Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, November 30, 1816, Image 8

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< ' V " r •-'» V • > - * * * • j*. n. u ,i'- ST Bank of the United States, Notice is hereby given to the subscribers, to the capital of the Bank of the United States, at Augusta, that the corhmissiane’-s appointed by the President of the United * States to receive the said subscriptions, are duly author ised by the President and Directors of the Bank of the United States, to receive the second instalment of the said subscriptions, to wit; on each share of the said capital, ten dollars in gold or surer coin and twenty-five dollars in coin as aforesaid, or in funded debt, at the rates prescrib ed by the act cf incorporation, with a power of attorney annexed to die certificates of ihe said funded debt pro portion. authorising the Loan Officer for the time being, at w in 'Sc office the said funded debt shad stand recorded, (or the register of the treasury of the United States, if the stock shall stand on the books of the treasury) to transfer the same in due form of law, to the President, Di rectors and Company of the Bank of the United States; that the said commissi uers, as agents of the Bank, will at tend at the Bank of Augusta, bc:» cen the hours ol nine o’clock in the forenoon, and tw o o’clock in the afternoon, daily, and every day, (Sundays excep'.ed) front the 1st of January next ensuing, to the add of same month, both day s inclusive, for the purpose of recto mg the payments as aforesaid; and that the subset.b< rs at their option, may either pay the s.ud second inst..lment at the original place of subscription, within the time herein limited; or at the Bank of the United States at Philadelphia. EUWAKO HARDEN, d Commissioner* J. S, C at Jon’S CW1MIXG 3 .iugasta. .Iti^tisca, dV.Yino-r -i-i, 1516 nov 36—cl— 141 tiaiik ot Georgia. n It being deemed expedient by the Board of Directors, that another Instalment ot the Stock of the Bank of the of Georgia shoulel he called in, ar. 1 that the Stock holders should be required to pay a proportion thereof in specie. Notice is hereby given, that, agreeably to a resolution of tiie Directors of this date, twenty -three per centum on each snare, or the Stock of the Bank, is required to be paid by the st-Hraiioiders, on or before the second Monday in December next; that five dollars, in specie, be paid on each share, as part of he said twenty-three percent and UK balance in bills of either of the Banks Of I- orgla. Tlie Stockholders are further notified, that Cashier’s Certificates of Stock »ill be iss..ed ,n lieu of die Com missi suers’ Certificates, held by the Stockholders, upon the delivery of the Com issioners’ Certificates, at ths tune of paying the above required. Western Stockholders are iufcm.ed, that they may pay saidlhstalmer.t, and re cen e their Stock Certificates, on delivering tlie Coitunisaioiiers’ Certificates, at either of the Offices established at Augusta and Miiiedgeviile, so soon as they shall be in operation, which winl be in a short tune. ELEAZAtt EARLY. Cashier. ■Sat .ci ih, the JOth Sep:ember, lo 16.