Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, November 26, 1816, Image 5

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Supplement to cafii i — SAVANNAH, NOVEMBER 26, 1816. gj. From a wish of Joseph Carruth- to decline the Dry Good business, James Garruthers will carry tuat ousme'is on iuuseif. The commission bu siness will be attended as usual, by Joseph Carruthers & Co. Who oder for sale on moderate terms, a consignment of Laces, Hosiery, Ac. november 7 133 Niles’ Weekly Register. Subscribers to ttiis valuable Work, are informed that the unth and ’enth volumes have been received at the Republican Office. BalUmore, Georgetown and A.exandria Bank Notes will be taken in payment for die Weekly Register. nov 16 -137 Pilot Boat Hampton. Notice is hereby given, that pilotage due the above Boat, is to be paid to no one bat myself; as I am the on ly person authorized by the Commissioners of Pilotage to receive the same. JOHN G. HOLCOMBE, s. c. p. — 131 receive nov 2 The subscribers STEPHEN ELLIOTT’S BOTANY Wit: receive the First Number, by catling at the Book- tore of W. T. WILLIAMS. 1 oct 19—125 The Marine and Fire Insurance COMPANY, Jf the City -/ Jivannah, Will insure Property in Boats, between Savannah and Augusta, and at and from either place to the other. R. Wayne, secretary. oct 24?——127 Harris H. Hickman Has opened a .aw-Office in Savannah, and tenders to the public .. . professional services in die courts of the e astern circuit. oct 8—12<j Notice. rhe law ofizee of the subscriber, is at the house re- ltly in the occupation of doctor M‘Lean. Edward F. Tattnall. oct 8—120 Notice. The subscriber, for a short time, will be absent from Savannah. Mr. F. S. Mu.can will act as my attorney. Frederick S. Fell. oct 31—130 The subscriber HAS RECEIVED, From an approved manufactory in JYew-York, AN INVOICE OF BOOTS AND SHOES, Comprising the following assortment, wliich he will sell at very reduced prices, by the angle package or larger Quantity, viz:— One trunk containing 30 pair Suwarrow Boots and IS pair Wellington Boots One trunk containing 45 pair ladies’kid and morocco Jackson Ties, 12 do do do do Perry Laces, 7 do do black morocco Jackson Ties, 6 do do do do Sand Js, 7 do do do do Slips, 14 do do kid do do; 24 do misses’ do do do. One trunk containing 40 pair misses’" colored mo rocco Jackson Ties, 25 do do black do do, 15 do do do do Slips, 13 do do colored kid do, 10 do do do do Jack- son Ties, 14 do do do Misses’ do morocco Slips. One trunk containing 31 pair colored kid Slips, 12 do aliases do do, 15 do black morocco do, 15 do colored kid and morocco Perry Laces, 21 do do do do Jackson T es, 10 do black do Slips, 7 do white kid do, 7 do do do Jackson Ties. One trunk containg 25 pair colored morocco Jackson Ties, J4 do do kid Slips, 15 do do do Jackson’s l ies, 22 do black morocco Slips, 15 do do do misses’ do, 44 do colored do do do, 10 do do do do Jackson’s Ties, 3 do white kid do do, 2 do do do Slips, 24 do colored mo rocco do. One trunk containing 9 pair white top Boots, 5 do black do do, 12 do Suwarrow do. One trunk containing 60 pair men’s coarse Shoes, 108 «Jo boy’s Shoetees, 88 do men’s grain Pumps, 28 do do do Shoes, 32 do do do «lo, 20 do do do do. One bdx containing 24 pair colored Roan, 12 do black iSandals, 12 do do Slips, 36 do children’s do. One trunk containing 12 pair roan Sandals, 12 do mo rocco Slips, 36 do colored roan Slips, 12 do children’s Shoes. One trunk containing 48 pair colored Roans, 24 do children’s Boots. One trunk containing 30 pair men’s fine Shoetees, 24 d- <!o da Pumps, 18 do Shoetees and Perry’s, 12 do mo- r eco P naps, 10 do Wellington Boots, 6 do Waterloo Uo, U do morocco Pumps. J. George. nov 23——m——140 ^ Notice. A gentleman wishes to get a room and his board in a private family- Enquire at this office. nov 23-140 Wanted immediately A Barouche or light travelling Carriage, in good or der, well built and convenient. Also a pair of Horses, Young, gentle and active, boarding house, St. Julian-: The subscriber Has imported per ships Thomas Gibbons, Jane, and William, from Liverpool, the following GOODS, 20 casks fine wrought clasp head