Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 03, 1816, Image 4

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r- J* A\ srv* K M* & . ^London Books "an% ; ' •* •• : . STATIONARY. niST aiciTTFft V»o« iiOWDOw Via htimooi, J!«r ti« Lord WUtmortK and JCew-Orlcads-Paeket, » TiBfltTT Of NEW AND INTERESTING PUBLICATIONS, AXD A OEtTERAE AISUITMIKT 0» .FINE STATIONARY. Among which are Turton’s TisnslaRion of linneaus, 7 vols. 8vo. Martin’s Translation of Rosseau’* Botany, with colored Keith’s System of Physiological Botany, 2 vols. 8vo. and Plates, (a new work) Schiller’s History of the Thirty Years’War, 2 vols. B o y d'sT ran si atio n of Dante, 3 vols. 8vo. (elegant) Currie’s Edition of Bums’ Works, with a Biography, 4 vols. 8»o. Scarpa on the Diseases of the Eyes Bocbnan on Cancers in the Female Breast De Rocca’s Memoir of War of the French in Spam, 8vo. Sully’* Memoirs, 5 vols. calf gilt Chalmer’s Shakespeare, 9 vols.8yp. calf gilt, with forty Engravings, ‘from original designs by Fuseli Elegant Extracts in Prose, Verse and Epistles, 3 vols. W royal, Svo. calf gilt Phillidore on Chess Life of Baron Trenck Tiie Sporting Magazine, four last volumes, with Plates The Annual Register for 1815 Akerman’s Repository of the Arts and Fashions, with splendid colored engraving, the last twelve numbers up to July, 1816 La Belle Assembly, or Bell’s Fashionable Magazine, to June, 1816, elegant colored Engravings dj* Thestr four Periodical Work* are intended to be re gularly imported, cind any previous volumes of the series that may- be ordered. Crabbe’s English SynOnymes, 8vo. (a new work) Lemprierre’s Biographical Dictionary. Walter’s Translation of De Vaudancaurt’s Memoirs of tlie Ionian Islands, with a .Map, (a new work) Jluish’s Practical Treatise on Bees Price's.Essays on the Picturesque, 3 vols. Svo. Adams’,Geometrical and Graphical Essays, containing a general description of the Mathematical Instruments used in Geometry, Surveying, Bevelling, Sue. kc. with thirty-four Plates Potter’s Translation of the Tragedies of Euripides, So phocles, Eschylus and the Commedies ot Aristu- phenes, 5 vols. calf gilt Jllinature Editions of Pope, Young, Thompson, Milton, lliiad, Odyssey, Burns, Cray, Goldsmith, Paul and Virginia, Rasselas, Ike. kc- elegantly bound Qae pair Eighteen Inch Globes, mounted in the most approved manner, on M.Jtogany Stands Mathematical Instruments, in cases, various qualities Chessmen, ivory and bone Portable Writing Destcs, brass bound Port Folio Secretaries, with drawers, new patterns Wedgwood and glass fountain Inkstands, Large and small loggerhead pewter Inkstands ,Do do with tops Glass cut and plain Inkstands, for portable desks, with plated and brass tops Hot pressed Letter Paper, extra size, thick and thin Embossed Note Paper Morocco Paper, various colors, for ornaments Gold Paper, tor ornaments Elegant fancy Card Racks Ladies’ aiul gentlemen’s Pockct-Bocks, various qualities Reeves’ genuine Drawing Colors, in boxes of 1,2,5 and4 rows Reeves’ genuine Drawing Colors, in single cakes, con sisting of Lake, Carmine, kc. kc. Fine Drawing Pencils; Pencils for Architects Camel’s Hair Pencils, Filch Pencils English Crayons, complete sets Body Colors, do <1» India Ink; French Chalk Ink Powder, copying Ink Powder Japan Ink, in bottles; copying Paper Durable Ink, Pocket Inkstands, sand Boxes I.etter Files and Laces, pink Tape, Sealing Wax Pounce Boxes, ivory and bone Paper Foiders Battledores and shuttle Cocks Hall’s patent Memorandum Books Asses’ skin do do. Quills, Pens Pen Knives, in great variety and very superior quality Countitig house Knives, with ivory handle* Silver pencil Cases Parallel Rules, Gunter’s Scales, round Rules Chess Boards, Bachgamiuon Tables With' a great variety of every Article necessary for Counting-Houses and Public-0 tfices. W. T. WILLIAMS. nov 23 m 142 ■ Mirrors, Pictures, LOOKING GLASSES AND CORNICES. Just ope .ted. from JWwFork, An elegant assortment of the above articles, framed in the most fashionable manner. Also an assortment of toilet Glasses, Dressing-Boxes, containing five drawers; all of which are in gilt and ma hogany frames. The size of the glass .