Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, November 30, 1816, Image 7

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3^ f ' "Sew Goods. _ • a t!w lutes! arrivals from .Yew-York Jlecnve y _ 0 n Cloths and Cassiiueres, lion Superfine ««1 Uow Flannel; rose, point ^^ffiTlBrnkUs;’ white and assorted Plains, Brussels andduml “UnK • s tair ditto; tire ’.'igs ami bed and ingrained jffP ^ Bom bazets, Irisli Linens and r.arnets. Bomba - - . . ,1 ;,1- 1 ,i\ni ailtr an.i rnt+nn • f ur niture Fringe, coraea uununc ana common Draw • Ginghams, 4-4 silk ditto; plain n I] tjusims, jaconet ditto; toilinet and Mar aud fi;jure(i mul ‘ Florentine ditto; cotton Bedtick- DimitV, and figm-a Florentine ditto; cotton Bedtick- • >CU ' 1 C'Kcks and Stripes, Russia Sheeting and brown Hol land, ,, so an e l es rant assortment of fancy goods, AMONG WillCH ARK I evantine and Florence Silks; white and colored plain „ ni i feu red Sattin; tlmle Lace, white and black; ditto ditto Crape; Merino Shawls, very rich; 3-4 to 8-4 Levan tine ditto, sattin, damask and serge ditto; Bandana and fetr Handkerchiefs, Florence ditto; white and crimson Merino Cloth, green and scarlet Merino Robes, ditto Trimming; Cashmere Bordering, plush ditto; elegant thread, lace anti worked muslin Caps, do clo Colarets, worked Bands, for do; worked Robes, Yamitures, Cutfs and Bosoms, for do; figured and plain Ribbons, No. 1£ to 12; Gauze do; velvet, sattin, Levantine and Florence Ridicules, some elegant, with clasps; do do Purses; la dies’ and gentlemen's embroidered and plain white and black silk Hose; do do Gloves, kid and beaver do; figur ed and plain Gauze, sejying Silks, nun’s and French Thread, Needles in cases, silk and Chenelle Cortis and Tassels, Pelorines and lace Haildkerciiiets, black and white lace Shawls, elegant thread and silk Laces and Edgings, dressing Cases and work Boxes, ornamented Combs! gimp Trimmings, silk Bonnets, ostrich and do wn Feathers, &.c. Sic. w hich will be sold on accommodating terms, by C. KELSEY. oct 15—2 __ „ For sale A House and Lot, in St. James’s square; being one of tlie most healthy and pleasant situations in this city—on the said lot are all necessary out buildings. This pro perty will be sold for a moderate price, and a credit of one, two and three years given for the payment . Per sons disposed to purchase will apply to tiilier of the subscribers. BEN. SHEF1Ai_.L, M. SHEET ALL, sen. april 6 41 . ^ ■ _ Notice. The subscriber offers for sale at his shop in Bay lane, opposite Mr. Delbergne’s, Scotch, Macabau, Spanish and Rupee SNUFFS, bv the buttle, jar, or smaller quantity. He has also on hand, best American and Spanish Cigars. Uhauvitcau. nov 26 m* IJl Notice. A Court of Ordinary for the county of Chatham, will be held at the court-house, in Savannah, on Monday, the second day of December next, at 10 o’clock. Bond, clerk. •nov 26- -1-11 A prime young W ench, With a female Child, about seven months old. The wench is a complete house servant. Her present owner not having use for her is the reason of her being offered or s.i;e. For particulars apply at this office, wiiov 7-1. it Sale of re-entered Lots. Conformably to a resolution of Council, I shall, on SATE ltDAY, the seventh day of December next, at the court house, between the usual hours proceed to tne sale of the following LOT S, if the rents due should not be paid before that day. II aihingt m soird—Nos 36,38 and 39 Jaber'.y v.ird—Nos. 22, 24, 31 and 32. Coumbiii leant—Nos. I, 14, 16, 24, 25,29,31, 33 and 36 (leeene ward—Nos. 14, 15, 19, .‘>5, 38 and 39 E'hrri wind—NosTSG, 30 and 35 Obi franklin ward—Nos. 2. 3, 4, 7, 33 and 59 .Thai franklin untrd—No». 