—[ilij Additional Notice. BANK OF GEORGIA. Whereas, it is represented, th-t it «iii be more con venient v many of tlie Stockholders, that the time pre scribed for he payment of the Instalment of twenty- three p. r cent, vrnlch mciudes the five per cent of specie, directed by the b.sird. c-.i u.c _'jui September, 151o, slio-iid be extended fi-‘ j ... a : s d. r ! .at the time be, and the same is Lere.y exte-nleva to 'he second Monday in January next, ard that tr>. c';.s uer g-venotice, tfut the sa.d Instalment i- required * re ou or >. tore the sau Second Mon day in January next. Earrruc; from the .Vi;;:. Eleazar Earlv, Set«r.aiii, .Vuseeier 1 Id. Late Bank of the Lnued Stales. Notice is hereby given to a., perse .!> istertsted in the trust funds of the Lre Tank cf the t need states, ;* t It? UlcfKLS UJ'-OIl :r. iit r-tl to nil "he cr ...tors of the s.dd bank cr trust u’ whatsoever dr>- crv-Jon. tha - unless their claims presentoa i . - set- tlcd'.ent before Lie 4th day of V. -: ., isI7. wd-ea the term of six years front .he creation cf id. s..:d trust wail have expired, Die trustees w di r. r feel thenvsel. es ob- red to itVake oppeadtiou to any decree or ordc r of start, trdicfi rusv be obainea for the .la>-nh.!,o:i a. rtg •X'kh ciders pf the amount hitherto reserved to s .tore the said creditors, G SIMPSON. .... v hS pro S3 Coe :;. - proprietors of bank-note >. cr ot err.' .r of caoital or inserts*. an. Just received •-a- .Wx-lk-t. » cr-.- Goon?, > — Wg Tiber, raMan C. j; twenty-fith packages cry "coxsisrtx* »r Fearnoughts, superfine A eatings xvbhe. red, yellow and back’.s C.otsvsaivd Kerseymeres, iss.-r.ed coicrs Ib-ab Cords, Sarsn. ts Coatings, men arid w omen's tenth's wool Hose Men, wxKr.rn and chihiret's cotton Lose Blankets, saua Stripes l’-SO 'Gunpowder. She't aid I.e . 1 Franny, War, Cm. Perrsr Soaj, U operas. Nads ar . A small assvrtuteat tLrh*'arc - 1 wine, Cotton t>trp\-tg Arnl a variety of evtae,- aricics, ad of which are offered cn very kvxr tern.- by tjje piece cr r» Theodora A. Schoedile. out 31—130 Coach, Gig and Sign Painting 1 . The stibscrwer iaforas his n-ieads and the pubke. that he c.-rtes on the above busaness is ail its ranoj branches, in Bay btae. near the r.arket, w here ;se solicits the parre asge cf has frxeeds aaa the pe-t^ic. N B. For sue, as above, a -’-antier of FTRNTTURE, ONSOiar cf Bureass, Ssieb-caris, secretaries, Bc-.k- CEes. card Tables, he. Aiso a xv saltetis ver. superior copal V ARN1SH. and s srvah tet of U HEESE ‘ MiCUALL S. 11YDE £OT hi X lil New Goods. CHARLES W. CARPENTER k CO Have receij etl, by the schooner Mechanic, A part of then FALL aud WINTER GOODS, w'hich they offer for sale, consisting of Clotiis, Cassimerts, Coating, Blankets, Flannels, Bombazets, Calico, .Musaiiu, fiC. .i’so, have on hum! andrviH be receir i’g A general assortment cf SADDLERY, manui. ctur< -i ;n the best manner. oct d4-i a; New Store. JONAS HARRISON A* CO. Hare opened a store in Jis sca- street, one door from JC’ irrr- ker si,-eet, near .MtirLrt square, and offer „ rear cud - ~en - era) assortment off IJsii G00JjS,ui die present retire* ed p-ices, viz: Bro.,dcloths, Cassimeres, Bombazetts, ILtt.nets Cambiets, Boinbazec us. colored Pop mis Black and white Cranes, Cambric Mull and jaconet Muslins, biack Canton Handkerchiefs Furniture and common Calicoes Levantine and Damask Shaw is Imitation and W aterloo do