• are 38 by 24, 34 by 20,32 by 19, 30 by 17, 28 by 16, and lesser sizes down to 12 by 15. 2 superb Mirrors, with four lights, 24 inches diameter 2 do do do do do 17 do do Some of tile popular NAVAL BATTLES, in the late content with Britain, done on glass and engraved, in gilt frames; Window Cornices, of tour patterns. For sate by J. II. Olilershaw, nov 14—136 On thr Hnv^ corner •,f H fi'tah-n' trvet l iie subscribers Have just received, by the schooner Sally, 20 half barrels first quality mess Beef 5 do do navy mess Pork 5 do do Tongues 100 casks stone Lime, 7 pair plated Saltstamls 30 Castors, 7 glasses each; 25 Castors, 6 glasses each 50 Castors, 5 do do lu Castors, 3 do do 15 CastVirs. 4 do do 4 plated f easels, 18 pair plated Candlesticks 29 barrels New-Ark C.der Glinstead & Battelle. nov 21 T38 For sale WHITNEY & PARKMAN, Hunter's wharf, I trunk containing 6 double pieces superfine black Italian Crape I trunk containing-132 pair women’s best colored and bfcck oboes, and 1000 yards black cotton Cord 33 boxes of Childs’ No. 3 Chocolate . nov 23 159 Landing’ From brig- Aurora, from JV'eve- York-, 2 chests hyson Tea 1 1 do imperial do V latest importation. 4 .half chestsyoung Hyson j 1 pipe Cognac Brandy, 1 pipe Holland Gin 1 quarter cask Madeira Wine, 1 do L. P. Teneriff do STORE 200 reams wrapping Paper, 5 hhds Muscovado Sugar 20 bis Orleans and Jamaica Sugar 20 do prime green Jamaica Coffee 1500 bushels Liverpool ground Salt, 4 hhds N. E. Rum 25 half barrels superfine Philadelphia Flour 6 crates assorted Earthenware. 25 casks Set, 6d, 8d. 10d, 12d, and 20d patent cut Nails A few casks stone Lime, for sale by James H. Fraser, nov 23 ■ tv-* 1 -" 140 ^ JStaricet-aquarc. For sale, Elias Wallen * _ HAS XXCElAm, By the most recent arrival from England, A very general assortment of DRY GOODS,- IRON MONGERY and CUTAWAY; all tjf which life offers for sale, bn accommodating terms, wholesale or retail, at his new store, opposite to colonel SheJman’s boarding house, corner of Broughton-street. XT Elias Wallin's Lumber-Yard is open, as usual, tor the reception of LUMBER; to the receiving anisel- ’ing of which, every attention will be given, nov 21 139 The subscribers Have for sale, no-w landing from ship Jane, from Liverpool, 39 crates superior EARTHEN WARE ALSO, RECEIVED BI LATE ARRIVALS, 20 bis No. 1, 2 and 3 Beef 5 hhds N. E. Rum 30 dozen Windsor Chairs Redticking and priest Cloths Razor Straps, TentaniaTeapots C-.stings, sacking Lines' 3 Cables, 4 Hawsers Olmstead & Battelle. nov 7 cm—i—l33 i lie subscriber Has received, per brig James Scott, from JVew- York, THE FOLLOWING GOODS- 250 pieces cotton Bagging 50 bis prime Muscovado Sugar, 2 hhds loaf Sugar 25 bis Coflee, 19 boxes Fruits, in brandy- 25 ca ks CLARET V 100 boxes do 12 bottles C entitled to debenture 25 ditto do 24 do ) 2 casks Vinegar, 4 boxes Uataflia yboxes Lavender Water 150 empty Demijohns, 25 burs Steel ALSO TWO INVOICES OF ENGLISH AND FRENCH GOODS Consisting 4 4 twilled and cambric fancy Shawls, Kerseymeres, low priced Clotii and pelisse Cloth, cotton Umbrellas, superfine Toilinets, Waistcoating, Bombazets, Madras Handkerchiefs, Levantine, Florence, French Laces, different sizes; black and white Crapes, mourning Crapes, fine French Cloths, gentlemen and