casks London Porter, in bnrtles James "Wallace. november 7 133 For sale The Wharf, lately occupied by Caig & Mitchel, eon. taming 200 feet fronton Savannah River; bounded west ward] v by Camochan &. Mitchel, and eastw ardlv by An. drew Knox. Also, the Wharf Lot, adjoining the Ferry, at Fort Wayne, contailiing 150 feet on the river and' near 500 feet back, from the same; bounded eastwardly by the fence at Fort Wavne. On this lot, is the House,' with two. piazas, at the end of the Bay. For term*, pkase apply to FETER MITCHEL. aug 24-r*—*JM ■L A-'. ,4 ft -.'■nrm C & ****'*•' Aff. • <lt f t * a - - .n' • ■ .,£%< -- • -- !***&- - > - r W. Jh v « ■u , \ r . t ,r ji - / »i - J I *• ; .ei. J \ ■ is • %• - & u /- hM */■ UK ■ wHf n ... -- v - 4-’ 2 : •1 il f I > i H h ■ > ■ \