Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, November 26, 1816, Image 3

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Dep: Mr. iart€ d thi« 1*, on the momjttg oft iKL F W.rtu-% i£rf»»t£! R instant, pel, aged fi S mon!i»s, and 24 uays. lie Was lorn on the ' 43 >ears, ” ( Mi( j wa y, m Liberty county, in the 24th Apni> ^ spent the greater part ot his'We in state cl Georg*, 71r .rchant, lie held a very respectable- tins city. t vvu « for many years successful*., but expe- standing, at\<v - ^ 0 f his business a reverse in nis riencing m l - c . t0 contend with great difficulties circumstances, "j ntil i n ed a reputation for integrity, Amid these, “ e i n tlie community. Through the surpassed by n his efforts, be had the satisfaction blessing ot <-*<■> r embarrassments, and doing justice of surmounting^ , vm to all c ° nneC ears ago, lie was brought to the knowledge About ten J ^ - m j esu3f and soon -after, making a cf the trU r* - on of religion, he entered upon the duties public P r< ?‘'r From Georgia to Massachusetts, lie °f th f ' w "hh acceptance and success, the gospel of his preacneo- suc h was the disinterestedness of Divin£ 'I-fies that- he uniformly refused to accept any KS compensation for his services Beside this P f nf his disinterestedness, others could be.adduced, Cce h S S knowledge of not a few, that he was ever nronipt in the relief of distress wheresoever U was pre- Ce i to his view, and in numerous ...stances disregard ed h* own interest and convenience in supplying the "Th Williams possessed an excellent spirit. He was a lover of all good men, and anx.oudy desired to see Christians of all denominations, ^rmonmusly uniting to- cether in the cause ot u.eir common Lord. . expressed his unshaken conli- Dunng his llness be e. P, thL . L!)r } ^ dence in Ihetgg;; , lf his acceptance with the Fa- the strongest of „ is aea J. S m. And on the Ldd verbis mortal existence, he enjoyed much of the Hi vine* Presence, frequently expressing his desire to dc- «i and foe With JcSUS. Thus (1 j ex i t ji,s man of God, m full assurance of faith and hope, to whom the following lines, written by him self, for another long since with God, arc peculiarly ap plicable:— Absent from sorrow, pain, disease and woe; Present with God, where joys unceasing now; No doubts disturb, no fears perplex the mind, Error no more can wound, nor darkness blind. Admitted freely to the realms . hove, The soul enfranchised.-meets God of love. O could we see the Spirit as it flies, Could we behold it where no storms arise, In the calm haven of the peaceful skies; jlow should we long to drop the cumbrous clod, And-join our kindred on the mount of God. It is earnestly to be desired, that this dear saint and minister of Jesus Christ couid have been allowed to de part to his God and Saviour without censure from tlie church to which he belonged.- Rut as this was not the case, justice to his memory and to the principles of truth cU ,, a nds a public statement of tiie principles on which be acted and which brought on him the censure referred to. Mr. Williams held the liberty' of conscience to be a sacred right, with which God had invested him. In the exercise of this right, he withdrew bis membership from the Baptist church, in this city, in consequence of a dif fi rrnce of opinion between that body and himself, on a point in which his conscientious views forbid him to sub mit his judgment to .hat of his brethren. The Church ac'ing under views equally conscientious refused him the liberty which he exercised in tue withdrawment, and ex communicated liim. Of the purity of intention with which the church acted in iiis case, Mr. Williams never inti in.,ted a doubt; though he always expressed iiis conviction of the error of tlie