ladies’ silk and Paris Gioves, gentlemen’s buckskin Gloves, silk Ctoth, gentle men and ladies’ silk Hose, Muzundrames’ Robes, 4-4 uikI 6-4 silk Shtwis, cambric and ready made cambric Shirts, fringed Tafet.s, Ribbons, from No. 4 to 12; black Vel vet, Print Hiueras and Perkalines, hat Covers, leather Hats, elegant Mirrors, of various sizes; mantlepiece Ornaments with shades; tea, toilet and working Tables, with marble; superior French China, Tumblers and Decanters, of dif ferent sizes; ladies’ gold Watches, gold and silver ditto; Necessaries, 2 bales Humhuins. For sale, on acc<#.- -noduting terms, by JOSEPH AUZE, • V- 14? JY%. 11. Holton's Range The subscriber Has for sale, now on board the brig Spartan, 41 bars Russia old sable Iron, 585 do Sweed’s do do 3oO boxes n.-w dipt Candies, 2l> bis new Mess Beet 1 case containing 140 pieces flag Handkerchiefs 251 bags first quality Bengal Sugar 5o bolts first sort Russia Duck 10 b)s No 1 Salmon, 2 pipes Olive Oil, for family use 14 bis loaf Sugar, 50 hhds N. E. Rum All which will be sold low, if applied for before landed from on board said brig, ly'ing at Rice’s wharf. ALSO DRAFTS, on Xew-York, Philadelphia and Boston, by J. T. Wild, ' r 14 156 Rice's -wharf he subscribers Have for sale, ion-ling from schooner Sally, from Boston, Barrels and halt barrels No. 1 and 2 MACKAREL. IV STORE Cases domestic GOODS, consisting of Ginghams, Stripes, Chambrays and Shirtings. T. II. Condy, jun. & Co. nov \9—o—, .)«. U Uniforms wharf. Charles Harmon oc Co. (harvard-street, near the market,) Have for sale, in lots to suit pitrcJiasers, Ladies’ colored kid Boots and Shoes do black do with heel* Morocco walking Shoes do Ties and Slippers Roan do do Scotch Sandals Children’s morocco Boots and Shoes , do' roan do do leather do- Gentlemen’s Boots and Shoes do lace Boots Morocco Pumps Calfskin do Boys’ high laced Shoes do common laced Pump9 800 pair Negro Shoes • 150 do., do Pumps ALSO H ATS of various qualities do do First Fall breeds. nov 19—158 James Carr cithers, (smith's wiiauk) Has imported by the. sh:p lYilliam Fell, frrm Liverpool, Coarse and fine Cloths White and blue Plains Bristol and London duffil Blankets 200 pieces cotton Bagging Patent and Carolina Hoes Chain traces, 100 crates assorted Ware 6 tierces assorted fancy Ware 10 boxes tea Sets 50 casks bottled London Porter and 200 tons (coarse) Liverpool Salt Which he offers for sale by the piece or package, on moderate terms. nov 7 —o 137 Rea 6c Fuller (Johnston's wharf,) HAVE FOH SALE 15 bags race Ginger 20 do Pimento 25 bales Cassia 5 chests fresh*hvson Tea 25 quarter casks Colminar Wine 15 bags Pepper 6 half pipes L. P. Madeira Wine 4 pipes Holland Gin 7 do Sicily Madeira Wine 6 do Cognac Brandy 3 quarter casks Malaga Wine 14 boxes Castile Soap 4 pipes and 10 barrels N. Y. Gin 20 casks Shot, 2 bales Twine, 13 bis Copperas, and Sweedcs Iron, assorted Sizes nov i2 j3< LATEST IMPOR TATIONS Just received If immediate application is made, A two story HOUSE, with other out BUILDINGS, to- 5 ether with a HALF LOT, situate in Franklin ward, near te Market* aUd a good Stand for business. Apply at this Office. nov 7—f—133 1 case ladies’ thread Stockings 1 trunk do silk do 1 do Angora Shawls 1 case paper Bureaus, in nests 1 do watch Furniture ALSO Barrels Beef and Pork Hampers black Bottles Windsor Chairs For sale by oct 29 129 % J. BATTF.LLK. A. Erwin, Crenshaw & Co. Have imported, in the ships Georgia and John iS Edward - from Liverpool, > A very extensive and well chosen assortme < of DRY GOODS, IRONMONGERY, CUTLERY, plate., and Ja panned W A RE, comprising a complete assortment ; which they are now opening and offering for sale in Gibbons’s brick building, near the Market, at