7 and 9 H a'Trn -.sard No. 2 .Jackson ward—Nos. 46, 47 and 48 Spring Hill—Nos. !, 2, 5, 8, 9,10. II, 15 and Id Wind.Mill Lot. F. M. STONE, c. nov 26 141 ’ I wentv Dollars’ reward. Raiiawav on the night of the 17th instant, from the sub scribe r, residing in Augusta, two negro girls—Leer, a good :< airing wench, very dark, about eighteen or nine* - teen \ < ..i-» of age, five feet four or five inches high? inclin ed to c vpuleiice, speaks father broken English, hut is quite plausible in conversation—beinganative of Charles ton, (where tur relatives reside) it is expected she wiil make Sor that place. Maui- or PoLLr, a yellow girl, with a pleasant and prepossessing countenance, between sc- v v iik .a and eighteen years of age, five ice; five or six inclus high, of a slender and erect form, spa ..Us good ■"•English fi r a slave, and is prone to mirth. Ai the time she eioneu, in her ears were a pair of very small golden car-rings—As she has accompanied the other wencli in hi rrligi;'., it is probable she Will make fV«- the destina tion. Whoever mat detect and lodge them in any gaol <>f 8cuth-C..roUna or Georgia shall receive the above iv- var.;, or for eitlicisof them ten dollars, and all rcasona- ’ i- i h.irg.-s defrayed. Captains of vessels-and others are ;.otiiied that the harboring or carrying them otfwillrm-i- vokt tpy utmost rigor of the law. Austin WoolfcIk. N. B. Frank, a negro fellow, belonging to Mr. Prcscot •fA i went company wiiii the aforesaid '• n-. it:—He is about twenty three or four years of age, '■ feet, ten nr eleven inches high, dark brmwt yomplex- ■ has the complete English accent, and is both active 1 sensible—at the time of his desertion, he wore a blue : ;nd jacket and pantaloons, lie is a native of Baltimore, . i may attempt to reach that place. Ten do 11% will , ...cewise paid for his apprehension. AAv. -141 <? J A Teacher, Who is experienced and well qualified, wishes asTtua- tion in an English School or Family, by addressing a let ter to this office, or to the post-office, and directed to S. W. immediate attention will be given. nov 28—m-142 Education COMMERCIAL*: ET GRAMM AT IC ALE. Falligaxt cleve du Sieur Astoi v, le plus grand artiste ecrivain Je Paris, s’est consacre a 1’instruction necessaire aux jeunes personnes des deux sexes, il enseig-ne la lec ture et tous les genres d’ecriture, il les demontre p..r un nouveau procede eprouve, lequel procure aux eleves les moyens d’obtenir des succes tres avantageux en pen de mois de lecons j’l enseigne egalement les langues Fran^.tise et Anglais., les anciens et les nouveaux calcu- ls, les changes etrangers et la tenue des livres a partie double. Pour exercer les memoires peu tieureuses, il donne des explications telles que l’intelligence la moins developpee en est toujours satisfaite. Enfin, ses con- noisance sont reduites a des principes si clairs et si cer tains, que les progres des Eleves seront rapides, si leur exactitude a les employer repond a son zelc. Il y aura line classe particuliere pour les personnes qui desirent se perfectionuer. Apply at Mr. Oppesheim, jeweller, two doors east of Messrs. Calvin Baker &. Co. on the Bay. nov 28 m 142 Commercial GRAMMATICAL EDUCATION. Falligant, disciple,of Mr. Astoix, the greatest artist writer of Paris, has consecrated iiimselt to the instruction of the young persons of both sexes; lie teaches Read ing and all sorts of Writing; lie demonstrates them by a new method which, procures to the scholars the means of obtaining very advantageous success in a few months’ lessons; he likewise teaches the^French and En glish tongues: Orthography, by principles; the ancient and new Calculations, to exeicise the least lucky; he gives explications, such, that the memories of the least intelligent is always satisfied; at last, know ledge is re duced to principles so evident and so certain, that the scholars’ progres.-. must be rapid, if then- exactness to use them answers to !us zeal. T here wiil be private hours for those that wish to improve themselves. Apply at Mr. Oppevheisi, jew eller, two doors east of. Messrs Calvin '5-shei &. Go’s, on the Bay. nov 28 *. 142 City Marshal’s sales. On Wednesday, ihe 1 l la December next, Will be sold at the court house, in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours often anel three o’clock, Ail that Lot and Building, No. 19, Yamacraw, or so much thereof as will satisfy the cify vux oi Nichols and Raymond for the year 1 old and co-.ts Also buildings on, and half iot letter F. St. Gail, or so much thereof as will satisfy the city tax of Stephen Elli ott for the year 1816 and costs Also lot No. 7, Holland ty thing, Pcrcival ward, or so much thereof as will satisfy the cry tax of the estate of Samuel Williams for the \ ear 1816 and costs Also buildings on Lot No. 10, Wilmington tything, Darby .ward, to