principle on winch bis exclusion was predicated. Af‘er taking an affectionate leave of his family for the last time, he said to a dear relative in Trie presence of many others, ‘-Give niy love to the Church and teit them they are wrong, and (that I request them to .abandon the principle on which they la,VC acted towards me.” Departed this life, on the 16th instant, in the fortietli year of his age, after a linger,..g illness, which lie bore with fortitude, crplain Sami cl Gukk.v Bunch, a native of Nassau, (.v. e.)' He has left an afflicted widow and fiianv relatives to mourn their irreparable loss. The be reaving Providence which has removed from this transi tory abode, the subject of these brief remarks, calls upon us to look back upon the life now brought to a close, and the sorrow which is felt at this event extends fat-be yond the family circle. That Chris.ian sp rit which ani mated him in all the duties, and directed him in all the scenes cf life, upheld and sustained him at its close. The deceased had resided for several years past in the cityv of Savannah, and by his strict integrity, punctuality and propriety of deportment, hail acqu.reel tlie universal esteem and respect of the community. He was selected by his fellow-citizens to fill several important arid hon or:.hie offices, the duties of which he discharged with zeal and fidelity. Respected'in life, we may truly sav, yis (k’ttli was much regretted by the community, who fri: his, ami knew his worth, now remain in the hope of ids being in the enjoyment .of eternal happiness, as t.uc reward of a '■.ell spent L,.e. —*—»»>" -gt PORV v>F SAVaKjHAH, ✓ a u it i vr.lT/ Shi!) Aristides, Car!#', Baltimore. A 1 Jrtflr^ww r ,m JJiv- &c. JRiig ~Yeu>-Oi'i'eciH.9- T J acke., Cole. Liverf nu ^ Brig Georgia captain Thomas J 1 cst, 26 erpoul—-with stdt, crate* t giuas, cusLings, jugs* Oifnstead ZJ Bat telle, mo tiers. . Brig Three. Sisters, Saunders. from Iiussia—Tvith duck,/unrip, £s*c. to J. Baitehe, cncner. French brig Pcre de Pemelie, Per cl oils, Sloop A rictus, Iloijt, JSTeu^ Fork. rcBiaKn. Sloop General Washington, Campbell, Charleston £> The packet brig LAU RA- ANN, tain Coffin, can take about loo bags cotton on freight, will positively sail for New'-York on V, ednesday next, ply to tit? captain on board r.t Tylf- n"s wharf, or to S. C v . Duunin tov 26 141 V, C. oir-merer Bqtv £7* The subsciilier iiiieuding to he absent from the state f or a snort lime, hus authorised Sahuei. Howauu and Samca.iI Ci.a -ik. to act as bis attor- nies. CHARLES HOWARD, nov 56 c 141 Batchelors' Ball. TheBatchelor*’ Bail will tukt place on THURSDAY EVENING, the 2dt.ii iiMtant^m ;M- City Assembly Room, in the Exchange, fj- Subscribers are notified to call for Tickets of Admission on tlie Treasurer; as no gentle man will be admitted into the room, on that evening, without a ticket. ,T. II BRUEN, Treasurer. nov 2l-n-I>9 At tlm r .anting.'.i.uscof.Bac’:" ' A Christ :i. The Pews in this Church not held fee simple, will be rented for one year, on Monday, 'hi Dtrent’oer, to the "highest bidder. The bidding will commence at eleven o’clock a. at. in the Church- J. it. READ, Hanlon. nov 96 •; '41 Proposals Par publishing in Savannah f three times a weekj a newt- paper to be entitled the SAVANNAH GAZETTE. It is usual for editors to come out with a prospectus stating what they will and' what they will not do. In the present instance the editor would merely observe that lie is an American by hirth and principle, and that iiis paper siiail be conducted accordingly. MICHAEL J. K.APPEL. Savannah, November, 1316. Terms—The Savannah Gazette will be printed with a handsome type- and on good paper at si* sou a us per annum, payable in advance on tlie delivery of die first number, ij* The first number