Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, November 23, 1816, Image 6

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■ - - —a-T .1 t ' .f* • . . . ; .£L r r ...f . "••' <aA,.’zJTjut Sg . VTT V ■ Jir V A’ * V » v X <* - >-. : • - *T i -rrj • • ‘ JT-- % V> ■ ' -rfc r. .v 1 \ f V l ■\ ■'s i - 4Xf- 7 ' . r rr * r } ! --i! 1 ,‘v "7\ & / : +/ a Elias Wallen HAS RECEIVE Pi, J7y /Ae mo*f recent arrivals from England, New Goods, CH^ilLES W. CARPENTER & C& i Fames Poultn A very general assortment of DRY GOODS, IRON MONGERY and CUTLERY; all of winch he offers for sale, oh -iccommodiiting- terms, at his new store, opposite to colons'l Sheiman’s boarding iiouse, comer of Brougii- ton-strect.., , CCr” Euas Wallfn’s Lumber-Yard is open, as usual; for.the reception of LUMBER; to ttie receiving and sel ling of which, every attention will be given. nov 21 139 //arse received, by the schooner Mechanic, A part of their FALL and WINTER GOODS, 'which they offer for sale, consisting of Cloths, Cassiinercs, Coating; Blankets, Flannels, Bombuzets, Calico, Musi ms, &C. (MAKS.KT.sqi ■ yy,- Has just received, per ship-: t; ft Oil! /, ev S*“ Olid J,,i, n , A LARGE ADlilTlON '£*** , 'Also, have On hand and-anil be receiving A general assortment of SADDLERY, manufactured in the be9t manner. oct 2-1—127 Jast received French Goods Per brig Tybee, captain Cobh, from J\'ew-Tork, on con signment, TWENTY-FIVE QpCKAGES DRY GOODS, ca.vsisriMi or Fearnoughts, superfine Vestings White, red, veliow and black Flannels Cloths and Kerseymeres, assorted colors Drab Corns, Sarsnets Coating. , men and women’s lamb’s wool Hose Men. women and children’s cotton Hosiery Ross Blankets, satin Stripes ALSO Onnpowder, Shot and Lead Just imported aiul to be sold, at a reasonable advance, at the south comer of the lane, back fJudge StephensIs, viz: Double and single barreled fowling Pieces; Ribbons, of all widths and qualities; paper Hangings and writing Pa per, children’s Toys, Perfumery, brass Candlesticks, oil Brandy, Wine, Dm, Pepper Soa^, Coperas, Nails, and A small assortment 11 malware Twine, Co. toil Bagging And a variety of other articles, all of which are offered on very low terms, by the piece or package by Theodore A. Schoeuile. oct 31—130 Cloth, siik Purses and hat Covers, children’s Aprons and leather Caps, Fans, linen Cambric and llanckercliiefs, siik Suspenders, Pencils, Jevvslytrps, pearl and oilier B.eds, snuff Boxes and Combs, assorted; thread, silk and cotton Laces, pocket Books, ladies’ and gentlemen's gold Watches, men’s beaver Hats, fiddle Strings, ready made Pen*, Spectacles, satin, Florence and figured 1-evantme Hats, silk Shawls, of all sizes; black and colored siik Handkerchiefs, silk. Velvet for bonnets, Ridicules, of dif ferent quatites;-elegant \'eils, Pelorines and Handker chiefs, silk Gloves, Grapes, men ami women’s silk Hose, embroidered muslin Ruff's, siik Corus and Parasols, six elegant embroidered Robes, See. %/ Louis Lavdon. TO HlS " 'Or Kit HARDWARE, CUTLERY^ & c . Aiming which ur r , Casks of socket Spades, Cast sU. i p„tent Hoes Carolina, narrow and broad Ho«.s Chain Traces, s .d Irons Cast and wmrgoii Boxes 2d, 3d, 4d. 5d, ami 6d wrought qhuf Naih 6d, dd, lh’d, 12d «ud 2od fine WT..U .in in„ Ounce Tucks, head ms ^ Ga 4j to 6 inch Spikes, &c. AJ.SQ A large quantity of American and F.rrdi-h n t . ware, an ekgant m of p. <! C . , “'- T which is offered for s-le on a lev :«A a ;it< ft,r‘ r ’ * town acceptances; and is well won,, ,;, r ” - - country TiieTclianis, Sec. - ■••-o.i« N. B. Highest price given for old Brass and Ci T oct 29—cm—123 Sicilv Madeira W me. THE SUBSCRIBERS Have received, on consignment, bo the „r y_. ( j. , 