the most reduced advance, for cash, produce, approved notes or accep tances. ♦ oct-31^——130 By the ship Lucy, just arrived from Liverpool, ANJ)11E\V LOW & CO. Have received a part of their WINTER GOODS; which, togetlicr with those already on hand, they offer for sale, on moderate and accommodating terms. Their Stock, besides other Articles,contains the following:— 72 bales duffil Blankets 5 do l-osc Blankets 30 do white Plains 10 do colored Plains 8 do Flannels 6 do Coatings, Flushings and blue Strouds 3 do Cassimeres, assorted , 6 do brick and colored Bombazets 175 pieces Bagging 6 trunks worsted and lamb’s wool Stockings 12 do ootton Stockings 35 do printed Calicoes 4 do do Marseilles, for vesting 3 do woolen Vestelets 10 do cotton Cambrics 4 do black Cambrics 6 do cotton twist Shirtings 60 do assorted Muslins 15 do cotton Umbrella* 2 do Bombazines 2 do black Crape 1 do black silk Handkerchiefs 50 cases of Ginghams, assorted 20 do coarse and fine Dimity 2 do handsome furniture Dimity 12 do Irish -Linens 8 do brown Holland 6 do apron Check 10 do pound and paper Pin3 1 do white chapel Needles Cutlery, assorted, in small casks Turkey red Yarn Russia Sheeting Crash, for towels Osnaburgs, See. kc. kc. avh By the ships Georgia, and John cf Selward, Jroyi Liver pool, just arrived, Brussels Carpeting, with bordering and hearth Rugs to match Venetian and Scotch Carpeting, and carpet Binding Green crumb Cloths and table Covers Superior Cloths and Cassimeres Drab Cloths, for great coats Fashionable pelisse Cloths Printed and plaid Bombazets, for childrens’ wear Velveteens and Corduroys Fine long Lawns Irish Sheetings, and Linens, very cheap Chintz furniture Calicoes Winter Shawls and lace Viels. Furniture Fringes and bed Lace Superior green Ctoth, for billiard tables Bed Ticks, and a further supply of negro Cloth, Blankets : nil rott m Bagging, Kc. oct 26—129 v* . u * ' ■ % ~ ~ Kew Store. The subscribers have received - * t.ahue ash assortment or EUROPEAN, FRENCH AND CANTON GOODS Consisting of theJPilowingarticles, viz: ' Superfine Cloths and Cassimeres London duffil and rose Blar^ets \V hitc and blue Plai us, Feanioughte Flannels, assorted; Beaveretg and Cords Men'sau<l women’s worsted Hose Si!k striped Vesting, Bombazets and Bombazines Cotton Slin-Ungs and Hosiery, men’s and women’s! I lates, fancy Calicoes, furniture ditto * Low priced and fine Ginghams, twilled printed Muslri. Silk and cotton Umbrellas, 3-4 and 6-4 Dimities “ V Diamond ’ baloon furniture Dimities Plain and ng. ed book Muslins, mull mull do Do do India mull Muslins rndiamull ’ .sses and Shawls Elegant lace ... nd Trimmings Rich figured Velvets and plush Trimmings Artificial Flowers, Colcrets and Pelorines Merino and raw silk Shawls and Handkerchiefs Counterpanes and Marseilles Quilts 7-8 and 4-4 Irish Linens, long Law n « and Sheeting Table Diaper, rich damask table Cloths and v r • Rich embroidered sUk Siockmgs, w orsted and bkcX Lace Levantines, Florences, Sattin, plain ar.3. figured Plain and figured Lustring and sattin Ribbons Canton Crapes, damask Canton crape Shawls Black Sine-liews, plaid Sarsnets, flag and Bandana Ifcnd : kerchiefs, men’s and women’s silk and red l.J,. Black and white lace Veils, Sliawjs and Fishews 3 Ridicules, thread Laces, See. With a variety of other FANCY GOODS; which the* offer for sale, by wholesale and retail, at their store 5, the third door west from Messrs i P. kaPklye N CO nov 7- 133 Johnson' s square, Low k Co. Ladies’ Shoes. JCST RECEIVED rJO.II XEW-YOHK, By the brigs Laura Ann and Savannah Packet, Ladies’ kid Slippers, from Iledenberg’s manufactory, t * on as follows: Ladies’ white, lilac, blue, purple, tea, slate and black KID SLIPPERS Ladies’ black and