Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, November 28, 1816, Image 8

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9 ■■O-TT: 1 ~ *V ■ffim ■-* V? a '•» v: $»* ^ Jg- f.» i % M I f # 4 f 7. m-\g. /' ' *T v -v * *; * - % #. V 5 > it- .-4 ',*2 • / ‘ • 4* - i ** - *■ S' ♦ • ~ ■■■4T. • WmL jk 1 #-. Up Bank of the TJftited States. Notice is hereby given to the subscribers, to thecapital Of the Bank of the United States, at Auguste, th* .the fcommissioners appointed by thfe President of the United Stages to receive the said subscriptions, are dulyauthOyw feed, by the President and Directors of the Bank of the United States, to receive the second instalment of the said subscriptions, to wit; on each share of the said capital, tendoflars in gold or silver cpin and twenty-five dollars in coin as aforesaid, or in funded debt, at the rates prescrib ed by the act. of incorporation, with a power ofattproey annexed to the -certificates of the said funded debt pro portion, authorising the I Man Officer for the time being, at whose Office the said funded debt shall stand recorded, (or the registpr of the treasury of the Uidled States, if the stock Shalt stand on the books of the treasury) tp transfer the same in due form of law, to the President, Di rectors ana Company of the Bank of the United States; that the said commissioners, as agents of the Bank,-will, at tend at the Bank of Augusta, between the hours of nine o’clockin the forenoon, and two o’clock in the afternoon, daily, and, every day, (Sundays excepted) from the 1st New 6oods\ CHARLES W. C ARPENTER & CO. Have .received, by the schooner Mechanic, Apart of their PALL and,WINTER GOODS, which 1 ■ • .* l* .. n they . offer for sale, consisting of Cloths, Cassimerts, Coating, Blankets, Flannels, Bombazets, Calico, Musirns, Ac. Also, have on hand and -will be receiving A general assortment of SADDLEliY, manufactured in the lrest manner. oct 247-127 J. J. & F. Blanchard Have lately received,from France and Wow-Fork, A large assortmcn of FANCY and WINTER GOODS; wliich'they offer for sale on very liberal terms—among them are the fallowing articles: White cut Silk, Velvet and, green do; figured and plain 6-4 silk Lace, silk lace Piloriiiesand Handkerchiefs, black and white lace Viels and Shawls of various sizes; face VieU, Merino Shawls, very low; silk Shawls of all sizes and very cheap; Mock Merino and cotton Shawls; satin, Lcvan- James Poultney . (M A RKET-SQU A REV J Hisjnst received, perehips Georgia and John V Eawa-d frotn Liverpool, ‘ A LARGE ADDITION TO I!1K FOUMlh STOCK or HARDWARE, CUTLEBY, Ac. ( . Among which are, Casks 5c>f socket Spades, cast steel patent Hoes Carolina, narrow and broad IIocs & Chain Traces, sad Irons Cast .and waggpu Boxes 2J, 3d, 4<1, 5d, and fid wrought clout Nails 6d, 8d, lOd, 12d and 2yd fine wrought Rose and CU.r, Ounce Tacks, head *ails tls5 P 4J to 6 inch Spikes, Ac. ALSO A large quantity of American and English Hollow. w #V e * , un elegant assortment of plated Saddlery Lc which is offered tor sale on a low advance for cash 0 r town acceptances; and is well worth the attention of country merchants, Ac. N. B. Highest price given for old Brass and Conner oct 29—cs-129 * P either pay the said second instalment at the original place of, subscription, within the time-herein limited; or at the Bank of the United States at Philadelphia., EDWARD HARDEN, } Commissioners J, S. WALKER, S- at JOHN CUMM1NG J Augusta. Augusta, November 22, 1816 nov 26-cl-I4I Bank of Georgia. It being deemed expedient by tlie Board of Directors, Chat another Instalment of the Stock of the Bank of the Jtate of Georgia should be called in, and that the Stock holders should be required to- pay a proportion thereof utspecie. Notice whereby given, that, agreeably to a resolution of the^ Directors of this date, twenty-three per centum on each share, of the Stock of the Bank, is required to be paid by the Stockholders, on or before the second Monday in December next; that five dollars, in specie, be paid on each share, as part of the said twenty-three per cent, and the balance in bills of either of the Banks of Georgia. The Stockholders are further notified, that Cashier’s Certificates of Stock will be issued n lieu of the Qom» missioners’ Certificates, held by the Stockholder^, upon the delivery of the Commissioners’Certificates, at the time of paying the Instalment, as above required. Western Stockholders are informed, that they may pay said Instalment, and receive their Stock Certificates, on delivering the Commissioners’ Certificates, at either of the Offices established at Augusta and Milledgeville, so soon as they shall be in operation, which willl be in a short time. E.LEAZAR EAR LY, Cashier. Savannah, the 20th September, 1816.