Nails i2 do fine twisted trace Chains, 4 j lbs. and 5 lbs. per pair 2 do containing table Knives, and Forks, desert Knives and Forks, pen and pocket Knives, double bladed Knives, sets of ivory handled Knives and Forks, with deserts to match I cask containing common and patent curry Combs, double and single bolted pad Locks, horse Brush es, steel coffee Mills, tinned Iron Spoons and Yu- tannia metal Spoons 4 cases containing single and double barrelled Guns and single and double barrelled gun Locks, some very elegant, patent self filling 9hot Belts, do fire proof powder Flasks, powder Homs, double and single shot Belts 20,000 rifle and double barrelled gun Flints 20 casks patent Shot 20 quarter kegs English FF rag Gunpowder iOO papers double sealed Gunpowder iOO canisters treble strong Gunpowder, manufactured by W. G. Harvey, battle Sussex 4 casks bar Lead i4 do BBS London brown Stout 4 do sad Irons 3 do green Copperas iO tons Iron, assorted i do Crowly Steel 600 iron Pots, half gallon to five gallons iOO Spiders, iOO sets waggon Boxes 50 pair And-Irons Sets of Weights, from half ounce to 28 pounds 3 bales London duftil Blankets i do Great-coats. For sale, on accommodating terms, by J. H. FRASER, nov i2—T—135 Market-square. Mirrors, Pictures, LOOKING GLASSES AND CORNICES. Just opened, from JSTewYurk, An elegant assortment of the above articles, framed in the most fashionable manner. Also an assortment of toilet Glasses, Dressing-Boxes, containing five drawers; all of which are in gilt and ma hogany frames. The size of the glasses are 38 by 24, 34 by 20,32 by 19, 30 by 17, 28 by 16, and lesser sizes down to 12 by 15. 2 superb Mirrors, with four lights, 24 inches diameter 2 do do do do do 17 do do Some of the popular NAVAL BATTLES, in the late contest with Britain, done on glass and engraved, in gilt frames; Window Cornices, of four patterns. For sale by J. H. Olderslmw, nov 14—136 Qji’tht* Hay, corner of Whitaker treet To Druggists, Physicians AND COUNTRY MERCHANTS. The subscriber respectfully informs his friends in Geor gia and South-Carolina, that be will in a few days recom mence his Drug, Paint and Oil Business in Savannah, in connection with his present establishment in Philadel phia; and that he has taken into copartnership with him Mr. Robert Worrell, jun. w ho will attend to and conduct the business under the fittn of Hakral & Worrell. They will open in a few days, at their Store, in Con gress street, near the Market-square, one hundred and seventy-nine packages and cases of DRUGS, CHEMI CALS, SHOP FURNITURE, Ac. which have been care fully selected in the European ami Northern markets, and can be confidently recommended as of a very supe rior quality. All orders to the firm, or to the subscriber, in Phila delphia, will be promptly attended to, and charged at the lowest prices. GEORGE HARRAL. Philadelphia, JYov. 5, 1816.—139 Landing From brig Aurora, from JVeiv- York, 2 chests hyson Tea 1 do imperial do V- latest importation. 4 half chests young Hyson j> 1 pipe Cognac Brandy, 1 pipe Holland Gin 1 quarter cask Madeira Wine, 1 do L. P. Teneriff do in store 200 reams wrapping Paper, 5 hhds Muscovado Sugar 20 bis Orleans and Jamaica Sugar 20 do prime green Jamaica Coffee 1500 bushels Liverpool ground Salt, 4 hhds N. E, Rum 25 half barrels superfine Philadelphia Flour 6 crates assorted Earthenware. 25 casks Sd, 6a, 8d. 10d, 12d, and 2Od patent cut Nails A few casks stone Lime, for sale by James H. Fraser, nov 23 T 140 Market-square. For sale Notice. Lewis Mirault* TAYLOR, Respectfully informs, his customers that he has ta ken a room above Mr. J. P. Gizorme, (jeweller) next door to Judge M'Allister’s and opposite Johnston’s square, where he intends to continue his business; and from his former strict attention, he hopes still to be fa vored witli his customers’ business, ami does assure them that ail business left in his charge shall be punctually at tended to. ... ON HAND A very handsome assortment of Waistcoating and a few dozen of lambswool Shirts and long Drawes, wliich will be sold low. oci 17—124 Merchant Taylor. JAMES FOWLER fEast of Messrs. Lure, Wallace & Co's, and nearly oppo