will appear in the first week of January, 1317. iT/’ Subscriptions received at this office, and at the Book-Store of Wit.mam Xi Williams. nov 19——Is 138 For Liverpool The we.1 known ship CONCORDIA, Coffin, master, has a part ot be cargo engaged, and will commence loadingimutediatclv. For freight ap ply on hoard, or to H.UZETN Ki.MIJALL. nov 26 v 141 -uv 10-- «. For Havana _ t The fust sailing schooner HAL, will sail in all ' vce k- For freight or passage, having good M&ifci*accommodations, apply to Catituiu Davidson, or ~y3. E ^ nov 36— »r—141 Harcridge. For jf Hr Latumore The fine new brig AURORA, c ptain Thomp- jSVson, w hl meet with immciliate despatch. Jgi'i:- A. ■ reight or passasre,,appl\- to B. M-Kinne, Co nov 26 r 141 For Baltimore The fast sailing schooner BRUTUS, Nathan iel Thomson, master, having part ot . r cargo iengaged, will sail on Tliursday next. For freight or ] to the master or. boar.l. at Bal lon's wharf, or to NICHOLS U HUNTER, nov 36-.*. —MI For freight or charter, 'lb ant/ port .u Europe, The fine first class ship ARISTIDES, captain Carter,, bhriiitn 270 ions; for further particulars, pply to captain Carter on board, at .Smith’s or to JOSEPH'' £t GO. 26 141 For freight or charier To a Northern Port, or a Port in the 11 eat, Indies. The new schooner EMILY, Thomas White, master, burthen 190 tons, in complete readiness AiisCsSfcio receive a cargo. For terms, apply to capt. White-on board, at wharf, Hall & Hoyt, nov 26 —m—141 M''s wharf Bills on Nc\ 1 r 5 * ♦ - i Gi iv. For sale by USA & BUTLER, nov 26—x—1-11 h Johnston's wharf N. E . R mil. 201 logsheads superior quality, f: >r s do bv Hull & Hoyt, nov 26 ■* 141 Jf-VG-fi. wharf i’he s 1 ii»sc riber OJTer* jor suit at very low pi ices, 4 casks assorted Hardware 2 cases do do I 1 do homemade Hinghafns 58 coils Cordage, 59 crates Earthenware Charles Rockwell, nov 25 : * 141 Jorcs*, hire 'WJfinnCs wharf Vouch, Gigr and Sign Painting. O ^ jl /-J f-7 The subscriber informs his friends and the public, that ,he carries on the above business in all its various branches, iri Bay lane, near the market, where he so tic as tiic patronage of bis friends and- tlie public. 3ft B. Frir sale, as ..bove, a quantity of FUR NIT' RE, consisting of Bureaus, Sideboards, Sccrctia-ies, Bock- cases, card Tables, Sic. a few g.dlon . very superior cot -a! V ARNISH, and a smail lot of CHEESE. MICHAELS. HVDE. n 'iv 26 < 141 i lie subst-nuer Has received, per brig James Scott, from New-Fork, THE FOLLOWING GOODS: 250 pieces cotton Bagging 50 bis prime Muscovado Sugar, 2 hhds loaf Sugar 25 bis Coffee, 19 boxes Fruits, in brandv 25 casks CLARET ) 100 boxes do 13 bottles V entitled to debenture 25 diilo do 24 do \ 2 casks Vinegar, 4 boxes Kutalfia 2 boxes Lavender Water 150 c^apty Demijohns, 25 bars Steel .U-rtl TWO INVOICES OF ENGLISH AND FRENCH GOODS donsisti of low sup Handkerchiefs, Levantine • lanuKerc.-ucis, ucTaiiimc, flench Laces, different sizes; black and white Crapes, mourning Crapes, fine French Cloths, gentlemen and lad it s silk and P-ins Gloves, gemlemen’s buckskm Gloves, silk Ciotb, gentle men and laities’ silk Hose, Muzandrumes’ Robes, 4 -f and 6-4 siik Shawls, cambric and rea.ty made cambric Shirts, fringed Tafetas, Ribiions, from No. 4 to 12; black Vel vet, Print uiieras and Perkaiilies, hat Covers, leather Hats, elegant Mirrors, ot various sizes; mantlepicce Ornaments -a-i’li shades; tea, toilet and working Tabic s, with marble; superior French China, Tumblers and Decanters, of dif ferent sizes; la-lies’ gold Watches, gold and silver ditto; Necessaries, 3 bates ilutiihums. - For sale, on accom modating terms, by JOSEPH AUZE, noV 26- MI ..V.:. 