satisfy the city tax of estate of Thomas Smith for the year 1816 and costs Also buildings on lot No. 35, Elbert ward, to satisfy the city tax of John Mingiedorf for the year 1816 and costs Aiso lot No. 1 and buildings, Digbv tything, Decker ward, or so much thereof as will satisfy the city tax of John Grimes for the year 181 r and costs Also iot No. 18 and buildings, Evacm.burgh., much thereof as will satisfy- the c.ty tax of Benjamin Ycilatton for the years 1614 and 1H15 and costs Also buildings on lot No. 31, Columbia ward, to satis fy the city" tax of J oseph Fortatiio for the year 1216 and costs Also lot No. 24, Ewenshnto satisfy its city taxes, it belonging to non-residents, tor the year 1815 and costs. Also iot No. 25, Kw ensburg, to satisfy us city taxes for the year 1815 and costs, the property of non-residents. Aiso lot No. 23, Falun street,-to satisfy its city taxes for the year 131a ai... costs; the property ol non-resi dents. Aiso lot No. 8, llrvon street, for its taxes due the city for the year i K 15 and costs; tne property ot lion-resi- denis Also buildings on lot No. 29, Washington ward, to sa tisfy the citv tax of J6hn Battistc for tut year 1816 and costs Aiso buildings on lot No. 15, Greene ward, to satisfy the city tax of Charlotte Wailfor the year 1516 and costs Also buii J ugs on lot No. 16, Washington ward, to sa tisfy the cify tax of Lydia White tor the year 1816 and costs Also buildings on lot No. 10, Frederick tything, Darby ward, to satisfy tiie city tax of Elias VI alien lor die year 1816 and costs Also buildings on lot 24, Elbert ward, to satisfy the city tax ol P. J. Yollatton for the year 1816 and costs Also iot letter A and buildings, levied oil as the pro- A Iso lot No. 17, Ewe-nsburg; levied on as the proper ty of John Elierbee, to satisfy hiscilv tax tor tiie year 1816 Also part buildings on lot No. 4, Tower tyt-iin^, Decker ward; levied on as the property of Demick, to satisfy the city tux of said pioperty lor Uie year 1816 . . Also half lot and building's No. 8, St. Gad; levied on as the property of Delacroix, to satisfy tiie r;ty tax ot said property for the ve..r 1816 Also buildings on lot No. 17, Washington ward; le vied on as the property of Lydia Pepper, to satisfy the city tax of sulci property for the year J.816 v Also buildings on lot No. 24, tV asning.on ward; icwcu on as the* property of John lLrnard, sen. to satisfy Ins ctv tax for the year ISIS Also lot and buildings No. 5, Second tything, Anson ward; levied on as the property of John Mongin, to *a- tisfv his city tax for the year 1816 ALo half lot No. 8 and buddings, Yamacraw; levied on as the property of Rachel Houston, to satisfy the ci y tax <jf s;uu property for the year 1816. F. M. Stone, c. m. nov 12— 135 Executors^ sales.. On Monday, the 29th of December next, Will be sold at the late residence of Mrs. Wilson, 4®*. ceased, near the Baptist Church, ^ A _ variety of household and kitchen FURNITURE, con isting of Tables, Sideboard, Bureaus, Beds, Bed ding, &C. ALSO Two NEGRO BOYS, of 12 and 18 years of age mild, likewise The lease of the said House until February, 1819, Jiy order of the Executors. M. Herbert & Co. auct’ra. nov 14 1 x36 ah;. Marshal’s sales. On the first Tuesday in December next, Will be sold at die court in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours of 10 o’clock in the forenoon, and 3 o’clock in the afternoon. All tiiat wharf lot No 6 and buildings, Reynolds ward, or so much thereof as will satisfy tiie tax of the estate qf Nicholas Anciaux, for the year 1816, and costs. Also, ail tiiat iot No. 10 and buildings, 4th tything Reynolds ward, or so much thereof as will satisfy the city tax of Simon Jackson, for the years 1809, 10,11, 12,13, 14, 15, and 16, and costs. Also, ail tlxat lot No 6, and buildings, second tything, Reynolds ward, or so much thereof as will satisfy the city tax of Archibald Smith, for the year 1811, and costs. Also, all that iot No. 4, Sioper tything, Perceval ward, or so much thereof as will satisfy the city tax of Mrs. M-Gill, for the year 1816, and costs. Aiso, buildings on letter O, Heathcote ward, or so mucli thereof as wai satisfy the city tax of David Leion, for the year 1815, and costs. Aiso, the buildings on iot No. 