Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 03, 1816, Image 7

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• 1 / \Y, • f // i % ■// \ i Executors’ sales. On Monday, - ***'• «/ Member next, . i, *. t’j.p l ife residence of Mrs. Wilson, de- ^ ilbeS °«aLt n‘ avU.e Baptist Ci.urch, “Th 11W ,iold and kitchen FURNITURE, coS VS'“' a idcb«^'d, Bureaus, Beds, Bed- di TwJ NEGRO BOYS, of 12 and 18 years of age 1 Jail, likewise The lease of he tlouse until February, 1818. lh e leaseot ^ ^ ^ ^c-nors M. Herbert &Co. aucurs. nov 14 i .I n ~i ' — ■ !■■■! -- Executor’s sales. v ... be SOj j 0 n the 31st day of December next, at the VVl " c tvo.ivrick Herb, in Savannah, between the hours of eleven a”d two o'clock of that day, 48 die Household and Kitchen FURNITURE, consist ing- of Tables, Chairs, Beds and Bedsteads, Crockery- ware. Also one Jersey Waggon, three Horses, Stc.— nart of the personal estate of Robert S. Gibson, deceased GEORGE HERB, > Execu- JAMES BARNARD, 5 tors. nov 5—fr—132 bale of re-entered Lots. Conformably to a resolution of Council, I shall, on SATURDAY, the seventh day of December next, at the court house, between the usual hours, proceed to the sale of die following LOTS, if the rents due should not be paid before that day. It ashingt m .: u"il—Nos 36, 38 and 39 Liberty -ward—Nos. 22, 24, 31 and 32. Columbia ward—Nos. I, 14, 16,24, 25,29,31, 33 and 06 Greene ward—Nos. 14,15, 13. 35, 38 and 39 iiibert ward—Nos. 16, .3u and 35 Old Franklin. ward—Nos. 2, 8, 4, 7, 33 and 39 New F’-ank On ward—Nos. 7 and 9 Warren ward No. 2 Jackson ward—Nos. 46,47 and 48 Spring Hill-—Nos. 1, 3, 5, 8, 9,10, II, 15 and 16 Wind Mid Lot. F. M. STONE, c. M. nov 26 141 1'weiitv Dollars’ reward. •/ Runaway on the night of the 17th instant, from the sub- 6oril>er, residing in Augusta, two negro girls—Lucy, a good looking wench, very dark, about eighteen or nine teen years of age, five feet four or five inches high, inclin ed to corpulence, speaks rather broken English, but is cpnte plausible in conversation—being a native ot Charles ton, (where her relatives reside) it is expected she will make for that place. Mary or Poli.y, a yellow girl, with a pleasant and prepossessing countenance, between se venteen and eighteen years of age, five feet five or six inches high, oF a slender and erect form, speaks good English for a slave, and is prone to mirth. At the time she eloped, in her ears were a pair of very small golden ear-rings—As she has accompanied the other wench in her flight, it is probable she will make for the same destina tion. Whoever may detect and lodge them in any gaol of South-Carolina or Georgia shall receive the above re ward, or for either of them ten dollars, and all reasona ble charges defrayed. Captains of vessels and others are notified that the harboring or carrying them off will pro voke the utmost rigor of the law. Austin Woolfolk. ." N. B. Frank, a negro fellow, belonging to Mr. Prescot of Augusta, went oil in company with the aforesaid wenches—He is about twenty three or four years of age, five feet, ten or eleven inches high, dark brown complex ion has the complete English accent, and is both active and sensible—at the time of his-desertion, he wore a blue round jacket and pantaloons. He is a native of Baltimore, and may attempt to reach thst place. Ten do Haps will be likewise paid for his apprehension. A. W. nov 26 1* 141 Police-Office, Savannah, November 28, 1816. Whereas, much inconvenience is occasioned and inju ry resulting from the number of Horses, Waggons and Carts, brought into the public Market place, and from the improper and irregular disposition of them, proba bly arising partially from an ignorance of the existing ordinances. To remedy which, the Commissioners are hereby required rigidly to enforce the 13th and 14th Sections of the Ordinance, entitled, “An Ordinance, for regulating the public Market, Sec ” Steele White, Mayor, pro tem. Section 13th. And be it further ordained by the autho rity aforesaid, That from and immediately’ after the pub lication oi this Ordinance, no Butcher, or any other per son bringing meat of any kind to market, for sale, at any of the stalls, shall be permitted or allowed to keep any