11. Range late ar- and if'rcsn ^iiocs. Received by the Planter, Cotton riant, and other rivals from New- York, Ladies’ white and colored kid Shosand Sandals Do black and colored morocco Boots and Sandals Gentlemen’s morocco Shoes and Pumps >> fine leather Shoes and Bools 150q pair good negro Shoes , V constant supply cf ladies’, gentlemen -a, children s servants’ Boots, Bootees and Shoes, of ul» kmeis Lee’s New-Vo’k liquid Blacking An assortment of Trunks, Brushes, AVhips and naxro.t .ers 10 elegant Bedsteads, very wide On consignment, 2 elegant Grecian Couches 1 music >tooi end 1 counting house Stool \ n invoice of Looking Glasses and Pictures An invoice of Saddles and Waggon Collars A. Stevens, Next to Low, Wallace & Co. St. Julian street. nov 26 Tracts. v Subscribers to tlie Sava:-nab Religious Tracts Society, tre informed that.4000 Tracts v uin.ii with the Librarian t'or distribution. “Every member is entitled to receive one half the amount of his subscription in Tracts.” S. C. Schenk, — r Cfv 26 141 librarian To rent A small STORE, a jjjqod stand for business, and on moderate terms. Apply to WILLIAM LIMUBIiT. nov 26 c*— i4I fit ■' 1.-.4 4* ■ PfisitiveTy the last opportunity: TO-MORROW EVENING .imi no longer. MR. DAY FRANCIS Returns hhrsincere thanks to the ladies and gentlemen of Savannah, for their liberal support at the JErchafigr Poor, athafl past six. His EXHIBITION w-ili be con: - posed of performances more astonishing, than ever yet- has been exhibited in this country. Mr. Francis, in addition to Iiis other feats of Len-ende- main, will dance a FAS SUEL ON RED lif)T IKON.— He will pass a Bar of Red Hot Iron over iris Tongq t- draw i: through his 1 lands,rind aflcrvvants'eonvert it into varioti? shapes with Iris naked feet. He will immerse tils hands and fec-t into Molten Lead; and what is not more aston ishing than true, life will p.,ss a large Body of Fire over iris naked fe'et and arms, widiout any injury to himsciti— t he w .ole of ins wonderful performances to edneiude '■I v,..» TGirt !■*.»; V.-ivtj. uov 29-:-i-l Ji USCUjH OF 1V4X FIG URES. The proprietors of this Museum beg leave to inform tiie public, that ui consequence of the re-quest of several ladies,and gentlemen, and adding also to trie h-cienie my ot rile weather during- *iie greatest part of die last week, they will continue to exhibit this elegant collection which has not failed to give -general sail -faction- to Ru st who have d >ne them t.u. honor of visiting it, to wham they return their si.-.cere thanks. nev 26-;—t” H jNew MillLiery Store. Mrs., Prom New-Yon Has ji>st opened ht I--Millinery Store,in Market-square, adj lining- tiie,t< nee ent i. lely oc by Mr. -Lucen:«, wiri-re she is offering tTie most general assortment of RICH GOODS p.obabiy tube found in any star: in this city; among them are Leghorn, chip,.side and velvet ilONXETf, all of most f~-hionubIe sh. pc.->; ostrich Fea’hc rs, artificial Flowers, U iiiarets, of alt descriptions; and many ah.or ar .cic-s w..rtiiy the attention of the i_dits ot the cii v and country. - nov 26—•’ — In 1 Quern vStonc , t3C Va • nail- Frerich ipiem Slones, with irons ki gs FF if Guupowdef, o{> bis N. E. Rum bis No. 1 Mackerel, 49 kegs spiced Salmon dozen Res i-’s made Axi S dozen Aim i-ican made Spades pieces cotton Begging. Fur salt-by Gardner Tufts. nov 23 140 47 200 30 .■»*' OG 140 Deey & Martin, 80 1 400 100 5 (hijstbh’s \vHA*rt) Ujf :r f r sate pieces cotton Bagging, 2 casc-s linen Slrirts case worsted half Hose, 1 do tfiova s negro Jackets, Cognac Brandy, 2o his N. E. Rum boxes Soap, 10 boxes Eng isli Mustard do Cayenne 1’epper, T9 mixes Uooeoiate 50 kegs Butter, 2i*o0 bottles and cannistei’s M icaubau, Rappee and Scotch Snuff Spanish Cigars, in lia-.t »nd quarter boxes 40 boxes dipped Gandies Rec-es’ and Akerman s water Colors, jnst import ed; with Camel’s hair Fenciis and marking Brushes, 2 boxes Bay ley’s patent Blacking, nov 26 1 11 i’e rMus VV hite H.'