30 ]iipes, half pijics anil quarter,\,r’ tiiXv, ‘ wLacJi they oftlrf«>r suit* on aecominod^j^. t, JJ ? •V'it** nov 19—m*—138 Land errand Lodge. The members of the Grand Lodge of Georgia, and the different lodges under its jurisdiction by their proper representatives, are summoned to attend at their lodge room, in Lie Exchange, on the first Saturday of Decem > - ber nexa, iu 7 o'clock, i>. m. being a grand quarterly com- municauo.i for the election of officers and other business of the craft. tfy order of toe H. W. Grand .Master. Paul P. Thomasson, d. g. s nov 7 133 Bank of Georgia. being deemed expedient by the Board ot Directors, at another Instalment of the Stock of the Bank of the Ftate of Georgia should be called in, and that the Stock holders should be required to pay a proportion thereof in specie. Notice thereby given, that, agreeably to a resolution of the Directors of this date, twenty-three per centum on each share, of the Stock of the Bank, is required to be paid by tiie Stockholders, on or before the second Monday in December next; that five dollars, in specie, be paid on each share, as part of the said twenty-three percent and the balance in bills of either of the Banks of Georgia The S.ockh.olders are further notified, that Cashier’s Certificates of Srock will be issued iiTieu of die Com missioners’ Ceil, fir a ts, held by the Stockholders, upon the delivery of th- Comm ssioners’ Certificates, at the time of paying toe Instalment, as above required. Western Stockholders are informed, that they may pay said Instalment, and receive their Stock Certificates, on delivering the Commissioners’ Ceruficates, at either of the Offices established at Aqgusta and Milledgeviiie, so •oon as they shall be in operation, which will! be in a short time. ELEAZAR EARLY. Cashier. Savannah, the 2Oth September, 1816.—[115] In the vicinity of Savannah FOR SALE. A tract of land, (known by the name of Bonabelle, and lately the property of a Mr. Brc-tet) containing about 520 acres, is offered for sale. It is situated about five miles from the city of Savannah, within a siiort distance of Thunderbolt, and on the salts. It has a very com fortable dwelling iiouse, a good barn and out buildings. The above tract will be disposed of upon the most reasonable terms, as the heirs of the estate, of which it forms apart, are anxious for a division of the property. Persons desirous of purchasing will apply for turner particulars to either, GEORGE JOKE'S, EBEXEZER JACKSON or oct 8 120 EDWARD F. TATTNALL. They have also f. Negro Cloths, in bates and in cu. Jackets and Trousers; and Rice an,; ( crop. CARXOCI! \\ sept 28 116!e lr on i f the m hit CURL. liat Store*. M. BAILEY c, t o. TIave just openc-d a complete ass rui tr,t of ti p and most fasliionah.e HATS, in t! v j ,, , ,'.i by Dr. Hands, firs! door west ,.f Mr AIm-r j"' crock, rv store, cons sting of gt nr,a.i.<. \ • beavers, c .stors, roram ana wool Hats,. t . mms << Lons; wuicii they will st.l un low. Atercii.uHs r- the country, who Want hats, m..v t.iut it to t .. irn ei to cr.ii. A Iso tor s.iie a few thou,-ini Her..mi (j u lls nov 19 —ids Copi Notice. To be sold, at public auction, in front of the court house, in the city of Savannah, on the first Tuesday in January next, one thousand acres of prime land, situate on the south branch of Turtle river, Glynn county—tiie joint property of the Union Society, Chatham Academy and tile Savannah Poor-House and Hospital Society, which tract of land was originally granted to tiie Beities- dae Coilege. Any person who fecis disposed to embark largely in tiie cultivation of cotton, corn or sugar-cane, would find tliis a most eligible situation. The