—[115] Cambric of all qualities, long Lawn, bed Lace, carpet Binding, ‘Irish Poplins, thread, silk and cotton Laces; black, white arid colored French Crape, black and color] ed Canton do■, superfine blue, black, grey and-drab French Cloth, superfine blue, black, green, gTe’y and brown Eng lish do; superfine and common Cassimeres, assorted co lors; low-priced Cloth and pelisse Cloth; blue, white, brown, drab and mixed Plains; black Florentine, Mar seilles Vestings and Vestulets; black and colored Bomba- zets and Bombazines; white, red, green and yellow Flan nels; white, yellow aiid green Canvas; damask table Cloths and. Diaper, from 6-4 to 12-4; Russia Diaper; 7 -* and 7-8 linen Bedtick, cotton do; gentlemen’s and ladies’ black and white silk Gloves, gentlemen’s beaver and buckskin do; v#ry Tine French linen Sheeting, Dish do; cotton, worsted arid lamb’s wool Hose, children’s worst ed and cotton do; children’s beaver Hats' with feathers, 7-4, 8-4 9-4, I&/4, 11-4 and 12-4 rose Blankets, Bristol do; Bath Coating, 4+4 arid 6-4 cotton Cambric, 6^4 figured do; figured Lenoes *nd Muslins, jaconet and,-<miArM??fSiri!% darning wooleri Yarn, ass sorted colors; Estopilas; 4-4 and 7-8 Irish Linen, pocket Books, assorted sizes and qualities, 3-4 and 4-4 plaid and striped Ginghams, cam bric and common Dimity; white, plaid and cbainbray Homespun, cotton and linen Check, nest Scotch and Ger man Osnaburgs, Mock Madras and Romal Handkerchiefs, fine Bafters, Miiinet, Pins, assorted sizes; Cologne and Lavender Water; Antigua 09, boxes uf Perfumery ssort- ed, hair Powder, powder Puffs, Ac. Also an assortment of ladies’work Boxes, Vaiices, tpilet pin Cushions, Boxes ornmented with birds and flowers, Necklaces, Purses, Boyer’s French and English Dictionary; together with an assortment of fine and common Tumbltrs, wine Glasses and Decanters. nov S-rrr fci.- 132 Elias Wallen HAS lUCCKIVXD, By the most recent arrivals from England A verv genetri 1 *" - ’ MONGERY :neral assortment of DRY GOODS, IRON- and CUTLERY; all of which he offers f 0 - sate, on accommodating terms, at his new store, opposite to colonel Shelman’s boarding bouse, corner ofBromrh ton-street. o (£/■ Wiuts’s Lumber-Yard is open, as usual, for the reception of LUMBER; to the receiving and sel- lmg ot \\ hich, every attention will be given. ** nov 21 —139 b James Hills 50 (jf.UlKXT-SftnASE) Has jest received from Liverpool, per brig Friends, 0 casks best B. S. Porter 8 do pine apple Che ese 21 dozen L 2. dozen London refined port Wine 12 boxes PICKLES, containing Pjcallil ... , — Picallilo, Cauliflowers. Mixed Rauisnes, Chow Chow, red Cabba bage, Ac- 1 chest superior hyson YEA, just opened aov 23 140 Andrew G. Semmes Additional Notice. BANK OF GEORGIA. Stebbins & Mason, Continues the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BU SIXTHS, in tills city, and tenders las best services to the public in tiie above line of business, with the promise that the strictest attention shall be given to all business committed to his cure; he has good fire proofStores for Rice. Cotton or Merchandize. oct 31-ur-130 Whereas, it is represented, that it will be more con venient to many of the Stockholders, that the time pre scribed for the payment of the Instalment of twenty- three per cent, which includes the five percent of specie, directed by trie board, on the 20tli September, 1816, should be extended. Resolved unanimously, That the time be, and the same is hereby extended to the second Monday in January next, and, that the Cashier give notice, that the said Instalment is required tc be paid on or before the said second Mon day in January next. Extract from the Minutes. Eleazar Early, Savanruth, November j ■ 131 Cashier' Planters* Bank. Saturday next, 30th instant, being the settlement day for of the preceeding six months, Bank will be shut; therefore all paper falling due on that day, must be taken up on Friday. Dealers with the Bank, are re. quested to bring in their bunk books before Friday, that they may be written up. JAMES MARSHALL, nov 26—141 _ Cashier. Received, Per brig Aurora from New-Tork, 50 boxes containing a complete assortment of HATS, which wilLbe sold unusually cheap. 