.vr. JCST KECElVSTl, Per brig Planter from Ne-.o-York, and are offering for sale, us. their store, in Johnston's square, a handsome la- SOrtOb'nt of driver plated, gilt and brass mounted Swords Siiei r and gold embroidered sw«mi Belts Fi .ted, gilt arid fine goi.t Epaulets Fine gold, and silver Lace L uries’ and gentlemen’s dressing Cases Fitted Snuffevp and T rays Fixted Castors, Candlesticks and bottle Stands Japanned Boxes and Gas ors A variety of *ea Trays Gold Watches, Chains Seals and Roys ash, ox roxsiuxeir.xT, 10 cases of romm HATH. For sale low, for cash, cot ton or approved notes. nov 26 4-k—Ml VV iiliam iianics, Cabinet ttitp.Vork, Respectfully informs the public, that,he has opened r. store .md commenced the saie of his stock of CABINET J-URNII URE ami LOOKING GL.V38ES, u bicit cqnsist-. of a variety of rtideboarus. Secretaries and Bockcsses sets of dining Tables,, pillar and claw. bi-caUfrst and card Tables, ptain do, and reeded legs arid csto. wash han Stands, Bedsteads, ail mahogany; elegant .gilt Conrisl for <!o; a variety of looking- Glasses, 46 by 26, with glas-- Fanne 1,26-15. and other sizes 34 by 20 and 32 by 18 ant! 3;j by If, \vi*li Funnels of the best gut. A t of thf above "->’(! - -4 vp.-v low for cash. nov 26—,-143 L/.i a i hompsuii Respectfully informs the inhabitants of savannah and its vicinity, that he has taken a store in Whitaker-street, where he has opened a general assortment of American manufactured GOODS, from some of the most approved Factories in Massachusetts, which he otters for sale, bv piece or retail, on the mast reasonable- terms, viz: Flail’s, Stripes, Chsmbr-.ys, Checks, Bvotticks, Diapers, Coverlids, Twills,- Shawls, Shirtings, bier,cited and un bleached; knitting Yarns, slack for fringing;- cotton Thread, from No. 13 to 52; Sattivets, supevtine Satlinets, priest Cloths, Broadciotiis, wool Hose, Rats, floiiow- ware and Axes; also a good assortment of morocco, kid and leather Shoes, tin and jrpnniied Ware, paper II.. ings. New-York Pippins, w. a a general ussortmen Spirits sTut Groceries. nov 36—' nt of -MI Georgia—Ghatbaai’ county. Ily Samuel M. Bond, Aerit of die coort of ordinary of said county—To all whom it may concern. Whereas, Paul P‘. Thomasspn of Savannah, has app.ied to me for letters cf administration on the estate ami ef fects of Francis Leroy, lately of Cumberland Island, planter, deceased, on belialf of the heirs. . .. - Now, therefore, these are to cite and admonish all and singular tlie kindred and creditors of the said Francis Leroy, dec. to file their objections, (if any they.have,) in ray office, on or before the twenty-sixth day of De cember next, otherwise letters of administration will be granted to tlie applicant. ' « • . Given under xnv hand and seal of office, at Savaivnan, the 25tli day of November, F. «. 1816. LL, S.j SAMUEL M. BOND, c. c. o. Ladies^ Siuies. JVST RV.CEtVEIl mow XEW-YOUK, By the brigs Laura-inn mid Savannah Packet, Ladies’ kid SUppers, from iJedenbevg’s manufactory, as follows: Ladies’ whit", lilac, blue, purple, tea, slate and black KID SUPPF.U8 Ladies’ black and colored morocco Boots and Jack- son Ties Ladies’ walking Shoes. Grecian Ties and Slippers Ladies* black and colored morocco Slippers and Ties Ladies’ black and colored Brunswick tits and jean Slippers ‘Misses’ black and colored Slippers and Ties Children’s moroeco and leather Boots and Buskins ■Women’s,leather Boots, Race Slippers and Ties Grntleineh’s Suwarrow and r-.z'e Boots Do broad strap morocco Shoes and Pumps Do do do calf and seal do do do Do narrow do seal Shoes and Pumps Do morocco and leather Dancing Pumps 30 dozen calf Skins, boot Webbing, shoe Thread, Brushes and Blacking 10 dozen kirb Bridles, 3 pair Venetian Blinds X3 casks Nails, assorted Brooms and Dusters 50 Trunks, sr.l’atMe for travellers The above will be sold, either wholesale or retail, for cash or approved town acceptances, at the Sign cf the Golden Boot, Gibbons’ building. Auction. The sale of BOOKS will be continued THIS EVER* 1NG, at the store occupied by Air. D. Poeock. Sale to commence at 6 o’clock, p. h. A. Howe, auerr, n nv.26.