site Messrs. Duel, Gresham ZJ Co’s, in St. Julian street f Has the pleasure of informing the citizens of Savan- flah, that he has established himself in this city, in the above business, and will have any garment in his line made at a short notice, in the haost fashionable manner and by the best of workmen. He hopes, bv his experience and assiduity', to share a part of the public patronage. . He has selected in New-York, a few of the best of the following Articles, imported into that city, viz: Superfine black, blue and fancy colored Cloths Superfine black, blue, mixed and drab Cassimeres Florentines, Marseilles, Toilinets Ac. Which is offered for sale on accommodating terms, dj* Wanted one or two of the best JOURNEYMEN} for whom liberal wages will be given. Also Women to make Seamen’s Cloths, oct 31 130 Tailoring. JOHN PRENTICE Respectfully informs the gentlemen of Savannah and its vicinity, that he has commenced the Tailoring busi ness, directiy opposite the west side of the Market; where he intends prosecuting his business in all its v,.n- ous branches. Gentlemen, who will favor him with their custom, may depend on having their work done in the best style and the most workman like manner. He will keep constantly on hand, for the accommoda tion of his customers, the best of French and English superfine broad Cloths, Kerseymeres and Vesting. Gentlemen will be under no obligation to take their clothes if they do not suit. nov 7 o* 133 Factorage and Commission. The subscriber having commenced in the above line of BUSINESS, offers his serv ices to his friends and the public; his Counting-Room is on Wayne’s upper wharf, formerly occupied by Messrs. Phinizy A Barnett' The Store is large and commodious—produce will be re ceived on storage and every attention given to us re* ception and shipment. RICHARD WAYNE , dec 2—139 For sale. The subscriber offers or sale his LOT, on the Bay, withthe improvements thereon, consisting of two substantial well built Stores, covering th entire front and extending forty feet in depth, at , occupied by Messrs. J. Hanmer A Co. and Mr. j. Depass. On the back part of the Lot, fronting on Bay lane, are four small tenements well calculated for shops. For paiticu- lars, apply to Messrs. Minis A IIenbt, or Thomas Mendenhall. N. B. Mississippi Stock would be taken in payment, nov 12—o—135 Imported Per the ship William, captain Mills, from Liverpool. FOR SALE ON VERT MOIERATZ TERMS. 14 bales very best London duffil Blankets 100 casks brown Stout, London Porter, 6 and 8 dozen 100 kegs white Lead, ground in oil, 281bs. each 100 boxes 8 bv 10 crown Glass 50 do 10 by 12 do 100 casks English wrought Nails, clasp heads, 6d. 10d • and 20d. 50 crates crockery Ware, assorted for the country 15 tons bar Iron do. do. 5 casks bar Lead, in lib. bars 15 do. Sh. it, of all sizes A quantity of Iron Pots, different size* On consignment, One bale English broad cloths One cask best steeled broad Hoes One case of Hardware One cask cooper’s Adzes, Hummers, Chizzle* an club Azes One cask 3ad Irons, one bundle London Shovels 25 casks London Porter, in bottles James Wallace. november 7 133 An elegant Chair and Harness, with one of the best family Horses in town, for gentleness, on reasonable terms, as the owner has now no use for them. Also, a young Negro Man, 22 years old, stout made, and a blacksmith by trade; he would be very useful for a country gentleman. For particulars enquire at this office. nov 12—135 For sale Enquire at Mrs. Pierce’s street. nov 23—140 A few children can be accommodated as boarders, in a private family, residing in a healthy situation in Brough- ton-street. Enquire of the printer. nov 23—140 The Wharf, lately occupied by Caig & Mitchel, con taining 200 feet front oh Savannah River; bounded west- wardly fcy Camochan A Mitchel, and eastwardly by An drew Knox. Also, the Wharf Lot, adjoining the Feny, at Fort Wayne, containing 150 feet on the river and nerr 500 feet back, from the same; bounded eastwardly bv the fence at Fort Wayne. On this lot, is the House,' v ith two plazas, at the east end of the Bay. For terms, pleas apply to PETER MITCHEL. ’ " - - a -A- / / / /