Waggons, Carts, or any other Carriage, Horse or Mule, nearer to the said market, or tor a longer time, than the Commissioners may direct, under the penalty ot forfeiting Two Dollars for every waggon, cart or any other carriage; and for every horse or mule, One Dollar, which shall remain nearer the market, or for a longer time than the commissioners may direct as aforesaid, to be recovered by warrant under the hand and seal of any one more of the commissioners for the time being, on proof thereof made to him or from Ins own knowledge. Section 14th. And be it further ordained by the autho- rily aforesaid. That all waggons or carts bringing live stock, or any other species of provisions, from the coun try to market, shall be ordered and directed bv anv one or more of the commissioners of the market, or the clerk thereof, to draw up their waggons or carts in such manner and in such places, as any one or more of the heohimissioners shall think most convenient for the sale of the articles they may have; and any person or persons disobeying the regulations of the commissioners, made in conformity thereto, shall be subject to a penalty of one doli-ir for every such offence. jExtract from the Minutes, John B. Norris, c. c. nov 30 143 ; Blank Indentures, For sale at this Office. A Teacher, Who is experienced and well qualified, wishes asitua- tion in an English School or Family, by addressing a let ter to this office, or to the - post-office, and directed to S. W. immediate attention will he given. nov 28-31-142 Education COMMERCIALS ET G RAM M ATI C ALE. Falxigant eieve du Sieur Astoin, le plus grand artiste eenvain de Paris, s’est consacre a I’instruction necessaire aux jeunes personnes des deux sexes, il enseignela lec ture et tous les genres d’ecriture, ii les demontre par un nouveau procede eprouve, lequei procure auk eleves lesmoyensd’obtemrdes succes tres avantageux en peu de mois de lecons j’l enscigne egalement les langues Fraiifaise et Anglais., les anciens et les nouveaux calcu- ls, les changes etrangers et la tenue des lit res a partie double. Pour exercer les memoires peu hcurt uses, il donne des explications It Iks que l’intelligcnce la moms developpee en est toujours satisfaite. Entin, scs con- noisunce sont reduites a des priweipes si clail's et si cer tains, que les progres des Eleves seront rapides, si leur exactitude a les employer repond a son zele. 11 y aura une classe particuliere pour les personnes qui desiient se perfectionner. Apply at Mr. Oppexhh.v, jeweller, two doors east of Messrs. Calvin Baker & Co on the Bay. run 28 v 140 a oiiinieicial GRAMMATICAL EDUCATION. Faixioant, disciple of Mr. Astoin, the greatest artist writer of Paris, has consecrated himsell to the instruction of the young persons of both sexes; he teaches Read ing and all sorts of Writing; he demonstrates them by a new method which, procures to the scholars the means of obtaining very -advantageous succeas in a few months’ lessons; he likewise teaches the^Erench and En glish tongues: Orthography, by principles; the ancient and new Calculations, to exercise the least lucky; he gives explications, such, that the memories of the least intelligent is always satisfied; at last, knowledge is re duced to principles so evident and so certain, that the scholars’ progress must be rapid, if their exactness to use them answers to his zeal. There will be private hours for those that wish to improve themselves. Apply’ at Mr. Otpenheim, jeweller, two doors east of Messrs Calvin Baker ik Go’s, on the Bay. nov 28 »i 142 To rent The store occupied by Peter Dupon, corner of Drayton and Broughton streets. Enquire at Gaudry Sc Dupon’i store. P- DUPON. nov 9- . tT --134 Lity Marshal’s sales. On Wednesday, the l ith December next, Will be sold at the court house, in the city of Savannah, between the usual hours often and three o’clock, All that Lot and Building, No. 19, Yamacraw, or so much thereof as will satisfy the city tax of Nichols and Raymond for the year 1816 and costs Also buildings on, and half lot letter F. St. Gall, or so much thereof as will satisfy the city tax of Stephen Elli ott for the year 1816 and costs Also lot No. 7, Holland tything, Percival ward, or so much