grunts cat* be seen by applying at tiie office of Lloyd &. Morrison, in the Exchange. Terms of sale—one half cash, tiie ba lance in one year, witii interest from tiie date of pur chase, secure d by bond and mortgage, on tne premises. MOSES SHEFTALL, President L~. S. R. W. H ABERSHAM, Treasurer. C. A. J. MORRISON, Com. Suv. P. H. and II. S. aug 23 103 mrtnersiup, Tiie subscribers’ enter. .1 mr < der the firm of Gillett k M.l .i, i , nerai assortment of DRY Gt 4H ).p. •• in,, side of Johnston's square; w lt.i ii lii i . e town accvjilances at ninety davs. V. M 5. oct 19—125 r t f. I1J.ETT. JO IN Executors sales. On the first Tuesday in /teci i her ne.r IVT.i be sold .t public auction, :t t t ur -inn city of Savannah, between ti.e us at tic The HOUSE and LOT,fronting n West Mr late the residence of John Gibbons. .K c< ,.u. JOHN P. WILLIAMS!-x. ,, ALEXANDER I'ELr'Aitc.y IRC, nov 9—134 ei a ton. 'To rent. N oliee. cment, on f;o > in, i ibr..o . Additional Notice. BANK OF GEORGIA. >i. it is represented, that it will be more eon- c "y r:._i . of the Stockliolders, that the time pre- izf'Ire- fer *ne payment of the Instalment of tvveutv- thdes per cent, which includes the five percent of specie, •ii'rcted by the board, on tiie 20th September, 1816, finmiid b extended. Resolve i vnrcni'.mmhj, That the timeb6, and the same is hereby extended to ho second Monday .in January next, and Cut tn» Crsfucr give notice, that the said Instalment is required tc be paid on or before the said second Mon day in January next. Extract from the Minutes. Eleazar Early, Savannah, November 1 131- - Cashier An election will be held at the court-house, in Savan nah, oaMoiuLy,the 25lli November, instant, for a JUS TICE of the Inferior Court of Chatham county, to fili the vacancy occasioned by tiie death of Robert Mackup, es quire, of which tiie electors of Said county will take no tice; to be superintended bv three justices of tiie peace. , JOHN P. WILLIAMSON, j. i. c. c. c. OIJ.YEU STUIIGES, j. l. c. c. t. nov 5—132 The upper story of tiie third wharf, formerly occupied by A. Hr Off Goods taken on storage. vharks il .w.tni. nov 16—137 nt Market Stalls. Conformably to a resolution of Council, I shall pro ceed xm Friday, the 29th instant, to sell the STALLS in the beef and small’ meat Market, also, the Stalls in the new vegetable Market, under the inspection of the Market committee. All persons in arrears to the city for Stall rent, will please colt on or before that day and pay up, or their bids will not be taken. -F. M. STONE, c. m. nov 19—138 *** Brought to gaol, in Savannah, on the 15tr. of November, 1816, a negro man, named ¥hjhRj belonging to Joel Burch, of AVaynesborough. He is aiiout twenty-seven- years of age and five feetfiv e inches Tv*gU, stout and well formed, has a small scar on the browoNiis-Ieft eye. H. M‘CALL, nov 21- -139 Brought to gaol, , on the 18th of October, 1816, Hi-,SnvnnnaU,-ft negrbmaH named Bachi-s, who says he belongs to Mrs. Gibbons, of Camden coun tv. He is about tlurty years of age, and five feet ten inches high,'slender-made, has lian a ball shot through his right arm, and has lost the little-finger of his right band, v ■ - V ■ H.BiPCAI-L, g.c. c. y-novlfi -137 •' Extract of an Ordinance Ueiaiinjr to j«-,cs. Sec. 6. And be it ordained, That, no dog shall be suf fered to go at large, in any street, lane, or other open place, in this city, without a license first taken out from the office ol the Clerk of Council, by the owner of such dog; and there shall he a collar around tiie neck of each dog, so licensed, with the name of tiie owner engraved and numbered, as entered in the registry, for which li cense tiie owner shall pay