—-141 . ' , .. Auction. * To-Morfow, 27th instant,. •> S.1LES CGN1TNIJ£h—At No. 2, Commerce Ro\Be 15 pieces Duilil Blankets, 2d places point Blankets * 20 ditto white' Plains-, 20 pieces blue Plains 2u ditto Flannels, 5i) pieces Ginghams 50 ditto Lmi ns, 5d pieces CaniLncs 5o ditto black Cambrics, 50 pieces IlcitbazeTs id ditto cotton Checks, TO pitci&Cassimeres ditto Broadcloths, 3d pieces Madras liandkerchiefs xd crates Crockery, 2U casks Glassware 9 casks Hardware and Cutler}-, 5 casks Shot' 5 pieces DLper, 20 dozen table Cloths Terms imAfe known at time of sale. H. C. Dunning, aact’jr- AuctlOi). To-Morrow, the 27th instant, 11 ui be Hold before my store Groceries and Dry Goods. - ' ALSO 1 6 quart- r.casks Wine, 2v bls.Stig-ar, 30 bags Sugar 5d boxes dipt Candies.40boxes Soap id b-s Mackerel, 6 do Apples, 9 do Currants 30 do-33 nhuden Fish, 40 pieces cotton Fagging 20 pieces Blankets, 200 suits negro Clothing 22 pieces Broadc o'hs, 4u dozen worsted Hosiery 60 pieces northern Ginghams _ A quantiU ot HARDWARE 400 pair Shots, 2oO Hats, 50 p.eces Gulico 12 superfine Goats Likewise A prune NEGRO FELLOW, about 25 years of age Sale to Comnw/ue us H o'dock, A. Howe, aud/r. nc.v 26 T4T ban;: oi tiic urviloit States. Notice is hereby ghen to the subscribers, to the capital of the Bank of the Uiiiud Stales, at Augusta, that the mmissioners appi.ii||e«l by the President of the Uqited States to receive the said subscriptions, are duly author ised by tho President .md Din e! ors of the Bank of the United Suites, to receive the second, instalment jsf the said subscriptions, to v, it; on each share of the sai-Ycapital, ten dollars Li gold or sib er coiu and twenty-five dollars in coin as aforesaid, or in funded debt, at the rats prescrib ed by the act of incorporation, with a power of attorney annexed to the cert ificates of the said funded debt pro portion, authorising the Loan Officer far the time beings at whose office the said funded debt shall stand recorded, it- the register of the treasury cf the United States, if the stock shall &t,.nd on the books of the treasury) to transfer die same in due form of law, to the President, Di rectors isrnl Company of tlie Bank of the United, States; that the said commissi .news, as agents of tlie Bank, will at tend at the Bank of Augusta, hetwetn the hours of nine o’clock m the- forenoon, and two o’clock in the afternoon, doily, and every day, (Sundaes excepted) from the 1st of January next ensuing, to the same month, both ays inclusive, for the purpose of receiving the payments •s aforesaid; and that die subscribers at their option, may her pay the sirid second instalment at the original place of subscription, within the time herein limited; or at the Bank of the United States at Philadelphia. EDWARDHARDEN, ) Commissioner* J. S. V/ALKKR, C at JOHN GUMMING 5 Augusta, .dugnsti", November 22, 1816 nov 26-cl—I4f Factorage and Commission Business. The subscriber having declined the practice of law, on tile first instant; now offers his services to his friends and feiiow-citizens, generally, in the above line, and pledges himself that his attention, exertion and punctuality, in business, .