10, second tything Rey nolds ward, to safety the city tax of Lewis B. Thompson, l'or the years 1515 and 16, and costs. Also, half wharf lot and buildings, Darby ward, or so much thereof as will satisfy fee city tax of Henrietta Mil ler, for the year 1816, and costs. Also, all that wharf iot Net. 2 and buildings, Reynolds ward, or so much thereof as will satisfy the city tax qf Mrs. Margaret Fraser, for the year 1816, and costs. F. M. Stone, c. m. nov 2 131 City Marshal’s sales. On Thursd -’j, the 5th of December next, Will be sold, at the court house in the city of Savannah between the usual hours. Also, two thirds of wharf lot and buildings No. 1, Reynolds ward, or so much thereof as will satisfy the city tax of Pelig T'allman, for the year 1816, and costs. Also, all that lot No. 17 and buildings, in the village St. Gail, or so much thereof as will satisfy fee city tax ot" estate .)allies Platt, for the year 1816, and costs. Also, lots No. 15, 16 and 17 and buildings, New Leeds, nr so much thereof as w .a satisfy the taxes of estate Julin Mitlen, for fee year 1814, and costs. Also, building on lot No. {j, St. Gall, to satisfy the ci ty tax of Charlotte Lewis, for the year 1816, and costs. Aiso, buildings on lot No. 3, third tything, Reynolda ward, to satisfy the city tax of James Hamilton, for the year 1816, and cos's. Also, lot No. 4 and buildings, second tything, Anson ward,or so much thereof as will satisfy the city tax of diariesOdingscil’s estate, for fee year 1816, and costs. Also, lot No 29 and buildings, Yamacraw, or so much thereof a3 will satisfy the city tax of Thomas Bryan, free man of color, for the year 1816, and costs. Also, buildings on part lot No. 4, Toiler fything, Deck er ward, or so much thereof as will satisfy the city tax of Truman Beck wife, for fee years 1815 and 16, and costs. Also, building on lot No. 11, Green ward, to satisfy the city tax of Thomas Lloyd, for the year 1814, and costs. Also, lot No. 3 and buildings, Moore tything Percival ward, levied on .«s tiie property of of the estate of Jane Morris, to satisfy the city tax for the year 1816, and costs. Aiso, lot No. 2 and buildings, St. Gall, levied on as the property of William M'Fariand, to satisfy his city tax for the year 1816. Also, buildings on part lot No. 22, Washington ward, levied on as the property of Prince Irvine, to satisfy his city tax for the year 1816, and costs. Aiso, a building on part lot No. 1, Tyconnel tything. Darby ward, levied on as the property Uf Charles Haley, to satisfy his city tax for the year 1316, and costs. Aiso, buildings on lot No. 31, Columbia ward, levied on as the property of Mary Ann Lewis, to satisfy hercify tax for the year 1816, and costs. Also, buildings on lot No. 9 t Washington ward, levied on as the property of George Carter, to satisfy his city tax for the year 1816, and costs. Also, half lot and building, No. 18, Bryan street, levi ed on as tiie property of Stephen Crafts, to satisfy his ci ty tax for the year 1816, and costs. Also, half lot No. 9 and buildings St. Gall, levied orj as the property of Curtis Loper, to satisfy his city tax for the year 1816. Also, lot and buildings No. 8, Laroach tything, Heath cote ward, levied oq as the property of Mrs. Ann AIor gan, to satisfy Her city tax for the year 1816, and costs. Also, buildings on lot No. 5, Jekyl fything, Darby ward, levied on as the property of John Reigneeir, tq satis fy his city tax for the year 1815 and 16, and costs. F. M. Btone, c. m. nov 5 wf f,i — I ’ • Georgia—rCiiathain county.— By S. M. Bond, clerk of fee court of ordinary fdl fee county of Chatham. To all whom it mat- concern. Whereas, Elizabeth Bunch, William T. Williams and John P. Henry, of Savannalu have applied for letters of administration on the estate'of Samuel G. Bucnh, late of Savannah, merchant, deceased. Now therefore, these are, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of fee said Samuel G. Bunch, deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in my office on or before the nineteenth day of December next, otherwise letters of administration vUl be granted to the applicants. Given, under my hand and seal of office, at Savannah^ this 19th day of November, 1816. (L. S ] B. M. BOI^V C. C. Q, Cg C. 1