to the City Treasurer, the sum of two dollars per annum, to and for the use of the citv; and the sum of twenty-five cents to each, the Clti k and Treasurer as their fees. Sec. 7. And be it further ordained, That if any dog shall be found going at larg-e within the city, without hav ing been registered as aforesaid, and without such » collar, it shall be the duty of tiie Marshal and the Consta bles of the city to kail and destroy such dog; and, if any person, whether he be the owner of such d.gor n.,t, who shall, by tiireats or direct violence, prevent such officer from destroying such dog, he, she or they shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars. Police Office, Savannah. November 19, 1816. The great annoyance to the citizens generally, created by the increased and increasing number of dogs, within the limits of the city, renders it necessary tliat tiie fore going sections of the ordinance relating to dogs should be enforced. * It is therefore ordered, That tiie City Marshal and Constables proceed, on and after tiie expiration offortv- eigiit iiours, to kill and destroy any and every dog- goitig at large’witinn the limits of the city, in violation of said ordinance. STEELE Will'll!, nov 21 139 Ma nor, pm. tem. Torrent or lea Tiiat well known WH VRF, at Taylor, Dav is oc Taylor, vviii i.e years: it is one cf tiie best sun i i in Suv..nn. ti; possession mav h. cumber next. For terms apply o Jol.ii Gardiner. oct 24—127 pie, i f f r in.< t) r i De* F os’ sale The Toll-Bridge over • *reat < >g. ehoe River, at which Joseph Hill lalelv resided—it .. - ~i vv .1 built bridge, composed cnieffy of v pr? ss > u il til* creshets, and appears to be in all respects a g od and fomplete piece cl'work, i n uni u JOHN Uul. tvsN *-r april 4---40 JEREAU V!! CL '.iXii S el I C For The two vacant LOTa, on tt.e Ba , N - - ani^.Bigl.T tything, Decker ward, adj tn.ngt .e . -her. boniult. eastward!y bv the <lw ot c . an Ti.oniJ R ce and wtstwardlv by Jefferson strei to the westward,'n corner one. E.. ' T ™* P, apply to PETER itITCHbL nov 7 l 133 - 1, the most healthy and pleasant sitiiatioi -' t tiie said lot are all necissai-y out b- i.uit r or sme A House and Lot, in St. .h.mes's square. 1 cing one in thi, city— This nro^ perty will be sold for a moderate pr .. .mil a credit «.f one, two and three years giver f. tiie jtaunen sons disposed to rnu-ciiase will; pplj' 10 subscribers. KLk. SU\b AU . M. SHF.FJ AI.L, se.i. i’rr ini-er of the april 6- -41 the . iu o. %/ . V-* i v-J j V» " on unui il-.j v. j ^^rouglit to oavannah gaol, on feet six incites high, and eighteen years old. OiBibeEWifiA'negtoThuhmaniealsAiAH, fife brow " J ? ck , et , stT ‘P ed l*™****- Abo, w. . ■ ' liA c i* fivp inrhfR nurli niirl eifrhtf’Pn vfjus r\f ai fret «3«iven inches fiigh, about twenty vears of age, says fie-belongs taMr.lrwi*’ Gyphefa,- of Camden, (Sjouth m; .» .. « . » A It A TiaA/W* ^ CartHh*) oct If—124 A. HARMON, a. s. c. c. Brought to gaol, in Savannah, Novemher 2,1816. A Negro man named David, belong ing to J. J. Grey, of Barnwell district, (s. c.) He is fiv e Has on a Ned, five feet five inches high, and eighteen years of .age. He is dressed in white cotton homespun. 9 H. M*Call, g. a, c. nov 7 133 Stolen From the British siiip Lord V < r.rAon. on T hurs^jf night last, supposed bv- run way s. iters, a / JOLLY BOAT, wi-h oars and .ieng-h, 18 fert. breadth, 5 feet 6 incites; depth, 2 I <: mi...■t tiirec quarters i.f an ir.cli tmek; i- \. 1* had no wash s't eak, painted black top ,.itli white bottom, .green inside. Thirty Dollars reward will who Thirty Dollars reward will lie p id t °i will deliver said boat alongside the-'' w ANDREW RAMSAV nQV 19—