Cambric, wire and colored Thread, Umbrellas Quality and shoe Bindings, merino Crapes, pLid S?rsr.etts Black and colored ffidconboet Cords, superb \ > stings Vestuletis, blue and ix«i marking Balls, fancy Trumtiings Shoe Hoses, Cov entry biuc anu l.isle Threads Fumiiure and corded Dimity, cotton Br-crs Black Fioren’ine, assorted Si.k, fancy Trimmings Merino Shaw ls, metal Buttons Assorted.shirt andcamb.n- Battens, Flushings, Coatings Fi.mnels,colored ana pink Cambric Silk cotton, kid, biawr, Datco and fleecy Gloves Cotton Ferrits, Pins Striped, checked, Japan spot, and plain bordered reck Handkerchiefs Cotton and iir.en brown Hollands Sewing Silks and Twist Pocket, .Madras and Brittannia Handkerchiefs Tabby Velvets bgiu ground said naval bine Prints Superfine bbick ground iio Bi_ck and white silk Hose Black, brow n and white Buckrams Buff'and white Marsedi.v, lace Vvils, '.nion Cords StockiRets. cotton Cassia rre> White, hi ,ck and colored -i.k Laces Elastic, Bcliofune, royal -'.J vh.te cotton I_ces Cotton and uorst-.d Hosiery. French and couon I ccs Rose and duffii Blankets .green Baz-.s, c ; C,.i Mikand cottonmoumingStx.\*Is, a.. nov~2S-- l 143 Stebliins N Mason, In addition to tiled gtner-1 assortment of Gonfiv, have rrcvived. by the Eliza Uorvi, H o-nct Newell, L_urA. and otlier vessels, front New-York ami liostcuv, a lar.etv i f F.mcy, Fasliionab.. and Artkies—in.ongst vL,ct are Elegant Merino Trimmings Fancy plush do Rich siik do Fashionable Trimmings, Rose?. Wreathes, Sec. fori.di dresses A comclits assortment ol .Vrtificial Flowers Cueneile and s.,k CoAts Frecch >.ik Neis, for d. r~.d Silc v-.-ivet, with git and s.lver chains ml cL Glias W alien ana ci-.s; s i arc*, s.ik _nd wr a — I ...i.spens-b. > L.. :> aaa aeii*»v ..te .1 s s,br.ixr auu k.-a Lsd.cs* and gm.izmen's >..a i. *>e’and misses’ A-igvda t.-0'es F -.*ic Garters F.» o *ai»h ssr-r’et 84 Jferino Shawls W i.-.te ar.i colored \t..i.. Shawls, «ri:h : .* L.c. Vc.,, > haw Is si-.a Han dkerc:.lets Glove, is and Hat,—kerchiefia ct Levanune aud oti el all c.escrijiti Cis } . r_red r .t ns B a-t■». f...; _r.d Florence Har.d;.:; F. ncT Purses 1 i-’red Sr-> Eulbrckie—, e 5=ii Fv ss Cotton Marka-.c Canvas ftiread 1, >s*on M, for q i'S. **-,.... r. kc Fine assorte'i d -r-e-s and Bo_ rins Broesd twiBe-d Tapes Bisvk a.-.i coiort-a Freacl. Crapes C-apes Hat Crapes Laen Bevinck Cotton Bedtack Fuixyture Bmdlag Marbie. green, rrli Fancy IS . xes Necklaces, with sci.e H.x-ks and Eye's K-boons, Thiea ls, Needier, Pi»s. b.r i Bores, kr k: Many of the Guon> anre reel ->... : cash at Diction, in Newr-Ycrk. x: tae pres-r.t re. Ce. prices, ca-. Sc aircrie-d every cr.eap. PIANO FORTES, cade ry Misses. Ghc- k Tv. V -S ^ J4rr.-r.”cki to sciuki tr. t tVr s*-r t HIS KRTIITEI;. **y the most recent arrivals ffrorr. Ene’crr A vc-.;. general ass-.rtnxr.t of DRY GOt/ljs MONGERY and f LTLERYi -it ot wbicii j , Sale, Oil WCCOFDTIloditU.g telSIiS, frijoitstic or -• new store, o-y .esite to coioi e. si.cirta-n’s l-._- corner of Br<,u;^,ton street. XT’ Feizs i\ ini> . LiraLr-Yard is o; - fo,"he reception cf LUMBER; to the recv-u l.:.g ot Winch,every ...ii.U.i wih be giten. IK»V -i lo^ . IRON rr* frr 3 * ni$ iioube, us-irJ James Hills '--u»k>e-s^ri=u.) n*s : ,cd->' - riff, cm Level 'll,:, per brigFrier.d , or casKe * ,i l> a. Porte. o uc> pine eg pie Chvcse 11 dozni Londj.i refined port V, r.