Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, November 30, 1816, Image 6

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Madeira Wine, The undersigned having been appointed Agents for the very respectable house of John Howard Maecu St Co. of Madeira; they will, at any time receive, from respon sible persons, subscriptions or orders for any quantity of Madeira Wine, wliich will be selected and shipped, by the said house, with all possible care and attention; and the persons whom it is for will be drawn upon at thirty or sixty days sight for the cost, which will require to be accepted at the time when the wine is delivered. As the Market at Madeira is generally advantageous for the sale of Rice, the undersigned will attend to the shipment of any parcel ordered to be consigned to the above mentioned house, to whom they will transmit the shippers’ instructions for insurance, appropriation and remittance. WILLIAMSON it DE V1LLERS, nov 2—j"T—131 Factor* and CommissioniMer chants Elegant Mirrors, Of various sizes and figures, in gilt frames. For sale by J.J. 8tF BLANCHARD. oct 1—tAP—117 Just received 1000 bottles fresh Macobau and Scotch Snuff Fresh Crackers and butter Biscuits 15 boxes fresh Raisins, 6 bis soft shelled Almonds Fresh Prunes, pickled Tongues 300 lbs Saltpetre, musliroon and walnut Ketchup Basket Salt, fresh Mustard, Olives, Capers Brandy Fruits, assorted An assortment of the best Cordials Raspberry and cherry Brandy, sugar Plumbs Spermaceti Candles, loaf Sugar, white Havana do Sweet Oil and a few boxes of Claret, warranted of the first quality. For sale by P. Morin. nov 5 ■ ■■ It —132 Notice. The undersigned having declined the business which he hitherto carried on his own individual account, and feeling very anxious to close the same, do hereby solicit those who are indebted to him, to come forward and set tle the same; as a further indulgence cannot be granted. John B. Gaudry. nov 9 — Tj 134 Notice. The undersigned having declined the business which he hitherto carried on his own individual account, and feeling very anxious to close the same, do hereby solicit those who are indebted to him, to come forward and settle the same; as a further indulgence cannot be granted. P. Dupon. nov 9 ■■ Tf ■--134 Copartnership. The undersigned having united their stocks of goods, will also unite their efforts to deserve the more, the pub lic patronage which they have hitherto individually re ceived, and for which they now return their thanks.— They have entered into a copartnership, under the firm ofGAUDHT ScDcpon, and will continue the Grocery Bu siness at the store, corner of Johnston’s square and Bull Street, where they will keep a constant supply of all the articles in the grocery line, from the East and West-In dies, from Europe and from the United States, which they will dispose of for cash or city acceptances, at the low est rates: as they import their wines and liquors from the best sources direct, they will warrant them to be of the best qualities, and be able to afford them at a verv mo derate profit. JOHN B. GAUDRY, PETER DUPON. Just received by the ship Jane, from Liverpool, 30 dozen Pickles, viz: Piccalillo, Chow Chow, Cucum bers, Cabbage, French Beans, mixed Radishes, Cauliflow ers, Walnuts, Musliroons, yellow Cabbage. 12 dozen Ketchup, Walnuts, Mushrooms, Royal Sauce, quins, oyster Ketchup, liquid ballad, Pickles, Vinegar, lemon Pickles. 25 casks brown Stout 18 boxes Mustard By several others arrived from Abi 1 - York, L. P. Madeira Wine, do TenerifF, Sherry, Malaga, Port, Vin de Sauterne; Frontignan, Brandy, Holland Gin, New-England do. New-England Rum, Crackers, Raisins, Soap, Goshen Cheese, &.c. nov 9 :t 134 Fair Lawn. x The subscriber will lease the dwelling House at Fair Lawn, for one or more years—to it is attached forty or fifty acres of land capable of any improvement, and would be an object with the subscriber to have put in a s ate of cultivation. Possession can be given immediately.— Apply to WILLIAM WOODBR1DGE, Who has for sale one prime Field Hand and two or three capable House Servants. nov i2 - —t ■ ■ 135 Notice. On the first Tuesday in January next, Will be sold at the Court-House in the city of Savannah; A HO.US.E. and LOT, situated on the west side of west broad street; the property of the estate of Barbara Unseld deceased. Sold for the benefit of the heirs of anid estate. Terms made known on the day of sale. Joseph Camming, nov 19 i 138 • ir-nt pf th-heirs For Congress. An election will be held at the court-house, in Sa vannah, on MONDAY, the 2d day of December, ensuing for a REPRESENTATIVE, in the congress of the Unit ed States, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resigna tion of the honorable Alfilxd Cuthbeet, pursuant to a writ of election from the Executive Department; of which the electors of Chatham county will take notice. Three justices of the peace, will preside at said