thereof as w’ill satisfy the city tax of the estate of Samuel Williams for the year 1816 and costs Also buildings on lot No. 10, Wilmington tything, Darby ward, to satisfy the city tax of estate of Thomas Smith for the year 1816 and costs Also buildings on lot No. 35, Elbert ward, to satisfy the city lax of John Mingledorf for the year 1816 and costs Also lot No. 1 and buildings, Digby tything, Decker ward, or so much thereof as will satisfy the city tax of John Grimes for the year 1816 and costs Also buildings on lot No. 31, Columbia ward, to satis fy the city tax of Joseph Portallio for the year 1816 and costs Also lot No. 24, Ewensburg, to satisfy its city taxes, it belonging to non-residents, for the year 1815 and costs. Also lot No. 25, E wensburg, to satisfy its city taxes for the year 1815 and costs, the property of non-residents. Also lot No. 28, Falini street, to satisfy its city taxes for the year 1815 and costs; the property of non-resi dents. Also lot No. 8, Bryan street, for its taxes due the city for the year 1815 and costs; the property of non-resi dents Also buildings on lot No. 16, Washington ward, to sa tisfy tilt- city tax of Lydia White for the year 1816 and costs Also lot No. 17, Ewensburg; levied on as the proper ty of John Ellerbte, to satisfy Ins city tax for the year 1816 Also part buildings on lot No. 4, Tower tytliing, Decker ward; levied on as the property ot Francis Demick, to satisfy the city tax of said property tor the year 1816 Also half lot and buildings No. 8, St. Gall; levied on as the property of Delacroix, to satisfy the city tax of said property for the year 1816 , Also buildings on lot No. 17, Washington ward; le vied on as the property of Lydia Pepper, to satisfy the city tax of said property for the year 1816 Also buildings on lot No. 24, Washington ward; levied on as the property of John Barnard, sen. to satisfy his cty tax for the year 1813 Also lot and buildings No. 5, Second tything, Anson ward; levied on as the property of John Mongin, to sa-. tisfy his city tax for the year 1816 Aim half lot No. 8 and buildings, Yamacraw; levied on as the property of Rachel Houston, to satisfy the city tax of said property for the year 1816. F. M. Stone, c. m. nov 12 135 Notice Is hereby given, that nine months after date application will he made to the honorable the Justices of the Inferior Court, for permission to sell all the lands and other real property belonging to the estate of general James Jack| son, for the benefit of the heirs. WILLIAM H. JACKSON, ? Ex’ore of JAMES JACKSQS, { ssid.ett, City Marshal’s sales. Oil Thursd y, the 5th of December next, Will be sold, at the court house in tht city of Savannah betweerl 1 he usual hours, Also, two thirds of Wharf lot and buildings No. 1, Reynolds ward, or so much there will satisfy the city tax of Pelig Tallmari, for the year 1816, and costs. Also, all that lot No. 17 and buildings, in the village St. Gall, or so much thereof as will satisfy the city tax of estate Janies Piatt, for the year 1816, and costs. Also, lots No; 15, 16 and 17 and buildings, New Leeds, of so much thereof as will satisfy the t xes of estate John Milieu, for the year 1814, and costs. ' Also, building on lot No. 6, St. Gall, to satisfy the ci ty tax of Charlotte Lewis, for the year 1816, and costs. Also, buildings on lot No. 3, third tything, Reynolds* Ward, to satisfy the city tax of James Hamilton, for the year 1816, and costs. Also, buildings on part lot No. 4, Toiler tytliing, Deck er ward, or so much thereof as will satisfy the city tax of Truman Beckwith, for the years 1815 and 16, and costs. Also, building on lot No. 11, Green ward, to satisfy the city tax of Thomas Lloyd, for the year 1814. and costs. Also, lot No. 3 and buildings, Moore tything Percival ward, levied on as the property of of the estate of June Morris, to satisfy the city tax for the year 1816, and costs. Also, lot No. 2 and buildings, St. Gall, levied on as the property of William M’Fariand, to satisfy lus ci'y tax for the year 1816. Also, buildings on part lot No. 22, Washington ward, levied on as the property of Prince Irv tne, to satisfy his city tax for the year 1816, and costs. Also, a budding onpartlot No. 1, Tyconnel tything, Darby ward, levied 011 as the property of Charles liaiey, to satisfy his city tax for the year 1816, and co.