-- li box < 1 P-Ki.ES.ccir-inii.e F;c* "do. Ca'di^e*^ inxe- l,—idles. Clio-. Cho*' r -4 Cabbsge, ac 1 chest sunerior hvsen TEA, -us* c * ot t. , ' ’ - -‘ r 1,cu “ a*t-J ue. au->- Hat Store. >a. EAILLV A CO. lir e just opened a cor pit r -.‘s-vtin.ent cf-he fc es - and mos';onxt>lt llA'l 5, fi, - , t store • Jccired by L>r Harr.v, first door west vf .Mr At- - v,; f crotkeiy s'- re, c .ns st-ng ui genome ^pl*^ tea'c stars, Zur^iu ^nd v o-.j 1L;>, ,.i t nous Irscr.^- wiaicJi WiL >ctl 'erv io-» M rTCt-jaa froi'i Uic country, w*ni rr^v tir.. i* • r uu’intc-t*” to CaUl. Also tcr t- -.ic aw f c » UaC H*. r. j. nvv 19 7A ^ • -J 1 W N. L t 1 \ L U 1 Per b ig* j f. „>» .W--T 50 bj^escontdii.n^a c n p-etc Sl5s wb cL w;i; ix: sol*': mi subtly c. 5 do2v*a fancy «;ul V» *: d*or Chjrs, •>* * Gl.a sir! J S ; tki?5 F r >aje ut ist J. on tlac Hlv. i r, CIil teau : n:v ;i—- V»* jjlakiUIUi / •Tu-Vr 'll, Cortr-: : n r. A ?pef*xeri ct v.;.icli n^. c-c srtu v.s- y. ton ta W»: ruv-sopp-c.. e M.ssr-s A _ Puii-street li-.5 iraro.e is r.cfct-' ai-.krtrd, by ti.e bes - : super.ort-• any bacre »tcil to die pu .• ,. c mest.c cr fore gn T. ; ,r .- work is Z’e- r. i - w* r . I. receives-ire r.Tivst polish, arid Then .crier-.i <-• ... - . —• apprarsnce,d:e list - . maro.e- N. il Uraars wdl be r.ccived ar Da s-.c-c. if N. xt>-j i- \i ue.MN r. ST I, 136 Norton Wadhams Sate tide dee --i— t J. be the Savn—r h Pat'cet, ar.i s. -<ate tm*. ais y-:sa AVer-Fire, A ( t fancy suk fi _- .s. blark ari color.- •*’ Uu*t- v*t ngs. I c-.s, l»i*-bons, Ca«'.ron Cr. -ts. :.c c-- r-s.. rt,r L.r.-ion -iperf. -:l.- - a. .tfae L t - vm tiiosr or. lead renders their 'jeortnreor v*-e c--.--.r-.r, ar.u Vv n _--c > <,u su • ■-ry r-. u %s_td pmc> ~ •'a-r.. .* ^;wr4 "dui* v-i- ,j7 \ y * iliiaiil jj i:I iiA>« isINLT ' w .tr w —5s - ry 15 kni l th€ 20-Z-14I V zz~ iz ‘ cf-, kg«- ;-a J.‘. T- a ^ a ; us j,. V r» .AaT. IrjfM: : Ttfltft Fa> 3 «. r .i i dS'd. O’l’i A’d S Y rT '' -5 ta. ysi >-p->\\ r-jces.. < - . . — *r-w* ^ v ' A?s. ' r*. ' - > jiw.'-cl-, c:”" ' ~ r* oc- a -Sa Box*x : * n t ^ i —. I tzstjz . s .. is:.i F'w. -'s. cf 5 r>- : 7 ^ 4 ' * -T, - - - a L ^ » . . .» ki±i. % -^, V V -O - r PA a. CxtS. L - iff <■ Av. TV- * w - ..-isait ~ **■ rters -read J r>IT/C- . i^vt .L w .a 5 _ T n^s , _. . ’ yh ^ j-LT t .S~ t w-: '^TS2 t Darien. T e srrbscrrheT be-ON n .'-t -> 1—firr. bis fi-. - Is ’-'p r .:~.»r gerserafiy,*aat ; -> : .re a xa -,s. it IVar.era w ire re . fivrs tor soie ivies.c: ._ist- mer.t of DRV GcoDfi. HARDWARE, k i.. —e — 'i i- ■ . —i he i —. il——.-v se . I i r j.-. -. - , rare r-.-rxa by tw nia-cr. ;ric . - <—.. r r - cask conoE - order fB-.xiuct, «r ivpx-v t _ cratTs 5a - ar.rvab or LZtar.esron. o Amt?g U. GifisLxt. Notice. I da hereby fiorewarB ai. rers-rrvs freer gre;-c m in xr.y way vaictt:. re say wfifi Mijrx 1. as 1 art terrraaed to pay uc- cantncis id aers avisvat -. v -r. erdir. a^-T fi* a* 14k To ivnt or L ase Th-r vrd t o .a Y K tR■ a 1 - . - »* afc ' ^a 7* 7^11 V 7 lcc i ca WL w - »«i> A* *4 a c * i Voiiue. - - w - ' *5* “ST -lv^r.1 v i. n-TRSC t bO? ’ t^7v7«f . • L'—rta:, k'CiSC’vi-A ?.'i7 L'.i •V _ ...did -Oii> rsgr^-:\v. J. raMz.^ . - ind V* TnaAi i7T:Y:*r-7^'f 7AV