colored morocco Boots and Jack- son Ties Ladies’ walking Shoes, Grecian Ties and Slippers Ladies’ black and colored morocco Slippers ayd Ties Ladies’ black and colored Brunswick Ties and jean Slippers Misses’black and colored Slippers and Ties Children’s morocco and leather Boots anti Buskins Women’s leather Boots, Race Slippers and Ties Gentlemen’s Suwarrow and razee Boots Do broad strap morocco Shoes and Pumps Do do do calf and seal do do do Do narrow do seal Shoes and Pumps Do morocco and leather Dancing Pumps 30 dozen calf Skins, boot Webbing, shoe Thread, Brushes and Blacking 10 dozen kirb bridles, 3 pair Venetian Blind3 13 casks Nails, assorted Brooms and Dusters 50 Trunks, suitable for travellers The above will be sold, cither wholesale or retail, for cash or approved town acceptances, at the Sign of the Golden Boot, Gibbons’ building. John Douglass. -I4f Just received. 1500 pair of prime NEGRO SHOK.S, For sale, by ' E. S. KEMPTON. oct 22—126 Shoes! Shoes! The subscriber offers for sale, at the late residence Mr. Hoba rt Fair, near Market-square. 700 pair of men’s fine leather Shoes of 200 do 500 do 800 do 800 do 300 do 200 do 800 do 500 do 600 do 400 do 400 do 400 do 500 il- do do do do do do do Morocco cl* grain do kip skin do fine Morocco I’umpg leather do Cordovan do negro Shoes ladies* Morocco Pumps Grecian Rands do Bootees boy’s Shoes children’s Buskins, kc. negro Shoes Will be sold on reasonable terms by Abel Evans. Calvin Baker 8c Co. Acquaint their citv and country friends that iV- are receiving daily, per the constant arri’vaLs at cl port, their fall and Winter su, plv of DRY which is large and extensive, in u,e various 001)3, articles 1 rase of casfor Hats 8 do rorum do 3 do youth’s do 4 do boy’s do 1 do wool do ALSO, oct 29—129 Fresh Shoes. Received by the Planter, Cotton Plant, and other late ar- . u j \\7 ,, ,. T ..s T s f Ki. ( n rivals from JVrw-York, Y i 1.11 ICS *V • vdipClllCI C Ladies’ white and colored kid Slips and Sandals Do black and colored morocco Boots and Sandals Gentlemen’s morocco Shoes and Pumps Do fine leather Shoes and Boots ' 1500 pair good negro Shoes A constant supply of ladies’, gentlemen’s, children’s and servants’ Hoots, Bootees and Shoes, of all kinds Lee’s New-York liquicPBlacking An assortment of Trunks, Brushes, Whips and hair Sifters 10 elegant Bedsteads, very wide On consignment, 2 elegant Grecian Couches 1 music Stool and 1 counting house Stool An invoice of Looking Glasses and Pictures An invoice of Saddles and Waggon Collars A. Steyens, JVext to Low, ff allace 74 Co. St. Julian street. nov 26 141 The subscribers Continue to transact business, as FACTORS and COM MISSION MERCHANTS, and will be thankful for the prolonged favors of their friends. They offer for tale Superfine Philadelphia Flour Lisbon and Sherry Wine, in pipes end quarter casks Country Gin and West India Rum. George 8C Alex&uder J&.l nor >.1. ...131 William Perkins Melanciou L. White Having connected themseives in business, iin.„er die firm of Perkins & White, offer for sale, at tneir store in Johnson’s square, (formerly occupied by Mr. L. Xnnmn- son) a general assortment of British and French DHY GOODS, among which are Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Rlankets, Plains, Vesting, Bombazets and Bombazines, 9-4, 10 4, 11-4, 12-4 Coun terpanes; worsted, cotton and silk Hosiery, 14 by 164 damask Tablecloths, table Diaper, Irish Linens, cotton Sbir'ings, Dimities, Calicoes, fancy Muslin, cambric, book, jaconet and leno Muslins, Ginghams, ladies’ and gentlemen’s i Ik Gloves; imitation, Wellington and silk Shawls, ladies’ work Boxes, black and white Crapes, Ribbons, Purses, silk Net; Levantine, Canton, flag and Bandana Handkerchiefs; Merino Trimming, nut shell Gloves, face Veils, Pelorines, p'.rin and virgin ratins Levantine and Florence Silks, Corsetts, elastic stocking Tits, Feathers, Bonnets, &c. nov 19 158 Deev 8c Martin, (hcxter’s whart) Offer for sale 80 piece* cotton Bagging, 2 cases linen Shirts 1 case worsted half Hose, 1 do Gloves 400 negro Jackets, Cognac Brandy, 2u bis .V. !'