-ts. Also, buildings ,11 lot No. 31, Columbia ward, levied on as the property of Mary Ann Leu is, to satisfy her city tax for the year 1816, and costs. Also, half lot No. 9 and buildings St. Gall, levied on as the property of Curtis Loper, to satisfy his city tax for the year 1816. Also, lot and buildings No. 8, Laroach tytliing, Heath- cote ward, levied on as the property’ of Mi’s. AniN M< r- gan, to satisfy her city tax for the year 1816, and Hosts. Also, buddings on lot No. 5, Jekyl tything, Darby ward, leviedonas tne property ofJoim Reignc .r, to satis fy Ids city tax for tile year 1815 and 16. .,nd costs. \ F. M. Stone, c. m. nov 5- 31+- —i v- A prime \ouug \\ euci*, Witli a female Child, about seven months old. The W’encli is a complete house servant. Her present owner not having use for her is the reason of tier being offered o sa . t-’or particulars 51 iv at this office nov 7-134 Savannah Four House and Hospital. VISITING COMMIT"!EE For November and December, Benjamin Burroughs and Joseph Cum'II'G. oct 31—1—130 Joseph Cumming, Secretary An Ordinance. For the better regulating the duty of the Scavenger, and J keeping dean the city of Savatim h. Whereas, by the irregular manner in w’hich filth and rubbish are thrown into the streets, and otlu r public pla ces, the Scavenger is greatly impeded in the execution of his duty, and the health of the inhabitants endangered, for remedy whereof— jHe it ordained, by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah in council assembled, and it is ordained by the authority of the same, That from and after the pass ing of this ordinance, it shall not be lawful 10 put, throw- out, or lay any dirt, filth, dung or other rubbish, in any street, lane, square or other public place w ithin this city, except at such days and times, and in such manner as herein after mentioned. Nor shall it he lawful at any time whatever; to throw out any dead fowl, 1 og or cat; but the owner tin reof sha 1 cause the same io be buried within his or her enclosure, or carried beyond the limits of the city—And if any person shall . ut, lay ortiirow out or cause to be put, laiu or tiircwn out, any dirt, filth, dung or other rubbish, at any ot:;er time, or in anv o’her m. liner than by tins ordinance is directed, orsha 1 throw out any dead fowl, dog or cat, contrary to the same, the person so offending, shall for every such offence, forfeit and pay a sum not exceeding ten dollars.^ And be it ordained, That all dirt, filth, dung or other rubbish which snail afier the passing of this ordin nee, be put, thrown out, or laid in any street, lane, -quare, or other public place within this city, shall be so put, laid, and thrown out bet ween the hours of seven and eleven in the forenoon ’ f every Monday,.Wednesday and Friday in every week, and shall be put, laid, or thrown together in a heap near the house, fence, or enclosure/ from whence the same shall be «o put or thro wn out, so as to fa cilitate the duty of the Scavenger, and to obstruct the passage of carnages or foot passengers as little as possi- And be it ordained. That every keeper of ail Inn, Stable, or Tavern, and every other person keeping, or having the management, care, or ch rge o< more than four horses^ mules, oxen or cows, or sncti number of horses, oxen and cows as shall together excetdfour in number, within tliis city, shall remove the dung, filth and litter, made and caused by the keeping so many horses, muies, oxen and cows, or cause the same to be removed at his, her or their own proper expence, and carried to such plaice and pla ces as shall from time to tune be pointed out by coun cil to the scav enger to carry the dirt, filth and rubbish removed by him. And every person offending herein, shall forfeit and pay a6um not exceeding ten dollars. Passed, November 14, 1803. Police Office, Savunnan, November 19, 1816. The Scavenger is required forthwith to have the fore going sections of the above recited ontinanee, rigid v en forced. STEELE Willi E, ~143 Mayor, pro tem• nov 30- July 2—■—§u — -78 BiauK. ijiiis of ^ale. For sale at this Office. /