election, and the sheriff, will attend the same. J. P. WILLIAMSON, 3. i. c. c. c. OLIVER SPURGES, j, i. c. c. c. nov 14—136 Blank Manifests. For sale at this Office; Tracts. Subscribers to the Savannah Religious Tracts Society, are informed that 4000 Tracts remain with the Librarian for distribution. “Every member is entitled to receive one half the amount of his subscription in Tracts.” S. C. Schenk, nov 26 141 librarian Christ hurch. The Pews in this Church not held fee simple, will be rented for one year, on Monday, 2d December, to the highest bidder. The bidding will commence at eleven o’clock a. m. in the Church. J. B. READ, Harden. nov 26 m 141 For sale. The subscriber has just received, per brig Henrico, from Hamburg, and offers for sale, in tiic upper part of Depass’ auction store, for cash or good endorsed paper, the following articles: Russia Sheetings, Ravens Duck, Dowlas, Britannias, brown Rowans, Linens, linen Checks, bed Ticks, brown Hollands, rool Linens, linen pocket Handkerchiefs, Threads, Hosiery, girth Webbing, oil Cloths, Ribbons, Tickienburgs, cotton Shirtings, Calicoes, silk Umbrellas, Button’s Parasols, silk Hose, Gloves, Silks, silk Shawls and Handkerchiefs, Fringe, table Ulotlis and Napkins, merino Shawls, Cassitneres, Cloths, toiiet Glasses, hat Covers, Pencils, Candlesticks, Pistols, thread and cotton Lace, cut and pciin Glassware, looking Glasses, assort ed, Beads, Jewellery, chimney Ornaments, &c. AND An elegant assortment of gold and silver WATCHES Also, 30 demijohns of 4th proof Scbeudam Gin, whic. will he sold singly to accommodate purchasers David Leion. oct 26 128 For sale The Toll-Bridge over Great Ogechee River, at which Joseph Hill lately resided—it is a substantial well built bridge, composed c'uiefly of cypress; it has stood the creshets, and appears to he in all respects a good and fomplete piece of work. For terms apply to JOHN BOLTON or ? ex’ors. april 4— —40 JEREMIAH CUYLER. 5 J. Hill. Land In the vicinity of Savannah FOR SALE. A tract of land, (known by the name of Bonabelle, ami lately the property of a Mr. Bretet) containing about 520 acres, is offered for sale. It is situated about five miles from the city of Savannah, within a short distance of Thunderbolt, and on the salts. It has a very com fortable dwelling house, a good barn and out buildings. The above tract will be disposed of upon the most reasonable terms, as the heirs of the estate, of which it forms a part, are anxious for a division of the property. Persons desirous of purchasing will apply for further particulars to either, GEORGE JONES, F.BENEZER JACKSON or oct 8 120 EDWARD F. TATI NALL. Contract. COMMISSIONERS OF PILOTAGE. Proposals will be received for erecting a BEACON on the White Oyster Bank, one on Adam’s Knole, one on Cockspur, one on Racoon Island, and two on the Upper Mudflat. Application to be made to Abraham Nichols, esq. JOHN G. HOLCOMBE, a. c. r. nov 2 — ■ .131 Executor’s sales. On the frst Tuesday in December next. Will be sold ut'publlc auction, at the court-house, in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours,. The HOUSE and LOT, fronting on West Broad street, late the residence of John Gibbons, deceased. JOHN P. WILLIAMSON, 5 Execu- ALRXAXDER TELFAIR, 5 tors. nov 9—134 Stop the Runaway. The subscriber will give ten dollars for apprehending and returning my apprentice lad, JOHN G. PHELPS, who absconded himself on the night of the nth inst. he is of rather a dark complexion, blue eyes, about 5 feet 4 inches high, between 18 and i9 years of age, had on a blue cloth coat and black cloth pantaloons—helms serv ed at the shoemaking trade, and is a pretty good workman; therefore all mechanics are forbid harboring or employ ing said apprentice. N. B. All masters of vessels are forbid harboring or carrying him out of the state, as the law will be enforced against all and every person so transgressing. John Gardiner. nov ,2 136 Georgia—Chatham county. By S. M. Bond, clerk of the court of ordinary for the county of Chatham. To all whom it may concern. Whereas, Samuel M. Mordacai, of Savannah, hath this dav applied for letters of administration, (with the will annexed,) on the estate and effects of "Walter Roc, dec. which remain unadmiuistered, on behalf of tiie creditors of said deceased. Now 7 , therefore, these are, to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said decet.s- to file their objections, (if any they have,) in my office on or before the first Monday in December next, other wise letters of administration will be granted to the said applicant. Given under my hand and seal of office, at Savannah, this 1st day of November, 1816. [L. S.] S.M. BOND, r. c. o. c. c. Savannah Poor House and Hospital. VISITING COMMITTEE For .Xov ember and December, Bsnjamik Bcrbocohs and Joseph Cummino. Juseph Cumming, Secretary Have received, by the ship Georgia, from Liver fan’ A large and well selected supply of seasonable (,< ,V which, w ith their present stock, will render the r ' ' inent very complete, and which they will di S p 0St 0 f t £ * piece or package, on reasonable and accnmmocLt nt tern, s- JAMES DICKSON in', 15 oct 1Q 121 ' Perkins & White""'*’' HAVE JUST RECEIVED, Per brig Planter from AV\o-Ynrk, and are oferin: sale, at thiir store, in Johnston's square, a hamlsome tu sortment of Silv er plated, gilt and brass mounted Swords Sliver and gold embroidered sword Belts s\ Plated, gilt and fine gold Epaulets Fine gold and silver Lace Ladies’ and gentlemen’s dressing Cases Plated Snuffers and Trays Plated Castors, Candlesticks and bottle Stands Japanned Boxts and Castors A variety of tea Trays Gold Watches, Chains- Seals and Keys AND, ON CONSDlNlfiVT ^ 10 cases of roram HATS. Fur sale low, for cash or approved notes. nov 26—n~ Ui Ezra I hompson Respectfully informs the inhabitants of -avann-’ a its vicinity, that he has taken a store in YVhit-kcr't , where he lias opened a general assortment of Wr -i, manufactured GOODS, from some of the most ann-iveil Factories in Massachusetts, which he oilers f g . . piece or retail, on the most reasonable terms, viz- ’ ** Plaids, Stripes, Chambrays, Checks, Bir.tticks Bi mtr- Coverlids, Twills, Shawls, Shirtings, bleaviaii'anu • bleached; knitting Yarns, slack for frin ,,)?• !" Thread, from No. 18 to 52; Sattinets, supermini. „ k -ts priest Cloths, Broadcloths, wool Hose, H..t>, Holic.w- wareand Axes; also a good assortment cf morocco kid and leather Shoes, tin and japanned Ware, pap, r uj, rr . mgs, New-York Pippins, w ith a general assortment of Spirits and Groceries. nov 26 •- I _pp Valuable Lands for su\v7~ Four hundred and fifty acres, prime tide swamp, on the Savannah Back River, situated about ten links above the city, well adapted to the culture of rice or the sugar cane; upwards of one hundred acres now under d .m, Sul cultivated by James Ancram, esq. Also, a tract, containing upwards of three hundred acres, adjacent to the above tract—this tract will be worthy the attention of the owner of the river swamp, having some convenient buildings on it; it also contains a good proportion of high pine land, and the balance is well adapted to the culture of cotton and provisions— also, a swamp, abounding with cypress and other valua ble timber. Also, a tract, containing five hundred acres, situated on Savannah River, a few miles above I’un sburgii, k,:ovvr. by the name of Bear Bitifi—this tract is very vaiuib.e, it abounds with white oak and ether timber, suitable fo* the Savannah market. Also, two tracts ot pine Land, in the vicinity of Purrs- burgh, well timbered. The whole of the property will be sold on easy a id moderate terms. Apply to John Norton, on the OkaUt.-- or in Savannah, to Jacob Deveaux. sept 7 107 Notice. To be sold, at public auction, in front i f the court house, in the city of Savannah, on the first Tuesci.-ivin January next, one thousand acres of prime land, situate on the south branch of Turtle nver„ Glynn ccunn—tiie joint property of the Union Society, Chatham Acltlemy and tlie Savannah Poor-House and Hospital Society, which tract of (and was originally granted to the Iktiais- di College. Any person who feeis disposed to embark largely in the cultivation of cotton, corn or sugar-cane, would find this a most eligible situation. The grants can be seen by applying at the office of Llo;. d fit .Mormon, in the Exchange. Terms ot sale—one half cash, the ba lance in one year, with interest from the date of pur chase, secured bv bond and mongage, on the premises. MOSES SHEET ALL, President t'. S'. 1{. \V. HABERSHAM , Treasurer. C. .1. J. MORRISON, Com. Sav. 1‘. U. andii. S. atig 23 1(>5 Stolen From the British ship Lord Wellington, on Thursday night last, supposed by 7 runaway sailors, a carrel built JOLLY BOAT, with oars and sails, length, litre'; breadth, 5 feet 6 inches; depth, 2 feet 6 icc.t-S: pi-uk , three quarters of an i a !i thick; timber, li inch =qu»re-,. had no wash streak, printed black top sides, with a White bottom, green inside. Thirty Dollars reward will he paid to any one who v ill deliver said boat alongside the Lord Wellington, by ANDREW RAMsAY, _ nov 19 ■— -i. 138 musir. *#* Drought to gaol, in Savannah, on the 15th of November, 1816, a negro man, mui.ctl Fuank, belonging to Joel Burch, of Waynesbnrougi H e is about twenty-seven years of age and five feet tne inches high, stout ami well Formed, has a small scar wv the brow of his left eye. II. M'CALL, nov 21 139 «■ c. r Brought to gaol, in Savannah, Novemher 2, 1816. A Negro man named David, licit Hir ing to J. J. Grey, cf Barnwell district, (s. c.) Heistr-c feet six inches high, and eighteen years old. Has on i brown Jacket and striped trowsers. Also, Ned, fi* e feet five inches high, and eighteen years of age. iie i» dressed in while cotton homespun. H. M‘Call, g. c. c- nov 7 133 Blank Indentures, sale at this Office. oct 31—1—130