5 dozen fancy and Windsor Chairs, some very elegant 2 Gigs and 2 Sulkies. For sale at the store of Mr. J. Hanmer, on the Bay. E. Chittenden. nov 21 L 139 Just received Per brig Tybee, captain Cobb, from Nera-York, on con- signiAeiit, 0 TWENTY-FIVE PACKAGES DRY GOODS, consisTixo or Fearnoughts, superfine Vestings White, red, yellow and black Flannels Cloths and Kerseymeres, assorted colors Drab Cords, Sarsnets Coatings, mep and women’s lamb’s wool Hose Men, women and children’s cotton Hosiery Rose Blankets, satin Stripes ztso Gunpowder, Shot and Lead Branny, Wine, Gin, Pepper Sttefo Coperas, Nails, and ■Ar.sjWkwaortjnent Hardware Twins, Cotton. Bagging And n. variety, of other articles, all of which are offered on very low terms, by the piece or package by Theodore A. Schoedde. oct 31—130 'HPT 1 — »■' In addition to their general assortment of Goods, have received, by the Eliza Lord, Harriet Newell, Laura, and other vessels,from New-York and Boston, a variety of Fancy, Fashionable and Staple Articles—amongst which are Elegant Merino Trimmings Fancy plush do Rich silk do Fashionable Trimmings, Roses, Wreathes, for ball dresses A complete assortment of Artificial Flowers Chenelle and silk Cords French silk Nets, for the head Sifit velvet Indispensibles, with gilt and silver chains and clasps Fancy silk and worked Indispensibles Lillies’ and gentlemen’s si!!;, beaver and kid Gloves Ladies’and gentlemen’s silk fiose Ladies’ and misses’ Angola Gioves Elastic Garters Fashionable scarlet 8-4 Merino Shawls White and colored Merino ShawU, wfth rich borders Lace Veils, Shawls anil Handkerchiefs Levantine and other silk Shawls anil'Handkerchiefs, of all descriptions Figured Satins Bandana, flag and Florence Ilandkercluefs JjFancy Purses Colored Sewings Embroidering Silk Floss Cotton Marking Canvas Marking Thread Boston Wadding, for quilts, pelisses, .Ac. Fine assorted. Tapes and Bobbins lirdad twilled Tapes Black and colored French Crapes Canton Crapes Hat Crapes Linen' Bedtick Cotton Bedtick Furniture Binding Marble, green, mahogany and figured ail fcloths Fancy French Boxes Necklaces, with smelling bottles Hooks and Eyes Ribbons, Threads, Needles, Pins, band Boxes, Ac. Ac. Many of the above Goods having been purchased for cash at auction, in New-York, at the present reduced prices, can be afforded very cheap. ALSO Five PIANO FORTES, made by Messrs. Gibson & Da- vis, and warranted, to stand the climate, for sale at the manufacturers’ prices. oct 26—128 Hat Store. M. BAILEY & CO. Have just opened a complete assortment of the best anu most fashionable H.-V 1 b. in the store kitti-v occupied by Dr. Harris, first door west of Mr. Abner Woodruffs crocktrv store, consisting of gentlemen’s buff and plain beavers, castors, furani ami wool flats, of various descrip tions; witicii they will Mil very low. Merchants from the countiy, who want huis, n fiuti it to their interest to call. Also for sale a few thousand Holland Quills ° 138 nov 19- Copartnership. The subscribers having entered into copartnership, un der the firm of Giliktt lit Mivo, are now opening a ge neral assortment of DRY GOODS, at their store, south sicc of Johnston’s square; which they oiiu- for cash or town acceptances at ninety days. WM. S. GIL LETT. oct 19—125 JOHN MILNE. The subscriber Offers for sale cl very low prices, 4 cask3 assorted ll..rcl, 2 Casts do do 1 do homemade Ginghams 58 coils Cordage, 50 crates Earthenware Charles Rockwell, jPnov 26 r -III r-U+A~inue's wharf ecuto; ’ c ~? S Sell! On the first Tnesilay in Psccmber next. Will be sold at public auction, at the court-house, in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours, The HOUSE and LOT, fronting on West Broad street, late the residence of .iohn Gibbons, deceased. JOHN P. WILLI A MSON, 5 Exer.v- ALEXANGER TELFAIR,} tors. nov 2—1.34 To rent or lease. That well known WHARF, at present occupied by Taylor, Davis A Taylor, will be let for one or more years: it is one of the best situations for a lumber y..n , in Savannah; possession may be bad on the first ef De cember next. For terms apply to John Gardiner. oct 24—127 For sale A prune young Wench, 7ith a female Child, about- seven months old. With a female Child, about seven months old. The wench is a complete house servant. Her present owner not having usriforfier is the reason of her being offered for sale. For particulars apply at this office, nov 7-1.34 Darien. The subscriber begs leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has formed an establishment st lkineivtjnere he offers, for sale a well selected assort- mentof DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, Ac! and having been laid m low, he can dispose of them at very model rate prices, by the package, piece or smaller quantity, for cash, cotton or other .produce, or apprpved drafts on Savannah or Charleston. James H. Giekie. nov 14-—ch 136 A House arid Lot, in St. James’s square; being one of the most healthy and pleasant situations ir> this city—on the said lot are all necessary out h hidings. This prr- perty will be sold fora moderate price, and a credit o! one, two and three years given for the payment. Per sons disposed to purchase will apply to either of the subscribers. BEN. SHEET ALL, M. SHEFTALL, sen. april 6 41 To rent ■ A convenient two story' HOUSE, v.' : .*h necessarv out" buildings, at the low; r end of Rr^uphton-street. F> r n:c- ticulars apply to C. II. IjAYDE'” nov r6 137 4 »