■ 8 lot) boxes Soap, 10 boxes English Mustard 5 do Cayenne Pepper, 19 boxes Chocolate 5d kegs Butter, 2000 bottk-s and cannistet-s Macanaau, Rappee and Scotch Snuff Spanish Cigars, in half and quarter boxes 40 boxes .lipped Candles Reeves’ and Akennan’s water Colors, just impofl ed; with Camel’s hair Pencils and markir.g Brushes, 2 boxes Bayley’s patent Blacking, nov 26 141 Quern Stones, &c. 47 pair French quern Stones, with irons 200 kegs FF R Gunpowder, 50 bis N. E. Rum 30 bis No. 1 Mackerel, 40 kegs spiced Salmon 30 dozen Beer’s made Axes 30 dozen AmericaJi made Spades 140 pieces cotton Begging. For sale by Garduer Tufts. -140 Offer for sale, at their stem- on the Bay, a general assort ment of Dry Goods, coxsisTnro or Cloths, coarse and fine; Cassimeres, Coating, Blankets Flannels, Bombazets, cotton Hosiery, CalicoeS, Cambrics, kc. Also, on consignment. Three cases Millinery, consisting of I Julies’ straw Hats, trimmed do white chip do do satin do. and Bonnets, trimmed beaver do trimmed . dress Caps, cotton Vandykes, plain, figured ana quilted white and black Fe-thers LIKEWISE, , , Invoice of Cabinet Furniture, comprising an fc - e i do do do do An gant assortment of , Sideboards, Secretaries, Bureaus, Softs; pillar am. ci card, bnakfust and tea Tables, dimng Sets Mahogany high and field Bedsteads, &c. ALSO A general assortment of Saddlery, consisting ct Elegant Saddles and Bridles Bow priced do do Saddle-Bags, Trunks, Valices and saddle Furniture 1 case Gold, Leaf, containing 39 packs 25 quarter and half quarter casks Colminar Wine 39 kegs English Paint, assarted colors, groundin ^2 ba|f Carte, tested. oct 2? " requisite for the country trad., which they wfi, d'smW on creuir, or for cotton, or cash, as may |, e mo ' t cor ‘ coie'it t> -hi--1 .-I'simners- se .. r i iio «itis L. W aitou (xu). Have opened a Grocery Store, on.loncc* wharf, trite ly occupied bv Messrs. B M-Kinne St • 'o.) where thev intend keeping 2 constant supply ot CKUCF.UIES and HEAVY' GOODS; they have now on hand the following articles, which they offer at wholesali or retail, viz: 6 35 hhds prime New-Orleans Sugar, luO bags Coffee lu puncheons 4tii proof Jamaica Rum 10 puncheons West India and New-Kngiand Rum 5 pipes Cognac Brandy, 5 pipes Holland Gin 20 quarter casks Malaga. Wine 10 do do L. I’. Teneriff Wine • 4 half pipes Sicily' Madeira Wine 4 do do L. P. Madeira Wine 10 chests imperial and hyson Tea 20 bags Pepper, 20 bogs Ginger 20 kegs S G, S S G, B B, B, Nos. 1,2,3 Shot 4 kc-gs bar Lead 20 tons waggontire Iron, four inch axebarlron Share mould Plates do 10 faggots German Steel, kc. nov 25-L-14D Tiie subscriber, Having commenced the BROKERAGE, in connection with the COMMISSION BUSINESS, will, stall times, buy and sell Treasury aiul Bank Notes, of every descrip tion; and, now wants a few thousand Spanish Dollars, for which a premium will be given. N. B. Any person, who may be in want of small change, can be supplied; and those, who may at any time have mutulated Tickets of the Exchange Bank of New-York, can have them exchanged bv apnlvingto CHAttr'atiS COTTON, On the Bay, near the Etchange. Who has now in store, and offers for sale, at very low prices and on accommodating credits, or in exchange for produce: 5 bales well assorted Cloths 2 do do do Stockings 10 casks white Lead, 10 coils Cordage 10 boxes Pipes nov 23 140