-dial! be such as to merit a portion of their fa vor and support. He has obtained commodious fee proof stores on Howard’s wharfffer the- reception of pro duce, and Iiis counting room is in the east tenement Of said building, immediately under Mr. Charles Howard. Joseph S. Pelot. sep 3 tso 105 Notice. A Court of Ordinary for the count}: of Chatham, will be-held at ihe court-house, in Savannah, on Monday, the.second day of December next, at 10 o’clock. * Bond, clerk. r-n- 26 u 141 fi oi re-entered Lots. kT<tJ Conformably to a resolution of Council, I shall, mV SATURDAY, the seventh day of December next, at the court house, between the usual hours proceed to the sale of the following LOTS, if the tents due should not : paid before that day. iVashingtm wu-d—Nos 36,38 and 39 L berty ward—Nos. 22, 24, 31 and 32. Greene ward—Nos. 14,15, 19, 35, 38 and 39 Elbert ward—Nos 16, 30 and 35 Old Franklin ward-—Nos. 2, 3, 4,7, 33 and 39 New Frank iin ward—Nos. 7 and 9 Warren ward No. 2 ,r Jackson ward—Nos. 46, 47 and 48 Spring Hill—Nos. I, 2, 5, 8, 9,13, II, 15 and 16 Wind-Mill Lot. F. M. STONE, C.M. nov 26 141 nov 26- -T4 f John Douglass. To rent A STORE, on Moore’s wharf. * i nov 26——141 . , For terms applv to A. FOX & CO. Notice. The subscriber offers for sale at his shop in Bay lane, opposite Mr. Deiberghe’s, Scotch, Macabau, Spanish and Rapee SNOFFS, by the bottle, jar, or smaller quantity. . He has also on hand, best American and Spanish Cigars. Chauviteau. ftov *1 Twenty Dollars’ reward:- %i Runaway on tlie night of the 17th instant, from the sub scriber, residing in Augusta, two negro girls—Leer, a good looking- wench, very dark, about eighteen or nine teen years of age, five feet four or five inches high, inclin ed to corpulence, speaks rather broken English, but is quite plausible in conversation—being anative of Charles ton, (where her relatives reside) it is expected she will make for that place. Mart or Pollt, a yellow girl, with a pleasant and prepossessing countenance, between se venteen and eighteen years of age, five leet five or six inches high, of a slender and erect form, speaks good English for a slave, and is prone to mirth. At the time she eloped, in her fears were- a pair of very small golden ear-rings—As she has accompanied the other wench in her flight, it is probable she will make for the s'ame destina tion. Whoever may d-.-tect and lodge them in any gaol of South-Carolina or GeO’-gia shall refceive the above re ward, or for either of them ten dollars, anil all reasona ble charges defrayed. Captains of vessels and others are notified that the harboring or carrying them off will pro voke the utmost rigor of the law. Austin WooHolk. N. B. Feank, a negro fellow, belonging to Mr. Prescot of Augusta, uent otf in ripmpany with the aforesaid wenches—He is about twenty three or four years of age; five feck, ten or eleven inches high, dark brown Complex ion has the domplete English acceht, and is both active and sensible—at the time of his desertion, he wore a blue round jacket and pantaloons. He is a native of Baltimore, and may attempt to reach that plate. Ten dollars will be likewise paid for his apprehension. ’A. W. no26—— 141 . . ...... _ - - - -- Georgia—-Ghatham Gounty. By Samuel M. Bond, clerk ot tlie court of ordiiiSty of Chatham county. To all whom it may concern. ... Whereas, Mrs. Ann Delannoy, of Savannah; widow, haa applied to be appointed thfe guardian of her two sons, Jules Delannoy, and Emile Delannoy, infants under the age of fourteeiyrears, the children of Alexander Delannoy, deceased. Now, therefore, these are tp cite and admonish all pen-, sons interested in the welfare ot the said infants, to file their objections (if any they huvej nj my office on or be fore the 26th day of December mpti; otherwise letters tjf- guardianship wiU be granted to thfe applicant. Given under ipy hand and seal of office, ag %vannah- the 25th day of NoVcaiJier, 1816. ~ * . —■ — Mr JTlg'-l •: - ■■